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ScottForesman Bl , ra _ = a | ae FEACHER’S EDITION Authors Mario Herrera Barbara Hojel SAMPLE Udee Z i TEL:02-470- FAX:02-486 UNIT @ Around My Home... UNIT @ cleaning upt UNIT © Growing together. Using the Tell 0 Story Books.. Tell a Story Books...... ‘Wostbaok pages, reduced. Picture Card List. key Vocabulary Picture Dictionary List.. Scope and Sequence. Bibliogrepty... Index. gi PEF Pe eeERELA LL 107 sol ScottForesman The Teaching Approach of Learning English through Play Meet the Authors Mario Herrera is an award-winning Teacher Trainer with more tan ‘wenty years of teaching experience. ‘Asan academic consultant, Mr Herrera hhas worked in the international ELT feld for eleven years. He i « co-author of Perude, the bestselling English primary course for children. Tarbara Hojel has been an educational ~ consultant in Mexico and Central and South America. She has twenty-seven _years experience teaching very young, children and training teachers. She ppartielpated in, the writing of BEL/ESE, Class Starters ac EFL/ESL, Poerns and Finger Plays, Barbara ts co- ‘author of the My English Boot series, an EFT. program for young children. Cn) ‘As we as tencliry approach the teaching of English to young children, i {is important to look at how ehilden nave already tearned elements of ‘theic ative language. As babies, children ace talked to, sung to,and given words to desert househol itera and toys, They point to things ‘and begin initating souncls they hear until they learn words, Later they string words tnether tn quake sentences. verytlay activities are powerful teachers of language. Interesting, meaningful words such as ball, ook, balloon, momany, daddy ety’ be children's firs: word in cher native language. The learning experiences children have in your classeaomt shovld reflect that early leaming of natural language at home. You can setup learing situations that resemble the home environment 2k children are familiar with and lencourage them to play as they learn language patterns and structutes by engaging in conversations in the new language, Balloons is based on @ natural approach that assumes that children Jeam a language best when they are immersed inthe new language, in Us case English In such ar eneionment they Use the new language as ‘means of communicating their wishes, needs feelings, and interests and 35 & way of saying what they think, Some courses that each Englis to young children are based on eeacherstudent ssimuliresponse interactions, Teachers start sentences that learners are ny expected finish, Children are asked to namie objects, colors, or other concrete ‘objects as idembfication pracrice. The reason this mettuod of teaching, has bees popular is that people often thin that children are too young (6 participate in ime conversacions since they are only beginning to ‘express themselves in their native language { Balloons, on the other hand, children are expected to be eager, vniboasintie learners of language from day one of English class. Real conversslions are introdaced by the mascot at the beginning of each ‘uit, As chiledeen ereate art projects and participate in games, songs, 2n ey practice the new kayguage ix ananural, joyful way. chats iy survoinuting youag ebllren wich language connected to themes th: uv altealy a vita part of thelr Lives, such as school, their bodies, Fase, pods, eles, ames, and neighborhoods, we foster learning situates in whiel they can succeed. Young children’s play becomes Heir work an dioie wor is found in thete play! Src ere are the steps that Balloons uses to help you introduce young children. to English in the Snadent Book 1. Warm Up ‘The unit opener introduces chiléren tothe there environment ‘acu which their activities for the next four weeks will be organized. Movivation and interest are created as children point out familiar scenes an people with whom they can identify and use their prior knowledge 2. Presentation ‘As you present new vocabulary to children, offer them the ‘opportunity to show thar they underseand the language by pointing, ‘ireing, and elapping. Children renurt to the Warn Up page and fi the “vorsbulary words In the context ofthe scene. Children are engaged and “sponsive, showing vou they “gett” by thei involvement. The learning process is & evclical one and the relationship between teacher and sludents one of constant "give and cake,” rather than the teaching Ineing a one-way process 8. Practice Practice is the way in which you, the teacher iu the EFI, classeom, ye with the reality of your being the students’ core source of English ‘The EFLambiance should immerse chilren in practice situations ‘iwongh dramatic play singing and chanting, pictures, games, and TPR ‘etnies, Chien ate given opportunites to repeat the language they ine Teaming ita variety of settings and activities. Eventually children are language through this practice 4. Apptication Avtivtes in which children apply what they ave learning include ynvblem solving througi. hands-on projects. Using tele communication ‘kills fo produce tangible resus, children use the langage in reat ‘sontexts in developmentally appropriae wars. The early childhood oglish classrooun should be "in English" rathec than “about English,” (hildren will be doing those activites that they do uatwzaly at this age: ‘urswing, cuting coloring, gluing, mixing, building, playing witk puppets. 5. Ansessment Chilren show you the ways in which they can use ce language they ne leamned in new contexts suchas games andl roe plays. Providing Children with a Natural Environment for Learning ‘Teacher-student interactions and child-to-child interactions At age three many children fist move from the home centered ‘environment to a broader world. They are introduced to the world of school with its other children and an adult who is not a member oftheir ‘mediate family as their teacher. The presence of other children takes ‘on especial meaning as children Tearn the boundaries not only af space, bu celationships. Children begin to establish friendships that are dependent a their fale and teacher. Learning. from classmates becomes as importaet as leaming from teachers, In order to tavlitatechild-o-chié interaction, We as educators need to ask ourselves questions about the physical set ofthe classroom. * Does de seoting arrangement allo for chien to at with each oer? + Con chars bp mov for music and movement activities and games? “3.D" modeling As important as the classroom setting is, equally important is the way in Which teachers model the conversations they want children tw practice. ‘These conversations must enable children to use the language they are ‘nearing in real, authentic ways. For example, the teacher greets a new student who enters the class ina face-to-face mneeting. Dramatic play ‘opporeanities thar allow children to play freely, sometimes with props such as puppets and sbulfed animal, should be encouraged. Conversations introduce children to new ways of using English. Tn these ways, modeling by you takes on achree-dimensional approach. “The sequence of activities that teach children to talc with each other and lead to effective chid-4o-chld interactions are as fllows: +The teacher models short comworsations with he hey of ois ‘endo a puppet or een taco puppets. + Te teacher then dvds diddren ita te gros, with each group ‘laying the rte of one 0 the puppets + Apair of children practices the conversation, air Whe leacher and classmates islen 1 All icon yretion in pir, marstore by the teacher The teacher ‘ean watt around, acing and listening as she or he circulates, QBS irae shots my mas rot be when essing? ARE ios eorer oyun cen koningii ry Inport yu eer exemple al eer y Showing ne cten cela cue oy cy oan an By Sahil and senor movlng te hades var Urste mot taney nang teeta word nao te Ch utente wit stage Daglshwerdoal tse ‘As the English teacher, your role in a young child's class very speci ‘Your enthusiasm for learning, for practicing English, for having fan in the language is transmitted to the children eho in tum decide they love Deing in school and learning Bnglish! As teacher, you must do silly things that children enjoy—lke putting your hands on your head to make rabbit ars and inviting everyone ts hop around the room while saying, Tm a rabbit. ke to hop, hap, hop.” By observing the chitren, you will know when itis time to change activities. Catch children doing things correctly and praise them, Coreect ‘ehidren ina way that won’ hurt their feeings (For example, ask ‘everyone to practice the pronunciation of a word rather than just one Child) Teachers who work with young children must enjoy being with young childcen, doing the chings te like todo, and having fun teaching English, ‘Modeling isthe most important technigne or strategy to use when ‘aching a neve language. Kids wateh and listen and capy and lear. Do it often! Q PRE cee iter ny enters ead ev-akngpaterms ike fow do I set up classroom routines? ‘Keep a neat and orderly room by having a place for everything, Label "shelves with drawings of items that chuldren ean use for guidance when replacing vem in their original locations atthe end ofthe class. ‘Take good care of materials and equipment hy showy tion how they should be used. Use your voice effectively. Us sinus to gol con's sttetion. Fer ‘example, saying, “One, Two, Three tal Up” meas Hine to “Took, and listen for instructions 8 1145 easy to get a young chil attention, bat how do 1 ‘heep his or her attention throughout Che Engtisk class? ARE runs ey ot cies tu pte get vray ood serumcee, Sogn Pectin ong wih pcre cas pa Serpmote covet seg tn ener renew ey ein pate alg tanger toe thons youre tengo, Shy lata ase antanes area eee eet Sonasctonsae god ware kenge stem Charge sci tnt ere ore teeing ee he hs quce Novag runnin snp our eM 9 snerctet ines Using materials shat ace appeating to children also helps maintain ‘children’ atention. Use diferent things toys, puppets, mass, picbures, ‘cutouts, their drawings, and caris—cands to hang around necks, cards to play games witha partner, cards to hold up and put somewhere while Listening to what you say. Use a variety of paper of different sizes, colors and textures when you make matenals Use erayons, markers, tnd paints. Protect the materials you make with clear cont paper Ot ‘with lamination i possible so they will land up to lide hands couching them aad ean be reused from year 10 year ‘Keep each unit's materials together in Jolers or boxes, labeling ther $0 they are easy to find next year! ‘The Key to maintaining culdren’s afention is planning aetvities in which they willbe gartcipating actively (hobling up cards, cutting, pastng,coloving, pointing) and daing diferent things (ating ou, singing, moving, pretending) Children naviwally enjoy participating and eam 8 they do! Let them Feel the roundness of a euce by tracing a thoop with their hands, or walk through the hoop to better understand the word through, Such activities help children communicate with each other ina very natural way about what they'te dving. QVE sie so 1 cringe my Bar css AXE scour tsi 9 seine ase 0 Tim yn fhbetee dn Sad Sok at Hoos eae treo uy setae este Besos seine Onsnaeser gh es topo iar in dott ‘Whe activities and the bank pages. (See the Time Guidelines on page xi.) QE serch carte gic bt ARB sven sir nin sae yr te asm “Ghstur he an sctnycho neve ea ng aa Joses interest. If you keep an activity short, children will want to get Yen a og Cafe fp the eran oreo Fert hee toc ates ng ene lee QE rns ie rr, rit rset eps an oy important in teaching young children? 