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Region I

La Union Schools Division

Bangar, La Union

General Biology 2

Performance Task 1: 3D GMO Model

Name/s: CAMASIS, Rashid Alfonso M. Grade & Section: 12-Bernoulli

ESQUITA, Summer M.
MACADAEG, Cherie Ruby M.

I. Materials (Indigenous)
II. GMO Product Name
Synsepalum Dulcificum (Miracle Fruit) + Momordica Charantia (Bitter Gourd) =
Synsepalum Charantia ( Sweetened Gourd)
III. Final Product (Documentation)
IV. Product Description
In aspiration of better patronage from the masses, the Synsepalum charantia, also coined
by the group as "sweetened gourd," is a combination of the miracle fruit and bitter gourd
to achieve a much preferable taste than the conventional bitter vegetable. This genetically
modified product also features faster fruit maturity that helps farmers generate more
supply and has a longer shelf life than the accustomed bitter gourd, which means that it
can be commercially produced for the local and national market. Furthermore, since
Synsepalum charantia is considered a member of perennial plants, it is an ideal crop for
farmers owing to its convenient needs in planting and its availability for consumption
throughout the year.
V. Product Benefits
As the saying goes, "we are what we eat." It’s no secret that having a well-balanced diet
has huge significance in improving both our overall performance as well as our physical
appearance. In addition, maintaining a well-balanced diet also protects you against many
chronic non-communicable diseases, such as heart problems, diabetes, and cancer. Eating
a variety of foods and consuming less salt, sugar, and saturated and industrially-produced
trans-fats are all essential in boosting our immunity, especially now that we are under the
pandemic’s tyranny. Hence, humans need to consume nutritious food to constantly be
productive. However, nowadays, most people often take this fact for granted and neglect
their body’s need for nutrition. This anomaly can be attributed to the difference in flavors
that the food has to offer. It’s no wonder that children as young as 14 prefer fast food
over vegetable dishes, as the former simply tastes better. With that in mind, our group
decided to venture the process of making vegetables a new trend in the community by
enhancing their taste without diminishing their nutritional quality. Our product, the
Synsepalum Charantia, is a combination of the miracle fruit’s Miraculin protein
integrated into the bitter gourd to negate its bitter taste and make it more appealing to
people, especially children. Several studies show that the miracle berries contain the
protein Miraculin, which coats the taste buds and changes their receptivity so that sour
foods taste sweet. Conducted experiments also show that the more sour/acidic a food is,
the stronger and sweeter its flavor becomes, making it an ideal complementary food to be
mixed with bitter gourd. Moreover, the bitter gourd plant naturally matures over a span of
55–65 days. However, with our genetically modified product, farmers can begin their
harvest as early as 45–50 days after seed germination. This particular characteristic
makes this product ideal for both family or commercial consumption as it enables farmers
to enjoy the fruit of their hard work in a shorter period of time while also giving them the
ability to begin planting their second crop once the harvest has been done. Furthermore, it
was claimed that the product can be utilized for commercial consumption as it can be
marketed at both local and national levels since the Synsepalum Charantia can be
sustained at a maximum of one week's shelf life. This significant increase in shelf life
provides the product with a longer tolerance to spoilage. Hence, farmers can transport
their crops almost anywhere within the country without the fear of them being rotten.
This is as long as the product isn’t exposed to humid conditions or high temperatures in
the process. In conclusion, our group strongly believes that with the innovation of the
Synsepalum Charantia, people, especially children, will be encouraged to maintain a
well-balanced diet regardless of their age. And that farmers could incorporate the product
into their crops of choice, as well as provide each family with a sustainable staple food
for year-round consumption, thereby creating a community in which hunger and
malnutrition no longer exist among its citizens.

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