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9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

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Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz

Comenzado el Monday, 9 de May de 2022, 22:46

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 9 de May de 2022, 23:23
Tiempo 37 minutos 17 segundos
Puntos 11,0/15,0
Calificación 66,0 de 90,0 (73%)
Comentario - <p>Buen trabajo.</p>

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the best option and complete the sentences: 

Laura ____________ before dinner and is too late for me. So I __________ some food in the oven for her.

a. Will not have arrived - Will leave

b. Will arrived - Will
c. Will have - Will leave
d. N/A

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context:
_______ situations and actions in the life of a woman lawyer married to a journalist might appear to be simple: going to the doctor, planning a
trip, getting pregnant, spending a night at a hotel,,, But everything that _______ be easy is confronted with the reality of life in Iran, where the
film is set and where each of these ______ actions is considered a suspicious activity.

a. Certain / should / everyday

b. Several / can / daily
c. Some / might / all
d. Common / must / simple 1/7
9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the best option and complete the conversation: I never used to eat candies when I was a child.

a. I can´t believe it!

b. Cheer up!
c. Vitamins are necessary
d. N/A

Pregunta 4


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

According to the text, What did Jack do when he had to cross water?

Gap Year
Jack Jones took a gap year before starting university, and that was how he caught the bug for traveling. Many teenagers choose to take a
year off before starting their degree courses at university, a gap year, to have a break from years of intensive study. Jack had saved some
money after doing various jobs and decided he needed to learn about other cultures by visiting America and Asia. Usually, the way people
spend their gap years depends on their personalities. Somebody who is very adventurous is likely to do something more challenging than
somebody who is quieter. Jack went for extreme adventure and has never looked back. As soon as his university course finished, he set off on
a three-year trip around the world. What's more, he decided only to use transport which was powered by natural energy, which meant
relying on bicycles and his legs. When he had to cross water, he decided to work on ships to pay for his passage. His reason for this decision
was to tell his message about environmental change. He made sure to pass his message on to all the people he met along the way.
Adapted by:

a. He decided to work on ships because he worked in the airline industry.

b. Jack met new people in the ship and shared his knowledge about America and Asia cultures
c. He had the satisfaction of working on board and paid his passage.
d. He changed his decision and decide to visit America and Asia on the same ship.

Pregunta 5


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Listen to the audio and answer the question: Why does the author say, “I do not want to carry on working here”?

a. Because she is an engineer and loves her job.

b. Because she will have worked on her projects.
c. N/A
d. She would like to change her job because she is tired. 2/7
9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context:

By the time they are planning on starting their own business, Gina and Leyla will have been working for other people for more than 10 years.
They _____ decided that in 3 years´ time, they will have _____ enough experience to start their own IT support company. Gina will have
acquired a lot of experience in programming since she will have been _____ as a computer´s expert for more than five years in the company
she is currently employed at, but she knows nothing about business.

a. were / climbed / getting

b. are / increased / thinking
c. had / grown / reading
d. have / gained / working

Pregunta 7

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

According to the text, Why would young people decide to go to Hollywood?

Becoming famous

Every year thousands of young would-be stars turn up in Hollywood, the land of fantasy and dreams, hoping to be noticed by a producer
who believes they have that special magic stardust that audiences worship. What they don't realize is that they are setting off on a journey
leading to long days of low-paid jobs waiting on tables or cleaning cars. The vast majority, if not all, will finally have to go back to their
hometowns, penniless and with their dreams in tatters. Los Angeles is full of waiters and waitresses who will tell you that they are only
working there for the time being, until they get their break in films, which never comes. So here is some free advice. Before you decide that a
life in films is for you, take a long hard look at yourself and make sure you are strong enough to endure the many hard years you will
undoubtedly face. If you still decide to go ahead, I have two words for you. Good luck.

Adapted by:


a. Because they would like to be noticed by a producer and be famous.

b. Because they have good luck.
c. Because they would like to work as waiters or waitresses in Los Angeles.
d. Because they would work in Hollywood as waiters or waitresses.

