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Meaning: "suffrage" is used today to mean the right to vote in election, somctimcs

also including the right to run for and hold elected public office. It is commonly used

in phrases like "women suffrage" or "women's suffrage" or "univcrsal suffrage".

It means "right or prÅilcgc to vote in an election".

Usage: 1.1fthe people in the small country had suffrage, they would remove the evil

leader from power.

2. Women who acquired the freedom to vote can thank thc female leaders

who fought for universal suffrage.


Meaning: when two person debate, onc or them makes an argument, and the other

followswith a rebuttal, which, plainly put, is the "NO,you're wrong and this is why"

argument. In other words, a term used in pleading to indicate the defendant's

answer to the plaintiffs surrejoindcr.

Usage: l.The lawyer gave a Strongrebuttal to the closingargument.

2. Gill Was so hurt by his wife's accusation he refused to respond with a



Meaning: It is the rule or law that if the federal government through congress has

enacted legislation on a subject matter it shall be controlling over state laws and

preclude the state from enacting laws on the same subject if congress has specifically

declared it has "occu icd the reld".

Usage: LA good training course
"'ill pre empt many problem.

2. I don't want to pre-empt anything

that the treasurer is going to say.


Meaning: Exclusive right conferred on one who invents or discovers some process, machine

etc. In other words, patent is a legal document granted by the government giving an inventor

the exclusive right to make, use for a specifiednumber of year.

Usage: 1.Thc eldest son, Thomas, succeededas the third duke of his name, although the

second under the patent of 1514.

Usage: 2.The fundamental American vestibule patent, issued to Il.


Meaning: To draw upon a person or a bank, by bill or cbeek%to an amount in

excess of the funds remzining to the drawer's cred,'cwith the drawce, or to an

amount greater than what is due.

Usage: 1.110wcan I be overdrawn? I still have cheeks

2. Visa, he was happy to learn, didn't call to say he was overdrawn but to

offer to increase his credit limit.


Meaning: An omission is a failure to act, which generally attracts different legal

consequences from positive conduct. In other words, omission is a neglect of duty.

Usage: I.The manager apologized for any omission he might have made while praising his

office staff.
2. The omission of the funeral scene from the film left
a huge hole in the story.

7. NULL:

Meaning: It refers to something that has no legal force. Null is that which does not exist,

which is not in the nature of things. It is usually coupled with "null and void".

Usage: 1.The contract was declared null and void.

2. To declare the marriage null, on the ground that Blanche's mother had been his



Meaning: This legal term refers to intentionally doing something that is wrong, either legally

or morally. Malfeasance is a dishonest act, an action undertaken for improper purposes, or

an act that the individual knows exceeds his authority. "The performance of an illegal deed,

generally by someone in the public trust".

Usage; 1. A handful of police officers were arrested today for malfeasance during drug


2. Because of the company president's malfeasance, he has been removed from his office.


Meaning: A cartel is a united group of industrial corporations which band together for the

purpose of restricting trade for their mutual benefit. Cartels may agree to control distribution, set

prices, reduce competition, and sometimes share technical expertise. Such companies usually are

international and cartels generally exist outside of the united state.

Usage: I. We joined a cartel, restricting the import of diamonds.

2. Prices go up when a cartel controls the supply of products.


Meaning: A crimc and a tort resulting from an_act.bywhich-any person directly negligently

or possibly recklessly causes another to apprehend reasonable immediate application to

himself to unlawful physical violence.

Usage: l.The middle aged man was Chargedwith assault.

2. Tom has been arrested three times for assault.


Meaning: Habeas corpus is a Latin term meaning "yOu have the body". It is a writ (court

order) which directs the law enforcement officialswho have custodyof a prisoner to appear

in court with the prisoner in order to determine the legality of the prisoner's confinement.

llabeas corpus petitions arc commonly used when a prisoner claims illegal confinement.

such as holding a person without Charges,•.vhenduc process obviouslyhas been denied, bail

is excessive, parole has been granted, an accused has been improperly surrendered by the

bail bondsman or probation has been unjustly denied.

