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Table 6: Citizenship Status on Government Forms # | Citizenship | Piace of bith | Domi Befinedin Social ‘Satus on Specific Government Forms ‘status Security ‘NUMIDEN Tseatus 1 [rratonar and BUS ST, CsP=A [US Cie” | Cantuse Fon We | “Acizen othe nied] See Note citizen of the Buse, states” 2 United States ‘s1101 aya) 2 BUSS, ‘GSP |Legal aon | Nonveeident NON- | “Anon-etzen naional at | See Note §110%(0)22)6 authorzedto | parson the United States” | 2 Bus.c g140s, ‘work (statutory | Nomtaxpayer it BUS. 51452 PRIVATE ingividua if PUBLIC offer aT ate atthe CSP=D | “Ohrer BUSS] Nonresident NOW- Union stato Union| s | person Nontaxpayer 32 ‘Constitutional Forsign country | BUST. Gi10Vay21y, | CSP=D | “Other (@US.C. | “Nonresident NON- Union stato 148 Arend, Sect. 1)" | person Nontaxpayor ‘Withholding and Reporting Cerleate in Lieu Pago 23 0128 ‘Slats on Specie Citizenship | Place of birth | Domicile Batinedin status Tonattnonal Formgncouny [BUSS GT "Wonasidert NON Union stato 14 Amend, Puerto Rio, CEPA | US.Ciizen” | Cantuse Formwe | Foraign oaunty SSPE] Tegal aien | Nonresident NON” | “Alawid permanent] See Note authoredto | pereon resides OR'An alien | 2. ‘work, (stattor)” | Nontaxpayer"it | authonzed to work” RIV “nc t PUBLIC offeer a2 Pater or Foreign county CaP “lawl pormaneat | See Note “Foreign resdone OFAN alien | 2 a3 ~| Foreign country | Stale ofthe SPB Non-resident NOW- ee Note Union person 2 k Nonisxpayer” ‘ Foreign county | Foreign county | SUSE. STOTAIaT | CSP=B *Non-esident NON ‘See Foie 1 person 2. _ Nontaxpayer Farcign county | Foreign county [SUSE GiiOTTeIeH | CSP=B "Nonresident NON See Voie person 2 | Nontaxpayer fauthorzed fo wor” Withholding end Reporting Cerificate n Liou of IRS Form W-8 ~ Page 240178 Copyright SEDM, orn 02.007, Rev. 5-10-2017 NOTES: 4. ‘United States" is described in 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(38), (a)(38) and 8 C.F.R. §215.1(f) and includes only federal territory and possessions and excludes Constitutional Union states. This is a product of the separation of powers di is the heart of the United States Constitution. 2. E-Verify CANNOT be used by those who are a NOT lawfully engaged in a public office in the U.S. government at the time of makit is VOLUNTARY and cannot be compelled. Those who use it MUST have a Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number and it is ILLEGAL to apply for, use, or disclose said number for those not lawfully engaged in a public office in the U.S. government at the time of application. See: Number’, Form #04.205 structions useful in filing out the forms mentioned in the above table, see: Social Security Form SS-S: ‘Aren t Eligible for Social Security, Form #06.007 3.2, IRS Form W-6: ‘About IRS Form W-8BEN, Form #04 202 3.3._Depariment of State Form 1-9 Form Amended, Form #08.028 3.4, ENerify: ‘About E-Venify, Form #04.107 Withholding and Reporting Corficate n Lieu of IRS Form W8 Page 26 of 26 7 Copynght SEDM, Form 02.001, Rew. 5-10-2017

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