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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXLI NO. 22 Appleton, Wisconsin May 13, 2022

Lawrence faces infrastructure issues

Jacob Deck building prompted fa- service for the entirety open doors. said senior Mikayla one does anything to
Staff Writer cility services personnel of Spring term. VP for According to Bradley Frank-Martin, co-chair clean it up,” Thompson
to investigate the space, Student Life Chris Card Short from LogCheck. of the Lawrence Uni- said. “It’s frustrating
Lawrence University which they could not en- reported to the LUCC org, emergency repairs versity Student Welfare to have people come to
has been experiencing ter due to smoke. The af- Student Welfare Com- after an infrastructure Committee. work on this and still be
a variety of infrastruc- fected power lines were mittee on Wednesday, failure, like the ones Frank-Martin, a dealing with the issue.”
ture challenges due to quickly shut down to al- May 9 that it would most performed on both the trombone performance The university has
maintenance that has low fire department per- likely stay out of opera- broken steam and wa- major, also stated that made plans to address
been routinely deferred, sonnel with appropriate tion until the end of the ter pipes and the mal- repairs to plumbing in this backlog. According
according to two anony- breathing apparatus to academic year, since a functioning high-voltage the conservatory were to sources close to facil-
mous sources familiar safely access the space, recently ordered replace- cable, are frequently complicated by the age of ity services, President
with Lawrence’s facili- and contractors were ment part failed during much more expensive the pipes making it diffi- Laurie Carter has made
ties. According to those brought in to repair the installation. than preventative main- cult to find replacement plans to put money from
sources, this was one of damaged cable. On Wednesday, taince performed before parts. the university’s endow-
the causes of an under- While power was March 8, a water main a failure. Attempts to cut First-year Lillian ment towards acceler-
ground electrical fire restored to other cam- burst near the Wriston costs by deferring need- Thompson also com- ating work on campus
that knocked out power pus buildings by Fri- Arts Center, necessitat- ed repairs can therefore plained about plumbing facilities as part of the
to half of campus earlier day, April 15, the library ing a multi-day closure result in higher costs, malfunctions on campus, Strategic Investment Ini-
this year. stayed shut down until of the building. as expensive repairs re- saying that breakdowns tiative.
The fire, which be- Friday, April 16 as emer- In 2019, a steam pipe place less-expensive pre- are routine in Draheim Upcoming proj-
gan on Thursday, April gency repairs continued. running under Main Hall ventative maintenance. Hall, where they live. ects include replacing
14, was caused by a mal- The electrical in- Green failed, requiring a Multiple students They talked specifically the pedestrian bridge
function in a high volt- cident on April 14 was months-long closure of expressed frustration at about the bathrooms in over South Drew Street
age electric cable supply- not the only recent high- the green as a space as minor failures on cam- Draheim. between Colman and
ing power to the Seely G. profile failure of campus new pipe was laid in a pus, especially in cam- “Many times, I will Ormsby residence halls
Mudd Library. infrastructure. trench. pus plumbing. “Unfortu- wake up in the morning and repairs to the HVAC
At approximately 2 Due to a broken part, Students have also nately [maintenance] is and go into the bathroom system in the Music-
p.m. that day, reports the main student eleva- complained about a lack really difficult right now and see a bunch of water Drama Center and Con-
of fluctuating power tor in the Warch campus of elevators and acces- because facility services on the ground that can’t servatory.
levels inside the library center has been out of sible paddle switches to is very [under]staffed,” reach the drain, and no

LUNA hosts event to honor

Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Women, Girls, and
Two-Spirit People
Nathan Wall from the Waking Wom- history remains masked. women is murder. She
News Editor en’s Healing Institute, a She made the connection then talked about the
support group for Native between politicians pass- generational trauma
Lawrence Univer- American victims of gen- ing laws banning discus- caused by violence. Pictures from the exhibit displaying the Red Hand.
sity Native Americans dered violence. Gralewicz sions about U.S. history Gralewicz also talked
Photo by Alana Melvin.
(LUNA) hosted an event gave the main speech of and the ways in which the about climate change,
on Main Hall Green to the event. stories we tell in our so- and how the violation
honor and mourn Miss- Gralewicz began her ciety mask crimes against of the Earth is tied to
ing and Murdered Indig- speech by talking about indigenous people. She violence against people,
enous Women (MMIW) Hanna Harris, a North- used the example of the citing the correlation
on Wednesday, May 4. ern Cheyenne woman Disney movie “Pocahon- between oil exploration
May 5 is the National Day who was murdered in tas”. on Native lands and the
of Awareness for Missing July 2013. May 5 is Har- “While not all of In- violence against Indig-
and Murdered Indig- ris’s birthday. She talked digenous history is U.S. enous women, girls and
enous Women, Girls and about the importance of history, all of U.S. history two-spirit people that
Two-Spirit people (MMI- the color red to the MMI- is Indigenous history,” follows those pipelines’
WG2S). WG2S, which she said said Gralewicz. construction routes. She
The event was titled represents danger as well Gralewicz connect- called out politicians in
“Unmasking Ourselves: as love. ed this to the fact that Minnesota and Wiscon-
Who Are We?” and began Gralewicz went on the vast majority of In- sin for allowing the Line
with a land acknowledge- to talk about the title of digenous women, girls 3 and Line 5 pipelines.
ment from senior Taneya the event, “Unmasking and queer people have Gralewicz’s speech
Garcia, President of Ourselves,” and what it faced violence and that was followed by a perfor-
LUNA. Garcia then intro- means to her. She talked the third leading cause mance of the Jingle
duced Renee Gralewicz about how a lot of our of death for Indigenous Red dresses are a symbol of MMIWG2S Day, celebrated on May 5.
See page 2 Photo by Alana Melvin.

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Chicago Bulls season An Exploration of Local Government “Between Heaven and It’s time to start polluting
recap Targeted Advertising Feature: Denise Fenton Earth” Marissa Lake’s... the Fox River again
2 NEWS May 13, 2022

LUNA hosts... targeted by violence.

First-year Ce-
ing to the National
Crime Information
Samir Datta hired as VP for
Finance and Administration
continued from page 1
sar Donaire, who is a Center there are over
member of LUNA, was 5,000 cases of MMI-
Dress Dance, in which
grateful to everyone WG2S, and most are
Indigenous students
who came to the event. unsolved. Nathan Wall dents starting in 2026. May 13. According to
from Lawrence as well
“It was an incred- The exhibit in the News Editor Noonan noted that him, the issue of Law-
as people of all ages
ibly meaningful event D&IC features several _______________________
her leaving is part of a rence’s deferred main-
who came from off
that we put effort and LUNA members pos- Vice President for larger trend in staff turn- tenance has come up in
campus to the event
love into,” Donaire ing underneath the Finance and Administra- over at Lawrence, which conversations during this
danced and played mu-
said. Otāēciah statue with tion Mary Alma Noonan she believes is fueled in transition period.
sic in this healing cere-
LUNA also put up red hands painted on handed over her role to part by stress due to the Datta is not entirely
mony that is important
exhibits in the Diver- their faces, as well as Samir Datta on Monday, COVID-19 pandemic as sure what his tenure will
to the Ojibwe people.
sity & Intercultural several art posters cre- May 2. Noonan has been well as a presidential look like, since he only
Deborah Martin,
Center (D&IC) and on ated by Native Ameri- at Lawrence since August transition. recently arrived at Law-
an Indigenous woman
the second floor of the can students from of 2020. Noonan only recently rence, but discussed his
from off campus who
Buchanan Kiewit Well- Appleton West and The Vice President met Datta but is confi- broader goals for the in-
attended the event,
ness Center. Both ex- Appleton East High for Finance and Admin- dent that he has the skills stitution. Datta said that
stated that she came
hibits had information School, who also put up istration oversees uni- to handle the job. he hopes to do what he
to support all Indig-
explaining things like posters in the Wellness versity finances, Human “I think he’ll do a can to provide the best
enous people and bring
the symbolic meaning Center exhibit. Resources, Information great job,” said Noonan. experience possible for
awareness to Native
of the red dress and the Technology (IT) services “Lawrence will be in good Lawrence students dur-
American women and
red hand and included and other campus servic- hands.” ing a challenging time.
queer people who are
a statistic that accord- es such as facilities. Noonan added that He emphasized that
Datta has many years she loved her time at Lawrence has to focus on
of experience in the pub- Lawrence and the people its students if it wants to
lic and private finance she met here. Although be successful and wants
sector and spent almost

PAO hosting series of events

she is not sure about her to do what he can
seven years working with future plans, she hopes to to provide students
the state of Wisconsin’s work at a school similar with the best experience
pension fund.

