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Chapter I


One natural remedy for sickness may be discovered in the kitchen. Ampalaya

(Momordica charantia), often known as bitter gourd or bitter melon, is that wrinkled green

vegetable with an unmistakably bitter flavor. According to, ampalaya fruit has

21 calories. It is one of the top sources of vitamin C. Scientifically, one ampalaya fruit has 55.6

mg of vitamin C, or 174 percent of the average daily need. Vitamin C is required to produce

the protein collagen, which is a major component of connective tissue. It is also a potent


According to Shoemaker’s (2020) study, achieving vitamin C requirements via diet is

simple if fresh fruit and vegetables are consumed. Vitamin C stimulates the functioning of

phagocytes, which are immune cells capable of swallowing dangerous germs. Vitamin C seems

to benefit the host’s response to coronavirus two associated with severe acute respiratory

syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) (Dwivedi, 2020). A cup of bitter melon contains 93 percent of the

Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C. People’s recommended daily vitamin C intake

is 65–90 milligrams (mg) per day, with a maximum of 2,000 mg per day (Link, 2019; Too

Much Vitamin C: Is It Harmful? 2020).

It is natural for children or even adults to refuse to eat vegetables such asbroccoli,

celery, and Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya. This can be attributed to the fact that children hate the

color, smell, and taste of the said vegetables. Children and Teenagers are so adamant with their

decision to avoid eating those vegetables despite the fact that Ampalaya is one of the healthiest

vegetables available in the market.

In our modern day, health condition of the country is slowly deteriorating because of

the widespread of non nutritious foods consumed by people. The researcher believes that she

could provide a product that would best answer on the aim of improving the health condition of

our country.

Numerous studies on ampalaya have shown its feasibility as a coffee or candy

substitute. However, although ampalaya is good for health, its healthy phytonutrients have a

bitter flavor. Moreover, hence reduce consumer acceptability of food choices options. The

researcher is motivated by ampalaya’s practicality and nutritional content to experiment with

bitter melon patty recipes and analyze their palatability and acceptance. Some anticipated that

this study would be ineffective due to its complex taste. Others assert that the outcome will be

favorable and that many will profit. Arakan is plentiful in Ampalaya vegetables, although the

summer season is the most significant season for ampalaya. The majority of residents,

particularly the younger generation, dislike Ampalaya. As a result, the researcher decided to

devise a method for people to enjoy it, and I wish to assist them by presenting it in the shape of

a patty. Because the food technology department encourages research on healthy living, this

study will give information on the feasibility of ampalaya patty. The researcher’s objective in

this study is to ascertain the hedonic scores of ampalaya when used to make patties. This study

aims to demonstrate that ampalaya is not bitter at all.

Statement of the Problem

This research attempts to determine ampalaya’s acceptability as an ingredient to a

burger patty.

Objectives of the study:

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Gender

b. Age

2. What is the respondents' mean level of acceptability of ampalaya burger by considering

the following variables?

a. Appearance

b. Aroma

c. Taste

d. Texture

e. General Acceptability

3. Is there a significant difference among the three treatments of ampalaya burger patties?

4. Is there any significant relationship between demographics and level of acceptability?

Significance of the Study

This study promotes nutritious patty through ampalaya since ampalaya is

abundant in our country. This study contributes much reason in making substitute meat

instead of using processed product meat to help one’s daily life budget and consumption.

The result of this study might have given an idea to the housekeeper, students,

teachers, and local communities on the utilization of ampalaya as the main ingredients in

making burger patty in their way. It will give an idea by the researcher as a great help for

consumer and community as well.

Scope and Delimitation

This study dealt particularly with the acceptability of ampalaya in making burger patty.

It focused only on appearance, Aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability.


Ampalaya. (Momordica charantia) a tropical fruit usually consumed as a juice but may

also be eaten. Limited research suggests it may be useful in treating diabetes; it may also be

useful as an anti-infective.

Palatability. the fact or quality of being acceptable or agreeable to the taste; tastiness.

Patty. Refers to the chopped ampalaya mixed to a different substrate.

Appearance. It has a direct link to food quality characteristics such as color.