1S Children tke to be active: TPR lets you put their natural energy {onse to learn Bnglistt TPR, as developed by James J. Ashe, is ideal fo ‘tule a the early stages of Yearning English, when their capabilities for verbal response are still undeveloped. TPR provides inne Forening practice and repeated exposure to basie vocabulary words as hikiton physteally respond to commands. Children, especially the sles lke TPR becanse no speaking is involved. Children just show ‘Hey understand the action by doing the ation. I's an important eciniqueto-use because i allows all children to feel successful in ‘Salih foun the very beginning! QRS ers sama pay teh import & Dramatic play as a strategy for conversations among children, veubines the intelectual aspects of language, such as vocabulary, yuitems, and structures, with the emotional and practical aspects of | inugage. In this Way, language becomes a holistic experience, in dcamatic play the teacher removes one of te major Docks to English speabing the lack of confidence in usin the language It llows children top into someone else's shoes” as they become ess worried about performing and more concemnet about geting the mearing across to other children, Their Elis iriproves as they practice QE sis weiner ym EPL ctssroon? = AME criiniveins msc ini wo Soon ptoms ‘and moverrent are al around therm. When they eter the Eats Classroom, the most spontancous Way to introdace children vo lange fund make ther Tela eae eto involve them its and chanting Charen who may be 10 sy to speak can be part ofa group effort to ‘make music. The combination of words with the bea of @ chant or song isa powerilceacher of langage. You, as thee teacher, can wite your ‘own songs an chants by ‘hing obout ky pleases and oenbulry Beng tight «+ dntteng 0 fait e090 fli tne orton * ratehing the langwage wt the rye + looking for repetition possibies + ming ection ond TPR with reps Use songs and chants. as warm ups. Songs Sd chants foster memory foe langage through repetition f you don feo comfortable singing chanting the words works equally wl. Use the song suggestions in Balloons and chant the words, Q ANS ceaseaom aes mottateciten toa aguage by ‘onungon come amiga ew nd ar wertaae (etter re Dp eon 0 Bir nmng Sesto odes pune tt hw for “nts level of apo al ches Tepes plying {ene moe mpoant wang: Tomy cle oa ed Sinha joneed women sane ogame cey ‘Why are yames important inthe EFI. classroom? RE sits rete srs routhot a eit and ow con ea : AAS se torte inctucton ot ect (kr xa. sreatovae ng atgouha wot nos fev aed crass em) Ayn pce snd Scots eye ti wate Can denon be Sivan na) Rent cies ok ee ngs te ‘Sm Tucan low hn sty og an soa ae Ie and eve Habre Soc ena ea Shaneosog house eet Cece” ‘There are many activities you can do as you review a specific color such as red: make charts of re things, make litle books of red things, use ‘red play dough, make red paper hats, paint red items, eat red jlo QV ict np nn BR oct nrncion of ne tps (ste or en {Bre ont srs and ine ciren fo work nama ros orm “Stopes wth them, Encourage them oa wih each omer using eters sch a5 Ts aque. sara” Cole sans when ‘ilar are niched an save for ewe When tenchng cen, ge tech child pice a am to mae eles witha pate Talk Together hous ig and teers Cut ut spe cllages fmm shapes with Hay dough we cooke caters make shape at ly shape are tn lock for shapesin te sasroom Use arty of raters and cto to keg interest hight Be gure talk showt what chien are ding a hey work in Engsh BYE vgn sev ty hey ingot pati Titec For enanp keynes snp esos, Into atnem rll hen) che one ond sy Atvoupastey go tngestoop pestis ae outs cd ote eS ma Sab etc re ARE veep crs ao avn matey een No vares ant pr umes tig oly tae pete ce oviheece somcizan tani cen dap tone Crt hy canst ety Ni wart ng ar, ‘Such ony te nic ofthe eaherand sober het fon fener ote TR vie ong conta Cag TPR ee ounce sve rhs ouch compen QB: rntenenemesans teense nen RE dving cirri nin ttien thet Tae ik aoiemirertena te yee am English as they do the activities so that using English becomes as Beriveries ‘Through art sctvies, children become engaged in something they enjoy ‘doing naturally. As they are involved in completing their projects, you willbe walking around, making coraments to them, and asking questions {in English. Soon, they wil be interacting nsturally with each other in the ‘new language: For example, in one typical art project, children make sponge pintings of shapes” As they become involved in this fun activity, children will naturally be motivated to use the vocabulary and patterns ‘hat they are learning: “I want the (paint) / Give me the (sponge), please.” QE reese or ne tater BRE crcoored par sone scam cre mse 2izeups salt food coloring Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Add food coloring to wate, then mix. Knead into a ball Add more flour or water as needed. Store ina plastic ‘bag in the refrigerator Children love the softness and texture ofthis ‘dough! They car make it themselves at schoo! and enjoy taking hres rising the dough. Finger paint liquid starch dry tempera paint ‘low sax the paint withthe starch until you have the right thickness in quantiy. Vary the colors each time. Put on thick paper. Children hike to make designs or illustrate the vocabulary they know. When you get a sesign they lke, you can get « mono print by placing paper over it 1nd gently rubbing it and peeling it off Very young chilren just enjoy re process! QRE sass att shat betting ; DAR 8 cdl ptetogee eating png ce en itroduce, play games, and model. Allow children Co use them. (Shy ine th chinook ong ke row oreaead ota) pe tity reve Cerea! bax puppes: You will need: small cereal boxes, scissors, construction paper, gue, reinforcements, crayons, a pencil 1. Draw a fine around the middle ofthe cereal bax, across te front ‘and two sides. Cut along this line. Store the cereal for later eating. 2, Fold the box in hal so your fingers and hum will einen it 3, Devore the puppet by placing the box fat on apiece of ‘construction paper. Trace the outside ofthe box on the paper 4. Cat along te outline of the paper and glue or tape te paper 10 the bos forthe inside of the puppets mouth 65, You may want to use reinforcements for the eyes or raw your ‘own eyes, eyebrows, and bair with a crayon. Hair can be mule ‘with cotton or yarn. Add whiskers with straw or yam, For children creating their own cereal box puppets use large cereal boxes into whieh they ean fi their arms. Markers and erayons ean be used to color the boxes; buttons, Dottlecaps, and scraps of fabric can be used forthe mouth, nose, and eyes Paper bag puppets: You wil need: small to medium-sized paper ‘bags, crayons, yam, construction paper, gue. Make a bag that fits your hand into he face of an animal by drawing & mouth, nose, ancl eyes on it. 2. Use yam for hale andl add ears tothe sides ofthe bag with construction paper ‘Spek puppets: You will need: clean socks {small sizes for children), styrofoam balls, rubber bands, yarn 1 Place your hand inside the sock. Your thunis should fit into the heel so the puppet can “tak” 2. Give a styrofoam ball onto the end of the puppet for anose or for ‘eyes. Or, you can make eyes by pinching balls of te sock fabric ‘ogether with rubber bands. Yarn makes a horse's oF “dragon's mane Materials. for art activities: Sponges; pains, paper plates; markess, crayons; glue; beads; stars; buttons bright colored paper seraps; newspapers, catalogs, and magazines to cut out pltures;Seraps Of materials; yar; pant; string; ribbons, any old, small objects that can be used for collage work: Materials that help you be creative: Lange construction paper cards where you can make simple drawings ofthe vocabulary words or se for cut and paste activities, Storybooks for reauing aloud (see Bibliography), counters, construction paper, foi, chart paper, paper clips, used boxes that ean be tumed into aninals and objees OB ences noes chan sues AXE resseten Bookicno too rien to work wh dine Toe Teaches bate ely ota fo cmoarage Sonvertn to clin ey oo nh bn and tench Sion sts ant emingsoees ‘With the book, children are listening and following directions, learning bow to work in the book, and learning how books work: recognizing the ‘front, recognizing the back, turing the page, and moving from left to right Activities are thereto encourage talling with peers and to help ‘children think in English, Children participate actvely on each page, interacting with fiends, istening fo their teacher, thinking and reacting, and dong diferent kinds of activities ' QE nen to 113 Hobo? AXS rnevrtnor ante vinta cs torr patie an Seniesa Te es nan coronal fn Bee yee taentce ne acuihowronaramer eo coins hens Workbook pages are referenced at pointot-use inthe Teacher's Baition, ‘al the end of the lessons. When there isa cutout page, he reverse side is arlesign so thatthe process of cutting out the page will not destroy ‘work on the back QE is nepuposeornc ating ects ond row dot help etren with eating? ABS sie yng sn vy vg ines ein Aaya srs Sen Boa ey i lpg fan clot etrmtrssis ecu an ve fs Scipsine gcbtensoctele tes Sng sea en children are Ges introduced (o cuting, shox them how to open lose the tha and forefinger fo pretend they area pair of scissors “in motion. Then give them each 9 pair of seissors. You may want to offer _ehildron the experience of cutting sturdier pieces of paper, snch as cardboard or paper straws, frst. Ask thom to cu bg pieces and then Jitle pieces. Give them los of experience cutting any way they want, “Invite them to make a collage wit thelr cuttings! ‘Remember that children will vaty widely in their cutting ability: Don't ‘expect the cutouts to be perfect squnres! their physical developunent is ‘not at a stage where ctling is easy, you oF a partner can hold the paper ‘0 thatthe bild can cut. Make sure you take the entire cuting area out ‘of the book before the child tres to cut individual squares or rectangles. ‘While children are cutting, use the time for talking. "The purpose of the eutovts sto provide children with manipdatives | they can use when playing games witha parmer and o give them ands fon experience in learning the sal of cuting, Aver a chill has cutout and used pictures of the objects, save the cutouts in an envelope with Iis or her name on i 30 that they can be used again. QRS rer sront reser romeoret | AAS rosrotace sony erent thee efhomeverk, bang responsible for geting something done on their own, you can ak ther 1p bring something font home to use for a class activity. A Color Red Dox: “Everyone must bring something small and red tomorrow. You ca «draw and color it or cut oot from a maguzine, oF iLean be something you have at home lke aplastic car or apple.” Show the objects to the est ofthe class, Ask the class o say, "Red's red” as you put each fone in the Red Box ‘The Workbook has practice activities that ean be used for homework, ‘The Little Books atthe end of the Workbook are perfect for sending home with children. Look at them together st in class to make sure children use the key vocabulary words they have learned when they sow thera to their families QRS sini iiesetbes yr item ipa AXE coarcn sci e toow thy an dn somaing et ‘wrong. Catch them doing sometaing tight! Praise them! Many tines children's mistakes are mispronounsing or omitting Words in sentences ‘or leaving off the ends of words. Repeat the corect version, Many time | you need to overemphasize so they get the correct way of saying i 1S How can Balloons be used Jor both large and ‘small class sizes? AS aservressresrv ten egrets work nao ingens toner ines sony wa te apse ony wn oes wah, beret len Frou wacgee aed cng nine orn ya Eni sh be aig eee Presa se crag ow wear no techie cn pend ls Siektp te pur aaa uanese ei asoensones Raver won Wh geen oa pasts comans Student Books Recurring characters Games Se Cutouts ‘Mascot : Picture Dictionary Tell o Story books Workbooks Provide opportunities for home and classroom practice Reinforce languoge taught in the Student Books Include make-your.own Litle Books Picture Cards Introduce and practice new languoge Offer opportunites for games Audiocassettes Conversolions, language pattems, songs, and chants, Puppets Plush puppet mosco for ecchfevel Use puppets as anguoge models Interleaved Teacher's Editions ful-seed Student Book pages Fosy-o-use lesson plon Conversations Songs Chants Gomes TPR actives ‘Coss questions ‘To uso suime and gesture ‘To use chants and songs to lear words and + Tose visual cues 1 To categorize onjects by color 1A Be TLGD) My Classroom are Language arts Music £ To make a collage ‘To make play dough circles ‘To mae sicle puppets for strarati play ‘To make red and blue paintings 1h creme new picture cards To idemty ard dram ted art biue objects “Toten to and say chants ‘To roleplay conversations ‘Toplay a greeting game ‘To play Voeubulary Bingo ‘To sing songs ‘To play Share @ Chair wth music To graph rel and blue objects ‘To use the sense of ouch 19. Identity classroom objects Materials + Sunay Bunny puppet + Audiocassette, Lovel 1 ‘Show Muy Cicle, Circle; This I the Way; Give Ble; Hokey Pokey (mstrzmental); Wie Wall A New frend + Picture Cards #1 ~ 6 showing crayon, sels: sors, glue, chai table, door + Student Book, Level 1, Tel a Stot¥: Schoo! Day + Workbook, Level 1, pages? 