Complex GH NF Number Notes

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4 ia SUPER COURSE, ¥ 1 VIN ‘ Download “New Era — The Learning App” | \ to Join Super Course For JEE 2021 By - Saumya Ma’am (IT BHU) Ae Ra eA eR TET TM Tl eee Oa The complex number system Indian mathematician Mahavira (850 A.0.) was first to mention in his work ‘Ganitasara Sangraha’; As in nature of things a negative (quantity) is not a square (quantity), it has, therefore, no square root’. Hence there is no real number x which satisfies the polynomial equation x? + 1 = 0. 74, denoted by letter i was intrdouced by Swiss Mathematician, Leonhard Euler| (1707-1783) in 1748 to provide solutions of equation x? + 1 = 0. i was regarded as a fictitious or| imaginary number which could be manipulated algebrically like an ordinary real number, except that its square was ~ 1. The letter i was used to denote /-7 , possibly because I is the first letter of the Latin word ‘imaginarius’ To permit solutions of such polynomial equations, the set of complex numbers is introduced. We can consider a complex number as having the form a + bi where a and b are real number. Itis denoted by zi.e. z= a + ib. ‘a’ is called as real part of z which is denoted by (Re z) and 'b’ is called as imaginary| 2 Download “New Era ~The Learning App” to Join Super Course For JEE 2021 Any complex number is: Qh 0) (ii) (ii) @ ) Purely real, ifb = 0 Imaginary, if b #0. Purely imaginary, if a = 0 The set R of real numbers is a proper subset of the Complex Numbers. Hence the complete| number system is NCW CICQCRCC. Zero is purely real as well as purely imaginary but not imaginary. T is called the imaginary unit. Also #=— 1; =i; i= 1 ete. Ja {b= Jab onlyit atleast one of aor b Is non-nevative If z= a + ib, then a — ib is called complex conjugate of z and written as¢@ |= a ~ ib Reai numbers satisfy order relations where as imaginary numbers do not Satisfy order relations ie. i>0,3+i<2 are meaningless. Q--5, b=-¢ en ce a ee en en) Jab = [Sees eee Jao 0,4+2i<2+4 i are meaningless. In real numbers if a® + b? = O'then a = 0 = b however in complex numbers, 2,2 +2,2 = 0 does fot imply 2, = 2)=0. eT Man ee eT Rea eT Mee Tee ee Neely Equality In Complex Number : ‘Two complex numbers z, =a, + ib, & 2, =a, + ib, are equal if and only if their real and imaginary are equal respectively ——— ie. zy > Re(z,) = Re(z,) and I, (2,) = Ip (2,): Find the value of expression x* -— 4x° + 3x* —2x + 1 when Nes Ket Z KA =L ZO Ue 4) = 1) HLAMLZ = 0 2 Download “New Era — The Learning App” to Join Super Course For JEE 2021 aener 4, Came co wean] pears) ee eee ee ———__ ve ee ren 2 ys FI? - Fx eee eT a as) 3 a Cemres in ECKL 5 ae ae aoe (eam aot iD ar ere ees) yee adr) = 3-ys (ii) a<0,b>0 pv.argz= Teaie 4a pw.argz=0 Super Course For JEE 2021 arg (z,) + arg (2,) to multiply two complex numbers, we multiply their absolute values and add their! arguments. oy — 6400 : (i) PV. arg (2,2,) # P.V. arg (z,) + PV. arg (z,) (i) epee eal al (il) arg (2; 2,) = argz, + argz,+..... + argz, Ka i emetieaile tla Modulus and argument of division of two complex numbers. z Theorem: If z, and z, (+0) are two complex numbers, then | + z i arg | = | =arg (z,)- arg (2,) Mae Micaie ae lyae Conjugate of a complex Number = = Ae Conjugate of a complex number z = a + ib is denoted and defined by 2 In a complex number if we replace i by ~ i, we get conjugate of the compl image of 2 about real axis on Argand’s Plane Geometrical representation of conjugate of complex number. f= 12) arg(2) =~ arg (2) General value of arg (2) = 2nx—P.V. arg (2) KA EMreiaee esi tye Properties zis purely real zis purely imaginary AE a ke Rem eT aT MN OT ae ernest Theorem : Imaginary roots of polynomial equations with real coefficients occur in conjugate pairs Proof: If zy is a root of a2" +a,2"" +... +a, ,2+a, ay, ay, a, €R, then az} + azp' +.......+a,42)+a,=0 By using property (vi) and (vii) we have apzy + a,zp' + + A, 4Z) +a,=0 > Zp is also a root. Note: Ifw=f(z), then w =f(Z) Theorem : lz, 2,[* = |z,? + lz? + (z,2 + 2,2) = lz, + |z,|? + 2 Re(z, 2) siete = Iz, + lz,/? + 2 [241 [za] cos (0, - 0,) Bro’ On R 4 = =< LOyw daa a BD ov) Bela mo we aod 4 te ey A f Oe a a CT Te tee a De ee Sata a a TS Ww are (ee oe ee a TCC aie hee - (== ear 7 . a) oe an = og 7 ee ee o) COE) co 8 Sn aN a re 7 +t ) rs) ee z a d = mre) (Cone = a0 D AT Teele eae ele from (i) and (ii) re re [1,2] Ans. [zZlmax = 2s [Zlmin =

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