Taste. Refers to the flavor of patty perceived in the mouth and throat.

Texture. Refers to the feel, surface, substance’s appearance, or consistency. Refers to a

distinctive pleasant or savory smell

Tbsp – tablespoon
Tbs. – teaspoon

Chapter II


This chapter reviews related literature and studies on works and findings from local and

foreign researchers. The researcher has some important information that serves as this study’s


Review of Related Studies

Demographic Profile

Costa and Jongen (2006), the market would be explored through demographic variables

to define some specific groups where the products are suited based on their level of interest

toward ampalaya-based product ideas.

Demographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, ) are known factors that influence

consumer intention to try or purchase new food products and functional foods, and ampalaya

has been widely recognized in the literature as a functional food or food ingredient (Guiné et.

al. 2020). This study focused on consumer interest, which is only one of the aspects of a

broader concept of consumer attitude and may not be enough to predict future consumer



Grover and Yadav (2004) claim that M. Charantia (bitter gourd) is a tropical and

subtropical plant that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family.

The oblong-shaped fruit has a unique warty surface. The fruit is usually eaten when it is still

green or just turning yellow. The fruit’s flesh is crisp and watery similar to cucumber but has a

bitter taste. The skin is delicious and delicate. Unripe fruits have white seeds and pith, which

are not bitter and may be removed before cooking.

According to Foodofy, Ampalaya varieties are oblong, pale green, and 20cm in length,

while the other measuring 10 cm, oval, and dark green.

According to Rasco, E.T. Jr. (2010), bitter melon is cultivated across mainland China,

India, Southeast Asia, and the Caribbean and shows some similarities to its relative, the

cucumber, save from flavor. The Chinese labeled the plant varieties with the names broad

shoulder (Dading), smooth body (Huashen), and long body (Chang-shen). The Dading variety

is around 20cm long and 11 cm wide, with a 1.3 cm thick flesh. It may be grown in the spring,

summer, or fall and is extremely adaptable to the seasons. Long bitter melons are comparable

to smooth-bodied melons in that they are around 30 cm long with a flesh thickness of about 8-9

mm, bitter with a sweet aftertaste, and are bitter with a sweet aftertaste. Bitter melons are

classified by the color of their innards, which range from dark green through jade, celadon,

cyan, ivory, and white.

According to Ahmed et al., (2011), Bitter melon comes in various shapes and sizes. The

bitter melon is more common in India, having a smaller form, pointy ends, and a surface

covered in jagged, triangular “teeth” and ridges. These small fruits are popular in Bangladesh,

India (common name “Karela”), Pakistan, Nepal, and other South Asia.


According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Bitter melon is a tropical

climbing vine that produces a foul smell and cucumber-like fruits. The fruits are yellow-

orange with a bumpy exterior. Ripe bitter melon fruit form brown and white seeds inside a red-

colored pulp. Bitter melon originates from the tropical areas of Asia, Africa, and Australia,

where the leaves are a food source, and the seeds and fruit are used for medical purposes.

Areas with warm, tropical summers can cultivate bitter melon.

Maiti et al. (2012) claim that M. Charantia is a monoecious climber or sprawling

annual, perennial plant that grows 2-3s tall. It might be bald or have a thin layer of hair on it.

The apex has a core taproot that can climb above any support. The green stems are well-

branched, thin, and ridged, and the leaf exiles have unbranched tendrils. Each leaf is 4-10 cm

long, rounded in form, and deeply 5-9 lobed. The leaves are held individually on 3-5 cm long

stalks along the stems. When crushed, the leaves emit an unpleasant odor.

Food aromas, in general, have been proved to enhance food appetite for congruent

goods in terms of both flavor and energy density, regardless of hunger level. (Zoon, de Graaf,

& Boesveldt, 2016). Additionally, Aromas have long been used by supermarkets and bakeries

to increase bread sales in general. Consumers are drawn to stores by the fragrance, which

increases purchases. Although, to the best of our knowledge, this type of scent use has not been

scientifically tested, other effects of bread aroma, such as mood improvement, have been

established (Zhou, Ohata, & Arihara, 2016).


