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Name: Jessele Kieth T.

Year and Course: 3-BSED Math A
Subject: EDUC 328


How do you explain the process of brain networks for visual creativity done in
this study towards planning a visual artwork?
According to the researchers, In the study we investigated the neural bases
of the visual creative process with both professional artists and a group of control
participants. We tested the idea that creativity (planning an artwork) would
influence the functional connectivity between regions involved in the default
mode network (DMN), implicated in divergent thinking and generating novel
ideas, and the executive control network (EN), implicated in evaluating and
selecting ideas. We measured functional connectivity with functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) during three different conditions: rest, visual imagery
of the alphabet and planning an artwork to be executed immediately after the
scanning session.

Implication: How does the result of this study affect creativity enhancement in an
The researchers found stronger connectivity between areas of the DMN
and EN during the creative task, and this difference was enhanced in professional
artists. These findings suggest that creativity involves an expert balance of two
brain networks typically viewed as being in opposition.
Give your own concept of creativity using creative symbols that you will
draw in the following frames below. Then provide brief explanation.

The symbol is a quill called Pluma, which was used for writing in the early
19th century. Creativity drives a person to do, design and create a pen. I have
used this as a symbol of education and knowledge, it also reflects the gifted using
their pens in creating books, drawings, arithmetic etc. A pen is used historically to
this day which makes me realize that even though what size you are you still
Answer this:
In your future teaching career and specialization, what lesson or topic will
you insert the creativity part of your students? Provide examples. How important it
As a future mathematics teacher, I will get to use and insert the creativity
part of my students through making 3D things that they will measure every area
of the things that they made. It is important as it will help them and apply in real
life situations.
Pyramid, cylinder, graphs

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