for AAPI History Month

to Lawrence, which she possible.
Datta stated that he referred to as a “wonder- Datta hopes that
was interested in Law- ful institution.” the Lawrence he leaves
rence in part because it’s Currently, Noonan eventually will be a better
a 175-year-old institution is assisting Datta in the institution than the Law-
with a highly regarded transition, including the rence he arrived at.
Marzuka Amal non-Western notions other queer and AAPI academic program that upcoming Spring 2022 “Hopefully, our fi-
Staff Writer of queerness, Palestine, students. also has a lot of chal-
_______________________ Board of Trustees meet- nances are better,” said
disembodied memory “The format of the lenges to face. Two of the ing, and Datta is hoping Datta. “Hopefully, the
and identity. event will be breaking challenges he identified
Pan-Asian Organi- that this transition will state of our facilities is
The second event people up into small were aging facilities and
zation (PAO) is hosting finalize after the meeting better. Hopefully, stu-
is a Bollywood Movie groups to have their dis- a projected nationwide
events every Saturday and President Carter’s dents feel happier at
Night, PAO’s first ever cussions, so people feel decline in the number of
in May for Asian Ameri- inauguration on Friday, Lawrence.”
event featuring South more comfortable,” said prospective college stu-
can and Pacific Islander
Asian roots, will be hap- Dorn. “Then [we will
(AAPI) Heritage Month.
pening on Saturday May come] back to the big-
Lawrence’s AAPI Heri-
14 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. ger group and listen to
tage Month is a celebra-
PAO is serving Indian everyone’s experiences.
tion of Asian Americans
food from the restaurant [The event will be] mod-
and Pacific Islanders’ di-
Sai Ram. This event is erated by myself and
verse identities and his-
RSVP only and filled up members of COLORES.”
tory, according to event
its capacity in less than On Saturday, May
coordinator of PAO,
a day. The movie be- 27 from 5 p.m. to 7
sophomore Jahanvi
ing played is a surprise p.m., PAO is hosting
and was not revealed by the concluding event,
On Saturday, May
Pradhan. Pan-Asian Game night
7 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.,
The third event is on in the Somerset Room
PAO hosted a Palestin-
Saturday May 21 from 2 of the Warch Campus
ian-American Poetry
p.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the Center. The games that
reading in the Warch
Diversity and Intercul- will be played represent
Cinema to start off the
tural Center (D&IC). popular games from nu-
PAO is collaborating merous states. The cho-
The speaker was
with COLORES to have sen games are “Popup
George Abraham, a
an open discussion on Blackbeard Pirate,” a
queer Palestinian poet.
the intersection of AAPI Korean game; “Hmong
They shared their ex-
& LGBTQI+ identity. Ball Toss,” originating
perience of being queer
The other event co- from Hmong people;
and Palestinian and
ordinator of PAO, first- “Kendama,” from Ja-
used poetry readings
year Isabel Dorn, ex- pan; “Pickup Jack,”
to navigate queer and
pressed her excitement from the Philippines;
Palestinian culture and
with the event as a queer and “Gatti”, from Nepal.
history. The poetry fo-
Asian student navigat- Prizes such as choco-
cused on the intersec-
ing college and having lates will be given out to
tion of diasporic and
a similar experience as the winners. Headshot submitted by Samir Datta.
May 13, 2022 SPORTS 3

Premier League relegation battle

points having played 35 matches, threatened side taking a point or over the club’s bread and butter rigid and of itself. After years of misman-
Sean McLaughlin
Staff Writer while Everton have 35 points having even three. However, Chelsea does 4-4-2 formation. In Maxwell Cornet agement (see my previous week’s
______________________________ played a game less. Leeds occupy still have the incentive of securing and Wout Weghorst, they have just article), one of the biggest sides in
With just three game weeks left, the final relegation place on goal their Champions League place. I’m about enough goal threat to scrape the league is dangerously close to go-
the Premier League still has one final difference alone. This week, I’ll look predicting a wild 2-2 draw. Brigh- some 1-0 wins and 1-1 draws. Their ing down. However, I think they will
relegation place left ready to doom at each side’s remaining fixtures and ton, on the other hand, are flying remaining matches are against Tot- stay up. They are horrendous on the
a side to a season in the second tier. attempt to predict who will go down high and dreaming of a top-half fin- tenham, Villa, and Newcastle. The road, but their form in recent weeks
Relegation can be very damaging for alongside the already relegated clubs ish after beating Manchester United Spurs game is an easy one: Totten- has seen them win three of their last
a club in a number of ways: their best Norwich City and Watford. 4-0. Given their solid defense, heavy ham will run out 3-0 winners as they five matches. They still need to play
players leave, and finances are severe- Leeds are in this relegation scrap possession statistics, and poor finish- seek a Champions League place, with four matches, but against a favorable
ly impacted by decreased revenues, on the basis of one major factor: they ing, I think Brighton will walk out Antonio Conte’s fluid football seeing schedule. Their next three opponents
which can lead to a sustained drop have a porous defense. Only Norwich, with a 2-1 win with Raphinha scoring Tottenham wear down the Burnley are Watford, Brentford, and Crystal
off in performances and results in the 13 points lower down, have conceded early on the counter for Leeds before backline. The Villa game is tricker, Palace. Watford are already down,
long term. Nottingham Forrest, once more than their 74 goals with 75 al- two Brighton team goals in the sec- as they have just played Villa this Brentford are essentially safe and I
a giant of the English game and twice lowed. This is the reason for Leeds’ ond half secures a win. Finally, the week and lost 3-1. However, by the have predicted them to slump in the
European Champions in the 1980s, awful goal difference of -34, which Brentford fixture is also tough. They second-to-last game week, Villa will final few weeks, and Palace’s form has
were relegated in 1999 and have yet sees them essentially a point back of are a bottom half side and rightly so be safely in mid-table while Burnley been poor recently. I think Everton
to return to the glitz and glamor of Burnley. They will need to end the based on their performances, but the will still have reason to play. Given will take a 4-0 win from Watford, the
the English topflight. Derby County season on more points than one of match takes place at Brentford, which manager Mike Jackson will have seen momentum of which will carry them
came up in 2007 only to go straight the other two sides, as remaining tied is a tough place to go. Big teams like Steven Gerrard’s tactics by then, I see to a tight 2-1 victory at home to Brent-
back down, and their efforts since will see them relegated on goal differ- Arsenal have gone to the Community no reason a resilient Burnley won’t ford, by which point they’ll essential-
have led to overspending that has ence as the first tie breaker. Stadium and lost, and they are gen- be able to secure a 1-1 draw. Their ly be safe. The Palace game will allow
sent them into bankruptcy and now Leeds have three matches re- erally a tough side to break down. I final match against Newcastle will be them to play more freely without as
a relegation to the third tier. Ports- maining, against the likes of Chelsea, think Brentford, already safe, will be tougher. Newcastle have nothing left much pressure, though perhaps the
mouth ran into financial troubles Brighton, and Brentford. Beginning a bit off the pace they normally de- to play for, and as we saw in their re- relaxation will hurt them; I foresee
when they were relegated in 2010 and with the Chelsea match, this one is fend at, and Leeds will scrape a 2-1 cent 5-0 loss to Manchester City, they a 1-1 draw. Finally, their last match
dropped all the way into League Two, tough to predict. Normally, Chelsea win to give themselves hope. are very open at the back at times. I comes against Arsenal who will still
the fourth tier of the English profes- would wipe the floor with the de- Burnley only still have a chance am going to predict a bold 2-0 win for be fighting for a Champions League
sional pyramid. Such are the pos- fensively hapless Leeds. However, at this point in the season for reason- Burnley against their former striker place, so the Everton will slump to a
sible consequences of relegation for they have slipped into a poor run of ing opposite to that in favor of Leeds: Chris Wood, and that they save their 3-0 loss. Still, two wins will be more
Everton, Burnley, and Leeds if they form in recent weeks, allowing for they are one of the best defensive skin on the last day. than enough, especially with a draw
are to go down this season. As things the possibility of a scrappy Leeds sides in the league. Sean Dyche may Everton being in this relega- to help. Everton will be safe.
stand, Leeds and Burnley sit on 34 performance with the relegation- be gone now, but his DNA is still all tion fight is a tragedy for them in

Chicago Bulls season recap

For once, Chicago made excel- It is difficult to keep track of the varia- The regular season went pretty I wrote it off, figuring that the Bulls
Tom Powers
Staff Writer lent off-season plays, most notably tions in his mid-range bag, from the well. As I said, DeRozan had an in- were not invested in the game having
scoring DeMar DeRozan. DeRozan half-spins, contested fadeaways and credible year (arguably a top five play- clinched a playoff seed already. How-
How are Bulls fans feeling right was my favorite player to watch this pull-ups. DeRozan’s sense of timing is er this season), and Zach LaVine was ever, the ominous signs that I picked
about now? I, for one, am happy. Over year. Admittedly, I had not really seen impeccable, showing growth from his as good as ever. Chicago spent some up in that Hornets’ game proved fore-
time, my emotional investment in the him play in San Antonio, but had al- time in Toronto. time at the top of the Eastern Confer- boding to their efforts in the postsea-
team has decreased significantly. As a ways liked his game in his early years Other notable pickups for the ence. They were not the best team, and son. They were several steps behind
young, wide-eyed fan growing up an with the Raptors. I was excited for the Bulls included Lonzo Ball, an excel- the fans knew it, but they were talent- in their defensive rotations. More no-
hour outside of Chicago, I had sev- DeRozan signing, but truthfully did lent playmaking guard who I view as a ed to be sure, and it was fun to be on table was the absence of Lonzo Ball’s
eral years of championship hopes for not expect the play that I saw from sort of defensive anchor. There’s also top for a bit. For a bit, I felt that glim- passing and perimeter defense. His
a memorable Bulls roster led by 2011 him this season. His mid-range game the hard-nosed, athletic guard Alex mer of hope. DeRozan and LaVine are younger brother – Hornets’ guard
MVP Derrick Rose, who is one of the was elite, probably the best in the Caruso, who started a career-high 18 one of the best one-two punches in the LaMelo Ball – had his way with the
most exciting and dynamic athletes I league this year. I have heard that the games for Chicago. There was more to league, but I also didn’t genuinely feel Bulls, scoring at will against under-
have seen this century. Their playoff mid-range game is dead in the NBA, celebrate, like the fact that they got rid that they were a championship level sized guard Coby White and dicing up
runs were thwarted several times by seeing as so many players can shoot of players I had wanted out of Chicago one-two punch. The supporting cast rookie Ayo Dosunmu.
one LeBron James, and after Rose’s the three-pointer and the degree of for years, including Lauri Markannen, was good, though. At least they were, Did I feel hope entering the se-
debilitating knee injuries stunted him difficulty for mid-range shots is not Denzel Valentine and Tomas Satoran- until key injuries to Ball, Caruso and ries against the reigning champion
from his MVP-caliber play, the Bulls worth it for only two points. This is sky. Their draft pick of Ayo Dosunmu Patrick Williams stifled their season Bucks? Truthfully, no. Giannis had yet
faded into mediocrity. As I entered definitely not the case, though. If a from the University of Illinois panned further. Before I knew it, I looked up another MVP caliber season, and the
my adolescence, I began to inject my player has a skill that they can utilize out very well, as the rookie put up and the Bulls were placed at a six seed. Bucks are simply the better team at
hopes with a healthy dose ofr realism. as effectively as DeRozan does his solid minutes on a talented team and The one NBA game I attended this point in time. The Bulls came into
Is this a sign of growth and maturity, mid-range game, there is a place for it showed a lot of potential for his future this year was the Bulls’ final home the series with key injuries, which was
or is it simply emotional numbness in the league. Some of the more excit- in the league. The one player that hurt game this season, a 16-point loss to a the story of their year. Entering this
caused by a decade of mediocrity? It’s ing moments this season as a Bulls fan the most to lose was Thaddeus Young, young and talented Hornets team. It series without expectation protected
hard to say, but entering this season came from watching DeRozan operate a glue-guy who I had grown to love was a lackluster effort to be sure, and me from the pain of a loss, which I saw
I felt a glimmer that I hadn’t felt in a in a one-on-one late in the shot clock. during his time as a Bull. an ominous sign entering the playoffs. as inevitable.

