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A Supplement for Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved by The Keepers of the Oath


Bill Collins, Phillippe Daigneault, Jay Imhoff, Justin D. Jacobson
Derek Kupper, Robert Smith, and Michael Trice
Front Cover Art by: Jeremy Mohler

Back Cover Art by: Jennifer Rodgers

Interior Art by: Marcio Fiorito, Daniel Harris, Cliff Kurowski, Alfredo Lopez, Jr.,
Bradley McDevitt, Jennifer Rodgers, and Jeff Ward

Cartography by: Edward Bourelle

Editing by: Alex Yang

Supplemental Written Material and Game Design by: Bill Collins

Cover Layout and Design by: Jennifer Rodgers

Interior Layout and Design by: Justin D. Jacobson

Playtesting by: Jimmie Bragdon, Mike Guidry, Kurt Korfmacher, Kevin MacKay,
Sam Sanford, Zabe Truesdell, William Walters

Supplemental Material Available at

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Some content included herein, as described in the Product Identity notice accompanying the Open Game
License, comes from Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved, Copyright 2005, Monte J. Cook, used by permission.
All other content is ©2005 Justin D. Jacobson. Blue Devil Games logos, Tell It To My Axe, and the
AEvolutions line of sourcebooks are Trademarks of Justin D. Jacobson. This edition of Tell It To My Axe is
produced under version 1.0a, 4.0, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License, the d20 System Trademark
Logo Guide, and the System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast, Subsequent versions of
this product will incorporate later versions of the license, guide, and document. All rights reserved. Product Code:
BDV5102. ISBN: 0-9763795-3-8.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 - HISTORY .........................................................................3
The Order of the Axe
Written by Michael Trice ‡ Illustrated by Bradley McDevitt

CHAPTER 2 - THE KNIGHTS ..............................................................14

The Knights of the Order
Written by Derek Kupper ‡ Illustrated by Jeff Ward

CHAPTER 3 - MOUNTS ...................................................................... 40

The Ways of Mounted Combat
Written by Bill Collins ‡ Illustrated by Alfredo Lopez, Jr.

CHAPTER 4 - HONOR .........................................................................52

The Value of a Name
Written by Philippe Daigneault ‡ Illustrated by Cliff Kurowski

CHAPTER 5 - CHAPTERHOUSES ........................................................59

Home and Hideout
Written by Jay Imhoff ‡ Illustrated by Daniel Harris

CHAPTER 6 - REBELLION .................................................................. 66

Order from Change
Written by Justin D. Jacobson and Bill Collins ‡
Illustrated by Jennifer Rodgers

CHAPTER 7 - “LEGACY OF HEROES” ............................................... 79

An Adventure to the Past for the Future
Written by Robert Smith ‡ Illustrated by Marcio Fiorito

APPENDIX........................................................................................... 94

INDEX .................................................................................................123
chapter 1 - history
The Order of the Axe
Written by Michael Trice - Illustrated by Bradley McDevitt

“Why do we fight?” she asked. Salty droplets beaded on her sun-burnt

brow; her sword and shield readied against his assault. “Answer me,
Harsted. Prove that you think while you fight.”

The young lord rubbed his bruised and turgid palms along the haft of his
greataxe. “We fight to earn our right to rule, to show the giants that men are
strong!” He swung high at the lady knight and his blade hurled forward,
barely contained within his tired grip. Rather than strike true, it was
deflected effortlessly off the rim of her shield, her riposte numbed his wrist
and forced his axe from numb and bloodied fingers.

“No, Harsted.” She replied, and sent him sprawling with a kick. “Men are
weak. But even the weak have the right to defend themselves, and we must
protect that right. We must prove that we can protect our own. Only then
will we be worthy to govern ourselves.”

“Men are not weak!” Harsted growled into the dirt, winded from the fall and
light-headed with pain. “Men are as strong as the giants, or the dramojh--
we will always fight.” He failed to hear the whistling approach of her shield,
and crumpled as her blow fell upon the base of his skull--unconsciousness
would give him time to reflect.

“The Training of Lord Harsted”

A favorite tale of Order of the Axe recruiters

A HISTORY OF the catalyst that triggered the return of

runechildren but more the product of a
THE ORDER OF THE AXE preexisting antipathy against Terrakal’s
dramojh oppressors. That is, a higher power
For over 300 years the Knights of the Axe have called the giants to its service even as it
sought to promote order, peace, and justice manifested itself in its runechildren. This is
throughout the Lands of the Diamond Throne. why the Knights insist that self-rule of
Though larger and more powerful than any Terrakal by its native population is inevitable--
other knightly order, the Order of the Axe has the land itself will demand it.
never been formally recognized by the giant
monarchy because of its nongiant membership. ADVENTURE SEEDS
Despite this discourtesy, whispers of open ∞ Shortly after the giants land at Khorl, the
rebellion against the Diamond Throne have player characters stumble across an unusual
remained just that--until recently. sight. After a bloody skirmish between
Since the founding of the order by Sir Redic human slaves and sibeccai warriors, one
Pynchar, the Knights have dreamed of a day figure remains standing: a young woman
when the realm would once again be called covered with glowing runes. Have the
Terrakal, when those subject to the Diamond runechildren returned? Who will protect
Throne may reclaim their ancient heritage. But this woman?
now, the dragons have returned. Rhetoric has ∞ As the giants begin securing the coast, the
become increasingly inflammatory, and debates player characters find themselves
over independence and self-worth have led to confronted with the unenviable task of
much tension within the order. Violent action convincing war-minded giants to look after
and direct opposition to the Diamond Throne, and protect recently-freed slaves of the
some claim, may serve the needs of the people dramojh. Can these former enemies be
better than the precepts originally set down by trusted as allies, or must they all be
Sir Redic. More and more, others do not confined to internment camps?
disagree. ∞ As the giants march on Serpent’s Heart, a
The first section of this chapter provides a mob of slaves shuffles unsteadily toward
history of the Order along with appropriate the player characters. The party must clear
adventure seeds for the GM and opportunities a path for the rest of the army. Can the
for players. slaves be saved, or must they be
The Knights of the Axe did not overthrow the PLAYER OPPORTUNITIES
dramojh. Men and faen, litorians and verrik--all ∞ Slaves of the dramojh may know much
suffered and none broke free from the tyranny about their masters. Though risky, rescuing
of the dramojh until the giants and their knowledgeable confidantes may reveal
sibeccai landed at Khorl and began their much; learning valuable secrets may make
inexorable march across the land. No resistance one very popular with the giants.
movement ever survived the long centuries of ∞ While the Knights of the Axe do not yet
Terrakal’s subjugation by the fiendish dragon- exist, slaves of noble heritage may find
scions. Or so say the giants. ways to reward those who can negotiate on
Not so, say the Knights--Terrakal was never their behalf with the giants.
without its anointed defenders. Just as ∞ In the aftermath of war, the giants will seek
runechildren aided the metallic dragons during loyal humans to act as stewards and
the Dragon War, runechildren aided the giants advisors. Such individuals will no doubt
during the Dramojh War. Many Knights have access to lands and riches.
believe that the coming of the giants was less


The Order attributes the Code of the Axe directly to the teachings of Sir Redic Pynchar.
While interpretations of the Code have shifted and evolved over time, all agree on the
following five lines of text. The original iron tablet rests in the fortress of Stormhold, but
at least one copy of the Code can be found in each chapterhouse.


The Order values knowledge and information. Unlike magic, knowledge and information
can be made available to all. Just as the strength of the axe blade lies in its eye, the
strength of the Order lies in its network of informants, spies, and covert operatives.
Each Knight should foster learning and understanding so that secrets and rumors may
be assessed in its correct context. The Order must be ready to act when the Diamond
Throne falters.

The Order must protect all innocents. Without the assurance of safety, independence and
self-rule can never happen.
If danger threatens, each Knight must be willing to take the brunt of the attack upon
his own breastplate and bear the burden of suffering and anguish upon his own shoulders.
Self-sacrifice is noble and represents the natural order of the universe.


In the wake of recent events, many Knights have begun questioning the interpretation of
this line of the Code. Some argue that all must obey the collective will of the Order,
while others argue that each Knight must act according to his conscience and heed the call
from a higher power. Many look to their own chapterhouses for direction.
Regardless of interpretation, all agree that Knights must not shed the blood of fellow
Knights nor harm those offered shelter by a chapterhouse.

The Knight must serve the Order with both mind and body. Knights are more than
warriors; many are also teachers, community leaders, and skilled artisans.
A Knight’s axe is both his weapon and a sign of his commitment to the cultural arts.
His martial prowess must neither overshadow nor be overtaken by his intellectual


The Knight, his weapon, and his chapterhouse all serve one cause: the realization of self-
rule. Each furthers the cause, and the cause gives meaning to all.
The Knight must devote his life and legacy to the pursuit of this cause by any means
necessary. What one chapterhouse deems as “necessary” may vary from another, though
all believe in the dream of an independent Terrakal.


In the year 1451, Sir Redic Pynchar founded the Giants perceive the passage of time differently
Order of the Axe. Almost immediately, the than men. The hundred-year reign of a single
Diamond Throne dismissed the fledgling Lord Protector, for example, may span five
Knights. Perhaps the Lord Protector distrusted human generations--each with their own needs
“Sir” Redic. Perhaps the Observance did not and challenges. Whenever the giants seemed
believe that the Order of the Axe could serve unwilling or unable to act with sufficient
the Throne effectively. Whatever the reason, urgency, the Knights of the Axe rode in and
the disavowal led to resentment and set into saved the day. As time passed and commoners
motion what would become centuries of forgot the sins of dramojh-serving nobles, these
clandestine opposition to giant rule. consistent acts of heroism caused the hearts and
At the time of its founding, not quite fifty minds of many to shift away from the
years after the defeat of the dramojh, few conquering invaders from across the sea to their
commoners trusted the Knights. After all, how own home-grown Knights.
many noble scions of Sennes willingly served It helped that the Order promoted many
as overseers for the hated dramojh? Far better lowborn within their ranks, and restored the
to trust the enlightened giant stewards! fortunes of many poor families whose ancestors
were once highborn. The Knights even
ADVENTURE SEEDS unearthed records confirming several royal
∞ So that the Order may prove its worth, Sir bloodlines. Of course, not all supporters of the
Redic issues a challenge to the player Order practiced the Code or desired
characters: recover knowledge from deadly independence for Terrakal--some simply hoped
dramojh ruins and apply it for the for wealth and power.
betterment of all.
∞ As rumors of the Order grow, distrustful ADVENTURE SEEDS
villagers agitate for action: strike now lest ∞ The player characters must seek out and
dramojh-serving nobles return us all to recruit a descendant of the royal family of
slavery! A mob converges on a vulnerable Sennes. After locating him in a village
chapterhouse--the player characters must north of Ao-Manasa, the player characters
pacify the villagers while honoring the encounter an unwilling hero who demands
Code of the Axe. help against a nearby tribe of rhodin.
∞ On his deathbed, Sir Redic tasks the player
characters with a journey to the West: they
must convey his collected memoirs across
the Bitter Peaks to a reclusive Sage in

∞ The Knights of the Axe are well-armed and
well-trained. Uninformed nobles may
consider the Order to be no more than an
experienced band of mercenaries, but the
Knights must act with honor.
∞ Wealthy nobles may be willing to fund
expeditions in return for a share of the
recovered treasure. Knights must take care
neither to bully nor be bullied by their

∞ The player characters are sent in search of ADVENTURE SEEDS

the crystal weavers after new legends of ∞ The player characters learn of a giantish
their survival surface in an ancient tome plan to ambush a group of Knights who
obtained by the Order. A mine collapses have been actively raiding local tax
shortly after they arrive in the village of collectors. Will the player characters take
Tylonia. the first step toward open rebellion?
∞ While protecting small villages from a rash ∞ Sibeccai free agents have captured a lord of
of undead attacks, the player characters the Order, and intend to sell the secrets of
uncover evidence that leads them to a the Order to the highest bidder. The player
buried fortress on the western edge of characters must find a way to stop the
Bonegate Pass through the Bitter Peaks. Is sibeccai before the Knights are
this really the lair of the Kallethan? compromised.
∞ Sir Aniton Golhia sends the player
PLAYER OPPORTUNITIES characters to the drake Unilthiet as
∞ As the Order grows, so does its ability to ambassadors of good will. Can the player
collect ancient secrets and esoteric characters gather support for human rule?
knowledge. Whether one buys or sells
information, wealthy scholar Knights may PLAYER OPPORTUNITIES
be more receptive to proposals than ∞ With nearly 40 chapterhouses and
struggling Erdaenos sages. informants in every city, town, or hamlet,
∞ Lords of the Order enjoy wealth, influence, the Order of the Axe is the preeminent
and land holdings matched by few others in non-giant source for information and
the Diamond Throne. All Knights may military aid in the Diamond Throne.
qualify for such positions regardless of race, Resources, class advancement, ancient
gender, or bloodline. knowledge, and political leverage may all be
provided to those who seek out the Knights.
Three centuries have passed since the founding
of the Order and the return of the squamous
This section describes those who serve the
horde. Even as the dragons were making their
cause and those who confront the Order at
demands known to the giants, over three
every turn. Stat blocks appear in the Appendix.
thousand Knights convened in three dozen
chapterhouses to debate next steps. Though the
loyalties of another ten thousand soldiers and THE SAGE OF VERDUNE
perhaps ten times that many informants and Some say the greatest accomplishments of
sympathizers were certain, could the lords of mankind lie protected within a mighty vault
the Order actually leverage these numbers near the hot springs of Lake Ravish, due west of
effectively against either dragon or giant? the Bitter Peaks. Sir Redic gifted his most
There is no doubt that the Order operates a private thoughts to the lord but required they
kingdom within a kingdom. But are people be safeguarded until man earned the right to
truly ready for a return to ancient ways of life? reclaim them. This lord, who bears only the
For now, the vast majority of chapterhouses title of the Sage of Verdune, leads a small but
still oppose open rebellion and its members still able brotherhood of archivists and scholars.
pay lip service to the Throne. However, there Knights have been known to make
are those who have asked their spies, scholars, pilgrimages to the vault, but few return with
and soldiers to solicit active support from the actionable advice. Until the Order achieves the
local populace. Should these agitators become goal of self-rule for Terrakal, some argue,
the majority, the Diamond Throne may visiting the Sage only wastes time and money.
discover too late the great army waking within The Sage keeps his own counsel on this and
its borders. other matters, for now.

Order of the Axe operatives evade a patrol of Diamond Throne giants and sibeccai.


Relations between dragons and the Order are It is true that the verrik Kingdom of Zalavat
still cool. The sight of dragons and their dracha survived the dramojh incursion and pays no
servitors brings to mind horrible stories of the tribute to the Diamond Throne, but neither is it
dramojh. Knights who ally with dragons may particularly welcoming to the Knights of the
find themselves unfavorably compared to the Axe. It is unknown whether Queen Uxmul
nobles who once willingly served dramojh considers the Order to be less capable than the
masters. If reported to the giant authorities, a Throne or if she simply does not care. The
chapterhouse may find its members and its Order struggles mightily to forge diplomatic
activities sanctioned by forces from the inroads with the verrik kingdom.
Diamond Throne.
The drake Unilthiet claims he sees great THE DIAMOND THRONE
potential in the Knights of the Axe. In return Skirmishes between the Knights and soldiers of
for support from the Order, the drake is the Throne remain rare, but some
prepared to gift several chapterhouses with the chapterhouses have been known to encourage
rituals of evolution. Some question the wisdom raids against royal tax collectors or giant
of accepting such gifts, given the uncertain merchants. This tactic of stealing from the rich
nature of current politics. in order to give to the poor is especially popular
around the vicinity of De-Shamod.
An ancient artifact of extraordinary power, this CHORRIM
mirror houses the most accomplished magister Numerous chapterhouses are busy doing
of this or perhaps any other age. As long as men nothing more than protecting far-flung villages
have been waging war, there have been against marauding chorrim. Were it not for the
accounts of a great mirror that, when carried Knights of the Axe, many more innocent
proudly before an invading army, unleashed pioneers would have become slaves. The
mighty and terrible spells upon the defending Knights who belong to these chapterhouses are
forces. However, one wonders how such an often responsible for penning advanced tactics
artifact can find its way into the triumphant that can be adapted for use against large--or
hands of one invading force after another. The even giantish--enemies.
akashic memory is oddly silent, where Orlen is
Rumor has it that Orlen hangs in the great
Rhodin pose a danger to all in Terrakal, no
hall of an Order chapterhouse. How the
matter the race or political agenda. The Knights
Knights can keep its existence secret is
of the Axe exterminate these creatures
unknown, especially if it desires nothing more
wherever they find them, showing neither
than the glory associated with its use. Perhaps
mercy nor desire to negotiate.
it is merely biding time until some future
FALLANOR AND THE FAR SOUTH The Knights of the Axe confront dramojh
creations whenever necessary, but chapterhouse
The Fallanor Empire and the Free Cities of the
scholars have been known to collaborate with
South offer concrete proof that self-rule
certain slassan outcasts. The desire to learn
without giants is possible. However, the
more about humanity’s ancient culture often
Knights work only loosely with agents from the
prevails over the disdain of dealing with these
South, due in large part to the geographic
direct descendants of the dramojh.

IMPORTANT FIGURES the rich have made him a villain to some but
his generous gifts to the poor have made him a
This section describes some of the specific
hero to others.
characters affiliated with the Order of the Axe.
Harsted openly defies the Throne, and
Statblocks appear in the Appendix.
loudly decries Sir Aniton and those who would
make peace with the giants. Surprisingly, his
SIR ANITON GOLHIA words and actions have spurred many to seek
Some say that Sir Aniton can trace his lineage out Order chapterhouses to pledge their
not only to Sir Redic Pynchar but also to Queen support. A cynic might suggest that secretly
Adrilashe herself. If true, Sir Aniton may be condoning a firebrand like Harsted actually
the rightful heir to the kingdom of Sennes. benefits the Order--the more the eyes of the
Despite this blood right, Sir Aniton argues Throne focus on Harsted, the less they focus on
louder than most for a peaceful resolution to the the clandestine activities of Order
question of independence from the Diamond chapterhouses.
Throne. He is opposed by Harsted of Six Knights and almost 100 squires have
Ghostwash March and those who would joined with Harsted. Numerous sympathizers
overthrow the giants through more violent shelter him and his men from the forces of the
means. Throne.
Sir Aniton is known for his willingness to
listen to others. He respects the opinions of
lowborn and highborn, faen and giant—Sir
A quickling with a wit as sharp as his axe,
Aniton has even corresponded with a drake
Helias preaches the need for independence
named Unilthiet. It is rumored that Sir Aniton
wherever he goes. He truly believes in the
traffics with slassan and chorrim, though none
Code, but his untamed tongue and short temper
dare accuse him of acting improperly.
makes subtlety and diplomacy difficult. Helias
Though his family operates the Stormhold
currently rides with Harsted, but loves
chapterhouse near the Crystal Fields, Sir
traveling too much to remain in one place for
Aniton is currently attempting to broker peace
between the knight Erdicosh Nord and the
Helias draws fast, drinks deep, and plans to
verrik populace in Xavel. If successful, the
lives life to its inevitable and all-too-brief
Knights may enjoy improved relations with
conclusion. He never fails to aid a faen in need
(especially if she has thick legs and buttery
One hundred Knights and over 200 squires
mocha skin), and loves nothing more than to
have sworn fealty to Sir Aniton. Three hundred
assist his fellow Knights (no matter how much
auxiliary members report to him, including two
they might protest). Some joke that he rolls
dozen scholars and advisors.
into camp like an avalanche and leaves similar
Note: Those who need stats for Sir Redic
wreckage behind.
Pynchar should feel free to model him after Sir
Few accompany Helias on his travels, and
Aniton Golhia.
even fewer agree to serve him.
“Lord” Harsted may represent one of the
Lady Taliena serves as the speaker to humans
greatest dangers to the Order of the Axe. His
in De-Shamod, and corresponds with scholars
treasonous actions against agents of the
and nobles from across the realm. She is
Diamond Throne have resulted in the seizure
unfailingly patriotic and tenaciously loyal to
of his family lands and the forfeiture of his
the Diamond Throne--in public. Lady Taliena
ancestral titles, but he and his men continue to
takes care to hide her true sympathies from
operate in guerilla fashion all along the
both her fellow speakers and the giant stewards,
Ghostwash. Undeterred by censure from both
and keeps her eyes and ears open for anything
the Order and the Throne, his daring raids on

“The Training of Lord Harsted”


that might benefit the Order. None follow the Pale Knight willingly. As
Lady Taliena communicates with Order many as a dozen bodiless spirits trail after him,
chapterhouses through a clever network of go- if second-hand reports can be believed.
betweens, and shares information with all who
live by the Code. Though she stands to lose THE RANK AND FILE
much if her affiliation with the Order is ever
This section describes the general categories of
exposed, her game is hardly the only one being
characters that comprise the Order of the Axe.
played in the capitol of the Diamond Throne--
These include formal members of the Order
and thus her activities go largely unquestioned.
and others upon whom the Order may call from
Lady Taliena maintains communications
time to time.
with almost two hundred advisors, informants,
and scholars.
These are the soldiers, strategists, and leaders of
A litorian of the northern reaches, Grathosh
owes a lifedebt to Lady Taliena and has
embraced her cause as his own. He travels on
The squires of the Order represent the footmen,
her behalf between the Central Plains
scouts, and aspiring younger nobles who serve
chapterhouses, and would rather die than give
the Knights of the Axe. Many may never
up her name to giantish authorities. Though
become true Knights, though all are encouraged
faithful to the Order, his first loyalty is to Lady
to live by the Code of the Axe.
THE PALE KNIGHT Through skill, fame, and deed, Knights
There was once a Knight who so dedicated represent those who have reached the pinnacle
himself to the Order that he forsook his own of service to the Code of the Axe. Many are
death. This Knight, whose chapterhouse burned supported by up to a dozen squires or auxiliary
down at the hands of a misguided mob, can members.
occasionally be seen riding from one thorp to
another. Some say that he continues to serve LORDS
the true word of Sir Redic, confronting injustice
Lords lead chapterhouses, and are often wealthy
wherever he may find it. Others say that he
aristocrats. A lord is supported by a dozen or
roams the countryside for no reason known to
more Knights, twice that many squires, and
man. That he has still forestalled the Madness
again as many auxiliary members.
of Undeath is a testament to his iron will.

Madness of Undeath

Transition into undeath comes at a horrific price. One’s immortal soul, when suffused by the Dark,
becomes forever twisted--yet some are able to stave off corruption for a while. The especially strong
of will may resist their descent for years. The following rules are meant to help model the inevitable
plunge into madness for these headstrong but ultimately doomed creatures.
The Madness affects undead like a disease. Once per day, free-willed undead must make a Will
saving throw against DC 20 or take 1d6 points of Wisdom damage. Once the undead’s Wisdom
reaches 0, it falls comatose for 24 hours. It then arises, consumed with hatred for all living creatures.
Henceforth, any time the undead encounters a living creature, it must make a Will saving throw
against DC 20 to resist the urge to kill.
The undead creature can never truly recover from the Madness. The creature simply enters
remission for one week after two consecutive successful saving throws.

AUXILIARY MEMBERS bookbinders, and relies upon them for many

These are the unsung individuals that help the day-to-day needs.
Order further its goals. Though they don’t
share the acclaim of the knights themselves, the INFORMANTS
movement would surely falter without them. The Order cautiously recruits informants from
all walks of life, so that it may keep abreast of
ADVISORS current events.
The Order discreetly seeks those who can
translate documents, negotiate treaties, and SCHOLARS
otherwise provide sage advice. In some The Order carefully cultivates those with
chapterhouses, advisors wield more power than aptitude for magic. In return for the
even the Knights. opportunity to conduct research on ancient
magical artifacts, many scholars protect the
ARTISANS Order with their spells and spell-like abilities.
The Order actively sponsors many skilled Some even craft magic arms and armor for the
craftsmen, from smiths to masons to Knights.

A squire receives the highest honor of her life: becoming a Knight of the Axe.
chapter 2 - The Knights
The Knights of the Order
Written by Derek Kupper - Illustrated by Jeff Ward

Suranel surveyed the battlefield and nodded in satisfaction. Though he couldn’t spot Ao-Nomas
himself, he knew the undead giant commander was out there, somewhere. It was dawn, and the
scum that Ao-Nomas had the gall to call his “militia” had turned out in full force. Suranel turned
to a young lad waiting attentively beside him. “Durat.”

The lad straightened even further to attention, probably straining himself in the process. “Yes,
Lord Protector?”

“Tell Nimse to address the men--she has a way with words that will ready them for the battle to
come. Oh, and have Duck, Ren-Kao, and Suranoth sent to me--I would speak to them about
their spells.”

Durat was already running down the slope, his eyes searching the crowd. “Yes, Lord Protector!”

Suranel surveyed his troops and smiled. His heavy horsemen were in place, armed and armored
by grateful citizens of the realm. Behind them, Tekas stood with a band of savage reavers; the
litorian Master of the Axe was not one that any had expected to serve the Code, but his fury in
battle was an inspiration to all and Suranel expected the litorians to account for as many
victories as his two score horsemen. Bringing up the rear, in the midst of a rag-tag army of
commoners, loomed Arrashi the Boulder: his bulk encased in a mass of armor and spikes, the
sibeccai Stalwart would be all that allowed the local villagers to flee if the undead should
triumph over the Knights.

It was risky, operating in the open, but the villagers have suffered the depredations of Ao-
Nomas long enough. Besides, even the weak have the right to defend themselves. Suranel
checked his armor a final time, secured his helm, and strode to meet his spellcasters as the
undead began shrieking in anticipation.

Ao-Nomas had finally revealed himself. It was time.

“The Diary of Durat, Page to Sir Suranel”


TOOLS OF THE TRADE villagers. Suranel will soon know the location of the
dragon’s lair, and realizes that he must meet this
dragon and strike what terms he can. If he is slain in
As Knights fight to free others from
the attempt, so be it--his duty is clear, and he would
oppression, they learn from their experiences
die with a clean conscience.
and adopt new tactics. Just as a Strike of Justice
can take many forms, the Order cultivates a
Every knightly order needs leaders, both on the
number of members whose approach to the art
field and in the chapterhouse. The Lord
of war and peace differs from that espoused by
Protector rallies the Knights of the Axe in
more mainstream war colleges or magical
battle and directs their actions at home. Not
academies. These atypical Knights work with
every leader of the Knights is a Lord Protector,
the Order to refine their powers until they feel
but every Lord Protector is a leader. The
confident in their ability to go forth and right
Knights know that those who take up the
mantle of the Lord Protector will be just,
This chapter features prestige classes that
honorable, and wise. While there have been a
have been developed by the Order, feats that
few Lord Protectors who stray from the tenets
take advantage of the qualities of the Knights’
of the Order, their powers inevitably wane as
iconic weapon, and even spells that have been
the land itself condemns their corruption.
recovered through the ages. As proprietary
Becoming a Lord Protector is not an easy
power rituals and magic item crafting
undertaking. There are many rituals that must
techniques find their way into the hands of
be conducted and ceremonial teachings which
others, perhaps those with no interest in or
must be memorized before one may stand
even knowledge of the Order’s goals will come
before the Keepers of the Lore as a candidate for
to appreciate the fruits of the Knights' labor.
Lordship. No one becomes a Lord Protector in
secret--Knights from near and far take pains to
PRESTIGE CLASSES travel to the public investiture. Songs are sung,
The following prestige classes are particularly wine flows freely, and all rejoice that the goals
suited for Knights of the Axe and their ilk. of the Order may one day be accomplished.
However, they can easily be modified to for Some Lord Protectors oversee the day-to-day
other campaigns. Stat blocks for sample activities of an Order chapterhouse, but others
characters appear in the Appendix. stay busy caring for their communities. Some
spend their time seeking out new recruits, while
LORD PROTECTOR others ride the frontiers with trusted Knights.
Suranel had never expected to rise so far among the All Lord Protectors have a cadre of loyal
Knights. He was loyal, for certain, and he cared bodyguards who can be trusted to ride with
deeply about his men. The Code of the Axe was them when they lead their troops into battle.
inscribed on his shield, and he truly believed each Hit Die: d8
and every word. But he was still shocked when his
fellow Knights chose him to replace Lord Dranock Requirements
last summer. Since becoming a Lord Protector, To qualify to become a Lord Protector, a
Suranel has only become stronger in his convictions. character must fulfill all the following criteria.
His informants bring him news of happenings far Base Attack Bonus: +8
and wide which tell him that the Knights are more Diplomacy: 10 ranks
needed than ever before. His people, though they are Knowledge (History): 6 ranks
technically vassals of the Diamond Throne, prosper Knowledge (Nobility and Courtesy): 6 ranks
and grow under his just and caring leadership. Feats: Power of the Name, Title
The recent rumors are worrying, however. A Special: A character with the Born Leader
dragon has been sighted, and livestock has gone feat or The Voice feat may ignore the feat
missing. The beast could mean trouble for the local requirements or two of the skill requirements.
giant rulers, but it definitely means trouble for his


Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 Protectorate
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 Resources
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 Loyalty
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 Geas
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 Largesse

Class Skills Lord gains a deeper sense, e.g., he knows the

The Lord Protector’s class skills (and the key source of those feelings, whether it is a bandit
ability for each) are: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), mob causing fear or a good harvest causing
Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), happiness. At fifth level, the Lord Protector
Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (geography) becomes aware of some specific details about
(Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge the event, e.g., the verrik Rikark is fomenting
(nobility and courtesy) (Int), Listen (Wis), unrest, or a lady named Jeline has become a
Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (none), runechild. The specific details revealed are left
Spot (Wis), Swim (Str). up to the GM. If someone wishes to hide
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence information from the Lord Protector within his
modifier. domain, they must make a Will save (DC 10 +
the Lord’s Cha mod) each morning. If they
Class Features succeed, the Lord only receives general
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lord information about the event.
Protectors are proficient with all simple and The state of the land visibly manifests upon
martial weapons, with light, medium, and the person of the Lord Protector--if his domain
heavy armor, and with shields. is doing poorly, the Lord Protector might
Protectorate (Su): The Lord Protector is appear sickly, or ashen; if it is doing well, he
more than just a figurehead--he is the true will appear robust and hale; if it is suffering
shepherd of his domain. During his investiture from a harsh winter, he will appear chilled.
ceremony, he gains a bond with a particular Those living within a Lord’s protectorate are
area of land within Terrakal. The area of the not necessarily aware that they are part of his
land is equal to a two-mile radius + one-half domain. He may consider all nearby farms and
mile radius per the character’s Charisma bonus, villages his concern, though the villagers may
centered at the location of the ceremony. If the have never heard of the Knights of the Axe.
Lord Protector wishes to move or modify the Resources (Ex): The Lord Protector has a
area of this ability, he must undergo a new wide access to loyal followers and like minded
investiture ceremony. individuals. Once per week, the Lord Protector
The Lord Protector’s bond with his domain can make a Charisma check to use those
allows him to sense what occurs there on an resources as he sees fit. The value of the
emotional level This ability functions like the resources the Lord can use equals the result of
bond with the Green greenbond ability, but the his Charisma check, multiplied by his Lord
Lord senses all noteworthy events within the Protector levels multiplied by 20 in gold. This
area, not just harmful ones. These feelings are value may come in the form of actual gold,
general at first level, e.g., the Lord knows if his goods and items, or it may come in the form of
people are happy or unhappy, confident or work done, favors earned, and debts owed.
afraid, healthy or unwell. At third level, the

Loyalty (Ex): The Lord Protector gains a +1 laughed at its theories, made fun of it for spending
bonus per class level to his leadership score for days and nights poring over ancient texts and scrolls.
the purposes of attracting followers. If the Suranoth had undergone the mojh transformation at
campaign does not use Leadership, then the an early age, but finding a place where it could be
Lord Protector attracts followers with a total safe from prejudice took much longer. But then,
number of levels equal to his character level + Suranoth tracked a number of rare and arcane texts
his charisma modifier. No follower may have to a group calling itself the Knights of the Axe. To
more levels than the Lord Protector has prestige be honest, Suranoth cared less about the goals of the
class levels. Knights than about their libraries. Learning was as
Geas (Su): As the Lord protects the land he natural as breathing for Suranoth, so learning the
may require services from those within it. Once history of the Knights was a pleasure. Some day,
per day, he may use Power of the Name on a perhaps, it will move on, but for now it is content to
single person within his domain, even if he stay hidden and protected as it conducts research
does not possess that person’s truename. The Suranoth spends most of its days quietly reading
subject must have lived within his Protectorate books in languages most could not even identify.
for at least a year and a day. From time to time, it will be called on to answer
This ability can be easily abused, and the some point of lore, or speak to the new recruits, and
Lord Protector must be careful not to overuse it begrudges the recruits those lessons. But they are
the Geas. A few well-meaning Lords have the price of having such access, so it does what is
found their subjects on the brink of revolt after needed. When it is called on to do ceremonies, the
making too many unreasonable demands. mojh is more animated, speaking the words with
Largesse (Su): Those within the Lord loving care, and going through the ritual motions
Protector’s lands are his children, and his with incredible precision. Perhaps the only thing
charges, and he wants them to benefit. Once greater than having all that knowledge was being
per month, the Lord’s bond with his domain able to show off to the humans how much it knew—
allows him to influence events. This ability and how much they did not.
may take several forms depending on the Lord’s
desired goal. If he wishes for his land to be Knowledge is one of the Order's greatest
prosperous, he shatters a 1,000 gold piece gem weapons. The Order Lorekeepers are entrusted
every morning for one month, sprinkling the with varying levels of the Order's history,
shards to the winds. If he wishes for crops to secrets, and knowledge. Whether a cloistered
grow, he plants a garden in a runic circle, which monk, hidden away to preserve his knowledge,
he cares for daily. If he wishes for the land to be or a bold adventurer, seeking out sympathetic
well defended, he creates miniature arms and followers to spread the word, the Lorekeeper is
armaments out of gold worth 50,000 gp, which the heart of the Order.
he stores in a rune-covered box. Many chapterhouses boast at least one
The Lord Protector may only influence the Lorekeeper, and some support several, each
land in one particular way, and the change is specialized in one area of knowledge. Every five
gradual, perhaps taking an entire season, or years, all Lorekeepers travel to a remote
even several, but the changes do occur. The meeting place where they spend several weeks
exact effect is left up to the GM to determine. trading stories and sharing information. These
For example, a Lord who seeks to protect his locations are an extremely well-kept secret--
domain and undertakes the necessary rituals they are only made known to the Lorekeepers a
might confer a +1 bonus to the Armor Class of week before the meeting, and are transmitted
all residents of his domain. via a code that is changed for every gathering.
It is the individual Lorekeeper’s responsibility
LOREKEEPER OF THE ORDER to determine how to translate the code and
Suranoth knew what it was to struggle against locate the meeting, though the codes are
oppressors. It had once been counted among those typically based in some way on traditional
short-sighted creatures known as humans; they had stories, rituals, or knowledge. One code may


Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Breadth of
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 — +1 level of existing class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Breadth of +1 level of existing class
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Sealed Mind +1 level of existing class
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonds of
Breadth of

reference a love poem attributed to a Requirements

particularly romantic Knight, a poem which is To qualify to become a Lorekeeper of the
thought forgotten but recorded somewhere in Order, a character must fulfill all the following
the Eye of the Axe. Another may be a listing of criteria.
human villages destroyed by the dramojh, Knowledge (Ceremony): 8 ranks
which, when plotted on a map, identifies the Knowledge (History): 8 ranks
meeting place. Any Lorekeeper not able to Knowledge (any two others): 8 ranks
locate the meeting is noted, and missing two Special: The Keeper must have access to
meetings in a row is usually cause for the other another Keeper, or to one of the Order's hidden
Lorekeepers to mount an investigation to libraries.
determine if the missing Lorekeeper is dead or
simply unfit for his office. This meeting is Class Skills
largely social in nature, since most Lorekeepers The Lorekeeper of the Order’s class skills (and
know all the written stories and all the the key ability for each) are: Alchemy (Int),
information that will be shared Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int),
The Lorekeeper does not replace the Decipher Script (Int), Gather Information
traditional library in any sense--they are merely (Cha), Innuendo (Wis), Knowledge (all skills,
scholars who keep the written traditions of the taken individually) (Int), Search (Int), Speak
Knights alive and who commit to memory Language (none) and Spellcraft (Int).
knowledge that is considered too valuable or Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence
dangerous to be put to paper. Lorekeepers are modifier.
often drawn from the ranks of akashics or
runethanes but can come from any walk of life. Class Features
Anyone with a keen mind and a good memory Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lorekeepers
could potentially become a Lorekeeper. of the Order gain no proficiency with any
Hit Die: d6 weapon or armor.

