Book Reviews: 1. Aromatherapy Science: A Guide For Healthcare Professionals

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Cecil Helman was very impressed by the

intensity of faith some Eastern people had
in their shaman. He believes that to be a
good doctor, a medical practitioner should

Book Reviews use communication skills with patients as if

he or she were a compassionate chameleon,
a shape-shifter and a shaman. Although it
is not an autobiography, he tells many
1. Aromatherapy science: a guide for healthcare
interesting stories to illustrate the message.
professionals The book
2. Suburban shaman: tales from medicine’s frontline contains 24
stories. Each story
3. Obesity prevention and public health gives a picture of
4. The Health for All policy framework for the WHO a different
practitioner of
European region: 2005 update alternative
medicine that the
1. Aromatherapy science: a guide that the body massage also augments the author has come
for healthcare professionals therapy. The author takes an objective across in his life.
By Maria Lis-Balchin. Published by look at the safety issues and clinical He describes how
Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2006. studies listed in the bibliography. Each a well-built
Paperback 462pp. Price chapter describes a practice 65-year-old man,
£45.00 of aromatherapy popular who barks
ISBN 0–85369–578–4 among its practitioners and threateningly at
DOI: 146642400608244 then includes a balanced him, turned out to be a retired lion tamer,
As with science, allopathic scientific comment, by the to show that it is prudent to listen to the
medicine is concerned with author, to help general readers whole story and avoid misunderstandings.
objectivity and reason. and health professionals. A In another story he recalls an elderly Indian
Conversely, akin to religion, comparison of the antibacterial woman, who became very depressed and
alternative/complementary and antifungal properties of felt very frightened by a curse she believed
medicine is based on commonly used essential oils, her ex-husband’s family had put upon her,
subjectivity and intuition. in an appendix, is of practical making her see everything in shades of
Yet the human race has value. brown. Instead of referring her to a
almost always used both A British scientist appraising psychiatrist, he let her see an Indian vaid,
approaches. The knowledge of both a discipline of alternative medicine is a an Ayurvaidic practitioner. The vaid helped
allopathic and alternative therapies is refreshing progress in attitudes of the her to recovery, by listening and
derived not only from clinical-trial based population. Indeed, positive criticism is a counselling.
research, which is expensive and not always positive activity in science and politics. I Dr Helman emphasizes that listening and
possible, but also from anecdotal think that the author has been very fair in detailed history taking by the doctor is the
observations of actual practitioners. her comments. Doctors, nurses, key to correct diagnosis and management.
Leaving the sibling rivalry aside, both pharmacists, alternative medical The stories in this book, and the message,
disciplines have existed and would survive practitioners and medical libraries as well would make a fascinating read for general
side by side, because of patient demand. as general readers would find this book a readers and health professionals.
Recently, there has been an increased useful resource. Bashir Qureshi
interest in alternative medicine in Britain, Bashir Qureshi General Practioner
and abroad. This book is unique in that the General Practitioner
author, who is a research scholar and not a 3. Obesity prevention and public
practitioner, provides an analytical and 2. Suburban shaman: tales from health
scientific evaluation of the aromatherapy medicine’s frontline Edited by David Crawford and Robert W
practices and principles, based on real By Cecil Helman. Published by Jeffery. Published by Oxford University
scientific evidence to date. Hammersmith Press, London, 2006. Press, New York, 2005. Hardback 338pp.
After giving an interesting account of Paperback 198pp. Price £9.99 Price £49.50 ISBN 0–19–856600-X
historical background, the text introduces a ISBN 1–905–14008–8 DOI: 1466424006068247
reader to the science of smell and DOI: 1466424006068246 Over recent decades there have been large
aromatherapy practice today. It covers the ‘Shaman’ is the name given to a healer- increases in the prevalence of overweight
chemistry, bioactivity, uses and toxic side priest in Northern Asia, who works by and obesity in children and adults, in both
effects of essential oils, which are the magic, spiritualism and sorcery. As an developed and developing countries. Thus,
essence of aromatherapy. It is emphasized eminent doctor and an anthropologist, the importance of this public health

September 2006 Vol 126 No 5 Copyright © 2006 The Journal of The Royal Society for the Promotion of Health JRSH
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