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Submitted to Fulfil the Assignment on

Indonesian English Interpreting

Chaidir Syahri, M. Pd.

Tugas 4

Name : Ima Zahrotus Saadah

NIM : 19220336

Class : B2 – 2019

English Education Study Program

IKIP Siliwangi

1 Anda puasa ? Are you fasting?
2 Yang membatalkan puasa adalah… What invalidates the fasting is …
3 Tidak boleh makan di siang hari No eating during the day time
4 Tidak boleh berhubungan di siang hari No having sexual relations during the day
time (husband and wife)
5 Kita harus cepat-cepat berbuka puasa We have to break the fasting quickly
6 Kita harus bayar fidyah bagi mereka yang We have to pay fidyah for those who
tidak bisa mengerjakan berpuasa can’t perform fasting
7 Mohon maaf lahir bathin We have to forgive and forget our faults
8 Selamat lebaran Happy lebaran day
9 Selamat natal dan tahun baru Marry Christmas and happy new year
10 Kita harus makan sahur We have to eat sahur meal
11 Ngabuburit Killing time before sunset
12 Dia tidak ada pekerjaan He is killing time doing nothing
13 Mereka buang-buang waktu main catur There are killing time playing cheese
14 Bagaimana menghindari bau mulut We have to avoid bad smell from the
15 Kita harus sholat tarawih We have to perform praying tarawih
16 Sebaiknya kita makan kurma sebelum It should be better to eat dates before
berbuka breaking the fast
17 Takbiran Chanting Takbiran
18 Bukber Breaking the fast gathering

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