Spells: At 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels, a Lorekeeper Bonds of Knowledge (Su): At this level, the
of the Order gains new spells per day and spells Lorekeeper has become a walking library. There
readied as if he had also gained a level in a is almost nothing about the Knights that he
spellcasting class he belonged to before adding does not know, and this ability, gained via a
the prestige class. He does not, however, gain week long ritual involving at least 12 other
any other benefit a character of that class would Lorekeepers, cements that fact. After he has
have gained (bonus feats, extra manifestations, undergone the ritual, he gains access to the
and so on). minds of all other Lorekeepers of the Order
If a character had more than one spellcasting who have previously participated in the Bonds
class before he became a Lorekeeper, he must of Knowledge ritual. This bond is like the
decide to which class he adds the spellcaster Akashic Memory, but exists entirely
level for purposes of determining spells per day independent of it.
and spells readied. The Lorekeeper may make a check with a
Breadth of Knowledge (Ex): At 1st level, the bonus equal to his class level + Intelligence
Lorekeeper of the Order has begun to modifier to learn any piece of information
accumulate knowledge on many aspects of the known to another Lorekeeper, as well as
Order's history. He may select two skills which communicate basic thoughts and ideas to
may always be considered as class skills. He everyone. The DC to locate a particular piece of
may select two more skills at level 3. At level 5, information is the same as an attempt to delve
all skills are always considered class skills. the collective memory, though knowledge gained
The Lorekeeper also gains an insight bonus from the bonds of knowledge is far more literal
to all knowledge checks which relate in any and consistent than information gained from
way to the Order of the Axe. This bonus is the akashic memory. If the Lorekeeper also has
equal to 1 + his class level. Lorekeeper levels access to the akashic memory, this Bond
also stack with akashic levels when delving into provides a +5 bonus when delving into matters
matters related to the Order. related to the Knights of the Axe.
Encyclopedic Mind (Ex): The Lorekeeper of
the Order becomes resistant to attempts to MAGE KNIGHT
modify his memories, whether magically or via Duck. It was a nickname that he didn’t relish, but
brainwashing. He gains a +5 bonus to any saves one he accepted. His true name, Dcanarmssik, was
made for that purpose. He also gains a +2 far more than a mouthful for most. Besides, he
competency bonus to any knowledge check. appreciated the play on words--he was, as they often
Eidetic Memory (Su): The Lorekeeper of the said, an odd duck. And “duck” was useful advice
Order’s rituals and training cause his mind to when he started hurling spells, as well.
become stronger and stronger. He gains the Duck was different from a lot of verrik--he was
equivalent of the Eidetic Memory talent, almost what you might call likeable. He was
despite the fact that normally one can take a interested in cooperating with others (he often says
talent only at 1st level. If he already possesses that the verrik propensity for insularism was the
this talent, the bonuses stack. cornerstone in their inevitable disintegration; most
Sealed Mind (Su): The Lorekeeper of the people simply nod in response), and was willing to
Order’s dedication and training allow him to spend years away from his homeland and his people.
become further resistant to anyone attempting Duck believed that one can find insight on chaotic
to pry secrets from them by any means. He battlefields, in dank caves, or while fleeing town
gains a +5 bonus to any saves made to resist with giants on one’s heels. As long one structured
revealing information against his will. This one’s mind accordingly, insight would come when one
could include resisting torture, compulsion most needed it.
spells, or anything else that would directly Duck’s job as master of ceremony at the
result in information being revealed. chapterhouse was almost incidental. It was simply
something he did as part of his studies. And he was
well suited for it--his day was a ritual in itself, with

every hour carefully planned and every action Requirements

carefully orchestrated. But when Lord Suranel gave To qualify to become a Mage Knight, a
him a reason to step out of his routine, he stepped far character must fulfill all the following criteria.
beyond it--and that was where he was headed today, Feats: Aid Spellcasting, Battle Mage, Modify
as the battle began. Spell
Spells: Ability to cast 4th level spells
The Knight Magus or Mage Knight as they are including at least one complex spell.
more commonly known focuses his attention
on the intricacies of ritual and ceremony and Class Skills
learns to apply that knowledge to his magic. The Mage Knight’s class skills (and the key
Such devoted study to the underlying nature of ability for each) are: Alchemy (Int),
magic often means delayed access to more Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int),
powerful spells, but their improved ability to Decipher Script (Int), Innuendo (Wis),
aid other spellcasters on the battlefield makes a Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken
Mage Knight invaluable as a supporting individually) (Int), Search (Int), Speak
member of the Order. Their magic is laced with Language (none) and Spellcraft (Int).
ancient phrases, invocations to forgotten spirits, Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence
and intricate gestures. modifier.
Hit Die: d6

Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Strength of
2 +1 +1 +0 +3 Power of +1 level of existing class
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Obscurity of +1 level of existing class
4 +2 +2 +1 +4 War Magus +1 level of existing class

5 +2 +2 +1 +4 Lost +1 level of existing class

6 +3 +3 +2 +5 Circle Magus +1 level of existing class

7 +3 +3 +2 +5 Lost
8 +4 +3 +2 +6 Practiced +1 level of existing class
9 +4 +4 +3 +6 Directed +1 level of existing class
10 +5 +4 +3 +7 Battle Magus,

Class Features Circle Magus (Su): Working with others has

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mage Knights become second nature for the Mage Knight
gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. through long hours performing ceremonies. He
Spells: Except at 1st, 7th, and 10th level, the may Aid Spellcasting as a swift action.
Mage Knights gains new spells per day and Practiced Mentor (Ex): After performing
spells readied as if he had also gained a level in hundreds of ceremonies, the Mage Knight has
a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding become exceptionally skilled at helping others.
the prestige class. He does not, however, gain Whenever he aids another, he doubles the
any other benefit a character of that class would bonus granted. For a normal aid another action,
have gained (bonus feats, extra manifestations, he would add +4. For aiding spellcasting he
and so on). would increase the difficulty by 2 or increase
If a character had more than one spellcasting the caster level by 2.
class before he became a Mage Knight, he must Additionally, he can train others to perform
decide to which class he adds the spellcaster ceremonies and rituals. Anyone who spends at
level for purposes of determining spells per day least a week studying with a Mage Knight gains
and spells readied. a +1 competence bonus on all Knowledge
Strength of Ritual (Ex): The Mage Knight’s (ceremony) and Knowledge (magic) checks for
study of ritual structure strengthens his own one month afterwards.
spells. The character gives all his spells a +2 Directed Study (Su): The Mage Knight can
insight bonus to the Difficulty Class for focus their attentions on a particular aspect of
another caster to dispel them. Their movements their spellcasting abilities, increasing the
have a precision and a gravity to them that is command over one aspect of magic while
lacking in other casters. Watching a Mage weakening another. At sunrise and sunset, they
Knight, one gets a true sense of the age of may perform a 15 minute ritual which shifts
magic. their internal energies, and aligns them as they
Power of Ritual (Ex): Further dedication to wish. They may sacrifice spells readied per day
ritual studies gives the Mage Knight deeper to increase spell slots, or vice versa. For every 2
insight in to the structure of magic, and teaches slots they give up in one category, they may
him to more easily unweave the bonds that add 1 in the other, though they may sacrifice
hold it together. He gains a +2 insight bonus to enough slots to take them to less than 1 (before
his caster power checks when countering or additional slots are added).
dispelling magic. For example, Alusa, a Magister 12/Mage
Obscurity of Ritual (Ex): The Mage Knight 7 with an Intelligence of 22, would
Knight’s spells have become so altered by his normally have six 6th-level spells readied and
studies and gestures that they are hard for other five 6th-level spell slots a day. However,
spellcasters to recognize. Other casters suffer a because of his directed study, he could ready
-10 penalty to their Spellcraft checks when seven spells and cast only three spells that day.
trying to identify the Mage Knight’s spells. Or, he could ready only two spells and cast
War Magus (Su): The Mage Knight knows seven spells that day.
that there is power in numbers. Once per day, Battle Magus (Su): Three times per day,
the Knight Magus may apply the War template when casting a spell of 6th level or below, the
to any spell of 9th level or lower without Mage Knight Magus may designate up to one
increasing the spell’s level. creature per level (within 400 feet + 40 feet/
Lost Knowledge (Ex): In his studies, the level) as allies. Those allies are unaffected by
Mage Knight unlocks secrets lost to common the spell being cast, as though they had spell
casters. Each time he gains Lost Knowledge, he resistance and he failed the check.
may learn an Exotic Spell.

MASTER OF THE AXE A Master of the Axe is the warrior who

Tekas Battlereaver was born to combat, felling his leads the charge into battle when negotiations
first opponent at the tender age of 8 and becoming have failed. He does not care for subtlety or
battlemaster before his 20th summer. But Tekas compromise; he will not parley or stay his
wanted more. His tribe disdained his chosen weapon hand. A Master of the Axe is called upon when
(a battleaxe looted from a verrik caravan that had an unjust foe must be met and defeated on the
fallen prey to the savage beasts of the plains), and field of battle. He is the elite soldier, and spurs
there was no one among his peers who could best him his allies on the battlefield to greater glory and
in combat. At 21, after his rite of adulthood, Tekas amazing feats as they try to emulate his
said his farewells and set out in search of a teacher prowess.
whose skill surpassed his own. He found such a A Master spends his time in rigorous and
mentor in the form of Nivar, a wandering Knight of dedicated training, but there is also a deep
the Axe. Tekas had already made a name for spirituality among many of the Masters—they
himself, defeating raiding parties that found spend many hours in contemplation, seeking
themselves within Tekas’ “domain” and deeper bonds with their weapons and insight
overthrowing a tyrannical duke who claimed into battle. Of course, to a Master,
ownership to his tribe’s lands. It was those actions contemplation may take the form of a non-stop
that drew Nivar to the savage litorian. After 14 hour training session, or a sparring match
watching Nivar in battle, Tekas was willing to against his entire chapterhouse. A Master is
swear any oath Nivar might wish in order to learn usually more than willing to train apprentices,
from the Knight. Tekas is not truly a Knight, but but often requires grueling and rigorous tests
obeys the Code and is learning the skills of a Master which few can pass; even those rejected by a
of the Axe under Nivar’s watchful eye. Tekas can Master of the Axe say that their testing taught
always be found where battle is the thickest, wading them things about battle they had never
fearlessly into the struggle, roaring joyful challenges imagined.
for his allies to match his count of fallen enemies. There are few Masters of the Axe active at
None can. any time. The dedication and focus required
can be draining, as the Master is driven to test
For most of the Order, the axe is a symbol and himself against all manner of foes, attempting
often a chosen weapon but it is still simply a to find both deeper insights and more and more
tool. For a Master of the Axe, his axe is his very worthy challengers. Most Masters die on the
being. Many mistake a Master of the Axe for a field of battle, as they prefer, but some fall to
mage blade, but the Master of the Axe bonds the blades of assassins, as wise foes know that
with his axe so deeply that he forsakes all other simply removing a Master of the Axe can turn
weapons, magic, and sometimes even the entire battle in their favor.
companions in his dedication. Hit Die: d10


Class Level Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Save Special
Bonus Save Save
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Dedication
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Practiced Warrior
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Penetrating Strike
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Awaken the Spirit
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Master of the Axe

Requirements level. Additionally, he may not fight with any

To qualify to become a Master of the Axe, a weapon other than his bonded axe. If he does
character must fulfill all the following criteria. so, he loses access to his class abilities until he
Base Attack Bonus: +6 performs a day-long ritual of refocusing.
Feats: Bloody Strike or Cleave, Weapon Practiced Warrior (Ex): In the hands of a
Focus (any axe), Weapon Specialization (any Master of the Axe, his weapon becomes a
axe) conduit of his dedication as well as a partner in
Special: A Master of the Axe must have battle. He gains an insight bonus to hit equal to
performed the Ritual of Item Bonding (See his Master of the Axe levels, as his axe reacts
Mystic Secrets by Malhavoc Press) with his axe, on an intuitive level, guiding his hand.
or have taken the Bonded Item feat with his As a side effect of his progression, the
axe. Master becomes more and more like his axe.
Some blows striking the Master sound like the
Class Skills ringing of steel on steel, and his skin takes on a
The Master of the Axe’s class skills (and the vaguely metallic appearance.
key ability for each) are: Climb (Str),
Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis),
Swim (Str).
Skill Points at Each Level: 2
+ Intelligence modifier.

Class Features
Weapon and Armor
Proficiency: Masters of the Axe
are proficient in the use of all
simple and martial weapons and
all armors and shields.
Dedication (Su): A Master of
the Axe bonds so fully with his
axe that it becomes a part of his
being. Any time a foe attempts
to sunder or otherwise harm his
axe, he may opt to take the
damage himself that would
otherwise have been dealt to the
axe. The axe’s hardness reduces
the damage taken by the Master.
Effects that would destroy the
axe without dealing damage deal
6d6 points of damage to the
Master instead. A successful
Fortitude save (DC 15) halves
the damage.
However, this dedication
comes at a price. Upon taking
the 1st level of Master of the
Axe, the character permanently
loses one hit point per character
A Master of the Axe shows a darval the business end of his blade.

Penetrating Strike (Ex): The Master of the overworked sibeccai. His cousin is a Keeper of Lore
Axe focuses his dedication to his weapon, at the Eye of the Axe. There was no question in
allowing him to take advantage of its unique Durat’s mind what he would do when he came of
nature. Once per round, as part of an attack age--he would join the Knights and pledge his life to
action, the Master of the Axe may strike so the Order.
forcefully that he blasts through his enemies But Durat was not skilled with the horse, he was
defenses, dealing an additional 2d6 points of only passable with weapons, and his words couldn’t
damage on a successful strike. He may use this free him from an argument with his sister, much less
ability once day per Master level. The use of a a jail cell. So his father sought out a worthy Lord,
Penetrating Strike must be declared before the Suranel, and offered Durat as a squire. The Oath of
attack is resolved. If the attack misses, the use Obedience was long--it took Durat seven days and
is wasted. seven nights of study to be able to recite it without
Awaken the Spirit (Su): The Master of the stumbling, and without referring to the notes he
Axe may sacrifice a portion of his own life- scribbled on his hand. But on the eighth day, as he
essence in order to temporarily empower his stood before a small circle of warriors and swore
axe. Upon using this ability, he takes an himself to Suranel’s service, he knew that he was on
amount of temporary Constitution damage up the path to becoming a true Knight.
to his Master level. For each point of Since then, his life has consisted of equal parts
Constitution damage taken, imbues the weapon combat training, historical research, and what his
with a +1 enhancement bonus or an equivalent master refers to as “privy-work.” Armor needed to
magical ability. This effect lasts for up to one be polished, axes needed to be sharpened, and horses
hour per class level. needed to be shoed. There was little time in Durat’s
Additionally, the Master of the Axe may life for games and fun, but no one could deny that his
perform the awaken the slumbering spirit item skills grew by leaps and bounds. Durat knows that
bond ritual (see Mystic Secrets from Malhavoc some day it will all be worth it, when he finally
Press) to grant his axe new magical abilities or swears his Oath of Knighthood.
even awaken its intellect.
The bond between the Master of the Axe Some work hard to learn the skills and feats
and his weapon is now so strong that his required for a Knight of the Axe, but others are
wounds no longer seem to bleed in combat but recruited by the Order because of their renown.
rather appear as scratches or dents in his flesh. A favored few simply know that the Knights
Master of the Axe (Ex): At this level, true are their destiny, and are guided to the Knights
mastery has been achieved. The Master is never by parents, guardians, or other figures of
seen without his axe in hand. Indeed it seems authority. The path of the Squire allows these
an extension of the Master himself. His hands few to focus on serving the Order to the
seem to merge with the axe’s haft, and his exclusion of all else.
features take on a greater metallic sheen. The Squire’s life is not an easy one--the
As part of a full attack action, the Master of Knights are a hard group, and they expect their
the Axe can make an additional attack at his prospective members to be dedicated, skilled,
full attack bonus as his axe drives him to fight and worthy of the name.
harder and faster. This ability is usable five Hit Die: d8
times per day.
Further, in his hands, his axe penetrates Requirements
damage resistance as a +5 weapon (or as a To qualify to become a Squire of the Axe, a
silver/cold iron/magic weapon). character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: Any non-giant
SQUIRE OF THE AXE Feats: Medium Armor Proficiency, Martial
Durat’s father and his father before him were Weapon Proficiency
Knights of the Axe. His uncle fell to the spear of a Special: Must swear an oath of obedience to
giant while attempting to free an indentured band of a current Knight of the Axe.


Class Level Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Save Special
Bonus Save Save
1 +1 +0 +0 +0 Mounted Combat
2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 level of Combat Rites
3 +3 +1 +1 +1 Mobility

Class Skills that makes him seem invulnerable.

The Squire’s class skills (and the key ability for The most commonly told story revolves around an
each) are: Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), assault on a small village--the name is never the
Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Wis), same, nor the attackers. Arrashi was traveling
Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), through the village when the attacking forces were
Knowledge (nobility and courtesy) (Int), Listen spotted in the distance. He gathered all of the
(Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str). villagers to the square, and selected four men, telling
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence the rest to leave the village and find hiding places.
modifier. Many people claim to have been one of those four
men, or one of their brothers, sons, or friends, but no
Class Features one can prove it was they who stood with Arrashi.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Squires are Even so, their tales of the battle usually match
proficient with heavy armor and with shields. almost always word for word. The forces streamed
Mounted Combat (Ex): At 1st level, the up into the village and met Arrashi who stood with
Squire gains the Mounted Combat feat as a his four scant men, waiting. They pulled up short in
bonus feat, even if he does not meet the confusion, and he raised his great axe above his head,
prerequisites. calling out “I am Arrashi, called the Boulder. This
Mobility (Ex): At 3rd level, the Squire gains village is under my protection. You will leave them
the Mobility feat as a bonus feat, even if he be, and trouble them no more, or you shall die.”
does not meet the prerequisites. General laughter was his only response, and the
army surged forward once more. The four men with
NOTE: The Squire of the Axe is not a prestige him could only call out warnings as foes swarmed
class in the typical sense of the term. It can be around them. But each time a sword swung towards
taken as early as second level, and is not truly a them, Arrashi’s axe stopped it. The more foes that
prestigious path. The class serves as a fast-track surrounded Arrashi’s small group, the faster he
for entry to the Knight of the Axe prestige class moved, and the stronger he grew. At the end of the
from Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved. If you do not battle, he stood among the bodies of a hundred or
use the Knights of the Axe in your campaign, more foes, and sent his four companions off to
the Squire can be easily tailored to facilitate retrieve their neighbors before he fell to the ground.
entry into some other knightly order. Some say he died that day, others that he simply
walked away under cover of night. But all agree that
STALWART OF TERRAKAL no mortal man could have held the village as he did.
The people of Verdune have many stories and tales
of heroes. One hero that is seldom mentioned, but Most Knights prefer to act from behind the
always enjoyed, is Arrashi the Boulder. Some say scenes, doing their best to avoid too much
that Arrashi is ten feet tall and clad from head to attention. But occasionally, Knights find
foot in impossibly thick mail that is impervious to themselves unable to act from the shadows, and
damage by mortal weapons. Others (whose stories take up the mantle of the Stalwart of Terrakal.
are often more consistent) say that he is no more These Knights are found wherever the weak are
than seven feet, and it is not the armor, but the will, oppressed or the just fight against great odds.

The Stalwart is often found surrounded by a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
mass of enemies, holding a strategic pass, or Base Attack Bonus: +8
containing his opponents while refugees flee Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy),
before an approaching army. He is the rock that Great Fortitude, Sturdy
anchors the Knights in battle against a tyrant, Special: Becoming a Stalwart of Terrakal
or the lone warrior who fends off a band of requires a week long ceremony that involves at
bandits while villagers retreat to safety. least 25 people and costs a minimum of 500
The Stalwart may be a brute who simply gold.
enjoys the rush of power he feels when facing
overwhelming forces, or a noble martyr who Class Skills
puts the safety of others far above his own. The Stalwart of Terrakal’s class skills (and the
Whatever the case, the presence of a Stalwart key ability for each) are: Climb (Str),
can often mean the difference between a Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal
glorious victory and or a tragic loss. Even in (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str),
defeat, the Stalwart is the last to withdraw, Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Ride (Dex),
staying behind until all others have fled. Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).
Stalwarts usually don’t receive any formal Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence
training after performing their induction modifier.
ceremony--their gifts manifest themselves
supernaturally in the pursuit of their duties. Class Features
Most Stalwarts travel the land singly or with a Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Stalwarts of
small band of like minded allies, providing Terrakal are proficient in the use of all simple
succor wherever they are needed. and martial weapons and all armors and shields.
Hit Die: d12 Resolute Will (Ex): The Stalwart may focus
their thoughts as a full round action. At the end
Requirements of the action, they gain 3 temporary hit points
To qualify to become a Stalwart of Terrakal, a per Stalwart level. These hit points last for a

Class Level Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Save Will Save Special
Bonus Save

1 +1 +2 +0 +0 +1 level of Combat Rites

2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Resolute Will
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Bonus Feat
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 +1 level of Combat Rites

5 +5 +4 +1 +1 People’s Defender

6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Call of Challenge

7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Bonus Feat

8 +8 +6 +2 +2 +1 level of Combat Rites

9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Tenacious Foe

10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Steadfast Defender


number of rounds equal to their Constitution with oversized hatchets. She doesn’t even prance
score. about hitting people with blasts of energy. Nisme’s
Bonus Feat: At 3rd level and 7th level, the weapons were her words, her friends, and her
Stalwart of Terrakal gains a bonus feat, as per reputation as “good ol’ Nisme.” No one would ever
the warmain bonus feat list, plus Battle Mage, suggest to the guards that it might be Nisme who set
Warmage, and Hunter Mage. the warehouse on fire, even if they’d seen her near
People’s Defender (Ex): At 5th level, the the well suspiciously covered in soot. She was
Stalwart of Terrakal draws inspiration from Nisme for goodness’ sake. Remember when she let
those he protects. If there is a non-combatant ol’ Scabby sleep in the stables after Missus Scabby
within 30 feet of the Stalwart, who is tossed him out? Remember when she gave away her
endangered by the combat (GM’s discretion) ale, because the tee totaling Steward forbade sales
and who is 4 or more levels/HD below him, he during the day?
gains a morale bonus to attack and damage There are few people in town who don’t owe
equal to half his class levels. Nisme a favor or two. Many feel extremely
Call of Challenge (Sp): As a standard action, protective of this small, charming lady bartender.
the Stalwart may issue a challenge to up to 3 It’s no secret that she pours freely for those who
opponents within 30’. Each of them must make share good information; only the Order knows when
a Will Save (DC 10 + Stalwart’s Cha
mod + ½ his Stalwart levels) or
become compelled to move to him
and attack him. Targets who fail the
saving throw make every reasonable
effort to attack the Stalwart, though
they will not endanger themselves to
do so. Targets must be able to hear
and understand the Stalwart for the
ability to work. This is a mind-
affecting effect.
Tenacious Foe (Ex): For each
round after the first that the Stalwart
attacks the same foe, he gains a +1
competence bonus to hit and damage,
up to a maximum of +5. This bonus is
lost if he takes any action besides
attacking that foe, or if the foe
withdraws and the Stalwart does not
immediately pursue.
Steadfast Defender (Ex): For each
foe beyond the first that threatens the
Stalwart, he gains a +1 morale bonus
to his armor class.


Most people know her as Nisme, owner
of the Free Flagon (and does she get jokes
about that). A few know her as Nisme,
the one to turn to when you need some
help. And very few know her as Nisme, a
Knight of the Axe. Oh, she doesn’t wear
plate armor or prance about hitting people A Voice of the People stirs the masses to action.

she meets her less public contacts in the darkest a good portion of their time maintaining
hours of the night. friendships and building their reputations.
Hit Die: d8
Not all warriors are those that hew flesh from
bone. Capturing the hearts and minds of a Requirements
people is as important as capturing their To qualify to become a Voice of the People, a
strongholds. The Voice of the People uses character must fulfill all the following criteria.
supernatural abilities to persuade and influence Diplomacy: 8 ranks
those around her, as well as supporting the Perform (Oratory, Storytelling, or a related
Knights when battle comes. Voices are unlikely ability): 9 ranks
to spend much time in chapterhouses and are Feats: Skill Focus -or- Skill Affinity (Any
rarely inducted as Knights themselves. Many two of Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information,
simply believe in the Code and pass Perform, or Sense Motive)
information and lend aid when they can. Special: Must be able to speak at least 4
You often find Voices as established different languages. Must spend at least half of
members of a community, whether they are each year in a single city or small region.
shop keepers, bar owners, or other jobs that
bring them in contact with many people. There Class Skills
are others that spend their days as wandering The Voice of the People’s class skills (and the
minstrels, or theatrical performers, poets and key ability for each) are: Appraise (Int), Bluff
street preachers, as their natural fluency with (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),
words allows them to make a fine living off Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy
their wits and their charm. But even those (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information
members who wander tend to gravitate to the (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken
same area over time--the Voice’s reliance on individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform
contacts and goodwill requires that they spend (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand
(Dex), Sneak (Dex), and Speak Language


Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special
Level Bonus Save Save Save

1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Contact (1st)
2 +1 +1 +1 +3 Rally Effort
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Soothing Oration (1/day)
4 +3 +2 +2 +4 Contact (2nd)

5 +3 +2 +2 +4 Soothing Oration (2/day), Golden Tongue

6 +4 +3 +3 +5 Influence Minds (1/day)

7 +5 +3 +3 +5 Contact (3rd), Soothing Oration (3/day)

8 +6 +3 +3 +6 Influence Minds (2/day)

9 +6 +4 +4 +6 Soothing Oration (4/day)

10 +7 +4 +4 +7 Contact (4th), Influence Minds (3/day)


Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Intelligence “People tend to think they know what to expect when
modifier. they see a witch, least-ways within certain general
descriptions. Sure, one may be an ice witch, and
Class Features another a wood witch. One may not have his blade
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Voices of the yet, and one may shoot fire out of his eyes, but you
People are proficient in the use of all simple know what to expect. But not with that Ren-Kao
weapons and light armor. fellow. No sirree. You think you know. You see him
Contact (Ex): Each time the Voice gains this with all his tattoos, hear him spout that mystical
ability she gains one contact. The player should nonsense, you think ‘He’s one of them mind witches.’
give input as to the type of contact gained, but Then he pulls out a weird sword, and you think, ah,
the details of the character are ultimately left up I heard a’ them – they cuts right through armor and
to the GM. The contact can be called upon once shields, but they don’t really hurtcha. They knock
a week to perform a task or obtain information. you out for a good long while, maybe, but you’re just
The task should be something typical for a really looking at a guy with a pretend sword. And
person of the contact’s sort. It should entail any then he just kinda smiles, and suddenly, it’s on fire.
sort of physical threat to the contact. In general, Fire! I mean, everybody knows that them witches are
the task should be able to be completed within one type, or the other, but they don’t change. I swear,
one day. Similarly, the information should be I’d beat the truth outta him if I hadn’t had to run
of the sort the contact would normally be aware check up on the missus just then….”
At 1st level, the Voice also gains a number of Some in the Order are studied or mystically
minor contacts in her home city that grant her a inclined, but most of the Knights of the Axe
bonus to Gather Information checks equal to come from a warrior’s background. Even the
half her class level + 1. wind witches in the Order tend to be more
Rally Effort (Ex): The Voice has a knack for martial than mystical, and centuries of study
communicating, smoothing over problems, and and refinement have only served to sharpen the
bringing out the best in people. When focus of the rare few witches who devote
successful aiding another, she confers an themselves to the Code.
additional bonus equal to half her class level There are several who claim that an iron
which stacks with the standard +2 bonus. witch was the first to devote himself to his
Soothing Oration (Sp): The Voice’s words blade, but no one can say for certain. Indeed,
can calm even the most agitated mob, defusing there is even little agreement on how best to
anger and soothing outrage. This ability acts as train a Witchblade. For the Knights, masters
the spell calm emotions (see Spells, PHB). The tutor apprentices one-on-one until the learner
Voice gains an additional use of this ability at forges his blade bond. Unlike the Masters of the
5th, 7th, and 9th levels. Axe, Witchblades accept any witch who is
Golden Tongue (Ex): The Voice gains a willing to devote themselves to the mentor at
competence bonus to all Bluff, Diplomacy, and the expense of their other abilities. Order-
Perform checks equal to half her class level aligned Witchblades frequently manifest their
level. namesakes as large, ornate axes.
Influence Minds (Sp): The Voice can speak Hit Die: d8
with such influence and drive that she can
actually cause people to do as she wishes. This Requirements
ability acts the heightened version of suggestion, To qualify to become a Witchblade, a character
except that the effect can target a number of must fulfill all the following criteria.
creatures within range up to five times her Base Attack Bonus: +6
Charisma bonus. The Voice gains an additional Feats: Craft Magic Arms and Armor,
use of this ability at 8th and 10th levels. Weapon Focus (any sword or axe)
Special: Must have the blade manifestation.

Class Base Attack Fortitude Reflex Will Special Spells per Day
Level Bonus Save Save Save
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Blade Affinity +1 level of existing class

2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Weapon
Devotion (+1)
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Weapon +1 level of existing class
Devotion (+2),
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Blade Bond,
Devotion (+3)
5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Weapon +1 level of existing class
Devotion (+4),
level for purposes of determining spells per day
Class Skills and spells readied.
The Witchblade’s class skills (and the key Blade Affinity (Su): At 1st level, the
ability for each) are: Alchemy (Int), Bluff Witchblade gains the ability to alter the
(Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), manifestation of his blade. He may cause the
Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (All, blade to appear as any simple or martial weapon
taken individually) (Int), Search (Int), Speak of small, medium, or large size that deals either
Language (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic piercing or slashing damage. As normal, the
Device (Cha). Witchblade is proficient with whatever weapon
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence he chooses, and it operates in all ways like the
modifier. chosen weapon in addition to any additional
benefits attendant to the witch’s manifestation.
Class Features Additionally, a Witchblade's levels stack
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Withcblades with previous witch levels for the blade
are proficient with all simple and martial manifestation only. Thus, a Mind Witch 6/
weapons, with light and medium armor, and Witchblade 3 deals 1d6+9 damage with a mind
with shields. blade, but is considered 6th level for all other
Spells: A Witchblade continues training in Mind Witch abilities.
magic as well as combat. Thus, at 1st, 3rd, and 5th Weapon Devotion (Sp): At 2nd level, the
levels, the character gains new spells per day Witchblade gains the ability to imbue his blade
and spells readied as if he had also gained a with magic. He may add any special weapon
level in a spellcasting class he belonged to ability with a price of a +1 bonus to his weapon.
before adding the prestige class. He does not, Using this ability requires that the Witchblade
however, gain any other benefit a character of expend one 1st-level spell slot. The effect lasts
that class would have gained (bonus feats, extra for a number of rounds equal to the
manifestations, and so on). Witchblade’s class level + Wisdom bonus.
If a character had more than one spellcasting At each level thereafter, the total bonus he
class before he became a Witchblade, he must may confer increases by +1. The level of the
decide to which class he adds the spellcaster spell slot required to power the ability also
increases by one. So, a 3rd-level Witchblade
may confer a special ability on his weapon that

has a price of a +2 bonus or two abilities each AXE OF DESTRUCTION

with a price of a +1 bonus. Doing so requires Transmutation [Warmage]
him to expend a 2nd-level spell slot. As with Level: 2 (Complex)
normal spellcasting, the Witchblade may Casting Time: Standard action
expended lower level spell slots to power the Range: Touch
ability. So, a 4th-level Witchblade could use one Target: 1 axe touched
3rd-level spell slot, two 2nd-level spell slots, or Duration: 1 min./level (D)
four 1st-level spell slots to confer a special Saving Throw: Will negates [object, harmless]
ability with a price of a +3 bonus to his weapon. Spell Resistance: Yes [object, harmless]
Blade Bond (Su): At 4th level, the You imbue an axe with destructive power
Witchblade becomes one with his weapon. over non-living objects. You may use any type
While he wields his blade, it may not be of axe, but no other weapon or tool may be
disarmed or sundered by any mortal means. affected. For the duration of the spell, the axe
(Artifacts and effects of equivalent power may ignores hardness and deals an extra 2d6 points
still affect the blade.) Additionally, he gains an of damage to objects. Axes of Destruction do
additional +1 enhancement bonus to his blade, not overcome damage reduction unless their
which stacks with any other enhancement composition or other enhancements already
bonus. meet those requirements. Thus, a normal axe
imbued with this spell is not considered
SPELLS magical for the purposes of overcoming damage
The spellcasters among the Knights have access reduction.
to a number of magical formulas that are not In particular, the Knights of the Order have
typically seen among the arcane community in used this spell to great effect in their efforts
general. They have hoarded secrets down against the Diamond Throne. One tale tells of a
through the years, seeking every advantage squadron of Knights--familiarly known as the
they could gain. Many of these spells are Sappers--who are said to have torn asunder an
focused on aiding warriors in their inevitable entire city wall in but a half-hour while under
conflicts, and are of great benefit to mage the effects of this spell. Clever knights have
blades and warrior witches in particular. employed the spell to alter the field of battle,
As a technical matter, these spells possess such as a using the affected weapons to lay a
the simple and complex descriptors. However, vast network of siege tunnels, create bolt holes,
they are unlikely to be known to someone forge secret entrances, or even simply gain
outside of the Knights' ranks. A character access to areas that are otherwise inaccessible.
witnessing these spells could make a spellcraft Diminished Effects: The axe ignores
check to determine the effects of the spells, but Hardness, but does not deal extra damage.
is unlikely to be able to duplicate them without Heightened Effects: If you shatter an object
careful study or the willing tutelage of one of with a blow from this weapon, you may attack
the Order's mages. another object as if you had the Cleave feat,
Most of these spells are related to the axe, even if you do not. The axe gains a +1
for obvious reasons. If you find that too enhancement bonus and is thus considered
restrictive (especially in a campaign that magical for purposes of DR/+1 (or DR/magic).
doesn’t employ the Order), there are no Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant
mechanical reasons preventing you from N/A
changing the type of weapon involved.
However, restricting the spell to a particular
type of weapon adds a bit of mystery and flavor
to the world.
The warmage descriptor is new and
described in the section on new feats below.

HAND OF JUSTICE proscribed actions, the subject suffers the effect

Alteration of the curse until it is removed by the caster.
Level: 8 (Complex) Diminished Effects: The curse lasts for 1
Casting Time: 15 minutes hour per caster level
Range: Touch Heightened Effects: The curse need not be
Target: Creature touched one you can normally cast
Duration: Permanent (D) Magic Item Creation Modifier: Constant
Saving Throw: None N/A
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell is only effective against a subject MIGHT OF THE AXE
that owes a Debt of Justice (see Champion of Transmutation
Justice, Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved). To Level: 2 (Simple)
complete the spell, you trace a rune upon the Casting Time: Standard action
subject’s forehead, define a set of actions by the Range: Touch
subject that will activate the rune, and name a Target: Axe touched
spell with the curse descriptor. You must be Duration: 1 min/level
able to cast the curse selected but do not need to Saving Throw: None
know the target’s truename. The defined Spell Resistance: No
actions must be related to the subject’s prior For the duration of this spell, your axe
unjust acts (GM’s discretion) or the spell fails. functions as though it were one size larger for
If the rune is activated by violating the list of the purposes of disarm checks, size modifiers,
etc. The axe’s actual size and weight stay
the same, and the axe’s damage die does
not increase.
Diminished Effects: The axe must be
wielded in two hands, or you will suffer
a -2 penalty to hit.
Heightened Effects: The axe’s
damage die also increases one step.
Magic Item Creation Modifier:
Charged x2

Evocation [Warmage, Force]
Level: 3 (Complex)
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 Magical Axe
Duration: 1 round/level (see below)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You touch one magical axe and call
forth the essence of its martial spirit. So
long as you hold the target axe, it loses
its enhancement bonus, but one
additional axe made of pure force is
created for every point of the axe's
original enhancement bonus. For
example, a +4 battleaxe would create four

ghostly battleaxes. For the duration of the spell, as normal. Additionally, for each 5 points of
if the target axe successfully strikes a target, the damage you deal, you reduce your opponent’s
duplicates inflict also inflict damage as they armor bonus to AC by -1 (up to a maximum
swarm the victim. The duplicate axes deal only penalty equal to their armor bonus -1). This
base damage; bonuses for Strength or other reduction is cumulative, but may never exceed
effects are not added. The spell is immediately the maximum penalty. Your opponent may
dispelled if you no longer hold the axe (such as spend a full round to readjust his armor, which
being disarmed or giving the axe to another provokes an attack of opportunity and
person). eliminates the penalty.
Diminished Effects: The spell ends after one Special: When counting damage for the
successful attack. purposes of armor reduction, do not count
Heightened Effects: The target axe does not damage from weapon effects (such as flaming
lose its enhancement bonus, and the duplicate or shocking).
axes gain an enhancement bonus equal to the
Magic Item Creation Modifier: Single-Use After a ceremony involving 5 other magi of
x3, Constant: N/A greater ability than your own, you learn to
harness more of your potential, despite a lack of
FEATS training.
A Knight of the Axe is embodied by his Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells
weapon -- more so than many other soldiers. Benefit: Whenever you cast a spell, your
Over the years, their styles of combat have effective caster level is increased by 4, but may
evolved to take advantage of the capabilities of not exceed your total hit dice.
their chosen weapons. The warrior who swings Special: This feat may be taken multiple
a battleaxe has a fury and drive that the sword- times. Each time increases your caster level by
wielder lacks, and the Knights exploit that to 4 more, but you may never exceed your total hit
the fullest extent. dice. For example, if Tygal the Mystic, a
Magister 3/Warmain 6, took this feat once, he
AXE MASTER [CEREMONIAL] would have a caster level of 7. If he took it a
After a ceremony in which you ritually scar second time when he was a Magister 6/
yourself with an axe, you gain increased Warmain 6, his caster level would only be 12.
proficiency with it. However, if he became a warmain 7, his caster
Prerequisites: Martial Weapon Proficiency, level would increase to 13.
Intelligence 13
Benefit: Any other feats you have which affect INNATE POWER [CEREMONIAL]
your ability with a particular type of axe -- such After a ceremony involving 5 others who share
as Weapon Focus (battleaxe) can be applied to one of your special abilities, but are of greater
any type of axe, i.e., handaxes, battleaxes, power than your own, you learn to harness
throwing axes, and greataxes. more of your potential, despite a lack of
BATTERING BLOW [GENERAL] Prerequisite: At least one spell-like ability
Your attacks smash violently into an opponent, Benefit: Choose one of your spell-like
not only injuring him but also knocking his abilities. For the purposes of that ability, your
armor out of place effective level is considered to be 4 higher, but
Prerequisite: Strength 15 may never exceed your total hit dice.
Benefit: You may make a full round attack Special: This feat may be taken multiple
against an opponent wearing at least medium times. You may either select a different special
armor, which provokes an attack of ability, or increase your effective level by 4
opportunity. If the attack hits, you deal damage more, but you may never exceed your total hit

dice. For example, if Tygal the Mystic, a SWEEPING BLOW [GENERAL]

