Arcana Evolved Faces of Serran - Gora Whiteland

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Written by Justin D. Jacobson Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved.
Gerran Whiteland always wanted a male child. It was not to be. Born to elk herders in the
foothills to the northwest of the Bitter Peaks, Gora was raised to be independent and fend
for herself. Never schooled other than in the handling of animals and weapons, she had a
pure heart even if she wasn’t the brightest. Unfortunately, Gora’s mother died during a
particularly harsh winter and was never able to bear Gerran a son. Though he loved his
daughter, he always harbored a pang of regret that she would one day be married away and
not carry on his good name.
When Gora was thirteen, she and her father brought a herd of elk down from their farm
to a nearby village for sale. A monstrous vuldrog set upon the pair. Gerran was badly
injured. Using only her herding whip and a small knife, Gora vanquished the beast. Alas,
her father’s wounds were too great. She rushed him to the village, but he could not be saved.
A man of modest means, Gora could not even offer enough to have him tended to by the
local healer.
Alone and disillusioned, she did not return to her family’s farm. She took odd jobs
around the village, serving alternately as a tanner’s assistant, day laborer, and even as a
bouncer at the Silvered Mug. One evening, she broke up a fight between a hulking, dark-
skinned man and a trio of would-be bandits. The man, who later introduced himself as
Rusker, was so impressed with her talent and skills that he offered to take her as his
companion, traveling throughout the land seeking adventure and serving the needy.
(Rusker’s own past is shrouded in mystery, though anyone who has seen him in combat
surmises some training in that regard.) Rusker imparted his martial wisdom to Gora,
training her first in the ways of simple combat and, in time, the more subtle, practiced

About AEvolutions
From their very first product, Poisoncraft: The Dark Art, Blue Devil Games has been among the most
prolific supporters of Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved. The AEvolutions line includes acclaimed
products from the enclave of AE scholars known as the Keepers of the Oath (Akashic Nodes: The
Home of Memory, Tell It To My Axe!), a unique rpg/board game hybrid product (Witch Stones), dark
and disturbing location/encounter sourcebooks (Dark Houses), and the forthcoming Dragon Hunters.

About Faces of Serran

The latest AEvolutions product, Faces of Serran is a series of short pdfs focusing on a single
character. Each release includes a masterful illustration by Geoff “Manifold” Nelson, a complete
description, 3 different statblocks at varying levels, and a set of new rules such as new spells, runes,
classes, rites, and more. The product is designed to be useful to DMs, who can drop the character
into their campaigns with ease, and to players, who can use the rules for their own characters.

About Blue Devil Games

“Fiendishly Clever.” Blue Devil Games is one of the highest-quality small-press publishers on the
market today. Other product lines include the sci-fi setting Dawning Star and Passages, the game of
literary dimension-hopping during the Victorian Era.

About Justin D. Jacobson

The Blue Devil himself. Justin is the designer of Golem, the 2004 Shared Pieces Design Competition,
and author of the ENnie-nominated Poisoncraft: The Dark Art. But he’s most proud of the Lil’ Devil
herself, daughter Jadyn. By day, Justin is a not-so-mild mannered attorney.

methods of ritual combat.
While in Erdaenos, the two got into a bit of unpleasant business with some impolite
soldiers of the Diamond Throne. In jail awaiting judgment, they were offered service on
behalf of the throne in exchange for their freedom. With little choice, they accepted. They
were paired with two others, an oathsworn named Bullio and a magister named Kordat.
Together, the four of them quelled an inshon invasion of settlements along the Ghostwash.
The queen was so pleased that she presented them with additional missions. Though they
long ago “worked off” their transgressions, they remain together for their own reasons now.
In some circles, they have been dubbed the Snowfall Squad, a moniker flowing from the
stealthy style in which their missions are completed.

