STD 4 - Notes From A Railway Carriage

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English Notes

Topic:- From A Railway Carriage

Std: IV

Q1. Give meanings:

1. bramble – a wild bush with thorns

2. ditches – long low channels day at the side of fields or roads
3. gaze – look at something for a long time
4. hedges – rows of plant and trees that mark a border
5. meadows – an area of grassland, often used for hay or for grazing of animals
6. tramp – a person with not home or job who travels from place to place
7. troops – a group of soldiers

Q2. Answer the following:

1. Why has the poet compared the train to troops in a battle?

Ans. The poet has compared the train to troops in a battle because just like the
army troops keep marching forward in the same rhythm, in the same manner the
train keeps moving ahead.

2. What mood is reflected in the poem?

Ans. The mood reflected in the poem is that of happiness and joy in new sights,
appreciation of beauty and a sense of adventure and a little sadness because the
sights that he saw were for a short time.

3. Describe the cart.

Ans. The cart was carrying a heavy load and a man was sitting on the load. The
cart was lumping along due to heavy load.
4. What is the similarity between the child and the tramp?

Ans. The similarity between the child and the tramp is both are alone, all by
themselves. As far as the child inside the train is concerned, they are interesting
sights for him to see, as the train passes by. .

5. What pleasure does the railway journey give to the poet?

Ans. The poet enjoys watching the scenes of nature from the train. It gives him
pleasure to see the beauty of nature. The changing scenes fill him with
happiness. The meadows, the hills, the river- all appear and then disappear. A
railway journey becomes a source of joy. Although the beautiful scenes, various
buildings and different people are seen for a moment, they stay in his mind for a
long time.

Q3. Identify and explain the figure of speech for the given lines from the poem:

1. Glimpse and gone,

Lumping along with man and load

Ans. Alliteration – The sound of ‘g’ and ‘l’ is repeated in the words ‘glimpse and
gone’ and ‘lumping and load’ respectively.

2. Charging along like troops in a battle,

Fly as thick as driving rain

Ans. Simile – The running boogies of the train are directly compared to troops
in a battle.
The speed of the train is directly compared to a driving rain.


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