UFC 274 recap


Antonio Gonzalez off multiple-fight losing streaks and citement was short lived as the fight division with a lot of fight left in him. during weigh-ins, Charles Oliveira
Staff Writer had something to prove. The first would end soon in the second round. The most uneventful event of became the first ever champion to
round opened, and it looked like the As the second round was underway, the night was the fight between Rose lose his belt on the scale, missing
UFC 274 took place last Satur- old Tony Ferguson was back to his Chandler was able to back Ferguson Namajunas and Carla Esparza for the weight by 0.5lbs. Oliveira forfeited
day on May 7th in Phoenix Arizona’s old “boogeyman” ways when he tore down in the first 10 seconds where Rose’s strawweight title. The fight his title and was not allowed to win it
Footprint Center and boasted a sold- up the lightweight division during he threw the final strike of the fight, started and ended the same way: back with a victory over Justin Gaeth-
out arena. The event put the light- his 12-fight win streak. Ferguson was landing the most devastating snap very, very boring. The fight was a je. Although the contender, Gaethje,
weight and strawweight titles on the throwing his patented deadly elbows, front kick on the chin of Ferguson. back and forth of Namajunas going in could still win the belt with a vic-
line, featuring long awaited bouts looking to cut up Chandler and make Ferguson, expecting a body shot, low- and out of range while feinting every tory of the now “former” champion.
from fan favorite fighters all around. the fight messy. Ferguson showed ered his guard and found the ball of other second, landing the occasional When it came fight night, the inten-
The event, overall, was a bag of mixed sharp boxing although his striking Chandler’s foot sending his chin into jab while Esparza, although being the sity almost seemed to double over the
feelings from many fans as the main has always been a bit awkward, and his brain. In highlight fashion, Fergu- shorter fighter, pressured on, land- whole ordeal.
events either had someone put to he managed to get a clean strike on son was knocked out cold for the first ing strikes to the leg every now and As the first and final bell rang,
sleep or had the fans asleep. But, Chandler in the middle of the round time in his career. To add backflips to then and attempting takedowns here the two fighters kept their prom-
when the card did deliver, the atmo- which sat him down. Chandler was injury, Chandler proceeded to do four and there. By the end of 25 minutes, ise to not back down to the other.
sphere was electric. able to secure a takedown later in consecutive backflips before calling it looked like the two had gone for Oliveira was able to neutralize the
First up out of the three fights the round a keep Ferguson down. out Conor McGregor. To be fair to a brisk jog. The judges were left to devastating leg kicks of Gaethje, but
that ended the night is the long- But Ferguson, being Ferguson, was Ferguson, he was looking like his old score a fight that I am surprised they not the hands. Gaethje landed once
awaited return of Tony Ferguson quick to take his bottom position self until he got hit with a strike that were even awake for. Rose Namaju- on Oliveira, sending him quickly to
who squared off against the ever as a leverage to throw elbows to the would likely put anyone out. Fans of nas lost her belt to Esparza in a split the ground. Gaethje did not go to the
dangerous, Michael Chandler. The skull of Chandler who quickly had the sport were ambushed with mixed decision, but I felt like I was the true ground with Oliveira to capitalize
fight was electric from the start as to turn his offense into defense until feelings seeing a legend like Ferguson loser for watching that whole thing. on the situation as Oliveira’s ground
the two big personalities had been the bell rang. It looked like Ferguson go out, but this will not likely be the The main event, kind of, put game is notoriously dangerous as he
back and forth during the lead up to was back to his old ways as he smiled end of Ferguson’s career as he still the lightweight title on the line. In a holds the record for most submis-
the fight. Both fighters were coming coming off the ground, but this ex- sits in the top 10 of the lightweight last-minute bit of drama on the scales See page 10
4 VARIETY May 13, 2022

The Cows Have Eyes

By Alexander Poplawski
Lawrence University Creative Writing Club Spring Serial Story: Part 5

It does not take an expert Images? Like, animals?” the cow’s eye was a black hole. who killed him. They wouldn’t let rise through the fog. Ball of white.
fortune-teller such as I, Allison “Uh, no. Well… yeah, no.” Spinning. Upside-down. Stretches, me into the morgue, so I couldn’t Crystal ball. Elliot looking at me
Miller, to know that something is Elliot’s beady eyes blinked in vexa- not quite like yoga. Space-time get near the body early, unfortu- through a crystal ball. Eyes every-
drastically wrong with Potterfield’s tion. “Well, perhaps, I kinda see continuum. Cow implodes, goes nately. But in my experience, even where. Big eyes. Not Elliot any-
spiritual aura. Naturally, a town something that looks like it has into black hole. Event horizon; a a stale spirit still speaks. So I’ve more. Another man looking at me
where everyone knows everyone is four legs.” ring of light. It is shortening, no been out in the cemetery all night, through a crystal ball. Bodyguard.
bound to cause unusual conjunc- “Like a dog? Or perhaps a longer a ring. One end becomes conjuring the ether in. Big, dark eyes, no whites to be
tions in the spirit realm — but this horse? Cat? You sure? It is defi- a stick. Bright metal in a curve. “By dawn of day, and nay of seen. Black, murky, hazy — event
is different. Ever since that Elliot nitely not a big cat? Cow?” Scythe. Black hole has a cape. night, by frosted hay and foggy horizon, black hole, space-time
character started his dealings with “Close enough.” Mr. Elliot Reaper. A cow will always die in light, what dost your spirit say, continuum.
Mr. Bellarose, I have felt like some- shrugged, “Look, I really don’t get a black hole. what is your plight?” My words “Get it?” He is standing in the
thing in the folk’s general aura has this, I have a meeting to be at, Mr “Now that is preposterous!” were but whispers, but I sensed fog, in front of the rising sun. Right
shifted. Bellarose is expecting me to bring Elliot flustered. “I am in perfectly their power all the same. And as in front of me. “Have to say, I’m
I was not surprised, really, the —” good health! I am not about to tip the first early hint of light began to really glad this works. Now I am
when he died. It was ordained, as “You will listen,” rasped off into a coffin just yet! Seriously, caress the blades of grass around really sorry you got this far, since
I explained to them last month. He another man that came along. This woman, what kind of buffoon do me, I began to feel it too. The spirit we can’t allow you to go much fur-
was dragged along by a party from was a peculiar figure; tall, duck- you take me to be? Enough: I’m not of Mr. Elliot; whose contract with ther. The police are behind me. I
the Bellarose house, who came footed, always in the shadows. doing this anymore.” life was at a close, but who had bro- will yell. And I will make you run.”
to solicit my services after I quite Perhaps it was the light, or his “Don’t tell me I didn’t warn ken his contract with death as well. Seeing circles. But the man
acutely predicted the details of Mr. choice of dark gray suit, but his you.” I shrugged, and the door There it drifted, lingering on the has a mirror.
Bellarose’s little tumble down the skin seemed remarkably drained slammed behind him. The body- edge, with nowhere to rest. With a “Look.” His skin even more
stairs. I predicted exactly which for color, despite it not being par- guard, however, took his time to deep breath thick with death, I saw saturated in the foggy light, a grin
foot would break — his right one, in ticularly pale. But what really put follow. Even though he turned his a silhouette before me, no features sliding across his wide jaw, the
case you’re interested. Anyway, Mr. me in a loop was the darkness in head, I could not shake the feel- distinguishable through the fog. cow-eyed man holds out his mirror
Elliot and the rest came by, curious his eyes — like murky water, with ing that his eyes were still piercing “Do not go back on your so I can see my face and — by the
for any other foresights I might barely any whites. my skin, gazing at me through the word, Allison,” his rasping voice ether — I swear on my own spirit
have into their affairs, of which “Look into it again.” I turned back of his head. A chill hit me as penetrates me. “You have come to and soul, I look just the same. Just
there were several. back to Mr. Elliot, and this time, the tea kettle whistled, cups set up listen to me: now you must do as the same.
“Do sit in this chair, sir,” I I mirrored his gaze. It was time for three. I say.” “STOP! STOP! POLICE!” A
said, gesturing to the chair beside to make the prediction. As Elliot As I said, no surprise they A toss sends silver through shout rings in my ears, but I am
the tea-table, on which rested a and I stared at each other through bumped him off. I also predicted the air — a tube of lipstick. I apply off. Running, running, away, down
true gem of a crystal ball which I the milky haze of quartz crystal, I that he would excrete a literal cow it. Bend, and kiss the grave. Soft the hill. Never looking back. Away.
had bought in New Zealand. Mr. breathed in the sweet scent of his pie in the process, but decided to stone. E. Letters, words, note. Pen I have four legs when I reach the
Elliot stiffly took a seat. I must spirit… closed my eyes… keep that to myself. and paper. bottom.
admit, I hardly suppressed a giggle Stars. Moon, and me. A cow Even though I had succeeded “Dictate what I say.”
at how out –of place he seemed — jumped over the moon. The cow’s in predicting Mr. Elliot’s death, my Goodbye, my world. Goodbye,
so business-like, amidst my best head spun like a pinwheel around vision didn’t reveal who the killer my love. May we meet again when
finery. I sat opposite him. its neck, and its eye spun within its would be. So, I was tasked by the the trumpets blow and the fallen
“Now,” I began, clasping my socket; a system of spinning, like mystical authority to talk to the fly, for I truly loved you. Done
hands, “what do you see? Patterns? the solar system. Milky Way. Now spirit of Mr. Elliot — to find out here. Rise, and see the sun also

