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Assessment  Assignment 2A - Situation Analysis Report

Due  Week 6 – 18 April 2021, 00:00 

Semester  2021-1 

Lecturer  HUA MY SANG

Group  Group 2 – Thursday, 11:30-14:30 

Campus  RMIT University – Vietnam SGS 

Word Count – Word Limit  5010 - 5000

Tran Van Phuoc – s3825778 

Dang Thuy Tien – s3837363

Lam Gia Hao – s3891589

Name and Student ID 
Ngo Vu Minh Thu – s3891956

Tran Huynh Ngoc – s3891566

Nguyen Thanh Minh – s3891597






IV. STDP: 12





1. Company description:
Vinasoy is a Vietnamese corporation dedicated to providing the finest dairy products based on
soybean, especially soy milk. The company’s soy milks are considered to have the highest quality and
nutrition in the market and are widely distributed to all 63 provinces in Vietnam (Turicum Investment
Management 2018). The company was established in 1997 by QNS corporate, with its headquarters at
Quang Ngai city (Vinasoy n.d).   
a. Mission statement:
The business committed to continue inn
ovating and optimizing the nutritional soy-based beverage for the purpose of providing the best
quality for a discerning consumer group. Consequently, not just a small group, but a whole society will
enable a more prosperous and higher quality of life. 
b. Vision:
Vinasoy company (n.d) always set the goal for becoming and being acknowledged as the leading
enterprise in terms of nutritious products made from soybeans in the range of this business marketing
c. History:
 1997-1999:  
The story of Vinasoy started in 1997 when firstly founded by its parent company- Quang Ngai Sugar
Corporation (QNS) with the original name of Truong Xuan Company. In spite of the advanced
technology, the company could not compete against exotic and well-known milk brands of that time.
Consequently, the company barely survived with a 30 billion VND loss (more than 50% of
the initial capital) (Vinasoy n.d).  
 2000-2002: 
In order to survive, the company’s factory had to find and produce other brands’ products.
Fortunately, in 2001, the U.S department of agriculture selected Vinasoy’s Fami to be the exclusive
product to provide for the “Milk for education” program in Vietnam. As a result, the program provided
Vinasoy an opportunity to continue its operation and to be adopted in the market. 
 2002-2005:  
In 2003, Truong Xuan Milk Company became the first enterprise specializing in soya
milk that produced the pioneer brand embarking on the market (Vinasoy n.d). Further, thanks for Mr.
Richard Moore’s viewpoint about the “brand strength” the Company had learned and recognized the

value of the strategies in business. On 16/5/2005, a Vinasoy brand was born with its unique traits, and
therefore, Truong Xuan Milk Company was renamed Vietnam Soybean Milk Company. 
 2005-2009: 
On the purpose of building a solid enterprise and developing the trademark, the company had
consistently strived to conduct many types of campaigns or activities. They had activated and used
technological methods for the management systems. Consequently, the entire structure of Vinasoy was
altered, which marked a new stage for the company’s development. 
 2010-2012: 
Vinasoy had built a comprehensive portfolio system and brand positioning with the reward of
occupying customers’ belief. In addition, large chain stores had distributed nationwide. In
2012, Vinasoy company either released a new product line in the soybean industry or a second factory
was established in Bac Ninh Province. 
2. Product description:
a. Flavours and Ingredients:  
Fami Soy milk is the first Vinasoy product available on the market since 1997, made from 100%
non-genetically selected natural soybean seeds combined with the highly regulated modern production
technology from Europe to extract the purest soy milk with the best taste and nutrient retention. The
nutritional ingredients include energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral, dietary fiber, vitamin B1, and
cholesterol. These ingredients create a delicious taste. The pure texture of natural soybeans provides
essential nutrients, especially soy protein, vitamin, and dietary fiber, bringing your family everyday health
and happiness.
b. Design:
To satisfy customer’s expectations of convenience, Fami Soy Milk has designed two different sizes
200ml and 1l per carton with a 20 ० C real volume. The products are packaged in Tetra Pak paper,
packing inside a specialized PE layer, ensuring food hygiene and safety requirements following the
QCVN 12-1:2011/BYT (Quang Ngai Sugar joint-stock company 2019). They are covered with a primary
yellow color which is their signature. Furthermore, the logo ’FAMI’ is printed in the center of the carton
with a unique white font and surrounded by green or blue slices to draw attention to the product’s label.
The company has selected brand colors closely related to nature with unique fonts as brand typefaces to
represent the natural simplicity of nutritious soy products, and pull strings sincerity in the Vinasoy brand.
c. Market share:
With the continuous improvement effort, Vinasoy has successfully built its brand reputation widely in
the competitive Vietnamese market. According to Brand Footprint (Kantar Worldpanel 2020), the Fami

