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Arcana Evolved Spells



SPELLS READIED SPELL TEMPLATES … Acid … Air … Blessed … Cold … Corrupted

SPELLS PER DAY … Dragon … Earth … Eldritch … Electricity
BONUS SPELLS (____) … Enemy Bane … Faen … Fire … Giant … Litorian
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … Permanent … Programmed … Psionic … Runic
SPELL SAVE DC … Sanctum … Sibeccai … Sonic … Subdual


… Unravelling … War … Water … Wild
100 ft + 10 ft / LVL 25 ft + 5 ft / 2 LVLS 400 ft + 40 ft / LVL
SPELL ACCESS … Simple … Complex

The Arcana Evolved spell descriptors are as follows: Spell Source
A: air E: earth Fi: fire MA: mind-affecting Si: sibeccai AE: Arcana Evolved
Ac: acid El: electricity G: giant NE: negative energy S: sonic GR: Grimoire II
C: curse F: force L: light P: plant T: truename
Co: cold Fa: faen LD: language-dependent PE: positive energy Tp: teleportation
D: darkness Fe: fear Ln: litorian Ps: psionic W: water
Dr: dragon

0 Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Animated Tattoo Creates a moving image on a Simple Illus 1 hour Touch 3-inch-square area of Permanent None No GR12
subject’s body. flesh
… Bash [Ln, Si] +2 bonus to next melee attack roll Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) None No AE239
… Canny Effort +2 bonus to next skill check Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) None No AE244
… Clarity of Mind +1 bonus to Concentration checks. Simple Ench 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) None No GR21
… Comrade’s Trail [T] Create a magical trail only friends Simple Conjur 1a Touch Trail to one mile/lvl 1 hour/level (D) None Yes GR24
can see
… Contact [MA, Ps] Sends mental message Simple Divin 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE250
… Detect Disease Detects and identifies a disease Simple Divin 1a Close One creature/object Instantaneous None No AE254
… Detect Magic Detects ad identifies magic auras Simple Divin 1a 60 feet Quarter circle Concentration (D) None No AE254
… Detect Poison Detects and identifies poisons Simple Divin 1a Close One creature/object Instantaneous None No AE254
… Enchanting Flavour [Fa, Gives food better flavour Simple Trans Full rnd Touch One meal Instantaneous None No AE262
… Ghost Sound Creates illusionary sounds Simple Illus 1a Close Illusory sounds 1 round/level (D) Will disblf No AE269
… Glowglobe (Lesser) [L] Nonmoving magical globe of light Simple Evoc 1a 0 feet Glowing sphere 10 mins/level (D) None No AE270
… Hygiene +1 bonus to saves against disease Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE272
… Keep Dry One object resists water Simple Abjur 1a Touch One object 8 hours (D) None No GR44
… Keep Fresh 1 lb. of food does not spoil Simple Abjur 1a Touch 1lb. of food 24 hours None No GR44
… Learn Heritage Conveys details about family and Simple Divin 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes GR45
ancestry of subject.
… Long Flame Candle, etc. burns longer Simple Trans 1a Touch One candle, torch See text None No GR47
… Mental Alarm [Ps] Alerts to events Simple Divin 1a Close 1 creature/lvl (8 max) 1 hour/level None No GR50
… Minor Illusion Nonmoving illusion in caster's hand Simple Illus 1a 0 feet A 6–inch image 1 round/level (D) Will disbel No AE281
… Minor Wards Inscription harms those who pass it Simple Abjur 10 min. Touch Up tp 20 sq. ft. 1 day/level See text Yes GR50
… Quick Boost [PE] +2 bonus to Str, Dex, or Con score Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature 1d4 rounds (D) None Yes GR58
… Read Magic Read magical writing, scrolls, runes Simple Divin 1a Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE289
… Repair (Lesser) Repairs 1d10 dmg to object Simple Trans 1a 10 feet One object up to 3 lb. Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE290
… Saving Grace +1 luck bonus to one saving throw Simple Abjur 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) None No AE294
… Scent Bane [Ln, Si] Negates scent ability Simple Abjur 1a Touch One creature/object 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes AE294
… Seeker [Ln, Si] +2 bonus to next ranged attack roll Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level (D) None No AE296
… Sense Thoughts [MA, Ps] Reveals location and emotional Simple Divin 1a Close One creature Conc. (1 rnd/level) Will negs Yes AE297
state of previously contacted target
… Touch of Weakness Touch attack temporarily damages Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE310
Strength by 1 point.
… Web Splat Create tiny glob of sticky substance Simple Conjur 1 a Close 3 inches by 3 inches 1 round/level (D) Ref negs Yes GR72
… Audible Whisper Everyone within 100 feet can hear Complex Trans 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No GR14
everything you say
… Appropriate Size [Fa, G] Makes object appropriate for the Complex Trans 1a Touch One object 1 min/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE238
size of the user
… Detect Creature Detects aura of one creature type Complex Divin 1a 60 feet Quarter circle Concentration (D) None No AE254
… Disorient Target re-rolls initiative, flat-footed Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature Until next turn Will negs Yes AE257
… Door Warning Know when and who opens a door Complex Divin 1a Touch One door Until triggered (D) None No AE258
… Recent Occupant Learn name and race of the last Complex Divin 1a 20 feet 20 ft. radius Instantaneous None Yes GR59
creature in the area
… Sample You gather a bit of a hazardous Complex Abjur 1a Touch 1 ounce Instantaneous None Yes GR60
substance safely
… Telekinesis (Lesser) [Ps] Move 5 lb. object with your mind Complex Trans 1a Close Object up to 5 lbs. Concentration None No AE306
… Tongue of Angels Speak Celestial Complex Trans 1a Personl You 1 round/level None No GR68
… Tongue of Fiends Speak Infernal Complex Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level None No GR69
… Touch of Nausea Target can only take a move action Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 round Fort negs Yes AE310
… Transcribe Creates a page of text instantly Complex Trans 1a Touch Up to 1 sq. ft. Instantaneous None No GR69
… Devlin’s Barb Creates temporary ammunition Exotic Conjur 1a Personal One arrow, bolt, etc. 1 min/level None No GR28
… Raiment Changes caster's clothing Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE288
… Reduce Weight [G] Reduce weight by 20 lbs./caster lvl Exotic Trans 1a Touch One creature/object 10 mins/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE289
1st Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Acrobatics [Fa] Caster gets +5 bonus on Balance, Simple Trans 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE236
Climb, Jump, and Tumble
… Animate Weapon Weapon attacks with your BAB Simple Trans 1a Close One weapon Conc. (2 rnds/lvl) None No AE238
… Arrow Deflection You make saves to deflect Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level None No GR13
incoming ranged attacks
… Blissful Sleep Target can sleep even in Simple Abjur 1a Touch One willing creature Eight hours None Yes GR16
uncomfortable conditions
… Blue Bolt Deals 1d6 subd dmg +1/lvl on Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous None Yes GR16
living target
… Change Weapon Transforms a weapon into another Simple Trans 1a Touch One weapon 1 min/level (D) None No GR20
… Charm [Fa, MA] Caster gets +10 bonus to Charisma Simple Ench 1a Touch One creature of same 10 mins/level Will negs Yes AE245
checks in relation to target type as you
… Compelling Command [LD, Target obeys one of three simple Simple Ench 1a Close One living creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE246
MA] commands
… Compelling Question Target answers a question with a Simple Ench 1a Close One creature Instantanenous Will negs Yes AE246
(Lesser) [LD, MA] single-word answer
… Cloud the Mind [MA, Ps]] Target suffers –4 to Listen, Sense Simple Ench 1a Close One creature 1 min/level Will negs Yes GR21
Motive, and Spot
… Conjure Weapon (Lesser) Creates a masterwork weapon Simple Conjur 1 a 0 One weapon 1 round/level (D) None No AE248
… Crystal Shard [E] 1d8 dmg + 2 points of damage Simple Conjur 1 a Long One Crystal Instantaneous None No GR26
… Disrupt Reflexes [MS, Ps] –4 to initiatives, –2 to Reflex saves Simple Ench 1 a Close One creature 1 min/level Will negs Yes GR29
… Detect Secret Doors Detects secret doors or compartm. Simple Divin 1 a 60 feet Quarter circle Concentration (D) None No AE255
… Guilt [MA, Ps] One target is denied an action Simple Ench 1 a Medium One creature 1d4 rounds Will negs Yes GR39
… Glamour [Fa] Caster looks more attractive Simple Illusion 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) Will disbel No AE270
… Illusory Object (Lesser) Creates illusion of static object Simple Illusion 1 a Long Visual figment Concentration Will disbel No AE273
… Inspire Courage Allies gain a +1 bonus to attack Simple Ench 1 a 20 ft. All allies within range See text None Yes GR43
and weapon damage rolls
… Magical Performance +5 bonus to Perform checks Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level None No GR47
… Mind Stab [MA, Ps] Ranged touch inflicts 1d6 subdual Simple Evoc 1a Medium One living creature Instantaneous None Yes AE280
dmg +1/caster level (max +10)
… Mudball [E, W] Deals 1d8 dmg +1/lvl, blinds target Simple Evoc 1a Close One living creature Instantaneous None No AE281
… Obscuring Mist [A, W] Cloud of mist obscures vision Simple Conjur 1 a 30 ft. 30-ft. x 20-ft. cloud 1 min/level None No AE283
… Pattern of Sibyllic Fate [T] Reveals general outlook of a Simple Divin 1a Close One creature/2 levels Instantaneous Will negs Yes GR55
creature’s future
… Precise Vision [Si] +5 bonus to Spot and Search rolls Simple Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE285
… Predict Weather [Ln] Learn details of next day's weather Simple Divin 1 min Personal You Instantaneous None No AE285
… Proficiency Gain proficiency with weapon Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 hour/level None No GR57
… Redemptive Redress Compensates for detrimental spell Simple Trans 1a Close One creature 1 round/level None No GR59
… Resistance +1 bonus to saves, +1/5 caster lvls Simple Abjur 1a Close One creature/object 10 mins/level (D) Will negs Yes AE291
… Rogue’s Stab +1d6 sneak attack damage Simple Trans 1a Close One creature 1 round/level None Yes GR60
… Safe Fall Creatures fall without damage Simple Trans See text Close 10–foot radius Until landing Will negs Yes AE293
… Scent Tracker [Ln, Si] Grants scent ability to caster Simple Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE295
… Tears of Pain [C] Target suffers –1 penalty on saves Simple Evoc 1a Close One living creature 1 day/level Will negs Yes AE306
