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Human Reproduction Vol.17, No.2 pp.

351–356, 2002

Fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity reduces

pregnancy rates in women undergoing IVF

Li-Wei Chien, Heng-Kien Au, Jean Xiao and Chii-Ruey Tzeng1

Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
1To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Taipei Medical University Hospital,
No. 252, Wu-Shing Street, Taipei 110, Taiwan. E-mail:

BACKGROUND: The occurrence of fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity was examined in women undergoing
IVF to investigate its correlation with tubal disease and impact on the pregnancy outcome. METHODS: A registry
of ultrasound procedures spanning 5 years was retrospectively studied. RESULTS: Thirty five out of 746 (4.7%)
IVF cycles were identified as having uterine fluid accumulation, and 15 (2.0%) persisted until the day of embryo
transfer. Two of the 20 cycles of women with transient fluid accumulation were pregnant, and none of those with
fluid retention on the day of embryo transfer conceived. The pregnancy rate was only 5.7% (2/35) in women with
uterine fluid accumulation detected during IVF cycles. In contrast, the pregnancy rate was 27.1% (193/711) among
women in whose cycles no fluid accumulation was detected (P ⍧ 0.0048). Uterine fluid accumulation during IVF
cycles was found in 8% (18/225) of women documented with tubal factor compared with 3.3% (17/521) with non-
tubal factor (P ⍧ 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity during the IVF transfer
treatment could be observed in patients with both tubal and non-tubal factors; however, it mainly occurred in
women with tubal infertility. Although it is not a common complication of IVF cycles, excessive uterine fluid is
detrimental to embryo implantation.

Key words: hydrometra/implantation/IVF/tubal infertility

Introduction Materials and methods

The effect of hydrosalpinx on pregnancy outcome of IVF has Patients
been discussed extensively in recent years. Most studies have A total of 746 cycles in 547 women receiving IVF treatment from
reported that implantation and pregnancy rates were low in January 1995 to December 1999 was included in this study. Indications
women with hydrosalpinx (Strandell et al., 1994; Fleming and for IVF were pure tubal factors (22%), unexplained infertility (8%),
Hull, 1996; Katz et al., 1996; Sharara et al., 1996; Camus endometriosis (21%), male factor (24%), and mixed factors (25%).
et al., 1999). One of the explanations is that fluid of hydrosalp- Before the initiation of treatment, transvaginal ultrasound examination
inges may reflux into the uterine cavity and accumulate there, was performed to detect pelvic pathology. Tubal condition was
evaluated by hysterosalpingography, laparoscopy with chromopertub-
which may disturb embryo implantation (Mansour et al., 1991;
ation, laparotomy, and/or ultrasonography.
Andersen et al., 1994; Bloechle et al., 1997; Sharara and
McClamrock, 1997). However, fluid accumulation within the IVF procedure
uterine cavity or hydrometra after ovarian stimulation and Women whose partners had severe male factors were treated with
before embryo transfer has only sporadically been reported in ICSI procedures, while standard IVF techniques were used for other
the literature (Welker et al., 1989; Mansour et al., 1991; patients. Briefly, GnRH-agonist suppression either in an ultra-short
Gürgan et al., 1993; Andersen et al., 1994; Bloechle et al., protocol by s.c. injections of buserelin acetate (Supremon®; Hoechst,
1997; Sharara and McClamrock, 1997; Sharara and Prough, Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 0.5 mg/day started on the second day
1999), and most of those cases were also claimed to have of the menstrual cycle for a fixed 3 day treatment course, or in an
hydrosalpinges. How often this complication occurs in women ultra-long protocol by monthly leuprolide acetate (Leuplin Depot®
3.75 mg; Takeda Chemical Industries, Osaka, Japan) injection on the
with tubal infertility and whether women with other indications
second day of the menstrual cycle for 2–3 months was used. Ovarian
of IVF would also have the same problem are still unknown. stimulation was then initiated with FSH (Metrodin®; Serono, Rome,
The aim of this study was to report our experiences with Italy) and HMG (Pergonal®; Serono). HCG (HCG-SERONO®;
uterine fluid accumulation in a large consecutive series of IVF Serono) at 10 000 IU was given i.m. when there were at least two
cycles and to investigate its correlation with tubal disease. leading follicles with a diameter ⬎16 mm. Oocytes were retrieved

