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Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) Main

(JEE Main) 2022

An exclusive Guide by
JEE Main 2022 Application Form Visit on Shiksha
JEE Main Application form 2022 for the session 2 exam will be released soon. T he direct link to f ill JEE Main
session 2 registration will be provided on this page once the registration starts. NTA has not inf ormed JEE Main 2022
application f orm date f or session 2 but it is expected that the registration will start f rom the f irst week of May.

T he process of f illing the application f orm includes JEE Main registration, f illing detailed application f orm, uploading the
scanned documents and payment of the application f ee. It is to be noted that candidates have to f ill separate
application f orms f or the June and July sessions of JEE Main 2022 if they wish to appear in both sessions. Only those
candidates who will f ill the application f orms within the specif ied dates will be issued admit cards to appear in the NTA
JEE Mains exam. Read to know more about JEE Main 2022 registration, application f ees, documents required to f ill the
f orm and other important details.

Latest Update:

Check Free study materials and mock tests f or JEE Main Preparation

How to crack JEE Mains 2022 in one month-T ips f rom FIIT JEE Expert Ramesh Batlish

NTA JEE Main Mock Test JEE Main 2022 Exam Dates
Check JEE Main 2022 Syllabus JEE Main Admit Card 2022

JEE Main 2022 Application Form Date

Candidates can check below the complete schedule of JEE Main Application f orm 2022.

Event s Session 1 Session 2

Release of JEE Main application 01-Mar-2022
To be notified
form 18-Apr-2022 (Reopened)
JEE Main registration last date To be notified
JEE Main correction 06-Apr-2022 to 08-Apr-2022 To be notified
JEE Main 2022 Exam Date 20-June-2022 to 29-June-2022 21-July-2022 to 30-July-2022

How to Fill JEE Mains Form 2022

T he process of applying to JEE Mains 2022 is a three-step procedure, Registration, Filling f orm & uploading documents
and Payment of application f ees. Check below in detail on how to apply f or the exam:

Open the of f icial website -

Click on the "New Candidate Registration" link

Fill the registration f orm with the required inf ormation and click on submit button

Fill the detailed application f orm and upload scanned images and documents

Pay application f ees

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Shiksha as o n 28 -Apr-20 22.
T he application f orm will be automatically submitted af ter the successf ul payment of application f ees. Candidates will
receive the conf irmation page/PDF of the f illed f orm in their email ID and can also be downloaded f rom the UMANG app
or DigiLocker.

What's New in JEE Main 2022 Registration Process

NT A has introduced a f ew new changes in the application process f or JEE Main 2022. Check out the new changes:

T he process of f illing JEE Mains 2022 application f orm has been simplif ied into three steps: Registration, Filling the
Form and Payment of Application Fees. Candidates can complete all steps at the same time or in parts.

At the time of JEE Main 2022 registration, candidates have to enter the OT P received in their mobile number and
bef ore submitting the f ees, they have to enter the OT P received in their e-mail address.

Choice of exam cities f or the exam will be displayed to candidates based on the permanent and present address f illed
during JEE Main registration.

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Af ter f inal submission, candidates will receive a copy of their f illed application f orm in their email ID. Candidates can
also download their f orms f rom the UMANG app or DigiLocker.

JEE Main 2022 Application Form Important Inf ormation

Part iculars Det ails

JEE Main official website
Application mode Online
Frequency of application Twice
Required details Personal, Academic and Contact Details
Male and Unreserved/EWS/OBC Category Candidates – INR 650
Female and Unreserved/EWS/OBC Category Candidates – INR
JEE Main application fee 325
SC/ST/PwD/Transgender Category Candidates – INR 325

Mode of fee payment Online through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card/UPI

Photograph, Signature, Gen-EWS/PwD/OBC-NCL/SC/ST
Scanned documents
certificate (If applicable)
Candidates having passed their class 12 in 2020, 2021 or
appearing in 2022
No age limit
For paper 1, candidates must have Physics and Maths in class
Eligibility 12 and anyone among
Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical vocation subject
For Paper 2A, candidates must have Physics, Chemistry and
Maths in class 12
For Paper 2B, candidates must have Math in class 12

Documents Required f or JEE Mains 2022 Form

Bef ore the JEE Main 2022 registration process, candidates need to keep the f ollowing documents and inf ormation ready
f or a smooth application process.