… Touch of Fear [Fe] Subject of touch attack is shaken Simple Ench 1a Touch One creature 1 round/level Will negs Yes AE309
… Transfer Wounds (Lesser) Heal 1d10 dmg +1/lvl; you suffer Simple Conjur Full rnd Touch One living creature Instantaneous Will half Yes AE311
[PE] half dmg healed in subdual damage
… Unhand [F] Disarms subject Simple Evoc 1a Medium One creature Instantaneous None Yes GR70
… Veil of Darkness [D] Immobile area of magical darkness Simple Evoc 1a 0 feet 10-ft.-radius spread 10 mins/level (D) None No AE313
… Web Strand Creates ropelike strand that is Simple Ench 1a Close 25 feet + 5 feet/ 1 round/level Ref negs Yes GR73
sticky at one end 2 levels long
… Acidic Curse [Ac] 1d6 acid damage and 1d4 rounds Complex Evoc 1a Close One creature with Instantaneous Fort negs Yes GR9
of blindness eyes
… Betray the Years Object becomes immune to aging Complex Abjur 1a Touch max 10 lbs. per level Permanent None No GR14
… Blast of Cold [Co] 1d6 dmg /2 levels Complex Evoc 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Ref helf Yes GR16
… Charm Item Charms intelligent item Complex Ench 1a Close One intelligent item 1 hour/level (D) Will negs Yes GR20
… Cold Blast [Co] Ray deals 1d4 dmg +1 Str/5 lvls Complex Evoc 1a Close Ray Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE246
… Conjure Energy Creature I Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE246
[any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Creature Loresight [Ps] Learn one fact about creature Complex Divin 1a Touch One creature or corpse Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE251
… Directed Charm [Fa, MA] Another creature gains +10 bonus Complex Ench 1a Medium One creature of the 1 min/level Will negs Yes AE256
on Charisma checks against target same type as you
… Distraction [MA, Ps] Target takes no actions Complex Illus 1a Medium One creature 1 round/level Will negs Yes AE257
… Fey Storage Creates an extradimensional space Complex Trans 1a Personal You 24 hours (D) None No GR34
you can hide things in
… Fireburst [Fi] Foes suffer 1d6 dmg +1d6/2 levels Complex Evoc 1a Medium 10-foot radius burst Instantaneous Reflex half Yes AE265
… Harassing Wepaon [F] Weapon of force threatens target Complex Evoc 1a Medium Weapon of force 1 round/level (D) None Yes GR40
… Harden Increase object's hardness by 50% Complex Abjur 1a Touch One object/10 ft. cu. 1 hour/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE271
… Identify Scrier [Ps] Gives name of person scrying you Complex Divin 1a See text Magical sensor 1 min/level None No GR42
… Illuminated weapon [L, PE] –2 penalty to attacks, saves, and Complex Evoc 1a Touch One weapon 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes GR42
checks upon undead struck
… Illusory Creature (Lesser) Illusionary, mobile creature Complex Illus 1a Long Visual figment Concentration Will disbel No AE273
… Magic Armour Gives armour or shield +1 bonus Complex Abjur 1a Touch One armour harness 10 mins/level Will negs Yes AE278
… Magic Weapon Gives weapon +1 bonus Complex Trans 1a Touch Weapon/ammunition 10 mins/level Will negs Yes AE279
… Minor Lasting Image Creates permanent, tiny, immobile Complex Illus 1a Close 1 sq. ft. Permanent Will disbel No GR50
… Object Loresight [Ps] Provides one fact about object Complex Divin 1 Touch One object Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE283
… Open Lock Open lock with caster power check Complex Trans 1a Touch One lock Instantaneous None No AE283
… Private Conversation Allows subjects to speak without Complex Trans 1a Touch Two creatures +1/lvl 10 mins/level (D) None Yes GR57
being overheard
… Protect Staff [F] Adds hardness and +3 hp/level Complex Abjur 1a Touch One staff 1 hour/level (D) None Yes AE286
… Resist Scrying +10 to DC of opponent’s scry Complex Abjur 1a Touch One creature 1 hour/level (D) None No GR60
… Resist Touch +2 bonus +1 /3 lvl to touch AC Complex Abjur 1a Close One creature 10 mins/level None No GR60
… Safe Search Caster can search area without risk Complex Abjur 1a Personal You 1 round/level None Yes GR60
… Shock [El] 1d4 dmg +1 Dex dmg/5 levels Complex Evoc 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE298
… Stone Blast [E] Earth inficts 1d6 dmg/2 levels Complex Evoc 1a Medium One creature/object Instantaneous None Yes AE304
… Touch of Disruption [NE] Touch attack deals 1d8 dmg +1/lvl Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE309
… Touch of Pain –2 penalty to attacks, saves, checks Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 round/level Fort negs Yes AE310
… Water Roil [W] Swimmers lose next action or sink Complex Evoc 1a Close Creatures in water 1 round Ref negs Yes AE316
… Wind Churn [A] Fliers spend next action to stay up Complex Evoc 1a Close Flying creatures 1 round Ref negs Yes AE317
… Analyse Learn one ability of a magic item Exotic Divin 8 hours Touch One magic item Instantaneous None No AE237
… Anavar’s Anticipated Attack Next attack against you suffers a Exotic Divin 1a Personal You 1 round/level GR12
[Ps] –20 penalty
… Armor Contingency Summons armor if condition met Exotic Conjur 10 min Touch 1 suit of armor 1 hour/level None No GR13
… Blood Spikes 3d6 dmg, +1d6 dmg to unarmed Exotic Trans 1 a Touch One creature w/blood 1 round/level Fort negs Yes GR16
and grapple attacks
… Burning Brand [Fi] 1d6 dmg (2d6 dmg to undead) Exotic Evoc 1a Touch Flame on torch 1 round/level None Yes GR18
… Divert Charge Redirects a charging attacker Exotic Abjur 1a Personal You 10 mins/level None Yes GR29
… Eldritch Armour [F] Target has +4 armour bonus to AC Exotic Conjur 1a Touch One creature 1 hour/level (D) Will negs Yes AE260
… Guide Craft Ship, cart etc moves as command Exotic Trans 1a Touch See test 1 hour/level None No GR39
… Iced Fire [Co, Fi] Ice bursts into flames as preset Exotic Conjur 1a Touch Small chunk of ice 1 hour/level Ref half Yes GR41
… Identify with Flame [Fi] Identifies creatures of a designated Exotic Divin 1a 50 feet All within range Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE272
type or class with harmless flame
… Increase Weight [Fa] Increases weight by 20 lbs./level Exotic Trans 1a Touch One creature/object 10 mins/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE274
… Learn Secret (Lesser) +5 bonus on next use of an item Exotic Divin 1a Touch One object 1 round/level None No AE276
… Margul [MA] Target stays motionless for 1 round Exotic Ench 1a Medium One creature/ 5 lvls 1 round (D) Will part Yes GR48
… Noness Toma +5 to hide Exotic Illus 1a Personal You 1 round/level None No GR54
… Plant Armour [P] Adds +4 armour bonus to AC Exotic Conjur 1a Personal You 1 hour/level (D) None No AE285
… Slip between Sight [G] +5 bonus to Sneak and loses all Exotic Illus 1a Personal You 1 min/level None No AE299
size penalties to Sneak checks
… True Strike [Si] +20 insight bonus to next attack Exotic Divin 1a Personal You See text None No AE312

2nd Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Ability Boost (Lesser) [Si] +2 bonus to highest ability score Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level None No AE236
… Aid Plants [P] Plants are protected from disease Simple Trans 10 min Long Long-radius globe Four months None No AE237
… Battle Healing (Lesser) Heals 1d6 damage, +1/level Simple Evoc 1a Touch Creature touched Instantaneous Will half Yes AE239
[PE} (maximum +10)
… Beastskin (Lesser) [Dr, Ln] +2 natural armour bonus to AC Simple Trans 1a Touch Living creat. touched 10 mins/level (D) None Yes AE240
… Blinding Light [L] Target is blinded Simple Evoc 1a Medium One creature 1 round/level Fort negs Yes AE241
… Cloak of Darkness [D] Darkness gives you 20% miss Simple Evoc 1a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE245
chance and +5 bonus to Sneak
… Control Temperature [A, Riases or lowers temperature by 10 Simple Trans 1a 0 feet 50-foot radius, 1 hour/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE250
Co, Fi] degrees/caster level centred on you
… Darkvision You see 60 feet in total darkness Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 hour/level None Yes AE252
… Destructive Grip [Ac] Acid touch deals 1d6 damage Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature/object 1 round/level (D) None No AE253
… Dry Rain [E] 1d6 dmg round and bury targets Simple Conjur 1 round Long 100’ high, 20’ radius 1 round/level Ref negs Yes GR30
… Earthen Claw [E] Claw made of earth that attacks, Simple Conjur 1a Close One stone claw Instantaneous None No GR31
inflicting 2d6 points of damage
… Gentle Repose Prevents decay, extends raise limit Simple Necro 1a Touch One corpse 1 day/level Will negs Yes AE269
… Glowglobe (Greater) [Fa, Permanent nonmoving globe of light Simple Evoc 1a 0 feet Glowing sphere Permanent None No AE270
… Gusting Wind [A] Puts out flames, knock creatures Simple Evoc 1a Medium Gust of wind 10 ft. by 1 full round Fort negs Yes AE271
down, inflicts 2d6 damage 10 ft. to range
… Helm of Warding +5 save vs. mind-affecting effects Simple Abjur 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level (D) None No GR41
… Honeyed Words [MA, Ps] +4 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy Simple Ench 1a Personal You 1 min/level (D) GR41
… Icebolt [Co] 2d6 dmg +1d6 cold +1 dmg/level Simple Evoc 1a Medium One creature Instantaneous None Yes AE272
… Levitate [A] Willing target moves 20 feet/round Simple Trans 1a Close One willing creature 10 mins/level None No AE277
… Mark of Air [A] +2 Dex plus other power Simple Evoc 1 round Touch One creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes GR48
… Mark of Earh [E] +2 Str plus other power Simple Evoc 1 round Touch One creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes GR48
… Mark of Fire [Fi] +2 Dex plus other power Simple Evoc 1 round Touch One creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes GR48
… Mark of Frost [Co] +1 AC plus other power Simple Evoc 1 round Touch One creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes GR49
… Mark of Water [W] +2 Con plus other power Simple Evoc 1 round Touch One creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes GR50
… Muddy Ground [E, W] Change earth to mud, halves move Simple Trans 1a Medium 1 10-ft.-sq./level 1 round/level None No AE282
… Plunge Deep to the Core Weapon bypasses +1 DR/ 5 lvls Simple Trans 1a Touch One weapon 1 hour/level (D) None No GR56
… Power Craft Provide move to cart, wagon, etc. Simple Trans 1a Touch See text 10 mins/level None No GR56
… Protective Charm [Fa, MA] One creature/lvl won't attack you Simple Ench 1a Close 1 creature/level 1 round/level Will negs Yes AE287
… Sealed Door (Lesser) [Dr] Makes door very difficult to open Simple Abjur 1a Close One door (see text) Permanent (D) None No AE295
… See Invisibility See invisible creatures & objects Simple Divin 1a Medium Cone 10 mins/level None No AE296
