Comic Strip

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Name:1urm Andrada


Synthesis Essay Topic: O1 201 Han duWyihna Tnstroction

Source (Parenthetical Reference): Kusilko (Sovv 0)
Author: Kusilko,02vid
Publication and Date: September 20,201 2

ldentify the Speaker (by On i 50Ur0' 5 Pvo ba bluy puvt

of anon prof i
avid Kusilk o, huse& n L SFatis bo s å s ofeduc abioa
name if possible) and at Orqamizdtion matrepresemt
5 e n S e n a t m S P v s On advDc
least three of his/her i n ' h e US, so i t m u ke 5 VSed by m o s uavoca tes
Vses re se a vC
character traits based on for t w v 5 i v e . K u s l k o al vi S Hat
comprehending the fov sive , re pyn 5 n hi'nd h *yP tal, wudikon
1 n p r s o n aiso uwy'tec
tavgnt fo Svanats.
sOurce material.
YSIe needs'o bem un nev, 5ome uhar s b n o w i u a r e u a u w s
n a 50P Sht ke A

paope suppovt teaumina of awrsive.


Identify the primary T v diemu WnsSks of Pe pe0ple de0uhna WVt whethe t

audience (by name if wYsive shovla stiu be tavg h
WvSive edvcaton. s p topl
possible) and at least to qt rid of
three character traits of
the group or individual ne v h ' e w s
involved in tlutution uS
comprehending oolhcians &pople Bv
stuulpoJt r d s of Educa hons
Eduea honS
Vahon al #5044Oh ot
based on So
Oublhell on H Conavnea
the source material. edy CuKed,
(Hint: One way to help me oua
weos Fe. issJe btin
h inv ived in
WEnthis is to askyourself
these questions: What
publication would/does
house this source
material? What type of
people typically read/view
said publication?) a conh'nve CPrsiv edueUhon
ldentify any biases that spesrewmay have eOvts
7 S v 0 n e e Pna
the speaker and/or us
In Smnool w r s f v e i'n Kysilko onluy rov e avdeunw ovlAeihe
esnools. n o t Houeww, h
teuinin a, ng w v s i v e oV

audience may have/share t ondnvt ftwAI

te aem'ni
in relation to topic ofhnve bitOSes
the d o e s n t svppov?
h e wnhnv
e a vdi
2ydiem e prvbably vin
the synthesis essay i's tryin q toon
05w'S v e , e speîk

ly iawrsive, shond sull be

Explain the argument of Hndwvina in shrvth0n,espeual v h h us 5nown
how vsetT
this source in relation to
*vanti n s modlS aS re
Be a
the topic of the o n indiv idval.
wvSv i's
synthesis essay
|Creativity Time!:
Draw a comic strip, using
only stick figures (for the hamdurun
sake of time), that un amd. ut
includes this source in a erful aulinaA

conversation with
another source. When oim Antlopmsmt...
you create your speech
bubbles, you may only
include directly quoted
text from the source
Arumwntr i n
This comic strip may be onr oteaihum m aunwmnn
single ormulti-framed.It wnsnt ae mmnn dwelopmnmts
denreloPn melon
may include more than ody reALa
two sources. Focus on
creating a scene where 3 Onma u
the sources seemingly
agree, argue, or expound
upon one another. o u Cout d ma ER siamily
evrnino wvsive
ddes oftas Some nrqummts about amagrt
Don't limit yourself too btmests i t netps
Playin Ma o7+9'n ul Supa
these directions. If you w e o p h i motor u O.s wlps dawelo P.
h e m o W k i l I s , bw
can make a purposeful skils,fov txumple,
comic strip that links shimulakes uwtain| d wova e
req.n5 oe h e 9me tS min. ay
sources in a meaningful
way that rocks, do it! A
1 f ws ive is taught,' Modwn paople dloit
shoul e tavg t not *5
vse it,and èd unbio
Sysems Shoula
ne5semHal tle Skil bu
5 m rt-liKe eulqaphy Stop prmdtag
or 5 uv inkw¢sht

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