Soy milk brand of the Vietnamese Vinasoy milk company is in the Top 10 brands of dairy products
and milk substitutes chosen to buy the most in both rural and urban areas. With 15 years of experience,
Vinasoy is recognized as the leading company in the soy milk market, reflected by a 70% market share.
d. Brand awareness:
The increasing number of Vietnamese are adopting healthier lifestyles, which is lowering the rate of ca
rbonate development as consumers with better health awareness tend to cut down their sugar intake to avoid
 the risks of sugar consumption. At the end of July 2019, the newly improved Fami products that increased
the number of beans and lower sugar amounts for more delicious were launched to the market to meet
consumers' increasing demand (Industry 4.0 Summit n.d). Furthermore, Vinasoy company has joined
hands to support COVID-19 epidemic prevention by donating Healthy Nutrition Supplies to quarantine
areas Fami. This action not only increased the prestige of the company but also to show careness for the
community (Vinasoy 2020).
1. Microenvironment:
a. Company:
Top management: Ngo Van Tu is the CEO and Director of Truong Xuan Dairy Factory - the
predecessor of Vinasoy today. Back 13 years ago, the factory was standing on the verge of bankruptcy
with a loss of over 30 billion. After taking over the management work, Mr. Tu bought Vinasoy up from
the edge and held the No.1 position in the soy milk market since 2010 (Quan, M 2020).  
From the early years to Truong Xuan Dairy Factory, he was very aware of the company’s reputation
and image by hiring many marketing experts, image builders for the company, and repositioning the
brand up to a new level. 
The Research and Development department is one of the keys to the company’s growth as it gathers
data and transforms it into useful materials for producing and developing products to satisfy consumer
b. Suppliers:
Supplier plays a supplying role in providing the resources for the company to manufacture products.
However, Fami (Vinasoy) has a different strategy path from others by researching
the more effective soya bean and then collaborating with local agribusiness to create the biggest local
supply chains in the soya market. According to Tu, the CEO of Vinasoy, Vinasoy decided to be full force
invest in the soya field, and thus, in 2018, the number of quantities would be up to 3 tons per ha, as same
as that worldwide figure (Vinasoy n.d).  In 2020, the 02-NS Vinasoy soya bean was officially brought into
cultivation and brought efficiency double than other seeds. According to Hai (2020), this new seed helps
expand the potential agriculture in Cuu Long River Delta (Minh Sang 2020).    

