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Assessment Task 2

SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements

Assessment Submission details:

1. Please include following details on the top of your assessment:

 Your Name
 Your Student Id
 Your Trainer’s name
 Title of your Assessment
 Assessment Due Date
 Actual Submission Date
Please Note: Any changes in the assessment due date must be approved by your trainer.

2. This assessment must be in Microsoft word format. Following settings should be made for this assignment
to keep consistency among all the assessments:

Body text Page setup

 Font: Times New Roman  Top: 2.54 cm 

 Font size: 12 point  Bottom: 2.54 cm

 Line spacing: Double   Left: 3.17 cm

 Text style: Normal  Right: 3.17 cm

 Header: 1.25 cm

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3. Do not forget to attach the Cover Sheet at the front of the assessment.
4. Make sure you have signed the Cover sheet to declare this is your own work.
5. You can e-mail this assessment to your trainer’s e-mail address with following details:
In ‘subject’ mention your ‘student Id – Your name’.

Achieving Competence:

To be deemed competent in this assessment you must:

 Correctly address all of the assessment requirements as described in this task

 Correctly address all of the submission instructions
 Successfully complete the Assessment Questions
 Submit assessment on or before the due date with an assessment cover sheet

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
Performance objective:

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance
criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

a) develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in combination meet at least six
different special dietary requirements as specified in the knowledge evidence
b) two of the above menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural or religious dietary requirements
as specified in the knowledge evidence
c) two of the above menus or meal plans must address the special dietary requirements of different
customer groups as specified in the knowledge evidence
d) evaluate each of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the following types of feedback:
o customer satisfaction discussions with:
 customers
 employees during the course of each business day
o customer surveys
o improvements suggested by:
 customers
 managers
 peers
 staff
 supervisors
 suppliers
o regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
o satisfaction discussions with:
 customers
 allied health professionals
 dieticians
 medical specialists
o seeking staff suggestions for menu items
e) develop above menus and menu plans within commercial time constraints, demonstrating:
o methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
o basic principles and practices of nutrition

Assessment description:

Your Tasks:

The project for assessment 2 consists of 3 parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.

 Part A requires the planning and calculation of 6 different menus including 1 cyclic menu or meal plan

 Part B requires the evaluation of each menu using at least 2 different evaluation methods overall.

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
 Part C requires the amendment of at least 1 menu based on feedback and 1 menu to meet cost factors.

You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below in the specific task instructions.

The following formulas are relevant for this assessment:

Support Info

Food cost Percentage:

Food Cost : Sales Price x 100 = Food Cost Percentage %
Individual Menu Item (Variable %):
Portion Cost : Priced Menu Item x 100= Food Cost %
Setting the Selling Price:
Portion Cost : Targeted Food Cost Percentage x 100 = Selling Price

Develop and cost 6 menus or meal plans for the selections you make from the list in the table below as

Each menu needs to be evaluated. You must choose 2 different evaluation methods overall from the list in the
table below.

Menu to be developed Menu type (all required Evaluation of each menu (use at least 2 methods
overall) overall)

Menu 1: special diets that are part of customer satisfaction discussions

contemporary Australian
customer surveys
Recipe Source: Futura improvements suggested by:
Select 2 from this group
Group, e-coach recipes
Other:  eating regimes:
No. of serves:  elimination
 macrobiotic
 exclusions for allergies,
contraindications with suppliers
medicines or food
intolerance regular staff meetings that involve menu
 fat-free
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
 fluids
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
 food preferences
Menu 2: customer satisfaction discussions

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
 food restrictions

Recipe Source: Futura  gluten-free customer surveys

Group, e-coach recipes
 high carbohydrate improvements suggested by:
 high or low energy customers
 high or low protein managers
No. of serves:
 high fibre peers

 lacto ovo staff

 low carbohydrate supervisors

 low cholesterol suppliers

 low fat regular staff meetings that involve menu

 low gluten
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
 low kilojoule
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
 low sugar
Menu 3: customer satisfaction discussions
 modified sodium or
potassium customer surveys

