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The concern with the professional formation of Agricultural Engineer,

Agricultural and Environmental Engineer and professionals from related fields, has
always been present in the list of discussions on the subject. Congresses, Symposia and
Conferences are promoted in order to foment the knowledge recycling of these
professionals. A key point in the professional recycling in any area of knowledge is the
divulgation of new knowledge produced each day. The transmission of updated
knowledge becomes necessary, mainly to be used as a starting point for further research.
To assist in this task and the professional information in the agricultural
activities that involve environmental, climate, energy, mechanics and hydraulics
aspects, among others, the Department of Agricultural Engineering of Federal
University of Viçosa (UFV-DEA), the Brazilian Association of Agricultural Engineers
(ABEAG) and Association of Agricultural Engineers of Minas Gerais (AEAGRI-MG)
keep the publication of the journal of Engineering in Agriculture. Built in 1991 with
quarterly publications and 30 articles per year, today its periodicity is bimonthly,
covering the areas of Agricultural Meteorology, Animal Production System
Engineering, Energy, Water Resources and Agricultural Mechanization, publishing a
minimum of 48 articles per year, both printed and online.
Its objective is to promote and disseminate the scientific quality production of
the several areas of Agricultural Engineering in a dynamic and efficient way. The
articles are accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
The Editorial Board is composed of scientific publishers and ad-hoc consultants
of the highest capacity. The scientific publishers are seven renowned researchers from
different regions of the country experts in the fields of agricultural mechanization, water
resources and environmental, storage, animal production system engineering, energy in
agriculture and agricultural meteorology. Likewise, the ad-hoc consultants are
composed by renowned researchers from Brazil and abroad.


The articles processing follows the following routine:

I. Receiving and registration of articles in the database of the journal of

Engineering in Agriculture - REVENGE, both in print and online.

II. Sending copies of articles to the Head Editor, for analysis and approval of its

III. After being analyzed by the Head Editor, in case if the article follows the pattern
required by the journal, it will be sent to three ad-hoc consultants. In case if the
article has been disapproved by one of the consultants, it will be refused.

IV. The articles sent to consultants should receive the approval at least by two
consultants in order to be fit to be published.
V. Considering the approval has been issued by the ad-hoc consultants, the article
will be sent back to the responsible author to be corrected following the
suggestions indicated by the consultants.

VI. Once the corrections have been received, the text of the article will be reviewed
in both portuguese and english, going back again into the hands of authors to be
rewritten the corrections made by the reviewers.

VII. Next to the date the article will be published, we will resend the corrected article
to the Scientific Editors to be analyzed in order to be given the final approval,
before its publication.

VIII. Once the article has been approved by the Scientific Editors, it goes to the
printing press.


Head Editor

Mauri Martins Teixeira, UFV, Brasil

Scientific Editors

Antonio Teixeira de Matos, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Celso Eduardo Lins de Oliveira, USP
Daniel Fonseca de Carvalho, UFRRJ
Iran José Olivera da Silva, USP
Ivano Alessandro Devilla, UEG
José Fernando Schlosser, UFSM, Brasil
Pedro de Vieira Azevedo, UFCG

Associated Editors

Arturo Martinez Rodriguez, Universidad Agraria de la Habana

Brian L. Steward, Iowa State university, Estados Unidos
Cláudio Milton Montenegro Campos, UFLA
Denis Miguel Roston, UNICAMP
Eduardo von Sperling, UFMG
Evandro C. Mantovani, EMBRAPA
Gilson Moura Filho, UFAL
Gilton José Rodrigues, UFF
Jacinto de Assunção Carvalho, UFLA
Marcos Alves Magalhães, UNEC, Brasil
Mario I. Herrera Prat, Universidad Agraria de la Habana
Nilo de Oliveira Nascimento, UFMG
Pedro Amorim Berbert, UENF
Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza Borges
Pedro Paneque Rondon, Universidade Agraria de la Habana, Cuba
Romísio Geraldo Bouhid André, UENF
Tadayuki Yanagi Junior, UFLA
Volkhard Scholz, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim e.V., Alemanha

Composition and Final Art

João Vitor Oliveira Almeida, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brasil

English Review

Onkar Dev Dhingra, UFV, Brasil

Portuguese Review

Leonardo Rodrigues de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brasil

Silvia Helena de Lacerda Oliveira, Brasil

Eletronic Publishing

Renato Augusto Alves, DEA/UFV, Brasil

Evaluation Procedure by Pairs

The journal has a group of specialists with notorious knowledge in the thematic areas of
Agricultural Engineering. The original works will be submitted for approval of
evaluators who are recognized in the covered topics. The work will be sent for
evaluation without the authorship identification.
The original works will be immediately sent to reviewers.
The articles selection procedure involves the evaluation of 2 or 3 "ad-hoc" specialists
and members of Editorial Committee.

Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its contents, following that the free
availability principle of the scientific knowledge to the public provides a greater
knowledge global democratizing.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system
among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the
journal for the preservation and restoration.








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