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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

Luyện nghe Tiếng Anh lớp 6 có đáp án

Bản quyền thuộc về VnDoc nghiêm cấm mọi hành vi sao chép vì mục đích thương mại
I/ Listen and complete the text
A robot is a machine. But it is not just any machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a
machine that moves. It follows (1) ___________. The instructions come from a computer.
Because it is a machine, it does not make (2) ___________. And it does not get tired.
And it never complains. (3) ___________ you tell it to!.
Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For example, robots can
help make cars. Some robots are used to explore (4) ___________ places. For example,
robots can help explore (5) ___________. Some robots are used to clean things. These
robots can help (6) ___________ your house. Some robots can even recognize words.
They can be used to help answer (7) ___________.
In the future, we will have even more (8) ___________. They will do things that we can’t
do. Or they will do things that we don’t want to do. Or they will do things that are too
dangerous for us. Robots will help us fight (9) ___________. They will help us fight wars.
II/ Listen and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F)
Statement True of False
1. Tony is a pupil at Pink Secondary School
2. He is interested in Maths
3. He doesn’t get bored when he learns maths
4. His father is a construction engineer
5. He would like to be a doctor in the future
III/ Listen and answer the questions
1. What is Charles’ nickname?
2. Where does Charles live?
3. How tall is Charles?
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

4. What does Charles wear at work?

5. Is Charles a boss or an employee?
6. Is Charles hard-working or lazy?
-The end-

Đáp án luyện nghe Tiếng Anh lớp 6 có đáp án

I/ Listen and complete the text
1. instructions 2. mistakes 3. Unless 4. dangerous
5. volcanoes 6. vacuum 7. telephone calls 8. robots
9. fires 10. life
II/ Listen and decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F)
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
My name is Tony. I come from England. I am a pupil at Rose Secondary School. Among
all the subjects I learn at school, Mathematics is my favorite subject Mathematics always
gives me a level of satisfaction and extra energy while studying. I can solve problems
related to mathematics for hours without getting bored. Whenever I face any difficulty in
solving any problems I take my father’s help to do so. My father is a Mechanical
Engineer. He has good knowledge regarding the subject He teaches me easy ways to
learn the subject well. He has taught me a technique called visual representation which is
very helpful.He takes efforts to search more easy ways online. He tries to collect and play
intuitive videos on YouTube to make mathematics more fun. My aim in life is to become
a mathematics professor or mathematician someday. The most amazing part of this
subject is that you just have to remember some formulas to solve the problems. It is
needless to say that mathematics is a very logical subject and does not require any kind of
boring memory work like other subjects especially Geography & History.
III/ Listen and answer the questions
1. His name is Charlie
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập miễn phí

2. He lives in Budapest
3. He is 189 cm tall
4. He wears a suit at work
5. He’s a boss
6. He’s hard-working
I’m Charles Taylor. I’m in my forties. My nickname is Charlie. I was born on 20th of
July, 1971 in Budapest (the capital of Hungary). I’m 189 cm tall. I’m getting bald. My
hair is short and brown. I’ve got brown eyes. I’ve got a round face with a snub nose. I
haven’t got a moustache and a beard. I don’t really have time to lie in the sun or go to a
solarium, so my complexion is rather pale. I think I’m a bit stocky. I usually wear a suit
at work but I prefer casual clothes when I am at home.
I’m quite energetic and bossy. I’m a bit of a workaholic. I’m hard-working, and I want
my employees to be the same. I believe that I’m a good boss. I try to help if someone has
a problem. So you can say I’m a generous and helpful man. I’m also reliable as well as
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