8, Little Rooke My Class + Crayons; scissors ue; pencil markers; chalk; books colored paper, large chart paper; masking tape; construction paper, saall box; heaty paper heavy eardboard heary-paper cities of diferent sizes and colors: Red Box with red objects; We Box ith blue objeets; jar lids of cferentsizew ‘or paper cups; play dong; popsicle sticks, red and blue finger pain; red and blue tem pera paint; sponges; sock: yarns wire; Dingo boards made with heavy paper and divided ino four Secor with simple: drawings of classroom objects; wire elothes hangers, small objects or scraps of eolored paper for ‘game markers DP D.0.0.2. 2. 2 wwe ee dS SSSSHSSOKRHOOOHHHHHHHHODOOGOOOI Key Vocabulory EX temgon, scissors, gle, chai, table, door Extended Vocabulary hello, classroom, each, bos gil, goodbye, ves, hi, pencil, pager, maker, elk hook. circle, thank you, bax, red, blue, ease, ene, game, friend Actions ‘standup tt dovn, jump, clap, stop, Pal, march, ‘wall, dance, plas, show, look, drawn Use, read, | rook a i 2M nme is May Igo to the baron, please? Thank you, Thisis Wea es (rd). ' Give me the Language Patterns for Understanding ‘Show me the Point tothe Isthisa 7 isthis a ora_? t What's is? wt color is WP Hello. By Hello, A: My nae i tia), By My namo is (Ken), A: May T goto the battroom, please? : Yes, (Ana). OF cours! A: Hate WB Hell, & My name ts (aut, Bi My name is Barhle) & Goodbye B: Good hye. Enkin Invite children to daw a plewue of seething about the elassroot Ask them to share their plc- tures withthe parents and ell therm the English umes Zo dhe people and things i the pitare Welcome ehildren to English class by making @ bulletin board covered with red and blue con stnuction paper Ack them to draw with erayons a pit of thesagelves tp put on the bulletin. ‘board Display the ehildrena cr forall to See! You may want to label the bulletin beard “Out Chas" nite Zamies 10 come to class and See ‘er hildeen ‘lassmates aig of themselves so Une | o ye ; Py Presentation + To introduce onset ma exchange greetings 4 To identify classroam abjects| + To answer questions Vocabulary crayon, seisons lue, chai, ood iy, yes, no Materials Picture Cards 41 ~6; crayons; scissons glue, co} ned paper, large chart paper é 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' ' t t t 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I t 1 1 Q USING THE BOOK Point the objects the pichare. Model how oi point to the crayon. Ask eldren te listen to “eh you say and thea point to the ject and repeal: Thi is a crayon. This is glue. This Is 1 pair of slssors. This ls a chale This Is a {sble. This s a door Explain fof ty pointing to your eves. Look at ‘the pleture. Model how to join. PoIME To (crayon), Point to the crayon. Is this x (table)? Model the answrer. No, Is this (able? Repent for other objects Point to the crayon Is this a crayon? Help einen open thelr books they ean sco pages 2 and 3 togeter Point tothe plete ofthe (exayon) on page & This Is a (erayon). Then ask children to lookeat page 2. Show me a {crayon). Say, This ie a (erayan). PES Ena @ BeFoRE THE BOOK Creating Interest Use Sun Bunny to model walking to the door ‘and Teaving the room. Let Suny Bunny say gon bye and wave goottbye tothe chien. tell, children ta respond by saying good-bye and wav- Ing to the puppet. Ask several children ts repeat the word good-bye alter you Let children listen to the conversation on the cassette several dines. Then roleplay Use exchange with a cid. Ask pales of eldren es and ‘to repeat the tines, using the Own waving good-bye atthe ond Listes, point, snd xepeat hls iy a erayon. This is glue. This Isa pair of selssors, This isa ‘hale. This is table, This isa door. Look tthe picture and pein to a (crayon) No. Yes. ool at the picture ofthe (rayon) on page 3 fan pin to he (rayon) on page 2 This is a (crayon), A: Bello. 1B Hell, A: My name is (Matt) My name is (Barbie) A: Goodtive B: Goodbye. Hold up or pont to 8 crayon nn say, This 68 @ ‘omy Ask chiliren to repeat the wor era fone time you kala up a erayon, Repeat this, Activity with scissors, glue, chat, able, and door © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities, FY what te 1e? Pace the Picture Cards on the tard where all children eat see det. oi 10 pieture ad ask a eld, fs en ora ___? When he or she answers orectly, encourage the other children to clap EB aires cotnzes mite cine o make collages using clore: paper, seissors, glue, and crayons Say, Point to the scissors! ‘crayons. Demonstrate how to make a collage. Say, Cul die paper, as you eat. the paper; Ge the ‘paper, as you glue It on a larger paper and Dray ‘pictures, as you use your erayons uo dra pie {urvs on the collage. Repent these directions to ‘children as they make thee collages. Workbook: Page TE: Page St ‘Teoching Tip ‘While doing each activity, different chiiren may be worling on distrent language areas. One may be learning to listen, while aesher is focus on vocabulary, and 2 third is working on speaking is important to provide suppor in all these areas, ‘ 4 € ‘ ¢ ¢ ¢ SSSSSSSHHHHHHOHHHVHHHHOOSLDE ° e Practice Objectives = Torepear pames of classroom objects + To demiify classroom objects + Ro identify shapes: circle Vocabulary pencil, paper, marker, chalk, hook, crayon, seis sors, lu,eltele, thank you Materials ‘genet paper; markers; erayons selssons hae: books; chalks heavy-paper cizcles of different ster and colors, yan; popsicle seks jar lids of diferent sizes oF paper cuDs; play ough oo @ USING THE BOOK in tothe petures i the Picture Dictionary fam pencil. This paper. This is a marker ‘This i chalk. This bs & book. This is glue. Point to the pictures i the Piette Dictionary: Point to the (book). Say, Ie a (00k). Hold wpa cree in de air and owine it with sour Mg, Whats chs? ‘Quuline one circular object m the picture with your finger hook. I's @ eirele Show me a circle Say, 0% a efrele CTs CHILDREN'S RESPON: anak children ta iste, pon, and repcat Ths @ eeFoRe THE BOOK ‘Creating interest Pace pene paper maker, book, dei on {he wie Hol up each object and sy, 8a (Get Roccszage lien to repent each ten after you, Thon al cron, sso, 8 ‘usw he abject onthe table: Sy, (0), ge ime the (ar), Gide he els ad ta he ‘or sve gives you the su. Then say, Thank you [Repeat this exchange with several hilton. Hold up paper circles of diferent sie eo rs and soy, This iva ciel. Give cae etl a Liston, point and repeat: This ix penell. This is paper. This is « marker. This s chalk, This is Book. This shu, Poin tothe (book! in the Piet 1 (book). Wea cirde. Pienaar. $e ‘Lookal te crenlar object Outing other civelar objects es elree, Lene een e nema niniemneai ‘ile an ask him or her to outline the ele With his oF her Finger and repeat, This isa eile ‘ook at ube bunny puppet and sy, Stina me a arcle. Sunny Bunny can point 16a cise ie the lassroom, outline it with its hand, and say, This {sa eirte Invite children to point to oljects shaped lke circles, such asa lock, wheel, or Dutton, trace them with thie fingers, and say, Tris i weiner © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities a Play Dough Circles Give each ehild some play det and a jar ld oF paper cup t0 use fs acter Invite children to flatten the pi dough and wise the lds or eu to eut out play ough elzles. Ask children to hold up thei cir- ‘los and say, Tis & a crc. Fig ices Pampers sate cre pups wing hearg-naper circles for heads and popsicle sticks for holies. Encourage children to draw a face on the ciele with erayons, cut and gine yarn ‘nthe head for hai ant glue the head to & popsi- tle stick. Ash eilren to se the words scissors, crayons, cut, glu, and dria a they wes, and toask far materials they need, for example, Give ame the (ge). They ean 88 their puppets 0 alle twith one another Puppets can say, Hell, My name fs; Goad-bye; and Tank you Workbook: Page 4 TE: Page Di Teaching Tip Remember tha childre lear by doing handsom sctvities. Provide tive and sae fbr these mean. ingfol experiences v4 Practice ern eat eg ARENA ARR obj += To dently classroom objects 1 To identify shapes: circle + To name colors: ed, blue To understand prepositions: iy, ‘Vocabulary crayon, seisiors, glue, pone, paper, marker ‘book, chalk, box, boy ge, wach, viele, blu, red, class: Aetfonse march jump, walk, dacs, pul Materials penels; paper markers; books; chalk sal box: le; sesors crayons, maskin tape Qe USING THE BOOK Pio! a penis in the Petre Dictionary Ask ‘halen olsen, poi, nl repeat: Thi i a boy. "Thin i a gir. This is a teacher: This is a elr- cle, This i'm crayon. Thi is be. This fs red, Polat to each picture inthe Picture Dictionary. TS this a (bo¥) ora (aie)? ‘Outline the creas with your fer: Wha this? ‘Mode! the ans t's a elrcle, What's this? ecite the “Cirle, Carle chant, using Suny ‘Bunny to introdiice hand movements Ask ei fren to recite the chant with you Circe, circle, (Ousine a cirele) 00k, look, look. (Pint to your eyes) ‘Bunny draws a czele (Sunny Banay ws crayon to cull ete) {a the book, book, book. (Point to te book) Draw the circles as you say the chant. Color the lecles. Ca ES @ seFoRE THE BOOK Creating Interest Play the necording to introduce children tothe “Show Me" song, Use all :he class room objects chien know At the end of each verse, choose a child to point out where the objects are in the classroom. Show Me (sung io the ane of “ave Fox Ever Seen @ fase?) ‘Show me the eicles, the eicies,the cree, Show mie the ctcles that are in or elas. Listen, point, andl repeat "This is a boy. Ths is ‘a girl. This isa teacher. This tsa elrele, This Js-a crayon. This is bive. This is red. 105 4 (boy). esa circle, Recite the chant and reat hand movements Circle, iret, (Quine a ciete) ook; lonk, look. (Poin o your eyes) ‘Bunny draws a cielo (Duthne a circle) in the book, boak, oor. (Point tothe book.) mas enolase sul (Culdren draw the etreles while repeating the chant Color the citeles a Place » number of classroom objects on the table. Ask children to point tothe (pen), and say 10% @ (pencil). Them hold pa BOX ant ‘sah Ths Usa. lite children to repeat after {ou This és a bat. Place the box on the table and ‘3, The bar is on the table, Point to the objects ‘ne by one, mame them, and say, The (penetl) 19 ‘au he table, Ask a hl C0 ze! de (pencil) i the haa te ei hand i placing iin the box. Then say, Due (pencil) ia in the ba. Tell culdren, Put the (crayon) om the table or Pub the (crayon) in the bre and encearage the rest Of Ihe elas6 to clap to stow thet appeal © arter THE BOOK Games ond Activities Circle Game Explain that you ure going to lay Follow the Leader around 2 cice Da a chalk cielo outside or make a missking tape citcle on the classroom floor. Extend your hands as you tell children, Las mato a eve. Explain sas you wil be the frst Ieacer and they will follow you around the eile. March around the etele chaning, Marr on the eirete, march, ‘marek, mareld Bncourage chien to chant ith {You Iniroduew other aetions, such as jump on ue efvee, walk the eke, ad dace on he ciel. Invite a child to be leader: When children fare eomfortale with the Sour aesions, add the ‘aration using: Say, emp in the cbr, jam jem, juampl, eile demonstrating the ation Workbook: Paye 5.1 Pog (Chants help fanillagize children with the sound ‘of spoken English. Use natural Phim, saws, ‘and intonation when practicing chants. DARA AAR DUD DUD Doe ee ee 8 8 wn ee ew sabe | Te z 6) z £ () Unit 1 Colors: red, blue AD Del Va PPOSSHOOHHHHOOOHOHHETOOETETHEESOLY Application s + Toname colons rod blue ‘To identity shapes: cieie To count objects: 1 Vocabulary red, ble, circle, one; Aethomss dra; se, ead, work Materials Fd Box with red objects Blue Box with blue objects; red and hive crayons; constzuction peper fed and blue finger paint @ USING THE BOOK Pen PEAS r t t ' 1 | Polat to te red objeets one ty one and asec | den co point an repent This ire {Point ro the blue objects one by one a ask chi |, ren to point and repent: This is blue. {Point wo the re objects one by onc. What cole {is ie? Model che response, Ie ed. What color is ict | Show me a red erayon. What colorist? 