Color and appearance have been shown in previous research to attract customers to a

product and aid in impulsive purchases. Consumers utilize visual elements to determine

freshness and taste quality at the moment of purchase. (Tukar and Solar 2019; Shewfet 2000).

According to Dr. Raman and Dr. Lau 2012, the elongated fruit has a rough surface and

bitter, brittle, watery flesh. The pith becomes delicious and crimson and is served raw in

various salads when ripe. It is eaten while it is green or just beginning to yellow. It resembles a

cucumber in form and has a prickly exterior.

Borro and Gemora (2016) found that respondents liked the baked cakes with no grated

squash and 120 grams of grated squash somewhat, whereas those with 240 grams and 380

grams were disliked.

They also discovered substantial disparities in the degree of acceptance of the various

baked cakes based on their look, taste, color, texture, and overall acceptability.

Aspi n.d.), added that the ampalaya candy is delicious and nutritious. It is considered

more valuable than ordinary candy because it contains essential nutrients needed by the body.

The ampalaya’s trademark bitter flavor has also been reduced. The respondents are well

received, considering the product’s taste, odor, and texture.


According to Dr. Raman and Dr. Lau (2012), Bitter gourd is the most bitter veggie.

When the fruit is green, the elongated fruit has a rough surface and brittle, watery meat that is

bitter. The skin can be eaten, but the pith must be removed before cooking. When ripe, the pith

turns delicious and scarlet, and it has used raw in salads. It is eaten when it is still green or just

turning yellow. It has the form of a cucumber with a prickly exterior.

According to Basch (2011), the fruit is warty on the outside and oblong in form. In

cross-section, it is hollow, with a thin coating of flesh surrounding a core seed chamber packed

with big, flat seeds and pith. Most of the time, the fruit is green or just starts turning.

Review of Related Literature

According to Oshima, farmers in mainland japan grew it to shade the gardens from the

sun. Southern Kyushu and Okinawa used the fruit as table food because of the lack of locally

grown green vegetables. However, according to Zion Health, bitter melon consumption was

linked to seizures in youngsters, lower fertility in mice, migraines, and coma. Bitter melon may

also cause normal glucose levels to fluctuate in non-diabetic people. Pregnant women should

avoid eating bitter melon since it might cause spontaneous abortion, fetal abnormalities, and


According to Shoemaker’s (2020) study, achieving vitamin C requirements via diet is

simple if fresh fruit and vegetables are consumed. Vitamin C stimulates the functioning of

phagocytes, which are immune cells capable of swallowing dangerous germs. Vitamin C seems

to benefit the host’s response to coronavirus two associated with severe acute respiratory

syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) (Dwivedi, 2020). A cup of bitter melon contains 93 percent of the

Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C. People’s recommended daily vitamin C intake

is 65–90 milligrams (mg) per day, with a maximum of 2,000 mg per day (Link, 2019; Too

Much Vitamin C: Is It Harmful? 2020).

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent variable

1. Demographic profile of
respondents’ in terms of: MEAN SCORE OF AMPALAYA
1.2 Gender  Appearance
 Aroma
2. T1 1 cup  Taste
T2 1 ¼ cup  Texture
T3 1 ½ cup
 General acceptability



There is no significant relationship between demographics and level of acceptance.

There is no significant difference among treatment of Ampalaya Burger Patty.

Process Flow

Prepare the equipment needed

Wash the ampalaya

Take out the seeds

Grate the ampalaya

Soak in hot water for 20



Combine everything in the

bowl and mix everything

Pan fry the patties until

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design and methods, research instrument,

respondents of the study, materials, ingredients experimental procedure, and data and

collection technique done in the study.

Research Design and Methods

The research used an experimental design to determine the acceptability of the

ampalaya (Momordica charantia Linn) burger patty.

Research Instrument

The research instrument used in the study is a score sheet to help the researcher

determine the acceptability of the Ampalaya Burger Patty. The score sheet was created by the

researcher while taking in consideration the five factors: Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Texture

and general acceptability.

Respondents of the study

The study respondents are 15 to 45 years old and residing at Purok Pag-asa, CFCST

Campus Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato.