Mageblade 3/Warmain 6, took this feat once Swinging a wide swath with your axe, you
and chose his athame, he would be considered a strike multiple opponents.
7th level mageblade when calculating his Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +11
athame bonus. If he took it a second time when Benefit: As a full-attack action, you may
he was a Mageblade 6/Warmain 6, his effective make a single attack at your highest attack
level would only be 12. However, if he then bonus against any number of opponents you
became a warmain 7, his effective level would threaten up to your number of iterative attacks.
increase to 13. You declare all of the targets before making the
attack roll, and you may not attack the same
SMASHING BLOW [GENERAL] target with more than one attack. You suffer a
Your blows strike with such force that you can -2 penalty to the attack roll.
knock your opponents off their feet.
Prerequisite: Power Charge WARMAGE [CEREMONIAL]
Benefit: You may attempt a Smashing Blow After a ceremony involving you and at least
against your opponent as part of a normal two battle mages, you gain additional benefits
attack. You must declare use of this ability with war magic.
before resolving the attack. If your attack Prerequisite: Battle Mage
succeeds and deals at least 20 points of damage, Benefit: When casting any spell that
you may make an immediate trip check against requires an attack roll, you gain a +1 bonus to
the opponent as a free action. If you succeed, that roll. Furthermore, you may treat any
you trip the defender. If you fail, the defender complex spells with the warmage descriptor as
does not get to make a trip attack against you. simple spells and exotic spells with the
warmage descriptor as complex spells.
SURGING ATTACK [GENERAL] Special: The warmage descriptor should also
Your fury allows you act more quickly in be added to the following spells from Monte
combat. Cook’s Arcana Evolved: Bloodblade, Magic
Benefit: As a free action, once per encounter, Weapon, Mark Allies, Massive Sword,
you may increase your initiative result for the Venomblade.
next round by up to 10. After that round, your
initiative drops by twice the amount you RITUALS AND RITES
increased it. You cannot use Surging Attack It should come as no surprise that the Order of
during a surprise round. the Axe holds special regard for formality and
For example, Kiernan, a Knight of the Axe, process. Some of these practices are purely
has the Surging Attack feat. He is facing Ao- ceremonial, while others unlock important
Andros, a corrupt Giant official, and his abilities or mystical powers that serve the
servant, Na-Coran. Kiernan’s initiative is 12. Order’s aims.
Ao-Andros’s initiative is 14, and Na-Coran’s is
5. During the first round of combat, Kiernan POWER RITUALS
uses Surging Attack, deciding to add +3 to his The first of these rituals is quite common
initiative for the next round. This round, Ao- among the Order. The second has become a
Andros attacked first, then Kiernan, then Na- popular method for an operative to gain support
Coran. Next round, Kiernan’s initiative is 15; he and operate surreptitiously in strange lands.
acts before both Ao-Andros and Na-Coran,
effectively attacking Ao-Andros twice in a row. Bond with the Land (General)
In the following round, his initiative drops by - A favorite of the Knights, this ritual allows you
6 (twice the bonus he took from the feat), down to sense injustice and oppression.
to 9. He now acts after Ao-Andros but still Components: A masterwork craft item,
before Na-Coran. made from local materials, such as a bowl
carved from a nearby tree, or a statuette

sculpted from marble mined beneath their eat at, the safest section of town at night, etc),
village. A bowl of water drawn from a local you gain a +5 bonus on a Knowledge (Local)
well. check.
Actions (2 hours): The item must be
thoroughly washed in the well water, along OATH RITUALS
with your hands and face. Spend at least 30 Oaths are an integral part of life in the
minutes studying the crafted item, maintaining Diamond Throne, and the Knights with their
physical contact the entire time. Afterwards, strict sense of honor and justice have embraced
slowly crush the item in to tiny pieces or dust. oaths whole-heartedly. They have developed a
When the item is completely destroyed, pour special type of ritual focusing on these oaths.
the water over the shards or pieces. As the While not as powerful as the oaths of an
water dries, you will gain a sense of the area. oathsworn, these oaths grant special abilities to
Effects: If people are suffering oppression or those who swear them, but they likewise
injustice within one mile per level, you will require dedication and sacrifice.
gain a general understanding of what is Oaths are not taken lightly. Breaking an
happening. A wisdom check, DC 15, will reveal oath will have specific consequences, which are
more details, such as the distance and direction. usually spelled out when the oath is taken.
At least 10 people must be affected to trigger These can range from the physical to the
this sense. This sense lasts until sunrise, or mental to the spiritual--even death.
sunset, whichever occurs first. The rituals involved in the taking of an oath
are easy to learn and vary from group to group
Sense of Place (General) but always require the participants to share
This ritual allows an outsider to blend in with a their truename and sacrifice something in the
populace, giving them an intuitive sense of swearing, whether it be health, treasured items,
their environment. or even more esoteric concepts like a memory
Components: A detailed map of the region or confidence.
(covering no more than 10 square miles) worth A group of people that swear an oath are
at least 50 gold pieces, a mixture of medicinal typically referred to as an Oath Circle. If a
herbs worth at least 100 gp, and a gilded bowl single member of the circle breaks the oath,
worth at least 250 gold. The bowl is not they will suffer the consequences alone. If a
consumed in the ritual. second member does the same, all members of
Actions (15 minutes): Place the map and the circle will suffer. A member who is
herbs in the bowl. Cut yourself (causing 1 point physically unable to complete an oath due to
of damage), and sprinkle the herbs with your injury, death, illness, etc, is not considered to
blood. Light the map and herbs on fire, and let have broken the oath unless they take actions
them burn completely. As the map burns, that are directly counter to the oath’s purpose.
inhale deeply of the smoke until it is
completely burned away. Oath of the Hidden Journey (General)
Effects: After the smoke is inhaled, you can The Oath of the Hidden Journey is rarely
travel throughout the region detailed on the taken, as it requires a great sacrifice and true
map and navigate the area as though you were a dedication. The oath is usually sworn only by
local. If you need a tavern, you intuitively those Knights who have been chosen for the
know where to go. You also gain a clear most clandestine and critical tasks set forth by
understanding of any laws, regulations, and the Knights.
customs practiced in the region. This ritual Actions: At sunset, the participants swear
does not grant any knowledge unavailable to that “By the Veil and the Eye, what we do shall
the average person on the street, such as the be known by no man” while they methodically
location of a magister’s hidden library or the blacken their faces and hands with ash and
hideout of a group of thieves. For knowledge whisper ancient words of ritual to each other
that might be less clear cut (the best tavern to until full dark. They must then sleep without

protection under the darkened night sky, rising

just before dawn. Oath of Obedience (General)
Effects From the moment they awaken until This oath is rare in that it is typically only
they complete their task or fail, their actions sworn to by one person, often to a liege lord or
will not appear in the Akashic Memory. a trusted mentor. This oath grants no tangible
However, the moment the oath ends, all benefits to the oath taker, though it is often
memories of their actions since swearing the required before secrets are shared or lessons are
oath are erased from their own minds as well. taught.
Anyone who interacted with the members of Actions: The oath taker simply offers his
the Oath Circle will retain their own memories, loyalty to a person while speaking ritual
but will find that they quickly fade unless phrases. This oath can be as complicated as the
special efforts are made to retain them. Even if participants decide, strictly laying out the
people remember their deeds, the Memory itself duties and tasks the oath Taker is required to
will not. This oath can never last more than a perform, can be a general statement of
month and a day. If the task is not obedience. The oath always includes specific
accomplished in that time, the oath is penalties if it is broken, both mystic and
considered to have failed. Whether it succeeds mundane.
or fails, the participants may not swear another Effects: This oath has no effects beyond
Oath of the Hidden Journey for a year and a those specified in the oath itself.
Oath of Purpose (General)
The Price of Transgression The Oath of Purpose is the most common oath
sworn by the Knights, and the one that most
There are any number of penalties that can be closely resembles the oaths taken by an
included in an oath. They are limited only by the oathsworn. The members swear an oath to
imagination and willingness of the one who dedicate themselves, body and soul, to their
takes the oath. Typically an oath will have three purpose. They gain a single-minded devotion
penalties if broken. that allows the Oath Circle to succeed more
easily, but also distracts them when they are
∞ The oath breaker is weakened, reducing all not actively pursuing their goal.
physical stats by 2. Actions: The members of the Oath Circle
∞ A constant buzzing assaults the oath swear aloud to accomplish a specific, definable
breaker’s mind, imposing a -2 circumstance task, such as “Overthrow the corrupt
penalty on all rolls. government of Su-Chiast” or “Free the village
∞ The oath breaker is affected by Taint until of Triske from the vicious Sheriff.” They then
he atones. each destroy a single item that has personal
∞ Everyone within 10’ of the oath breaker hears value to them and cast it into a bonfire.
the words “Oath Breaker” whispered as he Effects: When taking actions directly related
passes by. to the oath (DM’s discretion), they gain a +1
∞ All food and drink will taste like ashes and bonus to all rolls. When taking any other
bile in the oath breaker’s mouth. actions, they suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls.
∞ The oath breaker suffers from fitful,
dreamless sleep. COMBAT RITE
∞ The oath breaker suffers a loss of rank or The following rite is favored by the Knights.
∞ The oath breaker must repay each of the Clinging Axe
participants twice the cost of the ceremony. When wielding an axe, you may attempt to
∞ The oath breaker is imprisoned. lock your opponent’s weapon in your own as an
∞ The oath breaker is stripped of lands, attack action. You and the defender make
weapons, or valuables.

opposed attack rolls with your respective the wearer. Rather, commanding armor is
weapons. If you succeed, your weapons are intended to bolster the rank and file that battle
locked. Your opponent must take a standard alongside the Knights. Any ally with line of
action to free the weapon before he can attack, sight to the wearer and within 120 feet of him
which itself provokes an attack of opportunity. gains a +1 morale bonus to attacks and damage
Alternatively, your opponent may release his rolls.
hold on the weapon as a free action; however, Moderate transmutation; caster level 9th;
you may then take possession of it if you have a Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spirit of prowess;
free hand. While using the maneuver, you Price +3 bonus.
cannot use your axe again until you relinquish
the hold or it is ended. You may break your Defender (Armor or Shield)
own weapon lock as a free action. Armor and shields with this property allow
their users to sacrifice their own protection for
MAGIC ITEMS the good of their comrades. Once per round, as
As with other aspects of their lives, the Knights a free action, the user may decrease the armor’s
have specialized equipment and magic items magical enhancement to add the same amount
that they horde jealously, aware that their as a deflection bonus to any one person within
obscurity gives them an advantage. Not every 25 feet.
Knight possesses these magical items. Indeed, Faint enchantment; caster level 5th; Craft
many knights forego the use of magical items Magic Arms and Armor, protective charm; Price
entirely as part of an oath of poverty. However, +2 bonus.
the Order’s Lorekeepers make sure that the
knowledge of creating these items is kept alive Greater Commanding (Armor)
and well, and the armorsmiths, weaponmasters Greater commanding armor functions as
and creator mages among the Knights are as commanding armor, but also confers a -1 morale
familiar with these items as they are with a penalty to the attack and damage rolls to all
flaming sword or a potion of beastskin. enemies within line of sight to the wearer and
Non-Knights may come into possession of within 120 feet of him.
these items in a number of ways--looted from a Strong transmutation; caster level 15th; Craft
defeated Knight, sold by member of the Order Magic Arms and Armor, spirit of prowess; Price
desperate for the resources needed to complete +5 bonus.
his mission, or perhaps even plucked them from
the Akashic Memory. Mobile (Armor or Shield)
Once ritually attuned to a user, armor with the
ARMOR QUALITIES mobile quality can be summoned or dismissed as
A Knight’s armor is his first line of defense. A a standard action. If summoned, the armor
Knight is often called upon to put himself in appears at the end of the round, fully donned
grave danger to protect others, or to challenge and properly readied. If dismissed, the armor
injustice, and the armors they wear help them disappears at the end of the round and appears
accomplish this. But just as often, the Knights in a specifically designated location. The
need to infiltrate a foe’s stronghold, observe designated location or the attuned owner, can
him in action, and remain unnoticed, and their be changed via a simple ritual that takes one
armor allows for that as well. hour.
Moderate transmutation; caster level 9th;
Commanding (Armor) Craft Magic Arms and Armor, teleport; Price +1
Armor with this quality is often exceptionally bonus.
ornate and impressive, usually emblazoned
with one or more symbols and gilded or etched.
Commanding armor bestows no benefit upon

Non-Detection (Armor) Faint illusion; caster level 5th; Craft Magic

This armor confers upon the wielder the effects Arms and Armor, illusory object (lesser); Price +1
of the unknown spell, as if cast by a 7th-level bonus.
caster (DC 16).
Moderate abjuration; caster level 9th; Craft Sacrificing
Magic Arms and Armor, unknown; Price +3 A sacrificing weapon is the expression of a true
bonus. martyr’s spirit. They are usually simple
weapons, although the hilts always have small
WEAPON QUALITIES hooks, blades or ridges built in. As a free action
The Knights have chosen to define themselves once per round, the wielder may voluntarily
by their weapons, so it is only natural that they take up to 10 hit points of damage. For every 2
would devote themselves to improving those hit points of damage sacrificed, the next
weapons in any way they can. While a flaming successful attack does an additional 1d6 points
axe can solve most problems, there are times of damage (up to a maximum of +5d6 points of
when other options are preferred. To that end, damage). The damage bonus lasts until the
the Knights have developed weapons that allow wielder makes a successful attack or for one
them to surprise their enemies, to even the minute.
playing field against their giant foes, and to Moderate transmutation; caster level 7th;
give themselves more fully to the fight. Craft Magic Arms and Armor, strength to strike;
Price +2 bonus.
These weapons are not truly giant killers, but Sundering
they have earned that moniker for their benefit A sundering weapon, as the name suggests,
by humans against their larger opponents. excels at destroying armor and weapons. When
When used against an opponent that is at least used in a sundering attack, it grants the user the
one size category larger than the wielder, the benefits of the Improved Sunder feat. If the
wielder gains a +1 bonus to hit per size category user already has the feat, it confers an
difference. Additionally, the wielder is additional +2 bonus to the attack and deals
considered to be one size category larger for the triple damage.
purposes of bull-rushes, disarms, and other Moderate evocation; caster level 6th; Craft
similar attacks. Finally, on a critical hit, a larger Magic Arms and Armor, destructive grip; Price
target must make a balance check (DC 10 + the +2 bonus.
attacker’s strength modifier) of fall prone.
Moderate evocation; caster level 6th; Craft WONDROUS ITEMS AND ARTIFACTS
Magic Arms and Armor, blast of castigation; Many Knights began their lives as Champions,
Price +2 bonus. and many that call themselves Knights are still
following that path. Many of the Knights’
Glamoured unique magics work best in the hands those
A glamoured weapon, when not being used in with a cause, though they have managed to
combat, appears as something innocuous to acquire more than a few items of power.
everyone but the wielder. A longspear might
appear to be a simple staff; a sword simply Amulet of Zeal (Wondrous Item)
seems to be a drinking horn; or an axe might The amulet of zeal bolsters the spirit and
appear as a book. The apparent item will always enhances confidence. In normal hands, it grants
be at least somewhat appropriate to the wielder- a +2 morale bonus to saves against fear or
-the war club of a litoran in full tribal gear will enchantment. In the hands of a character with
not appear as a lady’s fan--but the weapon’s champion levels, it has an additional function:
weight and size do not change. The champion is considered to be two levels
higher for the purposes of determining the

effects of his champion abilities. Bracelet of Truename Masking (Artifact)

Faint enchantment; caster level 9th; Craft There are only three of these incredibly potent
Constant Item, magic armor, resistance; Price bracelets known to exist in the world, and their
4500 gp.; Weight —. keepers guard them zealously. Anyone wearing
the bracelet of truename protection is treated in all
Axe of the First Knight (Artifact) ways as an unbound. They cannot be targeted
No one is certain whether this was truly the by spells requiring truenames, they cannot gain
weapon of the First Knight or even whether ceremonial feats while wearing the bracelet
this is a name for a number of different (though feats they already have do not stop
weapons through the ages. Whatever the functioning), etc. The bracelet can be removed
weapon’s history, its powers make it extremely at any time, causing the effects to cease
desirable. Many of the Knight’s stories describe instantly. It takes four hours for the bracelet to
battles being won or lost based on the fate of take effect when first donned. In order to
the axe’s wielder, and many a giant steward has function, the owner must inscribe his own
heard horror stories of ancestors that fell to its truename upon it. Truenames so inscribed will
blade. fade within 1d6 days after the bracelet has been
The Axe is a +5 keen surging giantbane removed.
battleaxe. In the hands of a Knight of the Axe, it Overwhelming divination; caster level 21st;
reveals additional powers beyond those Weight — lbs.
formidable abilities. Three times per day, as a
standard action the wielder can hold the axe
aloft and call upon one of the following abilities
by shouting the name of one of the Order’s
1. It can instill a deep fear in the hearts of the
enemies of the Knights. Any foe within line of
sight of the wielder suffers a -2 morale penalty
to all rolls for the duration of the encounter.
2. It can instill great confidence in the
Knight’s allies. Any ally within line of sight of
the wielder gains a +2 morale bonus on all rolls
for the duration of the encounter.
3. It can heal 2d6 hit points of damage from
all allies within line of sight of the wielder.
4. It can emit a bright flash of light, which
blinds all enemies of the Knight within 60 feet
for 1d6 rounds.
5. It can restore the wielder to full hit points.
6. It can cast ghost weapon on itself.
Overwhelming enchantment, evocation, and
transmutation; caster level 25th; Weight 7 lbs.
chapter 3 - Mounts
The Ways of Mounted Combat
Written by Bill Collins - Illustrated by Alfredo Lopez, Jr.

“Give me an axe, a good horse, and a plan,

and I will change the world.”

Knight’s Motto

MANAGING MOUNTS AND appendix for monsters in Legacy of the

Dragons from Malhavoc Press is especially
MOUNTED COMBAT helpful. Share them with your players, so
that they may manage both their characters
The mere mention of mounted combat conjures and their mounts.
images of exciting jousts and glorious ∞ Create a cheat sheet with significant
tournaments, fierce battles and brutal wars. modifiers and keep it handy (clip it to your
And yet, most games rarely feature mounted DM Screen or stick it to your whiteboard).
combat. Why? Because of dungeons and the For example, attackers gain a +1 bonus to
adventurers who explore them. Few player melee attacks from higher ground (on a
characters specialize in mounted combat, much mount), diving attackers and charging
less the entire party. How then to encourage lancers deal double damage, etc.
charges and chases, flag-waving heralds and ∞ Prepare tactics round-by-round for
horn-blowing marshals? How does one manage mounted NPCs or special mounts (like Re-
armored destriers when sprytes and dracha soar Gerrit, the wild rune radont who has
overhead? recently befriended Ai-Rayona, the Steward
This chapter introduces new riding tricks, of Mi-Theron).
mounts, and mounted feats that encourage
players to consider mounted combat. It also CHANGES TO THE TABLETOP
includes new terrain effects that can be used Handling a fight that covers a lot of ground
not only in the wilderness but also in the every round requires different preparation than
dungeon. Utilizing the tips and tools in this handling an encounter that restricts itself to the
chapter will permit you to keep mounted length of dungeon corridors. Full attacks with
combat in your game regardless of whether the melee weapons, flanking, attacks of
mounts are horses or radonts, dire bats or opportunity—these actions and more add
wyverns. complexity that many enjoy, but they do not
always mesh well with fast-moving mounted
THE BASICS combat. How do you satisfy players who desire
When Knights take to horseback in their the granularity of familiar d20 rules? The
pursuit of liberty for Terrakal, the game should easiest way to handle this is to quickly describe
play as fast as the heroes can ride. Just like the area where the encounter happens
winning a race depends not only on the abilities (illustrating terrain on graph paper or
of the mount but also on the skill of the rider, whiteboard, if necessary). And then, when your
enjoying mounted combat depends not only on PCs decide to engage the enemy, you can use
the clarity of the rules but also on their your accustomed tabletop mapping method to
accessibility. Here are a few tips to make represent the clash of combatants as warriors
mounted combat easier: collide.
Not all character enjoy the benefits of the 5-
∞ Create legible cheat sheets for Ride, Handle foot step. Archers and magisters, especially,
Animal, and the sections of Monte Cook’s perform best on mounts who can keep distance
Arcana Evolved and the DMG that deal with from the enemy. To better track the movement
mounted combat. Share them with your of those who can move hundreds of feet every
players. round, you may want to implement one or
∞ Create stat blocks for the mounts of the more of the following changes: (1) Use a 10- or
player characters. Include details on any 20-foot scale; (2) try a mass combat system like
special changes you may have made. For Cry Havoc by Malhavoc Press, which uses unit
example, mounts in Monte Cook’s Arcana combat, a battle round, and a 100-foot square; or
Evolved may have access to different feats (3) go gridless!
than those in the MM; the conversion

fighting in close quarters. Scaling up from five

10-FOOT SCALE feet to twenty effectively eliminates attacks of
This scale allows you to fit cottages and opportunity, and reduces the utility of feats like
farmsteads onto the tabletop. Each “square” Combat Reflexes, but it ably handles spell duels
equals 10 feet instead of five (counters may from Long range or Run actions during a chase.
work better than miniatures at this scale).
Attacks of opportunity can only be taken by MASS COMBAT SCALE
those with reach of 10 feet or more; creatures There are several mass combat systems on the
with less than 10 feet of reach must first step market, notably Cry Havoc by Malhavoc Press.
into the same “square”. Your players may Each handles mounted combat slightly
prefer this scale because of its similarity to the differently. Generally these rules systems work
5-foot grid. This is also the same scale used in best for either a one-time adventure or a
previous editions of the game—why not reuse a campaign where war and the battlefield are the
favorite map from an old module? major elements. Although a mass combat
system uses d20 rules, each requires that you
20-FOOT SCALE invest time learning how they manage units,
This scale allows you to fit manors and castles scale up spells, and account for movement on a
onto the tabletop. Each “square” can simulate very large scale. Generally, PCs enjoy these
four Large creatures (like mounted Knights) or best when they are unit commanders, heroes on
16 Medium creatures (like bleating rhodin) a mission, or surrounded by hordes of fragile
minions who fall before them like wheat before

A Knight of the Axe and a litorian rear back on their mounts and wait for the perfect moment to charge.

a scythe. creatures ignore difficult terrain, of course, but

GO GRIDLESS! they have their own problems.
This option approximates range and areas of Strong winds or cloud cover or even flying
effect and is recommended for those who lack castles and floating forests can hamper the
the space or resources to manage precise movement of a flyer just like shifting sands or
calculations or for those who simply dislike running stones can make a charge difficult for a
grids. As long as you can describe the pertinent rider. Take care to lay out an interesting map,
terrain effects accurately, you and your players one that lets both the magister and the Knight
can simply narrate your actions. If movement maneuver and interact. You may want to
potentially provokes an attack of opportunity sketch a side view on a whiteboard to depict
but the narrative leaves the outcome in doubt, interesting obstacles across three dimensions.
you can keep the game moving with a simple Or you can draw dotted lines on your tabletop
die roll: on an odd number, award an attack of grid to represent unusual topographical
opportunity. features.
No matter how you depict the terrain, it is
COMBAT UNDERGROUND easy to overlook something drawn on a flat
Who says that Knights cannot ride in the surface when you are also tracking initiative,
dungeon? Consider the following options: adjudicating rules, and managing multiple
combatants. Model railroad stores sell very
∞ Lava tubes and volcanic caldera are perfect realistic-looking trees that can really spruce up
lairs for gargantuan purple worms and giant the tabletop, but you do not need to spend a lot
warbats. Ice caves and glacial rifts can of money to give a visible third dimension. You
certainly accommodate dire polar bears and can make fantasy terrain to scale from
huge remorhazes. cardboard, and can place everyday objects from
∞ Medium mounts can easily navigate five- around the house (dishes and crumpled tissues)
foot spaces. Small riders (like loresong or yard (twigs and rocks) on your tabletop to
faen) have been known to breed special represent the field of battle.
mounts (like Medium-sized warbats) that What if the flying magister is an enemy? If
can comfortably operate beneath the earth. a Knight of the Axe must confront a spellcaster
∞ Horses and their riders should have no
in the open, he should ready to move away
trouble squeezing through ancient corridors from spells like fireburst or sorcerous blast since
sized for dragons, dramojh, or giant direct damage spells are often limited by range
paragons. or area of effect. Unfortunately, targeted spells
like attack from within or chains of vengeance are
By employing these ideas, a mount-oriented more difficult to outmaneuver--a skilled archer
character won’t miss out on the action when may wish to ready arrows to attempt to disrupt
the adventure leads them into the dungeon. the spellcasting.
Lest the mounted Knight feel too at ease Some Knights favor nighttime raids against
charging slassans in the Dark Depths, it must enemy spellcasters. If you want to even the
be noted that hidden pit traps and illusionary playing field for mount-oriented characters, use
walls are popular features in any dungeon. the following rule: A Knight can memorize the
Rider beware! lay of the land by making a Knowledge
(geography) check (DC 15). If successful, he
gains the benefit of the Sense the Unseen feat
FIRE & FLIGHT against the significant terrain obstacles present.
What do you do when the magister can fly? A Knight may take notice of an area within 100
Does the Knight get left behind? Not at all. The feet per Knight level. The benefits last for 24
flight spell grants a typical fly speed of 30 feet hours. Only one area at a time may be so
(as fast as most sprytes or dracha), but a rider memorized, and the Knight can only perform
on horseback can still move faster. Flying this trick within ten miles per Knight level near

a chapterhouse. This ability is particularly their mounts onward or fall into a sinkhole as
handy when a myriad of the terrain features the ground starts to rumble and collapse around
described below are employed. them. Ride DC 18 to avoid.
CR 4; location trigger; no reset; multiple targets
TERRAIN FEATURES (all targets in a 40 ft. radius); never miss; onset
The following terrain features can make any delay (1 round); 40 ft. deep (4d6, fall).
mounted encounter more interesting. Employ Marsh Gas: Found in fire swamps, pockets
only one or two of these features in any given of gas can ignite around the unwary. Listen DC
encounter, but be sure to vary them between 14 to avoid.
different encounters to keep things fresh. CR 2; proximity trigger; automatic reset; spell
effect (fireburst, 1st-level caster, 1d6 fire, DC 11
HELPFUL TERRAIN Reflex save half damage).
Fog: Whether in the form of a low-lying cloud Null Magic Burst: Often appearing in mid-
or a mist rising from the ground, fog obscures air, these areas of null magic explode randomly,
all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. covering a 1d20 x 1000 foot area. They last for
Creatures 5 feet away have concealment 1d6 rounds, temporarily suppressing all magical
(attacks by or against them have a 20% miss effects, including spells, spell-like abilities, and
chance). supernatural abilities.
Gradual Slope: This incline isn’t steep
enough to affect movement, but characters gain AERIAL ENCOUNTER FEATURES
a +1 bonus on melee attacks against foes Just because an encounter takes place in the air
downhill from them. doesn’t mean it must lack obstacles to challenge
Runeburst: Ghostly runes visibly manifest the participants. The skies do not have to be
in the area for 1d4 rounds. Any rune or runic empty, or only filled with clouds. In addition to
templated spell becomes automatically invested appropriate choices from the descriptions
or laden for double duration if it is created or above, flocks of birds, gusting leaves, sudden
cast while the runeburst is active. A typical downpours, and even rains of frogs or fish are
runeburst fills a 1d20 x 5 foot radius. all excellent examples of aerial “terrain.”
Tailwind: A moderate wind in the direction Magic affords a host of other possibilities.
of movement increases speed. Flight speed goes Magic is strong in the Lands of the Diamond
up by +10 feet. Ground speed increases by +5 Throne, though not always common. After a
feet. This wind can last all encounter, or for 1d4 player character hurtles past, perhaps an
rounds. For ease of reference, mark with a unkindness of witchravens decide to plague
colored arrow on your tabletop. him with foul weather. Levitating slassan or
harrids, fleeing enemies on the ground, may
HINDERING TERRAIN surprise (and be surprised by) approaching
Gopher Holes: Found in grasslands and flyers. The player characters may even
battlefields, this terrain features small holes and recognize a wanted criminal passing them on a
dangerous gaps that may seriously injure a travel line.
mount. Spot DC 14 to avoid. Portals to the Plane of Air, watery hands
CR 2; location trigger; automatic reset; DC 20 that suddenly reach for the sky from the ocean
Reflex save avoids; 5 ft. deep (2d6, checked); the below, gigantic runes pressed into fields of
rider must also succeed on a Ride check (DC wheat: all help make flight very interesting.
10+damage dealt) or fall (1d6).
Limestone Collapses: Terrain with heavy NEW FEATS
karst topography underneath often has The following feats will be of particular use to
sinkholes or other indicators. However, an Knights of the Axe in particular and PCs
otherwise innocuous flat stretch of ground can specializing in mounted combat in general.
turn into a collapsed area. Riders must urge

BONDED MOUNT (CEREMONIAL) out your orders and requests at all times. With
You conduct a ceremony with you and your an intelligent mount, you need no longer make
mount as the central elements. Ride checks relating to movement. You each
Prerequisite: Truename gain a +2 synergy bonus to Aid Another checks
Benefit: While riding your mount, you and made for each other.
the mount gain a +1 luck bonus to act in concert Special: You may take this feat a second
while riding. You gain the bonus toward any time. The mount gains the Sturdy feat (even if
Riding roll, or any roll made in the saddle or on it had it before), a +2 inherent bonus to one
back of your mount. The mount gets the bonus statistic and the link becomes telepathic. If the
as well (example: Aid Another). boon companion dies, the character must wait a
month before they can perform the ceremony
Having gained the trust of a rare or uncommon GM’s Note: The desired mount’s CR + LA
creature, you form a partnership should be less than the character’s level.
Prerequisites: Intelligent (Int 4+) mount;
Benefit: The mount accepts you as a friend When you perform a mounted attack, you
and ally, as you do them. You are both always strike a more vulnerable area.
aware of the other’s current condition (blinded, Prerequisites: Ride-by Attack
deafened, shaken, etc) and how badly you are Benefit: When you make an attack from
injured, sharing an empathetic (but not your mount and move at least 10 feet, your
telepathic) bond. You may speak to your melee weapon critical threat range increases by
mount, and it automatically understands you +2. You may use this feat once per round. This
and your commands. It does its best to carry overlaps, and does not stack with a keen
weapon or weapon property.
Bond of the Faithful Steed
You and your mount have shared the hardship of By luck or design, you locate a trained, unusual
the road, the glory of battle and the dust of the creature to serve as your mount.
aftermath. In a fight, you instinctively aid each Prerequisites: Character level 3+
other. Benefit: You gain the service of an animal,
Components: You must bring goods worth construct, magical beast, or wyvern that has no
2000 gp and an item from when you first rode to more than 8 Hit Dice. Consult your DM as to
victory to the ceremony. an appropriate mount.
Actions (6 hours): You and your mount must Special: If the mount dies, you find a
ride together with one of you blindfolded. Each substitute, but the new mount need not be the
hour, switch the blindfold. same as the old one. Your DM should
Effects: You and your mount gain a +1 insight determine a suitable length of time to find the
bonus to attack rolls while you remain in new mount.
contact, as you coordinate your attacks and take You may take this feat a second time as a
inspiration from the presence of the other. You Ceremonial feat, allowing the mount to
may aid another for each other as a move- advance as per a totem animal companion. The
equivalent action. mount gains a Hit Die with each class level the
Penalties: If either of you ever leaves the character advances, along with all the
other behind, or abandons the other, you suffer a subsequent benefits that entails--better saves,
-2 attack roll penalty for a year and a day. attack bonus, and so on. Further, for every four
Intelligent mounts (Int 3+) become aware of levels it advances, the mount may raise one
someone who has broken a bond and refuse to ability score by 1 point (like a character) and
enter into a new one with the bond breaker.

increase its Intelligence score by 1 (constructs charge without opening up your defenses.
instead advance their Wisdom by 1). Prerequisites: Ride 5+ ranks
Benefit: Neither you nor your mount suffer
GREATER OVERRUN [CEREMONIAL] a penalty to AC when charging.
Three or more creatures larger than you Normal: You suffer a –2 penalty to AC
undergo a four-hour ceremony during which when charging.
they attack you while wielding every weapon
they are proficient with in turn. NATURAL RIDER [TALENT]
Benefit: Directing your charging mount with You were raised in the saddle almost from the
precision, you may perform an overrun on a moment of birth.
creature up to two sizes larger than you or your Prerequisites: Character level 1st only
mount. Benefit: While mounted, you gain a +1
Normal: You may only perform an overrun competence bonus to all attacks against a foe
on a creature your size or smaller. that is not mounted. Further, you have a +1
dodge bonus to armor class versus any mounted
HEIR TO THE AXE [TALENT] foe who attacks you while you are mounted.
Brought up almost from birth by a member of
the Knights of the Axe, you are destined for QUICK CHARGE [TALENT]
greatness in their ranks. In your upbringing, you learned to maneuver
Prerequisites: Character level 1st only faster than others when rushing down upon an
Benefit: You gain a +2 competence bonus to enemy.
any Charisma-based check when dealing with Prerequisites: Character level 1st only
the Order of the Axe and any who are Benefit: You may make a charge as a
sympathetic to them. You gain the same bonus standard action.
to Handle Animal checks when using a mount
trained by a member of the Order. SPELLRIDER [CEREMONIAL]
Special: When you reach character level 5th Your bond with your mount protects you both
or greater, you may disregard skill and feat from magic.
requirements for any Order-related prestige Prerequisite: Mounted Combat or familiarity
class. with magic class ability
Benefit: When mounted, you and your
IMPROVED MOUNTED COMBAT mount gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws
[GENERAL] against spells and magical effects. Further while
You achieve greater skill when fighting from mounted, you and your mount gain a +1 bonus
atop a mount. to Armor Class against spells requiring attack
Prerequisites: Mounted Combat rolls. Once per day per five character levels,
Benefit: You can negate three hits against you may make a Ride check for you or your
your mount per round. In addition, you may mount in place of a save against a spell or
add your mount's Strength bonus to your Trip magical effect. Standard bonuses that normally
attempts and can make a Ride check to oppose apply to saves (such as a resistance spell) do not
Grapple and Trip attempts against you or your apply, although magic that affects checks (like
mount. canny effort) can apply.
Normal: You can negate only one hit against
your mount per round. SPIRITED CHARGE [GENERAL]
You have mastered the art of striking with a
KNIGHT’S CHARGE [CEREMONIAL] weapon from the back of a mount, dealing
After a daylong ceremony on a riding field greater damage to your enemies.
involving you and four other mounted warriors Prerequisites: Mounted Combat, Ride-By
attacking each other without fail, you learn to Attack.

Benefit: When mounted and using the A NEW FEAT FOR YOUR MOUNT
charge action, you deal double damage with a The following feat is suitable for most any
melee weapon (or triple damage with a lance). mount.
Special: A warmain may select Spirited
Charge as one of his warmain bonus feats. OVERRUN ATTACK [GENERAL]
You train your mount to stop suddenly and
make use of its natural weapons to attack
Four other riders chase you on a mount through
swiftly and decisively.
an obstacle course beginning in the dead of
Prerequisite: Bonded Mount
night and ending the following morning.
Benefit: At a specific command (designated
Prerequisites: Natural Rider
in advance) from your rider, you may stop
Benefit: Choose a type of terrain (forest,
within your Reach of a creature after making an
swamp, desert, etc). In that terrain, you treat all
overrun attack on it. You gain one extra attack,
terrain movement effects as one category less
such as a hoof attack, against the creature you
severe . Within your mastered terrain, you gain
just overran.
a +2 competence bonus to Ride checks.
Special: You may take this feat multiple
times. Each time you master a new type of RIDING TRICKS
terrain. With intense study and constant practice,
characters with the Mounted Combat feat can
attempt a number of unusual riding maneuvers.

A master of mounted combat bowls over a cyclops with his spirited charge.

This section describes the “tricks” that have shield bonus on your mount when for one
been drilled into Knights of the Axe by some of round.
the finest riding instructors around. Wheeling Charge: As part of your Charge,
succeed at a DC 25 Ride check to turn your
COMBAT RITES mount by up to 90 degrees from its original
Characters may use combat rites to help them direction.
attempt riding tricks with the Ride skill. Each
use expended grants a bonus as follows: NEW USES FOR EXISTING RULES
Aid Another: If you have 5 or more ranks in
Rank 1 combat rite: +2 to Ride Handle Animal, you can attempt to aid your
Rank 2 combat rite: +5 to Ride mount as a standard action. If you succeed,
Rank 3 combat rite: +10 to Ride your mount gains another +2 bonus on his next
Rank 4 combat rite: +15 to Ride attack roll against his opponent or another +2
bonus to AC against his opponent’s next attack
Acrobatic Leap: As a move-equivalent (your choice).
action, make a Ride check to leap onto your Expertise: If you have 5 or more ranks in
opponent’s mount when it passes within your Ride, you may use Expertise to defend your
Reach. Your opponent may make a Ride check mount as well as yourself, splitting any AC
to oppose you. If he successfully opposes you, bonus between the two of you.
you fall prone. Trip: You may make a trip attack against a
Guarded Charge: As a free action, attempt a mounted opponent. The defender may make a
DC 20 Ride check to take partial cover and Ride check in place of his Dexterity or Strength
Charge without an AC penalty. If you fail, you check. If you succeed, you pull the rider from
must attempt to Seize Control next round. his mount.
Hard Stop: As an immediate action, attempt
a DC 30 Ride check to bring your mount to a NEW MOUNTS
sudden stop, negating one damage die from a
Would you like to ride a truly unusual or
critical attack. If you fail, you must attempt to
powerful beast, like a wyvern, unicorn, or
Seize Control next round.
griffon? This section is for you.
Knockdown Rush: As a full-round action,
Some totem warriors are able to ride their
make a Ride check opposed by your opponent’s
animal companions as mounts. Characters with
Grapple check to Bull Rush him away from his
the Leadership feat can certainly attract
position and Overrun him. If you fail, you are
fantastic mounts as cohorts. However,
considered grappled and must stop moving.
characters with low charisma or characters who
Lance Trip: As a move-equivalent action,
are pessimistic about the life expectancies of
succeed at a DC 15 Ride check to use your lance
their mounts may want to consider the Boon
to make a trip attack. Charging grants you a +2
Companion and Exotic Mount feats detailed
bonus to your Strength check.
later in this chapter.
Parry Set Weapon: As a free action, succeed
What about dragons as mounts? Few
at a DC 20 Ride check to parry a single attack
creatures are more unusual or powerful, and no
from a weapon readied or set against your
one else has mastered the secrets of tenebrian
charge. If successful, the weapon deals only
evolution. However, it is the rare dragon who
single damage against you on a hit.
will allow lesser beings to ride him in any but
Seize Control: As a free action, attempt a
the most extraordinary of circumstances.
DC 25 Ride check to regain control after failing
Befriending a dragon should be the focus of an
certain Riding Tricks or to control an untrained
entire campaign--not used as cohorts or boon
mount while in combat. If you fail, you can do
nothing else this round.
The following creatures make for interesting
Shield Mount: As a move-equivalent action,
mount options for appropriate characters.
succeed at a DC 15 Ride check to confer your

BALAM Since then, other Knights have traveled to the

Large Magical Beast Harrowdeep to seek balam companionship.
Hit Dice: 6d10+24 (57 hp) These great cats stand almost four feet tall at
Initiative: +3 the shoulders and are about 9 feet long. They
Speed: 40 ft (8 squares), climb 30 ft. weigh from 800 to 1000 pounds. Their mottled
Armor Class: 16 (+3 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size), gold and black coloration resembles that of
touch 12, flat-footed 13 jaguars, though green and gold specimens are
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+16 not uncommon.
Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+7)
Full Attack: Bite +12 melee (1d8+7) and 2 claws Combat
+10 melee (1d6+3) Balam are ferocious combatants, seemingly
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. bred for battle, but they are not reckless. They
Special Attacks: Improved grab, pounce, rake attack strategically and abide the direction of
1d6+3 their masters.
Special Qualities: Adaptive coloration, Adaptive Coloration (Su): Balam fur
darkvision 60’, evasion, low-light vision, changes color to match the surroundings when
natural hunter, scent the cat wishes to blend in. Balam gain a +4
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +3 circumstance bonus to Sneak checks made
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12, when hiding.
Cha 6 Evasion (Ex): If a balam is subjected to an
Skills: Balance +11, Climb +15, Jump +15, Listen attack that normally allows a Reflex saving
+5, Sneak +10*, Spot +9, Tumble +12 throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it
Feats: Affinity with Skill (Sneak), Bloody makes a successful saving throw.
Strike, Multiattack, Skill Affinity (Sneak, Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
Spot) balam must hit with its bite attack. It can then
Environment: Cool forests attempt to start a grapple as a free action
Organization: Solitary or pair without provoking an attack of opportunity. If
Challenge Rating: 5 it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Large), 13-18 HD and can rake.
(Huge) Pounce (Ex): If a balam charges a foe, it can
Level Adjustment: +2 make a full attack, including two rake attacks.
Rake (Ex): Attack bonus +12 melee, damage
The first balam to see the Lands of the 1d6+3.
Diamond Throne were ripped from another Natural Hunter (Ex): Balams are adept at
dimension by dramojh seeking a quiet, stealthy moving through thick undergrowth, and do not
mount for their spies. The clever cats, more loses movement speed to vegetation that might
intelligent than their masters had guessed, slow progress. This ability grants no advantage
quickly engineered an escape by climbing the when they enter a spell area or are targeted by
walls of their breeding station and fleeing into magic that might enhance plants.
the Harrowdeep. Skills: Balams have a +8 racial bonus on
As time passed and the dramojh were hunted Jump checks and a +4 racial bonus on Sneak
to extinction, balam ventured out into settled checks. Balams have a +8 racial bonus on
lands only to be attacked by giant patrols. Cats Balance, Climb and Tumble checks. A balam
the size of horses, no matter how selective they can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check,
were in taking prey, were considered threats. even if rushed or threatened. *In areas of tall
A hundred years ago, the great balam grass or heavy undergrowth, the Sneak bonus
Sleekmane became the first to serve a Knight of improves to +8.
the Axe when Sir Leora the Grim helped the
great cat escape a giant patrol near Erdaenos.

New Spell: Call Balam

Conjuration (Calling) [Warmage]
Level: 3 (Exotic)
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels)
Effect: One balam
Duration: One hour/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You call a balam that is predisposed to like you. If you know the balam’s truename, it obeys your every
command for the duration. Otherwise, it acts friendly to you, although not controlled. A friendly balam
will carry riders, will fight on behalf of you or its riders (although it will not sacrifice its life), will carry a
heavy load for you, or will carry a message for you.
Diminished Effects: The spell calls 1d3 leopards (jaguars, panthers, mountain lions).
Heightened Effects: The spell calls 1d3 balams.

Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+16 (38 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 40 feet (average)
Armor Class: 15 (–1 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural),
touch 11, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+13
Attack: Hoof +8 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: 2 hooves +8 melee (1d6+5) and
bite +3 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Lightning Charge
Special Qualities: Electricity resistance 10,
low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 15,
Cha 6
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +5
Feats: Elemental Resistance (Air), Flyby
Attack, Trample
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Single, pair or herd (5-20)
Challenge Rating: 3
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +2

The litorians of the Central Plains tell a tale:

shortly after the defeat of the Hanavere
Trinity, six litorian hunters kept pace with a
A Knight of the Axe and a balam in a frenzied charge. herd of wild horses until they were able to

trap the horses in a box canyon. As the wind 3. Escort wagons through the badlands.
blew and thunderheads gathered, the greenbond 4. Catch a gang of warbat-riding darklings.
who accompanied them called upon the spirits 5. Charge the castle as the gates are closing.
to help them capture these horses, so that they 6. Rescue someone from a flying castle.
might rally against the dramojh. In reply, 7. Retrieve a chest bobbing in a raging river.
lightning bolts rained down and scattered the 8. Battle shadow trolls flying along a travel
hunters. Even worse, the lightning struck the line.
herd! Yet, instead of disaster, the horses merely 9. Rout the chorrim who have besieged the
snorted, stamped their hooves fearlessly, and town.
escaped into the sky on wings of blazing blue. 10. Race a band of litorians through a gorge to
Since then, storm steeds have been trained to win a challenge.
serve daring heroes, including flamboyant Sir 11. Recover the radonts stolen by a squad of
Peram of the Central Plains Chapterhouse. chorrim lancers.
Though pegasi fly faster, storm steeds are 12. Bring down an insane dragon on a rampage.
stronger and more aggressive. Dramojh slave 13. Drive an invading infestation of inshon back
troops, rhodin, and churlish miscreants have all into the ocean and slay them.
fallen before the sparkling, crackling hooves of 14. Divert dire boars to harass the local Steward
a storm steed. as cover for another operation.
Storm steeds resemble heavy horses blessed 15. Attack chariot-riding verrik smugglers in the
with sweeping, blue-tinted feathered wings. Dry Wastes.
They never appear dappled or mottled, but 16. Lead a charge to split an invading army
otherwise enjoy the same coloration as other (chorrim, rhodin, blade trolls, goblins, etc.)
horses. Their wingtips tend to lighten in color, 17. Find way back to town after a disastrous
and their manes and tails are always bluish- encounter with a horde of staj (eye hunters).
white. Tiny sparks often trail along their tails 18. Maneuver through a dinosaur stampede to
and hooves. They are never shod. extract a fleeing villain from the middle of
the dust cloud.
Combat 19. Engage an enemy racing through rising
Storm steeds liberally employ their lightning floodwaters.
charge ability. They tend to behave as 20. Ride into a burning town to slay an arathad
chaotically as the weather phenomena for (battle ooze).
which they are named—often attacking from
odd angles or roaring loudly when they charge.
Lightning Charge (Ex): When a storm steed 5 Thoughts on Flying Mounts
charges, it may infuse its natural weapons with
electric energy as part of its movement. A rider 1. Protect the flying mount. If it dies, the rider falls.
must succeed at a Handle Animal check DC 10 Constant items of safe fall can prove invaluable in
to urge the storm steed to use this ability upon the event of incapacitation.
command. Similar to the Infuse Weapon feat, a 2. Flyers with Average maneuverability or worse must
successful attack deals an additional 1d6 points maintain a minimum forward speed or fall.
of electricity damage. If the energy is not Tanglefoot bags halve the movement of most
discharged within 10 rounds, it fades. creatures.
3. Invest in ranged weapons. Aerial jousts are
20 MOUNTED ENCOUNTER SEEDS spectacular to behold but melee rarely occurs when
The following encounter seeds might spark combatants must jockey for position.
some ideas for your campaign: 4. Consider implementing a house rule that lets all
flyers hover in place by taking a move-equivalent
1. Intercept a group of rhodin raiders. action and making a Strength check (DC 15).
2. Stop a herd of runaway cattle before they 5. If you want more dynamic combat in the air, give
trample innocent villagers. everyone perfect maneuverability.
chapter 4 - honor
The Value of a Name
Written by Philippe Daigneault - Illustrated by Cliff Kurowski

“Aiou-Sadatta stood taller than any on the hill crest. The orange light of the dying day reflected
off of her silvered definitive harness. She gazed below at the hodgepodge of sibeccai, humans,
and litorians milling around the makeshift encampment. They were digging trenches and
rearranging rocks into walls and obstacles—the struts of the main citadel were not even
completely built. She sighed deeply.

Her troops were in bad shape, bandaged and battered. The scouts had come to her with the worst
kind of news. She played over the coming day in her mind, and realized that every one of them,
including her, would probably be dead by midnight the next day. Aiou-Sadatta knew all the
steps to the dance of war, but as a Champion of Life there was only one thing she could do.

Her lieutenants blew the horns to summon her troops to attention. The assorted warriors
assembled around their cooking fires. They sat quietly looking to the towering giant paragon.

“The fortifications of the pass are not finished, yet our enemy waits for no one. The Deathride
comes to Stonecleft Pass. They are ten thousand strong.” A wave of murmurs washed over the
camp. “I have ordered the villages around Stonecleft Maw to evacuate, but they need more time.
We must cover their escape.”

“Anyone who can count knows that we are outnumbered ten to one. Our victory will be
measured in the lives of innocents. Every mile we put between the Deathride and the
inhabitants of Stonecleft is a chance for the innocents to reach the woodlands. Once there, they
will scatter and the dramojh will not be able to follow. For this plan to work, we must hold this
pass for a night and a day.”

“Remember how when our supply train was intercepted the inhabitants broke bread with us.
How we shared hunger evenly during those freezing months. During the winter they offered us
shelter from the storms. They defended us against the elements, and now we pay them back in
the only way we can…with blood. We must use every trick and seize every terrain advantage.
Even then, there will be no tomorrow for us. But there will be a tomorrow for them, and there is
much work to be done before sunrise!”

Excerpt from Valor and Warfare: Record of the Battle at Stonecleft Pass

WHAT IS HONOR? ∞ Named: Society expects much from their

leaders. Those with the Priest, Title, or
Wealthy feat may claim the named level of
Honor is almost impossible to define in a clear-
ascribed honor. Characters acquire two
cut way. One thing is certain: honor is
points of honor for each honorable act and
intrinsically bound to a culture’s norms and
lose three points of honor for each shameful
mores. One culture may believe that
mercilessly crushing one’s enemies is the surest
∞ Highborn: A family tree that blooms with
way to gain and keep honor, but another culture
may believe that fighting in itself is a greatness can sometimes crush the unwary
dishonorable act of last resort. with the sheer weight of its history. Those
Though there are as many definitions of with the Born Hero, Born Leader, or
honor as there are moral codes to uphold and Wealthy feat may claim the highborn level
defend, all can agree that honorable worthies of ascribed honor. Characters acquire three
are valued in their societies while dishonorable points of honor for each honorable act and
knaves are reviled. And yet, a warrior can be lose five points of honor for each shameful
viewed as a butcher in one society and a act.
paragon in another. This makes honor a
complicated and paradoxical topic indeed. ACQUIRED HONOR
Honor is gained through deeds and actions
performed over the course of one’s life is
ASCRIBED AND ACQUIRED HONOR referred to as acquired honor. Heroes and
Honor comes in two large divisions: Ascribed adventurers acquire honor as they walk the
Honor and Acquired Honor. path of glory and renown. Acquired honor
directly reflects the character’s conduct.
ASCRIBED HONOR In game terms, acquired honor points can be
Ascribed Honor is a measure of the accumulated over time and can be spent to
responsibility given to those born of a certain accomplish truly amazing deeds during a
rank or social standing. The daughter of a noble Heroic Overdrive (see below). Characters who
magistrate or fabled war hero typically enjoys act shamefully against their chosen code of
higher ascribed honor than the lowborn son of a honor (for example, declining a duel in a
common street peddler. The higher one’s culture that values aggression) lose honor
ascribed honor, the more expectations are points.
placed on that individual. How does a character acquire honor? First
In game terms, a character’s ascribed honor determine the path of least resistance. If it is
rating determines the rate at which the easier to accomplish a certain goal by lying, the
character acquires honor or shame. character who values the code of Veracity and
Like modern celebrities, the actions of tells the truth while accomplishing the same
characters with higher ascribed honor are goal should gain an honor point. If it is easier to
scrutinized more than the actions of the less defeat an enemy by ambushing him in the dead
privileged. They acquire honor points more of night, the character who values the code of
easily, but also suffer greater shame when they Gentility and fights fairly in the morning to
fail to meet the expectations of their society. defeat the same enemy should gain an honor
There are three levels of ascribed honor: point.
How quickly should a character accumulate
∞ Lowborn: Society expects little from honor points? It really depends on how
commoners. All characters may enjoy the frequently you award Hero Points. If you give
lowborn level of ascribed honor. Characters characters the opportunity to act with honor
acquire one point of honor for each once per encounter, honorable player characters
honorable act and lose one point of honor may gain a dozen honor points each level. The
for each shameful act. usage of these honor points during a Heroic

Overdrive would equate to the usage of one CODE OF LOYALTY

Hero Point every two levels. ∞ Never disobey your Lord.
∞ Live to serve Lord and Castle.
CODES OF HONOR ∞ Fight for the ideals of your Lord and
This section presents some codes of honor. Country.
These codes are themed, grouping like ∞ Show respect to authority.
behaviors into a cohesive unit. You may be able ∞ Never betray a confidence or comrade.
to come up with new codes of honor ∞ Never abandon a friend, an ally, or a
specifically tailored to your campaign. noble cause.
∞ Never attack from behind.
CODE OF AGGRESSION ∞ Avoid lying to your fellow man.
∞ Achieve victory by any means. ∞ Obey the law.
∞ Never flee from a fight.
∞ Never refuse a duel or challenge. CODE OF VERACITY
∞ Never turn your back on an insult. ∞ Always keep your word of honor.
∞ Avenge the death of your friends and ∞ Always maintain your principles.
family. ∞ Exhibit courage in word and deed.
∞ Defend your family honor at any cost. ∞ Avoid lying to your fellow man.
∞ Destroy evil in all of its monstrous ∞ Avoid deception in any form.
forms. ∞ Avoid cheating.
∞ Avoid being taken prisoner. ∞ Exhibit self-control.
∞ Die with valor.
CODE OF GENTILITY Since honor is dependent on culture, each race
∞ Exhibit self-control at all times. values two codes of honor which collectively
∞ Do not behave rashly or improperly. form a value system that encourages
∞ Never attack an unarmed foe. approximately 20 behaviors. If a player
∞ Never attack from behind. character is interested in behaving “properly”
∞ Avoid lying to your fellow man. around members of a given race, he may wish
∞ Avoid cheating. to study the appropriate codes and act
∞ Avoid torture. accordingly.
∞ Respect life and freedom.
∞ Be polite and attentive. DRACHA
∞ Be respectful of host, women, and honor. These long-time servitors of dragonkind have
∞ Life is sacred—save it when you can. had responsibilities pressed upon them that few
other races can even imagine. They value
CODE OF JUSTICE strength and loyalty, and have no use for those
∞ Live for freedom, justice and all that is who are fawning or devious. Other races are
good. learning that dracha can be quite trustworthy
∞ Never attack an unarmed foe. and dependable when they win free from their
∞ Never use a weapon on an opponent not draconic patrons.
equal to the attack. Dracha value the codes of Aggression and
∞ Never attack from behind. Loyalty.
∞ Abstain from torture.
∞ Obey the law. FAEN
∞ Administer justice. The trimorphic nature of faen makes them
∞ Protect the innocent. open-minded and tolerant of diversity. There
∞ Defend the weak. are few laws that bind faen into one cohesive
∞ Avenge the wronged. group. Instead, they believe in an implicit social

contract that lets them live and let live. Faen Chi-Julud giants value the codes of
value security and safety, and have traditionally Aggression and Loyalty. Si-Karan giants value
banished or exiled those who endanger others. the codes of Gentility and Justice.
However, some are no longer regarding
violence as a tactic of last resort since HUMANS
banishment simply “exports the problem.” Human empires have never recovered from the
Faen value the codes of Gentility and successive arrivals of dramojh, giants, and now
Justice. dragons in Terrakal. Unlike other races,
humans do not have a common ethical
GIANTS standard. Differing points of view often result
It is no secret that giants possess two distinct in years of bickering and negotiations, but these
natures. They are warlike, territorial, and differences in opinion also make humans very
deadly while in the Wardance (Chi-Julud), but adaptable.
are calm, cautious, and gentle as Caretakers (Si- Humans may adopt any two honor codes.
Karan). These two natures affect how giants Moreso than other races, their honor codes vary
view honor and morality in themselves and by region.
The nomadic litorian culture is still
very much based on the basic
principles of family. A litorian must
pull his weight and help his family as
his tribe travels the Central Plains.
Not only must individual litorians
behave honorably, they must help
family and friends behave honorably
as well. This attitude of mutual
support requires each litorian to adopt
a specific role in the tribe.
Litorians value the codes of
Aggression and Loyalty.

Due to the circumstances behind their
creation, mojh are devout
individualists. Every mojh may have a
different view of what it means to be
honorable. Some who have suffered
may take an aggressive stance toward
others, but others may find
themselves becoming more
sympathetic. When they transform
themselves, mojh change both
physically and mentally--they are
uniquely qualified to reassess their
morality and reconstruct it
independently of societal background
or cultural upbringing.
Mojh cannot advance beyond lowborn
The Queen commends a human for his good deeds.

ascribed honor, but may choose to follow any man can suddenly perform feats of daring,
twenty honorable behaviors. They may also strength and valor that seem almost miraculous
choose to benefit from any ten aspects of the to awestruck bystanders. Their blows hit harder
Heroic Overdrive. and their aim seems more accurate. They keep
on fighting incredible odds even when
SIBECCAI grievously wounded.
The sibeccai are a young race in search of their Heroic Overdrive allows honorable
identity. Uplifted without the opportunity to characters to unleash their inner potential
naturally develop a moral system of their own, without having access to a Hero Point.
it is only natural that they try to emulate the
society of the giants. It is not unusual to see ENTERING THE HEROIC OVERDRIVE
sibeccai invoking rites that have some passing A character may enter a state of Heroic
resemblance to Shu-Rin as they attempt to Overdrive as a free action once per encounter
attain the essence of being true to themselves. by paying the number of honor points needed
Sibeccai value the codes of Aggression and to access a particular aspect of his honor code.
Veracity. To remain in the Heroic Overdrive, the
character must continue to pay for an aspect of
VERRIK honor each round. If he is unable or unwilling
Ever practical, the verrik approach to honor is to pay the requisite number of honor points, the
at times both simple and complicated. If giants character must exit the Heroic Overdrive and
embrace change, verrik embrace conflict. will be fatigued for the rest of the encounter.
Honorable verrik prevail over adversity with
elegance and obfuscation. Verrik commanders THE BENEFITS OF HEROIC OVERDRIVE
never rout--they strategically redeploy forces to Every code of honor grants ten thematically-
a more defensible area. Where others lose linked special abilities that can be used while in
battles, verrik make valiant sacrifices for the Heroic Overdrive. For example, the code of
good of the people. The verrik do not torture, Aggression features aspects that are useful in
but they have been known to debrief, pacify, combat while the code of Gentility features
and make prisoners cooperative. This aspects that are more useful in a social context.
doubletalk helps other races little. The special abilities for each code are listed
Verrik value the codes of Gentility and below.
Loyalty. Code of Aggression: Bloodlust, Fearless, No
Hesitation, Second Win, Strike of Reckoning,
Strike of Vengeance, Strike to the Quick,
HEROIC OVERDRIVE Terrifying Onslaught, Undaunted, Voice of
Sometimes, truly heroic individuals go above
and beyond the call of duty. These include
Code of Gentility: My Life for Yours,
ordinary men who risk life and limb in order to
Object at Hand, Peacemaker, Person of Honor,
rescue a stranger’s child, or a small band of
Second Wind, Soul Casting, The Will to
warriors who engage enemies that far
Power, Untapped Potential, Untouchable,
outnumber them in order to defend a village. In
Voice of Authority.
the lands of Terrakal, honor, courage,
Code of Justice: Armor of Valor, Defender
determination and belief in one’s self and one’s
of the Weak, Fearless, Improved Maneuver,
cause fuel those who selflessly dedicate
Lure, No Hesitation, Peacemaker, Second
themselves. Heroic Overdrive represents this
Wind, The Will to Power, Voice of Authority.
Code of Loyalty: Bloodlust, Improved
In every recorded situation of heroism,
Manuever, Lure, My Life for Yours, No
somewhere along the way there is a certain
Hesitation, Second Wind, Sharpen the Senses,
“moment of clarity” that occurs when an
Taking the Blow, Undaunted, Voice of
ordinary person becomes something more. A

Code of Veracity: A Promise Made, approximate location in a 100 foot radius. Cost
Bloodlust, Fearless, Lure, Name the Foe, No 12
Hesitation, Second Wind, Skillful Valor, No Hesitation: With his heart free of fear
Untouchable, Voice of Authority. and doubt, the character’s unswerving focus
allows him to gain a +4 bonus to initiative. Cost
The fol Object at Hand: The character gains
A Promise Made: The character re-rolls a die uncommon insight in the use of common
and chooses the best result when attempting to objects to inflict 1d8 damage (like the objects as
fulfill an oath. Cost 12 weapons oathsworn ability) for one round. If the
Armor of Valor: Courage steels the character can already use objects as weapons, he
character’s heart and grants him Damage gains a +1 bonus to hit and damage with the
Resistance 4/- for one round while defending object at hand for one round. Cost 12
the unarmed and helpless. Cost 6 Peacemaker: Once per day the character may
Bloodlust: Carried aloft by the wings of rage, attempt to improve a creature’s attitude by one
the character gains a +1 morale bonus to damage step (from hostile to merely unfriendly, for
for one round for every 4 honor
points spent (+5 damage maximum)
Defender of the Weak: The
character defends those whose lives
depend on him. He becomes
immune to critical hits and cannot
be flanked for one round. Cost 12
Fearless: With the memory of his
honorable deeds guiding him, the
character becomes immune to fear
and fear effects (such as shaken and
panicked) for one round. Cost 6
Improved Maneuver: In a
moment of clarity, the character
gains a +4 insight bonus to disarm,
feint, sunder, or trip attempts for
one round. Cost 12
Lure: The character attempts to
divert a creature’s attention to
himself. The creature must succeed
at a Will save (DC 10 + character’s
level + character’s Charisma
modifier) or be lured away from its
original target for one round. Cost 12
My Life for Yours: The selfless
spellcaster spontaneously drains 1 hit
point of his own life energy and
channels it into another for every
honor point spent.
Name the Foe: In single-minded
dedication to vanquishing an enemy,
the character can call out his chosen
opponents’ name and know his
A Knight of the Axe saves a fallen comrade behind enemy lines.

example). The creature must succeed at a Will (DC 10 + character’s level + character’s
save (DC 5 + character’s level + character’s Charisma modifier) or be shaken. Cost 12
Charisma modifier) or be placated. Cost: 16 The Will to Power: With focus and
Person of Honor: With prideful stance and dedication, the character adds +2 to the DC of
noble mien, the character gains a +4 morale one spell or special ability. Cost 12
bonus to all charisma-based checks when Undaunted: Fighting discomfort and
interacting with an individual who knows and focusing with self-discipline, the character
respects him for one round. Cost 2 ignores the following conditions for one round:
Second Wind: With grim determination, the dazed, stunned, nauseated, sickened, and
character ignores his cuts and bruises and gains staggered. Cost 6
1 temporary hit point for every two honor Untapped Potential: Going above and
points spent. beyond expectations, the character gains the use
Sharpen the Senses: The character gains a +1 of a general or ceremonial feat for one round.
insight bonus to Listen and Spot checks for one However, he must still meet all feat
round for every 2 honor points spent (+5 bonus prerequisites, including ability score and base
maximum). attack bonus minimums and prerequisite feats
Skillful Valor: The character perseveres and (but not truenames). Cost 8
gains a +1 insight bonus to any skill check for Untouchable: The character enjoys a +1
one round for every 2 honor points spent (+5 dodge bonus to AC for one round for every 6
bonus maximum). honor points spent.
Soul Casting: The desperate spellcaster Voice of Authority: The character may spur
regains 1 spell level for every 10 honor points those around him to greater heights by
spent. At the end of the Heroic Overdrive, he bellowing a warcry or chanting an inspirational
suffers 2 points of temporary ability damage to slogan. Allies within a 10-foot radius enjoy a +2
his primary spellcasting attribute in addition to morale bonus to their next die roll. Cost 12
Strike of Reckoning: The character channels USING HONOR IN YOUR GAME
his indignation and gains a +1 morale bonus to By adopting a codified system of honor, the
hit and a +2 morale bonus to damage for one door is open to further use honor and honor
round against someone who has shamed him in points in new and exciting ways.
the past. Cost 12 Honor Detection Spells: It should be easy
Strike of Vengeance: The character for PCs or NPCs to devise spells that can
automatically confirms critical threats for one identify ascribed honor levels, quantify
round against enemies who have previously acquired honor totals, or detect adherents of a
wounded him. Cost 2 particular code of honor.
Strike to the Quick: Anticipating his Honorable Awards: By keeping a tally of the
enemy’s every move, the character improves total honor gained, it would be easy to create
his weapons’ critical multiplier by one for one thresholds of honor past which characters may
round. Cost 8 receive awards such as medals, followers, or
Taking the Blow: As an immediate action, even land grants and strongholds.
the character can defend another within reach Honorbound Magical Items: Some truly
by taking the blow upon himself. The attack outstanding items of power could force their
automatically hits and should be considered a users to have a certain amount of honor to
critical threat. Cost 2 activate or even be fueled by the honor of the
Terrifying Onslaught: With wrathful anger, wielder. The more honorable the wielder, the
the character radiates a fear-provoking presence more powerful the item may become.
for one round. Enemies within a 10 foot radius
whose effective character level is less than that
of the character must succeed at a Will save
chapter 5 - chapterhouses
Home and Hideout
Written by Jay Imhoff - Illustrated by Daniel Harris

“A knight don’t live on rations and horseback rides alone...

Needs ale too.”

-Sir Roderic Dannilin, Champion of the Ka-Rone Chapterhouse

HOME AND HIDEOUT This chapter presents some sample

chapterhouses and the colorful characters that
What exactly is a chapterhouse? For other
people them. Statblocks for relevant NPCs
knights in the Diamond Throne, it offers a
appear in the Appendix.
place to rest and relax and socialize with peers.
Nothing is better than breaking bread and
sharing drink with like-minded companions. A THE RUSTY SKULL
chapterhouse may boast facilities that allow one One of the most popular inns in Jerad, the
to conduct ceremonies of chivalric importance. Rusty Skull is known for its gambling tables,
A chapterhouse certainly serves as a central beautiful barmaids, and fine southern whiskey.
meeting place during times of conflict, where The proprietor, a faen informant by the name
members can ready arms and armor before of Aerl Bitterbeer, dislikes Steward Re-
riding into battle. Tarranan and his heavy-handed sibeccai police
For the Order of the Axe, chapterhouses are force. Master Bitterbear is neither a lord nor a
these things and more, simply out of necessity. Knight, but does support the Order and its
While all of the above activities are enjoyed populist activities. The Rusty Skull serves as an
and encouraged by the Knights of the Axe, the informal chapterhouse for those who ride
Order has never been officially sanctioned by between Gahanis and Khorl; many Knights
the Diamond Throne. Thus, its chapterhouses take pains to visit the Rusty Skull, since
either hide in plain sight or are located far from members of the Order often enjoy superior
giantish civilization. Order chapterhouses also service.
feature safe rooms that can shelter a member The inn offers room and board at reasonable
from all but the most dedicated of searchers. rates, but its spacious gaming area and devotion
The primary function of an Order to distilled spirits really brings in the coin.
chapterhouse is to encourage the exchange of When not serving fiery drinks, Master
information. Scribes dutifully document reports Bitterbeer walks the room with his eyes and
from the field, advisors attempt to tell fact from ears open.
fiction, and lords decide whether to take action.
Members receive updates as circumstances CURIOSITIES AND CHARACTERS
permit--sometimes the flow of information is Vash Derandare (human mage blade 9/Knight
steady and accurate, other times sparse and of the Axe 1) is one of the Order’s most talented
unreliable. axemasters. He tracks the giantish presence (or
The secondary function of an Order lack thereof) in Jerad, and practically lives at
chapterhouse often depends on its geographic the inn.
location. One may serve as a court of justice for A harrid by the name of Slaaz Vranonin
criminals captured along the Ghostwash, while frequents the Rusty Skull on a regular basis.
another may serve as a supply depot for Strangely enough, no one seems to bother him.
Thartholan-bound Knights. Regardless of Some have seen him aiding Knights in
specialization, all chapterhouses strive for self- skirmishes against the Jerad police force.
sufficiency. Some of the dragons to the south have been
Knights of the Axe are highly mobile and sending their dracha emissaries to Jerad to learn
largely autonomous. Due to the need for more about the city. Some have been seen
discretion, Knights rarely gather at staying at the Rusty Skull, including their
chapterhouses in large numbers for extended apparent leader At’n’kall (dracha akashic 5).
periods of time. Truly urgent messages must be Gamblers whisper of a hidden cache of
communicated by wind witches with the power weapons, armor, and equipment that is only
of far voice; this witchery manifestation is accessible to Knights who visit the Rusty Skull.
highly valued for its ability to disperse Supposedly, much of this cache is magical--one
information quickly and efficiently across great axe is even a powerful relic from the Dramojh
distances. War. The Steward dismisses the whispers as

unverifiable gossip, but more and more of his prison. When questioned, the mute verrik
enforcers can be found at the gaming tables. simply shrug.


Located deep in the Bitter Peaks, Redmist Keep The ancestral home of Sir Aniton Golhia,
was a dramojh stronghold whose towers were Stormhold is proud of its human heritage and
toppled during the final push toward Serpent’s the Knights who live behind its walls. Situated
Heart. Broken and abandoned, the Order has south of the Crystal Fields a few miles from the
partially restored it for use as a detention Ghostwash, Stormhold weathered assault by
facility. When they apprehend felons whose dramojh forces for almost six months before
prosecution by giants seems unlikely, the finally being taken. The Golhia family has
Knights judge and imprison the guilty at since rebuilt not only the walls above but also
Redmist. the dungeons below. Its fortress-like structure
Once at Redmist, the guilty are literally shelters almost two hundred families, and can
haunted by their misdeeds. For some unknown comfortably support twice that number for
reason, Redmist Keep attracts ghosts and months if necessary.
poltergeists who take perverse delight in Scores of Knights and squires live and train
tormenting the living. Rattling chains, dripping in Stormhold, despite (or perhaps because of)
water, shifting shadows in dark corners--all its distance from giantish civilization.
contribute to the mental breakdown of even the Although giantish generals would like nothing
strong-willed. better than to force a decision over what
The guards themselves wear magical charms appears to be a den of outlaws, Sir Aniton
designed by the famous abjurer Wrandir claims rightly that Stormhold protects tax-
Tuunor. These cloak brooches (market value paying citizens from chorrim attack better than
500 gp) ward the wearer against the malevolent the occasional giant patrol. As long as the
spooks of Redmist Keep. The guards who serve Order makes no aggressive move against the
at Redmist assert that madness is a perfect and Throne, the Lady Protector is content to leave
fitting end for such heinous criminals. The matters be.
Knights who inspect Redmist do not always
A herd of wild storm steeds (see chapter 4)
CURIOSITIES AND CHARACTERS roams the nearby plains, giving the
Lord Tyvor Knalls (human champion of Justice chapterhouse its name. The steeds have
10/Knight 2) leads Redmist Keep. Guards protected Stormhold for over two hundred
whisper at Lord Tyvor’s lack of a cloak brooch, years, and accept riders only at their discretion.
and marvel at his apparent sanity. Some An infamous Nightwalker has been sighted
speculate that his perfect sense of justice keeps in Stormhold, but Sir Aniton does not seem
him safe, while others claim that he has learned concerned. Some argue for immediate action
to control the wandering wraiths and specters. lest this criminal element becomes entrenched;
There are fewer and fewer guards at others merely wonder if Sir Aniton and the
Redmist. Some blame the distasteful work, Night King have reached some sort of
while others blame the quality of recent understanding.
recruits. Not all brooches have been accounted
for, and some swear that they recognize older THE EYE OF THE AXE
guards, babbling madly, mingling with the The Eye of the Axe may be the single most
prisoners. Inspectors have recommended a important resource available to the Knights. A
formal inquiry. daelren (see Transcendence by Malhavoc Press)
Verrik pilgrims have been setting up camp memory wall highlights the lives and times of
on a nearby plateau, though none approach the every Knight who has ever served the Order. In

Another quiet night at the Eye of the Axe: Good food, good drink, and good friends.

addition to this priceless akashic artifact, the communicate. Many scenes feature chorrim,
Eye maintains the largest collection of though one memory clearly depicts a Knight’s
historical documents east of the Elder encounter with the Cult of the Fleshrunes.
Mountains--it is absolutely filled with
knowledge that predates the coming of the MAP LEGEND
giants. Hanavere Trinity apocrypha? This section describes the locations on the map
Draconomicons? Genealogical indices for on the following page.
ancient Sennes? All can be found in the Eye of 1a – Entry Hall: Spacious and well-lit, the
the Axe. entry hall is where Sir Fanavir personally greets
Unlike Stormhold, the Eye does not seem his guests to the Eye of the Axe. Tapestries
particularly defensible. For all of its depicting scenes from the Order’s past are hung
importance, the Eye appears to be nothing more purposefully around the room. Stairs lead up to
than a simple manor with stout stone walls and the balcony and its sitting area, while corridors
a fine slate roof. The smithy is well-stocked, lead west to the library, north to the guest
but horseshoes and hedge clippers outnumber quarters, and east to the great hall.
swords and other instruments of war. Visiting 1b – Library: Cozy but not stifling, the
scholars and household staff almost always library can be found west of the entry hall.
outnumber Knights and squires at dinner time. Divided into four reading areas by four massive
Of course, it helps that the Eye is located in the bookcases, hundreds of books and thousands of
heart of Sormere—few cities are safer than this scrolls can be found here. Stairs lead up to a
ancient bastion of humanity. hallway that opens east to the balcony sitting
Sir Fanavir Thistlewick, an accomplished area.
akashic, administers the Eye of the Axe on Some exclaim that the Eye of the Axe holds
behalf of the Order. All are welcome in the more knowledge than the dragons themselves.
Library, but only Knights may view the Wall While certainly an exaggeration, a staggering
of Heroes. Sensitive visitors may hear the hum amount of information is stored here.
of a thousand voices murmuring softly, as if Researchers enjoy a +10 library bonus when
every voice was beckoning the visitor to listen making checks against knowledge (humans), a
more closely. +8 library bonus when making checks against
knowledge (history), and a +6 library bonus
CURIOSITIES AND CHARACTERS when making any other knowledge check.
Sir Fanavir is an affable man who loves a good 1c – Guest Quarters: A corridor leads north
story. Not particularly tall or muscular in from the entry hall to fifteen guest rooms.
stature, the years have been kind and he retains Some rooms contain two single beds, while
much of his hair. His face reflects his good others contain beds that sleep two. Each
humor, and his thick mustache quivers when he features mirrors, wash basins, and
laughs. He treats his men well and is one of the accoutrements that may help noble travelers
more beloved lords in the Order. feel more at home. At the end of the corridor,
Garren Varniran is Sir Fanavir’s laconic stairs lead up to additional guest quarters.
captain of the guard. He is incredibly tall--Sir 1d – Great Hall: Located through a corridor
Fanavir affectionately calls him “Little Giant. directly east of the entry hall, the great hall is
Though he commands only a dozen footmen, quite large, capable of entertaining over 250
Garren takes his job very seriously and trains guests comfortably. Kitchens, a well-stocked
them assiduously. He favors plant armor over larder, and staff quarters adjoin the Great Hall.
leather coats or chain mail, and manifests his 2a – Sitting Area: Stairs lead up from the
witch blade as a long, bamboo rod. entry hall to this balcony sitting area. Hallways
Knights who wish to view the daelren Wall lead north to additional guest quarters and west
of Heroes must touch it with their skin. The past the lord’s quarters. A small wine cabinet
wall has begun displaying images of the past sits next to three comfortable chairs and a low
with no contact at all, as if it was trying to table.

2b – Lord’s Quarters: A hallway connects the Not as elaborate as the first floor guest rooms,
sitting area with stairs that lead down to the they are still more than livable. Stairs at the
library. In the middle of the hallway, wooden end of the hallway lead down to the first floor.
double doors open into Sir Fanavir’s personal 3a – Barracks: Located west of the manor
chambers. This is where he keeps the Wall of proper, the barracks and its adjoining buildings
Heroes, a massive pane of daelren crystal that were designed to support up to a hundred
has been attuned to the Knights of the Axe. warriors during times of war. A well, smithy,
This is also where he keeps other items of value and carriage house can be found nearby. The
and importance to the Order. Three chairs, two guardsmen take their meals in the Great Hall
tables, and a four-poster bed round out this but live in the barracks.
room. 3b – Captain’s Quarters: This small room
2c – Guest Quarters: Fifteen more guest sits above the carriage house. Garren Varniran,
rooms can be found north of the sitting area. the captain of the guard, sleeps here.

Portrait of Sir Vash Derandare

chapter 6 - rebellion
Order from Change
Written by Justin Jacobson and Bill Collins - Illustrated by Jennifer Rodgers

“I am not a rebel; I am a loyalist.”

-- Sir Durat, Master of the Axe

“That’s what I hear from all of your ilk. Surrender or die!”

-- Ba-Duresh, Giant Paragron

“Tell it to my axe!”
-- Sir Durat

ORDER FROM CHANGE The Order is more like the French

Resistance during World War II than a group
A truly memorable campaign should encompass of angry rebels. Until the rebellion gets going.
more than just a string of enjoyable encounters. Then they move into the action. Are they like
The underpinning of a legendary campaign the rebels in Star Wars? Or are they like the
should be of equal measure. Often campaigns of bloody French Revolutionaries who overthrew
this type can be summarized by nearly the ancien regime? The player characters may
archetypal words: conquest, salvation, well determine that.
enlightenment, transcendence.
Rebellion has served as the foundation for The impact of a rebellion lies equally in the set-
many epic tales. From Lawrence of Arabia to up and the execution. Unless the characters are
Star Wars, the efforts of a downtrodden, drawn into the event, unless they become
outmanned people rising up to claim freedom personally invested in the outcome, a rebellion
from their oppressors compel us. Their tale can will be just another task to be completed. For a
incorporate violence, passion, bravery, rewarding experience, careful campaign
subterfuge, oratory, and sacrifice. planning is a must.
What is a rebellion? It is the overthrow of a There must be something to rebel against.
force in power by those under their dominion. This entity is the “establishment.” Generally,
It is the long odds inherent to this principle that an establishment is political, religious, or social
make rebellion such a rewarding focus for a in nature, though it could also be supernatural
campaign. or magical. It can span a kingdom whose
This chapter presents rules and advice for borders extend beyond the horizon, or it may
running a rebellion-based campaign. The first occur within the walls of a single city. It may
part of the chapter presents general guidance lie within the might of a thousand armed
for creating original campaigns. Because this guards, or it may flow from the powerful hands
book is about the Order of the Axe, it focuses of a single, corrupt mage. The details can be as
on rebellion by the Order against the Diamond varied as the people subject to it.
Throne. An Order-based rebellion has at least When creating a new campaign, a dramatic
two interpretations. The PCs might be establishment is simple to craft. The DM
members of the Order, attempting to overthrow determines the nature of the establishment and
an oppressive, giant-controlled government. the source of its power. History books and
Alternatively, they might be agents of the current events afford examples of oppressive
Diamond Throne, fending off a violent regimes that can be used as a basis for a fantasy
rebellion by the Order. Either scenario makes counterpart. It wouldn’t take much to morph
for an epic campaign scope. Adolph Hitler’s Nazis or Pol Pot’s Khmer
Real world rebellions are almost always Rouge into a verrik dictatorship or a giant
sudden events. Unplanned, they start with a tyranny. The establishment’s history must also
catalyst, a galvanizing event. Rulers frequently be considered, in particular its rise to power. An
suppress them in a bloody fashion. The establishment may take hold after a rebellion
rebellion is short-lived unless propped up by against a prior establishment. Perhaps the
other political forces or countries for their own establishment grew more dictatorial in the face
aims. In the land of the Diamond Throne, the of an external enemy, declaring martial law as a
Order of the Axe is not new. They’re hungry defense to some invading force. This is a
for a galvanizing event--something to make the particularly good method for making the
populace rise up. Something they can get Diamond Throne a suitable antagonist in a
behind. They have the will and the position to rebellion-based campaign. The giants
support it. To make it stick. themselves incited rebellion amongst the faen,

litorians, verrik and humans living under the Consider the methods the establishment
dramojh reign. uses to maintain control. These methods can
Planting the seeds of rebellion in a new include: raw, physical power in the form of
campaign affords the GM the opportunity to armed units; behavioral control in the form of
invest the ultimate act with even greater strict religious edicts; overarching fear from a
impact. Perhaps the PCs are themselves campaign of torture and infrequent but brutal
members of the oppressed group, a life under violence; active mind control, using the power
the iron fist being the only one they’ve ever of enchantment; and more subtle tactics in the
known. An early encounter in the campaign form of calculating disinformation and
might find the PCs having a run-in with the propaganda. A particular establishment might
establishment’s minions, bearing witness to employ several of these tactics. Detailing the
their wicked displays of power. Such early establishment’s methods of control provides a
encounters should offer the PCs little in the number of ideas for encounters and adventures
way of redress. The full might of the and, ultimately, an avenue for defeating them.
establishment should be obvious. Simply Who is the head of the establishment? Is it a
surviving and evading capture are the order of figurehead propped up by a council or a few
the day. Then, when the PCs themselves grow advisors, or a hugely charismatic individual? Is
in power, the overthrow of the establishment there a pair of rulers or even a triumvirate? Are
will be that much more rewarding. there many layers to the bureaucracy (allowing
Bringing a rebellion to an existing campaign for many lesser establishment members for PCs
can be trickier, but it offers its own rewards. If to interact with, or only a few due to a flexible
the campaign world already includes an or magical set of controls? Is it loosely
oppressive regime, staging a rebellion is a organized or rigidly structured? Is the head of
simple task. If that is not the case, the the establishment personally powerful, or weak
campaign must deal with the establishment’s and surrounded by guards? Or something in
rise to power. Such a fundamental change to between? Consider whether the establishment,
the present world order should be an exciting especially the leaders, have access to special
event in and of itself. A good and just ruler-- magical powers and resources that will
perhaps even from the home of one of the PCs- challenge the PCs--or that they will avoid
-might suffer a coup d’etat. Alternatively, using.
someone the PCs thought they knew well Equally important are the establishment’s
might prove to be nothing more than a two- middle management and minions. Rebels need
faced opportunist. A respected leader might fall contacts and informants. They try to develop
under the curse or spell of a conniving sympathizers who can hide paperwork, reveal
enchanter (such as the lesser or greater dominate secrets, and even free (or at least reveal the
spells in Arcana Evolved). location) of captured comrades! If a race
Once the DM knows the establishment’s different from the main populace makes up the
identity, what are its motivations? While it is establishment, perhaps they only recruit from
possible in a fantasy world to have someone members of that race. Other races are relegated
who is simply evil, it is much more interesting to minion roles, making some of the “lesser”
for there to be an explanation for that nature. races disgruntled and susceptible to bribery or
What are the establishment’s goals and beliefs? coercion. An establishment built along religious
Some establishments have a thirst for power. or belief lines might only advance the most
Others have an irrational fear of those different zealous--or it might keep them carefully visible
from themselves. Some establishments believe to the populace, but out of the corrupt hands of
they are serving the “greater good.” Others the true rulers. A minion might be no more
might serve the ideals of their deities. than a brief stat block. One who escapes the
Whatever the motivation, it will have a great PCs though can rise through the ranks to
impact on how the establishment deals with the become a nemesis, or at least a recurring
rebellion. obstacle. When the rebels begin play, they

might encounter a powerful Checklist: Creating the Establishment Verdune. He taxes to poverty,
middle echelon magister, enslaves battle captives, and
warmain or even akashic that □ Identify the establishment. sends his assassins to do away
they begin scheming to defeat. □ Describe the motivation and with any who grumble a
goals of the establishment complaint.
10 SAMPLE OPPRESSORS □ List the methods of control 8. A verrik city suffers under
This section presents some used by the establishment. the tyranny of laws enacted by
ideas for establishment □ Create a stat block for the the corrupt legislature.
figureheads for your establishment figurehead (if Dissidents are jailed under the
campaign. necessary). pretext of obscure edicts and
1. Hylau, an insane verrik □ Create stat blocks for the held without trial indefinitely.
mind witch, lords over an establishment’s minions. 9. In one of the Free Cities of
oasis colony in the □ Generate encounter ideas the South, a cadre of magisters
unforgiving sands of Zalavat. demonstrating the specializing in enchantment
He uses powerful mind establishment’s impact. has surreptitiously seized
control techniques to amass control over key members of
even greater psionic might in his never-ending the government and military. They use this
quest to control all thought within the tent influence to increase their already considerable
poles of his encampment. holdings in hopes of performing an expensive
2. A harrid magister uses his rhodin magical ritual.
henchmen to enslave human artisans, who craft 10. The Diamond Throne feels increasing
a never-ending supply of items for him to pressure from human rebel forces in the form of
enhance. the Order of the Axe and their supporters and
3. Orann Wingpuller is a powerful quickling more frequent attacks in the western lands
faen magister, who rules over an isolated from the harrid and their thralls. In response,
portion of the Harrowdeep. His shock troops the queen institutes a curfew and decrees a ban
pull the gossamer wings from any who turn on martial weapons by all save those who
into sprytes without his permission or who directly serve the throne.
disobey his edicts.
4. Vylus, a venerable, human ceremony RUNNING THE REBELLION
master of the Central Plains, wields his After setting up the players in the rebellion,
knowledge of hundreds of truenames to keep plan out the basic structure of the action. As
the human, litorian, and sibeccai victims under with any adventure or campaign, the GM
his thumb in a secret reign of terror. Born with should not--indeed, cannot--try to plan
the ability to bestow curses, he carries out his everything that will take place. However, that’s
threats quietly, even discretely, bringing misery not an excuse to be unprepared. Several events
and ill fortune to those who defy him. and encounters can be created ahead of time,
5. A mojh greenbond, long succumbed to which can take place at various points during
madness, lords over an army of his brethren. In the campaign. These events serve as
an unending cycle of oppression, he employs opportunities for players to take charge of the
these minions to kidnap humans and force action and possibly change the course of the
them to undergo the transformation. campaign by acting. Beyond that, the best
6. Halfynn, a charismatic runethane, course is to respond to the actions of the players
believes he has discovered the secret to bringing as they mount their rebellion or fend it off.
back the Hanavere Trinity. He rules over an Detailing who the key establishment figures are
army of rune manifests and zealous and the key strongholds provides players with
practitioners, staking claim to lands he believes visible targets and obstacles.
contain key ingredients to his ultimate goal.
7. Naronel is a gruff, litorian warlord,
staking claim to an embattled tract of land in

