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3 Mr Scott Morrison PM (Australian date) 13-5-2022
4 Emailed through portal
6 Cc: Peter Dutton DoD
7 Marise Payne FM
8 Anthony Albanese
9 Mr Daniel Andrews Premier
12 Re: 20220513-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Mr Scott Morrison PM-
13 Covid the eugenic tool applied by traitorous politicians
14 Sir,

17 The Epoch times May 6-12, 2022 NATION A5
19 “Australia to Provide Howitzers to Ukraine as Russia Ramps up Offensive”

13-5-2022 Page 1 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 Yes, Australian grossly incompetent federal government is rather assisting the Ukraine NAZI
2 government to continue its genocide upon Ukraine civilians in the Donbass, and near areas,
3 rather than to ensure that those Ukraine civilians so far bombarded, tortured, raped, SINCE 2014
4 are provided with humanitarian aid. But wait, it is willing to provide humanitarian aid to the
5 Ukraine (corrupt) NAZI government, just not to the long suffering civilians being bombarded by
6 their own Ukraine NAZI government.
8 The USA reportedly is sending so called suicide drones to the Ukraine NAZI government, and
9 well perhaps they might be intercepted in transit and sent (reprogrammed) “return to sender”!
10 It would be something if suddenly the very suicide drones start doing their work upon the USA
11 itself and then see if the Congress will still be eager to continue this kind of supply to the
12 Ukraine NAZI government.

15 First the Truth, Now Art Also Is а Major Casualty of War.

16 “The Terror Waged on Artists and Sports Figures”
18 It is the aggressive war on conscience, the brutal assault on moral autonomy waged
19 by an unhinged West in unabashed contravention of its most cherished nominal
20 “values.”
22 And
24 Not only are penalties now to be paid for ideas imputed to you, but you must
25 additionally engage in incessant public protestations of “innocence” accompanied by
26 plausible assurances of thoroughgoing metanoia. You must strive to appease your
27 tormentors with at least the public appearance of complete thought reform, in the
28 uncertain hope of being reinstated and returned to their good graces.
30 And
32 Perhaps the tormentors should be reminded of a provocative thought by America’s once
33 celebrated (and now long forgotten) longshoreman-philosopher Eric Hoffer, which
34 encapsulates perfectly what not just America, but the entire collective West, once upon a
35 time stood for:

36 “The basic test of freedom,” wrote Hoffer in The Passionate State of Mind, “is perhaps less
37 in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do. It is the freedom to refrain,
38 withdraw and abstain which makes a totalitarian regime impossible.” Well said. Is anyone
39 listening?
40 The freedom to refrain, withdraw, and abstain is under relentless attack in the collective
41 West today. The real venue and the ultimate target of the war that is being waged today is
42 not Ukraine, it is the defenceless human conscience.

43 The right to be left alone, in fact, is the quintessential, overarching human freedom that
44 encompasses all the others. It is, precisely as Hoffer pointed out, the antithesis of
45 totalitarianism. In a bygone, more honest era this self-evident truth used to define the
46 stance and moral status of the West in relation to its enemies and detractors. But the West
13-5-2022 Page 2 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 3

1 of today has made its opponents’ odious practices its own. Its bamboozled denizens are too
2 brain dead to notice or to care, but the rest of the world is not fooled and it is watching.
4 And

8 And
11 But yes, there is an unsung hero in all of this. His name is Ivan Kuliak. Ms. Netrebko should be
12 singing arias to him, and Alexander Malofeev should be dedicating canticles to his slightly
13 younger peer. At the Gymnastics World Cup competition in Doha on March 5, Ivan was not
14 allowed to display the colours and emblems of his country, so for the awards ceremony where
15 he was to receive the bronze medal he defiantly pasted to his T-shirt the proscribed letter “Z”.
16 From the mouths of babes, indeed… The indomitable courage, pride, and quiet dignity of this
17 boy, in contrast to the wishy-washiness of his elders and presumed betters, sends a rousing
18 message of hope to all who despairingly feared that the boot would be stamping on the human
19 face – forever. As far as it depends on Ivan, it won’t. By refusing to bend and compromise his
20 honour, in this case by prostituting himself for an invitation to the next gymnastic competition,
21 which now he is assured never to receive, Ivan acted out as an archetypal figure on behalf of
22 his entire nation.

23 And by doing so, he became also the standard by which integrity shall be recognized and
24 measured, everywhere.
27 In my view the Commonwealth of Australia is so to say playing a very dangerous game because
28 of its isolation it could easily become a target for retribution with Pine Gap and Canberra more
29 than likely to be contenders to be targeted. Let us not forget the targeting of civilians in places
30 such as Dresden, Nagasaki and Hiroshima and well as I wrote about many years ago drones
31 could be used to cause devastation. As I understand it the Ukraine NAZI government did order
32 reportedly more than a hundred drones that each can carry about 30 litres of (deadly) liquid to be
33 used against Ukraine citizen in Donbass and other areas to escalate its genocide upon its own
34 civilians. Well, instead of the Australian federal government opposing such genocide it seems to
35 me aiding and abetting in assisting in escalating it.
13-5-2022 Page 3 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 4

1 Then again, we ought not to ignore that Scott Morrison PM, Greg Hunt MP and others are
2 reportedly somehow aligned with the W.E.F. (World Economic Forum) to “DEPOPULATE”
3 depopulation has been on the books for more than a century, as I understand it from various
4 reports. .
7 analysis/5779843

8 Victory Day: “World War II Never Ended”. Historical

9 Analysis
11 Today, as the world celebrates the 77th anniversary of this victory, why not think very
12 seriously about finally winning that war once and for all?
13 If you’re confused by this statement, then you might want to sit down and take a deep breath
14 before reading on. Within the next 12 minutes, you will likely discover a disturbing fact
15 which may frighten you a little bit: The allies never actually won World War II…
17 And
19 Were it not for a powerful network of financiers and industrialists of the 1920s-1940s with
20 names such as Rockefeller, Warburg, Montague Norman, Osborn, Morgan, Harriman or
21 Dulles, then it can safely be said that fascism would never have been possible as a “solution”
22 to the economic woes of the post-WWI order. To prove this point, let us take the strange case
23 of Prescott Bush as a useful entry point.

24 The patriarch of the same Bush dynasty that gave the world two disastrous American
25 presidents made a name for himself funding Nazism alongside his business partners Averell
26 Harrimen and Averell’s younger brother E. Roland Harriman (the latter who was to recruit
27 Prescott to Skull and Bones while both were studying at Yale).
29 And
31 In its founding constitution, the BIS, its directors and staff were given immunity from all
32 sovereign national laws and not even authorities in Switzerland were permitted to enter
33 its premises.
35 And
37 A Word on Eugenics
38 Nazi support in the build up to, and during WWII didn’t end with finance and industrial
39 might, but extended to the governing scientific ideology of the Third Reich: Eugenics
40 (aka: the science of Social Darwinism as developed by Thomas Huxley’s X Club associate
41 Herbert Spencer and Darwin’s cousin sir Francis Galton decades earlier). In 1932, New York
42 hosted the Third Eugenics Conference co-sponsored by William Draper Jr (JP Morgan banker,
43 head of General Motors and leading figure of Dillon Read and co) and the Harriman family.
44 This conference brought together leading eugenicists from around the world who came to
45 study America’s successful application of eugenics laws which had begun in 1907 under the
13-5-2022 Page 4 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 5

1 enthusiastic patronage of Theodore Roosevelt. Hiding behind the respectable veneer of

2 “science” these high priests of science discussed the new age of “directed evolution of man”
3 which would soon be made possible under a global scientific dictatorship.

4 Speaking at the conference, leading British Fascist Fairfield Osborn said that eugenics:

5 “aids and encourages the survival and multiplication of the fittest; indirectly, it would check
6 and discourage the multiplication of the unfitted. As to the latter, in the United States alone, it
7 is widely recognized that there are millions of people who are acting as dragnets or sheet
8 anchors on the progress of the ship of state…While some highly competent people are
9 unemployed, the mass of unemployment is among the less competent, who are first selected
10 for suspension, while the few highly competent people are retained because they are still
11 indispensable. In nature, these less-fitted individuals would gradually disappear, but in
12 civilization, we are keeping them in the community in the hopes that in brighter days, they may
13 all find employment. This is only another instance of humane civilization going directly
14 against the order of nature and encouraging the survival of the un-fittest”.
16 And
18 While it is obvious that much more can be said on the topic, the Fascist machine didn’t fully
19 behave the way the Dr. Frankensteins in London wished, as Hitler began to realize that his
20 powerful military machine gave Germany the power to lead the New World Order rather than
21 play second fiddle as mere enforcers on behalf of their Anglo masters in Britain. While many
22 London and Wall Street oligarchs were willing to adapt to this new reality, a decision was
23 made to abort the plan, and try to fight another day.
25 And
27 “The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of
28 private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in
29 its essence, is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other
30 controlling private power… Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in
31 history is growing. This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of
32 private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of
33 assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation
34 as a whole.”
36 And
38 The Fascist Resurgence in the Post-War World
39 By the end of 1945, the Truman Doctrine and Anglo-American “special
40 relationship” replaced FDR’s anti-colonial vision, while an anti-communist witch hunt turned
41 America into a fascist police state under FBI surveillance. Everyone friendly to Russia was
42 targeted for destruction and the first to feel that targeting were FDR’s close allies Henry
43 Wallace and Harry Dexter White, whose untimely 1948 death while campaigning for
44 Wallace’s presidential bid put an end to anti-colonialists running the IMF.