All the respondents are required to determine the sensory evaluation result in terms of

appearance, aroma, texture, taste, and general acceptability


The following equipment and materials used in the study “acceptability of ampalaya

burger patty” are water, grater, pan, measuring cup, measuring spoon, chopping board, knife,

salt, flour, black pepper powder, cornstarch, bell pepper, eggs.


The following are the ingredients of the ampalaya burger patty. The treatments were

divided into treatments 1, 2, and 3 measured accurately.

A. Treatment 1

The Ingredients of Ampalaya burger patty are 1 cup ampalaya, ½ flour, ¼ cornstarch,

1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 onion, 5 gloves garlic, ½ tsp. powder black pepper, 3 tsp, tomato, 2 eggs,

2 tsp. bell pepper, 3 tsp. oil, 2 tsp. onion leaves, 1 sachet oyster sauce.

B. Treatment 2

The Ingredients of Ampalaya burger patty are 1 ¼ cup ampalaya, ½ flour, ¼

cornstarch, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 onion, 5 gloves garlic, ½ tsp. powder black pepper, 3 tsp,

tomato, 2 eggs, 2 tsp. bell pepper, 3 tsp. oil, 2 tsp. onion leaves, 1 sachet oyster sauce.

C. Treatment 3

The Ingredients of Ampalaya burger patty are 1 ½ cup ampalaya, ½ flour, ¼

cornstarch, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 onion, 5 gloves garlic, ½ tsp. powder black pepper, 3 tsp,

tomato, 2 eggs, 2 tsp. bell pepper, 3 tsp. oil, 2 tsp. onion leaves, 1 sachet oyster sauce.


The following procedure was to prepare an ampalaya (Momordica charantia, linn)

burger patty. The ampalaya was washed and sliced into half and out the seeds using the spoon,

then grated. Soak it with warm water and salt for 20 minutes. Squeeze it twice and put it in the

clean and dry bowl, then combine everything in the mixed bowl and mix well. In a skillet with

a little oil, pan-fry the patties until golden brown.

Data Gathering Procedure

The finished product of the study was presented to Purok Pag-Asa residents ages 15 to

45 years old. Each was given a score sheet for judging the appearance, aroma, taste, texture,

and general acceptability. The researcher used the nine point hedonic scales to evaluate the

product in terms of appearance, aroma, taste, texture and general acceptability. Range and

Scale qualitative description is shown below.

8.13 – 9.0 – Like extremely

7.24 – 8.12 – like very much

6.35 – 7.23 – like moderately

5.46 – 6.34 – like slightly

4.57 – 5.45 - neither like or dislike

3.68 – 4.56 - dislike slightly

2.79 – 3.67 - dislike moderately

1.90 – 2.78 - dislike very much

1.0 – 1.89 - dislike extremely

Statistical Treatment

Mean Distribution was used to determine the acceptability of ampalaya in making

burger patty based on appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability among the

three (3) treatments.

(ANOVA) Analysis of Variance was used to determine the significant difference in

appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability among the three (3) treatments.

Chapter IV


This chapter analyzes and interprets the data gathered to determine the Acceptability of

Ampalaya Burger Patty.

Presentation of Data

A. Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of age

The result shows the profile of the respondents, such as age and gender. Purok Pag-asa,

CFCST Campus, respondents are from ages 15 to 45.


13% 16%


15-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45

Figure 1. Graphical presentation on the distribution of the respondents in terms of age

It shows that 27% of the respondents were 15-20 years old, 16% were 21-30 years old,

13% were 31-35 years old, 15% were 36-40 years old and 13% were 41-45 years old.

B. Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of gender

The result shows the profile of the respondents, such as age and gender. Purok Pag-asa,

CFCST Campus, respondents are from ages 15 to 45.



Male Female
Figure 2. Graphical
presentation of respondents’ gender

It shows that majority of the respondents were male indicating 56% and female 44%.