Goosepimples Hungry Creature 5

By Madeleine Corum By Mara Logan
Song of the Week: "Desert ferent from the broad, low, rus- paintbrush swished and splashed
Song" by säje tling applause of wind in leaf-filled in water, and, faintly, soft brush
Last week, I got chills. branches and the canopies of trees. strokes against canvas followed it.
I wore shorts for the first time The car sounds faded when we I heard the crunch of someone bit-
since November of last year, and rode through the park gate, and in ing into their apple, and the crackle
the sun was warm on my legs as their place, I heard the rhythmic and rustle of someone digging their
they pumped the pedals of my bike. pad of running shoes and panting hand in a paper bag for their burger
The breeze was cool against the breath. The faint, garbled, scratchy and fries. Lying down in the grass
back of my neck as I leaned and sound of music came from some- with my eyes closed, I heard the
wound my way side to side through one’s headphones. The tinkling, trees again—not the wind, but the
the park. Mostly, though, I listened. bright laughter of little children trees. I heard the wood creak faintly
The moment you reach the was mixed with them bursting into as the wind bent long, tall branches,
desert sobs when they tripped over their and the rustle of leaves shimmer-
You realize she’s been singing untied shoes. Horse hooves clopped ing against each other, laughing
a song of life and love. a beat to the footsteps of joggers amongst themselves at some joke
At the beginning of the ride, and walkers. I heard my own breath I could never understand, but that
I heard the honking of horns. panting as I trudged on the uphills, still made me smile.
Engines revved up and occa- and on the downhills; I heard the I listened to the sound of
sionally squeaked on the pave- clicking of my bicycle spokes when Central Park, and I got chills.
ment. Someone shook coins in a I stopped pedaling to glide, which I was in New York for two
little paper cup. A group laughed led to the slight whistle of the wind more full days after that bike ride.
together, and I heard their foot- passing by my ears as I picked up I stayed out late and had adven-
steps quicken and shuffle as they speed. I heard a danceable pop song tures, I ate amazing meals and I saw
stumbled in their joy. Pedestrian blast from the speaker of a pedicab, museums. The peace of the park
lights beeped, and occasionally an getting louder and louder until they stayed with me through all of it. In
automated voice would remind us passed, and then slowly fading into moments alone, I closed my eyes
that the walking sign was on. I also the distance. and returned to the grass, listening
heard the morning songs and chirps To your surprise you’re sing- to the click of my bike spokes, the
of birds, increasingly so the further ing with the desert shriek of children’s laughter and the
we went. Little bells rang out in You’ve always known the whoosh of the wind-tousled leaves
short pings, followed often by the words to sing along. of trees. A Central Park sound-
rev of a tiny electric scooter or a Later, we parked the bikes and scape, perhaps called so because of
bike and the whoosh of air moving sat down in the grass on a big hill. how easily I can escape to it.
past me. I heard the smack and thud of kids She’s calling, she’s calling, oh
As we approached the park, I kicking a soccer ball against each she’s calling.
realized wind didn’t make a sound, other’s shins and the big face of
but as it moved through other a boulder. I heard the bark and
things and touched them, those growl of dogs tussling with each
things made sounds instead. The other. I heard the thwip of a stick
sound of wind picking leaves up or a ball slicing through the air,
off the sidewalk and sending them and the jangle of collars as other
skittering back down is much dif- dogs sped after their quarries. A
May 13, 2022 VARIETY 5

Horoscopes Bad Lawrence Poetry #4

By Kelly Foy By Kelly Foy
The following is a work of satire.
What if,
Notable rapper
Aries: Go to Woodman's. co-pay. Sagittarius: Go to a res- 50 cent
Buy any canned food that repulses Leo: Start a GoFundMe so taurant and admit to the waitress participated in
you. Eat that shit right out of the you can rent an inflatable the next that you snuck into the showing The Lawrence Housing Lottery?
can in the Woodman's parking time you feel sad. I recommend of "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part Would he get the number
lot with your filthy paws. God renting the one that’s an inflat- 2" when you were 12. It’s time you 50?
intended us to live this way. able ball pit. Hard to feel sad in get that off your chest. Or would he get
Taurus: Catch the 8pm-Sat- one of those. Capricorn: Audition for .50.
urday-night movie at your local Virgo: Go up to people and American Idol with a Taio Cruz Questions like these,
theater. Sit right by the projec- say “Hey, what's behind you?” and multi-song mashup. Include cho- Often overlooked at
tor and make little hand-shadow- as they turn around, get on the reography and tears. Our institution of
puppets. Then, people can watch ground and start doing the worm. Aquarius: Buy yourself a “Higher education.”
the movie and also see your hand #YouJustGotWormd. rolex. That’s right. A nice one, too. He would probably end up in Brokaw.
puppets. Libra: As you walk around Then when people ask you how Like the rest of us.
Gemini: Open a blacksmith campus, think about what would you afforded it, you can say, “I am
shop where Lou’s Brew used to be. happen if you were not walking $17,000 in debt” and start crying What if Meryl Street ate at
We don’t need any more expen- around campus. Think about if and throwing up. Andrew Commons?
sive coffee. We need more candle- you were baking a frittata. Pisces: Next time you see Would she wince at
sticks, armor, and nuts and bolts. Scorpio: Buy a bunch of someone with a beard, say, ”Hey The cheddarwurst?
Cancer: Call your doctors those sticky hands that you win man, nice beard. It would be a Would she feel enamored by
office and tell them you have a at arcades. Put one on every real shame if the ticklemonster The unlimited soft serve?
BAD case of the giggles. Your doc- Lawrence poster you see. This is got to it.” It gets old, Meryl.
tor will think you are so cute. just the beginning of the Sticky
They might even cover your next more sticky campaign. I heard Kylie Jenner has been
Hired to renovate
Kohler Hall.
She was quarantined there when she had

An Exploration of Targeted Advertising COVID-19, last winter.

She envisions a dorm with pizzazz.
Still no air conditioning, though.
Kylie has yet to comment on this.
By Jeff Mason Nicolas Cage received the new position of working
The following is a work of satire. At the Seely G Mudd
Circulation Desk.
He is still struggling with
Recently, I had the pleasure quick searches for diapers and advertisements I’d received when
Inter Library Loans.
of attending Randy Feltface’s baby wipes. Being a senior here the weirdest accident occured.
He is working hard to fix this.
comedy performance at the at Lawrence University, I am a Two men in suits and sunglasses
Skyline Comedy Club. It was few years removed from those bumped into me with a shovel,
What would these celebrities do
an all-around superb evening. items, so I was surprised to see sending me tumbling down the
At Lawrence U?
Feltface, a purple puppet brought no less than eight advertisements Warch stairs. The fall brought
Would they act similar to me?
to life by Australian comedian for Pampers and other baby prod- back memories of my freshman
Or more similar to you?
Heath McIvor, knocked it out of ucts only eight hours after my year. Luckily, I knew exactly
the park. His set had not a single searches. To my parents’ relief, I where to purchase my new wheel-
dull moment and culminated in have yet to be a father, so I had no chair!