13-5-2022 Page 5 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 6

1 This Russian derangement syndrome seems to have been passed on to subsequent generations.
2 The U.S.A. simply couldn’t be trusted where it was all along planning to destroy the USSR, and
3 now the Russian Federation.
5 NATO (including the U.S.A.) created to protect Western Europe against the USSR found with
6 the collapse of the USSR to no longer have any purpose of existence and so simply decided to
7 continue its Russian derangement syndrome and even further started war mongering in countries
8 nothing to do with protecting Western Europe.
11 all-aspects-of-your-life-dr-robert-malone/?utm_source=popular
12 The World Economic Forum wants to ‘completely control all aspects of your life’: Dr.
13 Robert Malone
15 “The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) (2 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.) is a United
16 States law requiring persons engaged in domestic political or advocacy work on
17 behalf of foreign interests to register with the Department of Justice and disclose
18 their relationship, activities, and related financial compensation. Its purpose is to
19 allow the government and general public to be informed of the identities of
20 individuals representing the interests of foreign governments or entities. The law is
21 administered and enforced (or not…) by the FARA Unit of the Counterintelligence
22 and Export Control Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD).”
24 And
26 Schwab himself has admitted that the YGL serves the same purpose as the GLT program,
27 saying that “[w]hat we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of
28 countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders.”
31 Well, it appears to me that the Australian cabinet is included in this! What register, if any at all
32 exist, where politicians in Australia must reveal any association with foreign entities and any
33 direct/indirect funding they receive? And well, I understand that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab
34 are both descendants of families pursuing eugenics.
37 governmental-power/
38 German politician warns World Health Organization trying to ‘seize governmental power’
40 In her video message, Anderson argued that such an empowerment of the WHO would
41 constitute a “direct attack on the rule of the people by the people,” which she said is “the
42 most elementary principle of any democracy.”
44 ‘A democratically non-legitimized body, into which the richest of the super-rich buy their
45 way through donations, is to decide in the future whether a pandemic situation exists, in
46 order to then directly take over governmental power,’ said MEP Christine Anderson.
50 for-bypassing-the-rule-of-the-people/
51 EU politician condemns World Health Organization treaty for bypassing the ‘rule of the
52 people’
13-5-2022 Page 6 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 7

2 MEP Christine Anderson released a video
3 in April with a warning that
4 the WHO was attempting to illegitimately seize de-facto governmental power through
5 the creation of an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) made up of non-
6 democratically elected members.

7 “I asked the Commission to what extent it would ensure that the principles of the
8 people’ s rule would be respected and that citizens would not be subjected to the
9 arbitrariness of an unelected entity,” Anderson said in a new video she posted May 8
10 on her YouTube channel.

11 “The answer I received to my question a few hours ago is clear and brief: not at all!”

12 In a press release dated December 21, 2021, the WHO announced that “the World
13 Health Assembly agreed to kick-start a global process to … establish an
14 intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate a WHO convention,
15 agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness
16 and response.”

17 The same was also announced on the website of the EU council, which stated that the INB
18 “will hold its next meeting by 1 August 2022 to discuss progress on a working
19 draft [and] will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023,
20 with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.”

21 “With this, the rule of the people, the basic principle of any democracy, has been
22 finally laid to rest,” Anderson said.

23 The German MEP explained that the composition of the WHO is “not based on
24 democratic elections” and that, therefore, “the decision-makers sitting there can issue
25 instructions to you but are not accountable to you and cannot be held politically
26 responsible by you.”

27 “You, as a citizen, will therefore no longer have any political influence over whom
28 you entrust with the administration (or lately, withdrawal rather) of your
29 fundamental rights,” Anderson explained.

32 Video: “WHO will Regierungsgewalt erlangen! - WHO tries to seize governmental power!”
35 Dear fellow citizens, currently all eyes are focused on the Russia – Ukraine conflict.
36 However, you should not believe for a second that this conflict caused the mills of power
37 to come to a halt.
38 We all know too well that democratic governments use major sporting events as diversions
39 to impose restrictions on fundamental rights in midnight meetings and completely
40 unnoticed by the public, only to shrug it off afterwards:
41 Now they are there: - the restrictions.
42 The NetzDG is one such example.
13-5-2022 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 8

1 Under the pretext of wanting to combat “hate speech,” they argued, they needed better
2 tools to enforce the law on social media.
3 This is, of course, complete nonsense.
4 With the NetzDG they created an instrument to censor politically undesirable opinions.
5 You are reminded of this censorship whenever you are notified, that content has been
6 deleted or a facebook account has been suspended, and this usually occurs, because an
7 opinion did not meet a politically correct standard or was not in line with government’s
8 agenda.
9 The political elites are using this war to extend their power, influence and money in the
10 background.
11 Recently, I received many e-mails from you – dear fellow citizens – pointing out this fact.
12 Many thanks for it.
13 I have immediately launched parliamentary initiatives in this regard.
14 The point is this: Did you know, for example, that on 1 st March an intergovernmental
15 negotiating group was formed to work out the time table and modus operandi for reshaping
16 the contracts between WHO and the Members States?
17 Given the unprecedented restrictions on fundamental rights imposed over the past 2 years
18 in the context of the current pandemic in the “western democracies,” this initiative raises
19 alarm.
20 The plan is to grant the WHO – in the event of a pandemic – far – reaching executive
21 powers.
22 The treaty changes aim at granting the WHO de facto governing power over member
23 states in the event of a pandemic, without involvement or consultation of national
24 governments or national parliaments.
25 This is simply brilliant: A democratically non-legitimized committee, but one in which the
26 richest of the super-rich buy their way in through donations, not only decides that there is a
27 pandemic but also immediately seizes executive power.
28 This is like 9 foxes and a rabbit democratically voting on what to have for dinner.
29 To even consider such an empowerment of the WHO is a direct attack on the rule of the
30 people by the people enshrined in Article 20, paragraph 2, the most elementary principle of
31 any democracy.
32 The government and the parliament are still elected by the people, are accountable to them,
33 and, if necessary, must take responsibility for their decisions.
34 Citizens have no influence on other, not elected committees.
35 The EU-institutions have been used systematically for years to marginalize national
36 governments in parliament and to undermine the sovereignty of the free peoples.
37 This move empowers yet another organization to decide about you.
38 When Horst Seehofer very pointedly stated in 2010, many thought it was a clever joke.
39 But it was in fact a very accurate description.
40 And we see it today as well: He said then: Those who decide are not elected and those who
41 are elected have nothing to decide.
42 It does not even seem to bother them, that it grossly violates the constitution, that the
43 decision-making is taken from elected representatives of the people and transferred to
44 organizations distant to the citizens.
45 Like the legal service of the German Bundestag concluded it was unconstitutional for the
46 RKI to make executive decisions. Nevertheless, nothing has changed, although the
47 constitutional assessment was quite devastating.
48 And now that it has been demonstrated at the national level how things can be done, the
49 whole theatre is to be taken to a completely different level.
50 With such a shift in authority, the WHO will decide in the future whether you wear a mask,
51 work at home, have to obey curfews or are subject to compulsory vaccination!
13-5-2022 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 9

1 The WHO could also adopt completely new thresholds values for a diagnostic method that
2 has never been used before as a standard.
3 Just as it is needed.
4 We know it from Corona and PCR times.
5 And the WHO can administer your basic rights in the future.
6 Yes, almost like a world government.
7 But are all these things really conspiracy theories?
8 Well, 2 years ago, warnings of lockdowns or the imposition of curfews were conspiracy
9 theories.
10 The same was said about the warning that the “Digital Green Certificate” would be turned
11 into government issued coupon to obtain fundamental rights.
12 Even warnings about compulsory vaccination were labled nasty and fabricated propaganda
13 by “dissidents and swindlers”.
14 Well, all these conspiracy theories have lost their appendix “theory” in the meantime.
15 These theories have been verified leaving them to be real conspiracies!
16 In order to find out now whether it is the same with the WHO treaty, I submitted a question
17 of urgency to the EU-Commission demanding clarification of whether or not fundamental
18 rights are violated by entrusting executive powers to a body, which is not bound to
19 democratic principles.
20 In fact, it would be the exact opposite.
21 They would be anti-democratic, and unconstitutional!
22 The EU Commission will have to respond by the beginning of April.
23 I will keep you posted on that matter.
24 Thank you very much.
25 Greetings from Strasbourg!

30 Consider the state of Victoria legislation the Premier can declare a pandemic would be ousted by
31 the WHO!
32 Consider the WHO to declare a “permanent” pandemic (after all the Victorian Government does
33 it already) then for ever in the day unelected rich people decides everything!
34 While the commonwealth of Australia has the constitutional powers to legislate as to “man-kind”
35 infectious diseases, the states and territories retained their legislative, executive and
36 administrative powers to non “man-kind” and non “infectious” diseases. As such, the
37 Commonwealth of Australia lacks the legislative powers to rob the states of their constitutional
38 legislative powers in that regard, by purportedly assigning such powers to the WHO and outside
39 organization.
41 While Scott Morrison PM claims we had a rough time and better times ahead I would rather
42 respond that if you had ensured the federal government had acted within constitutional confines
43 then more than likely many deaths would have been avoided this as it was not the illusive not
44 isolated covid but your darn gross incompetence that was the real problems.

13-5-2022 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 10

2 Consider also:
4 Hansard2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates; (Official Record of the Debates of the National Australasian
5 Convention)
7 The Constitution empowers the Federal Parliament to deal with certain external affairs, among which
8 would probably be the right to negotiate for commercial treaties with foreign countries, in the same way as
9 Canada has negotiated for such treaties. These treaties could only confer rights and privileges upon the
10 citizens of the Commonwealth, because the Federal Government, in the exercise of its power, [start
11 page 1753] could only act for and on behalf of its citizens.
14 While I understand that many uninformed, misinformed or even scumbag politicians like to bray
15 their oath/affirmation to serve Australians in the end not even the High court of Australia can
16 alter the true meaning and application of the constitution. As such any purported judgment
17 otherwise will be without legal validity.
19 Hansard 6-4-1891 Constitution Convention Debates
21 Mr. GILLIES: We are not all agreed on the question of the establishment of a republic!