1 ' ' ' 1 i ' 1 ' ! Point tothe emyon snd ask children to listen and repeat: One erayon ‘Show me something red. Say, I¢ red, Use a red erayon vo draw eee around he red shoe. Make a elrele around the red things Repeat tis paver wing the coor ae oat to the red objects and peat Ms is red. Poin 0 Ge blue objects and repeat This blue, Wee red. Hold up aed crayon. 1s red, One crayon. Point toa picture ofa re object. It re Draw re ete around the red objects Hold wpa bve crayon. ts blue. One blue ‘crayon. Point to pieaue of a bine object. Tes ‘ine. Draw blue eres arama te blue objets © BeroRe THE BOOK Creating interest Bring u Red Box and a tite How to class Pat red ‘objects in the Red Hox and ble objects in the Blue Box. Reach yen hand into the ed Hox and Pick out te chjeets one at ative. Hold up each ‘ject and say, 15 rr. Then bald up tle objects fone by one wl ask, Je Snot? Enconnnge es dren to elap and say, Yo. Repest this etivity with the bine objects inthe Ble Box Make simple drawings of classroom vbjeets on the board. Model how to make a circle around wean nin bees innate ‘anc of the cbyects: Then invite afew children to make a circle around the ote jects as ou ‘3, Make a eirco around the Ask children to point to red and he ofyeets in the elussroom.Tlicate the walls, shsives, andl children’s clothes as you say, Shove me some thing (red), Respond, Yes, (Ana). 10s (red). © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities "Ths Ts the Way Children sing this song and imitate your gestures wy’ sing each verse ‘This Is the Way (sung to the te of “This Is the Way We Wash Dur Cotes") This is the way we draw a circle, dea a cite, draw a cite “This the way we draw a circle, ‘So-eary in the monn (Aid verses with aetions for use our emmys, read out books, use ou eis, and wor at school) Finger Paintings Invite children to make ‘Anger paintings on top of crayon back grounds. Ask them to choose a red oF blue trapon and ws i ta calor most of de paper. erin them to press hard with be erayon. After the backaround ls colored with one colo, they ‘can use flager palm of tbe other eo to create brant two-color pictures. Make a Re. andl Blue Gallory to disp the paintings in the elasseoom. ‘eoshing Tip When introducing 4 song, play the recorded ver- sion or sing i yourself several times. Encoueaye fect child to join ithe singing when rea Application To dently classtoom objects 4 To answer qustions {Ta wwe songs 0 learn words and sentences Vocabulary ‘rayon, scissors, glue, chair, table, door class, ‘game; Aethoms: play stand up it down, march Materials Pietune Cards #1 —6; scissors heavy paper crayons; directs for the Memory Gao (see page xiv) . ' ' ' 1 Pontus de pictures. Is this « Cerayon) or a { oor? {| Point to the doce tnes nd mode euting {the dotted ine. Hand cmt the sekssors. Cut on 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 t e the dotted lines. Collect the scissocs att hooks. Let play the ‘Memory Game, ‘Show chien the pletne, “My Classroom the Warm 2p page and pol to he chen play- sng the Memory Game. Model how wo yy. Put the cards om the table. ‘Turn over two pleture Say Ue words. (crayon) (book) Are they the same? Yes. Tske the pair ‘Are they the same? No. Tum the cus back Ask children to choose partners an it in pal Let play the Memory Game. @ BEFORE THE BOOK Creoting Interest Review the wor an the Picture Cards, Place the Picture Cards facedown on the table. Turn ne ‘aver and ask, Je Uns « (shade? oro (lade)? Choose a child xo answer, is 0 Bem ten sng" Me ite end of cach verse, ask n child to ve you the objector Prtare Card of the oft. PS It a (door). Gat on the dott tines Rou books and scissors, Wate, isten, and repeat: Cerayon) (00K) (ey ‘Chow parmers and pay the Memory ( Give Me (sing to the tne of “Did You Ever See Lassie”) Give me the crayons the erayons he crayons. Give me the eravens tate i our clas raw a pieture ofa erayon an heawy paper and rmoke a dented rectangle around it Hold up the Seissors snd! model ening on the dotted live, Ask children to use pretend scissors to eut © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities Picture Cards Invite chides fo make their own picture cards Hand out paper, slsiors, and cravons and demonstrate how ‘make cards showing other classroom items, Such as pencils, paper, markers, ad chalk Then ‘encourage children to ge them to play the Memory Game. WN share a Chair Ser up chairs and music GAME scm the Audiocassette, Level {for coup- orative game of musics! chaits. Bach time there is ‘ne ea Tess, the clr rst squeeze tet Prt ft in the remaining chairs, Before the music Starts tll children to stone! wp, and ask a child to pil away ane over. Star: the usc and say, Mavea! Stop the music and say, Sit danon! KE Workbook: Page 7. TE: Paget Teaching Tip When intrviicing 2 new activity or gue, itis ‘often & good idea to demonstrate it in font ofthe lags several limes before asking children to doit on their own, eee a a a a a a a a 9 HHNNNHNNENH DOHA EMIAAIIMR ¢ Pe EE Vpn aye eee Activities for Developing Conversations EEA LO AE TT I LIE ACEC IO SLENDER TEE LE VLE LEE L OR Objectives + To identity classroom objects + To introduce oneself and exchange greetings + To identity shapes: cio + To deatty colors rt, hee Vocabulary crayon, acistors, glue, chat, table, door, pencil paper, marker, chalk, book, fiend ll, good bye, boy, ga ciel, red, blue, Aetions: wal, mare, sump, dance, stop Materials Pleture Cards #1 é erayons or markers bingo ‘boars made with heavy faper and divided into {our sections with simple drawings of elassroom, objects: seraps of colored paper for game; mark fers ck red and hve teripera pnt paper Cctcles ina vanety of sizes, soges; yarn ire thes harry GAMES AND ACTIVITIES NOTE: This page contains additonal aetiities to thaneo oral language develaginent They can be done with the whole class or setup in Learning Centers, BES Aca the chien to lose their eves. Then place one vocabulary item ina soek (erayon, Eve, chalk, marker, peneil. Invite one chile $0 lose his o her eyes, ut hai in the sock, and ame the object Aer the ehild names the object, he oF he may choowe another objet pt n the sock forthe next eluld to name. vocabulary Bingo wile childfen to ply a gane of Bingo Teachers must make Bingo ears fr eae chi Dive he cardi four boxes art mae tm ple drasng of air eiors yin, pene tant ook, door, o,f ce, ned oF hue cachibox Encoutage children paper trackers io cower their suates the names of objects ae calle Fegwve wa Teac chile the chant. Then invite them to forma eile. Give simple rhythae instrumenis ‘Children can wall mareh, jump, and dance around the circle tapping rhythm sticks, beating ‘drums, o clanging eymals as they ehant along tothe boat, KE We Walk ‘We wall and we salle and we walk and we stop ‘We sll and wo eae and we walk an we stp, ‘We walle and we seal and we walle at we wll, ‘We aelle snd we walle and ye walk ancl we stop, Greeting Game Incite children fo stand n'a ete Std inside the circle and we Sy Bunny ep on mod he following een: Hello My Iran fo Let he buy aswel fy namie Senay Bang, Tet move axon dn ce aad repeat this conversatan wih ev Int ele co frm two tees, the outalde cil fares tal the inside ire {ui Ut. Ask the eile each ete to mine in appoate directans unt you, Sta. Then ict em eid practice the geting with the chit ‘acing histo her We About It Ite children to return to the Warm Up page, “My Classroom," and respond (o questons for requests, sueh 25, What is is? Was estor bs 1? Show mo a ‘Cloge the ook and use the colored objects nthe Coloe Boxes as you ask, What colorist? [EEA Ne Friend reich children the song. Sing several tinsel st the end of each verse point to a child who responds, My name is A New Friend (sung to the tune of "ary aut Lite Lan") ‘Ana has 2 ney friend, new trend, Ai as 2 ne frien What is your name? Prosect. Circle Mobiles Invite children to se sporiges to paint paper ci les of iffereal sizes with red and Be tempera Dalnt. When the cirles are dry, pune! holes in then sad string them with sam to wire elathes hangers to hang and dangle. Give children an ‘opportunity 0 talk about their mobiles. Help thom say, [05 0 cia, M8 re, and fs bee to sere their project, ow ent Workbook: Page 8 TR: Paye 98 Little Booke My Class Teaching Tip When children wren pais, provide sport for the less confident speakers by matching them ‘with more verbal parmers. Keep the activities sor al ively 8 Assessment | Objectives + "Tosa the eo ‘this unt ‘Vocabulary crayon, scissors, gle, cla table, door, pent paper market, chalk, book, cree, rod, bine; ‘Actions play Materials Iheaxy enrboart eissors red and bine consirue tion paper, smal objects or paper serps for pame markers large chart paper Ted and blue athens ec snd blue challe pts and language learned in @ USING THE BOOK ‘Show elidven the red and bu disks. Let them Dractice dropping the disk and naming the cole Let's play a game! Point io the game hoe and model how te play Drop the disk Name we colo Ite (red). Move the marker tothe eleset (ve) block, Go to (red), What is ie? Nome the object pictured. esa (door). Model with two children tang tums unl hey wnvderstand how to play Divide eblldron ino pairs Now you play the fame, Wil arn the room nnd Help children ‘lay the game. Whem etidren have fished, ket dhem pay a var ation ofthe ne: Meret how ta pont to the {core blocs and name ther sing the fll: me pattem: red, blue, red, blue, ' @ BeFore THE BOOK Creating Interest Make a volored disk by enting owt a eteleo¢ ‘acavy cagdbourd about 8 centimeters across and a blue one on the ether, av caloe the two aves sng red and blue rvarkers, Spin or drop the disc n isedge and when i falls over, ask ‘hile to name the eolor that i showing, ‘This time, as you spin or drop te disk, choose @ child to naz the color and pola to something FEISS ea ! Practice dropping the disk and nazi the color Ieered, Listen for instructions Follow lous ii ret the teacher's words It (red). Ie a (door). Find partners and ply the game Phy a vaaton of he gue. Name the oaored blocks in sequence: red, blue, red, bine. ‘ue a rel construction paper eirele on canes roa cle in te oom tha is that calor. Then deseribe the object and the color: fe a (crayon). At (red. © Arter THE BOOK Now Game Board Draw a chalk version of dhe game boar in the book ontside in the playftround. Use reel and blue challe for squares ‘and simple tine drawings for objects. Aske one Chil to he the spinner Heo she should spin foe te players and eall out ved or blue. A player can ‘nen jump to the squae avd all ou the ranwe of ‘he object If chil! does not remember the same, he or she gots baek one space Color Graph Organize a visual eavenger hunt Attach a tong sect of paper to the all Divide it doven the mile. Use markers to dtr a red Xa the top te left column and Die X atthe top of she right one. Ask children to logkexround the ree for red and blue objects ‘Let then ale tars drawing pictures of the re ‘objects under the red! X and the blue objects ‘under the ble. Ask theus ta say or repeat the color and naune of each object (blue) (book) 85 they ds i Workbook: Pago 9. TE: Page Teaching Tip During assessient, ony demonstrate nov to play the game, Do not model the sentences yon want children ws PRAHA LHAO.OAADAAEO. 