Pregunta 8

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Listen to the audio and answer the question: Why should she go on with her projects?

a. Because if she did not work there, she would visit Russia and work there.
b. Because if she had finished university, she would have worked on her projects.
c. Because if She continues working there, she will buy a house and will study at the university.
d. N/A 3/7
9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the best option and complete the sentences: 

Next month, he ________________ his 60th birthday with a decadent cake made of watermelon, grapes and Kiwi. Henry had never
received a birthday cake before. He ________ the cake while wearing a party hat.

a. Will be celebrating - will be munching

b. Will be sleeping – would be munching
c. N/A
d. Will have a party – will be drinking

Pregunta 10

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the following notice and answer the question: What can you infer from this information?

a. N/A
b. The exam schedule has been completed and there are no more dates or times available.
c. The interested person may reschedule the exam or request an extension of the date to register.
d. The exam schedule was not completed and there are still plenty of dates and times for people to register. 4/7
9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 11


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the best option according to the question: What does research mentioned in the article show about family viewing?

Who´s in Control
Deciding what to watch on TV is a battle of wills in the living room nowadays, this television conflict is part of a bigger power dispute which
goes on in homes. They are playing a game called who´s in control. The research found that 80% of the time it was the man in the house who
had his finger on the button, followed by the children, and only then the woman of the house.

a. Women usually decide what the family watches

b. Children usually decide what the family watches
c. N/A
d. Men usually decide what the family watches

Pregunta 12


Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

According to the text, What did Jack do with his message about environmental change?

Gap Year
Jack Jones took a gap year before starting university, and that was how he caught the bug for traveling. Many teenagers choose to take a
year off before starting their degree courses at university, a gap year, to have a break from years of intensive study. Jack had saved some
money after doing various jobs and decided he needed to learn about other cultures by visiting America and Asia. Usually, the way people
spend their gap years depends on their personalities. Somebody who is very adventurous is likely to do something more challenging than
somebody who is quieter. Jack went for extreme adventure and has never looked back. As soon as his university course finished, he set off on
a three-year trip around the world. What's more, he decided only to use transport which was powered by natural energy, which meant
relying on bicycles and his legs. When he had to cross water, he decided to work on ships to pay for his passage. His reason for this decision
was to tell his message about environmental change. He made sure to pass his message on to all the people he met along the way.
Adapted by:

a. He decided to share his plan to save the planet while he took a gap year
b. Jack carried on traveling around the world sharing his message about taking a gap year and environmental awareness.
c. Jack was thinking about Global Warming and created a great message to share with his friends.
d. Jack created environmental awareness by sharing his message to all the people he met along the way. 5/7
9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 13


Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the best option for the following statement: If you set up it, you won´t sleep on the floor.

a. Tent
b. Hammock
c. N/A
d. Campfire

Pregunta 14


Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context:

Everyone has _____ of archeology. But not many people have ever heard of garbology. The name is made from the word´s “garbage” and “-
ology”. The subject deals specifically with the study of a society´s waste products – its garbage. Very much can be discovered by looking at
what people throw away. In fact, where ancient societies _____, but left behind no buildings, no written information, no art, and no posts or
signs of trade, what they threw away might be the only clues to how they lived. From looking at the food scraps they left, or the broken tools
they discarded, humanity can start to get a picture of how the society operated. But garbology goes much further. For one thing, a society
didn´t necessarily be in the past for garbology to be a useful study. Examining the trash of current societies can give us plenty of very useful
______ about how we live, how much we waste, and so on.

a. spoken / worked / details

b. seen / lived / data
c. heard / existed / information
d. listened / died / news

Pregunta 15

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context:

Most people agree that our means of transportation will be faster and safer in the _____. Hypersonic planes will _____ more than five times
faster than the speed of sound. Computers will pilot our planes and drive our cars for us. Some experts think we may use personal jetpack
systems for individual travel in the air. Others think we _____ have cars that can fly or navigate under water. What do you think?

a. past / get / must

b. present-day / run / can
c. future / fly / might
d. present / have / may

◄ Unit 2 - Task 4 - Lets write an essay - Evaluation Rubric and Activity Submission

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Task 6 - Final Exam - Evaluation Quiz ► 6/7
9/5/22, 23:23 Task 5 - Checking what I have learned - Evaluation Quiz: Revisión del intento 7/7

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