GAP Level 2 Jan 22

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Class: Section:
January 2022

University of Oxford



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Global Awareness Program
GAP Edi on - January 2022 Basic | Level 2

Research and Content
Development Pick Of The Month 01
Roopa Balasubramaniam Global Update 02
Rashmi Marian Furtado
Apoorva Upadhyay Snippets 03
Varsha Prasad
Gap Profiles 04
Around The World 05
Design and Production
Srrinivas Did You Know 06

Operations Monthly Quiz (pull out)

Anand Tirumalai
Ashok Kumar S. Ci es And Nicknames 07
Madhu B.
Swamynath C.P. Quick Quiz 08
Famous Oxonians 09
Content Queries/Feedback Picture Quiz 10
Gap Gyan 11
For Sales Queries
Contact: H.N. Sridhar Discover India 12
(+91) 9738202073
Story Time 13
Born This Month 14
Brain Teasers 15
Quick Facts 16
Published by Greycaps Knowledge Tribe Answers for December 2021 16

Copyright: This book is a reading and teaching material. It has been researched and published with great care to ensure the
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All rights are reserved by Greycaps Knowledge Tribe. No part of this publica on may be produced or transmi ed, in any form
or by any means, without prior permission.

Disclaimer: This book strives to be completely authen c and accurate. The research for a volume such as this, takes several
months and we have tried to ensure that the facts are updated. However, it is possible, at mes, that something researched
and compiled by us may have changed a er the par cular sec on of the book has been published. In such cases the updates
and correc ons would appear only in the next volume. Readers are requested to keep this in mind before using the
informa on for any purpose.
University of Oxford
• The University of Oxford, also known as the
Oxford University or Oxford, is among the most
pres gious universi es in the world.
• Located in the city of Oxford in England, it is also
considered to be among the top research
universi es in the world.
• With a legacy of nearly 900 years, the University’s
rich history is evident in its architecture,
Logo of University of Oxford
magnificent libraries, and beau ful gardens.
• The University is made up of many colleges sca ered around the city
of Oxford.
• The very first colleges of Oxford opened doors during the 13 century,
but no female students were allowed un l the late 19 century.
• There have been many dis nguished world leaders, Nobel laureates and
eminent personali es who have studied or taught at the University
throughout its history.
• The Oxford University Press, a department of the University of Oxford,
is the world’s largest university press with offices in over 50 countries.
It publishes the Oxford English dic onaries.
• The University runs the world's oldest university museum, the Oxford
University Museum.
Did You Know: University of Oxford
• It is among the oldest universi es in
the world.
• It is headed by a ‘chancellor’.
• The University presents the Rhodes
Scholarship, one of the world's
oldest and most pres gious
scholarships. Oxford University Museum
• The Oxford University Museum displays the world's best-preserved
specimens of the dodo, a flightless bird, which went ex nct in the
17 century.
• The University has been a key loca on for the filming of the Harry Po er
New Armoured Dinosaur
• Scien sts have announced the discovery of
a new species of dinosaur in Chile,
South America.
• It had something unique, never seen before
in any other dinosaur.
• It had a deadly armour-like tail. Its tail had
seven pairs of ‘blades’ laid out sideways like
a slicing weapon to defend against
predators. Artist’s impression of
• It was ini ally given the name ‘Stegouros the new species
elengassen’, as its tail resembled those of
armoured dinosaurs such as the stegosaurus and ankylosaurus.
• The tail is also unique for being the shortest among any known
armoured dinosaurs.
• It had a bird-like snout and survived on a plant-based diet.

Did You Know: Stegouros elengassen

• Its remains were discovered during
excava ons in 2018, in Chile.
• It is es mated to have lived around
72 to 75 million years ago.
• According to researchers, its tail War weapon of ancient Aztec warriors
resembles a war weapon used by the
ancient Aztec warriors of South America.

World Athletics title for Anju

• Former Indian athlete Anju Bobby George was
bestowed the pres gious ‘Woman of the Year 2021’
Award by World Athle cs.
• She was presented the award for grooming talent
and encouraging young women in India to take up
athle cs.

Anju Bobby George

LEVEL 2 • She is the first Indian to be honoured by the
sport’s world body during its annual awards
func on, in December 2021.
• World Athle cs’ ‘Woman of the Year’ award is given to recognise a
woman who has dedicated her life to the sport of athle cs.
• The 44-year-old Anju Bobby George was the first Indian athlete to win
the bronze medal in long jump at the World Championships in Athle cs
held in 2003, in Paris.
• In 2016, along with her husband, she started the ‘Anju Bobby Sports
Founda on’, a training academy for young girls.
• She is a recipient of the Padma Shri, the Arjuna Award and the Khel Ratna

Did You Know: World Athletics

• World Athle cs is the
interna onal governing body
for the sport of athle cs.
• It hosts the annual World
Athle cs Awards at the end
of each year.

1 2021 F1 Champion
Red Bull driver Max Verstappen was crowned 2021 FIA
Formula One World Champion. This was his maiden
Formula One tle. Formula one is a pres gious motor racing
championship for Formula One cars.