22 Dr. COCKBURN: There is no question of that. We want to establish such a commonwealth as will exist
23 with the least strained relations with the mother country.
26 Hansard 2-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
28 Mr. SYMON ( South Australia ).-
29 In the preamble honorable members will find that what we desire to do is to unite in one indissoluble Federal
30 Commonwealth -that is the political Union-"under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
31 and Ireland , and under the Constitution hereby established." Honorable members will therefore see that the
32 application of the word Commonwealth is to the political Union which is sought to be established. It is not
33 intended there to have any relation whatever to the name of the country or nation which we are going to
34 create under that Union . The second part of the preamble goes on to say that it is expedient to make
35 provision for the admission of other colonies into the Commonwealth. That is, for admission into this
36 political Union, which is not a republic, which is not to be called a dominion, kingdom, or empire, but is
37 to be a Union by the name of "Commonwealth," and I do not propose to interfere with that in the
38 slightest degree.
40 .
41 Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
43 I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step, not beyond
44 the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the different colonies, and say
45 that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous principle that the Ministers of the
46 Crown and their officials shall be liable for any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as
47 any private person would be.
50 Our federal constitution cannot be amended by some purported section 128 referendum to
51 become a “republic” this as s128 cannot be applied to the first 8 parts of this constitution act.
52 Obviously as with their scare campaign about covid they will seek to employ the prestitute to
53 pretend otherwise.
55 While many claim that Ukraine has a duly elected president being NAZI Zelenskyy, my
56 understanding is that for any election all Ukrainians eligible to vote must be allowed to vote and
13-5-2022 Page 10 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
Page 11

1 also their legal representatives be allowed to be in the Ukraine Parliament. However, since 2014
2 Ukrainians residing in the Donbass and surrounding areas were denied to vote and so their legal
3 representatives in the parliament. This means, that neither the Ukraine parliament is legitimate
4 and neither so the purported elected president. After all since 2014 the so called breakaway
5 republics nevertheless were still part of Ukraine and as such the purported Ukraine NAZI
6 government denied any proper election both in the Ukraine parliament as well for any
7 presidential election. Thar is what appears to be ignored. As an example, would a federal
8 election be deemed constitutional valid if say the state of Victoria was excluded to participate in
9 the federal election and so no representatives of the state of Victoria were to be in the federal
10 parliament? I do not think this would be acceptable neither make any federal election
11 constitutionally valid. Yet, we have that the federal government ignore this basic rights of
12 Ukraine citizens in the Donbass and surrounding areas having been excluded from representation
13 in the Ukraine federal parliament and prevented to vote in the Ukraine presidential election and
14 for this the Ukraine NAZI government has been bombarding the Ukraine citizens in Donbass and
15 surrounding area and in the process committed genocide reportedly killing more than 14,000
16 (since 2014) in the Donbass and surround areas (and mind you without Russian federation
17 involvement) and then the Commonwealth of Australia federal government who couldn’t give
18 one of iota of this genocide going on suddenly is hell bend to support the mass murdering
19 Ukraine NAZI government because the Russian Federation after repeated warning to stop this
20 genocide finally decided enough was enough. Meaning while the Victorian Government is hell
21 bend to try to deny any person their (federal) constitutional rights of “political liberty” somehow
22 it has no issue to provide weapons and other aid to a Ukraine NAZI government to continue its
23 murder spree!
25 On the one hand the purported Ukraine NAZI government claims that the so called breakaway
26 republics are still part of Ukraine (as indeed they were) but on the other hand the very so called
27 Ukraine Presidents denied those citizens to vote, to have their legal representatives, to be
28 provided with financial government support, etc, never mind in violation of the Ukraine
29 constitution. One therefore has to ask: What kind of utter rubbish and Ukraine apartheid is the
30 Australian federal government supporting? So, South Africa then apartheid was objectionable
31 but now the Ukraine (UNCONSTITUTIONAL) NAZI government nailing a Christian man to a
32 cross and burning him to death and mass murdering children in particular is acceptable? And
33 wait the Victorian Government doesn’t like the display of a “swastika” (used for thousands of
34 years in all kind of religions) but you can financial support by weapons and financial the
35 genocide of Ukrainians, based upon what they stand for or their ethnicity!
37 What also seems to be ignored is that as I understand it many Ukrainians are fleeing not because
38 of any Russian Federation conduct, but because that Ukraine now appears to have implemented
39 the NEW WORLD ORDER and confiscate private property, closed ATM (banks), etc.
41 So, people in the Donbass and surrounding areas who do not accept the unconstitutional
42 overthrow (in 2014) of the Ukraine President simply are now enemy because well the rule of law
43 is now not what the Ukraine constitution provides for but what the mob rule makes it to be. Well,
44 we had the stolen USA Presidential election. I understand that also the French 2022 presidential
45 election was stolen. And, I expect that we may likely face the same in Australia. Everything
46 seems to be justified by the TRAITORS to get their way and then when in power they are the
47 ones to demand to comply with the rule of law which really no longer exist!
49 Having now the U.N. (United Nations) and the W.H.O. (World Health Organization) as
50 “partners” means that “eugenics” is a main drive. The Australian federal government has no
51 constitutional powers to sign over any powers to the U.N., the W.H.O. the W.E.F. or other such
13-5-2022 Page 11 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
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1 external organisations not being part of our constitutional framework. As such any such
2 membership and purportedly signing over power to such organizations in my view is and
3 remains to be TREASON!
5 Well as I understand it that Greg Hunt was a director with W.E.F. before entering the Australian
6 Parliament and in my view has been active to pursue the same with the COVID plandemic.
9 covid-variant/
10 Bill Gates predicts ‘more fatal’ and ‘more transmissive’ COVID variant is coming
12 I understood from reports that when Bill Gates in 2021 predicted a return of “small pox”
13 outbreak to eventuate, shortly thereafter they (by a whistle-blower) discovered about a dozen
14 vials containing “small pox” in a freezer of a company that is involve in producing vaccines
15 regarding covid!
18 children-in-the-us-its-getting-worse-and-we-still-have-no-explanation-for-it
19 Remember those mysterious hepatitis cases popping up in children in the U.S.? Yeah it's gotten
20 worse and we still have no explanation for it
22 Doctors in the U.K., Spain, Scotland, and the U.S. are observing a big spike in "severe
23 hepatitis cases" in children
24 Not to sound too understated here but this is, uh, a bit of a big alarm:
28 big-spike-in-severe-hepatitis-cases-in-children-
29 Bad news: It's getting worse and there's still no explanation for it.
31 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating mysterious cases of
32 hepatitis among young children.
33 In 109 cases since October being investigated, five children died and several more needed
34 a liver transplant. About half of the children had confirmed cases of an adenovirus, a
35 common class of viruses that can cause congestion and flulike symptoms.
36 Doctors don't yet know the cause of these cases but are researching whether there may be
37 a link between hepatitis and adenovirus, as well as other potential contributing factors.
40 Well they all may have in common that they were “jabbed’ with experimental compounds. Also,
41 I understand that the so called “spike protein” that was in those compounds for “provisional
42 approval” since had been replaced with other kind of more deadly “spike protein” but I
43 understand that the TGA will not bother to ensure that any such compound is as was given
44 “provisional approval”.
47 despite-no-draconian-lockdowns/
48 WHO Admits Sweden’s Death Rate Among Lowest in Europe—Despite No Draconian
49 Lockdowns

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1 Politicians, all claiming to “follow the science,” locked us down, destroyed the economy,
2 decimated the middle class through inflation, forcibly medicated us, and muzzled our
3 children over the last two years — and for what?

4 Where is the accountability for the folks who advocated these things? Are we to forget about
5 the two weeks to flatten the curve that turned into rampant police brutality for non-compliance,
6 tens of thousands of closed businesses, vaccine passports, and record child suicides?
7 As the lockdown tyrants slowly shift their narrative in an overt attempt to move from the
8 wrong side of history to the right side, we must remind them that it is too late. They are
9 no longer relevant and their censorship, quack science, and tyranny will never be
10 forgotten.

13 Link:
15 europe-despite-no-draconian-lockdowns/
18 Terrain Theory
20 Incredible post by Daniel
21 Roytas 👏 👏
22 👏 👏
24 Here are just some of the experiments that have been done on the common cold /
25 flu. Many studies like this have been done in other diseases like measles and
26 chicken pox as well, and they have not been able to prove viral causation or
27 contagion.
29 In March of 1919 Rosenau & Keegan conducted 9 separate experiments in a
30 group of 49 healthy men, to prove contagion. In all 9 experiments, 0/49 men
31 became sick after being exposed to sick people or the bodily fluids of sick people.
35 In November 1919, 8 separate experiments were conducted by Rosenau et al. in a
36 group of 62 men trying to prove that influenza is contagious and causes disease.
37 In all 8 experiments, 0/62 men became sick.
39 Another set of 8 experiments were undertaken in December of 1919 by McCoy et
40 al. in 50 men to try and prove contagion. Once again, all 8 experiments failed to
41 prove people with influenza, or their bodily fluids cause illness. 0/50 men became
42 sick.
44 In 1919, Wahl et al. conducted 3 separate experiments to infect 6 healthy men
45 with influenza by exposing them to mucous secretions and lung tissue from sick
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1 people. 0/6 men contracted influenza in any of the three studies.

5 In 1920, Schmidt et al conducted two controlled experiments, exposing healthy
6 people to the bodily fluids of sick people. Of 196 people exposed to the mucous
7 secretions of sick people, 21 (10.7%) developed colds and three developed grippe
8 (1.5%). In the second group, of the 84 healthy people exposed to mucous
9 secretions of sick people, five developed grippe (5.9%) and four colds (4.7%). Of
10 forty-three controls who had been inoculated with sterile physiological salt
11 solutions eight (18.6%) developed colds. A higher percentage of people got sick
12 after being exposed to saline compared to those being exposed to the "virus".
17 In 1921, Williams et al. tried to experimentally infect 45 healthy men with the
18 common cold and influenza, by exposing them to mucous secretions from sick
19 people. 0/45 became ill.
23 In 1924, Robertson & Groves exposed 100 healthy individuals to the bodily
24 secretions from 16 different people suffering from influenza. The authors
25 concluded that 0/100 became sick as a result of being exposed to the bodily
26 secretions.
29 abstract/34/4/400/832936?redirectedFrom=fulltext
31 In 1930, Dochez et al. attempted to infect a group of men experimentally with the
32 common cold. The authors stated in their results, something that is nothing short
33 of amazing.
35 "It was apparent very early that this individual was more or less unreliable and
36 from the start it was possible to keep him in the dark regarding our procedure. He
37 had inconspicuous symptoms after his test injection of sterile broth and no more
38 striking results from the cold filtrate, until an assistant, on the second day after
39 injection, inadvertently referred to this failure to contract a cold.
41 That evening and night the subject reported severe symptomatology, including
42 sneezing, cough, sore throat and stuffiness in the nose. The next morning he was
43 told that he had been misinformed in regard to the nature of the filtrate and his
44 symptoms subsided within the hour. It is important to note that there was an entire
45 absence of objective pathological changes".
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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4 In 1937 Burnet & Lush conducted an experiment exposing 200 healthy people to
5 bodily secretions from people infected with influenza. 0/200 became sick.
9 In 1940, Burnet and Foley tried to experimentally infect 15 university students with
10 influenza. The authors concluded their experiment was a failure.
14 Jamanetwork
16 The experiments here described were performed on an island in Boston Harbor, on volunteers
17 obtained from the Navy. The work was conducted by a group of officers detailed for that
18 purpose, from the U. S. Navy and the U. S. Public Health Service, consisting…
21 9.8K Feb 7, 2021 at 14:59
v i e ws

25 collins-others-nih/5779878

26 Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret

27 Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH
29 An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of
30 Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed
31 director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government
32 watchdog.
33 “We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH
34 scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the
35 Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski told reporters in a telephone news conference on
36 May 9.
37 “We draw that conclusion because, in the first five years, there has been $134 million
38 that we have been able to quantify of top-line numbers that flowed from third-party
39 payers, meaning pharmaceutical companies or other payers, to NIH scientists.”