Up to now, Fami (Vinasoy) has been officially owning three factories established in Quang Ngai,
Bac Ninh, and Binh Duong, respectively. These factories provide roughly 390 million liters of soya milk
per year, acknowledged to Vinasoy become one of the fifth most giant soya milk factories globally
(Vinasoy n.d).    
On the other hand, Fami (Vinasoy) is being challenged by the worldwide agricultural prize
fluctuation because of the covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, Chinese buyers are increasing the import
price of soya beans, which makes the farm market fluctuated significantly. This action of China makes
the resources prizes inclined. To address this resource crisis, QNS- the parent company of Vinasoy- will
expand the resources, including soya beans and sugar canes, to balance the market (Tri Tuc 2021).  
Regarding packaging, Fami (Vinasoy) has used the technology of Tetra Pak, which is the top global
company in the liquid food industry. This company has provided packaging materials, filling machinery,
processing equipment for Vinasoy to officially become one of the fifth biggest soy milk companies in the
world (Vinasoy n.d).
c. Marketing intermediaries:
Since 2015, Fami (Vinasoy) had had 156 distributors on their system and had more than 142.000
points of sale nationwide. Because of the affordable price, Fami (Vinasoy) is on the shelf in almost
all Vietnam stores from rural to urban areas, from direct sales to e-commerce (Vinasoy n.d).  
On 18/06/2020, Fami (Vinasoy) officially appeared in Tmall, Taobao, JD, Yunji, PinDuoduo, JD,
which are top China e-commerce markets (QNS n.d). Moreover, up to now, this company has
successfully exported its products to 11 China e-commerce websites, 314 supermarkets from 11 market
chains in Eastern China, and 680 stores all over Japan (Tri Tuc 2021)  
Marketing services agencies:  
Even though The Purpose Group (TPG) has started working for Fami (Vinasoy) in marketing
strategy since 2010, up to 2017, TPG officially became a strategic partner of Vinasoy. After
that, Fami and TPG ran many successful marketing campaigns related to human values, especially family
values, to touch audiences' emotions, which puts Fami (Vinasoy) into the top Vietnam digital marketing
campaign list (Doanh Nhan Online 2017).    
In the newest successful campaign – Lang Lieu Hau Truyen, Fami (Vinasoy) not only collaborates
with BBDO agency to launch the TVC, having many Vietnamese famous artists, but this campaign also
uses a 7SAT tool from Influencer Discovery to have more than 300 social influencers, who posted this
campaign in their social media to access more audiences. Finally, this campaign acquires the top of
audiences’ mind (7SAT 2020) 
d. Customers:
Customer's market: 
According to Kantar Worldpanel (2020), soy milk Fami is ranked in the top 10 most chosen dairy
brands in Vietnam in both categories: four key cities (Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Can Tho) and
rural area. It is noticeable that the Fami brand has been the number one leading position soy milk market
in Vietnam. Therefore, its reliable brand can efficiently reach many prospective Vietnam consumers and
adapt to their consumption behavior change. 
80% of Vietnamese viewers are multi–screened while watching televisions (Hang Nguyen,
2019). Vinasoy (Fami) has reached many potential Vietnamese customers by advertising on social media
while watching their favorite TV programmers. The reaction to this trend has impacted positively on the
brand. As a result, ‘brand awareness increased by 21 points, ad recall increased by 20 points, brand
consideration increased by 6 points and sales volumes in the quarter increased by 4%, compared with the
same period in 2018’(Hang Nguyen 2019, para.5). 
Moreover, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the consumption trend of using products that is
good for people’s health, such as milk, increase. According to Ho Chi Minh Securities Corporation
(2020), the need for dairy consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic increased, most in yogurt.  
International market: 
Fami (Vinasoy) has successfully exported its brands to Chinese and Japanese markets (Tri Tuc
2021). This marked the expanding market of Fami products to international markets up to roughly 1000
points of sale, including e-commerce markets and resellers.
e. Competitors:
According to Tran Anh (2020), although Vinasoy (Fami) is still having the highest shares in the
Vietnam’s soy milk market (85,8% in 2020), the company struggles to expand its operation. The leading
cause for Vinasoy’s problem is that the cow’s milk segment is saturated, which forces the giants of the
country dairy industry such as Vinamilk, Nutifood to make strategic transitions to the alternative milk
segments, which also includes soy milk segment. Consequently, those giants have released their own
version of soy milk to compete against Fami.  
Regarding to Vinamilk they have released their own versions of soy milk: GoldSoy and plant-based
soy milk: red bean, walnut and almond, which plays as a threat to market share. In 2020, Vinamilk
successfully signed a $1.8 billion contract to export their soy milk products to the Korean market, which
internationally threatened Fami’s export position. About Nutifood, they joined the soy milk industry with
Nuti Soy milk Canxi and Nuti Soy milk Original as a transition to the soy milk segment. Consequently, in
2016, Fami (Vinasoy) first-ever experienced a considerable decline in revenue after a non-stop growth
period (VNExpress 2017).