Valid email address and mobile number

Academic details related to the 10th and 12th qualif ying exams

Scanned copy of category certif icate (if applicable)

Scanned copy of PwD Certif icate (if applicable)

Scanned photograph and signature as per the specif ication mentioned by the NT A

Net banking/credit card/debit card/UPI details f or application f ee payment

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Shiksha as o n 28 -Apr-20 22.
Note: In case a candidate do not have Gen-EWS/OBC-NCL/PwD/SC/ST certif icate, they need to upload the "Self
Declaration/Undertaking" in the specif ied f ormat available in the inf ormation brochure. Download Self
Declaration/Undertaking Format

Specif icat ions of Document s

Part iculars Dimension Size

Photograph in JPEG/JPG
3.5 cm x 4.5 cm 10 KB to 200 KB
Signature in JPEG/JPG
3.5 cm x 1.5 cm 4 KB to 30 KB
Category Certificate in
-- Less than 1MB
PDF format
Import ant Guidelines f or Images and Document s

Photograph should be coloured or black/white (with contrast)

Date and name of the candidate should be printed on the photograph

Spectacles will be allowed but sunglasses and caps are not accepted

No polaroid pictures are allowed

Unclear photographs will be rejected

T he signature should be cleanly done on white paper

St eps t o f ill JEE Main Applicat ion Form 2022

T he given steps can be f ollowed to f ill in the application f orm f or JEE Main 2022. Candidates are advised to f ill in all the
details in the application caref ully and not make any mistakes.

Step 1- Registration: In the f irst step, candidates will have to complete the JEE Main 2022 registration process at Af ter clicking on ‘New Registration’, candidates will have to check the instructions and register by
submitting the given details:

Personal Details – Name, Parent’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Identity T ype, Identif ication Number.

Present Address

Permanent Address

A strong password has to be generated by candidates. Af ter conf irming all of the provided details, the JEE Main 2022
application number will be generated and displayed on the screen. T he application number has to be kept saf e since it
will be required during the entire admission process.

Step 2- Filling of Application Form: Next, candidates will have to select their nationality, category, session of exam
applying f or, question paper medium and choice of test cities. Four exam cities have to be selected in the order of
pref erence. Candidates will also have to provide their education details and parents’ income inf ormation.

Step 3- Uploading of Scanned Documents: Af ter f illing out the f orm, candidates will have to upload their scanned

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documents i.e., photograph and signature. If applicable, the category certif icate and PwD certif icate also have to be

Step 4- Payment of Fee: Next, candidates will have to pay the JEE Main 2022 application f ee online i.e., through net
banking/credit card/debit card/UPI as per their category and the number of selected papers.

Step 5- Print out Confirmation Page: Finally, candidates will have to print out the conf irmation page f or f uture use.

Also Check: How to Fill JEE Main application f orm 2022

Watch the video to know how to fill JEE Main application form

Click Here f or more details

JEE Main 2022 Application Correction

NTA had opened the window to make corrections in the f illed application f orms on April 6. Candidates could make
corrections in the f illed f orm by login to the JEE Main website. Only certain f ields can be edited. It was a one-time f acility
open f rom April 6 to 8 to make corrections in the f orm. To make the correction, candidates had to login to the website
using their application f orm number and password af ter which they have to select the inf ormation which needs to be
modif ied. All the modif ications has to be done caref ully as the inf ormation once changed can not be reverted back.

Can I f ill anot her applicat ion f orm in case of mist akes in t he f irst f orm

Candidates are advised not to f ill more than one application f orm. If any candidate f ills multiple application f orms, NTA
could cancel the f orms and his/her candidature can be rejected. It is thus strongly advised to f ill out only one application
f orm.

How to Check JEE Main 2022 Application Form Status?

