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Bowling is a target sport and recreational activity in which a player rolls a ball toward pins (in pin
bowling) or another target (in target bowling). In pin bowling, the goal is to knock over pins on a
long playing surface known as a lane.

Bowling, the sport of throwing a heavy ball down a lane and knocking over pins, has been
around for centuries, and has become one of America's most democratic pastimes.

✔ Often referred to as the "great cultural leveler," bowling is affordable, allows for the
participation of both genders, all ages, skill levels, and classes, and encourages a social
camaraderie rare in other competitive sports.

✔ In fact, an instructional book written in 1987 said that "one of the greatest benefits of bowling
is the development of friendships."

✔ Bowling became widely popular almost as soon as it reached the shores of America, in the
early 1800s.
✔ The Dutch, Germans, and English helped establish the sport in American colonies. English
bowls, or lawn bowling, a sport for blue-bloods, was played outdoors on a bowling green.

✔ But the modern form of American bowling derives mainly from the German game of
Kegelspiel, or kegeling, which used nine pins set in a diamond formation. By the 1800s,
kegeling Germans established New York as the country's "bowling capital." Kegeling,
unlike lawn bowling, was enjoyed by German peasants; this reputation as a common-man's
sport has characterized bowling throughout its American history.

✔ The first indoor alley, Knickerbocker's in New York City, was built in 1840; soon after this,
various establishments attracted the lower classes and genteel alike.

✔ By the mid-1800s nine-pins became a widely played sport, and even reached the midwest.


Knocking down objects by rolling a ball is

activity that has attracted players in many
countries all
over the world throughout the years. The tombs of
ancient Egyptians contained equipment for a
type game, demonstrating that its popularity dates
back at least 7,000 years. There are also records of a
centuries-old bowling game in the Polynesian Islands.

Bowling Organizations

The National Bowling Association (NBA) was established in 1875. While it standardized the rules of
bowling, it failed in its attempt to eliminate gambling among its members and folded several years
later. In 1895, the American Bowling Congress (ABC) was founded. Under this organization's
leadership bowling became popular and respectable. As prize money, supplied by member
leagues and the ABC, began to be awarded at local, regional, and national levels for outstanding
scores, gambling became less prevalent.

Strength, speed, and size are non-essential components of bowling, students who may be unable
to compete on another playing field can find athletic success in bowling. As skills improve, students
will experience a sense of accomplishment and enjoy the satisfaction of
increased confidence for having mastered a new game, thus discovering
the fun and excitement bowling has to offer.

Bowling balls - A round ball made from rubber, urethane, plastic,
reactive resin, or a combination of these materials. Ten-pin
bowling balls have three drilled holes in them - one for the
ring and middle finger, and
one for the thumb.
Bowling bags - Carries and protects one or more bowling
Bowling accessories - Non-slip grip cream, grip sacks,
bowling ball maintenance tools, hand and wrist grip supports,
towels, gloves, bowling ball cleaning equipment and supplies
Bowling shoes -

Narrow shoes with a very smooth sole

Bowling clothes - Bowling games usually take
in air-conditioned bowling centers. Casual attire
be worn.

Compared to bowling players, bowling center operators have different bowling equipment.
Their most important concern in a bowling center is the bowling alleys. A bowling alley has
different parts and equipment that require operation and maintenance.
These are the equipment required in bowling alleys:
Bowling lane - A long plane where a bowling ball rolls towards the pins. Long wooden boards are
joined together to form a 75-foot long and 3.5-foot wide lane. The wooden plane is very smooth. It

requires maintenance by cleaning and polishing.

Bowling machine - A device that places and rearranges the pins.
Bowling ball retriever - A device that retrieves the ball after
every shot,
and returns it, via a tunnel, to the player at the other end of the

Players' area - At the end of the tunnel is

a ball-sorting mechanism. A hand blow
dryer may also be installed at the
ball sorter. A computer and display
monitors show players the game points.
The players would have seats and a table.
A rack with extra bowling balls would
usually be placed beside the seats.