Not only the competitive pressure comes from domestic milk producers, but also comes from exotic
brands such as HomeSoy, VitaSoy, Soy Secretz, etc. (The Leader 2020).  
Lastly, regarding the indirect competitor, Fami only acquired an insignificant share of the whole
drinking market share of Vietnam and experienced a slight decline down to 5.1% in 2020 while their
competitors such as Vinamilk, Dutch Lady, TH true milk and Milo acquired 33,4%, 15,2%, 10,1%, 6,9%
of the market share, respectively (appendix 1). Vinamilk is the most significant player in the Vietnamese
drinking milk market, thanks to their significant investment in infrastructure and their dairy products,
wise human management, and a sustainable development plan toward the community.  
f. Public:
In this modern time and age, being healthy is one of the top priorities in the Vietnamese mind or to
be more exact, 37% in the Vietnamese community consider this (Nielsen 2018). Due to its high protein
content, rich in nutrients, customers are more in favor of plant-based milk products, as in the
first nine months of 2019, Vinasoy revenue had a significant development of 15% (Nielsen 2019, cited
in Virac 2020). It is noticeable that the Vinasoy company is gaining more recognition in
the Vietnamese general public’s eyes with Fami being one of their brands.   
However, aside from being one of the leading brands of the soy milk industry in Vietnam, Fami has
also been praised for its inspiring social message and how it incorporated its unwavering values into every
marketing campaign. Just by simply asking “Home is where...”, Fami has sparked a conversation
among viewers all over social media platforms where each person expresses their own definition of
“Home”. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when everyone is advised to do social distancing,
“Home” has become a more meaningful part in the people’s mind, and this is the core value that Fami was
trying to convey in each of their products with the mission to build a brand for the whole family.   
Moreover, in one of their campaigns, Fami has further expanded their influence by partnering with
the artist Huynh Lap to create a music video praising the value of Family with 7 million views (Brands
Vietnam 2020). It is a fact that “Home” or “Family” are familiar topics for the Vietnamese marketing
industry, yet Fami has successfully applied this “over-used” topic into their campaigns, gaining more trust
from customers.
Aside from spreading their meaningful values across the Vietnamese community, Fami’s holding
company, Vinasoy, has also hosted multiple charity works making their appearance to the citizen-action
public. Vinasoy's community programs are mostly toward the most vulnerable people in the society,
consisting of disabled people, children with unfortunate backgrounds, etc (Vinasoy n.d.). With these
charity programs, Vinasoy has acquired an irreplaceable spot in the community’s heart.  
2. Macroenvironment:
a. Demographic:

