Exercise 9. Vocabulary. Part I

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Exercise 9. Vocabulary.

Part I
Look at the sentences, and then choose the best option to complete the sentences by crossing
the letter next to your answer choice.
Questions 1-15.
1. A request for a job is called a job –
a. appointmentb. application c. appliance d. appeal
2. A job in a company can be called a –
a. positionb. site c. postponement d. proposition
3. Keeping order and punishing when necessary is part of-
a. sadism b. control-freaking c. discipline d. rigour
4. If you are told that something will happen this is your
a. noticingb. notationc. notary d. notification
5. All the different products that a company makes or sells are its product-
a. stockpile b. facilities c. goods d. range
6. If you put something in a letter with the envelope, you ... it. –
a. encrypt b. encase c. enclose d. encapsulate
7. If something does not work properly it is-
a. flotsam b. erroneous c. faulty d. Erring
8. Making sure that products are of a high standard is the job of-
a. standardization b. quality control c. shop stewardsd. trade marks
9. Something which is not good enough is
a. sub-standard b. substantial c. substituted d. sub-quality
10. Something which has happened is a/an –
a. eventual b. history c. incident d. take place
11. An annual celebration is called an –
a. anniversary b. adversary c. annulmentd. anterior event
12. If you pay everything you owe you pay
a. at most. b. sub-total c. for keeps d. in full
13. Something that is not enough is –
a. inadvertent b. insufficient c. Inadmissable d. insalutary
14. A private company in Britian is shown by the initials-
a. PBC b. inc. c. .com d. plc
15. If you try as hard as you can, you try your –
a. uttermost b. extremity c. harvest d. best

Exercise 9. Part II
Below you can see extracts from several different kinds of business letter. Match each extract
with the type of letter listed below,
1. We are pleased to tell you that your application has been accepted, and should you
wish to take up the position...
2. No further disciplinary action will be taken. If however, you fail to behave in
accordance with this notification, then ..
3. Thank you for your enquiry about our product range. We are pleased to enclose with
this letter ...
4. ...many of the parts were faulty, and some failed immediately on installation. Quality
control is sub-standard ...
5. ... our deepest regrets for the unfortunate incident, which was due to circumstances
completely beyond our control...
6. We hope that we will have the pleasure of your company on this occasion, which
marks the 25th anniversary..
7. Unfortunately we are unable to take up your offer at this time. We wish you the best
of luck with your project...
8. Unless you have paid in full within the next fourteen days we will be forced to begin .
legal proceedings, at your expense ...

Question page
Look at the types of business letter listed below, and match them with the extracts from those
letters above.
A. Rejection
B. Apology
C. Job offer
D. Final demand
E. Response
F. Report
G. Formal warning
H. Invitation

Exercise 9. Part III

Written and spoken English
Mrs Cameron has asked Julie to prepare a letter Match the informal spoken English of ule tor
with the formal business English phrases below.
1. Send a letter to Dick's lot ..
a. To Richard Byhers &Co b. To Mr Dick Plc. c. To Garner, Dickens
and Neil
2. ..and get Bill to look at it.
a.To be seen by William b.For Bill's eyes only c.For the attn of
William Tagg
3. Tell him its about what happened last month.
a. Re: The events of 11/02 b.The happening last month c. About: 11/02 – what
4. I'm really sorry;
a. My sorrow is most real b.We offer our deepest apologies c. I'm real regretful.
5. I did all I could...
a. We did the lot, in factb.We tried our uttermost c.We endeavoured all
6. ... about it ..
a. In this matter b. In the locus in re c. of this concern

7.... but....
a. regardless b. furthermore c. however
8. .... it wasn't not good enough
a. Our goodness was insufficient b. Unfortunately we failedc. It was aimost
adequately good
9. What do you want to do now?
a. Inform us about what b. Please advise us c.How are your
happens next of your future intentions plans henceforward?
10. Etc. etc.
a. And all the rest of itb. Yours, evermore,c. Best regards,
. J. Stanley J. Stanley. J Stanley

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