Health and Wellness

The Bowler’s Ed curriculum actively engages students in a sufficient amount of moderate to
vigorous physical activity to improve or maintain their physical health and well-being. The
curriculum leads students through team-based cardiovascular activities requiring coordination,
timing and concentration! Teachers benefit from a fully-developed curriculum, complete with
rubrics, fundamentals, fitness activities and lesson plans.
Physical Health

∙ Calorie
Burning - A level of endurance is necessary for you to
reduce fatigue during games and maintain form.

∙ MuscleBuilding - Body strength is required for carrying the ball

and hold body positions to correctly execute the skill.

∙ StrongBones - The bowling ball creates a weight bearing sport

as upper body power is important in the 4-step approach and

∙ Hand & Eye Coordination - The

dimensions of a bowling lane make it important to see the pins 60’ away and
be able to properly release the ball at a point to
successfully knock down pins
without going in the gutter.

∙ Balanceand Coordination - Flexible & balance are associated with a

much lower risk of muscle strains, sprains and pulls.

Social Health

∙ New Friends - Bowling can help you make new friends. Approximately 2 million bowlers socialize
and bowl together each week in leagues throughout America.
∙ Family Bonding - Bowling is an inclusive lifetime sport bringing the family together in a fun &
rewarding environment.
∙ Lifetime Sport - Enjoyed by everyone from preschoolers to senior citizens and currently one of the
fastest growing high school varsity sports.

Emotional Health

∙ Stress Reliever - Social relationships around shared interests such as bowling can strengthen the
heart muscles and increase longevity.
∙ Performance Booster - As bowling becomes an important part of their life consequent benefits are
recognized as self-renewal, greater productivity, more energy and reduction in health care costs

NASPE Standards
The goal of the Bowler’s Ed program is to develop physically fit and literate students through the
bowling curriculum and associated bowling activities. Bowler’s Ed gives students the knowledge,
skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns
Bowler’s Ed teaches competency in basic motor skills, such as an underhanded throw and
balance, leading up to more specialized four-step approach.
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principals,
strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.
The Bowler’s Ed curriculum helps students identify and correctly use various body parts, uses “cue
words” to reinforce the activity.
Standard 3: The physically literate individual demonstrates knowledge and skills to achieve
and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
The additional fitness activities included in the Bowler’s Ed curriculum further enhance physical
fitness through cardiovascular exercises, jumping rope and other aerobic activities. Children who
enjoy bowling in their physical education class can go to the bowling center for continued
enjoyment and participation.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others.
The Bowler’s Ed curriculum is designed to encourage teamwork, as children work together –
sometimes in pairs and sometimes in teams of 5 or 6 – throughout the activities. In addition,
etiquette and safety are important aspects of the bowling program.
Standard 5: The physically literate individual recognized the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction. Bowling is a fun,
challenging sport that everyone can participate in! Bowling does not require advanced
athleticism, such as football or basketball, so children who may not succeed at those sports
often excel at bowling. And bowling is a sport they can enjoy for a lifetime.

10-Pins Values
Participation in Bowler’s Ed teaches kids about the values of team playing and sportsmanship. The
In-School Bowling program promotes not only the lifetime activity of bowling, but discipline and
respect while showing them the love for the game.

1. Inclusion - Bowler’s Ed allows complete participation irrespective of gender, physical or

natural ability.
2. Respect - In bowling it is important to show respect for oneself, team, competitors and
3. Sportsmanship - Students know and abide by the rules conducting themselves in a
respectful manner towards others.
4. Safety - Teachers instruct students on bowling center specifics to enrich their experience. 5.
Education - Bowler’s Ed engages students in cross curricular activities to include educational
6. Courtesy - Bowler’s Ed focuses on courtesy and interpersonal skills extending beyond in
school bowling.
7. Responsibility - Bowler’s Ed places responsibility on the bowler, spotter, pin setter, ball
returner and score keeper.
8. Perseverance - Students continue through strikes & gutters understanding accomplishment
and adversity.
9. Achievement - Students experience a sense of accomplishment and confidence for having
mastered a new game.
10.Lifetime Activity - Bowling is a lifetime sport and students can continue to improve and
participate for years to come.

