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Art and You Lesson Plan

Chủ đề Exploring Art

Understanding Art

Tổng quan Cùng khám phá mối liên hệ (connection) giữa các tác phẩm nghệ
thuật (works of arts) và con người (people), nơi chốn (places), và
sự kiện (events) trong cuộc sống của người sáng tác.

Tài liệu học Chương 1 – Sách Art in Focus

Nội dung và yêu cầu 1. Sổ từ vựng Vocabulary: make a definition and example list
(lập danh sách từ vựng kèm định nghĩa và ví dụ ) of these
vocabulary: visual arts, fine arts, applied arts (Lesson 1);
aesthetic, criteria (Lesson 2);
2. Lesson 1 (trang 6 – 16)
- Tóm tắt và trình bày lại các vấn đề sau: (a) the difference
between fine arts and applied arts; (b) why cultures and
artists create art; (c) Explain the benefits of studying art;
(d) Identify art sources within a community, especially in
Vietnam (name 3 places where person can obtain
information about art and artists);
- Dự án: Choose five works of art from your text that
represent different artists, time periods, and subjects.
Record the credit line information of each work in your
journal along with a thumbnail sketch. Using your text,
determine the reason each was created and record your
answer in your journal. (You can do it on slide)
3. Lesson 2 (trang 17-22)
- Tóm tắt và trình bày lại các vấn đề sau: (a) Explain the
distinction between art media and art process; (b) Explain
what art criticism and art history involve; (c) Discuss the
benefits of including studio experiences in a study of art;
- Dự án cá nhân Activity: Logos are designed by artists
called graphic designers. Collect 8 examples of logos from
newspapers, magazines, the Internet, or other media and
make a presentation of their meanings. Create a logo that
is a visual symbol for an imaginary product. Describe
your logo to your teacher.
Web Research Make presentation on the following topics:
- Museum of International Folk Art
Enter the permanent collection at this online museum to
find contemporary, southwestern, hispanic, and
international folk art objects. After browsing the exhibits,
read about the artists who create these unique pieces.
Choose one who interests you and create a display or
presentation to share with classmates to demonstrate the
role of art in cultures around the world.
- Learn About the National Endowment for the Arts
Discover the work of the NEA, a national organization
that encourages art and creativity. Begin by exploring who
they are and how the National Council on the Arts
functions. Then you can choose to investigate the
Millennium Projects on the Welcome page, or go directly
to NEA Home page and explore art resources, interviews,
and artist galleries. What do you feel is the most important
role of the NEA?
- Museum Resource
This site is a gateway to museums all around the world
and of all types, including art, archeology, natural history,
children's, and photography museums. Locate museums
near your home and plan a visit during a vacation or
family trip. Use the information on the Web site to help
prepare for your visit.


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