… Shieldbreaker Ignore or break shields, dispels a Simple Trans 1a Touch One weapon Until triggered None No GR62
shimmering shield or called shield
… Spells Edge (Lesser) Athame stored touch attack spell Simple Trans 1a Touch Your athame 1 min/level/used Fort negs Yes AE302
… Startling Touch [MA, Ps] Touch inflicts 1 point of Wisdom Simple Ench 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE303
damage and stuns for 1 round
… Subtle Steps [Ln] You get +5 bonus to Sneak checks Simple Trans 1 a Personal You 1 hour/level None No AE305
… ThiefWard -10 to Hide and Move Silently Simple Abjur 1 a Personal 50’ diameter sphere 1 min/level None No GR68
… Undaunted Fixture Affix two objects together Simple Trans 1 a Touch Two objects (see text Permanent None No GR70
… Welter [F] One creature per level must make Simple Evoc 1 a Medium One creature/lvl, all Instantaneous None Yes GR73
a Balance check or fall prone in 20’ of each other
… wicked Barb [P] 1d6 points of damage +1/lvl for 1 Simple Conjur 1 a Medium One creature Instantaneous None Yes AE317
round/3 lvls
… Boil [Fi, W] Boils water, dmg 1d6/level Complex Evoc 1a Medium 10-ft.-radius spread 1 round/level (D) Ref half Yes AE241
… Bypass Ward Suppresses magical traps & wards Complex Trans 1 a Medium 20-foot-radius spread 1 round/level (D) None No AE242
… Conjure Energy Creature II Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE247
[any energy] of energy that fights for the caster creatures
… Drain Away Speed [Fa] Reduce target's speed by 30 feet Complex Trans 1 a Medium One Medium humanoid 1 round/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE258
… Earth Burst [E] Rock becomes bomb, dmg 1d6/lvl Complex Trans Full rnd Touch 20-foot-burst 1 round/level Reflex half Yes AE259
… Eldritch Web [F] Magic web entangles creatures Complex Conjur 1 a Medium 20-ft.-radius spread 10 mins/level (D) Ref negs Yes AE260
or one 40-ft. plane (see text)
… Energy Blade [any energy] Blade makes touch attacks, inflicts Complex Evoc 1a 0 feet Swordlike beam 10 mins/level (D) None Yes AE262
1d8 dmg +1 per 2 caster levels
… Energy lash [F] Energy whip, 1d6 dmg +1 /2 lvls Complex Evoc 1a Personal 10’ long whip 1 min/level (D) None No GR32
… Enhance Magical Flow Adds +1 bonus to your spell saving Complex Univers 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE263
(Lesser) throw DCs
… Grant Quarter Puts one helpless or willing Complex Trans 1a Medium One helpless or 1 day/level (D) Will negs Yes GR39
creature per level into an willing creature/level
extradimensional prison (see text)
… Greenspy [P] Plant stores sights and sounds Complex Divin 1a Touch One plant 1 hour/level Will negs Yes AE270
… Heartglow [L, PE] Evil creatures within 10 feet suffer Complex Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level (D) None Yes GR41
–1 to attack, saves, and checks
… Location Loresight [Ps] Learn one fact about your location Complex Divin 1 a 0 feet 30-ft.-radius spread Instantaneous None No AE278
… Magnetism Your hand becomes magnetic Complex Trans 1 a Touch Your hand 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes AE279
… Mark Allies Protects from your 0–3rd lvl spells Complex Trans 1 a Touch One ally/3 levels 1 round/level Will negs Yes AE279
… Play the Fool [MA, Ps] Makes casters believe spells were Complex Abjur 1 a Touch One creature/level 10 mins/level None No GR56
effective when they were not
… Read Mind [MA, Ps] Reveals surface thoughts of target Complex Divin 1a Close One living creature Conc. (1 min/level) Weill negs Yes AE289
… Recall Tale Gives details on a particular subject Complex Divin 1a Personal You Instantaneous None No GR59
… Scream [S] 1d8 dmg +1 Con, +1 Con/5 lvls Complex Evoc 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE295
… Scrytalk Allows scried and scrier to talk Complex Divin 1a See text Magical sensor 1 min/level (D) None No GR61
… Shield Companion Animates shield to defend you Complex Alter 1a Touch One shield 1 round/level None No AE298
… Shrapnel Globe 1d6 dmg /2 lvls Complex Conjur 1a Touch One metal sphere 2 rounds/level Ref half Yes GR62
… Silent Sheath [S, Si] Target makes no sound Complex Trans 1a Close One creature 1 round/level (D) Will negs Yes AE299
… Silent Sound [S] 1d6 sonic dmg per level (max. 5d6) Complex Evoc 1a Close One creature Instantaneous None Yes GR62
… Staff Focus Caster gains +2 bonus with ranged Complex Trans 1a Touch One staff 10 mins/level (D) None Yes AE303
touch attacks wielding staff
… Static Veil +1 /lvl Will save against Scrying Complex Abjur 10 min 0 feet 10’ cube/level 1 hour/level None No GR65
… Threatening Weapon [F] Weapon of force theatens target Complex Evoc 1a Medium Magical weapon 1 round/level (D) None Yes GR68
… Wild Stealth [P] +10 to Sneak checks outdoors Complex Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level None No GR73
… Wolf Form [Si] Caster takes on the form of a wolf Complex Trans 1 round Personal You 10 mins/level AE318
… Yoke Helpless target moves with caster Complex Conjur 1a Touch A magical tether 10 mins/level (D) None Yes GR75
… Acuminate Hand becomes a +1 weapon that Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level GR10
inflicts 1d8 + 1 points of damage
… Advance Poison [NE, Si] Increase poison's save DC by +2 Exotic Trans 1a Close One dose of poison 1 hour/level None No AE236
… Crystal of Reflection [E] Reflects ray attacks back Exotic Abjur 1a Touch Floating crystal 1 min/level (D) None No GR26
… Dazzlesphere [L] Creatures dazed for 1d4 rounds Exotic Evoc 1a Medium 10-foot-radius burst 1d4 rounds Will negs Yes AE252
… Deadly Spray [Dr] Effect that is line becomes a cone Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level AE252
… Detoim Nar [Ps] +20 bonus to next attack Exotic Divin 1a Personal You 1 round/level None No GR28
… Dreaded Freeze [MA, Ps] Target motionless for 1 round Exotic Ench 1a Medium One creature 5/levels 1 round Will part Yes AE259
… Empower Rune Makes one rune invested Exotic Trans 1a Touch One rune you create See text None No AE262
… Empower Spell [F] Your next spell is cast 2 lvls higher Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level None No AE262
or inflicts +1d6 extra dmg
… Forge Inherited Bond You and relative gain +1 bonus to Exotic Evoc 1a 20 feet One relative 1 min/level (D) None No GR34
attacks, saves, and checks
… Garris Adon Object seems like something else Exotic Illus 1 min Touch One nonliving object 1 hour/level (D) Will negs Yes GR35
… Grant Senses Intelligent item can see and hear Exotic Trans 1a Touch One intelligent item 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes GR39
… Grant Speech Intelligent item can speak Exotic Trans 1a Touch One intelligent item 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes GR39
… Guided Strike [Si] Next attack gains +20 bonus Exotic Divin 1a Personal You 1 round/level/used None No AE271
… Invigorate Item Increases item's save DC by +1 Exotic Trans 1a Touch One magic item 1 round/level (D) None No AE271
… Legacy Stores soundless image of you Exotic Illus 1 min Touch An image of you 1 year/level/disch None No GR45
… Pierce [F] Destroys force protections and Exotic Evoc 1a Medium One creature Instantaneous None Yes GR56
inflicts 1d8 dmg/ 2 lvls
… Seeming of Form [Fa] Object seems like something else Exotic Illus 1 min Touch One nonliving object 1 hour/level (D) Will negs Yes AE296
… Share Armor [Dr] Transfers natural ac to subject Exotic Abjur 1a Touch One creature 10 min/level None No AE298
… Small Enough [Dr, Fa, G] Target can fit through any opening Exotic Alter 1a Touch One creature 1 round/level Fort negs Yes AE300
larger than 6 inches
… Sorcerous Guise [Fa] Target looks like someone else Exotic Illus 1a Touch One creature/object 10 mins/level (D) Will disbel No AE300
… Stun Item Intelligent item stunned 1rnd/ lvl Exotic Ench 1a Touch One intelligent items 1 round/level Will negs Yes GR65
… Vivid Discharge [El] 1d6 dmg/ lvl on foe that strikes Exotic Evoc 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level/ or until None Yes GR71
subject in melee discharged

3rd Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Bone Tattoo SR of 10+lvl vs cold, shapechange, Simple Necro 1 min Touch One creature 1 min/level Will negs Yes GR17
and mind-affecting attacks
… Compelling Question Target must answer a question Simple Ench 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE246
(Greater) [LD, MA]
… Conjure Repast Food & water for three humans/lvl Simple Conjur 10 min Close Food and water Instantaneous None No AE248
… Creation (Lesser) [G] Creates nonmagical organic object Simple Conjur 1 min 0 feet One organic object 1 hour/level None No AE251
… Dragon Skin +4 natural AC, elemental Simple Conjur 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level None No GR30
resistance 10
… Earth’s Clutches [E] Stone hands reach up and grasp at Simple Conjur 1 a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE260
touched foe
… Enhance Witchery Witch gains additional use(s) or Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature with 10 mins/level Will negs Yes AE264
increased level for witchery power. witchery powers
… Geyser [E, W] 3d8 dmg and knocks down foes Simple Conjur 1 a Medium 30’ high 5’ radius 1 round/level Ref negs Yes GR37
… Giant’s Curse [C, MA, T] –4 to attack smaller creatures and Simple Ench 1a Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes GR37
–4 on Spot checks to notice them
… Hand of Battle [F] Touch deals 1d6 force dmg/lvl Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature/object Instantaneous Fort half Yes AE271
… Illusory Object (Greater) Illusion of object, multiple senses Simple Illusion 1a Long Visual figment 1 min/level (D) Will disbel No AE274
… Lethality Denied [MA] Subdual damage on killing blow Simple Ench 1a Close One creature 1 min/level/trigg Will negs Yes GR46
… Protection from Elements Protects target against 12 pts/lvl of Simple Abjur 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or None Yes AE286
[any element] specified elemental dmg until discharged
… Repair (Greater) Repairs 1d6 dmg/lvl to object Simple Trans 1a 10 feet One object Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE290
… Slow Creature takes limited actions, –2 Simple Trans 1a Close One creature/level 1 round/level (D) Will negs Yes AE299
to attack, dmg, and Reflex saves
… Spirit of Prowess [Si] +4 bonus on one attack, plus one Simple Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level or None No AE303
attack/5 lvls when used
… Summon Minor Elemental Summons small elemental to fight Simple Conjur Full rnd Close One summoned 1 round/level (D) None No AE306
(Lesser) [any element] for the caster creature
… Water Breathing [W] Air-breathers can breathe water Simple Trans 1a Touch Living creatures 2 hrs/lvl (see text) Will negs Yes AE316