Max Verstappen

2 Maths Prize for Dr. Neena Gupta

Indian mathema cian Dr. Neena Gupta was awarded the
Ramanujan Prize for Young Mathema cians from
developing countries. She is the third woman and the fourth
Indian to get the pres gious honour that is given away in
memory of ace mathema cian Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Dr. Neena Gupta
M. S. Subbulakshmi
• M. S. Subbulakshmi was a legendary Carna c
musician of interna onal fame.
• She won the hearts of millions of fans around
the world with her melodious rendi ons.
• Subbulakshmi was born in 1916, in Tamil Nadu.
She was ini ated into classical music at a very
young age by her mother and grandmother,
who were both acclaimed musicians.
• At the age of 13, Subbalakshmi performed at
M. S. Subbulakshmi
the Madras Music Academy, winning great
apprecia on. By the age of 17, she started
performing at concerts.
• She represented the country in many foreign fes vals and performed
across the globe. She played a larger role in spreading the concepts of
Carna c music to the Western world.
• Some of her most famous works include Suprabhatam (Early Morning
Hymns), Vishnu Sahasranamam (1000 names of Lord Vishnu), and
Maitreem Bhajatha- an anthem for universal friendship and world peace,
among others.
• She was bestowed with the Bharat Ratna, the Padma Vibhushan,
the Padma Bhushan, and the Ramon Magsaysay Award.
• She passed away in 2004, at the age of 88.

Did You Know: M. S. Subbulakshmi

• The 'M' in her ini als stand for 'Madurai', the place where she was born.
• She was fondly addressed as ‘M.S’ by her fans, and as ‘Kunjamma’ by her
• She also acted in a few Tamil films in her younger days.
• She was the first Indian musician to receive the Bharat Ratna.
• She donated most of her prize money to charity.
• She earned tles such as the ‘Queen of Music’, 'Nigh ngale’ of Carna c
music, and 'Tapaswini'.
Nagpur, a city in Maharashtra, has numerous
educa onal ins tu ons, industries, commercial
and transporta on centres. It also has many
tourist a rac ons such as temples, mosques,
museums and lakes.
Location of Maharashtra in India
Image Credit -
Major A rac ons
The Zero Mile Stone, erected by the
Bri sh, is a monument that marked the
geographical centre of India before
The Sitabuldi Fort was the site of many
ba les during the Bri sh era. At present, Sitabuldi Fort
the fort is home to a ba alion of the
Indian Army.
Deekshabhoomi is among the largest
Buddhist stupas in the world.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism
here in 1956, along with many of his
followers. Image Credit -

Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary is home to Deekshabhoomi

many endangered species such as black
panthers, sloth bears, wild dogs, gers and
Did You Know: Nagpur
• Nagpur is known as the 'Orange City', as
oranges are extensively cul vated here.
• The city is also known as the 'Tiger
Capital of India', as it has numerous Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary
ger reserves in and around it.
• It is believed that Nagpur is named a er the River Nag which runs through
• The city’s interna onal airport is named ‘Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Interna onal Airport’.
• It was the first Indian city to get a fleet of electric taxis and electric
vehicle charging sta ons. 5
• Honeybees are social insects that live in
colonies. They are known for working
together as a team.
• They use their bright colour pa erns to
threaten predators and as a weapon to
guard themselves.
• They make their own wax (called
beeswax), which they use to build small,
hexagonal cells called honeycombs. They
store eggs, pollen and honey here.
Types of honeybees
• They live in a beehive that consists of a
single queen, a few hundred drones, and
thousands of worker bees. The queen bee is the largest bee in the hive.
• Male bees are called drones. They lack s ngers and cannot s ng.
• The worker bees are females and do different tasks to maintain and
operate the hive.
• A queen bee’s s nger has no barbs while worker bees’ s ngers are
barbed or hooked.
• A bee dance is a form of communica on among themselves to locate
places with lots of flowers.

Interesting Facts: Honeybees

• It is the only insect that produces food (honey) eaten by humans.
• Honey, made from the nectar collected by the bees, is stored in
honeycombs to be used as food for the colony.
• Only female honeybees have s ngers a ached to their abdomen.
• Honeybees are extensive pollinators of flowers.
• They are found in every con nent except Antarc ca.
• Each honeybee colony has an exclusive odour for members’
iden fica on.
• A place where beehives of honeybees are kept to collect honey is called
an ‘apiary’.

Name: ____________________________
Class: ____________ Sec: ___________
Marks scored: __________

Max. Score: 25
Nicknames of some Indian ci es are given. Fill in the missing le ers to name the ci es.

II. QUICK QUIZ (10x1=10)
What was unique about the tail of the newly discovered species of
1 dinosaur ‘Stegouros elengassen’ in Chile?
Had a weapon-like tail Had no tail

Who was awarded the ‘Woman of the Year 2021’ Award by World
2 Athle cs?
Hima Das Anju Bobby George

Who is the 2021 FIA Formula One World Champion?

3 Lewis Hamilton Max Verstappen

If Harvard University : U.S.A. : : University of Oxford: __________.