ESTABLISHMENT TACTICS “look the other way” by clearing out a dungeon

By its very nature, the establishment has many whose inhabitants threaten the local farmers.
weapons in its arsenal. A rebellion is difficult to Suppressing Dissidents: When specific
mount because the establishment already members of the resistance are identified, they
controls many resources, including but not can be eliminated. They can be arrested and
limited to: the legislative body, military and held indefinitely on trumped-up charges. They
paramilitary forces, the media, religious can be killed in a mysterious accident or by an
institutions, financial institutions, etc. In turn, unexpected illness. Or, in some cases, they can
each of these resources can be used in a number simply “disappear.” Establishments with access
of ways. Typical establishment tactics appear to magic might magically implant objects into
below along with some sample events and rebels, release them, and employ a tracer spell
adventure ideas that could be used in an Order (see AE) to find their base of operations.
of the Axe campaign. Event: On orders from the Queen, Sir
Curtailing of Liberties: Freedom of speech Herrond of the Order is arrested for theft of
and assembly are critical to a rebellion. religious artifacts. Adventure idea: Free Sir
Oppressive establishments curtail these Herrond!
freedoms outright to stymie such efforts. Sowing Fear: Some establishments are not
Moderate or liberal entities fearful of criticism so subtle. They use powerful or destructive
suppress communication and send observers to measures to sow fear among the populace, or
watch notable figures. The techniques to curtail withhold protection. Military and paramilitary
liberties can come in the form of explicit, strict forces break up anti-establishment rallies with
laws or subtler measures, such as requiring brute force. The government publicly executes
permits for public meetings. Seemingly enemies of the state. The news folio spreads
innocuous measures may be cleverly crafted to rumors of the nefarious activities of the rebels.
impair a rebellious movement. Restricting Suspected rebel estates are confiscated. Magic,
weapons, education, magic, and other resources like the broadcast bracers (see below), must be
to specific groups can all serve the worn by those convicted of minor crimes to set
establishment’s ends. examples for others.
Event: In an effort to choke the Order Event: The Diamond Throne willingly fails
chapterhouses, the Diamond Throne strictly to prevent rhodin attacks upon outlying farms
regulates taverns, issuing alcohol licenses only as a pretext to a declaration of martial law.
to those establishments that do not Adventure idea: Stop the attacks and try to gain
predominantly cater to humans. Adventure the rhodin as allies for a later offensive to
idea: The PCs go around in disguise to giant or distract the Diamond Throne.
non-human establishments setting up bar fights Spreading Misinformation: Using their vast
to get the policy changed. ability to spread information, establishments
Criminalizing Rebels: There will always be bend public will to their own designs. This can
some people who obey the law, even if it is be used to encourage loyalty among the
unjust. Criminalizing people, ceremonies and subjects, engender distrust of the rebels, etc.
events important to the rebels serves the Propaganda, when done well, can be extremely
establishment’s ends. Though it may be as difficult for rebels to combat. It may target
simple as declaring the principals to be outlaws, individual rebel leaders, or the movement as a
it can be far more effective to issue a subtler whole.
edict, such as one banning local holidays or Event: The Diamond Throne spreads
restricting popular folk songs. rumors of corruption in the Order of the Axe.
Event: The Diamond Throne bans the Adventure idea: Find and stop--or better yet
display of all non-approved insignias. discredit--the rumormongers.
Adventure idea: Players must win over a local, Encouraging Betrayal: If the establishment
potentially friendly steward to get his troops to creates turncoats among the rebels, they win a
double victory. It simultaneously weakens the

rebellion and provides a great resource of opportunity to seize major suspected figures
information and intelligence. This can be and scatter their friends and family.
accomplished by threats of force, blackmail, or Event: Peasants rebel in a stewardship after
bribery. Many establishments employ blatant corruption by a steward. As the Order
spymasters or keen intellects to head up a moves in to fan the flames, the Diamond
“secret service”. (Establishments may fear or Throne removes the steward swiftly and
embrace those with mental or psionic abilities confines the insurgents to house arrest. Certain
for this role--a mindreader may be terrifyingly individuals are targeted however. Adventure
effective at ferreting out those who can be idea: Stop the giant patrols from removing
turned. But they might also dig out popular locals to prison.
establishment secrets!) A spymaster may be a
good mid-level enemy for PCs. REBEL TACTICS
Event: Agents of the Diamond Throne The rebels are not without their own weapons.
threaten to reveal the dark, family curse of a Rebel forces are smaller, more mobile, and
chapterhouse manager unless he agrees to better able to hide. Some specific tactics appear
funnel them information about Order below with examples related to the Diamond
activities. Adventure idea: Locate the traitor Throne.
within and feed him false
Buying Complacency: Ultimately,
a rebellion can only succeed if the
masses join the cause. While rebels
can cause the establishment much
consternation, it will be nearly
impossible to topple a regime by their
own hands. The establishment can
inhibit a rebellion’s effectiveness by
creating inertia among the masses.
Magic, drugs, even simple
satisfaction can make it very difficult
for rebels to bring new members into
the fold.
Event: The Diamond Throne
issues a moratorium on all taxes for
three months. Adventure idea: Find
the last survivor of an event
embarrassing to the establishment
and bring out the truth.
Crackdown: Examples must be
made. Visible opponents must be
eliminated. Sometimes public
executions aren’t enough. At other
times, a spontaneous uprising must
be put down. Cruel establishments
might destroy entire towns, salting
their fields and burning crops. Subtler
establishments try to remove the
cause and defuse the situation
quickly. Both types might use this
The ultimate act of rebellion: Assassinating the Queen!

Assassinating Key Figures: While a rebel Trick a military establishment into an old
force can’t muster the sheer number of dramojh stronghold, and then spread word of
establishment forces, sometimes a single death their desertion.
can bring great change. Taking out hard-liners Civil Disobedience: History has proven that
or other key members of the establishment is a even small actions can have far-reaching
particularly effective technique. effects. At its core, civil disobedience relies on
Event: A new Steward is appointed who non-violent, symbolic acts. This serves three
orders the arrest of several knights. Adventure functions. First, it brings publicity to the
idea: The Order of the Axe eliminates the revolution. Second, it paints the rebels in a
steward in a midnight raid. favorable, reasonable light. Third, conversely,
Infiltrating the Establishment: It’s far easier efforts by the establishment to confront the
for the rebels to gain information about the behavior often come off as overly harsh.
establishment than it is for the establishment to Example: The Order of the Axe begins
gain information about the rebels. Placing rebel displaying their seal publicly, including the
operative in key positions can aid the flying of the order flag from the windows of
movement in making effective strikes against their homes. Adventure idea: Openly
the establishment and avoiding retaliatory participate in (and try to win) a tournament to
measure. Bribing, corrupting or co-opting build popular support.
officials gains valuable insight and knowledge.
Event: A daughter of one of the knights is A REBELLION ADVENTURE ARC
groomed to take a position in the Queen’s This section presents a series of connected
court. Adventure idea: Gain the favor of a key adventure seeds for a rebellion-based campaign.
member of the Observance who will support These are not fully fleshed adventures; that
the appointment by putting down an inshon work is left to the DM to suit the particular
population surge. needs of the campaign.
Disrupting Supply Lines: Rebels cannot rely
on brute strength to disrupt the establishment. THE SEEDS OF UNREST (LEVELS 1-3)
However, key strikes can yield results of equal Rhodin attack a small village on the outskirts of
importance. A few high-profile thefts can bring the Diamond Throne territories. There are
ordinary operations grinding to a halt. In turn, more and more waves behind them. The Order
this can erode confidence in the establishment must stop them--at a terrible cost--or seek aid
by the citizens. from the giants, who are too busy elsewhere to
Event: The giants establish a healing potion defend their charges. The Knights take to the
repository in the southern lands, allowing field, seeking to win the hearts and minds of
Diamond Throne soldiers to react boldly to the people.
threats. Adventure idea: Destroy or capture the
Sowing Discontent: While rebels don’t have
A center of trade with a ready-made fortress
the propaganda machinery of the
lies on the edge of the Bitter Peaks: Gahanis.
establishment, they can achieve similar results
The litorians in the vicinity grow restless, as
with forethought. Simple rumormongering, if
requests for giantish aid appear to fall on deaf
done adroitly, can yield powerful results.
ears. The Order must aid the litorians against
However, this must be done carefully lest the
an outbreak of chorrim. If they succeed they
rumors be proven false and the movement loses
have to parlay this into influence in Gahanis
credibility. Players can take real events and spin
for the day rebellion comes. On that day, the
them carefully.
Diamond Throne’s supplies can be cut off!
Event: The Order of the Axe spreads rumors
of corruption and looting among giant military
detachments under the steward of the lands
abutting the Bitter Peaks. Adventure idea:

THE SPARK IGNITES (LEVELS 7-9) their own evil schemes.

A giant steward--perhaps Ai-Reyona of Mi-
Theron--makes a mistake. An attempt to stop a WE HAVE MET THE ESTABLISHMENT
riot in the city sets off popular unrest. The (LEVELS 19-20)
citizens revolt, throwing out the steward. The And it is us. Years after success, the PCs have
Order sends the PCs to get into the city and retired. But all is not well in the new order.
help the rebels hold out against the giant’s Rumors reach their ears of corruption and use
siege. Perhaps they are even assigned to set up of forbidden spells (like demoralize the masses;
the mistake that foments rebellion in the first see below) within the very Order that liberated
instance. the lands. Using their status and enormous
power, the PCs must quietly investigate the
FANNING THE FLAMES (LEVELS 10-12) allegations and stop the betrayal. This
The rebellion takes hold. Now the PCs must adventure might demonstrate a poignant
spread the word while raising an army from lesson: A government is only as good as the
farm and croft and protecting the fledgling people that comprise it.
rebellion. The giants send their best to stop the
Order--particularly the PCs, growing in PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER
notoriety. They recruit Nightwalkers and After you know the shape of the enemy, you
somnamancers with dream hunter attack need to determine the manner of the
squads to engage in deadly, often unseen, games opposition. The earlier chapters of this volume
of cat and mouse. do just that, providing the tools to define the
Order. A rebellion-based campaign does not
AID AND SUCCOR (LEVELS 13-15) often feature a typical dungeon crawl -- though
Many lands and villages have joined under the there may be adventures featuring dramojh
Rebel banner. Winter is setting in and supply strongholds or giant sympathizers that the PCs
lines are thin. The giants press the rebels hard. chase down to a haunted ruin or even the
The PCs must teleport across the lands to win adventure found at the end of this book in
new allies outside the Diamond Throne. They which the PCs must retrieve an object of great
brave assassination attempts and attempt to power to aid the cause.
win friends amongst the convoluted politics of Ultimately, the course of the campaign will
lands like Sormere and Zalavat. If they succeed, be dictated by the players. If they elect to
they must escort the supplies back through operate covertly, they will frequently be on the
Faradian (see Legacy of the Dragons by Malhavoc move, gathering resources and making surgical
Press) interference, past slaughterfiend (see strikes against various points of the
Legacy of the Dragons by Malhavoc Press) establishment. If they opt to try and effect
territories and even the opposition of the change through politics and persuasion, they
Council of Magisters. will generally operate in the open.
The GM knows the players best, so its up to
BATTLE FOR THE LAND (LEVELS 16-18) you to guide the campaign toward a satisfying
The armies of Terrakal Reborn march upon De- end. If your players like a lot of action, consider
Shamod. In a desperate move the giants have starting off the campaign just as the Order
allied with the dragons, promising them a makes its move. You can showcase massive
return of their lands in exchange for a defense battles and skirmishes. Conversely, if your
of them now. The way to the capitol is long and players are ardent roleplayers, they may want
hard, facing the titanic creatures and their to mingle in common society to undermine
allies--as well as the rune reavers, slassan, and from within. Your game will see fewer fights
Vallorians (see Legacy of the Dragons by and longer battles of wits. It’s best to let your
Malhavoc Press), who take advantage of the players know the game focus in advance so they
conflict to attack loyal allies and their lands for can make use of the tools described below.


This section presents several new mechanics. Your special training enables you to confound
While some of these rules might have limited the establishment.
use in typical campaigns, they can prove to be Prerequisites: Intelligence 13+
critically important in rebellion-themed Benefit: During any encounter against the
campaigns. establishment or establishment forces in which
you have had sufficient time to plan a strategy,
NEW FEATS you gain a +2 competence bonus to all skill
checks, ability checks, and attack rolls as long
AFFINITY WITH ALLIES [CEREMONIAL] as you follow the plan. Planning a strategy
Following a ceremony of commitment, you requires at least 1 hour but may take longer at
gain the ability to help your allies avoid costly the GM’s discretion.
Prerequisite: You and your allies must share INSURGENT [GENERAL]
a deep commitment to a common quest, goal or Taking the forefront of the rebellion, you set a
ethos. (Typically those who share truenames powerful example for others.
with each other share some commitments.) Prerequisite: Rabid Rebel, Wisdom 13+
Benefit: If an ally fails an attack roll or skill
check or is struck by an opponent
in combat, you may attempt to
assist them after the fact by using
the Aid Another action. The Aid
Another action is resolved as
normal. If successful, the +2 bonus
is added retroactively to determine
success or failure.
Normal: You must declare the
Aid Another action before the skill
check is made.

Following a fidelity ceremony in
which you sign a blood oath to the
cause, you and other rebels know
each other so well that you are able
to benefit from each other's talents.
Prerequisites: Affinity with
Benefit: You may “lend” any
general or ceremonial feat that you
are skilled with to an ally for up to
one round/level. To complete the
transfer, you must touch the ally.
While the feat is “on loan,” you
may not use it yourself, and any
feats that have the loaned feat as a
prerequisite cannot be used. Allies
need not meet the prerequisites of
the feat.

Benefit: When leading a charge against Penalty: Any time you fail to come to the
establishment forces or otherwise visibly aid of a blood brother, this bond is broken for
attacking the establishment, you add your you (and only you). From that time forward,
Wisdom bonus to any Charisma-based check. you suffer a –2 penalty to all Wisdom checks
and Wisdom-based skill checks.
Your disdain for the establishment fuels your NEW ITEMS
opposition to them. This section presents some new equipment and
Prerequisites: Wisdom 11+ magical items that will see great use in a
Benefit: Once per day per five character rebellion-based campaign.
levels, when actively opposing the
establishment, you gain a +4 morale bonus to BROADCAST BRACERS
any skill check, ability check, saving throw, or These magical, iron bands seal fast when placed
damage roll. You must declare your use of this around a character’s wrist, displaying a rune or
benefit prior to making the roll. You may not symbol branding the wearer as under suspicion.
use more than one bonus on a single roll. Up to three specific subjects or events, chosen
when the bracers are sealed, trigger the effect
NEW BOND whenever the character thinks about them.
(See Mystic Secrets by Malhavoc Press) Unless the wearer resists (Will save DC 13), the
bracer creates a small, audible illusion of the
BLOOD BROTHERS (BOND OF FRIENDSHIP) subject that hovers above the character’s head.
This ceremony deepens and strengthens the Typical subjects might include a rebel’s famous
bonds between those who fight side by side. ally, an execution of a famous rebel, or even the
Components: Each character that wishes to location of a destroyed base of operations. The
gain the benefit of this bond must contribute wearer can free himself by breaking the bracers
goods worth 1000 gp. (Strength check DC 25) or escape them (Escape
Actions (12 hours): The participants must Artist DC 25).
journey through a dangerous area and defend Faint illusion; caster level 3rd; Craft
each other for half a day. Each one must take a Constant Item, lesser illusory object, read mind;
turn at the head of the group for at least two Price 16,000 gp.
hours, leading the way into battle.
Effects: When attempting a skill check or DETONATION GLUE
defense, if you are assisted by one of your blood This whitish paste may be applied to a
brothers (such as with Aid Another), you may detonation or other small object. It remains
gain half of any synergy or dodge bonuses sticky for up to a minute after application,
(minimum 1) that they have as a circumstance allowing the detonation to be affixed to a wall,
bonus. You may also aid them, giving them the the underside of a bridge, or similar location.
benefit of any of your synergy or dodge Each pot of glue contains 10 uses and weighs
bonuses. You must be within 60 feet of each one half a pound. Cost: 5 gp. (Alchemy DC 25
other to gain the benefit. Example: Your to craft.)
brother-in-arms Cabius watches the crowd and
feeds you cues when you make a speech to the
locals in Jerad. In addition to any bonus from a
This clear stone is full of a milky, acidic liquid.
successful Aid Another check, you gain a +1
If the stone is shaken vigorously or if
circumstance bonus from the synergy bonus of
detonation glue is applied to it, the acid burns
his 7 ranks in Sense Motive. Later, when
through the shell in ten minutes, triggering the
resisting arrest by the local giant guards, you
detonation to which it is affixed. A hard blow
gain a +2 dodge bonus against their arrows from
(Strength check DC 15) will also break the
his Defensive Move feat.
stone and trigger the detonation. Each trigger

weighs one tenth of a pound, has Hardness 1, hp NEW SPELLS

0, and Break DC 15. The contents are harmless This section suggests existing spells that may
to anything except a single-use magic item. be of particular use in a rebellion-based
Cost: 50 gp. (Alchemy DC 30 to craft.) campaign along with a handful of new spells
specifically designed for such a game.
EYES OF THE WARDER The following spells will see great use by the
These magical, translucent, crystal lenses fit establishment: creature loresight, detect creature,
comfortably over normal humanoid eyes. Once contact, invisibility prohibition, location loresight,
in place, they allow the wearer constant but read mind, sense thoughts, tracer.
limited use of detect magic. The lenses can only Rebels will avail themselves of the following
sense evocation magic. Most useful for finding spells in the fight against the establishment:
a detonation with a detonation trigger, they door warning, invisibility, raiment, scent bane, silent
may also reveal other traps set by rebels. The sheath, sorcerous guise, subtle steps, suggestion,
wearer must allow ten minutes for their eyes to unknown.
adjust once they put these lenses on. Afterward,
they may detect the strength and location of DEMORALIZE THE MASSES
any evocation aura within 60 feet, without Evocation
requiring concentration. To “sweep” an area Level: 9 (Exotic)
through 360 degrees still requires a full-round Casting Time: 10 minutes
action. Range: One mile/level
Faint universal; caster level 1st; Craft Area: 100-foot-radius cylinder/level, 100 feet
Constant Item, detect magic; Price 3,600 gp. high per level
Duration: Instantaneous
This cursed copper headband is worn above the Spell Resistance: Yes
user’s brow. It cannot be removed by normal Grey, numbing energy momentarily seeps
means; only a code phrase, special throughout the area, draining the populace of
circumstance, magical key, or other means of their will to resist. All intelligent, thinking
the GM’s choosing allows for removal of the creatures in the area who fail their save lose
headband. When the headband is created, a their willpower against the caster and one
single organization, individual, or type of designated minion/2 levels (chosen when the
creature or symbol must be chosen. The wearer spell is cast). Each target affected by the spell
suffers a –5 penalty to all opposed Charisma- suffers a –5 penalty to all Charisma- and
based checks when dealing a member of the Wisdom-based checks and all Will saving
designated subject. Additionally, when the throws versus the caster and the selected agents
wearer hears, sees, or otherwise encounters the only. This penalty does not stack with the
designated subject, they must avert their eyes or penalty created by additional castings of this
suffer as if hit by a touch of pain spell (a Fort spell.
save avoids the penalty – until the next time However, the spell is taxing. Upon
they meet the trigger). These come in lesser completion, the caster succumbs to a wave of
(Fort save DC 12), greater (Fort save DC 18) or exhaustion suffering 2d4 points of temporary
ultimate (Fort Save DC 25) headbands. The damage to Strength, Dexterity, and
more expensive the item, the higher the save. Consitution and becoming exhausted. Magic
Faint transmutation; caster level 1st; Craft will not restore the ability damage nor speed up
Constant Item, touch of pain; Price: lesser, 2000 recovery.
gp; greater 8,000 gp; ultimate 16,000 gp. Diminished Effects: N/A
Heightened Effects: N/A

Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Charged x3, keep everyone poor and ignorant” will work.
constant N/A, single-use x6, spell-completion However, “The Queen must die” will not.
x3 Diminished version: The range is Touch and
the caster must speak the instant fact to the
GARBLE target.
Illusion (Glamer) [Curse] Heightened version: The duration becomes
Level: 2 (Complex) Permanent.
Casting Time: Standard action Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Charged
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) items x2, constant x2, single-use x2
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 hour/level LORESIGHT FEEDBACK
Saving Throw: Will negates Evocation [Psionic, Electricity]
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: 5 (Exotic)
This curse disguises the affected creature’s Casting Time: Standard action
speech. Whatever she says sounds completely Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
normal to her, but is incomprehensible Area: 20-foot-radius spread
gibberish to everyone else who fails to see past Duration: Instantaneous; see below
the illusion. Most language-dependent skills, Saving Throw: None; see below
spells, and abilities are useless, though the Spell Resistance: No
target can cast other spells normally and The area of effect becomes infused with a
communicate with non-verbal methods such as lurking electrical energy. Objects are likewise
touch, writing, sign language, or facial infused, jumping and shimmering briefly after
expressions. you cast this spell. The next time someone casts
Diminished version: You may only target a a loresight spell or uses a loresight ability within
creature of the same race as yourself. the affected area or on an affected object, this
Heightened version: The target suffers a 10% spell discharges. That character takes 1d8
spell failure chance. electrical damage per two caster levels
Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Constant (maximum 10d8). A successful Will saving
N/A throw halves the damage. On a failed save, the
affected character becomes infused with the
INDISPUTABLE FACT energy themselves. Within the next 24 hours
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, thereafter, they must make a Will save each
Language-Dependant] time they attempt to cast a loresight spell or use
Level: 3 (Exotic) a loresight ability. If they fail that saving throw,
Casting Time: Standard action the spell or ability use fails and they take
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) additional damage as with the initial effect.
Target: One creature The spell automatically fails if it is cast on an
Duration: 1 day/level (D) area already under the effect of another casting
Saving Throw: Will negates of the spell.
Spell Resistance: Yes Diminished Effects: The spell only affects
This enchantment causes the target creature the location within the area of effect and not
to believe one idea, no matter how ridiculous. any objects located within it. The maximum
The “fact” may not be about the target, it may damage is 6d8.
not suggest a future action or event, and it must Heightened Effects: The affected character
be expressed in a single sentence of 20 words or does not get a Will save to avoid the lingering
less. Statements such as “These papers effect.
authorize us to be here;” “Lord Jarrod performs Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Single-use
unspeakable acts with inshon;” or “the giants x2

STORM THE GATES Duration: 1 day/level (D)

Enchantment Saving Throw: Will negates
Level: 6 (Exotic) Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 10 minutes This contagious spell compels a creature to
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level) spread information, and any creature hearing
Targets: Up to 50 living creatures (see below) the information feels a similar compulsion to
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) pass it on. The affected creatures are not aware
Saving Throw: None (harmless) they are under a spell, though the enchantment
Spell Resistance: No (harmless) can be detected normally. This spell spreads
This spell can stir the masses. You may rumors through cities like wildfire.
target any living creature within range that has The caster speaks a sentence of up to 20
no more than 1 HD and has no class levels, i.e., words. If the target fails its Will save, it must
standard commoners. For the duration of the speak this sentence to every creature it meets
spell, all legal targets gain a +2 morale bonus to for the duration of the spell. It need only speak
attack and damage rolls and to their AC. the sentence the first time it encounters each
Diminished Effects: The range is short, the creature. Any creature that hears the sentence
maximum number of targets is 25, and the must also make a Will save or be compelled to
bonus is reduced to +1. pass on the sentence. If they succeed, they
Heightened Effects: The range is long, the remain unaffected by the spell and need not
maximum number of targets is 100, and the make additional saving throws if the sentence
bonus is increased to +3. is repeated to them thereafter by other affected
Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Constant creatures. The sentence “virus” continues to
N/A, single-use x2 spread until the spell’s duration ends.
Diminished version: The duration is 1 hour/
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Heightened version: The spell is no longer
Language-Dependant] language dependant. Affected creatures pass on
Level: 4 (Exotic) the sentence even if they can’t understand it.
Casting Time: Standard action Magic Item Creation Modifiers: Charged
Range: Touch items x2, constant x2, single-use x2
Target: One living creature
chapter 7 - legacy of Heroes
An Adventure to the Past for the Future
Written by Robert Smith - Illustrated by Marcio Fiorito

But to the hero, when his sword

Has won the battle for the free,
Thy voice sounds like a prophet's word,
And in its hollow tones are heard
The thanks of millions yet to be.

-Fitz-Green Halleck

THE LEGACY OF HEROES many groups would no doubt take great

interest. The Knights of the Axe would
certainly recognize the symbolic value of the
The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name
sword Wyrmbane and seek to recover it in the
and the inheritance of a great example.
name of humanity. The dragonkith would seek
-Benjamin Disraeli
to recover the mummified heart so that they
may properly administer last rites. Any number
The dragons call the land Serranstel, the Star of
of cabalists, from runepriest cultists to
Serran, or the Land of the Dragons. The
Vallorian fleshsmiths, would seek to use the
humans call the land Terrakal, or the Land of
heart of the drake as a focus for their own dark
the People. The giants call the land Dor-
Erthenos, or the Land of the Diamond Throne.
Having named the land, each faction now lays
claim to it. Opposing forces gather even now, ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS
for example, in the ruins of a city called In “Legacy of Heroes,” the PCs discover a
Serathis—but relics of a past age can be found statuette that is the key to finding and opening
anywhere. the long-lost tomb of Toman Dragonslayer. In
To what lengths would the Knights of the doing so, they attract the attention of a group of
Axe, or the giant Stewards, or the Dragonkith squamous lir who seek the dragonslayer’s
go if such relics can be found elsewhere? And mummified trophy. The party contacts (or is
what would happen if the key to such a treasure contacted by) the Knights of the Axe, who offer
was found by a group of adventurers, now aid as well as access to their unparalleled
caught in the middle? archive of knowledge about pre-dramojh
Terrakal in return for the sword Wyrmbane.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND The party must journey to the Eye of the Axe
chapterhouse to conduct research on how to
Over seventeen centuries ago, the people of
locate a blood descendant of Toman
Sennes united most of Terrakal under the
banner of Sennes and its queen, Adrilashe.
The party must then venture to the back
Though the kingdom of Sennes did not endure,
streets of the city of Khorl and track down a
the memory of Adrilashe and her
young thief by the name of Serra, the closest
accomplishments sustained those who have
blood descendant of Toman and the key to
endured generations of dramojh slavery. Not
opening the crypt. Once the PCs have found
even the centuries of benign giant stewardship
her, they must convince her to aid their cause.
can quench the thirst for independence if men
Finally, the party must then travel to the
can recapture the glory of Sennes -- or so claim
tomb itself, where they are met once again by
certain separatists.
the squamous lir. Whether they choose to fight
One of Adrilashe’s knights, a champion
or to negotiate, they must bypass the wards and
named Toman Dragonslayer, was renowned as
guardians as they enter the tomb to retrieve the
an unsurpassed duelist who once slew a drake
sword (and possibly the dragon heart,
in single combat. After he sacrificed himself to
depending on their accord with the squamous
protect the Queen from a gang of assassins,
lir) and attempt to escape the crypt.
Toman was buried with high honors in an
elaborate crypt along with his sword
Wyrmbane and the mummified heart of his SETTING THE ADVENTURE
draconic foe. As time passed, the location of The adventure is set along the Devanian coast,
this crypt in the Elder Mountains was all but but can with some conversion be moved to
forgotten. other locales. The Eye of the Axe chapterhouse
Should the final resting place of Toman can be found almost anywhere in the Lands of
Dragonslayer be rediscovered -- and the key to the Diamond Throne. Moving the tomb of
bypassing its wards and guardians unearthed -- Toman Dragonslayer requires some

modification to the back story. The crypt could THE TOMB AND THE AKASHIC MEMORY
be located in the Central Plains, declaring Because of the time elapsed since the tomb’s
Toman to be a champion of one of the many creation, information about it is difficult to
duchies of pre-dramojh Terrakal, or located obtain from the akashic memory. PC akashics,
farther west--n the Bitter Peaks or even or an akashic hired by the PCs to investigate,
Verdune or Thartholan--by declaring Toman a would need to make a DC 40 delve into collective
champion of one of those sister realms. If memory check to gain information about the
placed in the Harrowdeep, a faen champion tomb at all, and the information is essentially
could occupy the tomb; if placed in the random--the akashic might receive a vision of
Southern Wastes, a litorian or verrik warrior workers carving a passageway into the side of a
could be buried with honors in the crypt. mountain, for example. Because of the
Regardless of the race and nationality of the prevalence of the legends, information about
champion, the Knights the Axe would almost Toman Dragonslayer himself is easier to
certainly remain the most reliable source for obtain, requiring a DC 30 delve into collective
information (save perhaps Yrterot in Zalavat memory check, although again the information
for a verrik champion). gained is essentially random—the akashic
might see fleeting images of armored warriors
SCALING THE ADVENTURE clashing, or Toman bowing before a bejeweled
The adventure is designed for a “standard” queen, or even a knight paying tribute to a
party of four adventurers of levels 8-12. It noble lady. Akashics who exceed the check DC
includes a wide variety of situations designed to by a significant margin should gain more
challenge different aspects of an adventuring pertinent information at the DM’s discretion.
party’s skills--wilderness encounters as well as
dungeon exploration, negotiation and ADVENTURE HOOKS
diplomacy as well as pitched battle. A well- The mere possession of the statuette key is
balanced party should perform well throughout sufficient to involve the PCs in the adventure,
the adventure without varying the difficulty as it makes them a target for both the squamous
level of the encounters; on the other hand, a lir and the Order of the Axe. The statuette
party that is focused entirely on combat or on should be included in a treasure award of some
negotiation may find some challenges to be kind. Anything from a goblin’s rude stash to a
excessively difficult. The encounters in this dragon’s hoard could hold the figurine.
adventure are presented in a three-tiered Alternatively, it could be given to the PCs by a
format, with Easy, Medium, and Hard collector, or by a patron as part of a payment, or
challenges. A typical party of 10th-level even encountered in a market stall selling cheap
adventurers should find the Average listing for trinkets. Regardless, as an item with such
each encounter to be an appropriate challenge. historic importance, it has a certain feel to it
More combat-focused groups or those of higher that makes it stand out to the curious.
levels would be better suited to the Hard As an alternative to using the figurine as the
listing, whereas a more diplomacy-focused key to the adventure, PCs can simply be hired
party or one of a lower level should use the by the Order of the Axe to investigate its
Easy listing (although it is worth noting that legacy. If the party already has had contact
some challenges can be overcome with either with the Order, this would be a simple matter,
diplomacy or combat, depending on the actions with the PCs given the statuette and asked to
of the players). The DM should also feel free to locate the tomb and retrieve the sword as agents
modify the non-combat situations, adjusting of the Order. If the PCs are more mercenary by
the Difficulty Class of skill checks and other nature, the Order may insist that one of their
challenges to better reflect the abilities of the own experts accompany the group both to
adventuring group. provide aid and to keep an eye on them. One
final consideration would be that the PCs are

contacted by a third party, such as the and potentially other factions, it should be
Dragonkith or an agent of the Diamond made clear to the party that a lack of haste
Throne, and given enough information to could result in a rival faction reaching the crypt
locate the statuette or otherwise be led to the first. Further, as bearers of the statuette, the
Order of the Axe as a source of further party may become a target for relic hunters and
knowledge. dawdling may subject them to confrontations
from any number of groups seeking the figurine
THE STATUETTE KEY (who may wish to eliminate known rivals).
The key to the adventure is a small marble Once the PCs learn that a descendant of the
statuette, six inches in height and ten pounds in Dragonslayer is also necessary to open the
weight. The figurine is finely carved in the tomb, they must race against other factions to
shape of an armored knight with sword held in find and recruit Serra. If they delay too long,
guard position. Despite the centuries which they may need to rescue her from any number
have passed since its carving, the statuette of groups.
retains a perfect sheen and is free from nicks or In any case, a rival faction will find the tomb
cracks (the result of a minor magic placed upon two months after the PCs first realize the
it). significance of the statuette. Without access to
The results of an object loresight spell cast the figurine itself or to a descendant of Toman,
upon the statuette reveals the following: rival factions will take another two weeks to
1. The object is 1732 years old. open the crypt and bypass its guardians. If
2. The name of the last creature to touch the this comes to pass, the DM is encouraged to
object varies (depending on how the PCs enshrine Wyrmbane and the dragon’s heart
acquired it). somewhere exciting -- in the fortress of a
3. See #2, above. fanatical cult, in the vault of the Night King,
4. The name of the object’s creator is Dalyr or in the grasp of a powerful bandit lord.
the Stonecarver.
5. The object’s creator was human. PART I: STRONGHOLD OF THE AXE
6. The purpose of the object is to unlock Wherein, the party discovers the significance of the
the path to a great treasure. figurine they carry and journey to a chapterhouse of
7. The object is composed of marble. the Knights of the Axe to gain information.
8. The object was created in the city
of Reveran. Scene A and Scene B can occur in any order,
9. The name of the last owner of the depending on the needs of the plot and the
object varies (depending on how the current circumstances of the adventurers.
PCs acquired it).
10. The magical ability of the A. AMBUSHED!
object is an enhancement that While the PCs are traveling out-of-doors,
resists mundane damage. read the following text:
The statuette has a weak abjuration
aura if viewed with a detect magic spell. A A group of scaled humanoids steps
successful Spellcraft check (DC 21) forward to block your path. Each bears
identifies the magical effect as that of a spikestick and heavy shield, and
a harden spell. while they don’t appear to be
immediately hostile, they clearly want
ADVENTURE TIMELINE something. One steps forward
Once knowledge of the discovery of and looks you in the eye.
“You will hand over the
the tomb’s key begins to spread
knight’s carving at
among the Knights of the once,” it demands curtly.
Axe, the squamous lir,

A group of squamous lir has discovered that the B. KNIGHT ENVOY

PCs are in possession of the statuette and have Shortly after they encounter the squamous lir,
come to claim it. They recognize the figurine as the party is contacted by an agent of the
the key to unlocking the tomb of Toman Knights of the Axe. This encounter is best set
Dragonslayer and intend to retrieve the in a less confrontational environment, such as
mummified dragon’s heart found within. around a campfire at night or in the common
Unfortunately for the party, the squamous room of the inn where the PCs are staying.
lir are unwilling to back down and refuse to Read the following text:
leave without the statuette. They are confident
of their strength and do not wish to negotiate. A solitary man approaches your group.
If the squamous lir believe the party is He is human, of average height and
unwilling to hand over the statuette or is weight and looks to be around thirty
attempting to perform some sort of subterfuge, years of age. He appears to be unarmed
they do not hesitate to attack. and holds his hands out away from his
body to indicate he means no harm.
EASY (EL 10) -- One Squamous Lir Seeker, “Peace, friends. I wish to speak with you
two Squamous Lir Guards. about a matter of grave importance. My
name is Nathred, and I come to you on
behalf of the Knights of the Axe.”
MEDIUM (EL 12) -- One Squamous Lir
Seeker, six Squamous Lir Guards.
Nathred was sent by the Knights to contact the
party about the figurine they carry. His initial
HARD (EL 14) -- One Squamous Lir Elder
attitude is Friendly, and he is more than willing
Seeker, eight Squamous Lir Guards.
to answer any questions they have. Nathred
knows the following information:
Tactics: If facing a numerically superior
∞ What are the Knights of the Axe? “We are
opponent, the squamous lir attempt to
an organization dedicated to advancing and
eliminate one enemy at a time. If they
protecting humanity’s right to self-rule.”
outnumber the party, the lir instead attempt to
∞ Why did you seek us out? “You carry a
encircle the PCs and prevent them from
relic that dates back over seventeen
escaping. The lir retreat when either the Seeker
hundred years, to the rule of Queen
is reduced to half hit points or half the Guards
Adrilashe of Sennes. We believe that this
are dead. They are willing to parley with the
figurine, in addition to its historical value,
PCs even if battle has begun, but will not allow
also is the key to opening the tomb of one
the PCs to retain the statuette itself.
of her champions, sealed since before the
arrival of the dragon scions.”
Influencing the Squamous Lir
∞ Why do the Knights want the figurine?
The squamous lir search party is convinced of their “The champion, named Toman
strength and their ability to seize the statuette by Dragonslayer, is said to have been buried
force. As such, they are not willing under any with his legendary sword Wyrmbane. Not
circumstances (short of magical compulsion) to only does such an artifact have power in its
leave the statuette in the PCs’ hands. Their initial own right, but it would be a potent symbol
attitude is Unfriendly, but even if the party is able to for our cause. Even the most isolated
change their attitude to Friendly (Diplomacy DC peasant recognizes the story of the
27) or even Helpful (Diplomacy DC 42), they are Dragonslayer.”
unwilling to leave without the statuette, and if ∞ Where is the tomb? “The tomb is located in
refused quickly slide back toward Hostile. the Elder Mountains, somewhere near the
Remember to subtract the HD of the lead present-day city of Ka-Rone. Since we
squamous lir from the Diplomacy check before learned that you possessed the statuette, our
announcing the result. lorekeepers have been searching for

information at the Sormere chapterhouse, Once Nathred has convinced the PCs to assist
which has a library of information on pre- the Knights, he gives his final instructions:
dramojh Terrakal.” “Take the figurine to the Eye of the Axe
∞ What do you want us to do? “On behalf of chapterhouse in Sormere and ask to see Sir
the Knights of the Axe, I ask you to take Fanavir Thistlewick. Show him the figurine,
the figurine to our Sormere chapterhouse and he will know how to proceed.”
for research and from there to the tomb. Tactics: If the PCs decide to attack Nathred,
We are willing to compensate you he retreats instead of confronting the party. At
handsomely for your time and effort. This the DM’s discretion, Nathred returns later to
venture will not be without danger, though. again petition the PCs for assistance, or perhaps
At least one other group is also aware that reports his failure to the Knights, who send a
you possess the figurine and will almost different envoy or even a group of warriors to
certainly attempt to take it from you. “ retrieve the figurine.
∞ What were the scaly creatures that attacked
us? “By your description, the creatures were C. CHAPTERHOUSE
squamous lir. They stole a number of texts The travel time between the PC’s current
relating to the tomb, which is how we location and the Sormere chapterhouse depends
began to suspect they were seeking the on where the PCs began the adventure and
figurine. Fortunately, our lorekeepers were their capabilities. Higher-level parties—
able to piece together the gist of their particularly those with access to the teleport
research in time to find you.” spell, or who have allies with that capability—
will have no difficulty during the journey.
At least one of the PCs should recognize the Those lacking such capability are well advised
name of Toman Dragonslayer. Getting more to take to the sea. Travel from the port of Ka-
information would require a successful Rone to Sormere, a distance of approximately
Knowledge (humans) or Knowledge (history) 600 miles, takes approximately 12 days
check. Human characters or characters with at depending on weather at a cost of 60 gp per
least 5 ranks in both Knowledge skills gain a +2 passenger. Travel from Khorl, a distance of
bonus on the check. The information gained almost 700 miles, takes approximately 15 days at
from a successful check can be found below: a cost of 70 gp per passenger.
Once the PCs have bought, bartered, or
RESULT INFORMATION KNOWN stolen their way to Sormere itself, read the
following description:
Toman Dragonslayer was a human hero
from before the rule of the dramojh. He is Though it lacks the scale and splendors of
DC 10
said to have slain a dragon in single giant-built cities such as De-Shamod or Mi-
combat. Theron, the city of Sormere seems to
cultivate an almost palpable aura of
Toman Dragonslayer was a champion of
antiquity. Ornate and gothic architecture
Queen Adrilashe. His sword Wyrmbane is abounds in the cramped structures, and
DC 15
said to have been a powerful relic from an many buildings show signs of weathering.
earlier age. The people of Sormere bustle through the
Toman was killed while foiling an streets in elaborate—one might say
assassination attempt on Queen Adrilashe. archaic—dress, and many of their
DC 20
He is said to have been entombed with greetings and customs seem not only
unfamiliar but excessively complicated as
Wyrmbane in his hands.
well. There seem to be no more than a
In addition to the sword, Toman is said to handful of verrik, litorians, or sibeccai
have been buried with another artifact – here, and perhaps a quarter of the
DC 25 population seems to be faen or giants. The
the mummified heart of the dragon he
slew and kept as a trophy. rest proudly proclaim their humanity.