Gora is quiet, reserved, even shy. She is undeniably beautiful with her near-giant frame,
shapely figure, and striking features--even the scar that adorns her left cheek is enticing in
its own way. Yet she never takes the company of others. (Some outside the group suspect
she has a romantic relationship with Rusker, but they are wrong.) Indeed, she rarely
remains in any social setting, eschewing a boisterous tavern for a quiet meal in her own
room. Some of her shyness is her insecurity about her intelligence. She’s not a dullard, but
she lacks schooling and refinement. Gora avoids circumstances and encounters that might
bring this shortcoming to light. She is loyal to her companions and will fight to the death to
protect them.

Gora wades into battle freely unless she is obviously outmatched, preferring a surprise
attack . She sees her responsibility on the frontline as protecting her companions by
deflecting attention to her self. She is no berserker though. Gora is well trained and well
seasoned. She exploits advantages in the battlefield and weaknesses in her opponents. As a
result of her experience, she fights much more intelligently than she undertakes other
endeavors. In particular, she uses her mobility, gained by eschewing heavy armor, to its
greatest effect.

Arranging a run-in with the Snowfall Squad is easy enough. The party might be asked to
assist them in one of their missions--perhaps as a diversion. Alternatively, they might be
charged with protecting the squad’s next target, requiring the PCs to broker a peace or risk
direct conflict. The party might encounter Gora alone--either as the sole survivor of the
Snowfall Squad or cut off from them. In the former case, she might enlist the party’s aid to
exact revenge on those who struck down her friends. In the latter case, she might ask them
to aid her in rescuing the squad. As a player character, she provides an able blade and an
interesting foil to more boisterous members of the party.
Villain Option: The Snowfall Squad have gone rogue, hiring themselves out to the
highest bidder. A relative of one of their victims wants revenge and will pay handsomely
for the deed.

Gora Whiteland (CR 5)
Female Human Warmain 2 / Ritual Warrior 3
Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Listen +7, Spot +7
Language Common
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 18
hp 43 (5 HD); dying/dead -1/-12
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +6
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Longsword +8 (1d8+2/19-20)
Ranged Longbow +8 (1d8+2/x3)
Base Atk +4; Grp +6
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Combat rites (5/3/-/-), First Strike (+1d6)
Combat Gear potions of transfer wounds (lesser) (2)
Hero Points 1
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10
Feats Affinity with Skill, Combat Reflexes, First Strike, Fleet of Foot, Intuitive Sense,
Sturdy, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Skills Concentration +3, Knowledge (ceremony) +5, Listen +7, Sneak +9, Spot +7
Possessions +1 leather coat, masterwork longsword, masterwork mighty (+2)
composite longbow, arrows (20), bodkin arrows (14), flash powder (2), rope 50’,
smoke bomb, smokesticks (2), sunrods (4), thunderstone (2), trollbane powder,
adventurer’s outfit

Gora Whiteland (CR 10)
Female Human Warmain 2 / Ritual Warrior 8
Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8a; Senses Listen +9, Spot +9
Language Common
AC 20a, touch 14a, flat-footed 20a
hp 78 (10 HD); dying/dead -1/-12
Fort +7, Ref +7a, Will +9
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Longsword +14/+9 (1d8+5/19-20)
Ranged Longbow +11/+6a (1d8+2/x3)
Base Atk +9; Grp +11
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, Combat rites (8/5/2/-), First Strike (+1d6), Stunning
Blow (DC 17)
Special Actions Concentration save (1/day)
Combat Gear potions of greater battle healing (2), potions of transfer wounds (lesser)
Hero Points 1
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18a, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10
Feats Affinity with Skill, Combat Reflexes, First Strike, Fleet of Foot, Improved
Initiative, Intuitive Sense, Speed Burst, Stunning Blow, Sturdy, Weapon Focus
(longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Skills Concentration +9, Knowledge (ceremony) +6, Listen +9, Sneak +12a, Spot +9
Possessions +2 leather coat, +1 crippling longsword, masterwork mighty (+2)
composite longbow, arrows (20), bodkin arrows (14), gloves of dexterity (+2)a, oil of
cloak of darkness (2), flash powder (2), rope 50’, smoke bomb, smokesticks (2),
sunrods (4), thunderstone (2), trollbane powder (2), adventurer’s outfit