Recipe Source: Futura  modified texture improvements suggested by:

Group, e-coach recipes
 nutritional requirements customers
 portion size managers
 substitutes: peers
No. of serves:
 gluten-free flour staff
 yeast-free flour supervisors
 non-sugar sweeteners suppliers
 sugar-free regular staff meetings that involve menu
 type one and two diabetes
seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

main types and culinary
Menu 4: characteristics of cultural or customer satisfaction discussions
religious diets that are part of
contemporary Australian customer surveys

Recipe Source: Futura society: improvements suggested by:

Group, e-coach recipes Select 2 from this group customers

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
Other:  halal peers

No. of serves:  Hindu staff

 kosher supervisors

 vegan suppliers

 vegetarian regular staff meetings that involve menu


seeking staff suggestions for menu items

main types of customer groups Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

that have
Menu 5: customer satisfaction discussions
special dietary requirements:
customer surveys
Select 2 from this group
Recipe Source: Futura improvements suggested by:
1 selection must be for a 1-
Group, e-coach recipes
week cyclic customers
menu managers
No. of serves:
 adolescents staff
 athletes supervisors
 children suppliers
 defence forces regular staff meetings that involve menu
 elderly
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
 health care
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
 ill or injured
Menu 6:  infants customer satisfaction discussions

customer surveys
 international tourists
Recipe Source: Futura  nutritional and energy improvements suggested by:
Group, e-coach recipes requirements due to customers
SITHKOP004 physical condition
Other:  people in areas affected by
disaster or environmental peers
No. of serves:
extremes staff
 people from different supervisors
socioeconomic groups
 people in remote areas
regular staff meetings that involve menu

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
 those with weight discussions
seeking staff suggestions for menu items
o underweight
Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals
o overweight
customer satisfaction discussions
o obese
customer surveys

improvements suggested by:







regular staff meetings that involve menu


seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Satisfaction discussions with Health professionals

Part A

1. Plan, write and cost each of your menus you have selected in the list above. Each menu must include a
minimum of 3-corses each. The food cost for each menu must not exceed $7.50 including all courses.

Complete the details for each menu as outlined below.

2. 1 menu type selected for main types of customer groups that have special dietary requirements must
consist of a 1-week cyclic menu or meal plan consisting of 7 3-course menu with a vegetarian option for
each day.

The “Menu Price Balance template” for menu 6 below has these provisions. The food cost for the cyclic
menu must not exceed $6.00 for any 3- course menu.

3. Each menu type must provide nutritionally balanced meal options for the relevant type of dietary

4. Use the attached Standard Recipe Card Template (or your own choice of format) and list the ingredients
for each menu dish listed in your cycle menu including sides. Alternatively you may use the template
“Banquet Analysis Sheet” and cost each menu and all its components in this document.

5. The Portion size for each dish must consider that there are 3 courses a menu and portion size therefore
needs to reflect this.

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
6. Calculate each dish and show the cost per serve. Attach your yield calculations where necessary (if you
use vegetables or meat, then the calculations must show the net price based on net yields). The support
Tool Folder contains yield test tools to assist you in these calculations.

Menu 1

Dietary requirement

1. Course

2. Course

3. Course

Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the
template SRC_multiple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
Menu 3

Dietary requirement

1. Course

2. Course

3. Course

Cost each dish of the menu in a Standard Recipe card (template) or use the
template SRC_multiple dishes to cost all dishes in one sheet and label each tab.

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
Part B

1. List the review methods you have used for each method and provide the feedback you have received for
each menu. Provide details for the methods used to obtain feedback and details for the persons you have
consulted with.

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute

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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
3. Identify which factors would suggest that changes need to be made to your menu items.

Part C

1. Apply the feedback you have received to the relevant menus or dishes and adjust the costing in a new
template or added tab. Clearly mark these as V2 (Version 2) or “revised”.

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute
2. Attach the revised changes to this project for submission.

Assessment Activity 2
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SITHKOP004 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
© Acacia Institute

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