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In 2020, the top 10 CRM software vendors accounted for nearly 62.

1% of the global CRM applications

market which grew 6.9% to approach nearly $45.67 billion in license, maintenance and subscription

Last year Salesforce led the pack with a 32.2% market share riding on a 14% jump in CRM revenues.
Adobe was #2, followed by Oracle, SAP and Microsoft.

As Salesforce aims to expand with price hikes, enlarged ecosystem and recommitment to its SFA roots,
seismic shifts are driving a wedge among key vendors within customer service and marketing.


1. Salesforce is a cloud computing service as a software (SaaS) company that specializes in customer
relationship management (CRM). Salesforce’s services allow businesses to use cloud technology to
better connect with customers, partners and potential customers. The software has become the number
one for customer success and helps businesses track customer activity, market to customers and many
more services. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and
improve profitability,” according to Salesforce. On a basic level, CRM helps companies understand
customer needs and data and facilitates deeper customer development and retention.

2.Adobe Experience Cloud enables users to manage the sales, marketing and support facets of their
customer engagement strategies. With Adobe Experience Cloud’s integrated CRM tools, tasks become
more efficient. Adobe Experience Platform, formerly known as Adobe Cloud Platform, is a suite of
customer experience management (CEM) services and tools. The suite supports services such as Adobe
Experience Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Document Cloud and Creative Cloud in order to join content and
data into one customer data platform (CDP).The goal of the Adobe Experience Platform is to create
unified customer profiles that can be used to uncover insights and aid business transformation. The
platform is based on data-driven methodologies and best practices.

3. Oracle CRM is a customer relationship management system created by Oracle Corporation. It includes
a number of different cloud applications that can be deployed together or used individually to analyze
customer data and help companies connect and manage sales, marketing, and customer support.


Customer relationship management solutions are one of the largest and fastest-growing enterprise
application software categories. The CRM market size was valued at $41.93 billion in 2019 and is
projected to reach $96.39 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 11.1% from 2020 to 2027.

More and more companies are using CRM solutions to acquire more sales leads, improve the sales
pipeline, boost productivity, and improve customer satisfaction. However, many have encountered
problems ranging from cost overruns and CRM integration challenges to system limitations. These are
avoidable problems, and you can help ensure success by focusing on a customer-first strategy.

It’s critical for businesses to have integrated, customizable, and comprehensive views into their
customers’ and potential customers’ solution/product interests, customer service needs, and purchase
history. A good CRM system should provide that view. All data is in a single location, viewable through
optimized dashboards.

Additionally, your marketing team can leverage CRM solutions to orchestrate personalized marketing
and lead generation campaigns. These systems can help track all cross-channel interactions—from
engagement to purchase. Mature cloud CRM solutions do more. They are fully integrated with back-
office solutions to successfully support the entire customer journey.

Because it manages prospect and customer engagement points across all channels, your CRM system
can inform all your communications and marketing activities, delivering the 360-degree customer view
needed for a truly connected Omni channel experience.

Many different vendors have many different types of solutions. However, a few capabilities are must-

Be easy to use, or people won’t use it

Fit within your budget and provide an acceptable ROI

Integrate well with your other software systems

Provide accurate, consistent data for that much-needed, complete customer 360-degree view.

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