Gora Whiteland (CR 15)
Female Human Warmain 2 / Ritual Warrior 13
Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8a; Senses Listen +11, Spot +11
Language Common
AC 25a, touch 17a, flat-footed 25a
hp 78 (10 HD); dying/dead -1/-12
Fort +9, Ref +9a, Will +12b
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Longsword +19/+14/+9 (1d8+8/17-20)
Ranged Longbow +15/+10/+5a (1d8+5/x3)
Base Atk +11; Grp +13
Atk Options Bloody Strike (DC 21b), Combat Reflexes, Combat rites (10/8/6/2b), First
Strike (+2d6), Stunning Blow (DC 21b)
Special Actions Concentration save (2/day)
Combat Gear potions of greater battle healing (2), potions of transfer wounds (lesser)
Hero Points 2
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18a, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 18b, Cha 10
SQ Concentration save
Feats Affinity with Skill, Bloody Strike, Combat Reflexes, First Strike (x2), Fleet of Foot,
Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Intuitive Sense, Speed Burst,
Stunning Blow, Sturdy, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization
Skills Concentration +15, Knowledge (ceremony) +7, Listen +12b, Sneak +12a, Spot
Possessions +3 chain hauberk, +2 crystalline longsword, +1 mighty (+2) composite
longbow, arrows (20), bodkin arrows (14), gloves of dexterity (+2)a, periapt of
wisdom (+2)b, ring of protection +3, oil of cloak of darkness (2), potion of greater
ability boost (Wisdom), flash powder (2), rope 50’, smoke bomb (2), smokesticks
(2), sunrods (4), thunderstone (2), trollbane powder (2), adventurer’s outfit

This section presents new combat rites that, like Gora herself, focus on attaining a quick
combat advantage in an effort to drop one’s opponent before they even know you’re there.


If you move at least 20 feet when making a charge, you need not travel in a straight line.
You can make one turn of up to 90 degrees during the charge. Use this rite at the beginning
of your turn.

You can use a weapon that normally deals lethal damage to deal subdual damage without
incurring any penalty to your attack rolls. Use this rite at the beginning of your turn.

You do not provoke any attacks of opportunity resulting from movement from an opponent
you attack in the same round, e.g., from his reach weapon. Use this rite at the beginning of
your turn.

You gain a +2 combat rite bonus to attacks during a surprise round. Use this rite at the
beginning of your turn.



You gain a +10 bonus to Sneak checks made during a surprise round. Use this rite at the
beginning of your turn.

If you land a critical hit during a surprise round, the multiplier increases by x1. The foe
must have a discernible anatomy and be subject to critical hits. Use this rite after you land a
critical hit but before damage is rolled.

You gain a +10 combat rite bonus to your damage rolls during a surprise round. Use this rite
at the beginning of your turn.



If you land a critical hit during a surprise round, the multiplier increases by x2. The foe
must have a discernible anatomy and be subject to critical hits. Use this rite after you land a
critical hit but before damage is rolled.

In addition to the standard action or move action you may take during a surprise round, you
may also move up to one-half your movement rate as a free action. Use this rite at any time
during your turn.


If you land a critical hit during a surprise round, your opponent must make a Fortitude save
(DC 10 + half your character level + your Wisdom modifier) or suffer an additional +20d6
points of damage. The foe must have a discernible anatomy and be subject to critical hits.
Use this rite after you land a critical hit but before damage is rolled.

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Open Game Content by the Contributor, and of each element of that Product Identity. You Copyright 2004 Monte J. Cook.
means any work covered by this License, agree not to indicate compatibility or co- Faces of Serran: Gora Whiteland, Copyright
including translations and derivative works under adaptability with any Trademark or Registered 2006 Justin D. Jacobson.
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