0. Re eee nw Coe a oo ‘To idensify parts ofthe body ‘To name pants ofthe body ‘To namne colors getow, green To review colors re, Bue ‘Ta count objects: 1-2 ‘To review shapes: eirde ‘To dentiy flings: happy, sad ‘To make polite requests (reuse) ‘To understand comands + To understand questions ( Wit is Uns? {5 this —_? Are these?) + Toreview tne prosent fons» + To use possessives: may + To mdersiand prepositions: Jront of, been * To review prepositions. om, + To understand plural nourss Learning Strategies and Thinking Skils * To we prior knowiedge + To mpeat words and sentences, T listen to language models listen to and follow dicections + To categorize objects by eoloe lay games using prepositions, body pars, classroom abject, and colors + To.use visual and auditory cues *# To use mime and gescure + To use chants and songs to leam words ad Ten Ant "To draw aself portrait a ‘To make a book of action To use classroom objects to make people ‘To draw and color people using erayons and cutouts ‘To draw pierures of body pats Language Arts: To listen to and say chants ‘To role-play conversations Go iecct. Man: Tocamsno to Mute Tosngsows Boston g Gros Te make peo be “To make clreular cracker faces from small boxes snd card Materials + Sunny Bunny puppet + Audiocasserte, Level | Red and Yellow; Close Your Eyes; One Hand; ‘Two Byes; Head and Armas, Legs and Toes; Point to Your Fingers; Open, Close Theme Hokey Pokey instrumental) + Picture Cards #7 — 12 representing eyes, rose, mouth, ear, arm, leg, ‘+ Student Book, Level |, Tell Story: Ian! ‘+ Workbook, Level 1, pages 10~ 17; Latte Book: Colors + Red, bine, green, and! yellow eragoms or markers selssors staple, glue; paper hag, ‘small box: small cards; chart paper: con stmiction paper; heavy pupen Green Rox with green object; Yellow Bax with yellow ‘objects; paper elteles of aitferent sizes ad ‘colors, outline of elown face: velero eyes, nose, an mouth ball: books; yell and blue finger paints; maral paper; empty food bhowes and eardboant tubes yarn; fa ant body cutouts from magazines; round erack- ers; spreads such as peauut butter or cream encese; small foods such as raisins, olives, pineapple chunks, or earrr sticks, poster fof cartoon character or eben’ TV persanality pI Key Vocobulory KE eyes, nase, mot, ears, cS, legs Extended Vocabulary ‘0en, yellow, ball, head, hands, fingers, fet, ‘oes, two, hai, happy sad here, clown, ‘Actions listen, look, smell, dria, Kick, bounes, ro, cateh, throw, wiggle, swim, yawn, wash, cun, nap, stand on tiplnes, sha, point to, touch, move, stretch, pen, elase Recycled Vecabulary and Aetions ‘2H bog, hank you, and up, st down, clap, dbtace, ft dew Lon This is my ‘These are my Creed aa ‘Are those __? Are those __? ‘ik the ball. Touch your Pt your uptown, Let count den A Lets play! B Kick) the ball A OK A Give me the (book), please Here, A: Thank you S: (Crving) "1: What’ the matter? S: Tin my (arm), 7 Lots wird. Iwill Be OK. nk ‘Ask chiliren co show funily members how 0 use ‘ho Bieture Caras on page 16 to play the Memory Gane. hwite them 10 teach someone at ort he Engst words and play the game with them ‘Aska child role a ona large pines of paper (or several papers taped totter). Mace arour his or her body witha market vite several ehldren to draw a mouth, aos, eyes, and ears on the face. Other children can Volunteer to dene bal clothes, and shoes onthe eldsiaed "tol." Display the doll on abolletin boars ot wall. Place identical arows near each body part Let ele den exprinent with ning body Parts 35 they postion te arows Teaching Te you nave a small lass, you may want wo make Iesized figures ofeach eh, Then children cat tue crayon in “dress” themselves an point out yas of thet baie Te Warm Up Objectives TP listen to and follow directions * To understand commands 1 To review colors red, Bue 1+ To marys colors: yolow, grown Vocabulary ir, bay, green, yellow, ball, Actions: ste, Took, sell ink, kick, Bounce, 10, eat, duow Materials Green Box with green objects; Yellow Box with yellow objects; bal , 1 I 1 t 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' t 1 1 t 1 ' ' ' Lu @ USING THe BOOK Dae * CHILDREN'S FESPONSE + Poin tothe pietre and asl children to listen, bolt to the pietre, anid peat: Look at the boys. Look at che girls Point to whe boy. Say, This is a boy. Pointto the boy, Hold your hand up to your ey ‘The boy is listening. Listen Point to the gil Say, This isa girt Poin tothe girl sveling the flower. Sif ich you nose. The diel is smelling. Smell Point tothe seated land nse gestures to show ‘anmking, The ttl is drinking. Drink Pit a the boy ling othe ground, Point to your eye, The buy looking. Look. @ BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest Ttroduce children to the word fésten by playing music and cupping your ear. Help them understand look by pointing £0 something in the distance. fnreduce smell by saffing a ower Model teint by swallowing wates. Ask chiléren to perform the actions You name them. Bg] Hote up att ands, 0 9 ta. asc dren, What is if? Help them respond, J's a batt. Then use che ball to model kick, bounce, roll catch, and throw, Ask ebildren to perfors the ations as yon call them out Listen, point, and repeat: Look at the boys. Look at the girls Point to the bey This 8 2 boy. Hold hand up co eae Point tothe gh This isa gi Sniff wit nose Pantomime drinlang, Point to eye. Look ‘Mate the conversation with 2 chil. Th ask children (o practice with partner Ac Lats play! 1: (kick) the bad, 0K! Pick a blade of grass or display a green lea: Say, 13 green. Display the Green Box with green tebjects: Hold up the objects one by one and say, Irs green. Place the objects baci the box, hold then! up one ty one, andl ase, What color is it? Help them answer, 128 groom, Repeat his activity holding up yellow objects from tho Yellow Box. © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities Red and Yellow Inirdce children to the song. Divide children into four groups. Ask one group tw hold up their red ‘crayons and the others 19 each hold up blue, ‘green, and yellow crayons. Encourage chilfen to ralse thelr crayons each Vine thes sing their olor Red and Yellow (sung to the tune of "London Bridge") est and yellow, ive and green, Biue and green, blue and green, Redland yellow, blue and green, Colors! Calor! Colors! Workbook: Fase 10, TE: Page 94 Teaching Tip Always use hand and body movements 0 model actions, Chuldren learn hom seeing ther teacher model movertent speech, and actions Presentation Objectives + Ta name pasts ofthe boy ‘To identi parts of the body * Ta nse chante 19 lear words 4 To understand plural nouns Vocabulary ee5, nose, month, ea, ams, legs; Actions: sland up, open, close, wide, sit down, elap Materials Picture Cards #7 ~ 12; chalk Point 1o the body paris in the picture and ase lilren to isten, point, and repeat Ths is a eye. This Is a nose. This is a mouth. This is fan ear. This isan arm. This is les. ‘Show me a (nose). Say, Phis is a (nose). Pinto leg). What is this? Model the answer: "This isa (eg). What is this? Point to ane eye This is an eye, Repeat. This is an eye. Pinto oth eves The ‘These are eyes. Pinto the picture and ask children to listen, point, and repeat: These are legs. These are ‘arms. These are eyes Pojntro pictues. Are these (eyes) oF (legs)? re eyes, Repeat, @ BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest Use Snnny Bunny to point to the different. parts of one child's body a8 you sane them: eye, nose, mawth, ear, arm, fg. Encourage chil fren to say each word as you point to the different body parts. Then invite chien to stand lup ana play’ game. Say, Point 10 your eyes, a8 ¥you model the action, Encourage children to touch the different parts of their bodies as you name them. Listen, point and repeat This isan eye. This is 4 nose. This is a mouth, This i an ea. This is an arm. This isa leg Poiok wo a (nose) Thies (nose). "This i a leg). ! ‘This is an eve. "These are eves. Listen, point, and epest: These are legs, These are arms, These are eyes, ‘These are (eyes), Play the recording te introduce children to “Close Your By23 "Show ehildven how to perform the actions 23 vou model them, Close Your Byes Close your eyes Open your eves Open your mouth Close your mouth (Close your eyes tight) (Open your ever wide) (Open your mouth wie.) (Close your mouth rghit.) Wiggle your arm, (Wiggle one arm.) Wiggee your leg, (Nigale one leg.) Now sit down, Gitdown) ©) arter THE BOOK Games and Activities Point to It Place the Pichure Cards on the BSA ssa where all ctidren can see thew, Say ‘he name of one picture and ask a child to point tit, Then soy to the whole class, Pint 10 your ‘When all children have pointed to the cormeet body part, say Very Good! Clap! Body Movements Ask chiiren to watch you vory carefully and eall out the nase of the part of your face ot body that you move Demonstrate the game by slowly closing your eve as you say, eve. Then perform actions such a8 ‘pening Your mouth, wiggling your nose, touch- dng your eat, and moving your arms. Play the same again, making the movements smaller this ‘ume. Then asc a child tobe the leader and move parts of his or her face and body ‘Workbook: Page 11, TB: Page 9 Teaching Tip Activities should be short and varied. Let difer: ‘ent children partiipate in each activity so they all have a chance without making any paricnlae ‘tity last C00 Jon. Practice Objectives To name colors: geton, green + To count objects 7 2 1 Ta use chants to lea words ‘Vocabulary head, hands, fingers, cir, eet, toes, legs, ans, yellow, green, evo Materials czayons (including two each of green, and ye Tow) chart pape: books; markers; paper circles of different sizes snd colors Gmina ‘TEACHER TALK Eas Listen, point, ana repeal: This isa head. These Point to the pictures in the Picture Dictionary land asl cllren to ster, poe, and fepeat: This fsa head. These are hands. These are fn gers. This isn eile, These are fect. These are (oes, These ure legs. These are arms, Point to the (head). Say, (head). Point to the yellow crayon. Show me some: ‘thing yellow. Say, t's yellow: Draw a line from che yellow erayon to something yellow: Repeat chis procedure until ehilaren have drawn lines from te yellow rayon to all the yellow objects Point fo the green erayons. Lets count | them. Show me something green. Sax, ‘They're green. Draw a line from the green, crayons to something green. Repeat this pro ‘cedure until ehilren have drawn lines from the trven crayons to all the green ejects © BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest Inwoduce the “One Hana” chant and encourage children to repeat it several times, Hold wp oF point co the body part as you name it Then performs the actions indicated One Hand ‘One band. Two Hands, One arm, Two arms ‘One leg. T90 legs. Look ae! ‘ave hands) (old up arms.) damp.) {Point to yourselt) are hands. Those are fingers. This isa ele le, These are feet. These are toes. These fre legs. These are arms. Point tothe (esd). (ead), Point to the yellow cravan. Poin to something yellow. Tes yellow. Deaw a line from the yelaw “rayon to something yellow, Repeat forall the yellow objects Pont to the green crayons One, two, Point to something green. They're green. Draw a line from the green crayons to something green, peat far all the green chjec, Hold 1to green crayons wp one aba time as yout count, one, neo. Repeat this with two chals, 10 boys, and wo yellow erayons. Sag Ein Karat old up yous hands one at atime and say, Les ‘count them. Gre. Too, Give each eld (0 ‘erayons and other abjeets to count. Encourage them to hold up each object and eau, one, tno © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities ‘Two Eyes Introduce and practice the chant, inviting children to paint tothe ‘body pars a8 they are named, ‘Two Byes ‘Two eyes, two eyes: One! Two! “Two ears, two ears. One! Two! Two ars, two arms, One! Tho Two hands, to hands. One! Teo! "To legs, two legs. One! Two! ‘wo feet, ta feet. One! Twa! Finors, toes ‘One mouth, one nase, EE "ere uuine bran an outine a het and torso on several pieces of chart pape: Give one drawing to each table of chen Supply there with diferent classroom objets, such as books, crayons, paper circles of different Siaes and colors, and markers, and encourage the chldren to use them fo fsh making a person, When children have completed their people, ask them to name the different body pants, Workbook: Page 12 TE: Page D4 Teoehing Tip Use ralia when showing children