… Weary Touch Touch makes target exhausted Simple AE317
… Whisper of Madness [A, Target suffers 1d8 dmg + 2 Wis Simple Evoc 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE317
MA, S] dmg +1 Wis dmg/5 lvls
… Wicked Barb [P] 1d6 dmg +1/ lvl, remains in flesh Simple AE317
… Acid Pit [Ac] Creates acid, 1d6 dmg if touched Complex Conjur 1 a Close 10'x10' pit, 1' deep/lvl 1 minute/level (D) None No AE236
… Acidic Globes [Ac] 1 globe/ lvl, 1d6 acid damage Complex Evoc 1 a Close One creature/round 1 minute/level (D) Ref negs Yes GR9
… Arrow Reflection 1 attack/rnd reflected on attacker Complex Trans 1 a Personal You 1 round/level None No AE238
… Attack from Within Target suffers 1d6 dmg/lvl Complex Evoc 1 a Medium One creature or Instantaneous Fort half Yes AE239
(Elemental) [any elem.] object
… Blast of Castigation [F] Ray deals 1d8 force dmg/3 lvls Complex Evoc 1a Medium Ray Conc. (1 rnd/level) Ref half Yes AE240
… Bolt of Conjuring 1d4 dmg/ lvl (max. 10d4) plus Complex Conjur 1 a Medium One creature Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR17
summons monster
… Brutal Seething Surge [Ac] Touch attack per level inflicts Complex Evoc 1a Touch One creature Permanent until Fort part Yes GR17
1d8 + 1 acid damage per level dishcarged
… Carnivorous Plant Defence Plant attacks foes that attack you, Complex Trans 1a Touch One inanimate plant 1 minute/level (D) None Yes AE244
[P] deals 1d6+3 dmg
… Clairaudience/ See or hear through magical sensor Complex Divin 1a See text Magical sensor 1 minute/level (D) None No AE245
Clairvoyance [Ps]
… Clinging Shadows 2d6 dmg and entangles one target Complex Conjur 1 a Medium One creature 1 round/level Ref negs Yes AE245
… Comrad’s Immunity [T] Subject is immune to caster spells Complex Trans 1 a Close One willing creature 10 mins/level (D) None No GR23
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE247
III [any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Dispel Magic Dispells spells on area or target, or Complex Abjur 1a Medium One area, spellcaster, Instantaneous None No AE257
dispels targeted spell creature, or object
… Eldritch Wall (Lesser) [F] Wall of force withstands 10 dmg/lvl Complex Evoc 1a Close One 10-ft.-square/lvl 1 min/level (D) None No AE260
… Extended Charge Charged item will not lose charges Complex Trans 1a Touch One magic item 1 round/level (D) None No GR33
… Family Curse [C] Affects 1d6 members of family Complex Trans 1a Medium See text See text Will negs Yes GR33
… Fey Ward Barrier keeps out Fey creatues Complex Abjur 1a Personal 20’ radius globe 1 round/level (D) None No GR34
… Flight [A, Dr] Target flies at 30 ft. or base move Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature 10 min/level None Yes AE266
… Focused Power +5 bonus to caster power checks Complex Evoc 1a Personal You 1 round/level AE267
… Foil Tracer Teleport spells cannot be traced Complex Abjur 1a Close One creature 1 min/level None No GR34
… Godspeed +60 feet and +2 bonus to AC Complex Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level None No GR38
… Illusory Creature (Greater) Creates illusion of creature with Complex Illusion 1a Long Visual figment 1 min/level (D) Will disbel No AE273
sound, smell, texture, temperature
… Induce Vulnerability Double dmg from one energy type Complex Trans 1a Close One creature/5 levels 1 min/level (D) Fort negs Yes GR42
… Invisibility [Fa] Target cannot be seen Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature/object 10 mins/level (D) Will negs Yes AE275
… Invisibility Prohibition All forms of invisibility suppressed Complex Evoc 1a Touch 5-ft.-radius spread/lvl 10 mins/level (D) None No AE275
… Item from Beyond Sends object to scried subject Complex Divin 1a See text One object Instantaneous None No GR43
… Lions Form [Ln] Take on the form of a dire lion Complex Trans 1 round Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE277
… Locate Object Provides direction to object Complex Divin 1a Long Circle to Long range 1 min/level (D) None No AE278
… Magic Circle +2 deflection bonus to AC, +2 to Complex Abjur 1a Touch 10-ft.-radius eman., 10 mins/level None No AE278
saves against outsiders centred on creature
… Remove Disease [PE] Remove one disease from target Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE290
… Saction Staff Cast touch spells through staff Complex Trans 1a Touch One staff 10 mins/level None Yes AE294
… Scry Retaliation [F] Inflict 1d6 dmg/ lvl upon scrier Complex Evoc 1a See text One creature scrying Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR61
… Sorcerous Blast [any elem.] Blast inflicts 1d6 dmg per caster lvl Complex Evoc 1a Long 20-ft-radius spread Instantaneous Ref half Yes AE300
… Steal Health [NE] Deals 3d8 dmg, you heal this dmg Complex Trans 1a Touch One living creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE304
… Suggestion [LD, MA] Target takes suggested actions Complex Ench 1a Close One living creature 1 hour/level Will negs Yes AE305
… Tracer You always know distance and Complex Divin 1a Touch One object 1 day/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE311
direction to object of the spell
… Unknown Target hard to find with divinations Complex Abjur 1a Touch One creature/object 1 hour/level (D) Will negs Yes AE312
… Vengeful Shield [F] 1d6 force dmg when caster struck Complex Evoc 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) GR70
… Abuashne Transfer natural armor to target Exotic Abjur 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level None No GR9
… Activate Bloodline Power Gain ability based on heritage Exotic Trans 1a Close One creature 1 round/level Will negs Yes GR10
… Alikaba’s Gift [T] Object in hands appears in targets Exotic Trans 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Ref negs Yes GR11
… Alikaba’s Theft [T] Object in targets hands appears in Exotic Trans 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Ref negs Yes GR11
… Blind the Mind [MA, Ps] Caster invisible to 1 target Exotic Illus 1a Close One creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes AE240
… Burden Target becomes encumbered Exotic Trans 1a Medium One creature/3 levels 1 min/level Fort negs Yes AE242
… Energy Bolt [any energy] Deals 1d6 energy dmg/lvl Exotic Evoc 1a Medium Line 5 ft. to range Instantaneous Ref half Yes AE263
… Eriador’s Permanent Levity +4 save vs mind-affecting spells Exotic Ench 1a Touch One creature Permanent Will negs Yes GR32
[MA] but cannot initiate combat
… Everlasting Terror [Dr, Fe, Effects of dragonfear become Exotic Ench 1a Long One creature affected Permanent Will negs Yes AE264
MA] permanent by dragon’s presence
… Forcebeam [F] 1d6 force dmg/lvl, knocks down Exotic Evoc 1a Medium Line 5 ft. to range Instantaneous Ref half Yes AE267
… Grant Mobility Intelligent item can float and attack Exotic Trans 1a Touch One intelligent item 1 round/level (D) Will negs Yes GR38
… Jevicca’s Just Reversal Reflects enchantment back Exotic Abjur 1 min Personal You 1 min/level None No GR43
… Kin Link Creates mental connection Exotic Divin 1a Close One relative/2 lvls 10 mins/level None No GR45
… Litorian Claws [Ln] Claws inflict damage as weapons Exotic Trans 1a Touch One willing litorian 10 mins/level (D) None No AE277
… Mirror Shield Reflects ray spells back at caster Exotic Abjur 1a Touch One mirror 1 min/level None No GR52
… Missive Token [LD] Item allows mental contact Exotic Trans 1a Touch A magical token Until used None Yes GR53
… Peaceful Weapon [F] Target wepon cannot damage Exotic Evoc 1a Close One weapon 1 round/level Fort negs Yes GR55
… Scales of Energy [Dr] Natural AC bonus to deflection Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 10 mins/level AE294
… Seek the Soulless [PE] Deals nonliving creatures and Exotic Necro 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR61
objects 1d6 dmg/ lvl
… Sibeccai Bite [Si] Bite inflicts damage as weapon Exotic Trans 1a Touch One willing sibeccai 10 mins/level None No AE299
… Temporal Vemon Creates poison that disrupts Exotic Conj 1 min Touch One does/level 1 round/level Fort negs Yes GR67
target’s connection with time
… Venomblade [Si] Poison wpn inflicts 1d4 Str/1d4 Str Exotic Conjur 1 a Personal One poisoned wpn 10 mins/level (D) None No AE313
… Will of the Gods Foretell a gods opinion on a matter Exotic Divin 1 hour Personal You Instantaneous GR73
4th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Animate the Dead (Lesser) Creates one undead creature Simple Necro 1 min Touch One corpse with Instantaneous None No AE237
[NE] fewer HD than you
… Binding Pact [LD, MA] keep pact or suffer 2 points of Simple Ench 1 round Close You and one other Instantaneous See text See GR15
damage to all ability scores/day target text
… Black Mulching [P] Plants 3 HD or less die, others take Simple Necro 1a Medium 20’ diameter sphere 1 round/level None Yes GR15
1d10 points of damage
… Blooded Athame Athame a wounding weapon Simple Trans 1a Touch Your athame 1 round/level Fort negs Yes AE241
… Bully’s Curse [C, MA, T] –4 to attacks, –2 to AC against Simple Ench 1a Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes GR17
creatures of lower Hit Dice
… Burning Rain [Fi, W] 2d6 fire damage per round Simple Conjur 1 round Long 100’ high, 20’ radius 1 round/level Ref half Yes GR18
… Conjure Weapon (Greater) Creates a +1 or better weapon Simple Conjur 1 a 0 feet One weapon 1 min/level (D) None No AE249
… Curse of Vengeance [C, T] –2 penalty to attacks, saves, and Simple Evoc Full rnd Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes AE252
checks, random –10 penalty 1/day
… Dancing Rune Touch-trigger runes attacks Simple Trans 1a Touch One protected rune 10 mins/level Fort negs Yes AE252
… Gaze of Terror [Fe] Gaze attack causes panic Simple Ench 1a Close Close-radius globe 1 rnd/2 levels (D) Will negs Yes AE269
… Living Athame Athame becomes dancing weapon Simple Trans 1a Touch Your athame 1 round/level Fort negs Yes AE277
… Mark of Air (Greater) [A] Subject can fly at speed 40 and has Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or Will negs Yes GR48
other power until discharged
… Mark of Earth (Greater) Subject has DR 10/magic (or Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or Will negs Yes GR48
[E] 10/+1) and other power until discharged
… Mark of Fire (Greater) [Fi] Subject has resistance to fire 20 Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or Will negs Yes GR49
and other power until discharged
… Mark of Frost (Greater) Subject has resistance to cold Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or Will negs Yes GR49
[Co] 20 and other power until discharged
… Mark of Water (Greater) Subject can breathe water and Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or Will negs Yes GR50