Usage: I. If to you ever find yourself in jail and it is taking to long you can try using the writ

Of habeas corpus get brought before the judge.

2. The man was devastated because we was given a writ of habeas corpus and would be

brought directly to prison.


Meaning: A Latin term used to describe a final ending or adjournment of a session of a

legislature or a court. The English translation of the phrase is "without day". A legislative
without appointing a day on which to appear
body adjourns sinc die when it adjourns

assemble again.

Usage: 1.The casc was adjourned sine die.

the bottom sine die.

2. There is certain time limit, impossible prolong


or property for a loss suffered. It also

Meaning: Indemnity means compensation in money
consequences of the conduct of one Of the parties or
means a contract to save another from the legal
to secure another against an
of a third person. It is an agreement whereby one party agrees

anticipated loss or damage.

him from
Usage: 1.SinccKurt was driving drunk, the insurance company will not indemnify

the property damage he caused.

2. The trucking contpany Wii! indemnify the victim of the car accident caused by the

sleeping trucker.


Meaning: De Jure is the Latin of the term "of the law." It describes a condition that is

legitimate "as a matter of law" or "according to law." The term has come to be described as

a total adherenceof the law. De jure is generally used in contrast to dc facto. De jure

connotes"as a matter of law," whereasde facto connotes "as a matter of practice not

founded upon law."

Usage: I.The constitution of China provides for three de jure levels of government.

2. On I October 2010,squatting became de jure illegal in the Netherlands.


Meaning: Dc Facto is a legal term meaning "in fact" or "in reality", which is used to qualify

many legal terms. For example, dc fact segregation refers to segregation which occurs without any

official action by government officials, but results from social, psycholological,or economic

conditions. Dc facto may mean existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not.

Usage: 1.The wife is usually the dc facto head of the household.

2. Since my sister abandoned her children, I am now the kids' de facto guardian.


Meaning: Inter alia is a Latin term that means "arnopg other things" It is used to indicate

that something is one out of a number of possibilities.For example, "hc filed suit against

respondents in state court, alleging, inter •alia,a breach or contract."

Usage: I Success in meeting these objectives depends, inter ali». on good governance within

each country.

2. The paper discussed, inter alia, political, economic, and social issues.


Meaning: Ex Officio is a Latin term meaning "by virtue of one's office". It is often used in

the context of legislative bodies to automatically confer membership on a subcommittee to a

chairman and top minority member of a committee.

Usage: 1. A further 134 members were appointed, and the rest were ex officio.

2. Ile is also the President ex officio of the Supreme Sangha Council.

3. Even though you are an ex officio board member, you still have voting rights.
18. EX-I'ARTE:

a restraining order or
Meaning: Ex parte matters arc usually temporary orders (like
ror a continuance.
temporary custody)pending a formal hearing or an emergency reque<
Most jurisdictionsrequire at least a diligent attempt to contact the Otherparty's lawyer

the time and place or any ex parte hearing.

Usage: 1. An ex parte applicationis made, supported by an affidavit.

2. The hearing should only be held parte as necessary.


Meaning: Mala fides is a Latin term which means 'in bad faith.' For example, a seller's

representationthat a particular commodityis usable for a particular JRrposewhen in fact

the seller knows that it is not. A mala fide purchaser is a person buy•g property from

another with the knowledge that it has been stolen.

Usage: I-The judge concluded that the company had acted mala in concealing the


2. A mala fide registration is the one obtained by someone who knew trut the mark belongs

to someone else.


Meaning: Bona fide is a Latin term meaning "good faith". In legal tertm, it is often used to

refer to a purchaser or holder "'ho takes somethingwithout fraud, dec@ or knowledge

of a
lien or superior claim by another. Bona fide refers to a quality of genuinmess.
Usage: 1. Make surc you arc dealing with a bona fide company.

2. Becausethc man had lied about havinga medicaldegree, he was not a bona fide doctor.


Meaning: Status quo generally refers to the existing statc of affairs or circumstances. A status

quo order may bc issuedby a judge to prevent any of the parties involvedin a dispute from

taking any action until the matter can be resolved.