© European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 351

L-W.Chien et al.

variables were compared by using the Mann–Whitney U-test or

Student’s t-test as appropriate. A P value of ⬍0.05 was considered

Fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity during IVF
treatment was noted in 35 cycles of 33 women with an incidence
of 4.7% (35/746). Of them, persistent fluid accumulation on
the day of embryo transfer was found in 15 cycles (2.0%) of
14 women. In the other 20 cycles, transient uterine fluid
accumulation was shown during gonadotrophin administration
and/or on the day of oocyte retrieval but became undetectable
on the day of embryo transfer. Fluid accumulations were noted
before HCG injection in four (11%) cycles. In the other 31
Figure 1. Fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity detected by
transvaginal ultrasound in a patient before embryo transfer. (89%) cycles, fluid accumulations were detected after HCG
was given. None of the women with persistent uterine fluid
accumulation up to the day of embryo transfer conceived.
by transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration 34–36 h after
For cycles with transient uterine fluid accumulation, two
HCG injection. All patients had at least one good-quality embryo, as
defined by the morphology criteria, for transfer on the second or third
intrauterine pregnancies (10%) with one aborted and one
day after oocyte retrieval. The embryos were evaluated by a scoring ectopic pregnancy were noted. Overall, there was only one
system based on cell number combined with grading of fragmentation successful pregnancy (2.8%) in 35 cycles of women with
pattern (FP) of each embryo according to criteria described previously uterine fluid detected during IVF–embryo transfer cycles. In
(Desai et al., 2000). Briefly, the FP was scored as the criteria contrast, the pregnancy rate was 27.1% (193/711) and the
previously outlined (Alikani et al., 1999) with FP pattern I exhibiting abortion rate was 16.6% (32/193) among cycles with no fluid
minimal fragments and pattern V as extensive fragmentation. If the accumulation (Table I). There were no significant differences
FP was greater than II, two points were subtracted from the blastomere between the two groups in terms of duration of infertility,
number to give the embryo score. An average score of embryos stimulation length, number of oocytes collected, number of
transferred was shown for comparison. embryos transferred, average embryo score or peak serum
Ultrasonography examination estradiol and progesterone concentrations on the day of HCG
Sonographic examinations were performed using an Ultramark®
administration and day of embryo transfer. Patients were
9 HDI (Advanced Technology Laboratories, Bothell, WA, USA) with younger and the endometrium was thinner on the day of
a 5–9 MHz multi-frequency transvaginal probe. The endometrium embryo transfer in the group with uterine fluid accumulation
was scanned sagittally along the mid-line axis of the uterus, and when compared with the group without fluid (P ⫽ 0.0007 and
alterations in the endometrial thickness and echogenic pattern/structure P ⫽ 0.011 respectively).
were recorded during gonadotrophin administration, on the day of Clinical data of patients with uterine fluid accumulation are
oocyte retrieval, and on the day of embryo transfer. The thickness of summarized in Table II. Over half (19 out of 35 cycles, 54.3%)
endometrium was measured at the maximum distance between each of the women who showed fluid accumulation during IVF–
myometrial/endometrial interface through the longitudinal axis of the embryo transfer cycles had tubal infertility. Among the women
uterine body. Fluid accumulation within the uterine cavity was defined with non-tubal infertility, endometriosis was the major cause
as an echolucent ring configuration distended by a certain amount of
for IVF in 12 cycles (34.3%), five (14.3%) were male factors,
fluid between the anterior and posterior endometrial linings in a
sagittal view (Figure 1). In cases of fluid accumulation, the thickness
and one was polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). There were
of endometrium was measured by subtracting the maximal fluid no significant differences in patient characteristics or treatment
diameter from the maximal distance between the opposing myometrial/ outcomes between the two groups with persistent and transient
endometrial interfaces. The maximal fluid diameter and the sur- fluid accumulation. The mean maximal fluid diameter was
rounding endometrial thickness were used for analysis. All the 3.1 ⫾ 0.4 mm (range 1.2–8.2 mm) in cycles with fluid
ultrasound examinations were performed by two of the authors accumulation during gonadotrophin administration or on the
(L-W.C. and H-K.A.) and the inter-observer variation was below 5%. day of oocyte retrieval. In cycles with fluid accumulation at
Women who had fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity during embryo transfer, the mean maximal fluid diameter was greater
IVF cycles were categorized as the study group, and those without (P ⫽ 0.028), i.e. 5.2 ⫾ 0.9 mm (range 2.0–14.8 mm). The
fluid accumulation as the control group. Cycles that involved the use thickness of the endometrium, however, showed no significant
of frozen embryos, donor oocytes, or assisted hatching were excluded.
difference on the day of embryo transfer between two groups
All pregnancies were confirmed by rising serum β-HCG levels and by
gestational sacs identified by transvaginal sonographic examination.
with persistent and transient fluid accumulation (10.2 ⫾ 0.9
versus 10.3 ⫾ 0.5 mm, P ⫽ not significant).
Statistics Repeated accumulation of fluid in two successive cycles
Continuous data are presented as the mean ⫾ SEM. Rates for all was found in two patients. One of them had been treated with
results were compared between the patient groups by using the χ2 tuboplasty for obstructive tubal disease. Her first IVF cycle
test. Fisher’s exact test was used for small numbers. Measured showed transient fluid accumulation on the day of oocyte
Uterine fluid accumulation in IVF

