Breakout Room 1 Answers

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1. Why does the girl start to harass and threatened Stacy online in the first place?

- Because her friend saw Stacy was commenting about her boyfriend.

2. When do you think the girls’s behavior cross the line?

- When they started to threatened her.

3. “people talk really big, when there is like miles between you” what does it mean?
- It probably means that people really like to talk big when they’re online

4. In what ways might the online context make the situation worse than if the bully has
bullied Stacy offline?
- Because through online people tend to misunderstand or misinterpret more than
offline because through offline people use to clarify, but through online people tend
to misunderstand or misinterpret.

5. Do you think this is true? Why or why not?

- I don’t think its true because if she doesn’t report it to the school she wont get any
help to face the bully.
- It’s true because if Stacy report to the school, maybe she can get more bullies
because maybe the one who bullied Stacy thinks that Stacy is weak but then she
report it to the school.
- It’s true because if Stacy report it to the school, she would get more bullies because
the bullies tend to become more furious when they are reported.

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