Pen and Ink

the whole audience singing Neil need for these items and clicked I didn’t leave my room
Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline.” on none of them. for the next few days, nor did I
There were only two sour A day later, I put my micro- have the energy to run any more
spots of the evening: first, the phone to the test. There is a experiments. However, when my
comedy club ran out of root beer, suspicion that Alexa and other YouTube videos began to run By Mikayla Henry
a fact I will hold against them and technologies may secretly be col- midroll ads for Facebook every
Feltface himself until the end of lecting data based on the conver- ten seconds, I had a change of
time. Second, and more impor- sations they can pick up through heart. I didn’t know what I was in This poem was meant to capture the intimate feeling of being known
tantly, for every wonderful min- microphones. During my weekly the mood for that day, so I decid- in some sense of the word, while still remaining unseen at the end of the
ute of this show, I was forced Dungeons and Dragons session ed to scroll through Facebook day. In my mind, I associate it with the sense of someone looking through
to concede some of my gratitude over Discord that evening, I made Marketplace to see what would you and not genuinely seeing you. This can be applied to any form of
towards a targeted Facebook ad sure to insert a comment every come up. After several items I had relationship, whether it be familial, friendly or romantic, though I feel like
that had informed me of Feltface’s five minutes about how much I absolutely no interest in — a VR my poem can be interpreted as focusing more on a romantic relationship.
show and allowed me to buy tick- enjoy tea and the drinking thereof, headset, an Amazon Echo and a Though of course, art is subjective, and many other interpretations can be
ets. which, as many of my friends and bulletproof vest with the tagline drawn from this poem, none of which are completely incorrect.
Targeted ads are the norm classmates know, is a devious lie. of “You just may need it!” — the
these days. It pains me to say they Nevertheless, the next morning, next advertisement I came across Forget
can be quite effective — all it costs six advertisements for tea-related was for a subscription to Amazon
is our privacy. The only question paraphernalia appeared in my Prime, the most useful thing I just You have the horizon line of my collarbone
is, how much privacy are we giv- social media feed. I also received then realized that I needed.
ing up when we use social media, a spam email with the subject line, Over the next four days, I memorized and could sketch a diagram
search engines, streaming servic- “Complete your order for TEA discovered the disturbingly accu-
es, etc.? To answer this question, KETTLE before it’s too late!” The rate nature of my social media’s of how our hands envelop one
I decided to test the limits of my next time I’m in the mood to targeted advertising. I found six
data-divulging technology. drink a soggy hiking boot, I know products I couldn’t resist! An another yet you do not
My first test was fairly exactly where to buy my tea from. Apple Watch — “Do you know
straightforward. Being in need of For now, I’m good. how fast you can run? We do!” remember how I take
a new pair of headphones, I did a The next day’s tests were A Smart Mirror, which was just
couple of searches through Google more of the usual. Birdwatching as efficient for “keeping an eye my coffee in the
to see what sort of products might gear, binoculars, etc. A few out for [my] health” as the ad
be best for my budget. Then I searches that morning before stated. And my favorite, a Mark morning.
exited out of the tab and let the checking my ads that night. To Zuckerberg body pillow. It even
cookies work their dark magic my surprise, no ads for birding came with some features beyond
on my information. Sure enough, equipment. The only advertise- what was advertised, like mov-
not more than two days later, ments I got, surprisingly, were for ing Zuck-eyes and a “scream in
I received several Instagram ads bandages, med kits and several blood-curdling terror” setting for
for headphones, one of which was brands of wheelchairs. I figured when you accidentally lock it in
to my liking. These headphones the cookies must’ve been off their the closet.
were cheap, too, and came in a game that day. Needless to say, at the end
design I liked. I clicked on this ad I was getting close to finish- of the day, I got everything I was
and bought the product without a ing my experiment by this point. hoping for and more out of these
second thought. The following morning, I brought products. Not all the advertise-
A few hours later, my second my computer to breakfast and ments I received were quite my
test began. I’d seen people on turned its mic on to let it listen style, but that’s the beauty of tar-
YouTube complain about search- to our conversation. We talked a geted advertisements: if the first
ing once for obscure products good deal about Formula 1 and one doesn’t get you, surely the
only to have similar products the so-called “sport” of racing. next one will!
flood their social media feeds, As I left the breakfast table, I was
so I decided I would do a few just about to check and see what
6 FEATURES May 13, 2022

Photo Feature by Astra Medeiros

Have a story
to share or want Scan the
to see something QR code
published in The and submit
Lawrentian? a story pro-
Know of people posal. We
or events on look forward
campus that to hearing
you’d like to see from you!
May 13, 2022 FEATURES 7

Local Government Feature:

Denise Fenton
Nathan Wall
News Editor

“Climate crisis might not be a strong Fenton then talked about the impor-
enough word for the issue we’re facing tance of equity and intersectionality in the
right now,” said Denise Fenton. climate movement. She pointed out that
Denise Fenton is the Common not everyone can afford a hybrid car or the
Council member for Appleton’s District tune-ups required to make their cars more
6. She is a mother and grandmother who fuel efficient. She emphasized the impor-
grew up on the Texas Gulf Coast. Fenton tance of investing in public transit and
is concerned about climate change and the walkable communities.
future of the world for her children and Climate change is not the only issue
grandchildren. She is most well-known Fenton cares about. She is devastated and
for her work on the Common Council’s disgusted to see her home state of Texas,
Climate Task Force. among other states, target trans families,
Fenton talked about how growing up and pledged to “absolutely” support trans
in Texas during integration influenced people, especially children and teenagers,
who she is. Fenton remembers being part in Appleton.
of one of the first integrated first-grade “We got your back,” Fenton said.
classes in the country. Her father was a Fenton talked about white privilege
high school teacher during integration as well and how white people need to do
and she remembers the different ways he better understanding the privilege they
taught her acceptance. hold in society. She shared an example
“We were just taught that people were of this privilege: even though both she
equal,” Fenton said. and Del Toro knocked on every door in
Coming of age during the Vietnam their district to connect with voters, he
War was formative; Fenton recalls circu- was spat on and cursed at, while the most
lating petitions against the war in her mid- hostile reaction she got was being asked to
dle school cafeteria and participating in leave. Fenton also talked about the impor-
the first Earth Day ever. Fenton attended tance of caring about people suffering in
Rice University in Houston and majored Ukraine, while at the same time caring
in economics and managerial studies. She about those suffering in places like Yemen,
then started a career in IT, which lasted which get less media attention.
until shortly after her swearing in. According to Fenton’s candidate
Shortly after Donald Trump was elect- statement on the Outagamie County
ed president, Fenton moved to Appleton; Democrats’ website, she is concerned
she feels that his election spurred her Appleton District 6 Common Council Member Denise Fenton. about affordable housing, and wants to
Photos provided by Fenton.
into getting involved in local electoral change zoning laws to make Appleton
politics. She specifically recalled Trump future. She also praised council member real gains against the odds. denser and more affordable.
withdrawing the United States from the Vaya Lauren Jones, believing that Jones Fenton emphasized that it is not indi- Fenton also criticized Senator Ron
Paris Climate Accords. When Appleton cares about the same issues she does, vidual choices that drive climate change Johnson (R-WI), among other national
considered a resolution to keep the city in such as housing affordability. While she is and pointed out the absurdity of compa- politicians.
alignment with the Accords, Fenton spoke not as familiar with council member Joss nies being allowed to continue to spew “[Johnson’s loyalty is] to his rich
in favor of it, but it died in committee. Thyssen, Fenton is excited to work with greenhouse gases into the atmosphere donors and his own business,” said
When her Common Council representa- her on issues like traffic and pedestrian while individuals are asked to change their Fenton. “Democrats are not immune
tive moved away in 2019, she seized the safety. individual life choices. However, she does either. Mr. Manchin is holding the entire
opportunity and ran. She won that special The number one issue for Fenton is believe in the power of individual action, government hostage over the family coal
election. Fenton was re-elected comfort- climate change. She stated that it will not stating that it is important to protest, business.”
ably on April 5. affect her as much, but is worried about boycott and vote in every election. She Although Fenton acknowledged that
Fenton is excited about the new her children, grandchildren and younger pointed out that her district had a 35% we are in dire times, she feels hopeful for
members of Appleton’s Common Council, friends. She believes that it is important to voter turnout in the April election, and it the future and believes in the power of
especially Lawrence biology professor and not get discouraged to the point of giving was still the second-highest in the city. organized people to make a difference.
council member Israel Del Toro, whom up and discussed the women’s suffrage “One’s influence on local elections is “You have to force change,” Fenton
she has worked with in the past and is movement and Civil Rights movement as big,” Fenton said. “Our council president said. “You can’t stop trying. Because if you
looking forward to working with in the examples of political movements that won in [2021] lost by [two] votes.” do, then what’s the point?”
May 13, 2022

“Between Heaven and Earth”: Marissa Lake’s senior recital

Helen Panshin Rameau’s comic opera “Platée.” flower/love perishes” as though the Lake explained that the “Eichendorff “Goodbye!” by Tosti, accompanied by
Staff Writer The lyrics allude to the myth of the dream had been shattered. Over an Lieder” set starts off by establishing Larson at the piano.
Greek god Apollo falling in love with intense and driving piano part, Lake an ethereal setting and then “goes on This summer, Lake will be per-
Senior soprano vocalist Marissa Daphne, a nymph who escaped from communicated an anguished longing to all of the earthly things going on forming in “Orfeo” by Gluck with
Lake’s recital on Sunday, May 8, him by turning into a tree. In the for the past through her voice as well underneath.” Kenosha Opera Festival and play-
titled “Between Heaven and Earth,” context of the opera, the piece serves as gestures and facial expressions. After a brief break, Lake and ing Susanna in Mozart’s “Marriage
featured a delightful variety of art as a warning to the main character, Lake then performed Handel’s Larson returned to the stage for their of Figaro” with the International
songs and operatic arias related to a nymph, not to fall in love with the “With Darkness Deep” from final piece together, Verdi’s “Volta la Belcanto Academy in the Netherlands.
that theme. god Jupiter. “Theodora.” After a sorrowful piano terrea (From the Earth),” a light, excit- Next year she will begin her Master’s
When I spoke with Lake before From the outset of the piano introduction, the vocal entrance ed piece with plentiful staccato jumps of Music in Opera Performance at
her recital, she explained that she introduction, Lake was engaging and was unaccompanied and remained that Lake executed with impressive McGill University in Montreal. You
chose the title to represent the duality in character. The piece began with a exposed at various points throughout precision and without compromising can find more information about Lake
within her selection of pieces, with light, energetic section that returned the piece, giving the character a sense their playfulness. on her website by scanning the QR
the art songs focusing on nature and at the end, after a slower and darker of vulnerability and humanity as she For the final piece of her pro- code below.
the ethereal, while the arias explored middle section about the cruelty of emphasized her mortality by pleading gram, Lake was accompanied by an
humility and the human experience. love. Lake effectively brought out the for death. entourage of no fewer than eight cel- To view Marissa Lake's
Lake told me that she structured her contrast in moods between these sec- Four pieces from Hugo Wolf’s lists to perform “Bachianas Brasileiras website, scan the QR
program so that it would alternate tions, enabling her audience to easily “Eichendorff Lieder” followed, No. 5” by Villa-Lobos. The first section code:
between arias and art songs, show- follow the trajectory of the story. encompassing within them the con- featured no lyrics; Lake sang a medi-
casing the connection between these Next, she performed two selec- cepts of both heaven and earth. The tative “ah” that was echoed by the
concepts. tions by Gabriel Fauré: “Aurora first piece, “Silent Love” was gentle cellos. In the next section, the lyrics
Lake took the stage to begin her (Dawn)” and “Fleur jetée (Discarded and sweet-sounding, preceding “The described the evening as “a beaute-
recital, accompanied by pianist junior Flower).” In “Aurora” the piano creat- Soldier,” a piece about war, in which ous maiden” glorified by moonlight,
Katie Larson. Above them, Lake’s pro- ed a dreamy texture upon which Lake the piano mimics the galloping of a before the piece returned to its ini-
gram was projected on a large screen. painted an idyllic scene of stars leav- horse. tial melody, which Lake hummed this
As she sang, the lyrics were displayed ing the night sky as morning came. The subsequent pieces, “The time.
in their original languages as well as “Fleur jetée” complemented this Romani Girl” and “The Lucky Knight” The audience thanked Lake for
English translations. piece nicely by presenting the oppo- continue this more human theme, her performance with cheering and
The title of her first piece trans- site end of the emotional spectrum with a largely bleak mood in the for- a standing ovation before and after
lated to “The Aria of Madness,” from with lyrics such as “like a scythed mer, and a boisterousness in the latter. her wistful and reflective encore,