Table I. Comparison of clinical parameters and pregnancy outcome in cycles with and without fluid
accumulation within the uterine cavity during IVF treatment

Parameter Cycles with fluid Cycles without fluid P

(n ⫽ 35) (n ⫽ 711)

Number of women 33 514

Age (years) 31.5 ⫾ 0.5 33.8 ⫾ 0.1 0.0007
Duration of infertility (years) 4.4 ⫾ 0.4 4.5 ⫾ 0.1 NS
Stimulation length (d) 8.3 ⫾ 0.3 8.8 ⫾ 0.1 NS
Number of oocytes retrieved 8.4 ⫾ 0.7 7.2 ⫾ 0.2 NS
Number of embryos transferred 3.2 ⫾ 0.2 2.9 ⫾ 0.1 NS
Average embryo scorea 8.3 ⫾ 0.3 8.2 ⫾ 0.1 NS
E2 level (HCG day) (pg/ml) 1895.2 ⫾ 231.9 1494.8 ⫾ 49.7 NS
P4 level (HCG day) (ng/ml) 1.25 ⫾ 0.08 1.12 ⫾ 0.02 NS
E2 level (embryo transfer day) (pg/ml) 1105.4 ⫾ 162.9 839.7 ⫾ 34.3 NS
P4 level (embryo transfer day) (ng/ml) 128.4 ⫾ 10.7 107.7 ⫾ 3.1 NS
Endometrial thickness (HCG day) (mm) 11.1 ⫾ 0.5 11.6 ⫾ 0.1 NS
Endometrial thickness (embryo transfer day)(mm) 10.2 ⫾ 0.5 11.4 ⫾ 0.1 0.011
Number of pregnancies (%) 2 (5.7%) 193 (27.1%) 0.0048
Number of ectopic pregnancies (%) 1 (2.9%) 13 (1.8%) NS
Number of abortions (%) 1 (50%) 32 (16.6%) NS

Values are expressed as the mean ⫾ SEM.

aDefined by cell number and grading of fragmentation pattern of each embryo.
E2 ⫽ estradiol; P4 ⫽ progesterone.

