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DATE: 24/o3/2 02 2
Page -1
Essentistt o a labid Comtaet 2
Ace onging ba fhe hdeán
Contoet Aet 1842
Agr heemenfs At af3o Conhnoet, hoA hy the
Consenk of parkies, Compefenk to confhocf to
Consier thAlatstol objeek onol a e hot hosby
pthe 3slp declasad bs be 9aild ". Thoorafsne tle,

Con nae 6 on fle

agheeenk hssf esenbtal aspes
mantath fla nohmal phaae of dufres by both

A and B txnde 1eynt gle Conftek, lne

A w't purehose lo bags ol cement fan P3.100000.
promes o Supply tt 3ane in bha rbeh pec bcd andd
the qualikp menttonod A pomises go Poy a Stm A3

pea le menbonmd meßhsd in tu Cofhoe fIn the

Case both panb ès have to perfoam Bha deß al
per {h
DIeement Sd.
To pfe plasn kla esseh 6iols afa (alid
Conthatt, Loe o yoec l8th ftiu hisß nfodhd
by tlu Indim Cantacf Acb 1842-
O nd Acce pt.ance
OTehestaly, thu toWten conktroe only Cunfolds
Loks'h bhs
And i3
otlan paaty ecepk tls offer by on P
fihite înall Sense. Tho Aen On9o ee
musf be elea and m hie
all 3ense. B% panfies
lapse {la Confraef aef. Both tla alr ard
Aeeephance mu8 be Con Beh ad'om

meang. both pasnies must eomply tifh the 1 Sokne

Intentbn tt Creade a degal Ralakinshapb

o bind, both paftes hould -
hase A
in fenttbn thot eon eheate a l egal h elahtoskip.
e3t i n an agheemenö6.Ag»eement in &oe
On household nobufe Contraetj beean&e pnYtes
edo not ikend bo becld tegal
rbeakt onsheps
The Inkens_al degel
Ome a4 tle ezsenftal Ohlizaftins-
elemenbs of a (9alid
ofes is
th both porfres Aubjeak boa Contrack
the in6cnons of ma8 be cle
Tus al3o meand jhat
Cheabg alepal nelattonskap.
oghee mekr that at hot
oneomeeable by ttu leus i goeanets betus eeyesfenn
loeabttes ao entone enble n fhob Cot af lau
Possibilik yof Peakon mone e / eemert
n hos eale, Scuppo3e tudo people doese bd
dego an aphee ment whero pey3m H e
Go baing person Bt dead belatibe boeh balife,
tktol ke hot al! tnakr dhs legol Controet 20
Deeause bmnhg baek th oereased persoh
alitse t an mpossible tauk, Thus, tle agheene
loes hot 3ttnd Daeld.

l Fon halifes
In thuk aghee ment, if khere i8 anp Uheeynok
ahd both panhres au not efpable of finadhng tle
th pakh, tlun it daemd batld. As a pa
4 gte essenbials of a Doild Considoraton, te tem
ad Conoiftons af e Conbhoet herld be Conee
Fny Conthacb, whueh 18 Aheentatn in any Sense
ean be utmd as 9atld. The bens men boned
hr gheenent 3horld be CapAble s} peyYahns0

Spee houghos.
Candra febn mepns the mOro baltu grtsen fn dhe
pePonmanee of fle phomBe IF shotld hot be 0
fedbo money, but tlere shorld be Sohie bdlece rt
o o hos been hced pon. One ol 6lu eosvenfisle,f
otld eon S/de)ah dn id flat if Shonld rot be deqle
but shoruld eawy Some 9al e
Some Ponkeos Under Con
onSdsafton îs Ohollp ko he oesine 0f ble
@mS0, ohuèh meons the be lStes mwsf tomt
nom the pnomi3on. Con3/derakron Con be eion
Pas6 Com 3iderakron
Poese Canhilerakon
.Pubere Cansidbotatton
oConStdesratrbn Con be tehgibfe ,like ttu perf
perfsn monce af bhe Sex(ree He beachsig and
The3e s bh eSsenbia a toatld Conoact
L9Ach neea bo be fulfiled by the Confhaet acta

ndha. Bekone fefkig inbo ony agbeemek, ibil

esgemhtl 6o Anord what aehon has led.
Page 5
ConSid enafron
ConSt'fenafon 1s thi benePrt thaf eaoh pay
hee eie3 , On edpeeks to oeees tsea, uhoh
enter ing into a esnftadet, Con 3idos1a kron 1
Ffen maneta but i6 Can be a ph0mit To

Peform a SpeciPe aet, on a phom/3e do

|efhaun Prom deing 3othng.In Dn der fon a

ontact on heemenf to be legallp bind

e1ey pady bo bke Conftnact must beceeise
So bype af Constdernkton, In o ther Lsds, a