A successful Gather Information check (DC 10) statuette? “The squamous lir came here a
or a small fee to a local guide (5 gp, or 5 sp if the month past posing as legitimate researchers,
entire party is human) shows the location of and perhaps in the beginning they were.
the Eye of the Axe chapterhouse. They began to become more secretive as
When the PCs approach the chapterhouse, their research progressed, though, and one
read the following text: day they suddenly vanished with a number
of our oldest texts. Given what they had
The Sormere chapterhouse—the Eye of the been researching, I attempted a search of
Axe—stands at the top of a small hill in the memory for the figurine and found you.
the city’s heart, a stout stone villa Our agent was dispatched to contact you as
overlooking the streets below. A young soon as possible.”
soldier stands at the gate, looking very ∞ How did the squamous lir learn we have
self-important despite the fact that he can the statuette? “When they first arrived, the
barely hold the long axe in his hands.
squamous lir said something about the
preserved essence of a dragon that they
The party is ushered into the main hall. If the
sought, although they never fully explained
PCs mention the statuette, the guard
why they sought it. We believe they were
immediately leaves his post and returns a
looking to recover the heart of
moment later with Sir Fanavir, head of the
Hirdravstanoth, the dragon Toman slew. It
chapterhouse. Otherwise, they are asked to
is said to be buried with him. You merely
make themselves comfortable for a minute,
happened to possess the key to what they
then Sir Fanavir comes down to greet the
sought at the time they desired it—or
arrivals. Read the following description:
perhaps fortune guided you to it before they
could find it, and thence guided you here.”
Sir Fanavir of the Eye of the Axe is an
∞ Why was the figurine brought here? “We
older man, not particularly muscular or of
tall stature. His white hair is carefully have the best library of information on pre-
trimmed, and his face genial. “Welcome, dramojh Terrakal in the known world. If
my friends. I trust you still have the the knowledge still exists about Sennes, we
statuette? Our scholars have been can find it—and we have akashics that seek
searching through the archives since we out lore that has been lost. Our scholars
learned you carried the figurine, and we have been researching the figurine and the
have both an answer and another tomb since we first learned the figurine had
question…but I am being a poor host. been discovered.”
Come, let me offer you refreshments.” ∞ What must we do now? “Our research
hasn’t narrowed down the exact location of
Once shown the statuette, Sir Fanavir shows the tomb. Now that you have brought the
the PCs inside. If it is at night or late in the statuette, I will personally delve into the
evening, they are taken to the dining hall and memory; with the figurine as a focus, I
offered a meal, then to the sleeping quarters on should be able to find the location and we
the first floor where they can rest. Otherwise, will have two-thirds of the puzzle.
they are shown to the library. Sir Fanavir can Unfortunately, in our research we
answer the following questions: discovered that there is third piece: the
tomb will not open except for a blood
∞ What are the Knights of the Axe? “We are descendant of Toman himself. Not even
an organization that keeps alive the our genealogies are accurate that far into
knowledge and the ideals of old Sennes, of the past. We believe the solution may lie
humanity’s greatest hour, so that one day within our archives, but we don’t have the
the glories of our past will be ours once manpower for an exhaustive search.”
again.” ∞ What is in this for us? “Retrieving the
∞ How did the Knights learn we have the sword Wyrmbane from the tomb would

provide the Order with a potent symbol A. THE STREETS OF KHORL

dating back to the golden age of Sennes, Once the PCs arrive in Khorl, read the
and would be a major coup. We are willing following description:
to recompense you accordingly once the
sword is in our possession, and of course all The city of Khorl looks just as seedy and
of our available resources are behind you disreputable as its reputation would
during this venture.” suggest, and possibly more so. The streets
reek of garbage and sewage mixed with
The archive library of the Sormere the distinct stench of a harbor port. Large
chapterhouse is vast and finding information is sections of the city look to be abandoned,
difficult unless one knows precisely what one is occupied by squatters, or worse. The
looking for. If the PCs volunteer to help with people, mostly human or verrik, seem to
give each other wide berth and avoid eye
the search, have each roll a Search check (DC
contact, but keep their hands close to the
30) to locate the tome containing the Ritual of hilts of their blades.
Blood’s Bond (see Sidebar below). A check
represents a full day’s searching. The characters If confronted or questioned, almost all random
can take 20 on this check, taking 20 days. passersby will simply quicken their pace
Otherwise, finding the appropriate book takes without meeting the character’s eyes. The few
3d10 days of searching by the library staff. The that are willing to stop either have not heard of
ritual itself is discovered in an obscure a woman named Serra, or recognize the name
genealogical work that dates back to the time of or description but refuse to speak further about
Sennes and Devania. the matter.
The PCs are encouraged to take part in the Finding Serra requires a diligent search,
ceremony. The chapterhouse covers the costs of made more difficult by the fact that Serra is
the incense and ruby dust, and the ritual is under the protection of the feared
conducted on the day following the discovery Nightwalkers. For each day spent searching,
of the text. If the PCs take part, read the text have the party roll a Gather Information check.
immediately below. Otherwise, the information On a result of 25 or higher, the PCs learn that
is conveyed to them by the head librarian: she is a member of the local criminal
underworld. On a result of 30 or higher, they
You see a brief mental image of a young learn she is a member of the secretive
human woman, perhaps eighteen years of
Nightwalkers. Either way, they are little closer
age, with a delicate face and short-
cropped hair of a striking reddish hue. You to finding her. Contacting the Nightwalkers is
then see a vista of a city that you know to of equal difficulty, requiring a successful
be Khorl. The name “Serra” seems to echo Knowledge (geography) check (DC 25) to
through your memory. arrange a meeting in Khorl. Characters who
have had previous contact with the
Sir Fanavir offers the PCs dinner and rest in Nightwalkers gain a +5 bonus on the check, and
the chapterhouse if the hour is late; otherwise, characters who are actually affiliated with the
he immediately arranges for a local magister to Nightwalker organization gain an additional +5
teleport the PCs to Khorl. bonus.
Those who try and search using magical
means find it difficult as well. The essentially
PART II: DAUGHTER OF THE NIGHT random nature of the akashic memory means
Wherein, the party travels to the city of Khorl to that finding out Serra’s identity as a
seek the ancestor of Toman Dragonslayer and Nightwalker is virtually impossible. A locate
convince her to join their quest. creature spell fails unless the party has already
somehow seen Serra in person (the image
instilled by the ritual of blood’s bond does not

qualify as seen in person). A scrying spell EASY (EL 8) – Serra (CR 6) and 1 Nightwalker
requires a caster power check (DC 25) and assassin.
allows the caster to see and hear Serra, but will
not necessarily grant any clues as to her MEDIUM (EL 10) – Serra (CR 8) and 2
location or how to contact her. Nightwalker assassins.

B. HUNTING THE HUNTERS HARD (EL 12) – Serra (CR 10) and 4
If the PCs have successfully contacted the Nightwalker assassins.
Nightwalkers, or after 2d4 days of searching,
the Nightwalkers send a group to meet with the Tactics: Serra never knew her parents and grew
PCs. Read the following information as the up on the streets of Khorl. Since her earliest
PCs move about the streets: memories, she has stolen to survive. Still, she
has never (to her knowledge) stolen from those
The street you are taking seems utterly who could not afford the loss, and she feels
deserted, not even a goblin slinking moral qualms each time she picks a purse or
around in the gutters. Abruptly a young robs a merchant. She is pragmatic enough to
human woman steps out of an alleyway acknowledge that the alternatives (slavery or
ahead of you, cloaked in black with her worse) make her career as a thief necessary. She
red hair mostly concealed under a scarf. gains no pleasure from her work, but sees little
She holds a loaded crossbow in her hand alternative. She joined the Nightwalkers both
and aims it carefully at you as she steps for protection and in the hopes of finding a
into your path. “You have been looking for
more honorable living than as a common street
me,” she says flatly.
thief, a dream that as yet has failed to
The Nightwalkers have heard of the party’s
If the party engages in combat, Serra retreats
interest and sent Serra to meet with them. One
while the snipers on the roof attack the PCs,
or more assassins are on the roofs above the
using their poisoned bolts, sneak attack, and
party as well (Sneak modifier of +18).
death attack abilities. After firing their
Serra is more than willing to talk and has no
crossbows, each suffers a –20 penalty to their
real desire to drive off or force a confrontation
Sneak checks to avoid being seen. Once Serra
with the PCs. She is, however, highly
has escaped, the snipers withdraw as well. At
distrustful. Her initial attitude is Indifferent. A
the DM’s discretion, Serra could seek out the
successful Diplomacy check will be necessary
crypt on her own based on what the PCs told
to convince her to help. If the PCs improve her
her and be a prisoner of the squamous lir when
attitude to Friendly (DC 15), she will agree to
the PCs arrive. Alternatively, she could
join them in exchange for a full share of the
approach the PCs that night, saying that mojh-
reward. If the PCs are able to improve her
like creatures tried to kidnap her and ask for
attitude to Helpful (DC 30), she will agree to
their help, agreeing to assist in exchange for
join them on the adventure without demanding
recompense. Players who mention that they are
working for the Knights of the Axe gain a +2
bonus on the check, and players who play up
Once the PCs have recruited Serra and made
the fact that she is a descendant of the famous
their preparations, they can begin their journey
knight gain a total +5 bonus. Do not forget to
toward Toman’s crypt and the conclusion of
subtract Serra’s HD from the Diplomacy check
the adventure.
If the PCs successfully recruit Serra, award
them a full experience award for overcoming an
obstacle of the encounter’s EL.

PART III: SCION OF A LOST AGE opposite sides of the PCs to force them to split
Wherein, the party brings their young companion to their attention. Once a wyvern is reduced to
the crypt of Toman Dragonslayer and confronts the half hit points, it retreats.
squamous lir, the tomb’s guardians, and the restless
EASY (EL 8) – Two wyverns.
spirit of Toman himself.
MEDIUM (EL 10) – Two Advanced wyverns.
The tomb of Toman Dragonslayer is located in HARD (EL 12) – Two Elder wyverns.
the Elder Mountains above the present-day city
of Ka-Rone. The distance between Khorl and B. THE TOMB OF TOMAN DRAGONSLAYER
the giantish city by land is approximately 450
miles, requiring about 20 days by foot or 9 days 1. Confrontation on the Doorstep
by horse. A sailing ship can reach Ka-Rone in Once the players find the tomb with a
only 10 days, but at a cost of 50 gp for each successful Survival check, read the following
passenger. text:
Once the party has reached Ka-Rone, the
At the base of a 40-foot sheer rock wall is
tomb itself is another half day’s journey into
a great stone door, hidden by the
the mountains, the path used by the builders surrounding cliffs and virtually impossible
long gone. The footing is too treacherous for to stumble upon by accident. A group of
horses. Finding the tomb itself requires a scaled humanoids stands on guard in a
successful Survival check (DC 20), which may clearing just below the door as if waiting
be retried once per hour of searching. for someone, while another stands before
Characters who are flying gain a +2 the door itself and appears to be casting
circumstance bonus to their check. some sort of magic.

1. Wyvern Strike
Each hour the PCs search, they have a 40%
chance of gaining the attention of a pair of
wyverns that live in the area. Have each
member of the party make a Spot check (DC
17), and each wyvern make a Spot check
(modifier of +16) to see the party. The wyverns
first appear at a distance of 4d10 x 10 feet.
Remember that there is a -1 penalty to Spot
checks per 10 feet between the spotter and the
subject. The wyverns and party automatically
see each other once they have closed to half the
original distance. Once one of the party
members has seen the wyverns, read the
following text:

Flying through the air in your direction are

a pair of winged creatures the size of
radonts. The creatures are mostly draconic
in shape but for the long, stinger-tipped

The wyverns were hunting and came across the

party. They attack on sight, making use of their
Flyby Attack feat, and attempt to keep on

The squamous lir have arrived at the entrance EASY (EL 10) – Vsren (mage blade 5) and two
to the tomb, but have thus far failed in their Squamous Lir Guards
attempts to open it. They are not automatically
hostile to the PCs if the party approaches, MEDIUM (EL 12) – Vsren (mage blade 7), one
although they will defend themselves if Squamous Lir Seeker, and two Squamous Lir
attacked. If the PCs refuse to negotiate, the Guards
squamous lir will not permit them to enter the
tomb, thus potentially provoking a HARD (EL 14) – Vsren (mage blade 9), one
confrontation. Squamous Lir Seeker, and six Squamous Lir
The lir will use the terrain to their advantage Guards
when possible, using the gentle slope before the
cliff to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against Tactics: Vsren begins battle by using his
disadvantaged creatures. If Vsren falls or half shimmering shield ability, then holds back and
of the other lir are slain, the survivors will uses ranged spells such as sorcerous blast and
retreat and attempt to heal while the party is earth burst to wear down the party. Both Vsren
inside the tomb, but will attack from ambush and the Seeker make liberal use of detonations,
when the party exits. while the Guards each use their earth burst
If the PCs successfully negotiate with the spell-like abilities at range if possible.
squamous lir, award them full experience for
overcoming an obstacle of the encounter’s EL The Entry Doors: The doors themselves are
(if at a later point the PCs renege on the made of solid stone and magically reinforced.
bargain or otherwise provoke the squamous lir As mentioned in Part I, the doors can be
into attacking, do not award the experience a opened only by a descendant of Toman
second time for defeating them in combat). Dragonslayer. If Serra touches the doors, they
swing outward and present the entrance to the
crypt. The doors are protected by a heightened
The Squamous Lir: Building An Uneasy Truce greater sealed door spell (caster level 20) and can
be bypassed with brute strength (break DC 43),
The squamous lir have been following the progress by a dispel magic spell (caster power check DC
of the party with great interest. After the first 35; note that the door has SR 30), or with the
confrontation, they respect the strength of the party Brandish Magical Might spell (caster power
and have no desire to force a confrontation unless check DC 35). Even if the magical protection is
deemed absolutely necessary. Even if the PCs dispelled, the door is extremely heavy and
initiate hostilities, the leader Vsren calls out for a requires a Strength check (DC 23) to force
parley, saying he wishes to make an offer beneficial open.
to both parties.
Vsren’s offer is simple: the squamous lir will Entrance Door (magically protected):
allow the party to enter the tomb and retrieve the 360 hp, hardness 28, force open DC 43,
sword without interference, as well as any gold or SR 30. Immune to open lock spell.
other treasure they wish to take. In exchange, the
PCs will give up any claim to the dragon’s heart and Entrance Door: 180 hp, hardness 8, force
give it to the squamous lir upon exiting the tomb. open DC 23.
Vsren refuses to directly answer questions about
why the lir want the mummified heart, instead Development: Once Serra has opened the doors
giving vague hints about “ancient prophesies” or to the tomb, her presence with the party is no
“dragon magic.” longer necessary to the adventure. However, if
Should the PCs accede, Vsren gives them all of the PCs have established a rapport with her, she
the information the squamous lir have gathered so may accompany them into the crypt at the
far about the tomb and its defenses, placing an DM’s discretion. This is recommended if none
emphasis on the ward against teleportation magic. of the PCs have high Search or Disable Device

modifiers (in this circumstance, replace Serra’s 2. Entrance Hall

Escape Artist skill with Search and Disguise
with Disable Device, at the same modifiers). The doors open out onto a corridor thirty
Further, Serra’s presence and lineage may aid feet long and ten wide, with perhaps
the party in their negotiations with Toman’s fifteen feet from the floor to the vaulted
spirit. Don’t be afraid to play up the ‘reunion’ ceiling. Every five feet on either side are
between the reluctant thief and her illustrious spaced narrow pillars, and between the
ancestor, particularly if the PCs have grown pillars on the walls are stone tablets
attached to Serra as a character. depicting various scenes from the knight’s
life. Another stone door stands at the far

Crypt Features

The doors of the crypt (except for the exterior doors) are solid stone 4 inches thick. Each door has
hardness 8, 60 hp, and a Break DC of 23.
The walls of the crypt are superior masonry, carefully fitted stone blocks. Each 10 ft. by 10 ft.
section has hardness 8, 90 hp, a Climb DC of 20, and requires a Strength result of 35 or greater to
In addition to the traps and guardians (as noted in the appropriate area entries), the crypt has an
ambient magical effect that blocks any magic with the [teleportation] descriptor from taking effect
in the crypt itself or for a 100-foot radius beyond. Treat this effect as a constant magic item with a
caster level of 20. It radiates a moderate aura of abjuration magic, and requires a Spellcraft check
(DC 30) to correctly identify.

Deciphering the writing on the walls requires a The clay golem was set here as a final guardian
knowledge of the court language of ancient to the knight’s body. The magic controlling it
Sennes. A successful Decipher Script check has long since failed, and it mindlessly attacks
(DC 25) reveals that the writing is narrating the any creatures that enter the room. Due to its
scenes depicted on the stone tablets, and a result size, the golem cannot leave Area 3, although
of 30 or more gives the actual text. with its reach it can still threaten ten feet into
The door at the end is trapped. When either Area 2 or Area 4.
someone approaches within 5 feet without
hitting the bypass switch, it triggers an EASY (EL 10) – One clay golem.
electrified lair effect that deals damage to all
creatures in Area 2 and in the section of Area 1 MEDIUM (EL 12) – One runecarved clay
marked “gentle slope.” If the entrance door is golem.
closed, the effect is limited to Area 2. Once the
trap has been triggered, or once the bypass HARD (EL 14) – One runecarved advanced
switch has been hit, the trap is disabled for 20 clay golem.
rounds, then it is rearmed. Finding the bypass
switch (located at the base of one of the pillars) 4. Hall of Glory
requires a successful Search check (DC 25).
The walls of this chamber are lined with
EASY – Electrified Lair trap: CR 6; magic riven shields, broken swords, and sundered
device; proximity trigger; automatic reset; spell armor, displayed like trophies of battle.
effect (diminished electrified lair, 6th-level Directly in front of you lies a simple stone
exotic, 1d6 electricity/round for 13 rounds, SR bier, ten feet to a side, atop which lies in
Yes [caster level 13]); Search DC 31, Disable state a body garbed in ceremonial dress
Device DC 31. and clutching tightly a two-handed sword.
But for his pallor and lack of movement,
the dead man may as well be taken for
MEDIUM – Electrified Lair trap: CR 8; magic one asleep. In one far corner of the room is
device; proximity trigger; automatic reset; spell a wooden dummy garbed in battered but
effect (electrified lair, 7th-level exotic, 2d6 serviceable-looking armor; in the other a
electricity/round for 13 rounds, SR Yes [caster table which holds a cloth-wrapped object
level 13]); Search DC 32, Disable Device DC 32. some three feet across. The entire chamber
smells strongly of herbs and of the rose
HARD – Electrified Lair trap: CR 10; magic petals that litter the bier.
device; proximity trigger; automatic reset; spell
effect (electricity-templated heightened Read the following text when the PCs approach
electrified lair, 8th-level exotic, 3d6 electricity/ the bier:
round for 15 rounds and initially stunned for 2
rounds, DC 22 Fortitude to resist stun, SR Yes The body seems to shimmer for a moment,
[caster level 15]); Search DC 33, Disable Device then a spectral figure forms in front of you,
DC 33. blocking your path. The ghostly figure
clearly resembles the man lying on the
3. Guardian Chamber bier, down to the ceremonial robes and the
runic greatsword held tightly in hand. The
In contrast to the previous corridor, this spirit’s mouth opens and it appears to be
large square chamber seems bare and speaking, but none of the words sound
unfinished. There is another stone door even vaguely familiar. The intention,
twenty feet away, on the far side of the however, is clear—the spirit will not let you
room. Between you and that door stands a near his body or the items buried with him.
ten-foot clay behemoth in the rough shape
of a man. Glowing runes adorn the figure’s Despite the language barrier, it is entirely
arms, legs, and torso. possible to parley with the spirit. If the party

was forced to fight the squamous lir in Area 1, it Hostile (at the DM’s discretion). He will not
is recommended that a diplomatic solution be permit anyone to remove his armor or the heart
reached here because the party will be unless his attitude is changed to Helpful. The
dangerously weakened by the successive battles, sword is another matter entirely. He makes it
and the DM should encourage the players to clear that he will not relinquish his sword
consider a non-combat solution. Bypassing the unless he believes it is to be in the service of
obstacle of language can be accomplished with humanity. To that end, he requires a binding
the 4th-level simple spell tongues (stumped Oath that the party will give the sword into the
players might be offered a Knowledge [magic] care of a champion or champions of the human
check to come up with that solution). race unless they can convince him that the PCs
Encourage enterprising players that attempt to fill the role of champions of humankind (note
pantomime or otherwise communicate with the that the Knights of the Axe would be a valid
spirit without words. Players without these subject, but that the PCs would first have to
options could attempt an Innuendo check (the explain the role and history of the Knights in
Difficulty Class is variable, but should be order to convince Toman’s spirit).
within the range of possibility). If the PCs successfully negotiate with
If the PCs are able to communicate with the Toman’s spirit, award them full experience for
spirit, it asks the year and what became of overcoming an obstacle of the encounter’s EL.
Sennes and Queen Adrilashe. Although
Toman’s spirit has an initial attitude of EASY (EL 10) – Toman Dragonslayer, undead
unfriendly, it is genuinely curious and willing champion 7 of justice
to listen as long as the PCs remain away from
his body and from his trophies. Assuming that MEDIUM (EL 12) – Toman Dragonslayer,
the PCs explain the gist of the previous 1700 undead champion 9 of justice
years of history, Toman is horrified that
Adrilashe and Sennes lasted only a few years HARD (EL 14) – Toman Dragonslayer, undead
past his own death. He is surprisingly champion 11 of justice and Sennes
indifferent about the dramojh but hostile to the
story of the giants and their invasion. Tactics: Toman begins combat by employing
Once communications have been his Call Upon the Power ability, then striding
established, the PCs can attempt a Diplomacy into melee with his ghostly Wyrmbane. He
check to convince the spirit to relinquish the fights as he did in life, eschewing tactics such as
sword. Apply a -5 circumstance penalty if the hiding in the walls or walking through
two sides are communicating through opponents. If the duration of Call Upon the
pantomime or some other nonverbal means, Power expires, he uses a Heartening Cry (if he
and apply a +5 bonus if the PCs have Serra with does not yet have the Heartening Cry ability,
them and explain her ancestry. Mentioning an he uses the special ability of Wyrmbane; see
alliance with the squamous lir imposes a -2 Appendix).
penalty, while an explanation of the Knights of
the Axe grants a +2 bonus. Do not forget to CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
subtract Toman’s hit dice from the Diplomacy Once Toman has been mollified or defeated in
check. combat, the three items are open for the PCs to
If the PCs answer his questions, his base take. The suit of armor is a suit of +2 damage-
attitude changes to Indifferent, making absorbing plate armor. Details on Wyrmbane and
Diplomacy attempts much easier. Toman will the dragon’s heart can be found in the
not permit anyone to approach his body, his Appendix. If the PCs negotiated with the
armor, or the heart unless his attitude is squamous lir, they must now uphold their end
improved to Friendly. Any attempts to touch or of the bargain and give away the heart. If they
remove any of these without his permission refuse to do so, the squamous lir will not
change his attitude back to Unfriendly or

hesitate to attack the treacherous PCs, and will difficulty of the encounters varied through the
track them down if the PCs attempt to escape adventure, the DM should use his judgment in
(possibly becoming recurring adversaries). determining how much treasure to award using
With the PCs now in possession of the the above figures as guidelines.
sword Wyrmbane, they must then take it to the
Knights of the Axe in Sormere. When it is FURTHER ADVENTURING
handed over, the PCs are rewarded with gold, The PCs’ new connections with the Knights of
art objects and magic items of the DM’s the Axe could lead to any number of new
choosing with a total value of 54,000 gp adventures and possibly encourage the PCs to
(approximately 13,500 gp per member for a join the organization.
classic 4-person party). If mostly Easy Depending on how the PCs resolved the
encounters were used, the treasure award conflict with the squamous lir, they could have
should total 32,000 gp (approximately 8,000 gp a powerful new enemy or a resourceful new
per member), and if Hard encounters were the ally. If the PCs battled the squamous lir outside
norm the award should total 94,000 gp the crypt, or failed to produce the heart as
(approximately 23,500 gp per member). If the agreed, future adventures or whole campaign
arcs could be designed around
the squamous lir as enemies.
Alternatively, through the
squamous lir the PCs could
become involved in the affairs
of the dragons. PCs intending
to take evolution levels could
find the lir to be useful
contacts. The squamous lir
themselves might seek out the
PCs for assistance, thus
beginning further adventures.
If the PCs established a
rapport with the thief Serra,
she may join them on future
adventures, or perhaps she
could become a valuable
contact within the
Nightwalker organization.
Alternatively, the PCs could
inspire her to leave her
criminal past and the
Nightwalkers behind. The
Nightwalkers might be
unwilling to simply let her go,
and Serra might approach the
PCs for assistance in
protecting her from their
wrath, or perhaps to help her
fulfill a bargain she made with
NPCs and Monsters
Edited by Alex Yang - Illustration by Daniel Harris

It is life’s frailty that makes it so precious.

-The Sage of Verdune


FRIENDS AND FOES (Fortitude save to resist, DC 10 +

knight’s class level + knight’s Strength
modifier). This is in addition to his
Not surprisingly, many of the characters in this
normal damage dealt.
appendix have levels in the Knight of the Axe
∞ He can strike a foe’s head (if any),
prestige class (see Monte Cook’s Arcana
attempting to stun the foe for 1 round
Evolved by Malhavoc Press). For ease of
(Fortitude save to resist, DC 10 +
reference, class features are referenced below.
knight’s class level + knight’s Strength
Also note that the Knight of the Axe prestige
modifier). This is in addition to his
class lacks a hit die descriptor and references a
normal damage dealt.
skill not otherwise found in the book. We
∞ He can strike at a foe’s vitals (if any),
recommend a d10 hit die and replacing
Knowledge (Local) on the class skill list with attempting to daze the foe for 1d3 rounds
Knowledge (Geography). (Fortitude save to resist, DC 10 +
knight’s class level + knight’s Strength
Heroes Are Made (Ex): The 1st-level Knight modifier). This is in addition to his
of the Axe gains the equivalent of the Born normal damage dealt.
∞ He can make a grapple check
Hero talent, despite the fact that normally one
can take a talent only at 1st level. This includes immediately if the attack strikes the foe
a bonus hero point when the character first successfully, without provoking an
becomes a Knight of the Axe. attack of opportunity. A successful check
Sense Trouble (Su): The 2nd-level Knight of means he has followed up his blow with
the Axe gains the uncanny ability to know a grapple.
∞ He can make a trip attempt immediately
when something is wrong. This equates to a +4
competence bonus to Sense Motive checks and if the attack strikes the foe successfully,
a +2 competence bonus to Spot and Listen without provoking an attack of
checks. It also gives the DM an open door to opportunity. A successful check means
tell the Knight of the Axe’s player when he has followed up his blow with a trip
something seems amiss. For example, a Knight attack.
∞ He can inflict +2d6 additional points of
of the Axe walking by a jeweler’s shop in the
middle of being robbed might notice a sound (if damage with his blow.
he makes a Listen check) that others would not ∞ He can add to the attack roll of the blow
find strange but he finds suspicious. A knight a competence bonus equal to his
being followed by an assassin might get a Dexterity modifier (or +2, whichever is
nervous feeling that something “is up.” This is higher).
entirely up to the DM and is not under the
knight’s conscious control. As a general The character must decide to use a strike of
baseline, characters of a character level higher justice before making his attack roll. It applies
than the knight’s character level probably don’t to only one attack during the round. At 4th
set off this intuitive sense. level, the Knight of the Axe can make three
Strike of Justice (Ex): Once per day, a strikes of justice each day.
Knight of the Axe of 2nd level and above can Hide From the Law (Ex): The 3rd-level and
choose to affect one of his strikes with a melee higher Knight of the Axe is so well trained in
weapon with one of these modifications: avoiding the forces of the Diamond Throne
that he gains a +4 competence bonus to Bluff,
∞ He can attack an object as if he had Disguise, Forgery, and Sneak checks made
either the Improved Sunder or Improved against giants or anyone working for the throne
Disarm feat. (including the local steward’s human and
∞ He can strike a foe’s eyes (if any),
sibeccai guards or a faen magister working
blinding the foe for 1d4 rounds freelance for one of the High Stewards).

Hero of the People (Ex): At 4th level and CHAPTER 1 - THE ORDER
higher, the Knight of the Axe is recognized as a
defender of justice and doer of good deeds. The Sage of Verdune (CR 20)
Against anyone but giants, those directly in the Human Runechild Expert 20
hierarchy of the Diamond Throne, or anyone Medium humanoid
else the DM believes would not be impressed Init +1; Senses darkvision 120’, see invisible or
by the knight’s deeds and status (like a group of ethereal; Listen +3, Spot +18
rhodin warriors, or a Nightwalker thief), the Languages Common, Draconic, Faen, Giant,
knight gains a +4 competence bonus to Bluff, Litorian, Verrik
Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks. AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
hp 112 (20 HD); dying/dead -3/-14
This ability does not work if the knight is in
Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16; slippery mind
disguise. Spd 30 ft.; dimensional door 1/day, levitate 1/day,
Luck of Heroes (Su): At 5th level, Knights of teleport 1/day
the Axe are blessed with a supernatural luck Melee dagger +17/+12/+7 (1d4+2/19-20) or
bonus of +1 to all attack rolls, saving throws, Ranged dagger +16/+11/+6 (1d4+2/19-20)
skill checks, and ability checks. Base Atk +15; Grp +17
Mighty Strike of Justice (Ex): The 5th-level Atk Options Power of the Name
Knight of the Axe, in addition to his three Special Atk fire sheath 1/day, psychic blast 1/
strikes of justice each day, can choose to give a day
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 17,
fourth attack two of the modifications listed for
Cha 14
the strike of justice. SQ immortal, runechild qualities
Hero Points 2
Feats, prestige classes, and other features in this Feats Affinity with Skill (Craft [bookbinding]),
Appendix with the notation “T” indicate Power of the Name, Scholar, Skill Application
mechanics presented elsewhere in this book. (Craft [bookbinding] and Knowledge [magic]),
Bonus feats are indicated with a “B”. Stat blocks Skill Focus (Appraise), Skill Focus (Sense
are intentionally formatted to fit on a single Motive), Skill Focus (Craft [bookbinding]), Title
page and/or column where possible. Skills Appraise +18, Concentration +21, Craft
(bookbinding) +34, Craft (jewlery) +24,
Diplomacy +19, Knowledge (dragons, history,
New Feats humans, magic, runes, science) +27, Sense
Motive +20
Some of the NPCs appearing in this Appendix
Possessions cloak of charisma +6, lens of
have the following new feats: analysis, loresight lenses, ring of fire and heat,
robe of eyes, 2 potions of diminished greater
POLYGLOT [TALENT] ability boost
You are born with a special gift for languages. Expert Skills Appraise, Concentration, Craft,
Prerequisite: Intelligence 15 Diplomacy, Knowledge (dragons, history,
Benefit: You double the number of bonus magic, runes, science), Sense Motive
languages you know at the start of the game.
Additionally, you may always treat Speak
Language as a class skill.

Your research skills grant you a keen
understanding into how to best apply your
Prerequisite: Intelligence 17
Benefit: You may use your Intelligence
bonus in lieu of any other ability score modifier
when you take 20 on a skill check.

Unilthiet, Very Old Dragon (CR 23) 3rd (6) – (DC 21) arrow reflection, attack from
Gargantuan dragon (acid) within, dispel magic, flight, hand of battle,
Init +0; Senses blindsense 60’, darkvision 120’, invisibility, scales of energy, slow, whisper of
keen senses, see power; Listen +38, Spot +38; madness
Languages Auran, Common, Draconic, Faen, 2nd (7) – (DC 20) bypass ward, cloak of
Giant, Goblin, Litorian, Rhodin, Sylvan, Verrik darkness, eldritch web, greenspy, lesser battle
AC 37, touch 6, flat-footed 37 healing, lesser beastskin, muddy ground,
hp 464 (32 HD); dying/dead -9/-27; DR 15/Magic protective charm, silent sheath, subtle steps
(15/+2) 1st (7) – (DC 19) acrobatics, charm, creature
Immune acid, paralysis, sleep; SR 33 loresight, distraction, obscuring mist, object
Fort +26, Ref +18, Will +26 loresight, precise vision, predict weather, safe
Spd 60 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy), swim 60 ft.; fall, scent tracker, touch of fear
dimensional door 1/day 0 (8) – appropriate size, bash, canny effort,
Space/Reach 20 feet/15 feet [bite 20 feet] contact, ghost sound, hygiene, minor illusion,
Melee Bite +43 (4d8+15), 2 claws +41 (2d10+7), repair, scent bane, seeker, sense thoughts
2 wings +41 (2d8+7), tail slap +41 (2d8+22) Abilities Str 41, Dex 10, Con 27, Int 26, Wis 27,
Base Atk +32; Grp +59 Cha 26
Atk Options Brandish Magical Might, Cleave, SQ lesser ability boost 1/day, security 1/day,
Dragon MageB, Flyby Attack, Opportunist, water breathing
Power Attack, Power of the Name Feats Brandish Magical Might, Cleave, Dragon
Special Attacks (DC 34) acid breath (120’ line, MageB, Flyby Attack, Multiattack, Opportunist,
18d10 Ref half), crush (4d8+22 Ref pinned), Power Attack, Power of the Name, Skill
frightful presence (270’ radius, Will negates), Application (Knowledge: history, nobility and
tail sweep (30’ radius half-circle, 2d8+22 Ref courtesy), Skill Focus (Bluff, Gather
half) Information, Sense Motive)
Spells per Day (CL 14) Skills Bluff +26, Concentration +38, Diplomacy
7th (3) – (DC 25) caustic burst, phase door, +23, Gather Information +26, Innuendo +23,
rock’s hand, song of paralysis Intimidate +23, Knowledge (history, nobility and
6th (4) – (DC 24) coma, discorporate, greater courtesy) +25, Knowledge (all others) +22,
ability boost, learn truename, shaped strike Listen +38, Sense Motive +26, Spot +38
5th (4) – (DC 23) defensive field, greater battle Possessions Too many to be named and 235 gp
healing, greater drain away speed, scrying,
teleport, wall of stone
4th (6) – (DC 22) curse of vengeance, greater
enhance magical flow, fly like an arrow, lesser
resilient sphere, modify memory, neutralize
poison, stone arm, tongues

Orlen (CR 27) Abilities Str -, Dex -, Con -, Int 24, Wis 14, Cha
Artifactbound Magister 25 14
Medium Construct SQ bound, construct traits, discard staff, distinct
Init +7; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2 voice, familiarity with magic, greater mind over
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Faen, matter, lesser mind over matter, magical
Giant, Infernal, Litorian, Undercommon, Verrik helper, mind’s eye
AC 9, touch 5, flat-footed 9; +2 against magic Feats Battle Mage, Brandish Magical Might, Craft
hp 162 (25 HD); DR 10/adamantine (20/+3); fast Charged ItemB, Craft Constant ItemB, Craft
healing 5 Magic Arms and ArmorB, Craft Single-Use
SR 35 ItemB, Creator MageB, Edlritch Training, Exotic
Fort +15, Ref –, Will +16; +2 against magic; Spell, Improved InitiativeB, PolyglotT, Power of
Slippery Mind the Name (Improved), PsionB, Quicken Spell,
Ranged spell +19 Title, Unraveling Mage
Base Atk +12; Grp – Skills Concentration +27, Diplomacy +11,
Atk Options Battle Mage, Brandish Magical Knowledge (all) +14, Spellcraft +16
Might, Creator MageB, Eldritch Training, Power Possessions None
of the Name (Improved), PsionB, Quicken Spell,
Unraveling Mage
Spells per Day (CL 25)
10th (4) – (DC 28) bolt of power, rouse ghostly
army, summon elemental horde, true
9th (4) – (DC 27) greater call guardian, greater
immunity, greater raise the dead, greater
summon major elemental, purge akashic
memory, trap soul
8th (5) – (DC 26) call outsider, greater
dominate, mass devastation, psychic blast,
wave of death, wave of life, whirlwind
7th (6) – (DC 25) call undead, caustic burst,
conjure energy creature VII, control weather,
finger of destruction, rock’s hand, song of
paralysis, spellmaster, wall of thorns
6th (6) – (DC 24) coma, cursed locale,
discorporate, greater ability boost, greater
resilient sphere, learn truename, lesser call
guardian, rouse undead spirit, security, shaped
5th (7) – (DC 23) conjure energy creature V,
defensive field, eldritch wall, greater battle
healing, greater drain away speed, lesser
dominate, massive sword, scrying, touch of dire
doom, wall of stone
4th (7) – all (DC 22)
3rd (8) – all (DC 21)
2nd (U) – all (DC 20)
1st (U) – all (DC 19
0 (U) – all (DC 18)

Artifactbound Template

Magicians, sages, and akashics who cannot otherwise achieve immortality sometimes bind themselves into
fantastic works of art. These mirrors, paintings, and statues help preserve legacies that the artifactbound
cherish above all else. Those who treat the artifactbound as loot or spoils of war had best beware!
Artifactbound is an applied template that can be placed on any creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher
(referred to hereafter as the base creature). The creature’s type changes to Construct. The artifactbound
creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: The creature’s size becomes the size of the work of art into which it is bound. The creature’s
type becomes construct.
Hit Dice: Change Hit Die to d10. It gains bonus hit points based on size.
Speed: None. Artifactbound are incapable of movement.
Armor Class: Artifactbound gain a natural armor bonus based on the artifactbound creature’s size (i.e., the
size of the object):
Tiny or smaller +0
Small +2
Medium +4
Large +6
Huge +8
Gargantuan +10
Colossal +12

Attack: None. The base creature’s base attack bonus does not change, but artifactbound are incapable of
Damage: None.
Special Attacks: An artifactbound retains all the special attacks of the base creature, though any ability
requiring the artifactbound to touch another creature may only be used if the target touches the artifactbound.
Mind’s Eye (Ex): An artifactbound may apply its Intelligence modifier in place of the typical Dexterity
modifier when making any form of ranged attack with spells or spell-like abilities.
Special Qualities: An artifactbound retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those
described below.
Bound (Su): An artifactbound may never affect itself with any spell or spell-like ability with a target of
personal or touch. The artifactbound may still cast touch spells on others so long as the target is touching the
bound creature.
Damage Reduction (Su): Artifactbound have damage reduction 10/adamantine (20/+3).
Fast Healing (Su): Artifactbound heal 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point.
Spell Resistance (Su): An artifactbound has spell resistance equal to 10 + the base creature’s character level or
hit dice.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Str —, Dex —, Con —, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +2.
Skills: Same as the base creature.
Feats: Artifactbound gain the Improved Initiative, Psion, and Skill Application (Listen and Spot) feat,
assuming the base creature meets the prerequisites.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +5.