Usage: 1.Whcn the female judge was finally appointed to the bench, her appointment

changed the status quo on the highest court in the land.

2. The new company president has plans to change the status quo and turn the business into a

new organization.


Meaning: Sub judicc refers to a matttcr before a court or a judge, unc;er judicial consideration and

not yet decided. a matter has yet to be proved or disproved in a court case it is sub judice and

unable to be discussedor stated as a fact in public.

Usage: l. Ile was not able to continue his satyagraha as the case was sub judice.

2. As the casc is still pending, the issuesdiscussed at such gatherings are sub judice.


Meaning: Prima facie is a Latin term meaning "at first look," or 'ton its face," and refers to

evidence before trial which is sufficient to prove the case unless there is substantial

contradictory evidence shownat trial.

Usage: 1.1n court, ihe story of the plaintiff is Prima Facie, and they arc innocent until they

arc actually proven guilty.

2. A gullible person may accept the story of someone else as Prima Facie, believing it to be

truc without evidence.


Meaning: The creation of a false written document or alteration of a genuine one, with the

intent to defraud. Forgery consists of filling in blanks on a document containing a genuine signature,

or materially altering or erasing an existing instrument.

Usage: I.The letter of Macarius, therefore, if a forgery, must bc a very early one.'

2. There is absolutely no motive for a forgery in the contents of the epistle.

25. ALIBI:

Meaning: An alibi is a form of defense used in criminal procedure wherein the accused attempts to

prove that he or she was in some other place at the time the alleged offense was committed.

Usage: I.The minister's friends were willing to lie in order to give him an alibi for the night of his

brother's murder.

2. Unfortunately Joseph's alibi does not exclude him from being his ex-wife's killer.


Meaning: Parole is the conditional release of prisoners before they complete their sentence. Parole

is defined in criminal law as the release of a convicted criminal defendant after serving a portion

their sentence, upon a finding that the person is sufficiently rehabilitated and not a threat to
The parole period is defined as a certain length or time and is subject to conditions imposed by the

releasing authority and to its supervision, including a term of supervised rclcasc.

Usage: 1. Prisoners released upon parole arc carefully supervised by state agents.

2. was Outon parole from an arrest in Missouri.


Meaning: Jurisprudence is a catchall term for entire subject of law, the study or law and legal

questions. It derives from the Latin term juris prudentia, which means '"the study, knowledge, or

science of law." It refers to the philosophyor law which is employed in analyzing, explaining, and

classifying law. There are various types of philosophiesunder the concept of jurisprudence. They

include formalism, realism, naturalism, critical legal studies, feminist jurisprudence, law and

economics,utilitarianism, and legal pragmatism.

Usage: I At the same time he studied jurisprudence, and in 1782became a government clerk at


2. People who study jurisprudence hope to learn more about the nature and history of laws.


Meaning: Illegitimate is a person who was born to unmarried parents, or something that is

incorrectly decided, or is not in accordance with the rules or laws. A baby who is born to a single

mother who is not married is an example of a baby that would be described as illegitimate.

Usage: I.The cousin had to bc the illegitimate daughter of the old man.

2. John had also two illegitimate sons, Richard and Oliver, and a daughter, Joan or Joanna, who

married Llewelyn l.

Meaning: TO make lawful; to confer

to place a child born before marriagc on the footing
of thosc born in lawful wedlock.

such as H'hen a child is born prior to the parents '

marriage and theysubsequent/y wed and thereby confe

r upon the child the same legal status as those born inlaycftt/ wedlock.

That which is lawful, legal, recognized by law, or in accordance "'ith law, such as legitimatechi/dren or I

egitimate authority; real, valid, or genuine.

Usage: 1. Pierre Willget everything as the legitimate son.

2. Frank knew he needed a legitimate excuse to avoid jury duty.

30. DEED:

Meaning: A decd (anciently "an evidence") is any legal instrument in writing which passes, affirms

or confirms an interest, right, or property and that is signed, attested, delivered, and in some

jurisdictions, scaled.