Health Benefits of Bow ling

Health Benefits of Bowling Bowling has one of the longest and richest histories of all sports, dating
back approximately 4,000 years ago to Greece and Rome. If you love to play the game, you’re not
alone. According to The Bowling Foundation, more than 25 percent of Americans bowl each year,
making it the nation’s largest participation sport. Today, bowling is a $4 billion industry with nearly
3,000 bowling centers in the United States. Besides being a fun and competitive game, bowling
also offers you numerous health benefits.

∙ Muscle toning and strengthening: Bowling helps promote muscle exercise of the lower body,
as you are doing a lot of walking with the extra weight of a bowling ball in your hands. Further,
when you are swinging your arm to throw the bowling ball, the stretching and flexing that
occurs provides enough exercise for the tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints in your arms.
∙ Weight loss: Bowling helps you slim down by speeding up your metabolism. Although the game
is restricted to a small area, your constant movement while playing helps burn excess fat.
You’re exercising your legs while walking back and forth, and working the rest of your body as
you lift and swing the bowling ball down the lane. The average bowler walks approximately
3/5ths of a mile during a three-game series. Depending on your weight and amount of effort
you put into the game, bowling can burn anywhere from 170 to 300 calories per game. An
adult who weighs 200 pounds can burn up to 275 calories per hour while bowling.
∙ Improve social life: Approximately 2 million bowlers socialize and bowl together each week in
leagues throughout America, according to The Bowling Foundation. Bowling leagues and
teams allow you to meet fellow players and spend time with old friends. Finding
companionship through bowling leagues and teams can ease loneliness in the elderly and
others who live alone, reducing stress and depression. Social relationships around shared
interests can increase longevity.
∙ Reduce risk of disease: A sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading risk factors for heart disease,
according to WebMD. Exercise, including bowling, lowers your risk of stroke, heart attacks,
diabetes, increases bone density, improves circulation, lowers cholesterol levels and blood
pressure, and helps your body utilize oxygen better. Try to bowl once or more each week for
optimum benefits.
∙ Can be enjoyed at any age: Bowling is one of the few sports that allows you to compete at any
age and become a pro. The game is enjoyed by everyone from preschoolers to senior citizens
and is currently the fastest growing high school varsity sport. There’s a low risk of injury, which
makes it a popular game for older individuals. Many bowling alleys can accommodate those in
wheelchairs and bowlers who are blind.
∙ Stress relief: By engaging in physical activity, bowling allows us to relieve daily stress.
Socializing with people during the game also acts as a mental stress reliever. ∙ Easy to learn: It
encourages easy adjustment methods, which is why it is liked by most children and adults. In the
opinion of 95% bowlers, it can be played for recreation, relaxation, competitively and socially. The
simplicity of this game is making it a favorite sport of people all over the world.
∙ Healthy heart: Relationships and friendships built during this sport helps in better performance
of heart muscles. Also, the adrenaline that is felt during a match also increases heart rate.
Bowling thus promotes a healthy heart.
∙ Fun for the whole family: A large contributing factor to the simplicity of this game is the
immense adaptability that it offers. The rules of the game are very easy to understand and
learn, and the automatic scoring systems take care of all the scoring for you. Participants
enjoy this sport not because they like the competition that comes with it but because of the fun
they have and the ease with which they are able to pass the time with their family and friends.
∙ Hand-eye coordination: Throwing the bowling ball and hitting the pins requires a great amount
of hand-eye coordination. This kind of focus stimulates mental alertness, concentration and
tactical strategy. This makes bowling the perfect game for young people to sharpen motor
skills and hand-eye coordination, and for older people to refine tactics.
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