Candidates will be able to check their application f orm status of JEE Main 2022 af ter submission. T he given steps can
be f ollowed to check the application status.


Click on the "Registered Candidate Login" link

Log in using your application number and password

JEE Main application status will be displayed on the screen

Forget your Password or Application Number?

In case candidates f orget their generated NTA JEE Main 2022 application number and password, then they will have to
f ollow the given steps.

Forgot JEE Main 2022 Password?

Go to

Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link

Candidates will have to provide their application number and date of birth.

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T he link to generate a new password will be sent to the registered email address of the candidates.

Forgot JEE Main 2022 Applicat ion Number?

If candidates have f orgotten their application number f or NT A JEE Main 2022, they can f ollow any of the given options:

Candidates can check their email or mobile f or a message consisting of their JEE Main application number sent during
registration. OR

T he printout of the conf irmation page can be checked f or the application number. OR

Candidates can contact the NT A authorities to know their application number.

Common Problems in JEE Main 2022 Registration and their Solution

While f illing the application f orm f or JEE Main 2022, candidates may f ace certain problems. Some of the common
problems that occur and the corresponding solutions can be checked in the table below.

Problems Solut ion

A common reason for problems in uploading photographs and signatures
Problem in uploading in the application form may be the use of wrong dimensions. candidates
documents should check the mentioned specifications and resize their documents
before uploading.
candidates may face problems while paying the fee due to poor internet
connection or bank server issues. In such a situation, candidates are
advised to attempt the payment process after some time.
In case the fee has been deducted but the payment status is showing as
Problem in fee payment
not paid, then candidates are advised to wait for 24 hours. If the status is
still showing as not paid, then candidates will have to pay the fee again
and the earlier deducted money will be credited back to their bank
This may be a network issue and candidates are advised to check their
Problem submitting the form
internet connectivity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. When will NT A release JEE Main 2022 application form for session 2?

A. JEE Main session 2 registration will start soon. Registration f or session 1 exam has been closed
Q. What is the last date to fill JEE Main application form 2022?

A. Last date to apply f or session 1 (April) is March 31.

Q. What is JEE Main 2022 application form last date for session 1?

A. Last date to f ill JEE Main application f orm f or session 1 was April 25. JEE Main registration was reopened f or sesison
1 exam on April 18.
Q. When will NT A open JEE Main application form correction window?

A. Application f orm correction f acility was open f rom April 6 to 8.

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Q. Can I fill JEE Main application form 2022 offline?

A. JEE Main 2022 application f orm is made available only online.

Q. I want to change my category from ST to General in the JEE Main application form. How can I do it?

A. Candidates could make changes in the details of JEE Main 2022 application f orm during the correction window f rom
April 6 to 8.
Q. I forgot to write my name and date of birth in the photograph uploaded in the JEE Main application form.
Will my form be rejected?

A. No. T he JEE Main 2022 application f orm will not be rejected but candidates are advised to write their name and date
of birth in the photograph.
Q. How can I check my status in the JEE Main application form?

A. Candidates will be able to check their JEE Main 2022 application f orm status through login.
Q. What is the payment mode for JEE Main 2022 application fee?

A. JEE Main application f ee can be paid online i.e., through net banking/credit card/debit card.
Q. I am not being able to pay the fee for the JEE Main 2022 application fee. What should I do?

A. Candidates should check their internet connection and bank servers if they are not being able to pay the application
f ee of JEE Main 2022.
Q. I have forgotten my password for JEE Main 2022 login. How can I create a new password?

A. Candidates can click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link and f ollow the process to generate a new password.
Q. Will I be eligible for JEE Main 2022 if I have 72% marks?

A. Yes. Candidates who have qualif ied 12th standard exam will be eligible to apply f or JEE Main 2022.
Q. Which documents need to be uploaded in the JEE Main 2022 application form?

A. Candidates will have to upload their photograph and signature in the JEE Main application f orm. If applicable, they will
also have to upload their category and PwD certif icate.

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Shiksha as o n 28 -Apr-20 22.

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