Senior Marissa Lake singing a piece from "Eichendorff Lieder Verschwiegene" by Hugo Wolf, The last performance is "Bachianas Brasileiras No. 5" by Heitor Villa-Lobos, which senior Marissa
accompanied by junior Katie Larson on piano. Lake collaborated with members of the Lawrence cello studio.
Photo by Rongyan Song. Photo by Rongyan Song.

“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”

review: Ridiculous fun with a side of contrived
nonsense fun
Levi Homman how much his style would really be Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict tional depth. sion of himself, zombie makeup and
Staff Writer implemented in such a monotonous, Cumberbatch) as he traverses alter- When the film works, though, all. Raimi fans will also be thrilled
blatantly corporate series of mov- nate realities to protect America it works. Wanda’s emotional arc, to see Bruce Campbell, the “Evil
“Doctor Strange in the ies. This isn’t the first time Marvel Chavez (Xóchitl Gomez) from hero- largely thanks to Olsen’s perfor- Dead” star who has appeared in all of
Multiverse of Madness,” 2022, has brought in a respected auteur to turned-villain Wanda Maximoff mance, is genuinely compelling. Raimi’s films, make an appearance
directed by Sam Raimi — 3/5 Stars direct; Oscar-winning “Nomadland” (Elizabeth Olsen). The concept of Danny Elfman’s score, which works as an alternate dimension pizza ven-
Skepticism is warranted, even director Chloe Zhao was hired for a multiverse is seemingly limitless, in some chilling electric guitar riffs, dor known as “Pizza Poppa”.
necessary, when it comes to the last year’s “Eternals,” a film that, but the plot is clearly held down is one of the first MCU scores in It’s an entire plot overhaul away
Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). despite Zhao’s best efforts to limit by fan service and generally pedes- ages with an ounce of personality. from perfect, but “Doctor Strange in
It can’t be overstated how profusely green screen use and patiently trian story threads. The majority of The real saving grace, of course, is the Multiverse of Madness” is one
virulent the comic book genre, and engage with larger ideas, was the premise’s potential is cashed in Raimi himself, who manages to work of the first Marvel outings in quite
especially Disney’s multi-billion- weighed down consistently ugly visu- on recognizable character appear- in some impressive camerawork and some time that has even the leftovers
dollar global franchise, has been for al effects and expository dialogue. ances and comedically silly scenarios authentically scary elements. The of genuine style and care for the
the industry, and it hasn’t slowed Though “Multiverse of Madness” suf- that rival even “Spider-Man: No Way moments where Raimi’s style pops medium in which it resides. It’s an
down for a minute. The MCU’s lat- fers from many of the same pitfalls, Home” in how closely they resemble up are exasperatingly brief, but it’s ugly mess at times, especially when
est entry is “Doctor Strange in the it’s much more recognizable as a fan fiction rather than profession- always a joy to see such dramati- Raimi’s style is smothered by the
Multiverse of Madness.” Helmed project from a passionate, skilled al Hollywood screenwriting. There cally canted angles, head-spinning Disney machine, but it’s consistently
by Sam Raimi of “Evil Dead” and director, and the times when Raimi’s are more than a few other issues as zooms, and even just a hint at campy fun and engaging to a point that most
“Spider-Man” fame, it’s the first film style shines through redeem its most well; despite a few more practically gore. Perhaps the most Raimi-esque will be willing to forgive its flaws.
since the MCU’s inception in 2008 to inane moments. This review contains built sets than usual, “Multiverse of moment comes in the film’s third act, “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of
delve into the horror genre. Despite spoilers. Madness” is still weighed down by in which Doctor Strange possesses Madness” is in theaters right now.
Raimi’s impressive track record, one The film’s most glaring issues some obviously digital environments his own dead body in an alternate
would be understandably wary of stem from its script. The plot follows and the MCU’s usual lack of emo- dimension, becoming an undead ver-

Comic Character Spotlight: The Riddler

Kat Girod Batman. puzzle-driven schemes birthed out of John Astin 1960’s version in the tele- This temporary break from vil-
Colomnist How did he become a criminal thirst to show the truth behind his vision series “Batman,” Jim Carrey in lainy starts to crumble in the series
mastermind with a lust for puzzle- intelligence. the film “Batman Forever” (1995), and “Life After Death” (2009) as a bomb
Welcome to this week’s Comic solving in Gotham City? The Riddler’s The Riddler is known for his Cory Michael Smith in the television detonation at a gala where the Riddler
Character Spotlight! Today we’ll be love for solving complexities originat- trademark “?” that he tends to leave in series “Gotham” (2014). is in attendance reignites his psycho-
continuing our exploration of DC vil- ed at a young age when he won a puz- the wake of his crimes. This is shown In the series “Batman: Hush” sis. This leads him to continue to
lains as the focus shifts to the cun- zle-solving contest and got rewarded in the “Detective Comics” after he fails Riddler works with the masked crimi- pretend that his sanity is still intact
ning Riddler, also known as Edward with a book of riddles as a result. to defeat the Dynamic Duo - consist- nal Hush who desires a chance at while continuing his work as a private
Nigma. Interestingly, the last name This ignited a love for puzzles as he ing of Batman and Robin - with a boo- revenge on his former childhood consultant, only for Batman to even-
“Nigma” unveils an important com- developed a craving for victory and by-trapped glass maze. The Riddler friend Bruce Wayne. Remarkably, the tually figure out the Riddler’s role in
ponent to his character as it is derived intellectual dominance over others. escapes through the ocean and only Riddler is able to deduce that Batman meddling with the crime.
from the word “enigma.” An enig- Later on, The Riddler became a car- leaves his question mark behind. is Bruce Wayne, however upon threat- One thing I absolutely adore
ma refers to an unsolved problem or nival employee who would often scam His visual motif ignited sig- ening to expose the secret, Batman about DC villains is that their writers
mystery, thus reflecting the Riddler’s customers through a wild variety of nificant excitement among longtime points out that revealing his identity tend to always include an element that
approach to concocting crime as it mind games. His yearning for greater Batman fans when the first trailer would be akin to spoiling the answer enables readers to sympathize with
revolves around the construction of trials to overcome accumulated to the for the movie “The Batman” (2022) to a puzzle which the general public is them. For example, we previously
complex riddles his victims are forced point where he adopted the mask of was released. The trailer ended by unaware of the answer to. covered Harley Quinn, a victim of an
to grapple with. The Riddler in order to face off against depicting Paul Dano, the actor for The A version of the Riddler without abusive lover, and Poison Ivy, who is
1948 saw his debut in the Batman, whom he saw as an intrigu- Riddler in the film, forming a ques- his villainy is portrayed in “Detective driven by an earnest love of nature.
“Detective Comics” adorned in a green ing potential rival. tion mark in his drink before being Comics,” where he wakes up from a The Riddler suffered from abuse as a
unitard decorated with multiple black The Riddler’s dark past is further apprehended by the police. As the coma caused by brain damage and child and wishes to receive validation
question marks thanks to Bill Finger illustrated in “Batman: Legends of most typical Batman villain portrayed suffers severe memory loss and loses by showcasing his riddles in grandiose
and Dick Sprang. Alongside previ- the Dark Knight” (1989) as it shows in live-action media is the Joker, fans the compulsion to create riddles as a schemes. Although these sympathetic
ous villains highlighted by the column through flashbacks that his father was were thrilled with the reveal that the result. Due to maintaining his impres- aspects do not excuse the crimes these
such as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, envious of his son’s academic bril- Riddler would be taking the main sive intellect, he takes on the role of a villains commit, they’re a huge part
he is a part of the ‘Rogues Gallery’ liance, believing it to be a facade, and stage in the 2022 movie. private consultant that coincidentally of why I love DC villains and all their
- a term used in reference to a pleth- abused him as a result. This led the Other live action iterations of the works with Batman to investigate a complexities.
ora of longtime foes for the superhero Riddler to realize his desire to create Riddler include Frank Gorshin and murder case.