According to Neilsen (2020), Vietnam is in the Golden Age period, with a total dependency ratio
below 50 (UNFPA n.d) and more than 97 million people. Moreover, more than half of the population
is below 30-year-old, which means advantages for Fami since there will be a significant demand for high
nutrition products such as soy milk. Lastly, the average life expectancy of Vietnamese is about 76 years,
which means that the age diversity of Vietnamese people ranges from children, adults and the elderly.
Fortunately, Fami’s product lines can be widely consumed by people of all ages and genders, which
results in an insignificant impact on demographic factors to Fami.   
b. Economic:
According to Worldbank (n.d), thanks to economic prosperity, the Vietnamese’s GDP per capita has
gradually increased over the years with a low inflation rate. Eventually, there is a significant development
in customers’ purchasing power, which results in a considerable incline in consumption rate (Appendix
Increased income and more substantial consumption confidence have led to significant modifications
in the consumption trends. According to Nielsen (2018), 37% of Vietnamese consumers prioritize health
to be among the top two concerns, while 90% are worried about the long-term health impact of artificial
ingredients. Moreover, Vietnam is the top-three country to consume the soy-based products. Therefore,
Fami can fully satisfy the growing demand of the domestic market.  
Unfortunately, the global economy has been negatively hit by the COVID’19 pandemic, as the
consumption decrease since people tend to save more when they feel uncertain about their future financial
stability (Jordà, Singh & Taylor 2020). However, Fami’s (Vinasoy) sales were slightly impacted since
people tend to be more price-sensitive during the economic downturn, and Fami’s pricing is competitive
compared to other soy milk products.
c. Political:
Any changes in the political system of Vietnam could also have an impact on Fami. More
noticeably, to protect consumer rights, a regulation about the standards of milk products had been
approved by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health in July 2010 (Le 2012). Additionally, the government had
also funded two billion VND to the dairy industry (Nguyen, FAO n.d.), and dairy products will be taxed
at a lower rate (Nguyen 2013). As a result, with favored and prioritized policies from the government,
FAMI (Vinasoy) can confidently expand its operation.  
d. Natural:
It is undoubtedly to claim that most natural environment changes or disasters will affect the
company, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the flood disaster in Central Vietnam. According
to financial reports of the father company Quang Ngai Sugar Corporation (QNS) (2020), it is recording a
decline of 18% of their net profit in 2020 compared to 2019. They explained that the COVID-19

pandemic and severe weather in the Central Vietnam area impacted production and business activities.
More specifically, the flood disaster in Central Vietnam affected the quality of cane crops, which is the
primary source of sugar for Fami products. Consequently, the cost of Fami products increased. 
e. Technology:
New technologies create new markets and opportunities, and these are supposed to take place of
older products (Kotler, P 2017). To keep up to date with the current situation, Fami Soy milk products are
manufactured by the production line from the Tetra Pak group of Sweden, and this is also the unique
production line in Vietnam. Thanks to the production system, the quality of soy milk has been improved,
retaining the maximum natural flavors and nutrients. It is also high-qualified and safe that follows the
strict international quality control standards. 
Furthermore, as the number of social network users in Vietnam increases significantly (AsiaPac
2020), Vinasoy company not only advertises traditionally but also utilizes social media platforms. For
example, creating the dance cover competitions based on their product music video on the Tiktok site.
The hot fan page content, community group, and collaboration with KOLs effectively spread the message
and attract the community to participate in the company’s activities.
f. Cultural:
One of the most significant environmental aspects that impacts the organization is the cultural forces.
The social conditions include the institution and fundamental values, making “marketing always exists in
an environment shaped by culture" (Lumen Learning n.d).  
There are differences in dairy drinking behaviors between Vietnam and other countries. Son Trang
(2021) mentioned that Viet Nam is the country that has a lower milk consumption, only
26-27/person/year than foreign nations. However, in recent years, the customer demand in the dairy
market has shifted positively, due to the young demographics, the living standard, as well as the needs for
nutritional supplements, immune enhancement, the trend of consuming convenient products, branded,
ensuring food hygiene and safety (Son Trang 2021).  
Besides that, there is a relationship between the dairy products demands and the level of income, so
that a vice-chairman (Anderson 2019) said that: “people nowadays care much about their health and eat
more healthy foods and plant protein”. Furthermore, it is clear that “plain milk is preferred over flavored”
(European Union 2019). Therefore, Fami was rated at the second position for the dairy brand in rural areas
and the seventh one for the urban customers (Kantar 2019). Overall, Fami products have gained the
customers’ beliefs not only because of the unique flavor but also because of the high nutritious ingredients
that are good for health.  