Sir Aniton Golhia (CR 16) Harsted of Ghostwash March (CR 10)
Middle-Aged Human Aristocrat 1 / Champion of Unbound Human Akashic 5 / Knight of the Axe 5
Justice 10 / Knight of the Axe 5 Medium humanoid
Medium humanoid Init +2; Senses Listen +3, Spot +16; sense
Init +1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +21; sense trouble
trouble, touch of justice 10/day (Will DC 23; +1 Languages Common, Faen, Giant, Litorian
damage) AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Verrik hp 65 (10 HD); dying/dead -3/-14
AC 26, touch 11, flat-footed 25; call or imbue Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +6
shield 1/day (+1 AC; 10 mins) Spd 30 ft.
hp 122 (16 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 Melee +1 greataxe +13 (1d12+5/x3) or
Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +16; Slippery Mind Ranged +1 composite longbow +12 (1d8+4/x3)
Spd 20 ft. Base Atk +8; Grp +11
Melee +3 battleaxe +22/+17/+12 (1d8+5/x3) or Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Modify
Ranged +2 composite longbow +19/+14/+9 Combat Style, Mounted Combat, sneak attack
(1d8+4/x3) (+1d6)
Base Atk +15; Grp +17 Special Atk mighty strike of justice 1/day, minor
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted battle memory 1/day (+3 attack, damage, AC; 5
Combat, reap the whirlwind (+4 attack, rnds), Speed Burst 5/day, strike of justice 3/day
damage) Combat Gear oil of cloak of darkness, detonation
Special Atk blast of castigation 3/day (CL 10), of dispel magic, potion of greater transfer
call or imbue weapon 1/day (+1 attack, wounds
damage; 10 mins), call upon the power 3/day Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12,
(+2 Str, Con; 10 rnds), mighty strike of justice 1/ Cha 10
day, heartening cry 1/day (+1 attack, saves, SQ akashic skill focus (Sneak), delve into
checks; 10 rnds), strike of justice 3/day collective memory 5/day (+7), heroes are
Combat Gear detonation of dispel magic, 2 made, hero of the people, hide from the law,
potions of greater transfer wounds luck of heroes perfect recall, skill memory 2/day
Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, (+2)
Cha 16 Hero Points 2
SQ heroes are made, hero of the people, hide Feats Defensive Move, Leadership, Mobility,
from the law, luck of heroes Modify Combat Style, Mounted Combat
Hero Points 2 Skills Bluff +14, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +24,
Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Born Leader, Gather Information +14, Knowledge (faen,
Defensive Move, Leadership, Mobility, Mounted geography, giants, history, humans, nobility
Combat, Title and courtesy) +9, Ride +16, Sense Motive +19,
Skills Bluff +26, Diplomacy +34, Handle Animal Sneak +16
+12, Heal +7, Knowledge (geography) +9, Possessions combat gear plus +1 greataxe, +1
Knowledge (humans, nobility and courtesy) composite longbow (+3 Str bonus), 40 arrows,
+16, Ride +23, Sense Motive +25 +2 chain and plates, hat of disguise, explorer’s
Possessions combat gear plus +3 battleaxe, +2 outfit, potion of glamour, heavy warhorse
composite longbow (+2 Str bonus), 20 arrows,
+3 chain and plates, +3 heavy shield, circlet of
persuasion, cloak of resistance +3, helm of
telepathy, noble’s outfit

Helias Blacknettle (CR 6) Lady Taliena Ishor (CR 9)

Quickling Unfettered 5 / Knight of the Axe 1 Middle-Aged Human Aristocrat 9 / Knight of the
Small humanoid Axe 1
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot Medium humanoid
+8 Init +1; Senses Listen +10, Spot +2
Languages Common, Faen, Giant, Litorian Languages Common, Faen, Giant
AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 19; parry (+2 AC) AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10
hp 43 (6 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 hp 59 (10 HD); dying/dead -2/-12
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +1 Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8; Slippery Mind
Spd 20 ft. (run x5) Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 dire Devanian faen swordaxe +11/+6 Melee +1 dagger +8/+3 (1d4+1/19-20) or
(1d6+5/19-20 x3) or Ranged +1 dagger +9/+4 (1d4+1/19-20)
Base Atk +6; Grp +4 Base Atk +7; Grp +7
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility B, Abilities Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 15,
Mounted Combat, sneak attack (1d6) Cha 16
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer SQ heroes are made
wounds Hero Points 1
Abilities Str 15, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Feats Skill Focus (Diplomacy, Gather
Cha 8 Information), Leadership, Title, Wealthy
SQ heroes are made Skills Bluff +19, Diplomacy +26, Gather
Hero Points 1 Information +22, Knowledge (giant, humans,
Feats Bonded Item (swordaxe), Defensive Move, nobility and courtesy) +16, Knowledge
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy), Mobility B, (geography) +8, Ride +3, Sense Motive +15
Mounted Combat Possessions +1 dagger, circlet of persuasion,
Skills Bluff +7, Escape Artist +11, Knowledge noble’s outfit with jewelry (100 gp), books (800
(geography) +3, Knowledge (faen, nobility and gp), grand house, radont and carriage
courtesy) +5, Ride +11, Sneak +17, Tumble
Possessions combat gear plus +1 dire Devanian
faen swordaxe, +1 Devanian chain shirt, +1
faen heavy shield, explorer’s outfit, war pony

Grathosh the Whiteclaw (CR 8) The Pale Knight (CR 13)

Litorian 2 / Hawk Totem Warrior 4 / Knight of the Undead Champion of Justice 5 / Knight of the
Axe 2 Axe 5
Medium humanoid Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent, sense Init +1; Senses darkvision 60’, sense trouble,
trouble; Listen +13, Spot +13 touch of justice 5/day (Will DC 19; +1 damage);
Languages Common, Litorian, Rhodin Listen +6, Spot +19
AC 26, touch 16, flat-footed 20 Languages Common
hp 57 (8 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 AC 24, touch 20, flat-footed 19; call or imbue
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0 shield 1/day (+1 AC; 5 mins)
Spd 40 ft. hp 80 (10 HD)
Melee +1 trident +12/+7 (1d8+4) or Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +10
Ranged +1 composite longbow +14/+9 (1d8+4/ Spd fly 20 ft. (perfect)
x3) Melee +2 ghostly battleaxe +18/+13 touch
Base Atk +8; Grp +11 (1d8+6/x3)
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted Base Atk +10; Grp –
Combat, Point Blank Shot B, Precise Shot B Atk Options Defensive Move, energy drain (DC
Special Atk strike of justice 1/day 19), Mobility, Mounted Combat
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer Special Atk blast of castigation 1/day (CL 5),
wounds mighty strike of justice 1/day, strike of justice 3/
Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, day
Cha 8 Abilities Str –, Dex 20, Con –, Int 13, Wis 16,
SQ heroes are made, shape of the hawk Cha 19
Hero Points 1 SQ create spawn, heroes are made, hero of the
Feats Defensive Move, Fleet of Foot, Mobility, people, hide from the law, luck of heroes,
Mounted Combat, Point Blank ShotB, Precise sunlight powerlessness, undead type, unnatural
ShotB aura
Skills Bluff+0, Knowledge (geography, litorians) Hero Points 3
+6, Knowledge (nobility and courtesy) +2, Ride Feats Born Hero, Defensive Move, Leadership,
+7, Sneak +12, Survival +7 Mobility, Mounted Combat, Title
Possessions combat gear plus +1 trident, +1 Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +10, Handle Animal
composite longbow (+3 Str bonus), 40 arrows, +6, Knowledge (geography, humans, nobility
+1 chain and plates, +1 buckler, explorer’s and courtesy) +8, Ride +21, Sense Motive +13
outfit, heavy warhorse, hawk companion (3 Possessions +2 ghostly battleaxe, +2 ghostly
HD) chain and plates, +2 ghostly heavy shield,
ghostly heavy warhorse

THE RANK AND FILE Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10,
The following are generic NPC stat blocks for Cha 12
the rank and file of the Order. Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Defensive Move,
Mobility, Mounted CombatB, SturdyB, Wealthy
Skills Bluff +5, Gather Information +5, Handle
Squire: Footman (CR 1) Animal +3, Knowledge (geography) +2,
Human Warrior 1 / Warmain 1 Knowledge (humans, nobility and courtesy) +3,
Medium humanoid Ride +7
Init +1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork
Languages Common battleaxe, heavy lance, masterwork composite
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 longbow (+2 Str bonus), 20 arrows, chain and
hp 22 (2 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 plates, heavy shield, courtier’s outfit with jewelry
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1 (50 gp), explorer’s outfit, heavy warhorse
Spd 20 ft.
Melee mwk battleaxe +6 (1d8+2/x3) or
Ranged mwk composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/x3) Squire: Scout (CR 3)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4 Human Wolf Totem Warrior 3
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility Medium humanoid
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer Init +1; Senses Listen +2, Spot +8
wounds Languages Common
Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19
Cha 10 hp 27 (3 HD); dying/dead -3/-14
Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Defensive Move, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +4
Mobility, SturdyB Spd 40 ft.
Skills Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Melee mwk battleaxe +6 (1d8+2/x3) or
Knowledge (humans, nobility and courtesy) +3, Ranged mwk composite longbow +5 (1d8+2/x3)
Ride +4 Base Atk +3; Grp +5
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork Atk Options Defensive MoveB, Point Blank Shot,
battleaxe, masterwork composite longbow (+2 Precise Shot
Str bonus), 20 arrows, chain and plates, heavy Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer
shield, courtier’s outfit with jewelry (50 gp), wounds
explorer’s outfit Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14,
Cha 8
Feats Defensive MoveB, Fleet of Foot, Point
Squire: Horseman (CR 2) Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Track
Human Aristocrat 1 / Warmain 2 Skills Handle Animal +2, Heal +5, Knowledge
Medium humanoid (geography, nature) +3, Sneak +3, Survival +8
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +4 Possessions combat gear plus masterwork
Languages Common battleaxe, masterwork composite longbow (+2
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 Str bonus), 40 arrows, masterwork chain and
hp 31 (3 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 plates, masterwork heavy shield, explorer’s
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 outfit, wolf companion (2 HD)
Spd 20 ft.
Melee mwk battleaxe +6 (1d8+2/x3) or
Melee heavy lance +4 (1d8+2/x3) or
Ranged mwk composite longbow +4 (1d8+2/x3)
Base Atk +2; Grp +4
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer

Knight, Seeing (CR 6) Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted

Human Akashic 5 / Knight of the Axe 1 Combat, Ride-By Attack
Medium humanoid Special Atk blast of castigation 1/day (CL 5), call
Init +5; Senses Listen +9, Spot +9 upon the power 3/day (+2 Str, Con; 5 rnds)
Languages Common, Faen, Giant; tongues 1/ Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer
day wounds
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10,
hp 31 (6 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 Cha 10
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4 SQ heroes are made
Spd 30 ft. Hero Points 1
Melee mwk rapier +6 (1d6+1/18-20) or Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Defensive Move,
Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +6 (1d10/19-20) Mobility, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack
Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Skills Bluff +1, Diplomacy +2, Knowledge
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted (geography, humans, nobility and courtesy) +3,
Combat Ride +10
Special Atk minor battle memory 1/day (+3 Possessions combat gear plus +1 battleaxe,
attack, damage, AC; 5 rnds) heavy lance, masterwork composite longbow
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer (+3), 20 arrows, +1 chain and plates, +1 heavy
wounds shield, courtier’s outfit, explorer’s outfit, heavy
Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, warhorse
Cha 12
SQ delve into collective memory 5/day (+7), Knight, Balanced (CR 5)
heroes are made, perfect recall, skill memory 2/ Human Aristocrat 3 / Warmain 2 / Knight of the
day (+2) Axe 1
Hero Points 1 Medium humanoid
Feats Defensive Move, Fleet of Foot, Improved Init +2; Senses Listen +0, Spot +9
Initiative, Mobility, Mounted Combat Languages Common
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +18, AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21
Gather Information +10, Knowledge (faen, hp 51 (6 HD); dying/dead -3/-14
geography, giants, history, humans, nobility Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5
and courtesy, religion) +8, Ride +10, Sense Spd 20 ft.
Motive +9, Sneak +2 Melee +1 battleaxe +9 (1d8+3/x3) or
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork Melee heavy lance +7 (1d8+2/x3) or
rapier, masterwork heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, Ranged mwk composite longbow +8 (1d8+2/x3)
+1 chain and plates, +1 buckler, hat of Base Atk +5; Grp +7
disguise, courtier’s outfit, explorer’s outfit, Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted
potion of glamour, heavy warhorse CombatB, Ride-By Attack
Combat Gear 4 potions of lesser transfer
Knight, Enduring (CR 6) wounds
Human Champion of Justice 5 / Knight of the Axe Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10,
1 Cha 12
Medium humanoid SQ heroes are made
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +9; touch of Hero Points 1
justice 5/day (Will DC 15; +1 damage) Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Defensive Move,
Languages Common Mobility, Mounted CombatB, Ride-By Attack,
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21; call or imbue SturdyB, Wealthy
shield 1/day (+1 AC; 5 mins) Skills Bluff +6, Diplomacy +5, Gather Information
hp 45 (6 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 +5, Handle Animal +3, Knowledge (geography,
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4 humans, nobility and courtesy) +3, Ride +11,
Spd 20 ft. Sense Motive +5
Melee +1 battleaxe +11/+6 (1d8+4/x3) or Possessions combat gear plus +1 battleaxe,
Melee heavy lance +9/+4 (1d8+3/x3) or heavy lance, masterwork composite longbow
Ranged mwk composite longbow +8/+3 (1d8+3/ (+2), 20 arrows, +1 chain and plates, +1 heavy
x3) shield, explorer’s outfit, noble’s outfit with,
Base Atk +6; Grp +9 heavy warhorse

Lord, Lowborn (CR 10) Lord, Named (CR 10)

Middle-Aged Human Champion of Justice 5 / Middle-Aged Human Wind Witch 9 / Knight of the
Knight of the Axe 5 Axe 1
Medium humanoid Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +13; sense Init +0; Senses Listen +13, Spot +3; the sight
trouble, touch of justice 5/day (Will DC 15; +1 (Will DC 17 negates)
damage) Languages Common, Faen, Draconic, Giant,
Languages Common Litorian, Sibeccai; far voice 3/day (270 mi)
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21; call or imbue AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 26; +2 against magic
shield 1/day (+1 AC; 5 mins) hp 59 (10 HD); dying/dead -3/-14; air resistance
hp 79 (10 HD); dying/dead -3/-15 20
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +7 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +9; +2 against magic
Spd 20 ft. Spd 30 ft.
Melee +1 battleaxe +15/+10 (1d8+3/x3) Melee wind blade +7/+2 (1d8/19-20)
Base Atk +10; Grp +12 Base Atk +7; Grp +7
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted Spells per Day (CL 9)
Combat, Ride-By Attack 3rd (3) – conjure repast, flight, greater repair
Special Atk blast of castigation 1/day (CL 5), call 2nd (3) – lesser battle healing, lesser beastskin,
upon the power 3/day (+2 Str, Con; 5 rnds), muddy ground, see invisibility
mighty strike of justice 1/day, strike of justice 3/ 1st (4) – animate weapon, glamour, lesser
day conjure weapon, lesser transfer wounds,
Combat Gear detonation of dispel magic, 2 obscuring mist
potions of lesser transfer wounds, potion of 0 (5) – bash, canny effort, detect magic,
lesser beastskin, detonation of lesser drain enchanting flavor, hygiene, scent bane
away speed Combat Gear detonation of dispel magic, wand
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 11, of lesser transfer wounds (50), detonation of
Cha 11 slow
SQ heroes are made, hero of the people, hide Abilities Str 11, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16,
from the law, luck of heroes Cha 14
Hero Points 2 SQ air spellcasting, familiarity with magic, heroes
Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Defensive Move, are made
Leadership, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Ride- Hero Points 2
By Attack Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Single-
Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +16, Handle Animal Use Item, Fleet of Foot, Leadership, Title, The
+9, Knowledge (geography, humans, nobility Voice
and courtesy) +4, Ride +13, Sense Motive +10 Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +8, Diplomacy
Possessions combat gear plus +1 battleaxe, +13, Gather Information +6, Knowledge
lance, +1 chain and plates, +1 heavy shield, (geography, humans, magic, nobility and
amulet of health +2, circlet of persuasion, courtesy) +4, Perform (storytelling) +7, Ride +3,
noble’s outfit with jewelry (100 gp), heavy Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +12
warhorse Possessions combat gear plus +2 chain and
plates, +2 heavy shield, amulet of health +2,
circlet of persuasion, noble’s outfit with jewelry
(100 gp)

Lord, Highborn (CR 10) Skills Bluff +2, Decipher Script +10, Diplomacy
Middle-Aged Human Aristocrat 3 / Warmain 4 / +8, Forgery +10, Knowledge (any one) +11,
Knight of the Axe 3 Knowledge (any three) +8, Sense Motive +6
Medium humanoid Possessions masterwork dagger, courtier’s outfit
Init +2; Senses Listen +2, Spot +15 with jewelry (50 gp), books (400 gp)
Languages Common Expert Skills: Bluff, Decipher Script, Diplomacy,
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21 Forgery, Knowledge (any four), Listen, Sense
hp 51 (6 HD); dying/dead -3/-15 Motive
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5
Spd 20 ft. Advisor: Diplomat (CR 3)
Melee +1 battleaxe +14/+9 (1d8+5/x3) or Middle-Aged Human Aristocrat 4
Ranged +1 composite longbow +11/+6 (1d8+3/ Medium humanoid
x3) Init -1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Base Atk +9; Grp +11 Languages Common, Draconic, Giant
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9
CombatB hp 21 (4 HD); dying/dead -1/-11
Special Atk strike of justice 1/day Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +5
Combat Gear detonation of dispel magic, 4 Spd 30 ft.
potions of lesser transfer wounds Melee +1 rapier +4 (1d6+1/18-20) or
Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 11, Ranged dagger +2 (1d4/19-20)
Cha 13 Base Atk +3; Grp +3
SQ heroes are made, hide from the law, sense Abilities Str 11, Dex 9, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 13,
trouble Cha 14
Hero Points 2 Feats Skill Application (Knowledge: history,
Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Defensive Move, nobility and courtesy), Skill Focus (Bluff,
Mobility, Mounted CombatB, SturdyB, Wealthy, Diplomacy, Sense Motive)
Weapon Focus (battleaxe), Weapon Skills Bluff +12, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge
Specialization (battleaxe)B (history) +12, Knowledge (nobility/courtesy) +12,
Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Gather Knowledge (any three) +10, Sense Motive +11
Information +8, Handle Animal +9, Knowledge Possessions +1 rapier, dagger, noble’s outfit
(geography, humans, nobility and courtesy) +4, with jewelry (100 gp), books (800 gp)
Ride +16, Sense Motive +9
Possessions combat gear plus +1 battleaxe, +1 Advisor: Sage (CR 4)
composite longbow (+2 Str bonus), 20 arrows, Old Human Expert 6
+1 chain and plates, +1 heavy shield, amulet of Medium humanoid
health +2, circlet of persuasion, noble’s outfit Init -1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
with jewelry (100 gp), heavy warhorse Languages Common, Faen, Giant
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9
Advisor: Linguist (CR 1) hp 23 (6 HD); dying/dead -1/-10
Human Expert 2 Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6
Medium humanoid Spd 30 ft.
Init +0; Senses Listen +6, Spot +1 Melee mwk staff +3 (1d6-2)
Languages Common and 10 other languages Base Atk +4; Grp +2
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Abilities Str 6, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12,
hp 9 (2 HD); dying/dead -1/-10 Cha 16
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +4 Feats Eidetic Memory, Skill Application (any six
Spd 30 ft. Knowledge), Skill Focus (any one Knowledge)
Melee mwk dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or Skills Bluff +12, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge
Ranged mwk dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) (humans) +16, Knowledge (any one) +17,
Base Atk +1; Grp +1 Knowledge (any six) +16, Sense Motive +10
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Possessions masterwork staff, scholar’s outfit,
Cha 13 courtier’s outfit with jewelry (50 gp), handy
Feats PolyglotT, Skill Application (Decipher haversack, books (1200 gp), simple house
Script, Forgery), Skill Focus (any one Expert Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (any
Knowledge) seven), Sense Motive

Artisan: Journeyman (CR 2) Skills Appraise +9, Bluff +11, Concentration +7,
Human Expert 3 Craft (any one) +23, Craft (any one) +16,
Medium humanoid Diplomacy +15, Knowledge (engineering) +12,
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +6 Knowledge (science) +12, Search +12, Sense
Languages Common, Faen, Giant Motive +9
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 Possessions masterwork staff, masterwork
hp 16 (3 HD); dying/dead -2/-13 dagger, artisan’s outfit, courtier’s outfit with
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 jewelry (50 gp), masterwork artisan’s tools,
Spd 30 ft. grand house
Melee mwk dagger +5 (1d4+2/19-20) or Expert Skills Appraise, Bluff, Concentration,
Ranged mwk dagger +4 (1d4+2/19-20) Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (engineering),
Base Atk +2; Grp +4 Knowledge (science), Search, Sense Motive,
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Spot
Cha 10
Feats Affinity with Skill (any one Craft), Skill Artisan: Grandmaster (CR 10)
Application (any two Craft), Skill Focus (any Middle-Aged Human Expert 11
one craft) Medium humanoid
Skills Appraise +5, Bluff +3, Concentration +4, Init +1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +15
Craft (any one) +19, Craft (any one) +12, Languages Common, Faen, Giant
Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (engineering) +8, AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Knowledge (science) +8, Search +5, Sense hp 63 (11 HD); dying/dead -1/-12
Motive +6 Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +8
Possessions masterwork dagger, artisan’s outfit, Spd 30 ft.
masterwork artisan’s tools, oil of greater repair, Melee mwk staff +10/+5 (1d6+1) or
simple house Ranged dagger +8 (1d4+1/19-20)
Expert Skills Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Base Atk +8; Grp +9
Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (engineering), Abilities Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12,
Knowledge (science), Search, Sense Motive, Cha 11
Spot Feats Affinity with Skill (any one Craft),
Leadership, Skill Application (any two Craft),
Artisan: Master (CR 5) Skill Application (Bluff, Diplomacy), Skill Focus
Middle-Aged Human Expert 6 (any one craft)
Medium humanoid Skills Appraise +12, Bluff +16, Concentration +9,
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +9 Craft (any one) +28, Craft (any one) +21,
Languages Common, Faen, Giant Diplomacy +20, Knowledge (engineering) +17,
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Knowledge (science) +17, Search +17, Sense
hp 29 (6 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 Motive +15
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5 Possessions masterwork staff, masterwork
Spd 30 ft. dagger, artisan’s outfit, noble’s outfit with
Melee mwk staff +6 (1d6+1) or jewelry (100 gp), masterwork artisan’s tools,
Ranged mwk dagger +5 (1d4+1/19-20) grand house, radont and carriage, sailing ship
Base Atk +4; Grp +5 Expert Skills Appraise, Bluff, Concentration,
Abilities Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 11, Craft, Diplomacy, Knowledge (engineering),
Cha 11 Knowledge (science), Search, Sense Motive,
Feats Affinity with Skill (any one Craft), Skill Spot
Application (any two Craft), Skill Application
(Bluff, Diplomacy), Skill Focus (any one craft)

Informant: Faen (CR 1) Informant: Sibeccai (CR 3)

Quickling Expert 2 Unbound Sibeccai 3
Small humanoid Medium humanoid
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +6, Spot Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +1,
+6 Spot +1
Languages Common, Faen, Giant Languages Common, Giant
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13
hp 9 (2 HD); dying/dead -1/-10 hp 26 (3 HD); dying/dead -4/-16
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +4 Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2
Spd 20 ft. (run x5) Spd 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +0 (1d3-2/19-20) or Melee bite +7 (1d6+5) or
Ranged mwk dagger +5 (1d3-2/19-20) Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +5 (1d10/19-20)
Base Atk +1; Grp -5 Base Atk +3; Grp +6
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Abilities Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 12,
Cha 14 Cha 12
Feats Affinity with Skill (Gather Information), Skill Feats Affinity with Skill (Gather Information,
Application (Diplomacy, Gather Information) Handle Animal), Bite (Focus, Specialization)B,
Skills Appraise +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +9, Skill Focus (Gather Information)
Gather Information +13, Open Lock +7, Search Skills Gather Information +13, Handle Animal
+3, Sleight of Hand +5, Sneak +14 +10
Possessions 2 masterwork daggers, masterwork Possessions dagger, masterwork heavy
studded leather jack, traveler’s outfit, crossbow, 20 bolts, masterwork studded
masterwork thieves’ tools leather jack, traveler’s outfit, gray bag of tricks,
Expert Skills Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather radont and wagon
Information, Listen, Open Lock, Search, Sleight
of Hand, Sneak, Spot

Informant: Human (CR 2)

Human Aristocrat 3
Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +4, Spot +4
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant
AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13
hp 17 (3 HD); dying/dead -1/-10
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Spd 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +2 (1d6/18-20) or
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4/19-20)
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12,
Cha 14
Feats Affinity with Skill (Gather Information), Skill
Application (Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Perform), Skill Focus (Gather
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +17,
Gather Information +17, Knowledge (nobility and
courtesy) +5, Perform +10, Sense Motive +7
Possessions masterwork rapier, dagger,
masterwork studded leather jack, hat of
disguise, noble’s outfit with jewelry (100 gp),
potion of glamour

Scholar: Mage Blade (CR 9) Scholar: Magister (CR 7)

Middle-Aged Human Mage Blade 9 Human Magister 7
Medium humanoid Medium humanoid
Init +0; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0 Init +1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Giant Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19; shimmering AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11; +2 against magic
shield 1/day (+4 AC; 9 rnds) hp 27 (7 HD); dying/dead -1/-10
hp 62 (9 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6; +2 against magic
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +4 Spd 30 ft.
Spd 30 ft. Melee staff +3 (1d6)
Melee athame +12/+7 (1d8+4/17-20 plus 1d6 Base Atk +3; Grp +3
fire) Atk Options Blessed Mage, Brandish Magical
Base Atk +6; Grp +7 Might, Modify Spell, Peaceful Mage
Atk Options Sanctum, summon athame Spells per Day (CL 7)
Special Atk athame defense 4th (2) – dimensional door, greater transfer
Spells per Day (CL 9) wounds, lesser resilient sphere (DC 18)
3rd (3) – conjure repast, hand of battle (DC 16), 3rd (3) – conjure repast, dispel magic, protection
protection from elements from elements, sorcerous blast (DC 17)
2nd (3) –guided strike B, lesser beastskin, see 2nd (4) – eldritch web(DC 16), lesser ability
invisibility, wicked barb boost, lesser beastskin, mark allies, see
1st (4) – animate weapon, lesser conjure invisibility
weapon, lesser transfer wounds, mind stab, 1st (5) –animate weapon, distraction (DC 15),
resistance lesser conjure weapon, lesser battle healing,
0 (5) – bash, canny effort, detect magic, mind stab, obscuring mist, resistance
enchanting flavor, hygiene, scent bane 0 (5) – canny effort, contact, detect magic,
Combat Gear wand of lesser transfer wounds enchanting flavor, hygiene, lesser telekinesis,
(50), detonation of slow, potion of spirit of read magic, scent bane, sense thoughts
prowess Combat Gear wand of lesser transfer wounds
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 11, (50)
Cha 17 Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 13,
SQ athame (+3 keen, flaming longsword), Cha 12
sprightly step SQ familiarity with magic, staff (hardness 12, 64
Feats Bonded Item (athame), Craft Magic Arms hp, break DC 32)
and Armor, Exotic SpellB, Sanctum, Sensitive, Feats Blessed Mage, Brandish Magical Might,
Title, Weapon Focus (athame) Craft Charged ItemB, Modify Spell, Peaceful
Skills Concentration +16, Craft (weaponsmithing) Mage, Spell Affinity (lesser battle healing)
+18, Knowledge (dangerous beasts) +16, Skills Alchemy +16, Concentration +10, Decipher
Knowledge (humans, nobility and courtesy) Script +14, Knowledge (dragons) +14,
+11, Spellcraft +16 Knowledge (humans, nobility and courtesy) +10,
Possessions combat gear plus +1 breastplate, Spellcraft +14
+1 heavy shield, amulet of health +2, courtier’s Possessions combat gear plus headband of
outfit with jewelry (50 gp), masterwork intellect +2, ring of protection +1, courtier’s outfit
weaponsmithing tools with jewelry (50 gp), alchemist’s lab

Scholar: Runethane (CR 5) CHAPTER 2 - THE KNIGHTS

Human Runethane 5
Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses Listen +0, Spot +8
Suranel (CR 10)
Middle-Aged Human Aristocrat 2 / Warmain 2 /
Languages Common, Giant, Draconic
Champion of Justice 2 / Knight of the Axe 5 /
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14
Lord ProtectorT 2
hp 25 (5 HD); dying/dead -2/-12
Medium humanoid
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
Init +1; Senses Listen +3, Spot +11; sense
Spd 40 ft.
trouble, touch of justice 2/day (Will DC 16; +1
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
Ranged mwk heavy crossbow +4 (1d10/19-20)
Languages Common, Faen, Draconic, Giant,
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
Litorian, Verrik
Atk Options Defensive Move, invested rune,
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21; call or imbue
Mobility, runic template
shield 1/day (+1 AC; 2 mins)
Runes (4): rune of affliction, rune of armor
hp 103 (13 HD); dying/dead -3/-15
(active), rune of conjuring, rune of knowledge,
Fort +16, Ref +5, Will +14
rune of sleep, rune of warding
Spd 20 ft.
Spells per Day (CL 5)
Melee +1 flaming battleaxe +16/+11/+6 (1d8+2/
2nd (2) – cloak of darkness, levitate
x3 plus 1d6 fire)
1st (3) – lesser transfer wounds, mind stab,
Base Atk +12; Grp +13
obscuring mist, safe fall
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted
0 (4) – canny effort, detect magic, ghost sound,
hygiene, seeker
Special Atk mighty strike of justice 1/day, strike
Combat Gear oil of lesser beastskin, wand of
of justice 3/day
lesser transfer wounds (50)
Combat Gear detonation of dispel magic, 2
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10,
potions of lesser transfer wounds
Cha 12
Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 13,
SQ erase rune, sense rune
Cha 18
Feats Craft Single-Use Item, Defensive Move,
SQ heroes are made, hero of the people, hide
Fleet of Foot, Mobility
from the law, loyalty (+3), luck of heroes,
Skills Bluff +2, Concentration +9, Disable Device
protectorate, resources 1/week (+5; x60 gp)
+11, Knowledge (runes) +11, Knowledge
Hero Points 2
(geography, humans, nobility and courtesy) +7,
Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Born Leader,
Open Lock +11, Ride +3, Search +16
Defensive Move, Leadership, Mobility, Mounted
Possessions combat gear plus dagger,
CombatB, SturdyB, Title
masterwork heavy crossbow, 20 bolts, goggles
Skills Bluff +13, Diplomacy +32, Handle Animal
of minute seeing, courtier’s outfit with jewelry
+13, Knowledge (geography, history, humans,
(50 gp), explorer’s outfit, masterwork thieves’
nobility and courtesy) +10, Ride +10, Sense
tools, light warhorse
Motive +17
Possessions combat gear plus +1 flaming
battleaxe, lance, +1 commanding chain and
plates, +1 heavy shield, amulet of health +2,
circlet of persuasion, explorer’s outfit, noble’s
outfit with jewelry (100 gp), heavy warhorse

Suranoth (CR 9) Dcanarmssik “Duck” (CR 9)

Mojh 3/ Runethane 2/ Lorekeeper of the OrderT 4 Verrik Magister 7 / Mage KnightT 2
Medium humanoid Medium humanoid
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60’; Listen +2, Spot +2 Init +1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Faen, Giant, Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Litorian,
Infernal, Litorian, Verrik Verrik
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11; +2 against magic
hp 29 (9 HD); dying/dead -1/-8 hp 27 (9 HD); dying/dead -2/-12
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +12; sealed mind Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +9; +2 against magic
Spd 30 ft. Spd 30 ft.
Melee dagger +5 (1d4/19-20) Melee staff +4 (1d6)
Base Atk +5; Grp +5 Base Atk +4; Grp +4
Atk Options runic template Atk Options Aid Spellcasting, Battle Mage,
Runes (1): rune of armor*, rune of conjuring, rune Eldritch TrainingB, Modify Spell
of knowledge Spells per Day (CL 8)
Active 4th (2) – dimensional door, greater transfer
Spells per Day (CL 8) wounds, lesser resilient sphere (DC 19),
3rd (1) – slow (DC 19) protection from energy
2nd (4) – lesser ability boost, lesser battle 3rd (4) – conjure repast, dispel magic, flight,
healing, lesser beastskin, protective charm (DC protection from elements
18), see invisibility 2nd (4) – eldritch web(DC 17), lesser ability
1st (5) – animate weapon, distraction (DC 17), boost, lesser battle healing, lesser beastskin,
lesser conjure weapon, mind stab, obscuring mark allies, see invisibility, sorcerous blast (DC
mist, resistance 17)
0 (5) – canny effort, detect magic, hygiene, 1st (5) –animate weapon, distraction (DC 16),
lesser telekinesis, read magic, scent bane lesser conjure weapon, mind stab, obscuring
Spell-like Abilities 1/day (CL 9) mist, resistance, safe fall
destructive grip (DC 12), lesser beastskin, 0 (5) – canny effort, contact, detect magic,
levitate (2/day), share armor, touch of fear (DC detect poison, enchanting flavor, hygiene,
11) lesser telekinesis, read magic, scent bane,
Combat Gear wand of lesser transfer wounds sense thoughts
(50) Spell-like Abilities 1/day (CL 9)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 22, Wis 14, contact (DC 13), lesser telekinesis, sense
Cha 10 thoughts (DC 13)
SQ breadth of knowledge (+5), detect magic, Combat Gear wand of lesser transfer wounds
eidetic memory, encyclopedic mind, erase (50)
rune, sealed mind Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12,
Feats Craft Charged item, Craft Single-Use Item, Cha 16
Eidetic Memory, Exotic Spell, Skill Application SQ familiarity with magic, power of ritual, sensory
(Decipher Script, Forgery) control, staff (hardness 12, 64 hp, break DC
Skills Concentration +4, Craft (Bookbinding) +15, 32), strength of ritual
Decipher Script +22, Forgery +22, Gather info Feats Aid Spellcasting, Battle Mage, Eldritch
+5, Knowledge (ceremony, cosmology, history, TrainingB, Modify Spell, Spell Affinity (sorcerous
magic, mojh, nobility and courtesy, religion, blast), Title
runes) +17, Spellcraft +11 Skills Alchemy +16, Concentration +13,
Possessions dagger, ring of protection +1, Knowledge (ceremony, history) +12,
books, scrolls, maps, treatises, strange Knowlegde (magic) +13, Spellcraft +17
curiosities, pens, inks, and more loose papers Possessions combat gear plus headband of
than it can count intellect +2, ring of magical might II, ring of
protection +1, courtier’s outfit with jewelry (50
gp), alchemist’s lab

Tekas Battlereaver (CR 9) Skills Bluff +3, Handle Animal +3, Knowledge
Litorian Unfettered 6 / Master of the AxeT 3 (geography, humans, nobility and courtesy) +3,
Medium humanoid Ride +4, Sense Motive +1, Survival +1
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot Possessions combat gear plus masterwork
+10 battleaxe, masterwork composite longbow (+2
Languages Common, Giant, Litorian, Rhodin Str bonus), 20 arrows, chain and plates, heavy
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 15; parry (+2 AC) shield, courtier’s outfit with jewelry (50 gp),
hp 53 (9 HD); dying/dead -3/-14 explorer’s outfit, heavy warhorse
Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +2
Spd 30 ft. Arrashi the Boulder (CR 21)
Melee Ripper +19/+14 (1d8+9/x3), rapid strike Sibeccai Warmain 9 / Knight of the Axe 2 /
+14 (1d8+9/x3) or Stalwart of TerrakalT 10
Ranged Ripper +18 (1d8+7/x3) Medium humanoid
Base Atk +9; Grp +13 Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot
Atk Options Battering Blow, Cleave, Power +0; sense trouble
Attack, sneak attack (1d6) Languages Common, Giant
Special Atk penetrating strike 3/day (2d6), Rapid AC 27, touch 12, flat-footed 21; steadfast
Strike 9/day B defender (up to +8 AC)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, hp 305 (21 HD); dying/dead -8/-24
Cha 10 Fort +25, Ref +8, Will +8
SQ dedication (-9 hp), practiced warrior (+3 Spd 20 ft.
attack) Melee +3 keen shocking dire greataxe +30/+25/
Feats Battering Blow, Bonded Item (battleaxe), +20/+15/+10 (1d12+14/17-20 x3 plus 1d6
Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus electricity)
(battleaxe)B, Weapon Specialization (battleaxe) Base Atk +21; Grp +26
Skills Balance +12, Bluff +9, Climb +16, Atk Options call of challenge (Will DC 14
Knowledge (nobility and courtesy) +11, negates; 10 rnds), Defensive Move, Improved
Intimidate +11, Tumble +12 Sunder, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power
Possessions Ripper (+1 returning throwing Attack, Power Charge, resolute will (30 hp; 7
battleaxe), +1 Devanian chain shirt, history rnds)
books (100 gp) Special Atk crushing blow 1/day, people’s
defender (up to +5 attack, damage), strike of
Durat (CR 1) justice 1/day, tenacious foe (up to +5 attack,
Human Aristocrat 1 / Squire of the AxeT 1 damage)
Medium humanoid Abilities Str 21, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 8, Wis 10,
Init +1; Senses Listen +1, Spot +4 Cha 9
Languages Common SQ heroes are made
AC 21, touch 16, flat-footed 15 Hero Points 3
hp 14 (2 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 Feats Defensive Move, Exotic Armor
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1 ProficiencyB, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
Spd 30 ft. (Heavy)B, Fast Healer, Great FortitudeB,
Melee mwk battleaxe +5 (1d8+2/x3) or Improved Critical (greataxe)B, Improved
Ranged mwk composite longbow +3 (1d8+2/x3) Sunder, Mobility, Mounted Combat, Power
Base Atk +1; Grp +3 Attack, Power Charge, SturdyB, Title, Weapon
Atk Options Mounted CombatB Focus (greataxe), Weapon Specialization
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser transfer (greataxe)B
wounds Skills Knowledge (geography, nobility and
Abilities Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 8, courtesy) +9, Ride +4
Cha 13 Possessions +3 keen shocking dire greataxe, +3
Feats Fleet of Foot, Mounted CombatB, Wealthy, damage-absorbing definitive harness, amulet of
Weapon Focus (battleaxe) health +6