Table 1a. Mean Distribution of Appearance Ampalaya Burger Patty based on
Treatment 1 8.26 Like extremely Extremely pleasing to the eyes
Treatment 2 7.93 Like very much Very much Attractive
7.83 Like very much Very much attractive
Treatment 3
8.13 – 9.0 – Like extremely 3.68 – 4.56 - dislike slightly
7.24 – 8.12 – like very much 2.79 – 3.67 - dislike moderately
6.35 – 7.23 – like moderately 1.90 – 2.78 - dislike very much
5.46 – 6.34 – like slightly 1.0 – 1.89 - dislike extremely
4.57 – 5.45 - neither like or dislike

Table 1a shows that treatment 1 got the highest mean value of 8.26, Treatment 2 got

7.93 and Treatment 3 got the mean value of 7.83. Respondents likely extremely the appearance

of T1 that indicates the patty is very much pleasing to the eyes. While T2 and T3 which

descriptively mean like very much indicates that the patty is very much acceptable.

The results indicate that 1 cup of ampalaya patties (T1) appeals to the respondents' eyes

more than treatments 2 and 3.

Table 1b. Comparison of the three treatments of Ampalaya Burger Patty in terms of
appearance. CFCST 2021.
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Appearance Between Groups 10.127 2 5.063 4.373** .013
Within Groups 343.860 297 1.158
Total 353.987 299

Table 1b shows the computed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of F- value which is

4.373** with .013 of significance. The difference was significant among the three treatments

of Ampalaya Burger Patty in terms of appearance. Thus, the null hypothesis, which states no

significant difference among the treatment in terms of appearance, is rejected.

The result implies that treatment 1 is significantly better than treatment 2 and 3 in terms

of appearance.

Color and appearance have been shown in previous research to attract customers to a

product and aid in impulsive purchases. Consumers utilize visual elements to determine

freshness and taste quality at the moment of purchase. (Tukar and Solar 2019; Shewfet 2000).


Table 2a. Mean Distribution of Ampalaya Burger Patty based on aroma.

Treatment 1 8.15 Like extremely Extremely aromatic
Treatment 2 7.92 Like very much Very much aromatic
7.70 Like very much Very much aromatic
Treatment 3
8.13 – 9.0 – Like extremely 3.68 – 4.56 - dislike slightly
7.24 – 8.12 – like very much 2.79 – 3.67 - dislike moderately
6.35 – 7.23 – like moderately 1.90 – 2.78 - dislike very much
5.46 – 6.34 – like slightly 1.0 – 1.89 - dislike extremely
4.57 – 5.45 - neither like or dislike

Table 2a shows that treatment 1 got a mean value of 8.15 with the qualitative

description of like extremely. In contrast, treatments 2 and 3 got a mean value of 7.92 and 7.70,

respectively, having a qualitative description of like very much. The results indicate that

respondents liked treatment 1's aroma, which was described as "extremely aromatic," whereas

treatments 2 and 3 were described as "very much aromatic." The lowest amount of ampalaaya

has a better aroma.

Table 2b Comparison of the three treatments of Ampalaya burger patty in terms of aroma.
CFCST, 2021.
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.

Aroma Between Groups 10.127 2 5.063 4.164** .016
Within Groups 361.110 297 1.216
Total 371.237 299

Table 2b shows the computed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of F-value, which is

4.164ns with .016 of significance. This means the difference is not significant among the three

treatments of Ampalaya burger patty in terms of its aroma. As a result, the null hypothesis,

which claims that change in scent across treatments, is accepted.

The result implies that treatments 1, 2, and 3 are significant difference in the aroma. It

means that the amount of Ampalaya matter in terms of aroma.

Food aromas, in general, have been proved to enhance food appetite for congruent

goods in terms of both flavor and energy density, regardless of hunger level. (Zoon, de Graaf,

& Boesveldt, 2016). Additionally, Aromas have long been used by supermarkets and bakeries

to increase bread sales in general. Consumers are drawn to stores by the fragrance, which

increases purchases. Although, to the best of our knowledge, this type of scent use has not been

scientifically tested, other effects of bread aroma, such as mood improvement, have been

established (Zhou, Ohata, & Arihara, 2016).


Table 3a Mean distribution of Ampalaya burger patty based on taste.

