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Name: __Serquina, Jessaine Julliane C.

_______ Date: __November 24, 2021_

Year/ Course/Section: __2-BSE-A___ Score: _________

Exercise 22: Reflect on each question and answer from your own
experiences. You may use pictures and graphic organizers to express
yourself more personally and creatively.

1. When challenged by suffering or adversity, what kind of response can help

you maintain inner harmony?

2. What do you worry about or feel afraid of? What steps can you take to resolve
this worry/fear?

3. Imagine that you have forgiven someone who has hurt you. Or imagine that
you have hurt someone and have now asked for forgiveness. How do you feel
now? Compare this feeling to what you felt before.

4. What is it that gives you or would give you inner peace and happiness?

5. How do you feel when you are contented and happy and others are not?

6. How do you feel about the golden rule? What role does it play in your life?
What inner and outer consequences have you experienced as a result of
applying the golden rule in your life?
1. When challenged by suffering or adversity, what kind of
response can help you maintain inner harmony?

When facing challenges and sufferings, I

would uplift people by reminding them to
focus on the brighter side especially in
positive results so that people will hold on
with motivation and enthusiasm in order to
acquire bravery, courage, and come up with
solutions to attain improvement and
development essential for life long peace.
2. What do you worry about or feel afraid of? What steps can you
take to resolve this worry/fear?
I worry about not meeting my goals in
the future. I worry about not being
successful, I worry about not
overcoming challenges that are
deemed impossible to solve. In order
to overcome these challenges, I
should frequently remind myself
about my goals, so that I will be
motivated to strive hard in studies to
acquire more learning and experience
that will make me knowledgeable and
wise in decision-making. I also need
to prepare myself that whether I like it
or not, I still need to face trials so that
I can grow, learn, and be a better
version of myself.
3. Imagine that you have forgiven someone who has hurt you. Or
imagine that you have hurt someone and have now asked for
forgiveness. How do you feel now? Compare this feeling to what
you felt before.
If I were to forgive someone who hurt
me bad, I would say it feels as if like
a heavy portion from my heart would
finally be detached. Forgiving
someone would be my freedom to
finally give me comfort, assurance,
and happiness to myself. This feeling
would be very far from how I used to
see someone whom had hurt me, but
keeping baggage will only prevent me
from being at peace, and it is better to
choose peacefulness than being in the
state of setting boundaries due to
. What is it that gives you or would give you inner peace and


My family, friends, and my passion gives me happiness. My family always gives me love and
support, leading me to create proper decisions which will direct me into having a better future. I will
do everything to bring back their hard work and sacrifices because they deserve everything in the
world. My friends give me happiness because even though lately I’ve been losing people whom I
had shared unforgettable memories with back then, in the end you will realize that the real ones who
chose to stay by your side will always remind you of their genuineness and sincerity to keep your
friendship strong, which matters more than those who don’t value you as a person. Lastly, my passion
gives me happiness. I stopped maintaining my talent for arts since my early years in high school. I
stopped drawing, sketching, and painting because of discouragement and pressure from environment.
And lately, I have decided to draw, paint, and sketch again, and the feeling that I felt upon doing it
for myself, and not for requirement was happiness and satisfaction. The same feeling, I felt back
when I was in elementary whom used to draw on my mother and father’s old thesis copies, whom
didn’t miss to draw even a single page because of being passionate for arts. I realized that talent never
fades away if you truly bring back the spirit to be motivated and open for criticisms because I learned
that criticism will be the key to make me strong and to release my full potential, and I will never let
this go again. I will continue to do what I love because it gives me peace and my passion gives
meaning to my life.
5. How do you feel when you are contented and happy and others
are not?
I would feel horrible, guilty, uneasy,
and uncomfortable because you will
never attain happiness and freedom if
you know you stepped on someone
causing them discomfort and
desolation. We should always remind
ourselves of “karma” and
“conscience”. We should expect that
wrong actions will always lead to
unfavored consequences that will
cause you to suffer in the end and that
your conscience will never give you
inner peace.
6. How do you feel about the golden rule? What role does it play in
your life? What inner and outer consequences have you experienced
as a result of applying the golden rule in your life?

The golden rule of “treating others as one

wants to be treated” is very important in
the way of life because it will serve as a
reminder to be wise and fair in dealing or
interacting with other people. Because
setting this as a daily reminder will let
you find your self-worth, and help you
create practical decisions, inner
consequences will give you
peacefulness, comfort, and a clean
conscience. On the other hand, outer
consequences will let people see you as a
respectable and a fair person whom
promotes equality.

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