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MIDTERM EXAM REVIEWER 2nd Semester, SY 2021-2022

1. Do not blame the boss. It is insidiously easy to blame an unpopular policy or decision on your
2. Do not fight the boss. Avoid embarrassing situations and never reveal to others what was
3. Use Initiative. Use initiative make the decision and then run it past the boss.
4. Accept responsibility. Whenever responsibility is being offered, do not refuse it
5. Do your homework. Give your boss all the information needed to make a decision. Anticipate
possible questions.
6. Tell the truth and do not quibble. Your boss will be giving advice up the chain of command based on
what you say.
7. Suggest implementation. When making recommendations, remember who will probably have to
implement them.
8. Keep the boss informed. People will be reluctant to tell him or her problem and successes. You
should do it for them and assure someone else will tell the boss about yours.
9. Fix problems as they occur. If you see a problem, fix it. Do not worry about who gets the blame, or
10. Military history. It is an aspect of historical studies that investigates wars and organized conflict
within and among states or other organized political entities.
11. Early Roman Army. It was the largest and meanest fighting force in the ancient world.
12. Crusade Armies. These armies of the 11th to 15th centuries CE saw Christians and Muslims
struggle for control of territories in the Middle East and elsewhere.
13. Napoleonic Army. This army was made up of not only French units, but also foreign ones too,
including Polish, Dutch, Italian and Spanish regiments.
14. Sun Tzu Army. This was an ancient army that fought in the battle in the Ch'u state in China.
15. American Civil War Army. This is also known as the Federal Army and the Northern Army, referred
to the United States Army, the land force that fought to preserve the Union of the collective states.
16. Continental Army. This was the army of the colonists when the American Revolution first began.
17. German Empire Army. This army was the unified ground and air force of the German Empire. It
was established in 1871 with the political unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia.
18. British Empire Army. This army had seen action in major wars between the world's great powers,
including the Seven Years' War, the American Revolutionary War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Crimean
War and the First and Second World Wars.
19. French Republic Army. This army fought the French Revolutionary Wars from 1792 to 1802. This
army was characterized by their revolutionary fervor, their poor equipment, and their great numbers.
20. Imperial Russian Army. This army was the land armed force of the Russian Empire, active from
around 1721 to the Russian Revolution of 1917.
21. Austro-Hungarian Army. This army was the ground force of the Austro Hungarian Dual Monarchy
from 1867 to 1918.
22. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. CEDAW is a UN agency which
means -
23. Equality in all fields. In 2013 the UN CEDAW created this General Recommendation No. 30 on
women in conflict prevention, conflict, and postconflict situations. Below are the general
24. Gender and Development. What does GAD mean?
25. Millennium Development Goals. What does MDG mean?
26. No Poverty. What is Sustainable Development Goals No. 1?
27. Zero Hunger. What is Sustainable Development Goals No. 2?
28. Good Health. What is Sustainable Development Goals No. 3?
29. Eradicate extreme poverty. This Millennium Development Goals means by improving agricultural
productivity and incomes and promoting better nutritional practices at all levels.
30. Achieve universal primary education. This Millennium Development Goals means by ensuring that
primary school-age children are enrolled, and they complete the full primary years. Especially girl
31. Promote gender equality and empower women. This Millennium Development Goals means
promote equal rights amongst men, women, transgender in order to prevent violence against women
and girls.
32.Gender Equality What is Sustainable Development Goals No. 5?
33. Why is Sustainable Development Goals No.5 is called stand-alone goal? Because it is dedicated to
achieving recognition to women's equality and empowerment as both the objective, and as part of
the solution.
34. Welfare Approach. This approach originated in 1950s as a result of the first official world-wide
recognition of women's equality and non-discrimination.
35. Women in Development (WID). This approach originated in 1970s because of the debate of the
women's role in economic development.
36. Women and Development (WAD). This approach originated back in 1975 in Mexico City which
focuses on the relation between patriarchy and capitalism.
37. True or False. Gender and Development was developed in the 1980's as an alternative to the
Women in Development (WID) approach. True
38. Why is there a need to do GAD? To ensure that both men and women can participate in, and
benefit from, development in a way that is equitable.
39. What does principle of participation in decision making means? It means all sectors must
participate in the development process and benefit from the results of development.
40. What does GAD principle of empowerment mean? It means a multi-dimensional social process
that helps people gain control over their own lives.
41. What does principle of freedom from violence and respect for human rights mean? It means that
we need to stop violence against women, sexual abuse, forced marital marriage, rape, human
trafficking, physical abuse, etc.
42. What is Military Correspondence? These are types of communications such as military or subject
to letters, non-military letters, endorsements, Disposition Forms, Personnel Action Form, Routing slip,
and messages.
43. What is body of correspondence? It is an effective army writing that transmit a clear message in a
single rapid reading and its generally free of errors in grammar, mechanics, and word usages.
44. What is Disposition Form or DF? This is an action paper used to originate an action or obtain
comments, coordination, or other action.
45. True or False. In Military Correspondence, writing a short sentence has an average of 20 words.
46. What is Summary Disposition Form or SDF? A staff paper used to secure commanders approval of
recommended actions.
47. In Military Correspondence, what does 15-15-1 -2 rule mean? Writing should not have more than
15 percent long words, your sentences should average around 15 words in length, paragraph should
not be more than 1-inch deep, and paper should not be over 2 pages long.
48. Flag Raising Ceremony. This is a significant military custom that the Filipino soldier honors the flag
by raising it before the start of the official day's work to pledge that all his efforts for the day is
dedicated to God, country, and people.
