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There is something I need you to do. Can you get this done ASAP?

I need
couple of Ebay gift cards (worth $100) for some a giveaway for a student
club. Please get the physical card from the store. I need to send them out
in less than an hour. When you get the cards, scratch out the back to
reveal the card codes, and email me the codes.

I am going into a meeting now with limited phone calls, so just reply my

Sally ABC

Sent from my iPad

Oh my goodness, I too have been scammed by this network of people with

DHHS! Let me tell you how they got me. First, let me say DHHS supposedly
stands for Disability of Health and Human Services. I received an email
through my college email account about a job offer. Who would think that's
not legitimate?

It was for a PA; personal assistant, position for a doctor (Dr. Robert
Valerie) who's currently in Australia working with disabled students. It's
discussing part-time work for an hour of work for 3 days a week paying
$320 dollars a week. My job was supposed to entail mailing letters, make
payments at Walmart, and make purchases for disabled individuals in my
area. I'm a starving student so I figure every little bit of income helps
right? Umm, not if you're getting scammed baby. (On a side note, how in
the world did these people know I had a weak spot for disabled people,
arts and culture, social services, among other interests of mine?) Did they
pull my school file with my classes, discover past jobs I've had, Google
searches? What?? This is scary that people can find out our personal
interests, desires, soft spots, or whatever and prey upon you like a hyena
in the wild. I'm shook!!!

So this morning was my first day and received my first assignment. NOW
PAY ATTENTION: The genius part of this deception is that you're sent a
check via email, you print it out (on business checks that you're required to
purchase but he reimburses you), then cash the check (mobile deposit in
my case). So I'm basically getting the money I'm supposed to have in
order to run the errands and complete the tasks. I've never been a PA
before but this seems fine. I mean, it's not like I'm paying for anything
using my own money. He does everything by text message but initial
communication was through email. He texts around 6 am in the morning
saying he needs the first task done right away. I need to withdraw the
money (the check he emailed me) and go purchase 9- $100 Amazon gift
cards. He wanted to know when I got to the atm, when I got to the store,
when I was finished purchasing the cards, then wanted a picture of the
receipts with each gift card scratched off. It sounded strange but I'd never
heard or knew of gift card scams. I did wonder why he seemed rushed and
keeping tabs on my every move until cards were purchased. I was thinking
gosh this doctor is demanding and maybe that's why he needs a PA
because nobody can put up with him. From reading all the comments I
know why this criminal was rushed.

Said he would contact me with next assignment. I was thinking in a day or

two. Nope, he contacts me later today and says his financial department
emailed me another check and needed to deposit it right away. I get home
and deposit it via mobile phone again. He always asks for receipts of the
checks, the deposits, and even for the business checks I purchased. I
thought it was for filing, accounting, and tax purposes. Then he asks if I
had extra cash to get part of my assignment done tonight. I ask what the
assignment is and he states he needs more gift cards. At this point my
spidey senses are tingling and I'm starting to wonder what’s going on. He
says he needs $2000 in gift cards but I reply I can only do $1000. I already
deposited the 2nd check "his company" sent and was waiting for it to clear
in a few hours. The place only had 7- $100 Amazon cards. Meanwhile,
while trying to purchase them my bank detected fraudulent activity so
froze my account. I'm so glad they did this because this caused me to call
them and while doing that the manager of the store was at the front
counter this time. He mentioned to me how these cards are being used in
scams. He said people ask for the codes on the back via phone or online.
OH THE HORROR I felt. I still was uncertain because of how I came across
this person and went to my car to call him. I wanted clarification on things,
verification of who he was, and wanted him to list these "supposed" tasks I
was supposed to complete. No answer and I tried several times.
Let me also mention that he kept texting me and even called me while I
was still at the store trying to reach my bank and find out what the
problem was. When I answered the phone twice, twice there was no
response but he would text me right after. Smh. As to verify I was still
there and reachable but couldn't talk on the phone because of being
overseas and reception bs.
I tell him they only had 7- $100 cards and I had to go somewhere else for
the other 3. He insisted I send pictures of the 7 now and send pictures of
the other 3 right after I purchased them. I said I'd get the other 3 and
send pictures of all 10 together. He said no and wanted them now. That
was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I knew something was not
right about this situation. I smelled a fishy situation and I was not in
seafood joint. My gut was tugging at me and I said screw this, I'm going
home. So after many back and forth texts with this guy I told him I
believed he is a fraud, he can't verify who he is, I'm calling my school first
thing in the morning, I'm calling the police, and starting calling numbers
and searching online for gift card scams. I'm mortified at the results which
ultimately lead me here. I called Amazon and the first batches of cards
were already used. No surprise there. I'm at least glad I followed my
instincts when it came to using my own money and snapped out of the
daze of stupidity and didn't give him the information for the 2nd batch of
cards. I feel like such an idiot.

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