Conooef is ftss -oy Sta eet, So each pasntp

must teeied Sonafha of tahe eoom fha
othon pantp on pastjes . fllegal on immonal aul
aste bhotE 1e9-allp Co red to Be B s3
ConSid eTokton,
dom pe
John baekrd into Allen's Can, damang
i6,dohn liable to poy fon tha damajes, but
does not haue he mouy h1htho ohile
Alen Could Sue Johy fon fto damag es
entens înto hohis
Can, he a n
hemerb with Jihh to
19em 9o doy3 bopay tla frull amount of 3s
a odd itgnal 3 250 fon the incohoenehe
Page 6

The thot rll hdf ile

heaee menf 3fafes len
laosuk befone he I0 cbys isup but

Oh eonknae t," pmotbrdes eon3idenafron foan hoth

John's beneft Allen gves up fla hiph/ t0
Sa Sue fon a peruid af JO
D Alen's behefié John trCI pay fen T
damages, plus an dad)khonal
amount of B250.
Foe Con Senb -
o es oefhne frnee Consen as a Conthoe
based on Seeton 13 o4 {io mdbón Confnaet a
842 8, la mesng OL thee Consent 13 on abeebne
mad beftween tuo panfres fon {le Same puspcse
with Uon a4 fhauphts. It i3 Uholes tlu pjneeple
Pon Sen 3u3 od- idem.Ii3 the depi ftn
Pnee CoMent.
o ample
In Onder to underskond mone eleanl
et illusthate a case af tnee C on Sent,.det is
038m ond B oa s d pasIfès, a'nd A'had So
finaneia eriss, 30 ho had to madg a Confoart.
f&e noong all {la nfonwafton no ftes
haly ig the Sikuokon, 8' hanfs to areept the
Con toaet mode
tnaet by A. Hee tlu Conftaset or
Pee ment ia made tolth the mutua Con Sont
ooth ths pavigiès . Thës iA nothig but lu fmee
Consent af fle Confroek.
10 Coereion
COetcaon is tlu p» ma element fhot Cifiales
nee Cansent a the
party, 1f befes &o tis
mefhsd bo bha mefhsd of
imdecing onothe
Pantiy aet ina een tain monnehYhieh s
48 atnst thels rn.
n Coeeon one Panb, eommits
fhentens to

CommF an
aef hneh i hof pen '33/
unden ennnol Code.t al3o ble
Coses the
defarnig on
hheaterig bo de fatn poope
A8astthe lauk, tsel a3
Faxnst {he teit!
llo peNSOn, So a3 fo compel fe paty fo fon
An aghee menf.
Secton t5of tha hdan Corvdncf Ae4, 1P42 denfs
9ith Co enex'on.
oul threatene bo pnplieade Miehael in /l
talse musdY ese ifhe denees
ol' dsghfes Mie hael et; heady to ma'y

Paul daughfes oub of thhea6.

Uhdut Influehee
d u e 1nfluenee Con be. do3 eri bed a3 tha phoilee

the tait ol Ha otlon per3on by tho
ol tta helakon eaisktha amkst the parnbres,
Fufhen, to employ undue mPluenee me Pa
has bo be dominant
ond fhe othon bearg Lealen.
So as to use tla
po3jton to et an unfat
beneet over tla dun.
Undue In fluenee 13 Covead unde
Section 16
la nd on Confnoet Acb, 1872.
ameR. old mon
Suffeur fhnou?h Cone 1, i2
indC ed by Daniel, hi3 doe toh to
p»y m eAon.hia
moun ton fhe ph ofeS 1oralSSeatoie e3
me3hasfens t he mont ho Dani e)
(V) Fhatud
aee aham ber 04 hays fo Camm it fhaltd
aS eloiminols use heer tmaginafom in fnohig vet?

ways bo Jath, Some of tle Commonly Commikttd

ype3 of Pnoud melud
Cheek Praud-heek fnaud oee
Peon paps fon e Somethingg sith a e heK
Hnousthat thene is hoF enough mony in the
check 343/en hom Somedn. elBe.
ovges a

b In teanet Sale Intenet S f»auds

beeom1n9 phevalent >nee flu tIdhfd

belies h ea tbily on feehnoloy. This bype o foud

in 9olues Selig
oke On Cotunterfet 1fems, O
okr Pay ment with ho infenbron ta 8hkap On
he kexn odefio
e19e bsite m13 dinecton- This
haeks mime neputable Compantes dretes Ihot
Steh as
Ama2on, e bay, O» ay Pal, ntdnecfr
(nohe tOehsite whone loy ente% klors
infoomafton. The Coral lon tuse hes cd
dChaibies fnaud -Fon f yeins,rimio
haue l4n
advenhoe of fhu act (hat Ameniesn
neoulp ioe o 19»fhty eatuSe3 Cimtral .

Solieif pesøle bo noke s to Daotugus

Cattes ho do not aetually eaist.
o n k - from - home 3am on ro
hone Ssounds liH adbeam to montp pesple, So t
8 hot
Sphiain that a humber o Ameueans
Foll fon tlus trpe a fraud eaeh yea. Cnivoinals
Promse ineona fo pesple oho Sigh up n bher
r chtf ous a n H- trohm -home job, offen
eguuing hot money be patal tup faont L
la ppomlse af a bi palyof# in a Shont amouyy

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