[W] has other power until discharged
… Precognitive Flashes [Ps] +1 to attack, AC, and Reflex saves Simple Divin 1a Personal You 1 min/level GR57
… Remove Curse [T] Removes one curse from target Simple Abjur 1a Touch One creature/object Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE289
… Stamina to Defence [Si] You take 2 Con dmg, +4 luck to AC Simple Trans 1a Touch One armour or shield 10 mins/level None No AE303
… Strength to Strike [Si] You take 2 Str dmg, +2d6 wpn dmg Simple Trans 1a Touch One weapon 1 round/level None No AE305
… Telepathy [LD, MA, Ps] Communicate mentally with target Simple Divin 1a 1 mile/lvl You and one creature 1 round/level Will negs Yes AE307
… Tongues [LD] Target speaks any languages Simple Divin 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level None No AE309
… Touch of the Tempest [A, 1d8 dmg/ lvl and dazes foe for 1 Simple AE310
W] round/4 caster levels
… Transfer Wounds Heal 4d10 dmg +1/lvl; you suffer Simple Conjur Full rnd Touch One living creature Instantaneous Will half Yes AE311
(Greater) [PE] half dmg healed in subdual damage
… Wall of Ice [Co] Creates barrier/hemisphere of ice Simple Evoc 1a Medium See text 1 min/level See text Yes AE314
… Arrow Redirection Sends ranged attacks back Complex Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level None No GR14
… Attack from Within Target suffers 1d6 energy dmg/lvl Complex Evoc 1a Medium One creature or Instataneous Fort half Yes AE239
(Energy) [any energy] object
… Bind Item [F] Encases object in globe of force Complex Evoc 1a Close One object 3’ across 10 mins/level None No GR15
… Bind With Plants [P] Constricting plant holds foe helpless Complex Trans 1a Long One plant 1 round/level (D) Ref negs No AE240
… Brother’s Revenge [C, T] Target who harmed caster’s family Complex Trans 1a Medium One creature 1 day/level (D) Fort part Yes GR17
begins to wither and rot
… Call Radont [G] Calls wild radont to help caster Complex Conjur 1 round Close One radont 1 hour/level (D) None No AE244
… Chains of Vengeance [Fi] Chains of fire hold target, 2d6 dmg Complex Evoc 1a Medium One creature 1 round/level (D) Ref negs Yes AE244
… Circle of Binding [MA] Targets cannot leave circle Complex Ench 1a Medium 5’ radius/level 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes GR21
… Coax Forth Power Magic items inflict 50% more dmg Complex Trans 1a Touch One magic item 10 mins/level None No GR22
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE247
IV [any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Control Creature of the Creature of the mist obeys caster’s Complex Ench 1a Touch One creature of the 1 hour/level Will negs Yes GR24
Mist [A] commands mist
… Create Lesser Creature of Creates creature of the mist up to Complex Conjur 1 hour Touch Creature of the mist Instantaneous None No GR26
Mist [A] CR 5 up to CR5
… Detect Scrying You learn when another scries you Complex Divin 1a 120 feet 120-ft.-radius eman. 24 hours None No AE255
… Dimensional Door [Tp] Instantly moves subjects to Long Complex Trans 1a Long You or touched Instantaneous None No AE255
range willing creatures
… Elemental Trap [any Traps closable object, dmg 5d6 +1 Complex Abjur 20 mins Touch One object Permanent until Ref half Yes AE261
element] per caster level discharged (see text)
… Enhance Magic Flow Adds +2 bonus to your spell saving Complex Univers 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE263
(Greater) throw DCs
… Ethereal Prison [T] One helpless or willing creature is Complex Trans 1a Touch One helpless or Permanent (D) None Yes GR32
imprisoned on Ethereal Plane willing creature
… Feedback [El] 1d8+1 dmg/ lvl on specified action Complex Ench 1a Medium One creature 1 round/level (D) Will negs Yes GR33
… Flaming Corrossion [Ac, Fi] 1d6 dmg/lvl (10d6 max.) — half Complex Evoc 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR34
acid, half fire
… Gaze of Destruction Next spell becomes a gaze attack Complex Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level (D) None No GR35
… Locate Creature Learn direction to kind or individual Complex Divin 1a Long Circle to Long range 10 mins/level (D) None No AE277
… Halo of Glory [L, PE] Creature gains celestial template Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 round/level (D) None No GR39
… Knanescour [Ac] Protection trap 1d6 acid dmg/ lvl Complex Abjur 10 min Touch One object/level 1 day/level (D) Ref half Yes GR45
… Mirror Spell Switche a non-Instant 3rd- or lower Complex Trans 1a Medium Target effected and Varies Will negs Yes GR52
spell from one target to another & touch one new target
… Modify Memory [MA, Ps] Change, delete, or add a memory Complex Ench 1a Close One living creature Permenent Will negs Yes AE281
… Neutralise Poison [PE] Removes poison from target's body Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature/object Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE282
… Oathchord Magically seals an agreement Complex Ench 1a Touch One willing being/lvl Instantaneous None No GR54
… Protection from Energy Protects against 20 pts/lvl of Complex Abjur 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or None Yes AE287
[any energy] specified energy dmg until discharged
… Resilient Sphere (Lesser) Encases target in sphere that has Complex Evoc 1a Close Sphere up to 1 ft./ 1 min/level (D) Ref negs Yes AE290
[F] 100 hp/lvl level in diametre
… Robe of Reflection Sends one type of energy damage Complex Conjur 1 a Touch One creature 1 round/level (D) None Yes GR60
to another creature
… Stone Arm [E] Petrifies target’s arm Complex Trans 1a Medium One creature Permanent Fort negs Yes AE304
… Stone Leg [E] Petrifies target’s leg Complex Trans 1a Medium One creature Permanent Fort negs Yes AE304
… Telekinesis (Greater) [Ps] You move 25 lb./lvl with your mind Complex Trans 1a Long One creature/object Conc. (1 rnd/level) Will negs Yes AE306
… Teleport Coordinates Information about destination Complex Divin 1a Close One creature Instantaneous None No GR66
Transfer [Ps] is transferred
… Touch of the Harrid Touch drains magic and grants Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 round/level None No AE309
+1d4 temporary hit points
… Aeonian Lantern [L] –2 penalty to foes’ attacks, saving Exotic Conjur 1 a Touch A glowing stationary Permanent (D) None No GR11
throws, and checks lantern
… Apolioth’s Condemnation Burst inflicts 10d6 points of Exotic Evoc 1a Medium 20’ radius burst Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR13
damage and entangles foes
… Coldscream [Co, S] 1d6 dmg/ lvl (10d6 max.) - half Exotic Evoc 1a Closr Cone Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR22
sonic, half cold
… Everlasting Charm [Fa] Permenantly charms target Exotic Ench 1a Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes AE264
… Expel from Lair [Dr, Tp] Teleports intruder out of area Exotic Abjur 10 min 0 feet 2 10’ cubes/level Until triggered Fort negs Yes AE264
… Fly Like an Arrow [Dr] X10 speed flying in straight line Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 1 hour/level AE267
… Foretell Future Provides answer to yes/no question Exotic Divin 1 hour Personal You Instantaneous None No AE267
… Hidden Object Only see object via magic glass Exotic Trans 1a Touch One object Permanent None No GR41
… Ilrosos Tobor [PE] Magic roses heal 1d8 dmg Exotic Conjur 10 min Touch One magic rose/level 1 hour/level Will negs Yes GR42
… Inner World [MA, Ps] Target takes no actions, sees only Exotic Illus 1a Touch One living creature 10 mins/level (D) Will negs Yes AE275
… Learn Secret (Greater) You get a permenent +2 insight Exotic Divin 1a Touch One object Instantaneous None No AE276
bonus to use object
… Mirror Calling (Lesser) Call forth creature you see in Exotic Conjur 10 min Touch One elemental or Instantaneous None No GR52
[varies] mirror (max. 8 HD) outsider up to 8 HD
… Roses of Life [Pe] Heals 1d8+1 /lvl Exotic Conjur 10 min Touch One rose/level 1 hour/level Will half Yes AE293
… Slay Illusion Creates illusion that destroys other Exotic Illus 1a Medium One illusory creature 1 round/level (D) Will negs No GR62
… Soul Burst [NE] 1d6 dmg/ lvl to living creatures Exotic Necro 1a Medium 20-foot-radius burst Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR63
… Spelltrap Gem triggered by specific spell Exotic Abjur 1 round Touch One gem Until triggered None Yes GR63
… Suppress (Lesser) [MA] Lower-level arcane caster cannot Exotic Ench 1a Medium 1 spellcaster a level 1 round/level Will negs Yes GR66
cast spells lower than yours
… Thief of Spells Ends spell effects on a creature Exotic Trans 1a Touch One or more spells 1 round/level or None Yes GR67
and grants them to you cast upon another until used
… Truth’s Wings [Fi] Magic bird brings character to you Exotic Conjur 1 a Personal A bird of magical fire 10 mins/level None No GR69
… Warding Globes [F] 1 globe/ 2 lvls that negates attacks Exotic Evoc 1a Personal One 2-inch globe/2 1 min/level or until Ref half Yes GR71
of opportunity, inflicts 2d6 dmg levels (maximum six) discharged
… Woodlands Prison [P] Target imprisoned forever in the Exotic Trans 1a Touch One helpless or Permanent (D) None Yes AE318
forest willing creature

5th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Battle Healing (Greater) Heals 1d6 dmg/level (maximum Simple Evoc 1a Touch Creature touched Instantaneous Will half Yes AE240
[PE] 15d6)
… Creation (Greater) [G] Creates any nonmagical object Simple Conjur 1 min 0 feet One object Instantaneous None No AE251
… Dominate (Lesser) [MA, Control actions of Medium (or Simple Ench 1a Medium One humanoid of 1 hour/level Will negs Yes AE257
PS, T] smaller) humanoid Medium size or less
… Earth’s Embrace [E] DR 5/adamantine (or 10/+1) and Simple Evoc 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) GR31
creates a protective shell
… Enfeebled Mind [C, MA, Target's Intelligence drops to 1 Simple Ench 1a Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes AE263
Fa, Ps, T]
… Ghost Weapon [F] Wpn ignores armour & natural AC Simple Trans 1a Touch One melee weapon 1 round/level None Yes AE269
… Open Door Opens any door Simple Trans 1a Touch One door or gate Instantaneous None No AE283
… Revivification [PE] Restores temporary life to target Simple Trans 1a Touch One dead creature 1 min/level (D) None No AE291
… Spell Resistance Target gains SR 12 + lvl Simple Abjur 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level Will negs Yes AE301
… Summon Minor Elemental Summons Medium elemental to Simple Conjur Full rnd Close One or more 1 round/level (D) None No AE306
(Greater) [any element] fight for you summoned creatures
… Touch of Dire Doom 1d3 ability score dmg to all scores Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Fort part Yes AE309