49. Flag Retreat Ceremony. This is a significant military custom that the sounds of the evening gun
during a combined ceremonial parade and retreat ceremony constitute one of the inspiring customs
of the service.
50. National Flag. This is a significant military custom that we should always respect the National Flag
by saluting it whenever it passes during parades and other ceremonies where it is raised or lowered.
51. Military Seniority. This is a significant military custom that the officers by virtue of their being
commissioned are seniors to enlisted personnel. In the same manner, high-ranking non-
commissioned officers to low-ranking NCOS.
52. Rank Has Its Privileges. This is a significant military custom that by military traditions, officers and
senior NCOs enjoy some privileges.
53. Rank Has Its Privileges. This is a significant military custom wherein men of arms execute salute as
an exchange of greeting, courtesy, and respect among themselves.
54. White Flag of Truce. This is a significant military custom used to signal the temporary cessation of
hostilities between warring parties.
55. Three Volleys of Fire. This is a significant military custom, which is a sign of respect and gesture
tendered to a departed comrade-in-arms.
56. Wearing of Decorations. This is a significant military custom that military personnel, who
honorably earned decorations in the performance of duty, displays them as part of the uniform during
appropriate occasions.
57. Raising of the Right Hand in Taking Oath. This is a significant military custom that even from the
earliest days, the taking of an oath for truth of statement or testimony has been a solemn and serious
matter accompanied by a ceremony.
58. Courtesy of the Post. This is a significant military custom that an officer of any of the armed
services visiting at a military post or one who resides in its vicinity is often extended the "Courtesy of
the Post by the Commanding Officer after the prescribed official call has been made.
59. Presentation of the Recruits to the Colors. This is a significant military custom wherein recruits are
presented to the color for the purpose of signifying acceptance and welcome into the organization.
60. Ceremony Tendered to Retiree. This is a significant military custom that is tendered to a military
retiree in recognition of his long, faithful, and honorable service to the AFP.
61. Farewell Tendered to a Departing Officer. This is a significant military custom wherein a newly
assigned officer is tendered a welcome party prior to the departure of an officer from his station on a
change of assignment, a farewell party is tendered
62. Courtesy Calls. This is a significant military custom wherein an officer who has been detailed
outside of an organization and re-joining his major service or has been reassigned to unit outside his
Major Service customarily calls on his Major Service Commander.
63. Military Customs. This is a defined as an accepted practices realized through continued usage that
take the force.
64. Military Traditions. This is defined as an inherited principles standards and practices that serves as
the established guides for an individual or group.
65. Call of Newly promoted Generals/Flag Officers. This is a significant military custom wherein
officers promoted to star ranks call on the Major Service Commander, Chief of Staff, AFP, and the
Secretary of National Defense after taking their oath of office before the Commander-in-Chief.
66. New Year's Call on the Commanding Officer This is a significant military custom that has been an
invariable custom throughout the AFP that officers make a formal call upon their Commander during
New Year's Day.
67. Happy Hour. This is a significant military custom, which is a special form of unit officer
comradeship which had been developing and spreading in recent years.
68.Patronage of the Officer's Club and EP's Club Houses. This is a significant military custom that
enables officers and EP to spend their off-duty social and recreational life in said centers.
69. Visiting the Sick. This is a significant military custom wherein military personnel who is sick in the
hospital is visited by available officers and enlisted personnel of the unit in such number as may be
permitted by the doctor or surgeon in charge.
70. Survivor Assistance to the Family. This is a significant military custom whenever a member of a
unit dies, an officer is immediately designated by the commanding officer to render every possible
assistance to the bereaved family.
71. Basic Uniform Components. Uniform items required as part of the basic uniform.
73. Optional Items. Uniform items purchased at the wearer's expense, which may be worn with the
basic uniform, but which are not practicable.
74. Conspicuous. Obvious to the eye, attracting attention, striking, bright in color.
75. Conservative. Not conspicuous or detracting from the professional appearance while in uniform.
76. Faddish. A style followed for a short period of time with exaggerated zeal.
77. Compliments Skin Tone. A conservative color which contributes to the wearer's natural skin tone.
78. Quartermaster General. Which office of the AFP that shall provide the uniforms and items'
79. True or False. The uniform represents visual evidence of the authority and responsibility vested in
the individual. True
80. True or False? Female personnel and staff NCO's may discontinue to wear uniforms purchased
under previous authorization from non-approved sources until these uniforms require replacement.
81.Buckles for all military personnel shall be silver colored with appropriate Major Service seal
engraved and centered at the front surface. True
82. When indoors, personnel remain covered at all times unless ordered to uncover, or during
religious services not associated with a military ceremony. False
83. Personnel may remove their cap or hat when traveling outside a private automobile or riding a
bicycle off base. False
84. When indoor, personnel shall remain uncovered at all times unless directed otherwise by higher
authority for a special situation/event. True
85. Maternity uniform will be worn by pregnant military personnel when the local commander
determines that the standard uniforms can no longer be worn. True
86. Miniature insignias shall be used particularly in the Mess Dress or Mess Jacket uniform and as
prescribed by commanders, but they shall not be worn along with the other standard size decorations
and badges. True
87. Camouflage battle dress uniforms shall be worn in Metro Manila. False
88. Black dress shoes will be worn by officers and non-commissioned officers both male and female.
89.Female dress shoes shall be all pumps and will be of conservative cut with closed toes and heel
without ornamental stitching or seams. True
90. Commanders may prescribe the service uniform with sweater for inspections and this uniform
shall be worn for ceremonial formations or parades on or off the military installation. False

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