40 The first five years, from 2010 to 2014, constitute 40 percent of the total, he said.

41 “We now know that there are 1,675 scientists that received payments during that
42 period, at least one payment. In fiscal year 2014, for instance, $36 million was paid
43 out and that is on average $21,100 per scientist,” Andrzejewski said.
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1 “We also find that during this period, leadership at NIH was involved in receiving third-
2 party payments. For instance, Francis Collins, the immediate past director of NIH,
3 received 14 payments. Dr. Anthony Fauci received 23 payments and his deputy,
4 Clifford Lane, received eight payments.”
6 And
8 “When an NIH employee makes a discovery in their official capacity, the NIH
9 owns the rights to any resulting patent. These patents are then licensed for
10 commercial use to companies that could use them to bring products to market,”
11 the fact sheet reads.

12 “Employees are listed as inventors on the patents and receive a share of the
13 royalties obtained through any licensing, or ‘technology transfer,’ of their
14 inventions. Essentially, taxpayer money funding NIH research benefits
15 researchers employed by NIH because they are listed as patent inventors and
16 therefore receive royalty payments from licensees.”
19 Obviously this also begs the question if this kind of conduct operates also in the Commonwealth
20 of Australia, and what are politicians going to do about it to appropriately in the interest of the
21 taxpayers address this issue?
24 strings-attached/#heading-6
25 Drug Money: FDA Depends on Industry Funding; Money Comes with “Strings Attached”

27 The FDA’s recent approval of a drug for Duchenne muscular dystrophy shows how far
28 from rigorous the FDA’s standards can be—and what “patient-reported outcomes,” a focus
29 of the latest negotiations, can mean.

30 The FDA approved the muscular dystrophy drug in September 2016 over the vociferous
31 objections of FDA scientists who essentially argued that there was no sound evidence it
32 offered any benefit.

33 “By allowing the marketing of an ineffective drug, essentially a scientifically elegant

34 placebo, thousands of patients and their families would be given false hope in exchange for
35 hardship and risk,” Ellis F. Unger, director of the FDA’s “Office of Drug Evaluation – I,”
36 wrote in a July memo.
37 “I argue that this would be unethical and counterproductive,” Unger wrote. “There could
38 also be significant and unjustified financial costs – if not to patients, to society.” The drug
39 is priced at $300,000 per year.

40 Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a fatal degenerative disease that afflicts boys, and until
41 the agency’s action in September, there was no FDA-approved treatment. Patients and
42 parents urged the FDA to approve the drug, called eteplirsen. The research that drug-maker
43 Sarepta Therapeutics used in support of its application was deeply flawed, the FDA found,
44 and “included analyzable data from only 11 patients,” Unger wrote.

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1 When an FDA advisory committee met in April to consider the drug, the manufacturer
2 arranged for a presentation of “Patient and Caregiver Reported Outcomes,” and the
3 committee heard testimony from patients who had been subjects of the clinical research.

4 “The testimonies of these patients were quite consistent and remarkably positive: all were
5 convinced that eteplirsen had made a substantial positive impact on their physical
6 performance, improving numerous aspects of their lives,” Unger recounted. “Many of the
7 Committee members seemed obviously moved and deeply affected by these testimonies
8 and videos, seemingly convinced that there was a treatment effect.”

9 But there was a catch. FDA reviewers and advisory committee members were unable to
10 reconcile the patient testimonies with the data the drug maker had gathered. The
11 “testimonies spoke of improvement; the data showed progressive worsening,” Unger
12 wrote, using italics for emphasis.

13 The FDA’s decision ultimately rested with Robert Califf, the head of the agency, who
14 formerly ran clinical trials for drug companies. Califf concluded that the drug’s “clinical
15 benefit has not yet been established.”

16 He approved it anyway.
19 Just consider that people suffering severe illnesses are prescribed non-functioning drugs and the
20 taxpayers if not the patients themselves are paying perhaps (USA) $300,000.00 per year for this.
21 How many of such incidents are occurring in the Commonwealth of Australia I wonder?
24 people-than-they-save/?utm_source=popular
25 Research suggests COVID jabs are actually killing more people than they save
27  Across the world, death rates have also risen in tandem with COVID shot
28 administration, with the most-jabbed areas surpassing the least-jabbed in terms of
29 excess mortality and COVID-related deaths
31 And
33  Other data also show that COVID mortality rates are far higher in areas with high
34 vaccination rates, and risk-benefit analyses reveal the jabs do more harm than good
35 in most age groups
39 orders-vaxx-injury-data-published/
40 India’s Supreme Court strikes down forced vaccination, orders vaxx injury data published
42 While allowing for other ‘limitations on individual rights,’ India’s highest court
43 found that jab mandates infringe upon constitutionally protected ‘bodily integrity’
44 and ‘personal autonomy.’
46 And
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2 NEW DEHLI (LifeSiteNews) – India’s Supreme Court ruled Monday that no
3 one can be forced to receive a vaccine and ordered the government to release vaccine
4 trial data.

5 The court added, however, that “as long as there is a risk of spreading the disease,
6 there can be restrictions placed on individuals’ rights in larger public interest,”
7 the Indian Express reported.

8 Justices L. Nageswara Rao and B.R. Gavai argued that “bodily integrity is protected
9 under Article 21 of the Constitution,” and therefore “no individual can be forced to
10 be vaccinated,” the Indian news outlet shared.

11 “Further, personal autonomy of an individual, which is a recognized facet of the

12 protections guaranteed under Article 21, encompasses the right to refuse to undergo
13 any medical treatment in the sphere of individual health,” the opinion continued.

14 The court also directed the government to make findings of adverse events after
15 vaccination “publicly accessible.”
17 And
19 Noting that information on adverse effects following vaccination “is crucial” for
20 informing people about the “efficacy” of vaccines, the court also directed the Centre
21 “to facilitate reporting of suspected adverse events by individuals and private doctors
22 on an accessible virtual platform. These reports shall be made publicly accessible,
23 without compromising on protecting the confidentiality of the persons reporting….”
25 And
27 Noting that information on adverse effects following vaccination “is crucial” for informing
28 people about the “efficacy” of vaccines, the court also directed the Centre “to facilitate
29 reporting of suspected adverse events by individuals and private doctors on an accessible
30 virtual platform. These reports shall be made publicly accessible, without compromising
31 on protecting the confidentiality of the persons reporting….”
33 And
35 However, the court added an instruction to “the Union of India to ensure that key
36 findings” of the “relevant phases of clinical trial of vaccines … for administration to
37 children be made public at the earliest if not already done,” it said.
39 And
41 The Indian Supreme Court ruling succeeds a similar judgment in August 2021 by the
42 High Court of Meghalaya, a state of northeast India, that forced vaccination is a
43 “crime.”
46 Remember how the Chief Health Officer was playing also the “donut” game (of zero cases and
47 zero deaths) claiming it was all because of the mandates that actually robbed Victorians
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1 unconstitutionally that is of their rights and the State of Victorian in my view had no legislative,
2 executive and administrative powers to deal with any “man-kind” (infectious) disease for which
3 quarantine was required? Well, when one now check the figures they are in excess of 100,000
4 reported cases. Clearly proving it was all nothing more but to implement the communist agenda,
5 for tracing, etc.
7 I did not give up on my constitutional and other legal rights and so didn’t get jabbed. When
8 however I needed an operation the hospital continued its stance no jabbing (against covid) no
9 treatment and well I had it done paying privately for it. My wife on Eastern Sunday suffered a
10 serious blood loss from a vein in her leg and well not being jabbed either one can forget calling
11 an ambulance, etc. so, I had a bathroom covered in blood while providing the necessary kind of
12 medical service she needed. She is now recovering, and her first trip will be to (pre) vote in the
13 federal election. While I refuse to vote for politicians I view are mass murderers, war criminals,
14 etc, and as such will exercise my constitutional rights not to vote, my wife nevertheless will be
15 going to the polling station to exercise her rights.
17 At no time did I use the QR system when going about and neither wore any mask either.
18 Moreover to avoid tracing I used simcards in my mobile that were not functioning. It allows me
19 to use my mobile as a camera but not to make calls other than emergency calls.
20 As I wrote about in the past I was concerned about the tracing of anyone to check where they
21 were going about, etc. also, I decided to do only cash payments whenever needing to purchase
22 any supplies. I neither used any so called “reward cards” as to avoid tracing in that regard also.
23 Essentially my going about remains of the radar of any government or its collaborators to
24 implement the communist surveillance system.
26 OK, my wife did ask me if perhaps I might be too cautious if there was any such surveillance at
27 all going on, but I preferred to anticipate it to be going on rather than afterwards discovering I
28 was right but failed to act to avoid surveillance.
29 Now let us consider the following and while this relates to the USA no doubt the same is already
30 happening in the Commonwealth of Australia as I understand reports exist of the Victorian
31 Police unlawfully accessing the QR system, even to check on a girlfriend, etc.
34 lockdown-orders/5779483?pdf=5779483

35 CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans

36 Followed COVID Lockdown Orders

38 Newly released documents showed the CDC planned to use phone

39 location data to monitor schools and churches, and wanted to use the
40 data for many non-COVID-19 purposes, too.
42 And
44 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bought access to location data
45 harvested from tens of millions of phones in the United States to perform analysis of
46 compliance with curfews, track patterns of people visiting K-12 schools, and specifically
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1 monitor the effectiveness of policy in the Navajo Nation, according to CDC documents
2 obtained by Motherboard. The documents also show that although the CDC used
3 COVID-19 as a reason to buy access to the data more quickly, it intended to use it for
4 more-general CDC purposes.
5 Location data is information on a device’s location sourced from the phone, which
6 can then show where a person lives, works, and where they went. The sort of data the
7 CDC bought was aggregated—meaning it was designed to follow trends that emerge
8 from the movements of groups of people—but researchers have repeatedly raised
9 concerns with how location data can be deanonymized and used to track specific
10 people.