4 United Kingdom Australia

Who was the first Indian musician to receive the Bharat Ratna?
5 Ustad Bismillah Khan M. S. Subbulakshmi

In which Indian city is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Interna onal Airport

6 located?
Nagpur Kanpur

Which of these honeybees lack s nger?

7 Queen bee Drones

Name the bull-taming sport played in some parts of Tamil Nadu.

8 Kambala Jallika u

A __________ is known as an ‘apiarist’.

9 Lawnmover Beekeeper

A deposit of transparent ice is known as ________.

10 Black ice White ice

Find the names of 6 noted personali es who have studied or taught at
the pres gious University of Oxford.
Clue: Strike out all the numerals. There is no ‘one’ and ‘zero’.


This is the Zero Mile Stone monument

that marked the geographical centre
of India before independence.
In which Indian city is it located?

Name this bull-taming sport played

2 in Tamil Nadu.

The Oxford University Museum displays

the world’s best-preserved specimen
of this ex nct, flightless bird.
Name the bird.

Iden fy the legendary Indian

4 musician depicted on this
comic book cover.

What is Nagpur’s ‘Marbat Fes val’?

During the Marbat Fes val, people of Nagpur

make statues of evil forces and worship God to
save them from these evil spirits. The statues are
then taken to a vast ground in a procession from
all the areas of the city, and are burnt together.
This is done in a belief that the city will be free from all types of evil.

What is the University of Oxford’s role in ‘Alice in Wonderland’?

Lewis Carroll, the author of the book ‘Alice in Wonderland’,
was a teacher at Oxford’s Christ Church College. He was a
close friend of the dean of the college and spent much
me with their family. The dean had a daughter named
Alice Liddell, who served as Carroll’s inspira on for the
main character of Alice in his story.

Why does a honeybee die a er s nging?

When a beehive is threatened, worker bees swarm
out and a ack to defend themselves or their
colony. They die a er s nging because their
s ngers, which are a ached to their abdomen,
have li le barbs or hooks on them that gets stuck
in the vic m’s skin. When the bee tries to fly away
a er s nging, part of its abdomen is ripped away
from its body, leaving behind the venom sack s ll
pumping venom into the vic m.

Jan 01: In 1877, India’s first tex le mill was

established in Nagpur.

Jan 07: In 1610, Galileo Galilei observed the four

largest moons of Jupiter for the first me. They
were named the Galilean moons.

Jan 26: In 1972, the Amar Jawan Jyo at India Amar Jawan Jyoti
Gate, New Delhi was unveiled. 11
• Jallika u is a tradi onal bull-taming
sport played in some parts of Tamil
• It is a compe ve sport in which
contestants try to tame a bull for
a prize.
• It is played annually in January, during
the Tamil harvest fes val of Pongal. Jallikattu
• During the sport, a running bull is released into a crowd of people. Young
men try to grab the bull's hump and ride it for as long as possible, in an
a empt to bring it to a stop. The bullfighter has to tame the bull by its
horns, without falling or ge ng hurt.
• The person who finally brings the animal to a halt gets a handsome
reward, and is hailed as a hero by the villagers. If he fails, the bull owner
wins the prize.
• Par cipants are allowed to defend themselves only with their bare
• For the farmers of Tamil Nadu, jallika u holds enormous cultural
significance. It is a moment to exhibit their own strength and those of
their bulls.
• There is a big controversy raging over the issue of allowing the sport to
take place, as animal rights organisa ons have called for a ban on the

Did You Know: Jallikattu

• The term ‘jallika u' comes from Tamil terms ‘salli kaasu' (coins) and
‘ka u' (a package) that is ed to the horns of the bull as prize money.
• It is one of the oldest forms of sport.
• The bull is decked up with ribbons, coloured powders and garlands.
• Thousands of people a end the fes val in which more than 600 bulls
take part.
• The bulls used in the game are trained and are energe c and wild. They
are fed a special diet, so that they develop into strong, sturdy beasts.
Master the art of storytelling using these pictures.
All you have to do is write an imaginary story not
exceeding eight lines using these six pictures. Do note
that all these pictures should feature in your story.


03 Jan (1831) 12 Jan (1863)

Savitribai Phule Swami Vivekananda
Indian social reformer Indian philosopher

21 Jan (1841) 27 Jan (1756)

Henry Irwin Mozart
Bri sh architect Austrian music composer

Place the shapes in the grid in such a way that each
row, column and diagonals contain every shape and
every colour.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

L. Frank Baum

Dogfish belongs to the family of sharks.
They travel and hunt in dog-like packs.

The country of Bhutan is also known as

‘Druk Yul’ (land of the thunder dragon).

The playing arena in ice hockey is

called a ‘rink’.

A deposit of transparent ice is known

as ‘black ice’.

A beekeeper is known as an ‘apiarist’.

Answers for December 2021

1. Bhopal 6. Queen of the Adria c
2. Football
4. Ronin 1. Venice
5. E. Sreedharan 2. Chhatris
6. Water Bus service 3. 47 Ronin Fes val
7. Jal Tarang 4. E. Sreedharan
8. Pokhran
10. Petra


1. City of Water
2. City of Masks
3. City of Bridges
16 4. The Floa ng City
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