… Wall of Stone [E] Creates barrier of stone Simple Conjur 1 a Medium 1 5-ft.-square/level Instantaneous See text No AE315
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE247
V [any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Control Undead You control actions of an undead Complex Necro 1a Long One undead creature 1 rnd/lvl (see text) Will negs Yes AE250
… Defensive Field Protective field absorbs 5 hp/lvl Complex Abjur 1a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE253
… Dominate Item Control actions of intelligent item Complex Ench 1a Medium One intelligent item 1 day/level (D) Will negs Yes GR29
… Drain Away Speed Reduces target's speed by 40 feet. Complex Trans 1a Medium One living creature 1 round/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE258
(Greater) [Fa]
… Eldritch Wall (Greater) Creates wall of force that can Complex Evoc 1a Close One 10-ft.-square/lvl 1 min/level (D) Ref negs No AE260
[F] withstand 100 pts of dmg/lvl or a sphere 1-ft.-r/lvl (see text)
… Elemental (Energy) Undead granted shroud of chosen Complex Necro 1a Medium One animate dead Permanent None No GR31
Shroud [Varies] element that grants powers creature/level
… Gird the Warrior [F] Target gets +10 AC, +4 Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level (D) None No AE270
… Halo of Shelter [PE] energy field absorbs 5 hp/ lvl Complex Abjur 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level (D) None No GR40
… Massive Sword [F, G] Sword of force attacks for you, Complex Evoc 1a Close One sword 1 round/level (D) None Yes AE280
inflicts 4d6+3 dmg
… Molten Blast [E, Fi] 1d6 dmg/ lvl, encase in rocky shell Complex Conjur 1a 80 feet 80 ft. line Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR53
… Remove Malady [PE, T] Cures one of various conditions Complex Trans 10 mins Touch One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE290
… Restoration [PE, T] Restores ability score dmg, lost lvl Complex Trans 3 rnds Touch One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE291
… Scrying [Ps] You view creature at any distance Complex Divin 1 hour See text Magical sensor 1 minute/level None No AE295
… Sealed Door (Greater) Door is almost impossible to open Complex Abjur 1a Close One door (see text) Permanent (D) None No AE296
… Teleport [Tp] You and others move to distant Complex Trans See text Personal You and touched Instantaneous None or Yes AE307
location instantaneously or Touch objects/creatures Will negs
… Teleport Block No teleports in or out of area Complex Abjur 1 round 0 feet 3 10’ cubes/level 1 hour/level None No GR66
… Teleport Redirect [Tp] In or out teleport has new dest. Complex Evoc 1a Close 20ft. diameter sphere 1 hour/level None Yes GR67
… Wall of Iron Creates barrier of iron Complex Conjur 1a Medium 1 5-ft.-square/level Instantaneous See text No AE314
… Wall of Thorns [P] Creates barrier of damaging Complex Conjur 1a Medium 1 10-ft.-cube/level 10 mins/level (D) None No AE315
… Animate Necrosis [NE] Animated wound attacks creature Exotic Necro 1a Close One wounded creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes GR12
… Burst of Healing [PE] All allies heal 2d8 dmg +1/lvl Exotic Evoc 1a 20 feet 20-foot-radius burst Instantaneous Fort half Yes AE242
… Call of the Ruby [T] Forces creature to attack another Exotic Ench 1 round Unlimited One creature 2HD/lvl Instantaneous None Yes GR19
… Call of the Topaz [T] Force creature to hold still 1 round Exotic Ench 1 round Unlimited One creature 2HD/lvl Instantaneous None Yes GR20
… Commune With the City Know general status of population, Exotic Divin 10 min Personal You 1 round/level GR23
[Ps] find, communicate with anyone
… Curse of Wounding [C] 50% of attacks targeting creature Exotic Trans 1a Touch One creature Permanent Will negs Yes GR28
that would normally miss now hit
… Dragonform [Dr] Mojh gets +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 AC, Exotic Trans 1a Touch One mojh 10 mins/level Fort negs Yes AE258
and gains breath weapon
… Dreaded Burning Water Large area of water turns to acid Exotic Trans 1a Close Two 10-foot cubes of 1 min/level Ref half Yes AE259
[Ac, W] water/five levels (S)
… Familiarity of Place Gain benifits while in certain area Exotic Divin 1a 0 feet 50’ radius/level Permanent None No AE265
(Greater) [Dr]
… Giant's Grip Doubles giant's Str bonus to Exotic Trans 1a Touch One willing giant 10 mins/level (D) None No AE270
grapple and break object checks
… Hunter Serpent [Dr] Energy snake hunts specific type Exotic Evoc 1 round Personal One magical serpent Instantaneous None Yes AE272
of creature, 1d6 dmg/ lvl
… Kin Curse [C, MA] Target is compelled to kill kin Exotic Ench 1a Close One creature Permanent (D) Will negs Yes GR44
… Mirror Blast [F] 1d6 dmg/ lvl (max. 15d6)—half Exotic Evoc 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR51
force, half slashing
… Mirror Theft Pull one item through mirror Exotic Trans 1 round Touch One mirror 1 round None No GR53
… Overcome Force Immune to force damage and can Exotic Abjur 1a Touch One creature 10 mins/level or None Yes GR54
walk through wall of force until discharged
… Peer Into the Future [Ps] Caster looks at a random moment Exotic Divin 1 hour Personal You 1 min/level GR55
in his possible future
… Peer Through Matter You can see through matter Exotic Divin 1a Personal You Conc (1 rnd/level) None No AE283
… Phantom Foil Phantasm negates sneak attacks Exotic Illus 1a Personal One illusion/level 10 mins/level Will negs Yes GR55
… Quintelemental Blast 1d6 dmg/ lvl of whatever type of Exotic Evoc 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Ref half yes GR58
[Varies] damage target is susceptible to
… Scry Reverse You scry person scying you Exotic Divin 1a See text Magical sensor 1 min/level (D) None No GR61
… Shield of Light [L] +2 AC, +1 enhancement bonus to Exotic Abjur Standard Personal You 1 round/level (D) No/Yes No/ GR62
AC/ 3 lvls, undead cannot attack Yes
… Spines of Death Caster gains spines that can be Exotic Conjur 1 a Personal You 1 round/level None No AE302
used as melee or ranged weapons
… Spine Tendril Tendril grapples or disarms Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level GR64
… Unstoppable Energy Elemental or energy attack ignores Exotic Trans 1 round Personal You Max 10 mins/level AE312
protection magic
… Vicious Summons Summons fiendish dire weasel on Exotic Conjur 1 round Close One fiendish dire 1 round/level (D) None No GR71
a creature, automatically inflicting weasel
… Zone of Speed Move through 20-foot sphere has Exotic Evoc 1a Close 20ft. diameter sphere 1 min/level Fort part Yes GR76
a maximum speed set by caster
6th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Ability Boost (Greater) [Si] +8 bonus to highest ability score Simple Trans 1 a Touch One creature 10 mins/level None No AE236
… Beastskin (Greater) [Dr, +6 natural armour bonus to AC Simple Trans 1 a Touch One living creature 10 mins/level (D) None Yes AE240
… Blindsight Target gains blindsight Simple Trans 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level Fort negs Yes AE241
… Call Guardian (Lesser) Calls monster to serve you Simple Conjur 1 min Close One creature Instantaenous See text No AE242
… Coma [MA] Target is comatose Simple Ench 1a Close One living creature 1 hour/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE246
… Cursed Locale All attacks, saves, and checks in Simple Evoc 1 min Long Ten 10-ft.-cubes/level Permanent None No AE252
cursed area suffer a –2 penalty
… Learn Truename Caster learns target's truename Simple Divin 12 hrs Unlimited One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE276
… Light of The Earth [E, L, Light shines up through cracks in Simple Evoc 1a Medium 30ft. radius spread on Instantaneous None Yes GR46
PE] the ground, 5d8 dmg to undead the ground
… Protect Soul Protects you from soul-affecting Simple Abjur 1 hour Personal You 1 day/level None No AE286
spells and truename effects
… Wall of Sound [S] Creates barrier of solid sound Simple Evoc 1a Medium 1 5-ft.-square/level 2 mins/level (D) See text No AE314
… Animate the Dead Creates one powerful undead Complex Necro 1 hour Close One corpse with Instantaneous None No AE237
(Greater) [NE] creature fewer HD than you
… Blazing Light [L, PE] Ray inflicts 1d8 dmg/ lvl, and Complex Evoc 1a Long One creature Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR16
undead suffer more
… Bloodblade Wpn deals 2 pts of bleeding/round Complex Trans 1a Touch One bladed weapon 1 min/level None No AE241
… Conditional Spell Designated spell triggers stored Complex Evoc 1a Close One creature Until discharged Will negs Yes GR24
… Conjure Energy Creature VI Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE248
[any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Devour Heart [Dr, Ln, Si] Prevents dead target from coming Complex Necro 1 round Touch One corspe Instantaneous None No AE255
back to life unless you die
… Discorporate Target takes 1d10 dmg/round Complex Trans 1a Medium Ray 1 round/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE256
… Freeze [Co, W] Freezes water Complex Trans 1a Close Five 10-ft.-squares/lvl 1 hour/level None No AE268
… Glory of The Beast [PE] Animal gains celestial template, Complex Trans 1a Touch One animal 1 hour/level None Yes GR38
max hp, +2 to all ability scores
… Prophetic Warning [MA, T] Succeed at one save or force one Complex Divin 1a Touch One creature 1 hour/level Will negs Yes GR58
foe to automatically miss an attack
… Resilient Sphere (Greater) Encases target in sphere with 200 Complex Evoc 1a Medium Sphere up to 3 ft./ Permanent (D) Ref negs Yes AE291
[F] hp/lvl, moves as you direct level in diametre
… Rouse Undead Spirit [NE] Creates one incorporeal undead Complex Necro 1 hour Close One corpse (see text) Instantaneous None No AE293
… Security [Dr] Area becomes proof against Complex Abjur 1 min 0 feet 3 10-ft.-cubes/level 1 hour/level None No AE296
divination and teleportation spells
… Shape Element [any Any one element conforms to your Complex Trans 5 mins Close 1 10-ft.-cube/level 1 min/level (see None No AE297
element] wishes text)
… Shaped Strike [Fi] Flame moves around corners and Complex Evoc 1a Medium 5-ft.-wide line (S) no Instantaneous Ref half Yes AE298
allies, deals 1d4 dmg/lvl longer than range
… Stimulate [MA, Ps] Grants target +2 luck bonus to Complex Ench 1a Close One living creature 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes AE304
ability score of your choice
… Sudden Wave [W] Creates a wave of water that Complex Conjur 1 a Medium A wave 20’ high, 20’ 1 round/2 levels Ref half Yes GR65
sweeps away creatures and objects wide, and 3’ thick
… Teleport Tracer [Ps] Teleport destination is discovered Complex Divin 1 a Medium One teleport spell Instantaneous None No GR67
