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1. Create 2 vectors based on the specifications given below and answer the questions that
V1 = c(40, 34, 65, 78, 89, 102, 23)
V2 = c(23, 45, 26, 154, 68, 78)

1.a) Find the best-suited measure of central tendency for both the vectors V1 and V2.
Explain your findings in brief.

->In this case, median is the best measure of central tendency as it is not affected that
much by the extreme values. Hence, median is the best measure of central tendency
for both vector 1 and vector 2.

1.b) Perform a comparative study of standard deviations/variances of both the vectors

and explain the differences obtained.
->Here we can see that the deviated values are more in vector 2 when compared to
vector 1, the difference is because there are more

2. Use the dataset liver_disorders.csv and answer the following:

Use the dataset liver_disorders.csv and answer the following:

1. Find the skewness and kurtosis corresponding to sgpt column and explain the output.

 Since the skewness value is greater than 1, the distribution of the sgpt columns is heavily
 Since the kurtosis value is greater than 3, the distribution of the sgpt column has more
data in the tails than in the beginning.

2. Create a boxplot and identify outliers, if any.

3. Perform the outlier treatment and verify the removal using a boxplot.

4. Using apply function find the mean of sgpt column based on selector column.

5. sgpt values above 50 are not considered normal. Find and print those values.

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