how to count Pornow, ask them to count objects ane by one. m2 Practice Objectives: 1 To understand questions + To use possessives: my “To identify feelings: nappy, saa Vocabulary eyes, nose, mouth, as, ams, legs, a, hands, fingers head, green, yellow, rod, ve, happy, ad Materials Plcere Cards #7 — 125 ast two crayons of ach color red, bu, mee, yellow; fae and od cutouts from maguanes; sal cards paper ‘ag: construction pap gue Q USING THE BOOK © seroRE THE BOOK Creating Interest Draw a happy face and asad face on the board Point to them in turn and ask children to say apn and sad. Pantone «lagppy person si Jing ad dancing around as you chant, aap, hoppy, hoppy. Then mize asad person Irowning and eying as you chant, sa, sad, sad. knate children to iitate you and repeat the chant Point wo several children and say, Be happy! or Be sad! and help them make the appropriate face and borly motions aoe TEAS | san ask tildes to listen, poi ad repeat: This ‘ts nin This is yellow. This is grcem. This irk. is sad. This boy is happy. This is « mouth. ‘These are even Point tothe pictues in the Piewuse Dictionary. Is this a (mouth)? Are theve Ceyes)? Accent Hes 1 or No answers Point to Sunny Bunny Sunny Bunny & alone. He needs a friend. Deaw your picture next to Sunny Bong, Model by drawing a picture of ourself in your book. Hold up your picture, point at various parts, and askeculdren eo tach the body pare you name land repeat This is my (head). These are my co) Ask for volunteers to show their pletures to the 1 i | Pine o each netre in the Pitre Dictionary I Listen, point, and wept: Thi is hale This is ‘yellow. This is green. This get i sad. This boy is happy. This isa month. These are eyes. Yeu. No. Draw pictures of themselves next fo Suna Bunn I och te Ces) and repeat Tas is my | (ead), Touch tet rms) These are my | Camm) t Show ther pictures othe lass. { Before class, hide two oF mote ted, blue, ane green crayors i visible places. Tel children, {see somethine (ved). Ask them vo point to (eed) things they see, Then tel children, F see sama hing Cred). sa crayon. Invite a child to move aroand te ror until he or she finds a (re) ‘rayon. Encourage children to clap whem each ‘rayon is found and say, 1s (red) © arter THE BOOK Gomes and Activities Show Me an Bar Cut out pleturos body parts from old magazines or draw your o¥™ ‘and glue them on small cards. Collector draw ‘enough parts so each child can have one. Place the items in a paper bg and invite each child 10 take one. Say, Sow wer (on 7), and ask he eildgen bo have that thvn 0 hold Kup, ASK, What is it? Cikdven respond, I's (an ear). Invite children to exchange cutouts and repeat the activi =| ‘Cutouts Invite children to glue ther cutout om a place af paper and draw in the rest of the person. For example, a child might gle an feyeto the paper and then draw the ine of 2 ead, adding the other eye, a nose, and a mouth ‘As children work, poin co their pierre and ask, Isusa ora? Ave these? Workbook: Page 13. TE: Page 94 Teaching Tp Giving children opportunities to handle objects and move around as they speak helps them relax land absorb these new words and pheases Application Objectives + Ty name parts of the body + To make polite requests + To identify feelings happy, sod Vocabulary Jeg, mouth, nose, eye, ea, aem, head, Le, Hal clown, thank you, here, happs, sa Materials our crackers; spreads such as peanut butter or cream cheese; small fouds such as raisins, olives, piuespple chunks, orcarot sticks; outhne of lawn face; velero eyes, nose, and mouth @ usING THE BOOK @ BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest Make a clowns face with a veleeo snourh, se ‘and eyes. Point to the face and tell children, f° 2 ‘leven. lve then to place the eves, nose, and mouth on the clown. Show them how the clown’s expression changes when you place the mouth in ‘suling or afrowning position, Ask them, Is the clown happy or sad? Invite cbitdren to play with the clown and make its face happy oF Sad BEE 27 conversation wh a td Then ake pairs of children fo practice i Pac pe I Point tothe pleture ofthe clown and ask chile ‘ren co listen, point, and repeat: This Is & clown. Ponto eliferent parts of the clowns face and body and ask children to listen, point. and repeat: This is the clown’ eye. This is the lown's nose. This s the clowns mouth "This is the clown’s ear. This is the clown's arm. This is the clowns leg. Point tothe clown's (foo). Is this the clowns (eye)? Ts this the clown's Coot)? Point tothe clown As the clown happy or sad? evs count the clown's (eyes). Point 0 them fone by one as children count Listen, point and repeat: This isa clown, Listen, point, and Fepeat This Is he cow's | eye. This is the clown's nose, This is the ‘loven's mouth. This is the elown’s ear: This | isthe clown’ arm, This is the clown's leg, No. Yes. ! Tes happy: t Poin and count: One, two. 1 ' ' A: Give me te Mook), please Bi Here A: Thank you © arter THE BOOK ‘Games and Activities Head and Arms, Legs and Toes Introduce children to the song. Encourage them to touch each body part as they sing it Head and Arms, Legs and Toes (sing (0 the tune of “Head and Shoulders") Head and ams, ls and toes, legs and toes Lael and arms, logs and ies, Jeg and toes ‘Mould and eves andl hair and nose, Had and amu, logs nnd ies, Jes nd toes. PyA ccvcker Faces Provide round crackers, spread (peanut butter, cream cheese, or another popular spread, ard smal foods such as alsin, olives, pineapple chunks, or carot sticks to uso to make a face. Ask ehildren to outline the crackers with their fingers and ay, It's a cive Invite children to tall about, ereate, and eat the crackerace sacks, Teaching Tip ‘When achild has difficulty responding orally, rmoitel the expected response and invite hin oF her to repeat it after you m4 Application Objectives + Toidentiy parts ofthe body + Toa parts ofthe body + To understand commands Vocabulary 3s, nose, mouth, arms, legs, feet, ears, head, toes, hair, gers; Actions: win, yanen, wash, ‘teow, rue listen Materials scissors; heavy paper: stapler Polat tothe picture. The ge is swimming. Pina tthe gin arms and legs, These are her aris. These are her legs. Swim. The gil is ‘washing. Point cote git hands, These are ther hands. Wash your hands. ‘The boy is running. Point to the boy's tees ‘These are his legs, Run. The boy is yawning. Point to the boy's mouth. This is ls mouth Yawn, "The gir is throwing. Poinc m the gis arms “Those are her arms: Throw. The boy is lis ‘tening. Pout tothe boy’ ear This is his ear Listen. Point to he dotted lines. Cut on the dotted lines, Let's play a tistening game. Show me the picture. Rum. Listen. Soin, Wash. Yawn. Throve 15 @© BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest Fea ser ech ore ftowing words and mode! the actions swim, wash, ri, yawn, rae, and ston, Them ask children to petforrn each aetion as you call out the wortts Perfon ‘he actions as yon say the wordo to provide chil dren wit) & model Make asad face, hold your arm. and say, Thart my arm. Repeat this with 9, hand, and finger: Role-play the conversation wth Saray Panny’ Then play the reeording several EIS Listen, Pantomime swing Listen Paromime washing ther hands ster. Partornime running. Listen, Yaw, t Listen, Pantomime droning. Listen Hold hand to carta show listening Car onthe dotted tines Listen for mstructions | old up the plese that shows each action, | times. At the etd of each conversation, let the class chant, (arm), Corn), farm), tepeating the Dod part the chill says he or she hurt 8 (Crying) ‘T What's the matter? S: Lhuve my arm), 1, Lets wash i, Ie will be OK Draw a picture ofa body parton heavy paper and ‘make a hice dotted rectangle around it. Holdup the selsors and mode! euting on the doted line. Ask children conse pretend seissors to cut © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities FE] vim, ans THe ow Say cach of he fotow- Ing words and model che aevions: sw wos, mn, yoren, throw, and listen. Encourage cult to perform the wetions as yon say the ‘words. Then guide them in pointing to the body parts they use to perfor each action and reaming them: (ares), (les) Action Cutouts nvite children to make a book by stapling together the action pic tures they cut out of heir books. They eau use. their books Iter to review the actions and name the body parts Hey use co perform them. Workbook: Page 15. TE: Page 94 Teaching Tip ‘Through repetition, children will earn co pestor the actions as you name them. Da wot expect hldren ty name them on their ow ae this time o> Activities for Developing Conversations | REPRE IETES aT a Rn EC SR ETS ae Rare NM ERVIN ol + To identity parts ofthe body + To name colors: yellow, green + a review colors red, Blue + Toxeview shapes cirele + To understand commands Vocabulary ‘e785, nose, mouth, ears, arms, legs hal hands, Fingers, 6, toes, green, yellows, Actions: point 19, touch, move, stretch, Wiggle. draw Moterials Piceure Cards #7 ~ 12; poster of cartoon charac: ter or ehiideen’s TV personality chart paper; crayons or markers yellow atid blue finger paints; mural paper; empty ford boxes and card board cubes; yam: face cutouts from magazines ‘GAMES AND ACTIVITIES NOTE, This page contains adlitional activites to enhance oral language development. They can be fone with the whole class or setup in Learn, Centers, Wak About it invite eden to iste to simple instruc tions such as Put your hands behind you or Paint €0 your foes an act them out Chiktven can equ to the Warm Up page, “Here [Amt and respond to questions or requests such as, Shou ‘me the gts lp. Point to the boy's arm. Is the pit drawing? [qa Point to Your Fingers! Teach children the chant, Mode) band and body movements ant encourage children to do them with you Point to Your Fingers! Poin to your fingers! Poin to your toes! Pont to your legs! Poin to your nose! Bxtend the chant by substituting point to with touch, move, stretch, and wiggle. Use hand and bboly mavements co introduce these new actions land model them as you chant |Carton Characters Display a atge poster of a cartoon character ‘or children’s television personaly. Pott to parts ffs or her body’ and ask different children, What is tis? or What are those? Lav the class show agreement with the child naraing the body prt by touching that part oftheir own bodies as they chant the natne: (ea), (ear), (ear). Circle People rave a large circle with a smaller etcle on top for whead on several pieces of chart paper. Give one “circle person to each table of children, Ask children, Wha isi? Help them respond, [t's ‘circle Invite caren to take cams adding body parts as you describe them, say, for example, Draw a (mouth). Draw teo (arms). [Coloring Activity Display the “rele peaple® children drew in the previous act. Then review the colors by asking children to color parts of the circle people red, be, green, and yellow; sy, for exaraple Color the (cars) (blue) sily Colors wie children at each table to form a tear torplay Color Bingo. Tel them tha they wil use the cirle people they drew Call aut & body pare and a color, such as red nose. Encourage chile ‘to study their drawings and see if the nose on their cirele person is red fC leche put up ‘their hands and say, re nose. Repest this with ‘other colors aad body parts Color Mixing Invite ehren to fingenpain with a parter ‘Spread maral paper ona table and it partners teoxs frm exc other. Give ane child yellow paint and the other chil be paint. Bneouage ‘partners to nae the coors they pint toward ‘ach other ad mix the yellow and bie pai Box People Provide a lange assortment of empty food boxes nd cardboartt tubes. Model how to tap, sie hind color the boxes and tues 19 create & box person. Working in cooperative grou, children fare choose different boxes an eubes and glue them together to make box boys and girls Yarn fan be glued on for alr Paee entouts fom mags ines ean be glued on and then elothes ean be palmted on, Walkaround the room at ask, Wat {5 this? Encourage cildren to tall about the box people as they make then, and share them wth the class when they are frushed. Children can tse tei bax people for dramatic