Usage: 1.1f the goods were stolen and the rightful owner reclaimed them, he had to prove his

purchase by producing the seller and the deed of sale or witnesses to it.

2. Their deed of agreement was drawn up in the temple by a notary public, and confirmed by an

oath "by god and the king. "


leaning: Mandamus ("We command") is a judicial remedy in the form of an order from a superior

urt, to any government subordinate court, corporation, or public authority, to do (or forbear from
doing) some specific act which that body is obliged under law to do (or refrain from doing), and

which is in the naturc of public duty.

Usage: 1.11is onc of the extraordinary rcmcdies - such as mandamus, certiorari and prohibitions,

which the superior courts may grant.

2. The court has appellate jurisdiction only, except for the power to issue writs of mandamus, quo

warranto, certiorari, injunction and other original and remedial writs.


Meaning: Ultra vircs is a Latin phrase meaning "beyond the powers". If an act requires legal

authority and it is done with s•uch authority, it is charactcriscd in law as intra vires("within the

powers"). If it is done without such authority, it is ultra vircs.

Usage: 1.The application was refused on the grounds of being "ultra vires

2. The major question being whether the Act was ultra vires of the federal government.

33. VOID:

Meaning: Void refers to something which is null and of no effect, such as a statute, contract,

or ruling. A law or judgment found by an appeals court to be unconstitutional is void, a

rescinded contract is void, and a marriage which has been annulled by court judgment is void.

Usage: I.Since the judge did not sign the final page of the documents, our divorce is void.

2. The Supreme Court declared the lower court's decision void and overturned the ruling.

Meaning: A contract by which
the owner of real property (the landlord),
grants exclusive possession
of that real property to another
person (tenant), in exchange for the tenant's periodic
payment of
some sum of money (rent).

Usage: I.The contract of tenancy may also bc altered

by operation of law.

2. This tenancy may be created by express agreement between the

parties, or by implication.

35. Eviction:

Meaning: Eviction is a legal process that may be undertaken to remove a tenant from a rental

property. This may be done when a landlord has a need to take legal action because the tenant

refuses to leave, or in the event a mortgage holder has foreclosed on the property, and wants the

tenant out.

Usage: 1. their eviction from the flat about two hours earlier.

2. An Evicted Tenants Bill was however passed at the end of the session, which gave the Estates

Commissioners unprecedented powers to take land compulsorily.


Meaning: A legal agreement that conveysthe conditional right of ownership on an asset or property

by its owner (the mortgagor) to a lender (the mortgagee) as security for a loan. The lender's security

interest is recorded in the register of title documents to make it public information, and is voided

When the loan is repaid in full.

nature of mortgage bonds on the national lands.

Usage: I.They were originally of the

rates has resulted in a decrease in housing sales.

2. An increase in mortgage

37. LEASE:
31eaning: as a legaldocument in which the terms or an agreement are set Out ror a

person to use someone CISC'sproperty ror a specificperiod of time. An cxamplc or a leaseis the

contract under which you agree to rent an apartment for a period or time ror a specificamount of

money cach month.

Usage: 1. Months ago, she argued unsuccessfullyror him to buy rather than 'case the condo.

2. She could use that to leasethe place and live while she looked ror a job.


Meaning: The deliberatetakingOfone'sownlife. Suicideand attemptedsuicideusedto be crimes,

• but no longerare criminaloffenses.Assistedsuicideis a Crimein almostall states,so incidentsare

almostalwayskept secretto avoidpossibleprosecution,although this is extremelyrare.

Usage: l. vcs. llc tried to commitsuicideafter he killedher; he left a note but he didn't cut his

wristsdeeplyenoughto bc fatal.

2. That was the point or her suicide, wasn't it?


Meaning: Ilomicideis the killingof a human being due to the act or failure to act of another.

Criminal homicidesincludemurder and manslaughter.Non-criminalhomicidesincludekilling in

self-defense,a misadventure like a hunting accidentor automobilewreck without a violationof law

like rccklcssdriving, or legal(government)execution.Suicideis a homicide,but is rarely prosecuted.

Assistingor attempting suicidecan be a crime.