11 The documents reveal the expansive plan the CDC had last year to use location data from a
12 highly controversial data broker. SafeGraph, the company the CDC paid $420,000 for
13 access to one year of data, includes Peter Thiel and the former head of Saudi intelligence
14 among its investors. Google banned the company from the Play Store in June.
15 The CDC used the data for monitoring curfews, with the documents saying that
16 SafeGraph’s data “has been critical for ongoing response efforts, such as hourly
17 monitoring of activity in curfew zones or detailed counts of visits to participating
18 pharmacies for vaccine monitoring.” The documents date from 2021.

19 Zach Edwards, a cybersecurity researcher who closely follows the data marketplace, told
20 Motherboard in an online chat after reviewing the documents:

21 “The CDC seems to have purposefully created an open-ended list of use cases, which
22 included monitoring curfews, neighbor-to-neighbor visits, visits to churches, schools
23 and pharmacies, and also a variety of analysis with this data specifically focused on
24 ‘violence.’” (The document doesn’t stop at churches; it mentions “places of
25 worship.”)

26 Motherboard obtained the documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

27 request with the CDC.

28 The documents contain a long list of what the CDC describes as 21 different “potential
29 CDC use cases for data.” They include:

30  “Track patterns of those visiting K-12 schools by the school and compare to 2019;
31 compare with epi metrics [Environmental Performance Index] if possible.”
33 And
35 They’ve also expressed a specific paranoia that vaccine passports would be used as a
36 tracking or surveillance tool, framing vaccine refusal as a civil liberties issue. Robert
37 F. Kennedy Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense, one of the more influential and monied anti-
38 vaccine groups in the U.S., has promoted fears that digital vaccine certificates could be
39 used to surveil citizens. QAnon promoter Dustin Nemos wrote on Telegram in
40 December that vaccine passports are “a Trojan horse being used to create a
41 completely new type of controlled and surveilled society in which the freedom we
42 enjoy today will be a distant memory.”
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1 And

5 And
7 The procurement documents say that “This is an URGENT COVID-19 PR [procurement
8 request],” and asks for the purchase to be expedited.

9 But some of the use cases are not explicitly linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. One
10 reads “Research points of interest for physical activity and chronic disease prevention
11 such as visits to parks, gyms, or weight management businesses.”

12 Another section of the document elaborates on the location data’s use for non-
13 COVID-19–related programs.

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1 “CDC also plans to use mobility data and services acquired through this acquisition
2 to support non-COVID-19 programmatic areas and public health priorities across the
3 agency, including but not limited to travel to parks and green spaces, physical activity
4 and mode of travel, and population migration before, during, and after natural
5 disasters,” it reads. “The mobility data obtained under this contract will be available
6 for CDC agency-wide use and will support numerous CDC priorities.”
8 And
10 SafeGraph sells both. On the developed product side, SafeGraph has several different
11 products. “Places” concerns points of interest (POIs) such as where particular stores or
12 buildings are located. “Patterns” is based on mobile phone location data that can show
13 for how long people visit a location, and “Where they came from” and “Where else
14 they go,” according to SafeGraph’s website. More recently SafeGraph has started offering
15 aggregated transaction data, showing how much consumers typically spend at specific
16 locations, under the “Spend” product. SafeGraph sells its products to a wide range of
17 industries, such as real estate, insurance, and advertising. These products include
18 aggregated data on movements and spends, rather than the location of specific devices.
19 Motherboard previously bought a set of SafeGraph location data for $200. The data was
20 aggregated, meaning it was not supposed to pinpoint the movements of specific devices
21 and hence people, but at the time, Edwards said, “In my opinion the SafeGraph data is way
22 beyond any safe thresholds [around anonymity].” Edwards pointed to a search result in
23 SafeGraph’s data portal that displayed data related to a specific doctor’s office,
24 showing how finely tuned the company’s data can be. Theoretically, an attacker could
25 use that data to then attempt to unmask the specific users, something which researchers
26 have repeatedly demonstrated is possible.
27 In January 2019, the Illinois Department of Transportation bought such data from
28 SafeGraph that related to over 5 million phones, activist organization the Electronic
29 Frontier Foundation (EFF) previously found.
30 The CDC documents show that the agency bought access to SafeGraph’s “U.S. Core Place
31 Data,” “Weekly Patterns Data,” and “Neighborhood Patterns Data. That last product
32 includes information such as home dwelling time, and is aggregated by state and census
33 block.
35 And
37 “SafeGraph offers visitor data at the Census Block Group level that allows for
38 extremely accurate insights related to age, gender, race, citizenship status, income,
39 and more,” one of the CDC documents reads.
42 OK, let’s consider this part “That last product includes information such as home dwelling
43 time”, as I have 2 mobiles permanently at home not going anywhere it would obviously purport
44 to indicate I never leave home, while in reality I am going about but not being traced.
45 Consider this part “Patterns” is based on mobile phone location data that can show for how
46 long people visit a location, and “Where they came from” and “Where else they go,” surely it
47 is no one’s business if you desire to stroll through a park or some shopping centre?
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Page 23

1 But for politicians pursuing communism and depopulation they might be very interested in
2 knowing your whereabouts, even if you suddenly disappear because they or their agents knowing
3 your going about now can set it up for a problematic person to just no longer be so.
6 lockdown-orders/5779483?pdf=5779483
7 CDC Tracked Millions of Phones to See If Americans Followed COVID Lockdown Orders
9 SafeGraph wrote in a blog post in April 2020 that “To play our part in the fight against
10 the COVID-19 health crisis—and its devastating impact on the global economy—we
11 decided to expand our program further, making our foot traffic data free for
12 nonprofit organizations and government agencies at the local, state, and federal
13 level.” Multiple location data companies touted their data as a potential mitigation to
14 the pandemic during its peak in the United States, and provided data to government
15 and media organizations.
17 And
19 They showed that the CDC also asked to speed up the purchase of Cubeiq’s data
20 because of COVID-19, and intended to use it for non-COVID-19 purposes.
23 Did you get this last part “and intended to use it for non-COVID-19 purposes”? So the
24 scam was to use a PLANDEMIC non existing unproven not isolated “virus” and then scare the
25 living daylights of everyone that they need to be jabbed with a compound that really as the
26 western Australian legislation exposed is “POISON”. So, people are foolish enough to fall for
27 this elaborate scam and line up to be jabbed, and it is the jabbing that really is for depopulation
28 purposes as the 2010 plan already exposed. Now people become ill and well you need to get
29 more jabs, albeit it really is to get people like a drug addict to come for more.
32 Terrain Theory
35 abstract/34/4/400/832936?redirectedFrom=fulltext
37 In 1930, Dochez et al. attempted to infect a group of men experimentally with the
38 common cold. The authors stated in their results, something that is nothing short
39 of amazing.
41 "It was apparent very early that this individual was more or less unreliable and
42 from the start it was possible to keep him in the dark regarding our procedure. He
43 had inconspicuous symptoms after his test injection of sterile broth and no more
44 striking results from the cold filtrate, until an assistant, on the second day after
45 injection, inadvertently referred to this failure to contract a cold.
47 That evening and night the subject reported severe symptomatology, including
48 sneezing, cough, sore throat and stuffiness in the nose. The next morning he was
49 told that he had been misinformed in regard to the nature of the filtrate and his
50 symptoms subsided within the hour. It is important to note that there was an entire
51 absence of objective pathological changes".
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Page 24

3 Well, this showed a classic case where a person by imagination started to show symptoms and
4 once told he wasn’t infected it disappeared about instantly.
5 I understand this involved often a hypochondriac, who by mere reading about an illness then
6 view they suffer from it.
9 Signs You May be a Hypochondriac - The Center for Treatment of ...
10 15 June 2018 ... A hypochondriac is someone who lives with the fear that they have a
11 serious, but undiagnosed medical condition, even though diagnostic tests ...
14 Hypochondria | healthdirect
15 What is hypochondria? Hypochondria is a type of anxiety disorder. It is also known as
16 health anxiety, or illness anxiety disorder, or hypochondriasis.
19 causes/syc-20373782
20 Illness anxiety disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
21 19 Apr 2021 ... Excessive worry that you're seriously ill based on minor symptoms can
22 result in major emotional distress and disrupt your life.
25 hypochondriasis
26 Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondria): Symptoms & Treatments
27 1 Feb 2021 ... Illness anxiety disorder (hypochondria) causes persistent, unrealistic fears
28 about having a serious illness or becoming sick.
30 Some people actually could become ill as result of ongoing pretending to be ill. I understand that
31 some women claiming to their husband “I have a headache”, later discover they actually then
32 have ongoing headache, even so initially it was an excuse by them.
33 The same could be that a person beliefs to have a covid disease this even so it might be merely a
34 common cold/flu and well they go into some covid trance and are gullible to accept any
35 disinformation politicians and their colluders are spruiking.
37 For those having the perception only in the USA this track and tracing is eventuating I
38 understand that the Canadian government used this to try to establish who attended to the
39 truckers rally and then use this to lock down their bank accounts, etc. and people in the UK
40 seemed to be utter fools to accept the tracing rather than to consider the invasion of their privacy
41 where they were scammed into the plandemic.
44 during-pandemic/5779877

45 Health Authorities Tracked Movements of Canadians Via

46 Cellphones During Pandemic

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1 Health authorities in Canada tracked people’s movements via their cellphones during the
2 pandemic, with trips to pharmacies and liquor stores being logged, it has been revealed.
3 “BlueDot, an intelligence analysis company, prepared movement reports for PHAC
4 using anonymized data acquired from mobile devices. The reports helped the public
5 health agency understand movement patterns during the pandemic,” reports Reclaim
6 the Net.
7 The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) was able to obtain detailed
8 insights into people’s movements and recorded their visits to liquor stores,
9 pharmacies, visits to friends and trips to other provinces, also collecting
10 information on time spent in each location.