Table II. Comparison of patient characteristics and treatment outcomes of women in whom uterine fluid
accumulation was detected during IVF treatment

Parameter Transient fluid Persistent fluid P

accumulation accumulation

Number of women 19 14
Age (years) 31.7 ⫾ 0.6 31.3 ⫾ 1.0 NS
Duration of infertility (years) 5.3 ⫾ 0.5 3.1 ⫾ 0.4 0.0025
No. (%) of women with indicated major cause of infertility
Tubal factor 8 (40) 9 (61.5)
Endometriosis 6 (30) 5 (28.5)
Male factor 5 (25) 0
Ovulation 1 (5) 0
Total 20a 14
Number of oocytes retrieved 8.3 ⫾ 0.7 8.0 ⫾ 1.2 NS
Number of embryos transferred 3.3 ⫾ 0.3 2.8 ⫾ 0.3 NS
Average embryo score b 8.3 ⫾ 0.3 8.4 ⫾ 0.6 NS
E2 level (HCG day) (pg/ml) 1969.7 ⫾ 307.1 1780.6 ⫾ 364.1 NS
P4 level (HCG day) (ng/ml) 1.30 ⫾ 0.07 1.17 ⫾ 0.17 NS
E2 level (embryo transfer day) (pg/ml) 1147.8 ⫾ 231.7 1040.2 ⫾ 219.7 NS
P4 level (embryo transfer day) (ng/ml) 143.2 ⫾ 13.0 105.6 ⫾ 17.1 NS
Endometrial thickness (HCG day) (mm) 11.1 ⫾ 0.6 11.1 ⫾ 0.9 NS
Endometrial thickness (embryo transfer day) (mm) 10.3 ⫾ 0.5 10.2 ⫾ 0.9 NS
Mean fluid diameter (mm) 3.1 ⫾ 0.4 5.2 ⫾ 0.9 0.028
Number of pregnancy (%) 2 (10) 0 NS
Number of ectopic pregnancy (%) 1 (5) 0 NS

Values are expressed as the mean ⫾ SEM.

aOne endometriosis patient had repeated transient fluid accumulation at embryo transfer on two successive
bDefined by cell number and grading of fragmentation pattern of each embryo.

retrieval, which ended with an ectopic pregnancy after embryo resulted. In eight women who had more than one IVF cycle
transfer. Persistent fluid accumulation on the day of embryo with the same protocol of ovarian stimulation, no fluid accumu-
transfer was found in the second cycle and did not result in lation was shown in successive cycles. There was no intrauter-
pregnancy. The other patient had undergone vaginoplasty plus ine fluid accumulation during non-treatment cycles in any of
pelvic surgery due to agenesis of the upper vagina with the cases studied.
severe pelvic endometriosis before IVF treatment began. Fluid The incidence of fluid accumulation in relation to tubal
accumulations were noted after ovarian stimulation and per- conditions is shown in Table III. There were 225 cycles in
sisted on the day of embryo transfer. Transmyometrial embryo women who had documented tubal disease, and of these, 18
transfer was performed in the second cycle, yet no pregnancy cycles (8%) showed fluid accumulation during the IVF treat-
L-W.Chien et al.

Table III. Incidence of uterine fluid accumulation during IVF cycles in relation to tubal conditions

Tubal factor Non-tubal factor

Hydrosalpinx Non-hydrosalpinx Total

Number of cycles 142 83 225 521

Number of fluid-filled cycles 13 (9.1%)a 5 (6.0%)a 18 (8%)c 17 (3.3 %)c
Number of cycles with 8 (5.6%)b 1(1.2%)b 9 (4 %)d 7 (1.3%)d
persistent fluid accumulation

aP ⫽ 0.40; bP ⫽ 0.071; cP ⫽ 0.005; dP ⫽ 0.0019.

