Amy S

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Amy Crowell

Professor Bruce
English 307
May 4th, 2022 Scholar’s Notebook

SN: 3/21 Outline your analysis's primary claim and at least two subclaims (reasons).

My analysis's primary claim is to discuss the way Mrs. Sen brings her homage into her
American household. To discuss the different ways she does this and link back to her big why.
My first question would be what is her reasoning for bringing India into her home and what does
that say about her feelings of isolation and loneliness. Secondly, while she is bringing portions of
India into her home, what does this teach Elliot and how can we as audience learn from it.

SN: 3/23 Refining your main claim with Thesis Machine

Thesis: The story of Mrs. Sen and Elliot shows how isolation can lead to loneliness, and although
Mrs. Sen has people around her the inability to drive hints at her loneliness.

*No pronouns in thesis sentence

Step 1: Topic - Isolation and loneliness

Step 2: Debatable Claim (with topic) - Exception that people find happiness and peace
Step 3: “Because Clause” (add one Reason) - Because of the environment that surrounds
the story
Step 4: Tack an “although clause” (an exception to the front or end of #3 - Although
Step 5: Smooth it out -

SN: 3/23 Parallelism 2 Write 1 sentence about each of your sources that includes a parallel
Not sure what to include here, but I do know that my citations need to go “quote
to end quote” (author then page number)

April 4th 2022 SN: Counter Arguments

A: My thesis: Jhumba Lahiri in her story, Mrs. Sen’s,

B: 1 reason supporting my thesis: Both Mrs. Sen and Elliot’s mother come from different cultural

backgrounds yet both suffer from feelings of loneliness and isolation.

C: 1 counter argument to this reason: Mrs. Sen is the story of cultural assimilation because we

focus mainly on Mrs. Sen and not so much Elliot’s mother.

D: 1 way I’ll address this counterargument: There are incidents and acts where we see both

moms feeling the pressures of doing something good for the means of family.

April 13th: Reverse Outlining

1. Intro

2. India’s Women’s pride in the kitchen! Leaving Mrs. Sens out home vs. learning of her


3. A recent study by Akanksha Rani and Fahim Ul Hassan in the Indian Journal of

Psychological Medicine

4. These two distinctions between Elliots' mom and Mrs. Sen tell us that Lahiri showcases

the cultural differences between America and India.

5. a study by Dr. Jeung-Im Kim and registered nurse Kyung-Jae Lee, who focused on the

study of depression in working women stated

6. A study by Madhuparna Mitra looks at the story of “Mrs. Sen’s” to point out how Mrs.

Sen is isolating herself by not adhering to cultural normals.

7. Conclusion

April 20th: Reflection on peer reviewed

Unfortunately, for whatever reason no one publicly edited or critiqued my paper!

However, thankful for Brooke M. and Adrian Z as they sent me edits and reviews for me. First

thing I need to work on is in corportating more citations and sources. Though my sources are

strong I can put them in better positions to have a better flow of a paper. Secondly I keep
hopping around from feminism to mental health, I think picking one topic and running with that

will help strength and the flow of my paper. I noticed peers also had pictures incorporated into

their papers, though that is uncommon for analysis work I can definitely find Indian culture vs.

American culture photographs to help draw attention. Overall my paper started out strong just

need a few edits and more sources here and there.

Module 14: Complete the Rhetorical Analysis of Portfolio sheet

Analyze the audience of the portfolio assignment (who are they? What do they need/not need
from you?): Typically for a portfolio it's for a job or program interview. The portfolio should
highlight all of my successes that showcase what I did excellent or excel at this semester. It
should show that I fully understand and complete tasks punctually while also my creativity side
The portfolio needs to be precise, clean, and orderly for Professors, Interviewers, and readers to
fully grasp the type of work ethic I have and persuade.

Analyze the author/communicator of the portfolio assignment (how will you present yourself as
an authority on your portfolio’s subject?): I will present myself as an organized, punctual, and
thorough candidate. I wish to show that I knew the points and reasoning for taking this course
and fully exceeded my Professor's expectations! I wish to guide my audience through the
semester from beginning, middle, and end of the semester. To show how I have grown as a
person, student, and writer

Analyze the message/content of the portfolio assignment (what do you need to include to
persuade your audience?): My message and content will be things or assignments from this
semester that I believe showcase my best work. I also want my page to be a place for students,
English Literary enthusiasts to enjoy, and people to find an in-depth analysis of different

Analyze the purpose of the portfolio assignment (what does your portfolio need to do?):The
purpose of the portfolio is to publish work of mine that I believe is worthy of viewership. This can
be readings, analysis, and different documents/pictures I believe will be fun, engaging, and

Analyze the organization/design of the portfolio assignment (how can you make it
reader-friendly?): I believe my main organization and design technique will be to create different
pages one for reading, one for discussion, another on analysis. I really want my page to draw in
young readers, writers, and students looking for answers to a story they may not fully
understand. While also publishing worth that is fun and makes people feel welcomed, included,
and part of a group that understands them.

Module 15:Analyzing the Cover Letters

One thing that a cover letter does is give insight to who the person is and what their main goals
are. While also showcasing specific talents and skills depending on their target audience. These
cover letters also give the audience an insight to what will be provided for the rest of the
documents or pages. Each cover letter can be changed to fit the audience! A cover letter is a
great way to showcase, and brag a little, about the achievements of the writer/author.

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