Treatment 1 8.29 Like extremely Extremely delicious
Treatment 2 7.96 Like very much Very much delicious
Treatment 3 7.76 Like very much Very much delicious
8.13 – 9.0 – Like extremely 3.68 – 4.56 - dislike slightly
7.24 – 8.12 – like very much 2.79 – 3.67 - dislike moderately
6.35 – 7.23 – like moderately 1.90 – 2.78 - dislike very much
5.46 – 6.34 – like slightly 1.0 – 1.89 - dislike extremely
4.57 – 5.45 - neither like or dislike

Table 3a shows that treatment 1 got a mean value of 8.29 with the qualitative

description of extremely delicious. In contrast, treatments 2 and 3 got a mean value of 7.96 and

7.76, respectively, with the qualitative description of very much delicious.

The result implies that treatment 1 of the ampalaya burger patty is extremely delicious,

while treatments 2 and 3 of the ampalaya burger patty have very much delicious flavor in terms

of taste.

Table 3b Comparison of the three treatments of Ampalaya burger patty in terms of taste.
CFCST, 2021.
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Taste Between Groups 14.327 2 7.163 6.395** .002
Within Groups 332.670 297 1.120
Total 346.997 299

Table 3b shows the computed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of F-value, 6.395ns

with .002 of significance. It suggests that the difference in flavor between the three treatments

of the Ampalaya burger patty is insignificant. As a result, the null hypothesis, which claims no

significant difference in taste between the treatments, is accepted.

The result implies that treatments 1, 2, and 3 are significantly different taste.

According to Aspi (n.d.), the ampalaya candy formulated by the research has been

found delicious and nutritious. It is considered more valuable than ordinary candy because it

contains essential nutrients needed by the body. Also, the signature bitter taste of the ampalaya

has been lessened. The respondents are well received, considering the product’s taste, odor,

and texture.

Table 4a Mean distribution of Ampalaya burger patty based on texture.

Treatment 1 8.20 Like extremely Extremely
comparable to
commercial patty

Treatment 2 7.81 Like very much Very much

comparable to the
commercial patty
Treatment 3 7.86 Like very much Very much
comparable to the
commercial patty
8.13 – 9.0 – Like extremely 3.68 – 4.56 - dislike slightly
7.24 – 8.12 – like very much 2.79 – 3.67 - dislike moderately
6.35 – 7.23 – like moderately 1.90 – 2.78 - dislike very much
5.46 – 6.34 – like slightly 1.0 – 1.89 - dislike extremely
4.57 – 5.45 - neither like or dislike

Table 4a shows that treatment 1 got a mean value of 8.20 with the qualitative

description of like extremely. In contrast, treatments 2 and 3 got a mean value of 7.81 and 7.86,

respectively, with the qualitative description of like very much.

The result implies that treatment 1 of the ampalaya burger patty is comparable to the

commercial patty. In contrast, treatments 2 and 3 of ampalaya patty are like very much

comparable to the commercial patty in texture.

Table 4b Comparison of the three treatments of Ampalaya burger patty texture. CFCST, 2021.
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
Texture Between Groups 9.007 2 4.503 4.187** .016
Within Groups 319.430 297 1.076
Total 328.437 299

Table 5b shows the computed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of F-value which is

4.187ns with .016 of significance. It suggests that the textural difference between the three

treatments of the Ampalaya burger patty is not significant. As a result, the null hypothesis

indicates no significant change in texture across the treatments.

The result implies that treatments 1, 2, and 3 are significantly different textures.

General Acceptability

Table 5a Mean distribution of Ampalaya burger patty based on General acceptability.

Treatment 1 8.23 Like extremely Extremely comparable to
commercial patty
Treatment 2 8.00 Like very much Like very much comparable to
commercial patty
Treatment 3 7.94 Like very much Like very much comparable to
commercial patty
8.13 – 9.0 – Like extremely 3.68 – 4.56 - dislike slightly
7.24 – 8.12 – like very much 2.79 – 3.67 - dislike moderately
6.35 – 7.23 – like moderately 1.90 – 2.78 - dislike very much
5.46 – 6.34 – like slightly 1.0 – 1.89 - dislike extremely
4.57 – 5.45 - neither like or dislike

Table 5a shows that ttreatments1 got a mean value of 8.23 and the qualitative

description of like extremely. In contrast, treatments 2 and 3 got a mean value of 8.00 and 7.94

respectively, with the qualitative description of like very much.