ment and nine cycles (4%) had persistent fluid accumulation. with documented hydropic tubes were more likely to have
On the other hand, in 521 cycles of women without tubal fluid accumulation. Although visible fluid retention in the
lesions, 17 cycles (3.3%) showed fluid accumulation, and the uterine cavity does not seem to be a common complication in
fluid was still detected on the day of embryo transfer in six women with tubal infertility undergoing IVF treatment as
cycles (1.1%). The incidences of transient and persistent uterine shown in this study, it is reasonable to expect that the incidence
fluid accumulation were both significantly higher in tubal of occult reflux of fluid into the uterine cavity may be higher
factor cycles than those of non-tubal factor cycles (P ⬍ 0.005 in these women. It may help explain the poor pregnancy
and P ⬍ 0.005 respectively). Out of 225 tubal factor cycles, outcome observed in women with hydrosalpinges receiving
142 had hydrosalpinges. Among these, 13 cycles (9.1%) IVF–embryo transfer demonstrated in many recent reports
showed fluid accumulation, and eight (5.6%) persisted on the (Camus et al., 1999).
day of embryo transfer. Of the other 83 cycles of tubal Obstruction of the cervical canal can lead to fluid accumula-
infertility without documented hydrosalpinges, five cycles tion, as found in one of our patients who had recurrence in
(6.0%) showed fluid accumulation, and only one (1.2%) was two successive cycles. She suffered from agenesis of the upper
noted on the day of embryo transfer. Although the incidence vagina, and partial obstruction of the endocervical canal was
of uterine fluid accumulation seemed to be higher in tubal- noted despite reconstruction surgery performed before the IVF
infertility women with hydrosalpinges than those with no procedures. Gürgan also reported a case of fluid accumulation
hydrosalpinges, the difference did not reach statistical signific- due to endocervical canal obstruction by an endocervical cyst,
ance. Nine of 14 (64.3%) women who demonstrated fluid which was evident after HCG administration (Gürgan et al.,
accumulation on the day of embryo transfer had obstructive 1993). In our case, fluid accumulation was visible soon after
tubal disease, and eight out of nine had hydrosalpinges detected gonadotrophin stimulation and increased in amount up to
before IVF treatment. Four of eight women with hydrosalpinges 14 mm in diameter after HCG administration. Patients with
also had adnexal cystic masses detected by ultrasonography subtle cervical canal occlusion may be susceptible to uterine
before treatment was initiated. None of them underwent fluid accumulation during the treatment cycles, but it might
surgical intervention prior to IVF. be difficult to detect it prior to ovarian stimulation. Whether
these women may benefit from cervical dilatation before IVF
treatment to avoid repeated fluid accumulation in subsequent
Discussion cycles still needs to be investigated. It is interesting to
The use of ultrasound to evaluate the uterine cavity for fluid note that pelvic endometriosis is the main cause of fluid
collection prior to embryo transfer was previously reported accumulation in non-tubal factor patients. In women with
(Mansour et al., 1991; Andersen et al., 1994; Bloechle et al., moderate to severe endometriosis, pelvic adhesions may some-
1997), yet it is not performed systematically in most centres times cause tubal obstruction. Cervical stenosis also has been
during IVF treatment cycles. This study demonstrates that suggested to coexist in some cases of pelvic endometriosis
uterine fluid accumulation can be detected in women both (Barbieri, 1998). These correlations may contribute to the fluid
with and without concomitant tubal lesions. Although the accumulation observed in patients with endometriosis. This
incidence is low during IVF–embryo transfer treatment, it is complication is not common in women with endometriosis
important to identify this condition because of marked negative undergoing IVF treatment, but its significance in affecting the
consequences on pregnancy outcome. pregnancy outcome may warrant further observation.
The mechanism of uterine fluid accumulation during IVF Recently, Sharara and Prough (1999) reported four cases of
treatment is not completely understood. Hydrosalpinx was endometrial fluid collection in more than 600 IVF cycles. All
present in most cases as reported in the literature (Welker of them had PCOS and were undergoing ovarian stimulation
et al., 1989; Mansour et al., 1991; Gürgan et al., 1993; for IVF but with no concomitant hydrosalpinx (Sharara and
Andersen et al., 1994; Bloechle et al., 1997; Sharara and Prough, 1999). Their findings suggest that fluid accumulation
McClamrock, 1997). Our data confirm that tubal obstruction in the uterine cavity might develop in women without hydrosal-
is the major cause of uterine fluid retention during IVF– pinx. In our study, one patient with PCOS demonstrated
embryo transfer cycles. We also show that it can be detected transient fluid accumulation after HCG injection. Five women
in women both with and without hydrosalpinges, but those with male factor infertility were shown to have transient fluid
Uterine fluid accumulation in IVF