11 “Questions remain about the specifics of the data provided if Canadians’ rights were
12 violated, and what advice the Liberal government was given,”said Conservative MP
13 Damien Kurek.
14 The ethics committee asserted that the PHAC should have told Canadians their
15 movements were potentially being monitored and given them the option to opt out.

16 The PHAC claimed the program was “not about following individuals’ trips to a specific
17 location, but rather in understanding whether the number of visits to specific locations
18 have increased or decreased over time.”

19 As we highlighted last week, the CDC purchased tracking data for millions of
20 Americans’ mobile phones with an intention of monitoring their movements to
21 see if they were complying with lockdowns, curfews and travel restrictions
22 during the COVID pandemic.
23 During the first winter lockdown in January 2021, a poll found that a plurality of people
24 in Britain supported giving the government powers to spy on people’s movements via
25 cellphone tracking to enforce lockdown.
26 In the same month, Conservative MP Jeremy Hunt called for the government to use
27 GPS tracking technology to ensure Brits were complying with COVID quarantine
28 measures.
29 Hunt demanded, “Daily contact with those asked to self-isolate – using GPS
30 tracking to monitor compliance if necessary as happens in Taiwan and Poland.
31 People need to know how much this matters and if we cannot persuade them to
32 comply at the outset we should keep trying.”
35 Scott Morrison PM, Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health and others engaged in secret
36 agreements/contracts but aiding the states and territories to force upon Australians to be injected
37 with poisonous compounds. Surely their legal advisors should have been well aware that the
38 commonwealth of Australia couldn’t enter in such contracts and by them nevertheless doing so I
39 view there can be no client-lawyer confidentiality because criminal conduct cannot be protected!
41 Video:
42 “BREAKING Vice President of Pfizer ARRESTED following release of 1000's of
43 DAMNING documents”

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3 As shown above: “Animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed.”
5 New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save
7 Steve Kirsch's newsletter <>Unsubscribe
9 Sat, 7 May at 1:00 pm

New UK government data shows the COVID

vaccines kill more people than they save
I've been asking everyone: Show me the all-cause mortality
data proving the vaccines are safe. I finally got some data. It's
from the UK government and it's devastating. REALLY
May 7

12 Overview
13 New UK government data allows us to analyze the data in a way we couldn’t before. This new
14 analysis shows clearly that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save for all age
15 groups. In other words, they shouldn’t be used by anyone. The younger you are, the less sense it
16 makes.

17 Anyone can validate the data and methodology. The results make it clear that the COVID
18 vaccines should be halted immediately.

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1 Not a single public health authority in any country will have a conversation with us on the record
2 to justify their vaccine recommendations or explain how this analysis is wrong. I wonder why?

3 What the data shows

4 Here’s the result of the analysis.

5 Figure 1. Risk/benefit determination from the UK data shows that for all ages, the vaccines kill
6 more people than they save. A value of 15 means we kill 15 people from the vaccine to save 1
7 life from COVID. This is from the Exec Summary tab of the spreadsheet.
9 aAs-
10 YDrXGXNC56HKsoALseYZSIKEtQ9Leqa4jQtRATjHXSi6Rz_qRABbjZ1XSBmjdhtlbU3wMZwVnknKGRkWh
11 Z4wyTFpqDR2khM6K9iFtJ4SUVF4fm815CBYUvCAdMQCa1VjKmm_0fiOfNfZ9b_LkU7ZjY-
12 NST2x8eVf33299__jRXyYQTEjznvMbeXXmmOMOE95j3tDGAJhu6BwHPkgw-
13 Mbw8iRN3oZcjJ3OpigpH_IKtsSkk58qTX11mDHG87ox24mpa7pswZdDQzDDDO4yUC6R_070EwKkKthpU1Qr
14 eCt7QiVjsr-AT0VU1BkFQ3UEF2tVULlU_gvyD6LWi3I
15 What this means is that if you are 25 years old, the vaccine kills 15 people for every person it
16 saves from dying from COVID. Below 80, the younger you are, the more nonsensical
17 vaccination is. The cells with * means that the vaccine actually caused more COVID cases to
18 happen than the unvaccinated.

19 Above 80, the UK data was too confounded to be useful. Until we have that data, it’s
20 irresponsible to make a recommendation.

21 I describe below how you can compute this yourself from the UK data.

22 Please share this result on all your social media platforms.

23 Introduction
24 One of my friends recently sent me a link to the mortality data from the UK government Office
25 of National Statistics from January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2022. I had not seen this data before so
26 I analyzed it.

27 What I found was absolutely stunning because it was consistent with the VAERS risk-benefit
28 analysis by age that I had done in November, 2021.
30 OSdOSLrTfbyDjEuKljpAyuZ3O14HK45k2zBkjKQmjdlb1Peu6asQqYdtBDsQlPUfEHdymcixIjjJtzkB2wd8TUgxc
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1 CrIqhi0VOPJRziNM0mIrZyuo4TMH0c3dsxiKdegNKvxgvIJHsqk15yO9-
2 NeL_VQ7z7NJbxeTWRsT9pox4eNsjb_fsGBz2Jk4xShjVNKeMjlS2fAGEKGfeitRTgMCfQm6L6xJZUoZzPv-
3 ikTlfDrQ5BB1dO_KULsuWEO4yw2UG07X5168y5dGD9OG9uHOj3z_SugFPcYqq9WQVdvJdhgZH4QYxgfzFo

5 Where to get the UK government source data

6 The government data is archived here.
8 L5TvsyZCrE7WbpONBF_y45EmFktmG3wZprEOLZg3kjfa6VZKPYnIx4QdkO5IjvrsgcHFFK8L5TUg5JsNQvOE
9 yoBWg0Ces_9Iob-x3vR934etXweQ_UBo0ODH8xXish2sxKd5TV8vcR3C8huDR_szrU1m1tHz4IRXAiu-
10 MSFmrnqhg4QYVomr1AtGoG_JD_eoit1KQRu61w6WDYhlhMdpWxz2JrktnXBmtI97qDeLLaVR42BLosRlh39g
11 0mPW__g9o0Rc3PRWyDTj6rXsxi0lHp-qG4fhrFpHCVrEnxqV9EUapBbyMWtfyrdgxs You want to open the
12 spreadsheet, and look at the spreadsheet tab labeled Table 6.

13 You can also access the original source

14 at:
15 asets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland
16 Ob5gCVckqEChr_PuLa3JP0jRkhmknUwOES0iniiETu9pEZ0Tl8cgbEmFiJWOanFXDwPu-FrNK2OcoR-
17 byNCfEHdymKBVksejNGSAX_KWQYuykYKsCO_cSzEtKLrgZtRi6VoOZzWw7MYr5XgzFOvQGFX4wncEj29
18 RKFPOj-
19 3nw31rHcTTB52YJn6a8KxAxxA1jiGX7bgVvTdj34h2dldYu0ZotQu2V2iElBwvmSt3g9QCCjPSH6fMDxjj_HZgJ
20 qAbgl63qmVO85byV7dBy-
21 Wpl0zWACIMerESpR4T2Idp94U0uukrNu6l2WFLO54iGQpqSe9fB9dcJawgX3UC5gpv-
22 G5_Qg97Q3pnSfZpvytOCHlM9mZ2A1LOXz_HFu1GI8XVHeIXe9dVjL1i1YENVeZWpJvp2KZv1HwLhrug
23 which you can see at the top of the page.

24 Where to get my analysis of the data

25 I annotated the UK source data and you can download it here. This makes it easier to see what is
26 going on. You can see all the original data and my formulas for calculating the ACM ratios and
27 risk benefit analysis on the Table 6 tab.

28 It is all in plain sight for everyone to see. I then copied values to the Summary and Exec
29 Summary tabs.

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1 Methodology
2 I compared the all-cause mortality (ACM) for people who got 2 shots at least 6 months ago with
3 the unvaccinated. The 6-month time frame provides a minimum reasonable “runway” to observe
4 the outcomes for the typical “fully vaccinated” person.

5 Summary of the data

6 This summary below (which I put on the Summary tab which is to the right of the Table 6 tab)
7 shows the rates of all-cause mortality per 100,000 person-years for each age range and also
8 shows the risk benefit ratio.

9 Figure 2. A summary of the calculations from the UK data. This is shown in the Summary tab
10 of my spreadsheet.
11 Here’s the legend for each column:

12 1. A: age range for the row

13 2. B: ACM rate for unvaxxed
14 3. C: ACM rate for vaxxed
15 4. D: Risk benefit calculation which is # non-COVID lives lost due to the vaccine / #
16 of COVID lives saved from the vaccine. This is the single best metric for justifying the
17 use of an intervention. The larger this number is, the less sense the intervention makes.
18 A value >1 means the intervention should never be used. The cells with * means that the
19 vaccine actually caused more COVID cases to happen than the unvaccinated. Note: you
20 need to view the full spreadsheet to see the data used to calculate this number. You
21 cannot do it from the summary data on this screen.
22 5. E: ACM of vaxxed/ACM unvaxed, i.e., Column C/ Column
23 B. A value >1 means the intervention should never be used since it is costing lives. This
24 is a crude measure of the effectiveness of an intervention as we explain below.
25 6. F: % of ACM deaths due to COVID, i.e., the fraction of all the ACM deaths that
26 were caused by COVID.
27 The data clearly shows that any mortality benefit you get from taking the vaccine and lowering
28 your risk of death from COVID is more than offset by the mortality you lose from the
29 vaccine itself. This isn’t new. It is something I have been saying since May, 2021. But now I
30 finally found the data where I could calculate it.