 Cooperating with local businesses to create  Difficulties in brand extension comparing to
their own local supply chain.  Fami’s competitors, for example, Vinamilk
 Designed the 02-NS Vinasoy soya bean with with their product GoldSoy or NutiFood with
double the efficiency than other seeds (Nong Nuti Soy milk Canxi and Nuti Original
Nghiep 2020).  (VNExpress 2017)
 Owning three factories across Vietnam making  
it more approachable to the local market with the
connection to all 63 provinces in
Vietnam (Vinasoy n.d.). 
 Appearing on both channels: direct sales and e-
commerce (Vinasoy n.d.). 
 Strong core values are incorporated in their
campaigns and products. 
 Fami’s product lines widely ranged from
children to the elderly with FAMI Kids,
FAMI Canxi, FAMI Go. 
 Fami’s unique production line from
Sweden, improving the product’s quality. 
 Fami is gaining more acknowledgment in the  Worldwide agricultural price fluctuations
international field by being ranked in the top 10 during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially
most chosen dairy brands in Vietnam (Kantar when China increases the import price of soya
Worldpanel 2020)  bean (Tri Tuc 2021). 
 Growing demand for healthy dairy products  The big dairy industry companies such
alternatives , with 37% of Vietnamese as Vinamilk or Nutifood are expanding their
consumers now consider health to be an essential product line to the soy milk segment,
aspect of their life (Nielsen 2018).   competing with Fami’s
 Fami’s affordable pricing is more product (VNExpress 2017). 
competitive than other soy milk brands as  
customers become more price-sensitive during
the pandemic. 
 Favored and prioritized policies from the
government, for example, with the two billion

VND funding (Nguyen, FAO n.d.) and
lowered tax rate for the industry (Nguyen 2013). 

1. Segmentation:
Segmentation Demographic Psychographic Behavioural Geographic
characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
Children/ Students Age: 6-18 Social class: Low or Occasion: Parties, Areas: Rural and
Gender: Male and Middle class competitions, sport days/ urban areas in
female. Personality traits: events, after-meals, Vietnam, especially
Income: No or Low Energetic, active, curious, when they go to surrounding schools,
income, mostly depend prefer taste of sugary convenience or grocery entertainment areas.
on their parents. drinks. stores, holidays, before Density: Very high
Occupation: Students. Lifestyle: Active, like sleeping, snack time.
Education: Primary, going out with friends, Loyalty: Medium,
Secondary, and playing sports. strong.
Highschool. User status: First-time
users, regular users,
potential users.
User rate: Medium,
Benefits sought: Sweet
taste, eye-catching
design, convenience,
give them energy and
calcium for growth.
The Young Adult/ Age: 20-40 Social class: Low, middle Occasion: Parties, after- Areas: Around
Busy Workers Gender: Male and and upper class. meal, break time, before Vietnam, especially
female. Personality traits: sleeping, go to in the university or
Occupation: Students, Dynamic, sociable, supermarket/ company areas.
part-time/ full-time flexible, hard-working, convenience store to buy Density: Very high.
employees. focus on studying or drinks.
Income: Low or middle working, prefer products Loyalty: Medium,
income. with high quality, healthy/ strong.
eat clean, give them User status: First-time

Education: energy. users, daily users.
Undergraduate, Master. Lifestyle: Busy, work- User rate: Medium,
overloaded, dynamic. high.
Benefits sought:
Affordable price,
convenient, compare
prices among different
milk brands, healthy,
high nutrition.
Housewives Age: 20 above Social class: Middle, Occasion: Holidays, Areas: Vietnam
Gender: Female. High class. daily, buy for family nationwide.
Income: Low, middle Personality traits: (especially for children). Density: Medium.
and high income. Caring, busy, calm, Loyalty: Middle, high;
Education: Graduated. family-oriented, tend to be brand loyal.
disciplined, patient, User status: Regular
concentrating on users, potential users.
nutritious ingredients and User rate: Middle, high.
quality foods and drinks, Benefits sought: Find
health-conscious. and buy easily, high
Lifestyle: Busy, work- nutritious ingredients,
overloaded, healthy safety for kids,
lifestyle, eat clean. affordable price, prefer
less sugar milk, well-
selected products.
Vegan Age: All ages. Social class: Low, Occasion: Morning, Areas: Around
Gender: Male and middle, and high class. sneak-time/ tea-time, Vietnam.
Female. Personality traits: daily Density: Middle.
Careful, quiet, vegetarian, Loyalty: Middle, high;
health conscious. tend to be brand loyal.
Lifestyle: Tranquil, User status: Regular
healthy life. users, potential users.
User rate: Middle, high.
Benefits sought:
Affordable prices, easy