The Book Club

Mikayla Henry focuses on the idea of parallel univers-
Columnist es is Stephen King’s “11/22/63.” In it,
readers follow Jake Epping, an English
With the recent theatrical releases teacher who discovers that his friend,
of both Marvel’s “Doctor Strange in the Al, has a portal to 1958 locked away in
Multiverse of Madness” and “Everything a storeroom. Al convinces Jake to take
Everywhere All at Once,” it’s safe to say on a new identity as George Amberson
that the concept of multiverses is cur- and travel back in time to prevent the
rently taking over pop culture. While Kennedy assassination. Jake, finding
the idea of alternate universes is mind- the idea insane yet possible, decides
bending, it isn’t the first time that it to do just that, and begins a new life in
has been used by any means. There are 1958, a time of Elvis, sock hops and big
many books with some version of a mul- cars. In the process of carrying out their
tiverse contained within their pages and plan, he falls in love and discovers the
plotlines, some of which I have even aftermath of messing with timelines.
mentioned in previous issues. However, However, before you dive into this alter-
I plan on diving into a few more in order nate reality, it’s key to remember that
to help give you a few more multiverses Stephen King is known for his exces-
to lose yourselves in. sively long books, and this 800+ page
First off, we have the “A Thousand dedication is no exception. If it proves
Pieces of You” by Claudia Gray, which is to be a little too time-consuming, worry
the first book in her “Firebird” trilogy. not, for there happens to be a minise-
The book follows Marguerite Caine, ries based on the book starring James
whose parents have managed to cre- Franco available to watch on Hulu.
ate a machine they call the Firebird, The last multi-universal series I
which allows users to hop into vari- want to discuss is V.E. Schwab’s “Shades “A Thousand Pieces of You” by Claudia Gray.
ous versions of themselves in alternate Photo from GooglePlay.
of Magic” trilogy. The first book, “A
dimensions. After her father is brutally “11/22/63” Stephen King.
Darker Shade of Magic,” follows Kell, Photo from AbeBooks.
murdered, the killer uses the Firebird a magician who can transport to the
to escape law enforcement, leaving Londons of other universes. Some of the
Marguerite to chase him down herself Londons are dull and without magic,
by jumping into various universes. But while others are bursting full of war.
the closer she gets to him, the more she While acting as an ambassador for Red
begins to doubt his guilt. The rest of London, he illegally helps smuggle
the series follows a similar concept of folks to other Londons, such as White
universe-hopping as Marguerite contin- London, so that they can experience a
ues to fight evil in some shape or form, different world altogether. However,
making it reminiscent of the “Doctor he is soon caught, and forced to help
Strange” film. This trilogy is perfect for Delilah, a cutpurse, discover adventure
those who were a fan of David Mitchell’s in other Londons after she saves him.
book, “Cloud Atlas”, which focused on The series is perfect for those who are
how people’s choices affected the lives fans of the books in Leigh Bardugo’s
of others years later, or for those who Grishaverse, such as “Six of Crows.”
were in love with the show “Orphan While this universe may seem
Black,” which focused on a woman tak- stressful as finals slowly approach,
ing over the life of her clone. make sure to find some time to relax,
read and lose yourself in these books’ “Shades of Magic”by V.E. Schwab.
Another book in this universe that multiverses. Photo from AbeBooks.
May 13, 2022

Lawrence’s DEI work remains inadequate

Ezra Marker campus seriously. Through my experi- ly acceptable. I wanted Dr. Mayes, a system that would protect trans and basic human rights despite state gov-
Guest Writer ence dealing with Lawrence adminis- and this administration, to explicitly nonbinary studies from being forcibly ernments’ efforts to delegitimize that
_________________________ tration, however, their actions reflect denounce these anti-trans and anti- outed. Furthermore, when I requested fact. This campus needs real action
priorities of money over student well- gay policies and behavior to show that Lawrence University cover my and a declaration from the adminis-
We need to talk about Eric
being. their genuine concern for the safety of legal name change as an act of repa- tration that queer students are not
Most of you know that I was queer students on campus. ration for forcibly outing me and the only welcomed here, but truly valued.
About a year ago, I anonymously
forcibly outed by Lawrence University However, when I met with Dr. resulting trauma, VP Chris Card told However, the more I have inter-
wrote a letter to the editor urging
almost two years ago, and since then, Mayes to urge him to make this state- me he had accepted the request not acted with the Lawrence administra-
Lawrentians to recognize how flawed
no significant change has occurred. ment, he told me that it was “outside as an act of reparation, but an act of tion, the more it has become explicitly
Dr. Kimberly Barrett, the former Vice
It is abundantly clear to me that of [Lawrence’s] purview” and that he compassion. Although she is gone, clear to me that they do not, and will
President of Diversity, Equity and
Lawrence as an institution does not “won’t necessarily be making a state- Dr. Barrett put a photo of me, without not ever, truly care for queer stu-
Inclusion, was as an administrator.
care about trans and non-binary stu- ment.” He merely said that “to show my knowledge, in her annual diversity dents and their safety. Instead, they’re
Although she has left this position and
dents and their safety and has no Lawrence’s support, [they] would be report on Lawrence while explicitly just focused on continuing to make
campus, I am now seeing the same
plans to change this ideology soon. willing to help sponsor programming ignoring my pleas to protect trans and empty promises without fixing any of
flaws in Dr. Eric Mayes, the current
After the Don’t Say Gay bill’s to address” these policies. non-binary students from experienc- the problems pointed out to them by
Vice President of Diversity, Equity
approval in Florida, I reached out to Dr. Mayes, along with the rest ing the trauma I had. students. Lawrence’s commitment to
and Inclusion.
Dr. Mayes to urge him to release a of this administration, have repeat- This campus does not need a diversity is ingenuine, empty and per-
When I first heard Dr. Barrett
statement condemning this law. Like edly established their commitment to discussion-based program to hash formative, and the only way to remedy
was leaving, I felt optimistic about
many other queer people nationwide, merely shallow and performative ally- out whether queer people deserve the that is if they start to actively listen to
Lawrence, and its administration
I knew that once this bill became a ship. For instance, this administration right to feel safe existing; it should their students and show us that they
finally taking marginalized students
law, it would set a precedent that anti- changed Freshman Studies to First- be a basic fact that queer people, actually care about our safety and
and their concerns regarding this
trans and anti-gay behavior is social- Year Studies while failing to work on and other marginalized folks, deserve well-being.

There's nothing feminist about transphobia

Nathan Wall and hallmate, Congresswoman Marie chance of experiencing sexual vio- In 2020, 44 transgender Americans more likely that a transgender child
News Editor Newman of Chicago, whose daughter lence at some point in their lives, were found murdered, and in 2021, will attempt to kill themselves. This is
_________________________ is transgender, by hanging a banner especially if they’re homeless, Black, that number jumped to 375. That’s a dangerous game being played, and
outside her office that read “There are or in prison. Jules Williams, a Black, just the USA. Many countries, includ- the people who push this narrative
Over the past five years, U.S.
only two genders, Male & Female.” transgender woman in Pittsburgh, ing Brunei, the Gambia, Indonesia, have blood on their hands.
Americans have become increasingly
Some who consider themselves “radi- reported being sexually harassed, ver- Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malawi, As much as TERFs and the "LGB
aware of transgender people, who
cal feminists” or Trans-Excusive bally harassed, and raped by guards Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Saudi Alliance" like to pretend their bigotry
have found themselves, unfairly, at
Reactionary Feminists (TERFs), like and fellow inmates in prison, where Arabia, South Sudan, Tonga and the is about being progressive and pro-
the center of a culture war. liber-
J.K. Rowling, argue that supporting she was incarcerated with the male United Arab Emirates, to some degree tecting children, women, and the gay
als and leftists, with a few excep-
transgender women dilutes what it prisoners, according to the ACLU. or another, perpetuate this violence by community, there is nothing progres-
tions, support the transgender and
means to be a woman and consider Trans people are not the predators, criminalizing the lives of gay, bisexual sive about this. Excluding, harass-
gender nonconforming community,
their bigotry progressive and femi- but in fact, often the victims of preda- and transgender people. ing and spreading hateful lies about
while conservatives fearmonger and
nist. And some cisgender members of tors. Also, according to the Williams the most marginalized people in our
spread hateful rhetoric about those
the gay, lesbian and bisexual commu- Trans people face more than just Institute, transgender people have society is bigotry, and it’s especially
who don’t conform to traditional
nity have decided that trans and non- discrimination and sexual violence: about an 80% chance of having con- shameful to see it from people who
standards of gender. This plays out
binary people are not real members of transgender and nonbinary individu- sidered suicide during their lives and know what discrimination is like.
on social media, within families,
the queer community and have come als are murdered at a higher rate a 40% chance of having attempted Transgender people deserve to be able
and even in the halls of Congress.
up with the “LGB Alliance”, purpose- than their cisgender contemporaries. it. The study showed a clear correla- to live their lives without being target-
In April 2019, while Republicans on
fully excluding the “T”. The latter is Muhlaysia Booker, Nina Pop, and tion between discrimination, rejection ed. For those who believe it’s wrong or
the Judiciary Committee were dis-
particularly infuriating since it was Tony McDade are the names of some and lack of access to gender-affirming sinful to be transgender, I propose a
paraging the transgender commu-
gender non-conforming people like of the transgender people murdered healthcare and suicidal thoughts or simple solution to you: don’t get hor-
nity, Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Seattle
Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson in the past 3 years, and they repre- attempts. Let me be very clear: every mone replacement therapy, gender
revealed that her child had come out
that started the Stonewall Riot and sent only a small percentage of those attempt at passing anti-trans legisla- affirming surgery or change your pro-
as non-binary the previous year, and
sparked the gay rights movement. facing violence. We still need to say tion, every child that is denied the care nouns and leave trans people alone.
in February, newly elected Georgia
The framing of trans people as their names and remember the people they need and every piece of hateful,
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor
predators is extremely problematic. they were, not just the horrific acts anti-trans propaganda that’s put out
Greene chose to troll her colleague
Trans people have around a 50% of violence committed against them. by people like J.K. Rowling makes it