The result implies that treatments 1, 2, and 3 of the ampalaya burger patty are very

much acceptable in terms of its general acceptability in making burger patty.

Table 5b Comparison of the three treatments of Ampalaya burger patty in terms of general
acceptability. CFCST, 2021.
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Sig.
General Between Groups 4.737 2 2.368 2.054** .130
Within Groups 341.297 296 1.153

Total 346.033 298

Table 5b shows the computed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of F-value which is

2.054ns with .130 of significance. It suggests that the difference in general acceptability

between the three treatments of the Ampalaya burger patty is insignificant. Thus, the null

hypothesis, which states no significant difference among the treatments in terms of general

Correlations acceptability, is
Gender Age GAMean
Gender Pearson Correlation 1 -.085 -.086

The Sig. (2-tailed) .399result .394 im

N 100 100 100
Age Pearson Correlation -.085 1 -.181 general acceptability.
Sig. (2-tailed) .399 .072
N 100 100 100
GAMean Pearson Correlation -.086 -.181 1 Significant
Sig. (2-tailed) .394 .072
N 100 100 100

Chapter V


This chapter elaborates the study’s results, suggestions, and conclusions.


This study entitled “Acceptability of Ampalaya burger patty” was conducted at Purok

Pag-asa, CFCST campus, Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato, December 2021.

The study aimed to find out the acceptability of the ampalaya burger patty. Specifically,

this study sought to answer the following questions: What is the demographic profile of the

respondents in terms of gender and age? What is the respondents' mean acceptability level of

ampalaya burger by considering the following variables: Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Texture,

and General Acceptability. Is there a significant difference among the three treatments of

ampalaya burger patties? Is there any significant relationship between demographics and level

of acceptability?


1. a. The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender shows that these are

56% male and 44% female.

b. The demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age the total number of

respondents is 100 from Purok Pag-asa, CFCST Campus, from ages 15 to 45 years

old. It shows that there are 27% with the age of 15-20 years old, 16% with the age

of 21-25, 16% with the age of 26-30, 13% with the age of 31-35, 15% with the age

of 36-40 and 13% with the age of 41-45.

2. a. For appearance treatment, 1, 2, and 3 are appealing to eat.

b. Treatment 1 is extremely aromatic for aroma, while treatments 2 and 3 are very

much aromatic.

c. For taste, treatment 1 is extremely delicious flavor, while treatments 2 and 3 are

very much delicious.

d. For texture, treatment 1is extremely comparable to the commercial patty, while

treatments 2 and 3 are very much comparable to the commercial patty.

e. For general acceptability, treatment 1 is extremely satisfactory, while treatments 2

and 3 are very much satisfactory

3. The three treatments of the ampalaya burger patty have no significant difference.

4. There is no significant relationship between demographics and level of acceptability.


Based on the result of the study, the objectives were answered, and it was concluded

that the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of gender shows that these are 56%

make and 44% female. The demographic profile of the respondents interms of age the total

number of respondents is 100 from Purok Pag-asa, CFCST Campus from ages 15 to 45 years

old. It shows that there are 27% with the age of 15-20 years old, 16% with the age of 21-25,

16% with the age of 26-30, 13% with the age of 31-35, 15% with the age of 36-40 and 13%

with the age of also concluded that Ampalaya burger patty is acceptable in terms of

appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability. It is also concluded that the

number of ampalaya and other ingredients can contribute to the whole acceptability of the

burger patty. T1 has the highest mean Distribution in appearance, aroma, taste, texture, and

general acceptability. The three treatments of the ampalaya burger patty have no significant

difference. There is no significant relationship between demographics and level of

acceptability. The three treatments of the ampalaya burger patty have no significant difference.

There is no significant relationship between demographics and level of acceptability.


The following measures were recommended based on the study.

1. Ampalaya burger patty is recommended to all age’s alternative to the commercial

burger patty.

2. Further study may be conducted of Ampalaya burger patty in terms of its shelf-life,

marketability and profitability.

3. Future researchers may conduct another research using ampalaya as main ingredient.


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