to find and buy, high
protein, safe, vegetarian,

2. Targeting:
The outstanding trait of the Fami drinking milk products with high nutrients and delicious flavor is
considered a suitable solution for people of any level of age, income, and location. The
firm utilized the differentiated strategy to divide the customers based on various products of its Product
Through various media campaigns such as “Home is where …”, it is clear that the firm's target
marketing towards a whole family, especially housewives. Generally, homemakers are the ones who have
responsibilities for either taking care of family members or choosing, buying products that good for
health and affordable. By understanding the customer needs, the firm had designed the soy milk product
that suits for caregiver’s demands in terms of selection and finance. 
The enterprise also focuses on positioning the brand as a “partner” with the vegan since they are the
notable target customers who need essential ingredients and nutrients that good for their health.
Consequently, based on Fami Original, Fami Canxi is worth selection because it contains mainly
calcium ingredients for strong bones. 
Breakfast is the critical meal of the day, also the foundation that provides us energy for an entire day.
However, Vietnamese people today tend to not pay attention to their breakfast, especially with students,
workers, employees, they are all busy people, with a common reason (up to 52%) is that they do not have
enough time to prepare a healthy meal in the morning (Herbalife 2018). Therefore, Fami Soya Company
had launched another soya milk product - Fami Go. The product is suitable for busy people's consumption
trends on providing critical nutrients that can help us start a new effective day. 
In the specific case of healthy drinking milk, children are the potential generation of the future.
Based on that aspect, Vinasoy Company had introduced Fami Kid soy milk that matches with children.
Specifically, the product takes advantage of the valuable natural nutrients from soybean to improve
height, physical health, also intelligence for children. Additionally, according
to Pelsmaeker, Schouteten and Gellynck’s (2013) survey about the taste of children in choosing flavored
milk instead of plain milk. Hence, this kind of Fami product was produced with flavor ingredients
designed to suit children. 
From the targeting strategies of the drinking milk company, with the beneficial ingredients contained
in the product, and the delicious taste as well, this kind of drinking milk is recognized as an easy-to-
choose option that every people in any group of age can purchase. 
3. Differentiation:
To find points of differentiation, marketers must think through the customer’s entire experience with
the company’s product or service’ (Kotler 2016, p. 230). In the customer-driven marketing
strategy, Fami (Vinasoy) concentrated on the soya market since others did not associate with “this
cake”, thereby impressing the consumers’ beliefs. 
Product differentiation: 
In terms of ingredients, Fami soy milk is manufactured from 100% pure soybeans, so the
products of Fami have optimal retention of isoflavones and natural proteins with the aids of a processing
system (Dao, Ngoc Tuan & Nguyen 2015). 
Fami (Vinasoy) committed that all products are manufactured by the most modern worldwide
technology, so these products can use at least six months without any kind of preservative and ensure the
amount of nutrition and flavour (Vinasoy n.d). 
To create a specialization in the soy milk market, Fami has the process of developing its flavours, so
there are flavour combinations of Fami with black rice, black sesame, etc. Fami, therefore, expand its
product line that provides the organic and healthy product and thus can serve the diversity of customers.  
People Differentiation: 
Fami (Vinasoy)’s website has a Q&A section to answer common questions related to the effects of
soy milk on customer's’ health. By citing the research from scientific organizations, Fami can incline the
credibility of these answers to address the customer's misconceptions about soy milk. 
Chanel Differentiation: 
Regarding the Fami’s distribution, the networking distribution has been expanding more rapidly,
which appears in almost all stores from rural to urban. Fami initially focused on the rural market that
created the potential market for soy milk. 
Image Differentiation: 
The Fami’s logo is simply designed with the brand’s name in white color and positioned on a green
background, which is the color of nature and healthy lifestyle. Specifically, with white-green color
combination, Fami has positioned itself as a health-conscious product toward their customers. 