UFC 274... knockdown, this time with Oliveira onto a stunned Gaethje, working Oliveira is now the unofficial champ of the fight. As for Gaethje, I think
falling to his back after a hard shot. ground position to limit his escape and number one contender for the he would need another two or three
continued from page 3 Another moment of recovery for options and work to take his back. lightweight title. Logically speak- fights to work back to a title shot,
sions in the UFC, often submitting Oliveira followed and with that fol- After securing his hooks in, Olivei- ing, it would make sense to match up ideally in a rematch against Dustin
people when he himself is hurt. lowed a devastating shot on Gaethje, ra was able to lock in a rear naked Oliveira with Islam Makachev. Or, Poirier, but I think wins against Be-
Oliveira rose and the two went back landing flush on his chin and send- choke and end the fight, adding one if you want to make a lot of money, neil Dariush or maybe Islam Makh-
at it until Gaethje landed yet another ing the contender to the canvas. more to his impressive submission match up Oliveira with McGregor, achev would also be great for him.
With no hesitation, Oliveira jumped record. With this fight wrapped up, who Oliveira called out at the end

It's time to start polluting the Fox River again

mental goals like installing solar pan- ting our garbage to good use right done. The ladybugs would eat all the very eyes, so let’s kill two birds with
Evan Ney
Opinions and Editorials Editor els, our Net Zero Björklunden project here on American soil! Into the Fox food before the river bugs could get one stone and redirect the sewage sys-
_________________________ and commitment to carbon neutrality. it goes! We could make an event out to it, and while a plague of ladybugs is tem directly into the river. According
And yet, I can’t stop thinking of it: there’s nothing physicists and not that much better than a plague of to research, the average person pro-
Disclaimer: This article is a about how every day the river bugs engineers like better than to make river bugs, at least ladybugs are cute. duces around six pounds of feces per
work of satire. remain dormant in the Fox, their num- slingshots and catapults able to hurl Again, Instagram would be pleased. week. This research does not account
bers grow. The plague had already enormous amounts of material over With that said, it doesn’t have for people who eat fourteen meals
A year ago, almost to the day, started by this time last year, and was long distances, so what better way to be ladybugs. Any creature as small a week at the Andrew Commons, so
Ed Berthiaume wrote an article on almost unbearable. If my options are to celebrate our wonderful STEM and stupid as the river bug is bound let’s multiply by four to get a more
Lawrence’s website in which he argues to suffer for two days or kill the Earth, program than to sponsor a contest? to have many natural predators like accurate estimate for your average
that the river bugs which cause a the choice is obvious. We have to start Members of the team able to construct fish, birds and spiders. If ladybugs are Lawrentian. There are around 1,500
plague of biblical proportions each polluting the Fox River again. the machine that throws the most cheap, I can’t imagine spiders are very of us who are here for around 33
spring on campus are actually a sign Before the river started getting amount of trash from the Main Hall expensive, and releasing thousands weeks of the year, so by my calcula-
of environmental progress, since their healthy, we had been doing this for Green into the Fox win massive schol- of fish into the Fox would be a great tions that’s 1,188,000 pounds of shit
large numbers show that the Fox like 150 years, so we should be pretty arships and free t-shirts. Instagram source of fun and food alike! Imagine per year that we can dump right into
River is able to support quite a bit of good at it, but I have lots of ideas to will love that. being able to go fishing right in our the river. If that doesn’t do the little
life. This is great news! I am happy get the ball rolling. The first is simple. Another option is to disrupt the own backyard; and if we released fuckers in, God knows nothing will.
for the environment and proud of This campus creates a ton of garbage, ecosystem more directly. You may be enough, we could even sell them to Stay safe out there, and every
Lawrence and the surrounding com- so rather than pay top dollar to have familiar with the recent event in which the school to put in the dining halls. time you swallow a bug this spring,
munity for reversing a century-long it hauled away to sit in some dump or a TikToker released 250,000 ladybugs Eating locally is great for the environ- remember that this all could be avoid-
trend of pollution causing poor river incinerator somewhere doing noth- into Central Park for less than $200, ment. ed with just three simple steps.
health on our campus. I look forward ing, or worse yet, send it on a barge and while sure, that’s “environmental My last suggestion makes the
to seeing how Lawrence continues to over to China or Malaysia and help terrorism” or whatever nerds are call- most sense of all. Our sewer system
move forward towards its environ- their economies, we could be put- ing it these days, it would get the job seems to be falling apart before our

Russian expansionism must be checked

Kremlin has recognized as indepen- The result of the 2008 invasion resources in Ukraine, Moscow may territories, then at what point does
A.J. Ulwelling
Guest Writer dent since 2008. This could allow gave Russia an avenue to re-exert hold off, at least publicly, on making Russia become satisfied with their
_________________________ Putin to stoke nationalist tensions and its dominance in post-Soviet Georgia, further moves. space on the map? Georgia was sur-
reclaim land that he believes is still providing financial, military and soon It is also unclear how the inter- rounded in a matter of days, so cease-
While the Russian Federation connected to Russia through spiri- to be dual citizenship–recognition national community would react, fire calls would do little to prevent
may be occupied with peace talks in tual and historic ties. In doing this, rights after Putin recently pushed a and further, how they would choose Putin from moving in under the guise
Ukraine (though those are currently he would further exert Russia’s domi- bill to the State Duma for ratifica- to punish Russia should the incom- of peace operations and reclaiming a
frozen), they have been active in other nance as a growing territory even after tion. They have invested well over ing contested referendums go awry. territory Russia has been supporting
“frozen conflicts” on the periphery the collapse of the Iron Curtain. Putin $800 million since the 2008 war, and Although the current referendums for so long. This action will not hap-
as well. The West’s focus on Russia’s plays well into his game of national- provide gas, electricity, phone plan to join Russia have been publicly pen overnight, so more pressure from
invasion of Ukraine may allow Putin ism, and even managed to increase services and pensions to the 50,000 denounced by the Georgian govern- the international community must be
to make quiet moves in these coun- his popularity rating after moving into residents of Tskhinvali. Russia has ment, Putin’s own self-governed for- placed on ensuring Russia does not
tries with little reaction from NATO Crimea in 2014. supported South Ossetia for so long eign policy will determine the future continue to expand into these fro-
members. Although the losses that the After all five of the South Ossetian that to the community, it only makes outcome of these separatist republics; zen conflict zones through arbitrary
Russian army has suffered in Ukraine April 10 presidential candidates failed sense to rejoin Russia and reap the therefore, there is no absolute rush. means going forward.
make a repeat of the 2008 Russo- to meet the voter benchmark of 50%, benefits offered by the Kremlin to this Likewise, most of the brunt work is While intervention from the
Georgian war unlikely, the strong per- the two leading candidates, Anatoly crumbling state. being done by South Ossetian pro- West will likely do little, especially
formance of pro-Russian politicians in Bibilov and Alan Gagloyev, competed Like in the Donbass region, Russia officials, and if they are in given the concentration of energy
recent elections could lay the ground- in a runoff election on May 8. Former Putin chose to independently recog- favor of rejoining Russia, there may in Ukraine, even creating informa-
work for Russia to further absorb president Bibilov was public about his nize these separatist republics, allow- be little left that Georgia will feel tion operations could be power-
South Ossetia soon. With Moscow’s desire to join Russia, even recently ing him to then invade in support of empowered to do. ful in reshaping dialogue internally.
recent activities in the Luhansk and joining three former presidents and so-called peace operations on behalf During the 2008 war, the inter- Abkhazia is content on their own,
Donetsk republics, it is vital now more 22 other public figures and politicians of South Ossetia and, by default, national community hardly inter- but with the South Ossetian presi-
than ever to keep track of these frozen in petitioning the Central Election Abkhazia. His arbitrary reasoning fol- vened outside of ceasefire calls, much dential vote already resulting in plans
conflict zones in order to safeguard Commission to join Russia. While lows a similar trend to the situation in like the current situation in Ukraine to move forward both by current and
against a future of Russian land-grab- Bibilov may have lost, with Gagloyev Ukraine, although with South Ossetia, at its start. Going forward, it is vital former leaders, only time will tell if
bing across formerly Soviet states. pulling in at 53.67% and receiving local leaders are also helping in the to create more feasible methods of Russia will abide by their 2008 cease-
Given Putin’s strong stance congratulatory approval from Putin, push for a referendum in a move checking power within international fire or if they will stoke the flames of
against NATO expansionism, it seems he will very likely continue with plans that would more symbolically present organizations like the UN and NATO international tension.
likely he would continue his push for a referendum as largely supported Russia with its power. However, as to keep Russia from overexerting its
into these frozen conflicts like South by South Ossetian experts and his own resources have been pulled even from power across modern-day borders. If
Ossetia and Abkhazia, regions the driving interests. South Ossetia to concentrate Russian Putin is further allowed to retake these

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
Lawrentian does not endorse any opinions piece except for the staff editorial, which represents a majority of the editorial
board. The Lawrentian welcomes everyone to submit their own opinions. For the full editorial policy and parameters for sub-
mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
12 COMMUNITY May 13, 2022

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— Editorial policy is Editors-in-Chief:
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Shirley Xu
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“Who is your favorite character in “What’s your favorite album?” “Which superhero will you be in Opinions & Editorials Editor:
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cafe?” Lawrence?” difference?” words.
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“Team Gale or Team Peeta?” “If you could be a professor in “We should settle it once and for all:
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