… Transform into Plant [P] Turn into plant, same or fewer HD Complex Trans 1 a Personal You 1 hour/level (D) None No AE311
… Vitrification [E] Target turns to glass Complex Trans 1 a Medium One living creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE313
… Aid From the Future Future self aids you in the present Exotic Trans 1 a Personal You Instantaneous GR11
through hit point and spell transfer
… Angel’s Redoubt Conjures a fortified dwelling Exotic Conjur 1 min Medium Tower 20’ sq., 30’ tall 2 hours/level None No GR12
… Call of the Emerald [T] Forces a creature to steal an object Exotic Ench 1 round Unlimited One creature 2HD/lvl Instantaneous None Yes GR19
… Call of the Sapphire [T] Forces a creature to go home Exotic Ench 1 round Unlimited One creature 2HD/lvl Instantaneous None Yes GR19
… Electrical Deluge [El] 1d6 electricity dmg/ lvl (max. 15d6) Exotic Evoc 1a 100 ft. A spread 5’ high and Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR31
200’ across
… Energy Sheath [any You get +2 AC, touch inflicts 1d6 Exotic Evoc 1a Personal You 1 round/level (D) None No AE263
energy] dmg +1/lvl
… Ferrod Adul Vestorimin Surrounded by null magic zone that Exotic Abjur 1a Personal 20ft. radius 1 min/level None No GR33
[PE] affects only negative energy spells
… Freezing Claw [Co, Ln] Claw makes freezing touch attacks Exotic Conjur 1 a Close A small claw of ice Conc. (1 rnd/level) Fort part Yes AE268
… Gestalt Fuses two creatures into one Exotic Trans 1 a Close Two living creatures, 1 min/level (D) Fort&Will Yes GR36
no farther than 10’ part
… Mirror Calling [Varies] Call forth creature(s) you see in Exotic Conjur 10 min Touch 16 HD of summoned Instantaneous None No GR52
mirror (max. 16 HD) elementals/outsiders
… Mirror Truth Creates illusion over target area Exotic Illus 10 min Close One 10ft. cube/level Permanent None No GR53
… Nonesuch Spell Prevents one 4th-level or lower Exotic Trans 1 round Personal 50ft. radius 10 mins/level None Yes GR54
spell from being cast within 50 feet
… Propogate Death Allows subject to act below 0 hp Exotic Necro 1a Close One creature 10 mins/level None No GR58
and live after reaching –10 hp
… Roaring Defense [Dr, S] Bonus to natural armor, SR, flight, Exotic Evoc 1 round Personal You 10 mins/level AE292
speed or saves
… Scry Blast [F] 1d4 dmg/ 2 lvls upon scried subject Exotic Evoc 1a See text One creature scried Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR61
… Spell of Challenge [G, MA, Forces creature to come to your Exotic Ench Full rnd Unlimited One creature of no Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE301
Ps, T] location more than 2 HD/level
… Susar’s Death [Fi] Target dies in 1d4 rounds as blood Exotic Trans 1a Close One creature Instantaneous Fort part Yes GR66
turns to lead
… Teleport Other [Tp] Target travels instantly to location Exotic Trans See text Touch One creature/object Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE308
7th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Command Metal [E] Command a metal object to move, Simple Trans 1 a Close One metal object 1 round/level Will negs Yes GR23
attack, or change shape
… Curse of the Chaotic Mind Randomly lowers target's Int, Wis, Simple Trans 1a Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes AE251
[C, Fa, T] and Cha to 1
… Finger of Destruction [NE] Target suffers 5 dmg/lvl Simple Necro 1a Close One living creature Instantaneous Fort part Yes AE265
… Gaze of the Basilisk [E] Gaze attack turns victims to stone Simple Trans 1a Close Close-radius globe 1 rnd/2 levels (D) Fort negs Yes AE268
… Immunity (Lesser) Target is immune to one type of Simple Abjur 1a personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE274
spell, element, energy, or other
… Mental Protection [MA, Ps] You make caster power check to Simple Abjur 1a Touch One living creature 1 hour/level None Yes AE280
negate mental attacks on target
… Redemption From Evil Undoes the effects of a negative Simple Trans 1a Close One negative energy Instantaneous None No GR59
Power energy spell cast within 1 round spell
… Rock's Hand [E, G] Hand of stone grapples foe Simple Evoc 1a Medium 10–ft.-wide hand 1 round/level (D) None No AE292
… Song of Paralysis [S] One creature/lvl is paralysed Simple Necro 1a Medium One creature/level 1 round/level Fort negs Yes AE300
… Spell’s Edge (Greater) Athame has touch-attack spell Simple Trans 1a Touch Your athame 1 round/2 levels Fort negs Yes AE302
stored within it
… Spirit of War [Si] You get +4 Str, Dex, Con; +1 to Simple Trans 2 mins Personal You 24 hours None No AE303
attack/2 lvls; you cannot cast spells
… Stabilise Soul [T] Revivified creature stays alive Simple Trans 1 min Touch One creature/corpse Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE303
… Summon Major Elemental Summons Huge elemental to fight Simple Conjur Full rnd Close One or more 1 round/level (D) None No AE305
(Lesser) [any element] for you summoned creatures
… Transfer Wounds (Total) Heals all damage; you suffer half Simple Conjur Full rnd Touch One living creature Instantaneous Will half Yes AE311
[PE] this amount in subdual damage
… Burning Thorns [Fi, P] Wall of thorns, 1d6 fire dmg to any Complex Conjur 1 a Cmedium Wall of thorny brush, 10 mins/level (D) Ref negs Yes AE242
within 10 feet up to one 10-foot
cube/level (S)
… Call Undead [NE, T] Calls undead to appear before you Complex Conjur 10 mins Close One undead creature Instantaneous None No AE244
… Caustic Burst [Ac] Burst of acid deals 1d6 dmg/lvl Complex Evoc 1a Medium 25-foot-radius burst Instantaneous Ref half Yes AE244
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE248
VII [any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Control Weather [A] Changes weather in a 2-mile radius Complex Trans 10 mins 2 miles 2-mile-radius circle 4d12 hours None No AE250
… Create Creature of The Creates creature of the mist up to Complex Conjur 1 hour Touch One creature of the Instantaneous None No GR24
Mist [A] CR 9 mist up to CR 9
… Crystal Eruption [E] Crystal shards inflicting 1d6 dmg/ Complex Conjur 1 a Medium 50ft. diameter circle 1 round/level (D) Ref No GR26
lvl and stun on the ground half&part
… Extend Life Subtract 10 years from your life Complex Trans 12 hrs Personal You Instantaneous None No AE265
… Flight, Mass [A] One creature/ lvl fly at speed 60 Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature/level 10 mins/level None Yes GR34
… Incorporeal Form You become incorporeal Complex Trans 1a Personal You 1 min/level (D) None No AE274
… Master Creature of The Controls creature of the mist Complex Ench 1a Touch One creature of the Permanent Will negs Yes GR50
Mist [A, MA] permanently mist
… Null Magic Zone Creates null magic area Complex Abjur 1 a Close 10-foot-radius spread 10 mins/level (D) None Yes AE282
… Phase Door Invisible passage through walls Complex Conjur 1 a Touch Ethereal opening 1 usage/2 levels None No AE284
… Raise the Dead (Lesser) Cast seven times over seven days, Complex Necro 8 hours Touch One dead creature Instantaneous None Yes AE288
[PE, T] brings dead creature back to life (see text)
… Ride the Lightning [El, Tp] Bolt deals 1d6 dmg/lvl, you appear Complex Evoc 1a Long A 5-ft.-wide line Instantaneous Reflex half Yes AE291
where bolt ends
… Spell Turning Reflects 1d4+6 lvls of spells Complex Abjur 1a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE301
… Spellmaster You shape spell areas, delay Complex Trans Full rnd Personal You 1 round/level None No AE302
effects, and increase ranges
… Vengeful Spell Resistance SR 12 + caster lvl; enemy caster Complex Abjur 1a Touch One creature 1 min/level Will negs Yes GR70
2d6 + lvl dmg if spell is resisted
… Window To Elsewhere Creates view into another location Complex Divin 1 hour See text A one-way window Permanent None No GR74
… Call of The Diamond [T] Forces creature to your location Exotic Ench 1 round Unlimited One creature 2 HD/lvl Instantaneous None Yes GR19
… Cheat Death Caster sends his soul away to Exotic Necro 1 hour Personal You Until triggered AE245
safety rather than die
… Cross of Lightning [El] 1d6 dmg/ lvl (15d6 max.) Exotic Evoc 1a Medium Four bolts, see text Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR26
… Devil’s Gate [Dr] Doorway to hell through which one Exotic Conjur 1 a Close A magical door 1 roound/level (D) None No AE255
devil might appear per round leading to hell
… Disintegration Deals 100 pts of dmg, 10 cu. feet Exotic Trans 1a Medium Ray Instantaneous Fort part Yes AE256
of nonliving material vanishes
… Electrified Lair [Dr, El] Creates area where unwanted Exotic Evoc 1 min 0 feet 2 10ft. cubes/level 1 round/level once None Yes AE261
creatures suffer 2d6 dmg/round triggered
… Feedback Strike [F, Fa] Foes attacking you take 3d6 dmg Exotic Abjur 1a Personal You 10 mins/level (D) None No AE265
+1 dmg/lvl
… Futuresight [Ps] Caster looks at a random moment Exotic Divin 1 hour Touch One creature that is 1 min Will negs Yes GR35
in a creature’s possible future not you
… Jevicca’s Fourfold Send up to four targets to another Exotic Trans 1a Close 1 to 4 creatures or 1 round/level Will negs Yes GR43
Ostracism plane temporarily objects
… Mirror Portal Create one-way magic passage Exotic Trans 10 mins Touch 2 mirrors 1 day/level None No GR52
between two mirrors
… Multiple Personalities [MA, Target has 2nd, opposed personality Exotic Ench 1a Close One living creature Permanent Will negs Yes AE282
Ps] in control ½ the time
… Prohibit Kind Put all creatures other than Exotic Trans 1a Close 30ft. Radius spread 1 round/2 levels None Yes GR58
specified type into stasis
… Teleport Attack [Tp] Target teleported into solid surface, Exotic Trans See text Touch One creature/object, Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE308
takes 2d6 Con dmg +1/round max 50 lb./level
… Vessa Kornari [T] Eating dead creature’s heart Exotic Necro 1 round Touch One corpse Instantaneous None No GR71
prevents its return while you live
… Watery Prison [T, W] Imprison subject in a pool of water Exotic Trans 1a Medium One creature Varies (see text) Will negs Yes GR72
8th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Blacksmith’s Curse [E] Destroys all weapons, shields, and Simple Trans 1 a Medium 40’ burst Instantaneous Will negs Yes GR15
armor in a 40-foot burst
… Curse of Languishing Target suffers 1d6 Con dmg/day Simple Trans 1a Medium One creature Permanent Fort part Yes AE251
Death [C, NE, T]
… Dominate (Greater) [MA, You control actions of one creature Simple Ench 1a Medium One living creature 1 day/level Will negs Yes AE258
Ps, T] with less HD than you
… Mark of Death [NE] Subject is immune to death effects Simple Evoc 1 round Touch One creature 1 hour/level (D) Will negs Yes GR48
and has other power
… Primal Release [Ln] Target gets +10 Str 7 Con; +2 Dex; Simple Trans 1a Close One living creature 10 mins/level Will negs Yes AE285