accumulation on the day of oocyte retrieval, suggesting that it fluid accumulation in the uterine cavity during the luteal phase
might not be correlated with PCOS but with the effect of have been reported in the most severe cases of hydrosalpinx
ovarian stimulation. Ovarian stimulation definitely plays an (Andersen et al., 1994). Two prospective randomized studies
important role in the development and maintenance of uterine (Strandell et al., 1999; Statdmauer et al., 2000) have shown
fluid accumulation, because none of these patients showed that surgical correction of hydrosalpinges before IVF may
fluid accumulation in the preceding or subsequent resting improve the pregnancy outcome. Salpingectomy or proximal
cycles. We also noted that, under the same stimulation protocol, tubal interruption could prevent the reflux of tubal fluid into
only two out of 10 women showed fluid accumulation in the endometrial cavity and thus reduce intrauterine fluid
subsequent cycles, implying that this condition might not accumulation. For women with cervical stenosis and a history
necessarily be recurrent. of difficult embryo transfer, cervical dilatation is recommended.
The timing of detection and the amount of fluid collection In patients with fluid accumulation in the previous cycles but
are important in determining the impact on pregnancy outcome. without any pelvic pathology, however, there is no evidence
Most studies (Mansour et al., 1991; Andersen et al., 1994; that surgical treatment is beneficial. Careful ultrasound mon-
Bloechle et al., 1997; Sharara and McClamrock, 1997) found itoring of the endometrium in all women undergoing IVF is
that the fluid-filled uterine cavity usually developed after required to detect fluid in the uterine cavity. If fluid accumula-
receiving an HCG injection, but others (Sharara and Prough, tion is found before HCG administration, cancellation of the
1999) reported that endometrial fluid collection could be cycle should be considered. Evacuation of the fluid can be
detected before HCG but after gonadotrophin administration. attempted if noted after HCG is given, but re-collection of
We found that a large amount of fluid collection (⬎3 mm in fluid immediately after aspiration has been reported in previous
the largest diameter) usually developed after receiving HCG trials (Mansour et al., 1991; Bloechle et al., 1997). When fluid
except in one woman combined with cervical stenosis who accumulation is noted before embryo transfer, transmyometrial
showed prominent fluid accumulation before HCG was given. embryo transfer may be an alternative method (Kato et al.,
Transient uterine fluid accumulation, usually less than 3 mm 1993; Sharif et al., 1996), yet the effectiveness is unproven.
in the largest diameter, could be found in some cases during Cryopreservation of embryos until a favourable cycle is the
gonadotrophin stimulation and after HCG injection. The fluid treatment of choice at the present time, but it has to be proved
accumulation might have disappeared by the time of embryo in further study.
transfer, but it still had a negative effect on the pregnancy In conclusion, we found that fluid accumulation within the
outcome. If fluid accumulation reached a diameter of over uterine cavity during IVF treatment mainly occurred in patients
3 mm either before or after HCG was given, it usually persisted with tubal infertility. However, it can also be observed in
until the time of the peri-implantation period and affected patients with non-tubal factors. Although it is not a common
embryo implantation (Andersen et al., 1994). complication of IVF–embryo transfer cycles, the presence of
The apposition of embryos to the endometrium may enhance excessive uterine fluid is detrimental to embryo implantation.
embryonic development potential and optimize the synchron- Serial transvaginal ultrasonography evaluation of both the
ization between the embryo and the endometrium, which is endometrium and uterine cavity is necessary during the entire
important for improved implantation efficiency during IVF treatment cycle to avoid transferring embryos into an unfavour-
treatment. Excessive fluid within the uterine cavity at the time able uterus.
of embryo transfer will interfere with the attachment of the
embryo to the endometrial surface. It is interesting to note that
glandular cystic atrophy of the uterine glands has been found
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deleterious effects of fluid include release of intrauterine
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