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1 In the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, there was a 40% increase in ACM

2 in the vaccinated group. They killed an estimated 7 people
3 for every person they saved from COVID!
4 In the Pfizer Phase 3 trial, there were a total of 21 deaths in the vaccine group and 15 deaths in
5 the placebo group.

6 This 40% increase in the all-cause mortality in the trial (21/15=1.4) was of course dismissed as
7 not statistically significant. While that is true, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pay attention to the
8 number.

9 But now, based on the UK data, we know that the result in the Phase 3 trial wasn’t a statistical
10 fluke. Not at all.

11 In fact, if we look at the risk benefit, we see that we saved 1 life from dying from COVID (1
12 COVID death in the treatment group vs. 2 COVID deaths in the placebo group= 1 life saved),
13 but there were 7 excess non-COVID deaths (20 - 13).

14 So the Pfizer trial showed that for every person we saved from COVID, we killed 7 people.
15 However the numbers were too small to place a high confidence in this point estimate.

16 However, I’d argue that Pfizer trial was a best case because:

17 7. The trial enrolled abnormally healthy people who died at a 10X lower rate than
18 the population (there is a 1% US average death rate per year, yet there were just 15
19 deaths in the 22,000 placebo arm in 6 months which is a .1% death rate)
20 8. They were able to get rid of anyone who had a reaction to the first dose without
21 counting them
22 The most important point though is that the Pfizer trial killed:save ratio of 7:1 and the ACM ratio
23 of 1.4 is consistent with the hypothesis that the vaccine kills more people than it saves.

24 My ACM risk/benefit estimate using VAERS

25 This is from a risk/benefit computation I did on November 1, 2021 using the VAERS data to
26 compute the ratio of the # of people killed from the vaccine (V) to the # of people who might be
27 saved from COVID (C) if they took the vaccine and it had 90% effectiveness over 6 months
28 (since we knew it waned over time and variants would change). Of course that was a
29 conservative estimate of the benefit, but that’s because I wanted to make sure I was on solid
30 ground if attacked.
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1 So now we know that my VAERS calculations approximately match the actual UK data in
2 Figure 1. Since my analysis was deliberately conservative, many of the numbers are smaller than
3 the actuals.

4 This is another example that people who claim (without evidence) that the VAERS data is too
5 “unreliable to use” are wrong. If it is so unreliable, how did it match the real world UK results so
6 well?

7 Note how that VAERS showed exactly the same effect back then that we just learned from this
8 UK data: that the younger you are, the more nonsensical getting vaccinated is.

9 Our V:C column decreases as you get older (from 6:1 down to 1.8:1) just like column D above
10 decreases (from ~6:1 to 1:1) in the table above.

11 Isn’t that an interesting “coincidence”?

12 Confirmation from others

13 I’m hardly the only person noting that the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save.
14 Other articles show either no benefit at all or a negative benefit.

15 For example, check out:

16 9. Fully Vaccinated 6x Higher Overall Mortality Than Non-Vaccinated (October 30,

17 2021)
18 10. Follow-up of trial participants found ‘no effect on overall mortality’
19 11. Horowitz: The failure of the mRNA shots is on display for all with open eyes
20 Note that the Denmark paper (pre-published in the Lancet) showed overall zero all-cause
21 mortality benefit based on clinical trial data. That’s certainly more optimistic than the UK
22 numbers, but the problem for the vaccine makers is that the UK numbers showed up to 38% of
23 the deaths were from COVID so if the vaccines actually worked and were safe, you’d see a huge
24 ACM benefit and you saw nothing.

25 Why are we mandating a vaccine with a zero ACM benefit?? No public health official wants to
26 answer questions about that.

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1 What makes this analysis different than previous work

2 The dataset used here contains both COVID and non-COVID deaths by age. We haven’t had that
3 before.

4 This enables us, for the first time, to validate the data as we explain in the next section.

5 In short, the data we have in this dataset is more detailed than in the more frequently cited UK
6 Health Security Agency summaries.

7 The sanity check

8 It’s important to do sanity checks on the data to avoid confounding problems since this wasn’t a
9 randomized trial.

10 In particular, the all-cause mortality (ACM) rates for NON-COVID deaths in the vaxxed cohorts
11 should be the same as the rates for the unvaccinated for a perfectly safe vaccine; it should be
12 higher for sure for this vaccine as we know from VAERS.

13 Anytime that non-COVID ACM is lower for the vaccinated than the unvaccinated in any age
14 cohort, the data is unreliable (either corrupt or seriously confounded). You’ll find it is lower for
15 most of the rows in the data presented by the UK government. That’s impossible. It shows the
16 data is unreliable. Others noticed this as well.

17 This is the reason I like this dataset so much: it has the non-COVID ACM so we can sanity
18 check it.

19 The sanity check is the reason I focused on the 2 doses >6 months row because it passed this
20 simple sanity check more consistently than any other row.

21 If you ignore the sanity check and include all the data for the vaccinated in the UK report, then
22 the vaccines are marvelous life savers but ONLY if you are 25 years old or older. The vaccine
23 will keep you from dying from cancer, car accidents, etc. especially if you are elderly. It’s like a
24 fountain of youth for the elderly if you do that. Which doesn’t jive at all with reality
25 where funeral home directors like John O’Looney couldn’t believe how many calls he was
26 getting when the jabs rolled out.

27 Here’s a more in-depth explanation of the confounding due to survivor bias which explains why
28 these data sets are not constructed for our purposes.

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1 All the data we used met our simple sanity check criteria.

2 Could my sanity check be wrong because the vaccine is actually able to keep you from dying
3 from all diseases and also accidents as well? Nope. VAERS would be empty if this drug reduced
4 adverse events and doctors would report elderly people being cured of disease. Instead of
5 adverse event reports, doctors would be filing Beneficial Event Reports (BER) after vaccination.

6 I’ve written about this supposed “fountain of youth” effect on November 12, 2021.

7 Should those over 80 get the shot?

8 My VAERS analysis said no.

9 The anecdotal data from nursing homes from whistleblowers all says no (see slides 53 to 59).
10 This includes Abrien Aguirre on Oahu, Sunnycrest nursing home in Canada, and John
11 O’Looney’s experience, and experience from embalmers where most of the bodies being
12 embalmed have telltale blood clots caused by the vaccine.

13 Based on curve fitting, it doesn’t look good for the elderly, for either (see this reader comment
14 for details).

15 The UK dataset used in this article was too confounded to use since the non-COVID ACM rate
16 for the vaccinated was lower than the vaccinated so it didn’t meet the sanity check.

17 So if I was over 80, I wouldn’t get the shot until I saw reliable, self-consistent data showing a
18 clear benefit from multiple independent sources. Seen any of that lately?

19 ACM ratio vs. risk/benefit analysis

20 Now that we have the basics out of the way, I want to explain in greater detail the difference
21 between the ACM ratio and the risk/benefit number and why the latter is what we should be
22 focusing on.

23 For example, Toby Rogers estimated that we kill 117 kids from the COVID vaccine for every
24 child we might save from dying of COVID in the 5 to 11 age range.

25 Here, in an even younger cohort (10 to 14), we found it is 1600 to 1. The problem with this
26 young age range is that there are so few deaths, that there is a lot of statistical noise since the
27 denominator is so small (close to 0). But the UK data clearly showed that vaccinating kids

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1 younger than 20 years old is insane. Arguing whether it is 117 or 1600 is like rearranging deck
2 chairs on the Titanic.

3 Here’s a simple example to illustrate the difference between the ACM ratio and the risk benefit
4 analysis:

5 12. Suppose 100 people per 100,000 die per year normally in a particular age group.
6 13. We have a vaccine that saves 1 life per person, but kills 10. That’s a lousy
7 intervention because it kills 10 times more people than it saves.
8 14. But if we compare the ACM rates of the two groups, we’d have 100 in the
9 unvaccinated group and 109 dead people in the vaccinated group. So the ACM ratio
10 would only be 1.1, a 10% increase. But the risk/benefit is 10:1 more risk than benefit.
11 So that’s why the risk-benefit ratio is the number to look at, not the ratio of the ACMs of each
12 group.

13 “Show me the DATA”

14 Remember the movie Jerry Maguire where Rod Tidwell advises Jerry that to keep him as a client
15 all Jerry has to do is “Show me the money!”?

16 We should all be asking the same thing of the CDC but instead of money, we should be asking
17 them to “Show me the DATA!”

18 Why isn’t the CDC showing us the ACM study that we need?

19 Since the clinical trials were unblinded, we should have a retrospective study of matched
20 individuals with 100,000 in each group selected on December 1, 2020 before the vaccines rolled
21 out to the public if we want to know if these vaccines are reducing deaths.

22 One group went the vax route. The other group shuns the vax entirely.

23 You then look at the number of COVID vs. non-COVID deaths in each group and compute the
24 risk-benefit analysis as we did earlier.

25 That’s the data I want to see. Where is it? Nobody has been able to show me.

26 And without that data, nobody of any age should get the jab or recommend it.

27 I’ll go even further and say:

28 15. It is irresponsible for the CDC to keep that data hidden from public view.
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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 16. It’s irresponsible for the medical community to not demand to see this data.
2 17. It’s irresponsible for the medical community to encourage anyone to get
3 vaccinated without seeing this data especially in light of the alarming data in VAERS
4 and other sources.
5 18. If the vaccines are beneficial, then how do you explain away this new analysis of
6 the UK data?

7 Summary
8 Based on this new UK government data, we can finally compute a true risk-benefit ratio for each
9 age group. For all groups, it’s negative. The younger you are, the less sense it makes to take the
10 vaccine.

11 The bottom line is this: finally, the data is publicly available in plain sight that shows clearly that
12 our governments have been publicly killing us with these vaccines and vaccine mandates.

13 The data analysis is not attackable either. It is fully reported data right from the UK government
14 and the math is straightforward. The only way to explain the results is that the vaccines kill more
15 people than they save.

16 It’s deplorable that the medical community never even asked for this data before recommending
17 the vaccines. They continue to this day to keep their head in the sand and not demand to see the
18 ACM data.