Usage: 1.Aruongthe ancients,"he adds," anyone who had stained himself"'ith homicidewent in

search waters that could purge him of his guilt."

2. Tom is a suspect in a homicideinvestigation.

40. LIBEL:

Meaning: Libel is a method or defamation ex rc rint, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, or

exposes a
any communication embodied in physical form that is injurious to a person's reputation,

person to public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or injures a person in his/her business or profession.

Usage: 1.1t was a miserable libel and was at once rebutted by Goodyear.

2. The actress sued the magazine for libel.

41. TORT:

Meaning: A civil wrong arising from an act or failure to act, independently of any contract, for

which an action for personal injury or property damages may be brought.

Usage: 1. Ilis wrong is consider as a tort because this is a civil wrong.

2. Tort may be classified into those involving negligence, defamation, trespass etc.


Meaning: Adoption is the act of taking something on as your own. Adoption usually refers to

the legal process of becoming a non-biological parent, but it also refers to the act of embracing ideas,

habits, or free kittens. Adoption comes from the Old French word adoptare, meaning "to chose for


Usage: I.She might get over the phobia about adoption —if that "'as actually the problem.

2. We talked about this the day you signed the adoption papers.


Meaning: A judicial separation is a legal process by which a. married couple is formally separated,

despite being legally married. It is often known has divorce from bed and board. The separation is

granted in the form of a court order. Do note, however, that a separation is not granted for any

reason —Example: The couplc's differences are irreconcilable or there is suspicion of adultery.

Usage: 1Mttook the poor man seven years to secure a judicial separation from his wife.

2. In thefollowing year he obtains a judicial separationfrom his wife.


Meaning: Bigamy is the condition of having two wives or two husbands at the same time. The

second marriage to someone who is already legally married is void and may be annulled, while there

is no effect on the first marriage.

Usage: 1. Bigamy was punished in England until the reign of William Ill.

2. In most of the states, prosecutions for bigamy arc barred after the lapse of a certain number of



Meaning: Maintenance refers to the "Intermeddling in an action".

Maintenance in
family law refers to alimony or spousal support. Maintenance is
an order of a court for the support of one spouse by the other
spouse. State law, which varies by state, governs the award of
maintenance to a spouse. On application of either party for
spousal support, the court may decree an increase or decrease
only upon a showing of a substantial and material change of
1.The police are responsible for the maintenance of law and

It is necessary to secure financing for local road maintenance.

Meaning: Alimonyis that allowancewhich a married woman sues for on separationfrom her

is an order of a court for the support of one

spouse by the other spouse.
1.The judge ordered the rich woman to pay alimony to her
ex-husband as a way to keep up the lifestyle he had grown
accustomed to living.
2. Alimony payments will stop next month since the woman has
remarried and doesn't need support from her ex-husband any

Meaning:Petitionis a written applicationprayingfor relief Or rcmedy•A written

application from a person or persons to some governing body or

public official asking that some authority be exercised to grant
relief, favors, or privileges.A formal application made to a court
in writing that requests action on a certain matter.
ge: LBecause the petition did not receive the required number of

signatures, it will not be brought before a council vote.

2.Many people have endorsed the petition to save the old church.

Meaning: It includes any person served with a writ of s mons or process or served with notice of

or entitled to attend, any proceedings.Appliesalso to person charged with offences.Defendant is a

person who defends for sues or casc. Ile is also called wrongdoer or accused person.

Usage: 1.
The defendant was sentenced to death.
The decision was in favor of the defendant.

Meaning: plaintiff is the person who brings an action into the court, who files a civil suit or case
court as opposed to a defendant.
Usage: I.
When the plaintiff did not receive the settlement he wanted 1

from the car manufacturer, he stormed out of the courtroom.

When the judge dismissed the case against the fast food chain,
the plaintiff was outraged.

A statement in writing of grounds of complaint made to a
court of law and asking for redress of the grievance.

The exhibiting of any action, real or personal, in writing; the part

y making hisplaint is called the plaintiff.
Usage: l.
In July 2008,the Court decided to reject the plaints against
the planning decision.

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