Tʃu) Tʃɛst Tʃɪ-Kɪn) Tʃɛɹ Tʃuz Tʃɑɹlz Tʃaɪld Tʃɛ-ɹi Tʃɪɹ-Fəl Tʃɑk

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chew (tʃu) chest (tʃɛst) chicken(tʃɪ-kɪn)

chair (tʃɛɹ) choose( tʃuz) charles( tʃɑɹlz)

child( tʃaɪld) cherry( tʃɛ-ɹi) cheerful( tʃɪɹ-fəl)

chalk( tʃɑk )

/ʧ/ In the middle of words

nature( neɪ-tʃəɹ) butcher( bʊtʃ-əɹ) question(kwɛs-tʃɪn)

teacher( ti-tʃəɹ) richer( ɹɪtʃ) future( fju-tʃəɹ)

picture( pɪk-tʃəɹ) orchard( ɔɹ-tʃəɹd) catcher( kɛtʃ-əɹ)

hatcher( hæ-tʃɪt)

/ʧ/ At the end of words

itch( ɪtʃ ) reach( ɹitʃ ) watch( wɑtʃ )

each( itʃ ) touch( tətʃ ) speech( spitʃ )

match( mætʃ ) sandwich( sænd-wɪtʃ )

much( mətʃ ) peach( pitʃ )

/ʤ/ At the Beginning of words

jam( dʒæm ) jar( dʒɑɹ )

joy( dʒɔɪ ) gym( dʒɪm )

job( dʒɑb ) gem( dʒɛm )

/ʤ/ In the middle of words

agent( eɪ-dʒɪnt ) enjoy( ɛn-dʒɔɪ )

adjust( ə-dʒəst ) angel( eɪn-dʒəl )

magic( mæ-dʒɪk ) injure( ɪn-dʒəɹ )

/ʤ/ At the end of words

age( eɪdʒ) edge( ɛdʒ )

cage( keɪdʒ) badge ( bædʒ )

large( lɑɹdʒ ) ridge( ɹɪdʒ )

/ʤ/ Spelled

J g dg

jaw( dʒɑ ) giant( dʒaɪ-ɪnt ) fudge( fədʒ)

joke( dʒoʊk ) gentle( dʒɛn-təl ) budge( bədʒ )

major( meɪ-dʒəɹ ) ranger( ɹeɪn-dʒəɹ ) wedge( wɛdʒ )

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