19 Please share this article and help us get the word out.
22 Let us consider the following option:
24 Instead of jabbing elderly vulnerable persons residing in a nursing home, etc, any such jabbing
25 was prohibited as it make no sense to jab them even against the flu, where it as I understand it
26 merely decreases their immune system from properly operating.
27 Neither do I view it make any sense to keep loved ones from such near death person because
28 what they need is the company of their loved one’s. As such, what is needed is some “common
29 sense” approach that instead of so to say pursuing mass murder/depopulation those who have
30 lived most of their lives and served their country within the best of their ability are shown
31 appropriate respect and consideration before passing from the living.
32 I view that being it a hospital and/or nursing home/care facility the first issue to recognise is that
33 more than likely anything that will cause an infection or some kind of health problem likely is
34 carried by aerosol. Hence, let address this aerosol issue appropriately without denying a person
35 their rights in the last years of their lives.
36 I am by no means an expert in science or medical issues but to me “common sense” would
37 dictate that if diseases are spread by way of aerosol then why not try to reduce this to impact
38 upon hospitals, care centres, nursing homes, etc by way of changing entrances, loading bay
39 facilities, kitchen entrances, etc.
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1 I understand that people can suffer from “hay fever” due to the pollen. Likewise so with the
2 flu/common cold. Mask are as I understand it generally utterly useless and so it in my view it
3 would be far better to control aerosol to enter such facilities as much as possible. For sure it may
4 be extremely difficult to prevent it 100% but some ways it can be barrowed down considerably.
5 Instead of wasting billions of dollars on poisonous jabs the monies could have been better spend
6 to upgrade facilities as follows:
7 Entrances of facilities (housing ill or vulnerable people) are to have an enclosed forecourt where
8 when a person enters this forecourt the entry doors are sealed and a staff member then seek to
9 vacuum the clothing as much as possible, with the vacuumed air going to a special filter, as is the
10 air of this enclosed forecourt. After some minutes the air has been filtered the person wanting to
11 enter may or may not put on a disposable suit and then be allowed to go through a next set of
12 doors to enter the facilities. What then has been done is to reduce any aerosol from the outside to
13 a minimum to enter the facilities. When a person leaves then the person enter the same forecourt
14 or another where now the doors are closed and the person can leave through a second (outside)
15 doors and once they closed the air in the enclosed area is filtered. Essentially you would get the
16 same as is done in aeroplanes where they filter the air. Obviously, where it comes to other doors
17 that allows entry, etc, then the same system should be used as to avoid unfiltered air entering the
18 facilities. This kind of system may in fact also avoid sick and/or elderly/vulnerable people to
19 catch the flu/common cold, as set out above that if you cannot infect a person with it then this
20 rather is caused by aerosol carrying particles (like what causes hay fever) and so controlling the
21 aerosol is what is really needed. The system of mandates, mask, PPE, etc, all failed because the
22 aerosol was never appropriately addressed to be controlled. While a Chief Health Officer may
23 like to play games with “donuts” (zero cases and zero deaths) it to me is a deplorable conduct
24 when lives are placed at risk. It has been shown that supermarkets, etc, were ongoing doing
25 business and yet small businesses were forced to close because of what I consider gross
26 incompetent health management. Children caused to suffer under conditions that I view
27 constitute torture and yet this all could have been avoided had proper health management
28 existed.
30 In my view much of the corrupt and other criminal practices/conduct by politicians and officials
31 is because of the High Court of Australia defying the embedded legal principles in the
32 constitution. It very purpose to guard over the constitution in my view it miserably failed in. take
33 for example the following:
35 Hansard 20-4-1897 Constitution Convention Debates
37 I think it is advisable that private people should not be put to the expense of having important
38 questions of constitutional law decided out of their own pockets.
41 Yet, politicians and their officials can do whatever wrong and if a person like myself relies upon
42 the legal principles embedded in the constitution to try to hold them accountable for violating
43 constitutional principles then I could risk whatever to pay for cost this whereas the criminal
44 conduct by the politicians will nevertheless be shielded by taxpayers funded lawyers. What I
45 view the court should have all along been doing is to consider if a matter relied upon
46 constitutional issues in the courts opinion is a constitutional issue and if so then the
47 applicant/prosecutor is protected from any cost even if in the end the court were still to rule
48 against the applicant/prosecutor. If the court from onset holds the view that the matter is not a
49 constitutional issue than the applicant/prosecutor can opt out without risking any cost and/or
50 proceed in part or in total with the case nevertheless, taking the risk of future cost. After all the
51 court might initially not hold there is a constitutional issue but then afterwards having heard the

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
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1 evidence relied upon hold that there actually was a constitutional issue and hand a judgment
2 accordingly.
4 Hansard 1-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
5 Australasian Convention)
6 QUOTE Mr. OCONNER (New South Wales).-
7 Because, as has been said before, it is [start page 357] necessary not only that the administration of
8 justice should be pure and above suspicion, but that it should be beyond the possibility of suspicion;
11 For example, I on 4 December 2002 obtained (by consent) a court order regarding my NOTICE
12 OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS, notably by consent of the parties, that the matter was to
13 be heard and determined by the High Court of Australia, which had been served upon all federal,
14 state and territorial Attorney-Generals, and yet about 20 years later this matter still has not been
15 heard and determined. In my view no one in his right mind can accept that this kind of gross
16 denial of justice can be justified. The court all along was aware of the orders but decides
17 somehow to ignore it all. In my view the legal system that should be in place, if it doesn’t
18 already exist, is that when a court on 4 December 2002 made such an order it automatically is
19 transmitted to the High Court of Australia and then the High Court of Australia must deal with
20 the matter from there on, not just ignore it. As the court on 4 December 2002 held that there was
21 a constitutional issue to be adjudicated upon then regardless if the High Court of Australia may
22 or may not hold it to be so (not that I seek to indicate there is no valid constitutional issue
23 existing) then this 4 December 2002 order automatically protect me from any orders for cost and
24 other legal charges. The mere fact that subsequently I (representing myself) succeeded in both
25 appeals on 19 July 2006 from which the NOTICE OF CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS arose
26 itself ought to underline that I had a valid issue at hand from onset. In my view it is totally
27 absurd that my6 original claim way back in 2001 about unconstitutional conduct by the
28 Commonwealth of Australia and others still has never been finally heard and determined. It in
29 my view underlines that the High court of Australia miserably is failing in its primary function to
30 uphold the legal principles embedded in the constitution. Just consider that if the High court of
31 Australia someday finally were to hear and determine the matters and find that indeed the
32 commonwealth of Australia and others violated the legal principles embedded in the constitution
33 then how could it ever justify the harm that continued to be inflicted since 2001 not just to me
34 but to every Australian and others affected by this violation of constitutional embedded legal
35 principles?
36 In my view if the High Court of Australia instead of so to say aiding and abetting with politicians
37 and officials to engage in violations of the constitution were to make clear from onset that it will
38 apply the intentions of the framers of the constitution and protect any applicant/prosecutor who
39 pursues a genuine constitutional matter then likely politicians and their officials less likely would
40 engage in unconstitutional conduct.
42 See also video:
43 “Starving high rise residents in Shanghai break out of lockdown”
45 Video:
46 “How Russia Could Defeat NATO And Launch The Great Reset With Only One Nuke”
49 In my view those in the TGA and ATAGI and others all should be investigated and charged as I
50 do not accept that even if the (USA) was corrupt to approve Pfizer it never should have resulted
51 for the TGA/ATIGI and others to act likewise, as I suspect they did.

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A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also
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1 And let no one ignore the power of the Russian Federation to eliminate adversaries. we are now
2 unconstitutionally involved in a war and those politicians who were supporting the supply of
3 weapons, etc, to a Ukraine NAZI government all should be investigated and charged for
4 endangering the “national security” of the Commonwealth of Australia.
6 I am no coward, and made clear I have no intention to vote for anyone who is directly/indirectly
7 involved in mass murder, genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc, and rather exercise
8 my constitutional right not to vote. If Scott Morrison PM and/or Anthony Albanese or others
9 desire to prove me wrong well time will tell where they will end up. Just that representing myself
10 I already defeated the Commonwealth (and all attorney-generals) in two cases upon
11 constitutional grounds! Meaning that if I can legally refuse to vote then I view so any other
12 Australian elector can do so if they desire to do so.
14 Scott Morrison PM as I understood admitted having been some bully, but now seems to argue
15 that he will do better if re-elected. That to me is like a mass murderer having tortured people into
16 death and then in court argues to the judge he will be better behaved if he is allowed to go free,
17 only then ones freed recommences his murderous killing. Scott Morrison PM has shown in my
18 view no contrition of any harm he has caused to be inflicted and neither has shown to be honest
19 in revealing the true conditions of the secret agreements/contracts entered into with the
20 pharmaceutical companies while financing (from consolidated revenue funds) the murderous
21 jabbing. As such in my view his words are without any sincerity and he cannot be trusted.
22 Nothing I write ought to be perceived to indicate that Anthony Albanese is any better because in
23 my view if he had done his job as Opposition Leader then I view the federal government never
24 could have directly/indirectly perpetrated the harm upon the many Australians, of many now
25 being in their graves!
26 Anyone who may think I am harsh upon Scott Morrison PM, Anthony Albanese and their
27 collaborators, well the dead no longer can tell you the horrific suffering they went through prior
28 to dying from the so called “safe and effective” “vaccines”. Neither can the many elderly in the
29 nursing homes death statistic explain how they were denied to have contract with their loved
30 ones before taking their last breath. Perhaps in time others may be able to pursue retribution and
31 compensation for their suffering, besides the many families having their small businesses
32 destroyed because of the alleged “zero” (donut) that the State government was hell bend to
33 pursue, while now after all this torture and gross denial of constitutional rights, etc, we have
34 reportedly over 15,000 new cases in a day. To me the minimum award for all them would be life
35 imprisonment with hard labour, as that is far less than the death sentences many innocent
36 Australians ended up with. As Scott Morrison PM made clear, something like: “If you die it is
37 your own fault because you gave consent.”. Well, he and his collaborators did what they did and
38 now let them also accept their faults, as at least they made the choice to go on a murderous path
39 whereas their victims were bullied and coerced in many ways to be jabbed, suffer torture and
40 many died.
42 We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal
43 constitution!
45 This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
46 Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)


48 (Our name is our motto!)

13-5-2022 Page 39 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also

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