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Subject : History/Civics

Grade : 6

MCQ Sample Paper - History/Civics

Choose the correct answer

1 The system which enables people to run their own Local Government
in rural areas. (1m)

i. Zilla Parishad ii. Block Samiti

iii. Panchayati Raj iv. Democracy

2. The word urban is derived from which Latin word? (1m)

i. Urbanus ii. Cities

iii. Rural iv. Metropolitan

3. Large cities with a population of more than ______ will have a

Municipal Corporation. (1m)

i. 10 Crore ii. 10 Thousand

iii. 10 Lakhs iv. 100

4. The Greek general who was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya (1m)

i. Alexander ii. Seleucus Nikator

iii. Megasthenes iv. Julius Caesar

Page 1
5 Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by - (1m)

i. Bindusara ii. Nanda

iii. Ashoka iv. Dashratha

6. Which religion was taken up by King Ashoka? (1m)

i. i.Jainism ii. ii.


iii. iii.Hinduism iv. iv.


7. The gold coins issued by the Gupta kings were - (1m)

i. Uparikara ii. Udranga

iii. Dinaras iv. Rupee

8. What was the main source of income during the Gupta empire? (2 m)

ii. Land revenue ii. Silk trade

iii. Spice trade iv. Textile industry

9. The Gupta art and architecture were mainly inspired by_________. (1m)

ii. Religion ii. Culture

iii. Traditions iv. Custom

10 Megasthenes, the ambassador of Selucus at the Mauryan court, wrote

an account of the period in his book. (2m)

i. Travels ii. Indika

iii. Indicoplecusts iv. Both ii and iii

11 In Mauryan dynasty Kalinga war took place in the year (2m)

i. 260 BC ii. 261 BC

iii. 126 BC iv. 232 BC

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12 Who took the throne after Chandra Gupta Maurya? (1m)

i. Bimbisara ii. Ashoka

iii. Bindusara iv. Vishnugupta

13 Chandragupta Maurya was _______. (1m)

i. A benevolent king ii. Autocrat

iii. Democrat iv. A pious ruler

14 The capital of the Mauryan kingdom was located at (1m)

i. Pataliputra ii. Vaishali

iii. Lumbini iv. Gaya

15 Mauryan Dynasty was founded by (1m)

i. Ashoka ii. Chandragupta Maurya

iii. Pushyamitra iv. Ajatasatru

16 Ashoka spread Buddhism all over in India by (2m)

i. Teachings the triratnas ii. Sending


iii. Wagnis wars iv. Becoming a

Buddhist monk

17 Selecus Nicator was defeated by (1m)

i. Ashoka ii. Chandragupta Maurya

iii. Bindusara iv. Brihadratha

18 Who among the following is credited with a book on ayurvedic (1m)

Page 3

i. Vagabhatta ii. Aryabhatta

iii. Kalidasa iv. Meghadutta

19 What are Edicts? (1m)

i. Commands of the king ii. Single rocks

iii. Guilds iv. Both ii & iii

20 The Panchayati Raj System is the _____. (1m)

i. First level of democratic ii. Second level of

government democratic government

iii. Third level of democratic iv. Fourth level of

government democratic government

21 The Gram Panchayat is headed by_____. (2m)

i. Gram Sabha ii. Pradhan

iii. Panchayati Raj iv. Women

22 The Nyaya Panchayat can only impose______. (1m)

i. Fines ii. Punishments

iii. Justice iv. None of these

23 An important link between the Gram Panchayat and Zilla Parishad (1m)
is the_____.

i. Gram Sabha ii. Lok Sabha

iii. Nyaya Panchayat iv. Block Samiti

24 Block Development Officer is state government official who

looks after- (2m)

Page 4
i. Village ii. Block

iii. District iv. None

25 The minimum age of voters in Municipal Corporations is _____. (1m)

i. i. 15 ii. 17

iii. 16 iv. 18

26 Under Municipality a city is divided into _______. (2m)

i. Wards ii. Section

iii. Councils iv. Parts

27 The ________ is also known as Nagar Palika. (1m)

i. Nagar Panchayat ii. Municipal Corporation

iii. Municipality iv. Village Panchayat

28 _________ tax is collected for the use of roads and bridges. (2m)

i. Toll ii. General

iii. Octroi iv. Home

29. The work done by the Gram Panchayat can be reviewed by - (2m)

i. Panchayati Raj ii. Nyaya Panchayat

iii. State Election Commission iv. Gram Sabha

30. The credit for solving many problems of Algebra, geometry and
trigonometry goes to - (2 m)

i. Aryabhatta ii. Vagabhatta

iii. Tulsidas iv. Kalidas

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