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The Effect of Modern Technology in The Midst of Pandemic

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Did you know? an estimated 1.5 billion children home by the end of April 2020.
Stuck at home due to the pandemic, children have spent excessive time in front of
screens, from TVs to smartphones to tablets. Children under 8 spend 39 minutes a day
watching videos online such as YouTube, TikTok, and the like, what do you think about

Ok before we getting deeper, let me introduce myself. Hi, My name is

Muhammad Rafa Putra Rizky, I’m from SMPIT Rhaudatul Jannah – Cilegon. Grade 7th
and today I would like to talk about “The Effect of Modern Technology in The Midst
of Pandemic”

Ladies ang Gent, during COVID 19, schools were still conducted through online
schools. Students do learning at home through online facilities. At the beginning it must
be very hard and face many difficulties. Not only Parent but teacher and student must
also experience difficulties in this adjustment right? So what is the solution?

The Effect of Modern Technology

I think adopting modern technology is one of the solution. As we know

technology growing so fast, according to the Moore’s Law, every 18 or so months,
computer processing speed doubles. By 2025, 38.6 billion smart devices will be
collecting, analyzing, and sharing data. There are 4,383 million internet users. Very
interesting right?

The question is, what is the driving force for this development? so here I
would like to introduce an important term for us as students, namely VUCA (Volatility,
Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). VUCA makes us aware that we live in an era
that is very fast changing, full of uncertainty, high complexity and ambiguous
conditions, for that we are required to always develop, adapt and innovate. So in
10 years one of us will be like Elon Musk who created useful new technology.

Technological developments provide both challenges and opportunities.

Whoever can utilize and adapt well will be the winner. We can use technology to
facilitate our activities, for example at this time we are used to several digital education
platforms such as Ruang Guru and Pahamfy, right? And this is not only a convenience
but a business opportunity as well. The challenge is how we can adapt to
technological developments and how to make it equal distribution of technology
access among all student and technology literacy itself.

As we know technology development is growing rapidly. Not a few of them take

advantage of current technological advances. However, many of them are wrong to use
current technological advances. Technology helps us a lot in daily life, However, to
adopt and adapt to modern technology there will be many obstacles, and there will
always be positive and negative Effect. True, or not?

Positive Effect

Ladies and Gent this is my opinion about the positif effect of technology.

1. Technology can provide an opportunity for children to continue their

As a Remote learning. Computers, tablets, and smartphones have allowed
students to remain connected to the classroom, albeit virtually. Many students
have appreciated the less structured nature of remote learning and ability to
work at their own pace and on their own terms. Distance learning has also
been a blessing for students with social anxiety.

2. Staying connected it’s mean maintain relationships with friends and family.
In the age of social distancing, devices and other forms of technology have
been a social lifeline for many, especially children. Young people have relied
on screens to stay safely connected with grandparents and other family
members and chat with friends while playing video games online. Studies
have shown that using social media and messaging platforms to stay in touch
with loved ones improves mental and emotional health, particularly in times of

Negative Effect

Besides the Positive effect we should prepare also for negative effect of used of
technology in pandemic situation

1. Too much screen time. Screens already occupied a significant chunk of

young people’s lives before the pandemic — and even more so during it.
Some reports shows that children spent an average of 97 minutes a day on
YouTube in the early days of the pandemic, twice as much as in 2019. Too
much screen time poses several potential negative consequences, including
vision impairment, sleeplessness, anxiety, and even addiction to the device
2. Family avoidance. In some cases, the more time children spent with their
screens, the less time they spent with their family. While useful to remain
connected, devices can be a poor substitute for in-person interactions that
help children — particularly very young children — develop valuable social
skills. In response, many parents have sought to impose restrictions on their
children’s tech use.

Why we need to be Prepared? How to be prepared?

By looking at the negative and positive impacts of technological developments, we

should take the right steps, we must be prepare our technology readiness so we can get

positive effect of technology from this pandemic situation. There are at least three

reasons why we must be prepare our technology readiness

1. We are currently growing up in the world of digital era and the industrial
revolution 4.0, an era where everything is done with digitally through
2. The development of technology today is very fast, current technology such
as You Tube, Tokopedia, Gojek didn’t exist 5 -10 years ago, right?
3. Technology offers easy and more efficient facilities. For example, now we
can even operate our house lights wirelessly.

Ladies and gent and At least 3 things that need to be prepared for us personally to
avoid the negative effect form technology in pandemic era, there are Digital skills,
Digital ethics, Digital culture. Our digital skills develop skill sets related to the digital
ecosystem such as Information Technology, Coding, Robotic and Science. Digital
ethics teaches us about ethics in the digital world, this will make us to always be
positive about technology. The last thing is a digital culture that will familiarize us
with technology, increasing digital literacy.

Building Indonesian Gold Generation in Technology

Indonesia is determined to build a golden generation to become the nation's

leader in 2045. At that time technology will be even more advanced, activities have
been fully carried out with digital technology, several professions have involved robots,
computing is more advanced.

As students, we need to realize that we will be the successors of the nation's

hopes in 2045, we will be the nation's leaders, the drivers of the digital economy,
and the drivers of technology.

Therefore, the readiness of students in technology should not only be able as

technology users, but also as technology developer, so that we are able to become
Indonesia's golden generation and become leaders of a nation that has a
technology and digital mindset. So, we as student have to prove it !
Ok I think, that’s all from me, I ended my speech this time with a quote,
"Technology cannot create leaders but technology can strengthen someone to
become a True Leader"

Thank You,

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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