Nisme Winepour (CR 12) Ren-Kao (CR 11)

Spryte 3 / Akashic 3 / Ollamh Lorekeeper 3 / Human Mind Witch 8 / WitchbladeT 3
Voice of the PeopleT 3 Medium humanoid
Tiny fey Init +4; Senses Listen +2, Spot +2; the sight (Will
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +6, Spot DC 16 negates)
+6 Languages Common, Giant, Verrik
Languages Common, Faen, Draconic, Giant, AC 22, touch 14, flat-footed 18; +1 against
Litorian ranged, +2 against magic
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 hp 66 (11 HD); dying/dead -3/-15
hp 61 (12 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +11; +2 against magic
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10 Spd 30 ft.
Spd 10 ft., fly 30 ft. (perfect) Melee +1 flaming shocking mind blade +10 touch
Ranged +1 sprytebow +15/+10 (1d4-1/x3) (1d6+10 subdual/19-20 plus 1d6 fire plus 1d6
Base Atk +8; Grp -2 electricity)
Atk Options confusion (Will or Ref DC 17 Base Atk +9; Grp +9
negates) Atk Options Sense the Unseen
Special Atk mesmerize 1/day (Will DC 17 Special Atk mindfire 2/day (6d6 subdual, Will DC
negates), soothing oration 1/day, wordplay 4/ 18 negates)
day (Will DC 17 negates) Spells per Day (CL 9)
Spell-like Abilities 1/day (CL 12) 3rd (2) – enhance witchery, hand of battle (DC
heightened charm (DC 15), dispel magic, ghost 15)
sound (DC 14), invisibility, lesser glowglobe, 2nd (4) – darkvision, lesser battle healing,
suggestion (DC 17), unknown muddy ground, protective charm (DC 14)
Abilities Str 7, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 11, 1st (4) – animate weapon, lesser conjure
Cha 19 weapon, lesser transfer wounds, mind stab,
SQ augury 1/month, contact (1), delve into resistance
collective memory 3/day (+6), detect magic, 0 (5) – bash, canny effort, detect magic, minor
lore (+6), perfect recall, rally effort (+3), skill illusion, scent bane, touch of weakness (DC 12)
memory 1/day (+2), status Combat Gear wand of lesser transfer wounds
Hero Points 1 (50)
Feats Skill Application (Bluff, Diplomacy, Abilities Str 11, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 15,
Innuendo, Sense Motive), Skill Focus Cha 8
(Diplomacy), Title, The Voice SQ blade affinity, familiarity with magic, weapon
Skills Bluff +24, Craft (beers and fermentations) devotion +2
+9, Diplomacy +31, Disguise +12, Gather Feats Ability Focus (Mindfire), Craft Magic Arms
Information +23, Innuendo +10, Knowledge and Armor, Sense the Unseen, Sensitive,
(geography, history, magic) +12, Perform Shield Specialization, Weapon Focus (Mind
(storytelling) +20, Sense Motive +17, Sneak Blade)
+18 Skills Bluff +4, Concentration +16, Heal +7,
Possessions +1 sprytebow, 20 arrows, portable Intimidate +10, Knowledge (geography,
hole, ring of sustenance, traveler’s outfit, title to humans, nobility and courtesy) +6, Search +6,
the Free Flagon Tavern Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15
Possessions combat gear plus +1 flaming
shocking mind blade, bracers of armor +3, +2
heavy shield, gloves of dexterity +2, traveler’s

CHAPTER 5 - CHAPTERHOUSES Garren Varniran (CR 9)

Human Wood Witch 9
Sir Fanavir Thistlewick (CR 11) Medium humanoid
Medium Aged Human Akashic 9 / Knight of the Init +3; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3; the sight (Will
Axe 2 DC 17 negates)
Medium humanoid Languages Common
Init +0; Senses Listen +17, Spot +17; creature AC 25, touch 13, flat-footed 22; +1 against
loresight 3/day, object loresight 3/day, sense melee; +2 against magic
trouble hp 52 (9 HD); dying/dead -3/-15
Languages Common, Faen, Giant; tongues 1/ Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +9; +2 against magic
day Spd 40 ft.
AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 24 Melee living blade +9 (1d8+2/19-20); +3 damage
hp 67 (11 HD); dying/dead -3/-15 against nonliving targets
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +10; +1 against magic Base Atk +6; Grp +8
Spd 20 ft. Atk Options Night Owl (+1 to attacks, saves,
Melee +1 battleaxe +12/+7 (1d8+3/x3) checks at night), Power Attack, Speed Burst 4/
Base Atk +8; Grp +10 day
Atk Options Expertise, Improved Trip (+6), Spells per Day (CL 9)
sneak attack (1d6) 3rd (2) – carnivorous plant defense, conjure
Special Atk lesser battle memory 2/day (+4 repast, hand of battle (DC 16)
attack, damage, AC; 9 rnds), strike of justice 1/ 2nd (3) – darkvision, lesser battle healing,
day muddy ground, protective charm (DC 15)
Combat Gear detonation of dispel magic, potion 1st (4) – animate weapon, lesser conjure
of lesser battle healing, potion of lesser weapon, lesser transfer wounds, mind stab,
beastskin, detonation of lesser drain away plant armor†
speed, detonation of shock 0 (5) – bash, canny effort, detect magic, minor
Abilities Str 15, Dex 11, Con 15, Int 16, Wis 16, illusion, scent bane, touch of weakness (DC 13)

Cha 14 Already cast twice, heightened
SQ delve into collective memory 9/day (+12), Combat Gear wand of lesser transfer wounds
heroes are made, perfect recall, skill memory 4/ (50), detonation of slow, potion of spirit of
day (+4) prowess
Hero Points 1 Abilities Str 15, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 17,
Feats Bonded Item (battleaxe), Expertise, Cha 14
Improved Trip, Leadership, Resistance to SQ familiarity with magic, nature’s warding word
Magic, Title (+4 natural armor), plant spellcasting (+2 CL)
Skills Bluff +16, Decipher Script +15, Diplomacy Feats Defensive Stance, Fleet of Foot, Night
+20, Disguise +16, Gather Information +14, Owl, Power Attack, Speed Burst, Weapon
Knowledge (architecture, faen, giants, history) Focus (Living Blade)
+12, Knowledge (geography, nobility and Skills Climb +10, Concentration +14, Heal +11,
courtesy) +14, Knowledge (humans) +16, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (nobility
Listen+17, Ride +6, Sense Motive +17, Spot and courtesy) +8, Sense Motive +12, Survival
+17 +13
Possessions combat gear plus +1 battleaxe, +2 Possessions combat gear plus amulet of health
plate armor, +2 heavy shield, amulet of health +2, belt of strength +2, gloves of dexterity +2,
+2, belt of strength +2, noble’s outfit courtier’s outfit with jewelry (50 gp)

CHAPTER 7 - “LEGACY OF HEROES” Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 12,
Cha 19
SQ delve into collective memory 5/day (+9),
Squamous Lir Guard (CR 6) perfect recall, skill memory 2/day (+2)
Squamous Lir Warmain 3 Feats Bonded Item (spikestick), Eidetic Memory,
Medium humanoid Iron Will, Sense the Unseen, Weapon Finesse
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +8, Spot Skills Concentration +9, Diplomacy +15, Disable
+1 Device +15, Knowledge (ceremony, dragons)
Languages Common, Draconic, Terran +23, Knowledge (history, magic) +14, Search
AC 28, touch 12, flat-footed 26 +15, Sneak +5, Spellcraft +7
hp 56 (9 HD); dying/dead -1/-11 Possessions combat gear plus +2 spikestick, +1
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +6 chain and plates, +1 heavy shield, headband of
Spd 20 ft. intellect +2
Melee +2 spikestick +13 (1d8+2/x3) or
Melee bite +6 (1d4)
Base Atk +7; Grp +7
Squamous Lir Elder Seeker (CR 12)
Atk Options earth template Squamous Lir Akashic 9
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5) Medium humanoid
3/day earth burst (DC 16), read mind (DC 16), Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +12, Spot
stone blast, stone shield +1; creature loresight 4/day, location loresight
1/day dispel magic, levitate, magic armor, 4/day, object loresight 4/day
magic weapon, sorcerous guise (DC 16) Languages Common, Draconic, Terran; tongues
Combat Gear 2 detonations of lesser drain away 1/day
speed AC 29, touch 12, flat-footed 27
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 12, hp 61 (15 HD); dying/dead -1/-11
Cha 19 Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +11
Feats Bonded Item (spikestick), Iron Will, Sense Spd 20 ft.
the Unseen, Sturdy B, Weapon Finesse, Melee +2 spikestick +12 (1d8+2/x3) or
Weapon Focus (spikestick)B Melee bite +6 (1d4) or
Skills Climb +8, Concentration +9, Knowledge Base Atk +10; Grp +10
(history, magic) +7, Sneak +5, Spellcraft +5 Atk Options earth template
Possessions combat gear plus +2 spikestick, +1 Special Atk minor battle memory 1/day (+3
chain and plates, +1 heavy shield attack, damage, AC; 5 rnds)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5)
3/day earth burst (DC 17), read mind (DC 17),
Squamous Lir Seeker (CR 8) stone blast, stone shield
Squamous Lir Akashic 5 1/day dispel magic, levitate, magic armor,
Medium humanoid magic weapon, sorcerous guise (DC 17)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +8, Spot Combat Gear 2 detonations of lesser resilient
+1; object loresight 4/day sphere, 2 detonations of vitrification
Languages Common, Draconic, Terran; tongues Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 19, Wis 12,
1/day Cha 20
AC 28, touch 12, flat-footed 26 SQ delve into collective memory 9/day (+13),
hp 47 (11 HD); dying/dead -1/-11 perfect recall, skill memory 4/day (+4)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +9 Feats Bonded Item (spikestick), Eidetic Memory,
Spd 20 ft. Iron Will, Leadership, Sense the Unseen, Title,
Melee +2 spikestick +12 (1d8+2/x3) or Weapon Finesse
Melee bite +6 (1d4) or Skills Concentration +13, Diplomacy +20,
Base Atk +7; Grp +7 Disable Device +19, Knowledge (ceremony,
Atk Options earth template dragons) +27, Knowledge (history, magic) +18,
Spell-like Abilities (CL 5) Search +19, Sneak +9, Spellcraft +11
3/day earth burst (DC 16), read mind (DC 16), Possessions combat gear plus +2 spikestick, +2
stone blast, stone shield chain and plates, +1 heavy shield, headband of
1/day dispel magic, levitate, magic armor, intellect +2, lens of analysis
magic weapon, sorcerous guise (DC 16)
Combat Gear 2 detonations of earth sorcerous

Nathred, Agent of the Knights (CR 5) Nightwalker Assassin (CR 6)

Unbound Human Aristocrat 1 / Unfettered 4 / Quickling Unfettered 3 / Clever Blade 2 /
Knight of the Axe 1 Assassin 1 (see Transcendence by Malhavoc
Medium humanoid Press)
Init +2; Senses Listen +5, Spot +9 Small humanoid
Languages Common, Faen, Giant Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15; parry (+4 AC) +9
hp 31 (6 HD); dying/dead -1/-11 Languages Common, Faen, Giant, Goblin,
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +3 Thieves’ Cant
Spd 30 ft. AC 22, touch 18, flat-footed 15; parry (+2 AC)
Melee mwk rapier +8 (1d6+1/18-20), mwk main hp 35 (6 HD); dying/dead -2/-12
gauche +8 (1d4/19-20) Fort +2, Ref +11, Will +1
Base Atk +5; Grp +6 Spd 20 ft. (run x5)
Atk Options Defensive Move, Mobility, Mounted Ranged +1 hand crossbow +11 (1d4+1/19-20
Combat, sneak attack (1d6) plus poison)
Combat Gear 2 potions of lesser resilient sphere Base Atk +5; Grp 0
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 10, Atk Options base trickery, death attack (Fort DC
Cha 12 13 negates), Defensive Move, Intuitive Sense,
SQ heroes are made Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, sneak attack
Hero Points 1 (3d6)
Feats Ambidexterity, Defensive Move, Mobility, Spells per Day (CL 1)
Mounted Combat, Two-Weapon FightingB, 1st (1) – acrobatics, safe fall
Weapon Finesse Combat Gear 2 potions of invisibility, 2 doses of
Skills Bluff +10, Gather Information +10, purple worm poison (injury DC 24, 1d6 Str/ 2d6
Knowledge (geography, nobility and courtesy) Str)
+11, Ride +7, Sense Motive +5, Sneak +7 Abilities Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10,
Possessions combat gear plus masterwork Cha 10
rapier, masterwork main gauche, +1 Devanian SQ poison use
chain shirt, notebook (+2 to Knowledge Feats Defensive Move, Improved InitiativeB,
[geography]), 500 gp worth of emeralds Intuitive Sense, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Skills Climb +8, Craft (poison) +11, Disguise +4,
Sleight of Hand +9, Sneak +19, Tumble +13.
Possessions combat gear plus +1 hand
crossbow, 10 bolts, +1 studded leather jack,
adventurer’s outfit
Base Trickery: The nightwalker gains an
additional +2 bonus on attack rolls against an
opponent who takes a circumstance penalty on
attacks or if the terrain confers any sort of
bonus on the nightwalker’s attack.

Serra of the Nightwalkers (CR 6) Other Feats Defensive Roll, Improved Initiative,
Human Akashic 1 / Unfettered 4 / Nightwalker 1 Light Sleeper, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload,
Medium humanoid Weapon Focus (hand crossbow)B
Init +7; Senses Listen +6, Spot +6 Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +11, Disguise +15,
Languages Common, Faen, Thieves’ Cant Escape Artist +14, Innuendo +12, Knowledge
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14; parry (+2 AC) (local) +13, Open Lock +16, Sense Motive +8,
hp 33 (6 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 Sneak +14
Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +4 Possessions combat gear plus 2 masterwork
Spd 30 ft. daggers, +1 hand crossbow, 20 bolts, +2
Melee mwk dagger +3 (1d4-1/19-20) or studded leather jack, 2 disguise kits,
Ranged +1 hand crossbow +9 (1d4+1/19-20) masterwork thieves’ tools, adventurer’s outfit,
Base Atk +4; Grp +3 400 gp
Atk Options Defensive Roll, Rapid Reload,
sneak attack (2d6) Serra of the Nightwalkers (CR 10)
Combat Gear 2 potions of acrobatics, detonation Human Akashic 1 / Unfettered 4 / Nightwalker 5
of dazzlesphere, oil of sorcerous guise Medium humanoid
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Init +7; Senses Listen +10, Spot +10
Cha 10 Languages Common, Faen, Thieves’ Cant
SQ member identification, skill memory 1/day AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14; parry (+2 AC)
(+2) hp 55 (10 HD); dying/dead -2/-12
Feats Defensive Roll, Improved Initiative, Light Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +7
Sleeper, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload, Weapon Spd 30 ft.
Focus (hand crossbow)B Melee mwk dagger +12/+7 (1d4-1/19-20) or
Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +9, Disguise +13, Ranged +1 hand crossbow +13/+8 (1d4+1/19-
Escape Artist +12, Innuendo +10, Knowledge 20)
(local) +11, Open Lock +14, Sense Motive +6, Base Atk +7; Grp +6
Sneak +12 Atk Options Defensive Roll, Rapid Reload, size
Possessions combat gear plus 2 masterwork up a foe (+2 attack, damage, AC, Bluff,
daggers, +1 hand crossbow, 20 bolts, +1 Diplomacy, Sense Motive), sneak attack (4d6)
studded leather jack, 2 disguise kits, Combat Gear 2 potions of acrobatics, 2
masterwork thieves’ tools, adventurer’s outfit, detonations of dazzlesphere, 2 potions of flight,
200 gp 2 potions of invisibility, 2 oils of sorcerous guise
Abilities Str 8, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14,
Serra of the Nightwalkers (CR 8) Cha 10
Human Akashic 1 / Unfettered 4 / Nightwalker 3 SQ member identification, skill memory 1/day
Medium humanoid (+2)
Init +7; Senses Listen +8, Spot +8; size up a foe Other Feats Defensive Roll, Improved Initiative,
Languages Common, Faen, Thieves’ Cant Light Sleeper, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload,
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15; parry (+2 AC) Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (hand
hp 42 (8 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 crossbow)B
Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +6 Skills Appraise +7, Bluff +13, Disguise +17,
Spd 30 ft. Escape Artist +17, Innuendo +13, Knowledge
Melee mwk dagger +5/+0 (1d4-1/19-20) or (local) +15, Open Lock +19, Sense Motive +9,
Ranged +1 hand crossbow +11/+6 (1d4+1/19- Sneak +17
20) Possessions combat gear plus 2 masterwork
Base Atk +6; Grp +5 daggers, +1 hand crossbow, 20 bolts, +2
Atk Options Defensive Roll, Rapid Reload, studded leather jack, gloves of dexterity +2, 2
sneak attack (3d6) disguise kits, masterwork thieves’ tools,
Combat Gear 2 potions of acrobatics, 2 adventurer’s outfit, 800 gp
detonations of dazzlesphere, 2 oils of
sorcerous guise
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14,
Cha 10
SQ member identification, skill memory 1/day

Wyvern (CR 6) Abilities Str 27, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 12,
Large Dragon Cha 9
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60’, low-light vision, Feats Ability Focus, Flyby Attack, MultiattackB,
scent; Listen +13, Spot +16 Skill Application (Listen, Spot), Tough Hide
Languages Draconic Skills Sneak +4, Survival +13
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
hp 59 (7 HD); dying/dead -3/-15 wyvern must hit with its talons. It can then
Immune sleep, paralysis attempt to start a grapple as a free action
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +6 without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it
Spd 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
Space/Reach 10 feet/5 feet and stings.
Melee sting +10 melee (1d6+4 plus poison), bite
+8 melee (2d8+4), 2 wings +8 melee (1d8+2), 2 Wyvern (CR 10)
talons +8 melee (2d6+4) Gargantuan Dragon
Base Atk +7; Grp +15 Init +0; Senses darkvision 60’, low-light vision,
Atk Options Flyby Attack, improved grab, poison scent; Listen +17, Spot +20
(injury DC 17, 2d6 Con/ 2d6 Con) Languages Draconic
Abilities Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 12, AC 22, touch 6, flat-footed 22
Cha 9 hp 162 (11 HD); dying/dead -8/-24
Other Feats Ability Focus, Flyby Attack, Immune sleep, paralysis
MultiattackB, Skill Application (Listen, Spot), Fort +14, Ref +7, Will +8
Tough Hide Spd 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor)
Skills Sneak +7, Survival +11 Space/Reach 20 feet/15 feet
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Melee sting +19 melee (2d6+12 plus poison), bite
wyvern must hit with its talons. It can then +17 melee (4d8+12), 2 wings +17 melee
attempt to start a grapple as a free action (2d8+6), 2 talons +17 melee (4d6+12)
without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it Base Atk +11; Grp +35
wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold Atk Options Flyby Attack, improved grab, poison
and stings. (injury DC 22, 2d6 Con/ 2d6 Con)
Abilities Str 35, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 6, Wis 12,
Wyvern (CR 8) Cha 9
Huge Dragon Feats Ability Focus, Flyby Attack, Multiattack B,
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60’, low-light vision, Skill Application (Listen, Spot), Sturdy, Tough
scent; Listen +15, Spot +18 Hide
Languages Draconic Skills Sneak +2, Survival +15
AC 19, touch 8, flat-footed 19 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a
hp 94 (9 HD); dying/dead -5/-19 wyvern must hit with its talons. It can then
Immune sleep, paralysis attempt to start a grapple as a free action
Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +7 without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it
Spd 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
Space/Reach 15 feet/10 feet and stings.
Melee sting +15 melee (1d8+8 plus poison), bite
+13 melee (4d6+8), 2 wings +13 melee
(2d6+4), 2 talons +13 melee (2d8+8)
Base Atk +9; Grp +25
Atk Options Flyby Attack, improved grab, poison
(injury DC 18, 2d6 Con/ 2d6 Con)

Vsren (CR 8) Vsren (CR 10)

Squamous Lir Mage Blade 5 Squamous Lir Mage Blade 7
Medium humanoid Medium humanoid
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +8, Spot Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +8, Spot
+1 +1
Languages Common, Draconic, Terran Languages Common, Draconic, Terran
AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 23; shimmering AC 28, touch 12, flat-footed 24; shimmering
shield 1/day (+2 AC; 5 rnds) shield 1/day (+2 AC; 7 rnds)
hp 64 (11 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 hp 75 (13 HD); dying/dead -2/-12
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +7 Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +8
Spd 30 ft. Spd 30 ft.
Melee athame +13/+8 (1d8+2/x3 plus 2d6 earth) Melee athame +16/+11 (1d8+2/x3 plus 2d6 earth)
–or- bite +7 (1d4) -or- bite +9 (1d4)
Base Atk +7; Grp +7 Base Atk +9; Grp +9
Atk Options earth template Atk Options Combat Reflexes, earth template
Spells per Day (CL 5) Special Atk athame defense
2nd (2) – earth burst (DC 16), lesser spell’s Spells per Day (CL 7)
edge 3rd (1) – (DC 17) earth sorcerous blast
1st (3) – charm (DC 15), mudball, resistance, 2nd (3) – (DC 16) darkvision, earth burst, lesser
touch of fear (DC 15) battle healing, lesser spell’s edge
0 (4) – canny effort, detect magic, ghost sound, 1st (4) – (DC 15) charm, lesser compelling
lesser glowglobe, touch of weakness (DC 14) command, mudball, resistance, touch of fear
Spell-like Abilities (CL 10) 0 (4) – (DC 14) canny effort, detect magic,
3/day earth burst (DC 16), read mind (DC 16), ghost sound, lesser glowglobe, touch of
stone blast, stone shield weakness
1/day dispel magic, levitate, magic armor, Spell-like Abilities (CL 12)
magic weapon, sorcerous guise (DC 16) 3/day earth burst (DC 16), read mind (DC 16),
Combat Gear 2 heightening elixirs, 4 detonations stone blast, stone shield
of lesser drain away speed, detonation of earth 1/day dispel magic, levitate, magic armor,
sorcerous blast magic weapon, sorcerous guise (DC 16)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12, Combat Gear 2 heightening elixirs, 4 detonations
Cha 19 of lesser drain away speed, 2 potions of
SQ athame (+2 raging earth spikestick) levitate, token of dimensional door, token of
Feats Bonded Item (athame), Exotic Armor wall of stone
Proficiency, Iron Will, Sense the Unseen, Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (athame)B Cha 19
Skills Concentration +15, Knowledge (history, SQ athame (+2 raging earth spikestick), sprightly
magic) +12, Sneak +9, Spellcraft +10 step
Possessions combat gear plus +1 Devanian Feats Bonded Item (athame), Combat Reflexes,
chain shirt, +1 articulated heavy shield Exotic Armor Proficiency, Iron Will, Sense the
Unseen, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Skills Concentration +17, Knowledge (history,
magic) +14, Sneak +7, Spellcraft +12
Possessions combat gear plus +1 articulated
plate jack, +1 articulated heavy shield, greaves
of dexterity +2

Vsren (CR 12) Clay Golem (CR 10)

Squamous Lir Mage Blade 9 Large Construct
Medium humanoid Init -1; Senses darkvision 60’, low-light vision;
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Listen +8, Spot Listen +0, Spot +0
+1 AC 22, touch 8, flat-footed 22 [+1 AC if hasted]
Languages Common, Draconic, Terran hp 90 (11 HD); DR 10/adamantine and
AC 30, touch 12, flat-footed 30; shimmering bludgeoning (20/+1)
shield 1/day (+4 AC; 9 rnds) Immune magic
hp 86 (15 HD); dying/dead -2/-12 Fort +3, Ref +2 [+3 if hasted], Will +3
Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +9 Spd 20 ft. [40 ft. if hasted]
Spd 30 ft. Space/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
Melee athame +18/+13 (1d8+3/x3 plus 2d6 Melee 2 slams +14 melee (2d10+7) [3 slams +15
earth), rapid strike +13 (1d8+3/x3 plus 2d6 melee (2d10+7) if hasted]
earth) -or- bite +10 (1d4) Base Atk +8; Grp +19
Base Atk +10; Grp +10 Atk Options cursed wound (caster level DC 26 to
Atk Options Combat Reflexes, earth template heal)
Special Atk athame defense, Rapid Strike 15/ Special Atk haste 1/day (3 rnds)
day Abilities Str 25, Dex 9, Con –, Int –, Wis 11, Cha
Spells per Day (CL 9) 1
3rd (3) – (DC 18) earth’s clutches, hand of SQ berserk, construct type
battle, earth sorcerous blast Immunity to Magic (Ex): A clay golem is
2nd (3) – (DC 17) darkvision, earth burst, lesser immune to any spell or spell-like ability that
battle healing, lesser spell’s edge allows spell resistance. In addition, certain
1st (5) – (DC 16) charm, lesser compelling spells and effects function differently against
command, lesser transfer wounds, mudball, the creature, as noted below.
resistance, touch of fear A disintegration spell slows the golem (as the
0 (6) – (DC 15) bash, canny effort, detect slow spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12
magic, ghost sound, lesser glowglobe, minor points of damage.
illusion, touch of weakness Any magical attack against a clay golem that
Spell-like Abilities (CL 14) deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage for
3/day earth burst (DC 17), read mind (DC 17), every 3 points of damage it would otherwise
stone blast, stone shield deal. If the amount of healing would cause the
1/day dispel magic, levitate, magic armor, golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it
magic weapon, sorcerous guise (DC 17) gains any excess as temporary hit points.
Combat Gear 2 heightening elixirs, 2 sturdying
elixirs [10 hp], 4 detonations of lesser drain
away speed, 2 potions of levitate, token of
dimension door, token of wall of stone
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 12,
Cha 20
SQ athame (+3 rapid-striking raging earth
spikestick), sprightly step
Feats Bonded Item (athame), Combat Reflexes,
Exotic Armor Proficiency, Iron Will, Sense the
Unseen, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Skills Concentration +19, Knowledge (history,
magic) +16, Sneak +7, Spellcraft +14
Possessions combat gear plus +2 articulated
plate jack, +2 articulated heavy shield, greaves
of dexterity +2

Runecarved Clay Golem (CR 12) Runecarved Advanced Clay Golem

Large Construct (CR 14)
Init -1; Senses darkvision 60’, low-light vision; Large Construct
Listen +0, Spot +0 Init -1; Senses darkvision 60’, low-light vision;
AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 24 [+1 AC if hasted] Listen +0, Spot +0
hp 90 (11 HD); DR 10/adamantine and AC 24, touch 10, flat-footed 24 [+1 AC if hasted]
bludgeoning (20/+1) hp 134 (19 HD); DR 10/adamantine and
Immune magic bludgeoning (20/+1)
Fort +5, Ref +4 [+5 if hasted], Will +5 Immune magic
Spd 30 ft. [60 ft. if hasted] Fort +8, Ref +7 [+8 if hasted], Will +8
Space/Reach 10 feet/10 feet Spd 30 ft. [60 ft. if hasted]
Melee 2 slams +14 melee (2d10+7 plus 2d6 Space/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
force) [3 slams +15 melee (2d10+7 plus 2d6 Melee 2 slams +20 melee (2d10+7 plus 2d6
force) if hasted] force) [3 slams +21 melee (2d10+7 plus 2d6
Base Atk +8; Grp +19 force) if hasted]
Atk Options cursed wound (caster level DC 26 to Base Atk +14; Grp +25
heal) Atk Options cursed wound (caster level DC 26 to
Special Atk haste 1/day (3 rnds) heal)
Spell-like Ability 1/day (CL 5) Special Atk haste 1/day (3 rnds)
runic gaze of terror (DC 15) Spell-like Ability 1/day (CL 9)
Abilities Str 25, Dex 9, Con –, Int –, Wis 11, Cha runic gaze of terror (DC 19)
1 Abilities Str 25, Dex 9, Con –, Int –, Wis 11, Cha
SQ berserk, construct type, runic spell, runic 1
strike SQ berserk, construct type, runic spell, runic
Immunity to Magic (Ex): A clay golem is strike
immune to any spell or spell-like ability that Immunity to Magic (Ex): A clay golem is
allows spell resistance. In addition, certain immune to any spell or spell-like ability that
spells and effects function differently against allows spell resistance. In addition, certain
the creature, as noted below. spells and effects function differently against
A disintegration spell slows the golem (as the the creature, as noted below.
slow spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12 A disintegration spell slows the golem (as the
points of damage. slow spell) for 1d6 rounds and deals 1d12
Any magical attack against a clay golem that points of damage.
deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage for Any magical attack against a clay golem that
every 3 points of damage it would otherwise deals acid damage heals 1 point of damage for
deal. If the amount of healing would cause the every 3 points of damage it would otherwise
golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it deal. If the amount of healing would cause the
gains any excess as temporary hit points. golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it
gains any excess as temporary hit points.

New Creature Template: Runecarved

“Runecarved golem” is an applied template you can add to any golem. The runecarved golem uses all the base
creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Armor Class: The golem gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC.
Speed: The golem’s base land speed increases by +10 feet.
Runic Strike (Su): The golem’s slam attack is considered to be a magic weapon for the purposes of bypassing
damage reduction and hitting incorporeal creatures. In addition, the golem’s slam attack deals an extra +2d6 points of
force damage on a successful hit.
Runic Spell (Sp): The golem gains one simple spell of up to half its HD (maximum 4th) as a spell-like ability usable
once per day, using half its HD as the caster level. The spell is considered to have the runic template applied, which
requires the spell’s target to modify the saving throw with its Intelligence ability score modifier rather than the
standard ability score. The save DC, if applicable, is equal to 10 + half the golem’s HD.
Saving Throws: The golem gains a +2 resistance bonus to saving throws.
Challenge Rating: As the base golem +2.

Toman Dragonslayer (CR 10) Abilities Str –, Dex 17, Con –, Int 10, Wis 11,
Undead Champion of Justice 7 Cha 17
Medium undead (incorporeal) SQ sunlight powerlessness, undead type,
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60’; Listen +0, Spot unnatural aura
+10; touch of justice 7/day (Will DC 20; +1 Feats Bonded Item (greatsword), Natural
damage) Swordsman, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Languages High Sennes (greatsword), Weapon Specialization
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 15; +1 against (greatsword)
swords Skills Diplomacy +15, Knowledge (history) +12
hp 61 (7 HD) Possessions Wyrmbane (+2 ghostly dragonbane
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5 greatsword), +2 ghostly damage-absorbing
Spd fly 20 ft. (perfect) plate armor
Melee Wyrmbane +12/+7 touch (2d6+8/19-20);
call or imbue weapon 1/day (+1 attack, Toman Dragonslayer (CR 14)
damage; 7 mins) Undead Champion of Justice and Sennes 11
Base Atk +7; Grp – Medium undead (incorporeal)
Atk Options energy drain (DC 16) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60’; Listen +0, Spot
Special Atk blast of castigation 2/day (CL 7) +14; touch of justice 11/day (Will DC 24; +1
Abilities Str –, Dex 17, Con –, Int 10, Wis 11, damage)
Cha 16 Languages High Sennes
SQ sunlight powerlessness, undead type, AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 15; +1 against
unnatural aura swords
Feats Bonded Item (greatsword), Natural hp 87 (11 HD)
Swordsman, Power Attack, Weapon Focus Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +7
(greatsword), Weapon Specialization Spd fly 20 ft. (perfect)
(greatsword) Melee Wyrmbane +20/+15/+10 touch
Skills Diplomacy +13, Knowledge (history) +10 (2d6+11/17-20); call or imbue weapon 1/day
Possessions Wyrmbane (+1 ghostly dragonbane (+1 attack, damage; 11 mins)
greatsword), +2 ghostly damage-absorbing Base Atk +11; Grp –
plate armor Atk Options energy drain (DC 18), Modify
Combat Style
Toman Dragonslayer (CR 12) Special Atk blast of castigation 3/day (CL 11),
Undead Champion of Justice 9 heartening cry 1/day (+1 attack, saves, checks;
Medium undead (incorporeal) 11 rnds)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60’; Listen +0, Spot Abilities Str –, Dex 17, Con –, Int 10, Wis 11,
+12; touch of justice 9/day (Will DC 22; +1 Cha 17
damage) SQ strength of place, sunlight powerlessness,
Languages High Sennes undead type, unnatural aura
AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 15; +1 against Feats Bonded Item (greatsword), Natural
swords Swordsman, Power Attack, Weapon Focus
hp 74 (9 HD) (greatsword), Weapon Specialization
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6 (greatsword)
Spd fly 20 ft. (perfect) Skills Diplomacy +17, Knowledge (history) +14
Melee Wyrmbane +16/+11 touch (2d6+9/19-20); Possessions Wyrmbane (+2 ghostly dragonbane
call or imbue weapon 1/day (+1 attack, keen greatsword), +2 ghostly damage-
damage; 9 mins) absorbing plate armor
Base Atk +9; Grp –
Atk Options energy drain (DC 17), Modify
Combat Style
Special Atk blast of castigation 3/day (CL 9),
heartening cry 1/day (+1 attack, saves, checks;
9 rnds)
10-Foot Scale 42
Giant-Killer (magical quality) 38
20-Foot Scale 42 Glamoured (magical quality) 38 Pale Knight, The (NPC) 12, 102
Grathosh The Whiteclaw (NPC) 12, Parry Set Weapon (combat rite) 48
Acquired Honor 53 102 Polyglot (feat) 96
Acrobatic Leap (combat rite) 48 Greater Commanding (magical Power Rituals 34-35
Advisors 106 quality) 37 Price of Transgression, The 36
Affinity with Allies (feat) 74 Greater Overrun (feat) 46
Aid Another 48 Gridless 43 Quick Charge (feat) 46
Amulet of Zeal (magic item) 38 Guarded Charge (combat rite) 48
Arrashi the Boulder (NPC) 25, 112 Guerilla Tactician (feat) 74 Rabid Rebel (feat) 75
Artifactbound (template) 99 Racial Codes (of Honor) 54
Artisans 107 Hand of Justice (spell) 32 Rebel Tactics 71
Ascribed Honor 53 Hard Stop (combat rite) 48 Redmist Keep (chapterhouse) 61
Axe Master (feat) 33 Harsted of Ghostwash March (NPC) Ren-Kao (NPC) 29, 113
Axe of Destruction (spell) 31 10, 100 Riding Tricks 47-48
Axe of the First Knight (artifact) 39 Headband of Right Thinking (magic Rituals 34-36, 75
item) 76 Runecarved (template) 121
Balam (creature) 49 Heir to the Axe (feat) 46 Rusty Skull, The (chapterhouse) 60
Battering Blow (feat) 33 Helias Blacknettle (NPC) 10, 101
Blood Brothers (ritual) 75 Heroic Overdrive 56 Sacrificing (magical quality) 38
Bond with the Land (ritual) 34 Sage of Verdune (NPC) 7, 96
Bonded Mount (feat) 45 Improved Mounted Combat (feat) 46 Scholar (feat) 96
Bond of the Faithful Steed (ritual) 45 Indisputable Fact (spell) 77 Scholars 109-110
Boon Companion (feat) 45 Informants 108 Seize Control (combat rite) 48
Bracelet of Truename Masking Innate Magic (feat) 33 Sense of Place (ritual) 35
(artifact) 39 Innate Power (feat) 33 Shield Mount (combat rite) 48
Broadcast Bracers (magic item) 75 Insurgent (feat) 74 Sir Aniton Golhia (NPC) 10, 100
Brothers-in-Arms (feat) 74 Sir Fanavir Thistlewick (NPC) 63, 114
Knights 104 Sir Redic Pynchar 4, 6, 10
Call Balam (spell) 50 Knight’s Charge (feat) 46 Smashing Blow (feat) 34
Changes to the Tabletop 41-43 Knockdown Rush (combat rite) 48 Spellrider (feat) 46
Clinging Axe 36 Spells 31-33, 50, 76-78
Code of the Axe 5 Lady Taliena Ishor (NPC) 10, 101 Spirited Charge (feat) 46
Codes of Honor 54 Lance Trip (combat rite) 48 Squires 103
Combat Rites 36-37, 48 Lord Protector (prestige class) 15 Squire of the Axe (prestige class) 24
Combat Underground 43 Lords 105-106 Stalwart of Terrakal (prestige class) 25
Commanding (magical quality) 37 Lorekeeper of the Order (prestige class) Stormhold (chapterhouse) 61
17 Storm Steed (creature) 50
Dcanarmssik / “Duck” (NPC) 19, 111 Loresight Feedback (spell) 77 Storm the Gates (spell) 78
Deadly Pass (feat) 45 Sundering (magical quality) 38
Defender (magical quality) 37 Madness of Undeath 12 Suranel (NPC) 15, 110
Demoralize the Masses (spell) 76 Mage Knight (prestige class) 19 Suranoth (NPC) 17, 111
Detonation Glue (item) 75 Magic Items 37-39, 75-76 Surging Attack (feat) 34
Detonation Trigger (item) 75 Mass Combat Scale 42 Swarm of Axes (spell) 32
Durat (NPC) 24, 112 Master of the Axe (prestige class) 22 Sweeping Blow (feat) 34
Might of the Axe (spell) 32
Establishment 67, 69 Mobile (magical quality) 37 Tekas Battlereaver (NPC) 22, 112
Establishment Tactics 70 Terrain Features 44
Exotic Mount (feat) 45 Natural Rider (feat) 46 Terrain Master (feat) 47
Expertise 48 Nisme Winepour (NPC) 27, 113 Trip 48
Eye of the Axe, The (chapterhouse) 61, Non-Detection (magical quality) 38
64 Unilthiet (NPC) 9, 97
Eyes of the Warder (magic item) 76 Oath of Obedience (ritual) 36
Oath of Purpose (ritual) 36 Voice of the People (prestige class) 27
Feats 33-34, 44-47, 74-75, 96 Oath of the Hidden Journey (ritual) 35
Flight 43 Oath Rituals 35-36 Warmage (feat) 34
Oppressors 69 Wheeling Charge (combat rite) 48
Garble (spell) 77 Orlen (NPC) 9, 98 Whisper Geas (spell) 78
Garren Varniran (NPC) 63, 114 Overrun Attack (feat) 47 Witchblade (prestige class) 29
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