Moreover, the slogan “the good from nature” has represented their company’s business principle, as
well as the message about their pride earned from delivering products that fully retained the amount of
natural goodness to their customers (Fami Blog n.d). 
4. Positioning:
a. Positioning map:

The perceptual map contains two attributes which are “price” and “nutritious” that demonstrate
how Vietnamese customers position Fami brand products in the market. In the soy milk market,

besides affordable prices, the consumer usually considers about the nutrition of the product since it is
crucial to measure the quality of products providing to their health. Overall, the average cost of each Fami
box 200ml is more than 5.000VND/box, while GoldSoy and Nuti soy milk’s price are slightly lower than
Fami. However, other trusted brands offer a higher price for their soy milk product compared to Fami
price, for example , HomeSoy 1L box’s average price is 29.000VND, and SoySecretz offers about more
than 8.000VND/180ml box. 
Product brand  Fami(200ml)  GoldSoy(1L)  HomeSoy(1L)  SoySecretz(180ml)  Nuti soy

Price per box (abou 5.000-5.500  25.000  28.000-30.000  8.000-10.000  4.500-5000 

t VND)  (5.000/200ml)  (5.600/200ml) 
(depends on bundle

Chart 1. Price of soy milk products  

Soy milk  
Fami Nuti 
  GoldSoy  HomeSoy  SoySecretz 
(calcium)  (soy milk) 

Carbohydrate  6.9g  4.1g  4.6g  4.7g  9.6g 

Protein  2.5g  3.2g  2.3g  3.0g  2.0g 

Fat  1.4g  1.4g  1.5g  2.4g  1.0g 

Vitamin and minerals A, D, B, E, K, C,

A, B, D, Calcium, A, D, C, B,
(high quantity) Sodium, …  Calcium, Sodium, A, D, B, … 
Magnesium, Zinc, …  Calcium, … 
 (ingredients)  … 

Chart 2. Nutritional information of soy milk products per 100ml  

In the comparison of nutrients in different products, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals quantity are
essential ingredients to be considered besides nutrients from the soy itself. As carbohydrate quantity can
be adjust based on sugar content, it is usually concerned with calories that the products provide.
According to the chart, Fami is relatively less nutritious than SoySecretz but offers a much lower price.
Fami also has less protein content than GoldSoy, which the product brand primarily focuses on protein

quantity. Therefore, in general, the Fami product is slightly more nutritious than a competitor focusing on
comprehensive nutrient content.
b. Value proposition:
Fami soy milk drink provides consumers with fresh, high quality and nutritious drink at an
affordable price. In the comparison of price in the market, the Fami product is considered as the same as
its competitor. Moreover, Fami’s brand trust is higher than competitors, which can demonstrate its market
share up to 86% (Tri Tuc 2021). Its high nutrition focus shows that Fami offer product with more quality
compared to competitors but with the same price. Therefore, Fami's value proposition is “More for the
same” in the soy milk market.
To summarize, Fami is a soya milk product that is gaining more popularity as the demand for
alternative milk increases. Aside from its obvious nutritional value, Fami is also praised for
its meaningful values incorporated in its campaigns and work ethics. However, due to plant-based milk’s
higher demand, Fami is also gaining some concerning competitors such as Vinamilk or Nutifood.
Therefore, FAMI needs to build up more strategies to differentiate itself from the market. 
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Appendix 1: Brand Shares of Drinking Milk Products (Source Euromonitor 2020) 


Appendix 2: Vietnam’s Household and NPISHS Final Consumption expenditure (constant 2010
US$) (Source: World Bank Data n.d) 


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