play. They may ‘name their box people and inteoduce tern to each other Workbooks Page 16.TE: Page 95. Lite Book Colars Tp CChuldren may enjoy making picture cards of classroom objects and body parts. They can take them home and show fiends and far men bers the English words they are leaning me Assessment Objectives + To assess the concepts and language learned in this ut Vocabulary ee, nose, et, mouth, arm, hand lg, green, ye low; Actions: open, case, slap, map, stand on tiploes, dane, wiggle, shake Materials crayons or maskers eee @ usine THE BOOK EN Look at the picture of the ehldron swim mint Pot the pcaue ofthe eye a the oto of tips What is Isic che hts ep tthe Doys ye? Point | cothebos. | Show me sour yellow crayon | Look, Model dawinga ie wo de boy's. Draw tne trom ue exe to the boy exe wilh a yellow eragon Repeat this par th se ote icases | Ma hist Ee he (as) (none)? Point | eo the (al. Show me your (ed) crayon | Toot Met drawing sae rte nse 2 | the Gi (nose) Draw ane from the (owe) 1 the (gi) (nose) with « 168) cnvyon Gewewowou 10 @© serore THE BOOK Creating Interest Say each ofthe following expressions and rod! the getions: hana up, hands down, hands ta, reat of yor, hands betind you, hands dan the table, hands in te bo. Ite ehyldeen ta Sand up and do tke actions that you name. Introduce the “Open, Clase Thetn” chant Repeat the frst verse several times before saying the second verse. Hold ap your ancl nd nse habd gnceveneuts lostate this TS nk att peture of chien swing No, Yes, Point tothe bos ole up hei yellow eran Draw a Din fom the ep 2 the how's eve sith Repeat this pattem with the otter pictures: 1s & (nose). Yes. Poin to de (gh), Hol up ther (ed) crayons: Draw alin fe ‘in18) {nose} with a (ed) crayon. ‘Open, Close Them ‘Open, close them (Open hands; close tands;) Open, close them. (Open hands; close hands) Give atte clap. (Ctap your hands ) ‘open, close them, (Open hands; close bans) ‘Open, clase them: (Open hai; elase hands) Put them i your lap (Put ands in lap.) (Potnt 19 your eyes as you introduce the second verse. Model the poem using these gestures) Open, close them. (Open eyes; close eyes) Open close thee. (Open ayes! clase eves} Give lite clap. (Clap your hans) ‘Open, close tean. (Open eyes; lose eyes) Open, close them. (Open eyes; close eves) ‘Take a litle nap. (Pat head down on table) © arter THE BOOK Gomes and Activities Ppp] te Dance Play te instental aren ment ofthe "Hokey Poke," and invite children toda a group dance activity, Model ‘standing on Your tiptoes as you tll children, ‘Stand on your Kiploes, Review othe actions learned in thi unt such as hands 19, onde ‘iow, dance, wiggie, and shake. Model the ‘achons a¢ You say the words, Then turn on the music and enconeage childzen to do the actions ‘you name 0 the music ‘Workbook: Page 17. Page 95 Teaching Tip ‘Open, Close Thetn” iva good cant C0 get ch dren's attention. Continue using t huoughont the year to help children coordinate oral expression “and physical response UNIT(3) Our Families Piranesi seme fe wretseiereties’ | neteds 4 Sotene cokes pares, orange ‘Square; This Is the Mother; One, Two. I Like sib ee os Tpasei titers | «name cones - sapere ‘erent cayenne nero tore ee aoe anne a '* To understand commands Marl To count to three ‘Bpadent Book; Level | Re eae Fanily Pienie + Workbook, Level L, pages 18 ~ 25; Lite Book: Cicles| "To make ectes and squares Pree + To understand questions (Who is this?) Seience: To mix colors + Crayons; markers; sessons sue; Purple Box £ Toreview the present tease I ‘with purple objects, Orange Box with + To ansseer questions wih who ta ‘range objets; four medium sized boxes; + To review prepositions: in + Touse prepositions: max! (0 Learning Strategies and Thinking Skills blocks; construction paper; magazines; mag azine picture ofa family; adult clothing and Drops, such as neclctes, necklaces, and ‘lasses; paper circles aad squares of dier- ent sizes and colors cardboar boxes; milk Cooking: To make round and square foods & + To use prior knowledge Mosie ‘Ty sig songs ‘cartons; vlasic bone: eel hte fet Oe {Tb listen to and follow directions ‘ures or dels large sheets of paper, small + To repeat words and sentences box red blue, and yellow finger paints; To give payscal responses in answer to avestions ‘Torse mime and gesture mural paper, play telephones: S-centimeser cardboard disks; paper markers; yar; fab- ne, popsicle ack paper plates paper + Tose ehants and songs to team words and eG, cups; napkins crcular foods suc as tices sentences JECT. or sousige or eartrs, ound crackers and zRoewtegnaeobjeetsby color | Tomuke a family oranges squatecracers squares of bred pay aga gmt aul eheese; asking tape; smal toys of vat ames of fily members Gus cology tempers paints + Tonse visa ahd auditory cues T3A, Vocabulary Key Vocabulary EXE father, mother, brother, sister, baby, grandparents Extended Vocabulary ‘purie, orange, family fie, square, house, ~ ‘en, park, at store, graadimother,granaather, thee, living 90m, dain room, bedroom, ath Actions ‘atel TY, read a book, ea, go te school, sleep, walk quickly, walk slowly, wall qoledy Recycled Vocabulary ond Actions took, bx, ello, thank yo pt, was, stop, jj, walls, wash yout and clap, march, draw ere Ins the (mother). ‘This is the im fine, ak yo How are you? Eo) ‘The —__ is (eeaeDing. Who is his Pucthe snvon the A Holl, B Helio A. How are you? B Tin fin, thank you. How are you? A: Fine, thank yon. Mia: This is my brother lass: Hello Brother: Class: Let's play! A: (Phone ringing) (Answer phone) Hello. Who is this? 1B. This is Grandmother: 4 Hello, Grandmother 1B: Hello, Pablo. oxen Invite oiler to daw pietares of their own fa lly doing something together at home. Suguest tae they take the piecure home, show it co their ‘pareots, ane ell them the English names for ‘some of the funily members and activities in the picture Bring pictures of your family doing diferent tangs to class and share thee with the children Inwite children to bring in petures of themselves with thee fares. You nay want rah parents {0 come to class and bring arly picaures with them, Parents can show he photogs to the clas, iene thelr child, and then nase the ‘other family members inthe pictare. Hang all of ‘he family photographs on the bulletin board ‘Ghldrencun take rz standing n front of the bulletin board, pointing to their picture, and nam. ing their famuly members. 138. Unit 3. People We Know Warm Up : 8 Warm Up Objectives + To ame family menibers + To name colors: purple, orange + To identity shapes: square Vocabulary farier, mother, sister, brother, baby, groudhwother, sraodtather, square, purple, orange, family ie, thank you; Aetionst read a book, eat, draw Materials Purple Box with purple objects; Orange Box with ‘orange objects; paper squares of diferent sizes and colors yarn popsicle sticks; earrot @ USING THE BOOK NY Pinto the squae tie. This isa square. Polnt to the square. Repeat. This is a square. What color is ie? Show me something orange: Pointto allthe people. The is @ family: Point fo the family, Repeat. This is 2 family Pinto each person inthe picture and ask el dren to listen, po utd repeat Ts is He mother. This Is the father. This is tte baby, "This is the grandmother, This ig the grandfa- ther. This is the sister This is the brother: Point to the sister The sister is reading a book. Movil he action Read a book, Point to the brother. ‘The brother is drawing a plecure. Draw a piture. ‘Show mie the (mother). Say, This isthe (mother? @© BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest ‘Teach chiktren this conversation one line aka time, Use Sunny Bunny to roleplay the conversation with you. Then play the recor Ing several times, courage childreu to practice the conversation with a partner X Hell B Hello, A How are you? 1B Tim ing thank you. How ate you? A Fine, thank you Listen, point tothe square, and repeat: This is a ‘square. Its purple, Poincto something range. Listes, point wo the far, sl repeats This is fas Listen, point, and repeat This is the mother. ‘This is the father. This is the babs. This is the yrandmother, This i the grandfather, ‘This is the sister This is the brother Pantoosrne teatng a bok Pantomime drawing pictare Point to ce (anther), This fs the (mother) Bring a carro to clas, show ito chen and sa, 1s arnge, Displny the Orange Box wth Drange objects Hold the objects up one by one tnd say, 1° orange. Return the objects to the box, Hold them up one by one, and ask, What ‘olor ts 2? Repeat ths aeivty holding up purple ‘objects from the Purple Box. ‘ald up paper squares of diferent sizes and cot ‘ors one at atime as you sa, J u specie. Then how children diferentsized paper squares and ‘ask, What isi? Model the answer, 108.8 speare © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities Circles and Squares Show children hav {you use yam to make a circle and popsicle sticks fo make a sae. Give childen some pieces of yar ad popsicle stiles Ite children {to experiment with hem, mag circles and squares. Wale around the classroom and ask, Is thas a circle? Is this a square? BEE This Be Wray Teach citren he song Use gestures to model the activas ‘This Ts the Way (Sang to she rune of “This Isthe Way We Wash Our Clothes") ‘This is the way we read a book, read a book, real a book This is the way we read a hook So earty in the momting (Adi verses for ent together ane draw a picture) Workbook: Page 18. TE: Page 95 ‘eoching Tip When introducing a new color, ask children to Joak aroun the room to find things that color me Presentation Objectives + Toname family members * To review shapes cele 4 Te density shapes: suave + To exchange greetings Vocabulary father, mother, sister, brother, baby, grandpat es, aly, sare Materials Picture Cards #19 ~ 18; magazine picnve of a aml; adalt clothings paper circles and squares @ UsINe THE BOOK CISA Point fo the pctare frames: 18 a (aquare). Point to the (square). Use your finger to out | tine the sare) Outline the (square) with {your finger. Say, Its @ (square). Point to te people inthe picture and as ele | dren to listen, point, and repeat: This is the | mother. These are the grandparents. This is ‘he father. This is the baby. This i he sis- | cer This isthe brot Point ro the picture. Show me the (mother), Say, This ds the (mother). | Pojntto at rally wemers "Tis i a amity | this a tamily? Help chiléren open their hooks s they ean se pages 1S and 19 opether. Point othe piehse of te (mother) on page 19, This is the (mother) ‘Then 29k cairer <9 fook a page (8. Show me the (mother). Say, This isthe (mother). m9 1 1 J @© BEFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest Use the Picture Card of the brother and Sunny Bunny to mudel the conversation. Then encourage pairs of children to play the roles Of tla and her beother. When you hold up the Pieture Card, this isa cue for the wale sass 2 sag, Beto, to he brother, Mice This fs my brother Class: Hello Brother: Hi Class Lets play! Coos Point to the (square) and trace twit the fa srs. It a (square). Listen, point and repeat "This fs the mother, "These are the grandparents. This is the Inther This Ia the hab. This is che sister, “This i the brother, Point tothe (mother). This isthe (mother). Yes This is a fai: {Lookat the picture of dhe (mother) on pag 18 and then point to the (mother) on page 18 This Is the (enatter) Bring in a maguzine picture ofa farlly oF use the Picture Cards of family members. Point tothe peo ple in the pictures and name ther, for example, ‘Tis is the CDrotner), Ask children, Wh ts dis and model the response, This the (sister) © arter THE BOOK ‘Games and Activities Square, Square. Show Me a Square. Introduce the chatd, Pace several paper squares ad circles around the oom that chi: fen ean point to Square, Square. Show Me a Square. (race square in air) Square, square. Show me a square (Coin to square object) (rave square in aie) Savare, square. ‘Show me a square. (Asie ell to point to squat object) Repeat the chant ustug the word cite Who Is 1? Let children take runs dressing up and standing infront oft class. Point to the child and ask the rest of der elas, f as the mother or the