–6 Int & Cha; –2 Wis; cannot cast (not you)
… Roar of Courage [G, Ln] Grants allies fear immunity and Simple Conjur 1 round Close All allies within range 10 mins/level AE292
morale bonus
… Unstoppable Strikes [Si] Make sneak attacks with every Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level AE312
strike, inflicting +3d6 dmg
… Wave of Death [NE] Living creatures of lower HD take Simple Necro 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE316
80 dmg; undead healed 5d6 dmg
… Wave of Life [PE] Undead of lower HD take 80 dmg; Simple Evoc 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE316
living creatures healed 5d6 dmg
… Whirlwind [A] Cyclone moves as directed Simple Evoc 1a Long Cyclone (see text) 1 round/level (D) Ref negs Yes AE317
… Call Outsider [T] Calls outsider to appear before you Complex Conjur 10 mins Close One outsider Instantaneous None No AE243
… Chains of Null Magic Target is bound in chains that Complex Evoc 1a Close One creature 10 mins/level Ref negs Yes GR20
prevent spells and abilities
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE248
VIII [any energy] of energy to fight for you creatures
… Imbue Guardian Sets an eternal guardian to watch Complex Trans 1 hour Medium One creature Instantaneous None No GR42
over an area
… Mass Devastation [any Deals 1d6 dmg/lvl + elemental Complex Evoc Full rnd Long 10-ft.-radius burst/ lvl Instantaneous Ref half Yes AE280
element] effect
… Mirror Spell (Greater) Switches a non-Instantaneous 7th Complex Trans 1a Medium One target affected Varies Will negs Yes GR53
level or lower spell from one target by a spell and one
to another new target
… Permanent Rest [PE, T] Corpse cannot become undead or Complex Necro 1 hour Touch One dead creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE284
be raised (see text)
… Portal to Another Plane Creates doorway to another plane Complex Conjur 1 a Touch Doorway to another Permanent None No AE285
[Tp] or dimension plane, 10-ft.-square
… Psychic Blast [MA, Ps] Deals 1d6 dmg/lvl, 1d4 Int & Wis Complex Ench 1a Close Cone Instantaneous Will partial Yes AE287
… Spell Magnet Target gets –1 penalty/2 lvls to Complex Abjur 1a Close Ray 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes AE301
saves against magic
… Telekinetic Shield [Ps] Provides +8 deflection bonus to AC Complex Abjur 1a 0 feet 5-ft.-radius 1 round/level None No AE307
… Animate Undead Legion Creates one undead creature/lvl Exotic Necro 1 day Close One corpse/level Instantaneous None No AE238
… Arathan’s Spiritual Soldier Creates statue that absorbs Exotic Conj 1 round Medium A stone golem 1 hour/level None No GR13
[PE] incorporeal undead and becomes a
stone golem under the caster’s
… Bring Down the Moon [Si] Heals, restores spell slots, grants Exotic Trans 1a 0 feet 5-foot-radius/level 1 min/level (D) Will negs Yes AE241
+1 luck bonus to attacks, saves, centred on you
and checks for allies
… City Transport Teleport anywhere in a city Exotic Trans 1 round Personal You 1 min/level GR21
… Disguise Soul Creature appears to be other Exotic Necro 1a Touch You and one creature 1 year/level No Yes AE256
creature in respect to many spells
… Disintigration Field Creates an area where matter is Exotic Trans 1 round Close 10’ cube/level 1 roundlevel Fort part Yes GR28
… Fuse Line Two subjects share traits with Exotic Trans 1 day Touch Two creatures Instantaneous None Yes GR35
future offspring
… Hoard Ward [Dr] Intruders into warded area are Exotic Trans 10 min Touch 10 ft. cube/level Permanent Will negs Yes AE272
teleported to specific destination
… Jisgus Sepa [T] Creature appears to be other Exotic Necro 1a Touch Caster & one creature 1 year/level (D) No Yes GR44
creature in respect to many spells
… Mantle of Egregious Might Subject has +4 luck bonus to AC, Exotic Trans 1 round Touch One creature 10 min/level None No GR47
attack, saves, and ability scores
… Pretur Ar Nuade [Tp] Intruders into warded area Exotic Trans 10 min Touch 10’ cube/level (S) Permanent Will negs Yes GR57
teleported to specific destination
… Regeneration [PE] Restores lost limbs and body parts Exotic Trans 3 rnds Touch One living creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE289
… Utter Thrall [MA, Ps, T] Completely enslaves one humanoid Exotic Ench 1a Medium Medium Humanoid Permanent (D) Will negs Yes GR70
… Vorpal Claws [Dr, Ln] Target’s claws inflict +50 dmg on a Exotic Alter 1a Touch One creatures claws 1 round/2 levels Fort negs Yes AE314
critical to vulnerable foes
9th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Call Guardian (Greater) Calls monster to serve you Simple Conjur 1 min Close One creature Instantaneous See text No AE243
… Immunity (Greater) One creature/4 lvls is immune to Simple Abjur 1 a Touch You and one creature 1 hour/level (D) Fort negs Yes AE274
one type of spell, element, energy /4 levels
… Perfect Health [PE] Heals all damage, ability score Simple Evoc 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE284
damage, removes conditions
… Shapechange You take on new forms Simple Trans 1 a Personal You 10 mins/level None No AE297
… Sphere of Deterioration 1d6 cumulative damage per round Simple Trans 1 a Close creatures in range 1 round/level (D) Fort negs Yes GR63
… Summon Major Elemental Summons elder elemental to fight Simple Conjur Full rnd Close One or more 1 round/level (D) None No AE305
(Greater) [any element] for you summoned creatures
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures Construct creature made Complex Conjur Full rnd Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE248
IX [any energy] of energy to fights for you creatures
… Create Greater Creature of Creates creature of the mist up to Complex Conjur 1 hour Touch Up to CR12 Instantaneous None No GR24
the Mist [A] CR 12
… Doorway To Elsewhere Create doorway to another location Complex Trans 6 hours See text One-way magic door Permanent None No GR30
… Duplicate Creates exact duplicate of you, Complex Necro Full rnd Personal You 1 round/level (D) None No AE259
under your control
… Raise the Dead (Greater) Cast seven times over seven days, Complex Necro 12 hrs Touch One dead creature Instantaneous None Yes AE288
[PE, T] brings a dead creature back to life (see text)
… Temporal Stasis Target held in suspended animation Complex Trans 1a Touch One creature Permanent None Yes AE309
… Trap Soul [T] Traps soul in object; you can force Complex Necro 1a Medium One soul Instantaneous Will negs Yes AE311
soul to answer questions
… Arcana Form Become pure energy Exotic Trans 1a Personal You 10 min/level None No GR13
… Consume Soul [NE, T] Unconscious creature dies, you get Exotic Necro 3 rnds Medium One unconscious Instantaneous (and Fort negs Yes AE249
+2 to attacks, saves, and checks creature see text)
… Cuigna Arthanath [NE, T] Humanoid is annihilated Exotic Necro 1a Close One hunamoid Instantaneous Fort part Yes GR28
… Immortality [T] Target stops aging Exotic Abjur 1 day Touch One living creature Instantaneous Fort negs Yes AE274
… Legacy of Eldritch Might Caster passes on skill with Exotic Trans 1 min Touch One relative Instantaneous None No GR45
spellcasting to relative
… Lord of The City [Ps] Know general status of population, Exotic Div 1 hour Personal You 10 min/level GR47
is aware of major issues and
threats, and can find and
communicate with anyone in it
… Magma Burst [Fi] 20d6 points of damage Exotic Conj 1 round Medium 50’ radius Instantaneous Ref half Yes GR47
… One Step Beyond [Ps] Target immune to divination Exotic Abjur 10 min Touch 1 creature/level One day/level Will neg Yes GR54
… Purge Akashic Memory Erases one event or fact from the Exotic Trans 1 day Close One fact or memory Instantaneous None No AE287
[Ps] akashic memory and possibly from of an event
the memories of all people
… Shifting Sanctum [Dr] Caster transfers portion of one Exotic Alter 12 0 feet Up to one 10-foot Instantaneous None No AE298
location to another location hours cube per level (S)
… Squamous Pulse Halves natural armor and deals 1d6 Exotic Trans 1a Long All with natural AC Instantaneous Fort half Yes GR64
dmg per natural armor bonus point within a 50-foot burst
… Sunfire Tomb [L, T] Imprisons target in the sun Exotic Trans 1a Medium One creature Instantaneous Will neg Yes GR66

10th Level Spells Spells Readied: ___ + ___ = ___ Save DC: ___
Spells Per Day: ___ + ___ = ___

Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.
… Curse of Damnation [C, T] Exils target to other plane Simple Trans 1 a Medium One creature Permanent Will negs Yes AE251
… Fist of the Elemental Lord 1d6 dmg/lvl and special effect Simple Conj 1a Medium Large fist, of seething 1 round/level See text Yes AE266
[any element] elemental force
… Protective Shell Hemispheric shield moves with Simple Abjur 1a 0 Up to 10-foot radius 1 min/level (D) None No AE287
caster, making those inside per level hemisphere
impervious to attacks centered on you
… Spirit of Triumph [Si] Grants +10 luck bonus to attacks, Simple Trans 1a Personal You 1 round/level AE303
damage, AC, saves, and checks
… Summon Elemental Horde Huge elemental/caster level attacks Simple Conj 1 round Medium Huge elemental/lvl, 1 round/level (D) None No AE305
[any element] caster’s foes no two more than 30
feet apart
… Bolt of Power [F] Target suffers 2d6 dmg/lvl Complex Evoc 1a Long One creature Instantaneous Ref negs Yes AE241
… Conjure Energy Creature Conjures a creature made of Complex Conj 1 round Close One or more created 1 round/level (D) None No AE248
X [any energy] energy that fights for the caster creatures
… Perfect Ward [Te] Anyone touching target or warded Complex Abjur 1 round Touch One creature, or one 1 day/level (D) See text See AE284
area is teleported away 10-foot cube/level text
… Rouse Ghostly Army [NE] Creates one incorporeal Complex Necro 1 night Medium One corpse/level Instantaneous (self None No AE293
undead/caster level sustaining magic)
… Telekinesis (True) [Ps] Move object or creature up to Complex Trans 1a Long One creature up to Up to 1 round/level Will negs Yes AE307
1,000 lbs./caster level 1,000 lbs./level
… Undo Caster reverses one effect Complex Trans 1 round Touch 1 effect Instantaneous None No AE312
… Consume Man [Dr, NE, T] Humanoid is annihilated Exotic Necro 1a Close One humanoid Instantaneous Fort part Yes AE249
… Invoked Apocalypse Deals 10d6 dmg/round, you fall Exotic Evoc 10 mins 1 mile/lvl 100-ft. radius cylinder 1 round/level (D) Ref half Yes AE275
into coma /level, 100 ft./lvl high
… Magical Fortress [Dr] Creates a permanent castle or Exotic Abjur 1 round Medium 1 magical castle Instantaneous None No AE279
fortress to specification
Spell Description Type School Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR p.

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