baby? Encourage chr 10 Boos who the child is dressed as. Workbook: Page 19. TE: Page 95 Teoching Tip ‘When taking more than one roe in modeling conversation, shaw who the different speakers ae by holding up Pitare Cards, oF by pointing to thee pictures inthe book ne 20 ( unit 3. Places We Go; Colors; purple, orange Practice Objectives + To name fanlly merabers 2 To identity places fanilies go together + To nawe colors: purple, range Vocabulary other, father, sister, brother, baby, Early, house, gavten, park, ear, store, grandfather, ‘grandmother, orange, pueple Moterials Picture Cards #19 ~ 18; cardboard boxers ule cartons; plastic boxes; small cars; people figures for dolls: paper circles and squares of citferent sizes and colors pape; glue; large paper bag @ vsnc we 5008 @ BEFORE THE BOOK Creating interest Review ctce and square shayes by showing ci dren yoper ciclo and suares and asking 1 0 irae or w square? Pace paper squares a cles in lace pape bag. Ask chlor ak tans picking a shape ont ofthe bag an sowing itro the class Then ak te chal at core and let him or her answer Yesot No Place Picture Cards ofthe family men bers on the board Point co the apprope ate Family member of the Picture Cards to guile Pes EI Point to the pictures in de Picture Dictionary and ask chien olsen, point te pleware ann repeat: This isa house. This isa garden, ‘This is « grandmother. This isa grandfather. ‘This is orange. This is purple. This is a baby. Paint to the pictures in the Piemre Dictionary! Show me the (house . Say, howse). ois tothe first picture. Te this family? Aske clien w listen, point ar repeat The tary is in the house, Point co an object: What color is ie? Point tothe pictures and ask childen 0 listen, point, snd repeat: The family isin the park ‘The family iv in the store."The family is in Poine toa pictures the family in the (house) 1 orn the (ear)? ‘Show me te (masher), sven, point, and repeat: This isa house. Tis is garden, This fa grandmother. This i @ grandfather. This is orange. This is purple ‘This is a baby Poine ta the (house). (house) Yes. 19 a family. Listen, point, and repeat: The family isin the house, Tes (purple). 1 Listen, point and repeat: The family is in the ‘park. The family isin the store. The thaily fin the ear “The family is in the (eae), Point tothe (mothe. cluildren as you say the “Ths Is the Molter" chant ‘This Ts he Mother Thisis the wother (clap, clap) This is the father (clap, ca) Thisis the brother. (clap, clap) This isthe sister. (elap, lap) "This is he baby: He's so smal This is the fay 1 Hove shes. al! © arter THE BOOK Gomes and Activities Play House Provide chikixen witha collec tion of people figures or dos and sal fears. Let them use exrdboaed bees lle car: tons, oF plastic boxes to make honses, parks, and ‘Stores. Inite children to move te fail igre around the places and use the language they learned to deseribe their surroundings. a Cirele and Sqnare Collages Give children paper ciecles ard squares of different sizes and colors, Invite them t make collges by gla ing the rtes an squares of thei ehojee an & Jaige sheet of paper, Encourage tant tall about the colots and shapes they choose ‘Workbook: Poge 20, TB: Page 95. Teoching Tip When asking children to repeat sentences, vou may wish fo stat withthe last word and warle toward the front (Park... in the park... The Fisnity isin the park) Tis eps them conceu- trate on speech sya and pronunciation Gstead of meaning forthe moment 720 Practice Objectives + Toname family members + To use prepositions: next to + Toname colors purple, orange + tTareview colors! re ue, yellow, groan Vocabulary father, mother, sister, brother, baby, grandmother, Put it nent to the (owe) ereyon. Mode how to place the green crayon next tothe blue erayan Repeat this activity with efor color crayons. and other classrocim objects Then ask several Ceideen to name the colors ad objects im the ‘order they appear on the table. Classmates cat clap to show their approval © BeFORE THE BOOK Creating Interest [Choose four children and line them up one nexe to the other, facing the class Point to the first two and say, Ava} is next fo (Chavite). Point to the ther two and say, (Sam) is next 20 (Helen). arandiather, purple, orange, square, Pook Aetlons: yar, walk, walk quickly, walk slowly ‘wall quietly tp, romp, march Materials crayons; paper, ger paints ET Point tothe pictures in the Petre Dictionary saul ask chidven to listen, poi the pictur, nd repeat: This ts a square. This Ty a book. This i « mother. This is a father. This isa sister, This w a brother. | Point othe pictures im the Picture Dictionary. Ts this (mother) or a (father)? Show me & (book). Say. Irs @ (book). ‘Show me your purple crayon. Model raving an outlne ofa family m your book. Draw x pie (ure of your family As children draw, walk around the room, point to Fanuly members in children's drawings ait ask Whois this? Point co to children and say, (Sarah), stand rect to (Omar). Say to another child, (Sandy), Stand next t9 (Saran). Repeat this activity sith several children Toll ehildren, Show me your (be) erayon. Puc it on the tabi, Show me your Coreen) erayon. 'S RESPONSI Liston, poi, aod repel "Ths i a square. Ts is a book. This is azmother. This isa father: ‘This is a sister. This isa brother. Tea (mother). Point tothe picture of a (000k). It a (book). Hold up their purple crayons. Draw pictures of ‘her fabs ‘Tris is my (father). © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities Fingerprint Families Let children ip the ‘up of tele Angers Into paint and make ive fingertip prints on paper. When the paint dries they can dase eves, nase, hai, ne for he fve fingertips, Eneourage th aries and ell who each family member i, Walk Quickly Let children pretend they are walking toa park: Ask then to form a cirle and walk around it Encourage thet to ay in ‘chorus, woaik, teal, a they walk: Bogin © walk more quickly and say, Walk quickly. Encourage ehildren to follow your lead. Then walk more ‘Slowly and tell children, Walk slot, Ask dean Cosiy, walk, wth, as they continue to walle ‘Then sty, Sek. Model whispering, walk, adh, and tll chilren, Walk guiety. Review some actions that efldren already know such a8 clap, mp, and maareh, and ask them to do them ‘quickly, slowly, and quietly Workhook: Page 21.78: Page 95 Teaching Tp Children bring ralsed by aunts, uncles, or other relatives will benefit from learning these terms at this point However, to prevent a vocabulary fverlead, you may wish to Foci the elasswork Drimarly onthe vocabulary in the Stadent Book 45 | ‘ 3 : oo : { . ae ; Unit 3 Rooms in a House; Count: 1-3; Shapes: square ‘ Application Objectives + To count objects: 1-3 + To identity shapes: square ‘To name rooms ma house Vocabulary grandmother ving oom, dining r00m, bedroom, bathroom, tee; Actions: sleep, wash your hands, watch TV, eat Materials ‘groups of three objects; four medium-sized boxes, construction paper, blocks crayons; ‘Outi one roo with your finger: Ite a ‘square, Outline the other rocms one by one ‘What io ie? Paint to the bedroom. This isthe bedroom. sleep in the bedroom. Pantomime sleeping Sleep. Point co the bathroors. This is the bathroom. 1 wash my hands in the bathroom. Pantomime washing your hands, Wash your hands. Point tothe living room, This is the Living room. I wateh TV in the living room. Pantomime watching TV. Wateh TY. Point tothe eng room. This is the dining room. I eat in the dining room. Pantomime cating Bat. Point to the dining room. Show me a chalr. Lets count the chairs. @© BerorE THE BOOK Creating interest BE ee Bay roe ey te cor vveysation. Let children listen tothe recording several funes. Then encourage pairs of children to use imaginary telephones to practice the conversation ‘A: (Phone singing) (Answer phone) Hello. Who ss this? B: Thisis Grandtother ‘A: Hello, Grandmother B Hello, Pablo, EIS sa square Pantamime sloping, Pantomsime washing their hands ‘Pantomime watehing TV. Pantomime eating Point 10 the dining room. Point toa chal: One, toro, three. Holdup two crayons and tl ehiloren, Lets cownt the crayons. Guide them in counting, 002% ‘ao9. Hold up tee markers ane by one asi count, one, feo, thave. Hold up oer objects for children to count, Put several groups of three objects on each table. Encourage children to hold up each abject as they count, one, tao, Ure © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities BEER 028: Bo. Lake tout Tea tren the counting charst Model te has movements 1s you Say the chant, One, Two. I Like Yout One, wo, ‘Count with fingers) ike you! (Point to a triend) ‘One, twa, three. (Cont with fingers) De you like me? {Point ta friend and se) One, ewor (Count with fingers) Yes, 1! (Shake head yes.) One, #80, three. (Count with Angers.) ike you and you like me! (Point to tiene ad set) Build a Dolthouse Cover the inside of four ediumized boxes with differnt colored ‘papers and tell ehldren that each box will be 3 room in the house—-bedroom, bathroom, Living room, dining root. Invite them 0 use blocks, drawings, or magazine cutouts to furnish the rooms, Then asiechildren totale about the ooms and what isin them, Teaching Tip ‘A gallhonse provides an excellent Setting for lan guage prectice and vocabulary extension. When available, encourage cildren to use snall dolls in Aa dollhouse to act aut everyday scenes. 2 Application Objectives + To review prepositions int 4+ To name family members + Ty name rags inv house Vocabulary mother faber, ste, brother, grandparents baby, ving room, ming room, Bedroom, bathe room bot; Aetignst watch TV, ead a bole at ‘Seep, wash your hands, put Materials ‘small Box; adult clothing ane props, such as neckties, necklaces, and glasses Point tothe pictus Is this the (father) oF ‘the (mother) | Point the picture of the grandmother: Is this | the grandmother or the grandfather? | Poincto the picture of the grandparonts. Are | these the grandparents? {Point to tke dotted ines and model cutting on |) ie dorted ine. and out the scissors. Cut om | the dotted lines, | Show me ehe Chay). Say, This ts the | Gaby. | Help chikéven open their books so they can see [ages 22 and 25 together Point to the picture of {the tiouse on page 22. Give different commands {and use your eutouts to model them Put the 1 (baby) in the (bedroom), 1 t @© BEFORE THE BOOK Creoting interest Fh sv ca ore toning expressions and model the actions: watch 7¥, read a boo, ft, wash your hands, and slog, Invite children to Stand up and do the tions that you name Place a smal box on the table. Ask children, What is it? Help them respond, Is. bar. One by fone, put crayons, markers, and other elassroom ‘objects in the box. As you put them in say, The cerayon is it tho bar. The marker isin the box ‘Take the objecia cut of the box and place them SY NSS i Tes ene (father). ' tes te grandmother ! I ' cut the died Lines, ' \ Hold up cutout of (baby), This is the (baby). | vice echty)cutitinte eroonn. | ' ' 1 | onthe sable Thee tell children, Put @ red crayon ‘in the bat. Puta blue marker tn the box CChitéren can use the dollhouse they made to review the names ofthe rooms, Point to diferent rooms and ask, 16 his ating room? Is this a luathroem? Accept Yes or No answers. © arter THE BOOK Games and Activities BER [See Metter Holdup te cnout tte ‘mother as you say the chant. Then ‘hoase Volunteers to Hold vp different cutouts And guide children in repeating the chant using the name of the fanuly member in the extout 1See Mother Tee Macher Mosher sces me! Hello, Mother! Hello, me! Fi Fe Paniton ive grou o heen to form “families” Provide tem with elo ‘ng and props, such as neckties, necklaces, and lasses, and let them dressup as family mem: bers. Wall around te rom and help chikeen reat the oer family members, Hell, (Pather) Encourage them to name places that families 40 together. Help them say, Lets go to the (park) Workbook: Page 23, TB: Page 06 Teoching Tip ‘Chiron can use the eutouts in games and dre matic pay to practice the unit vocabulan: You may sean! fa suggest tha children make stick puppets to use to wall through the house.

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