A-10C - AAT08 Mission Data

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AAT08 - Air to Ground

Unguided Bomb

21/ 15C
1745 AAT08 A-10C 3017 COLT 1800

AAT08 – Air to Ground

Unguided Bomb Colt 225.0 AM
Employment Chevy 251.0 AM

1. Complete Fence In/Out Checks

2. Engage Ground Targets as




N/A N/A CBU-97x2 N/A N/A N/A

+20 0 0.0m/s 3@74 3@74 3@66 Kobuleti

West WP 3 N/A WP 4 WP 5 WP 10 South

Kobuleti Tower: 133.0 AM

N/A Alternate: Kutaisi
Welcome Stud. I'm Major Rick Tooth Callsign "Sabre" and will be your Flight Examiner (FE) for
this Performance Objective.

AAT08 - AG Unguided Bomb Employment is the eighth mission of the Advanced Aircraft Training
Qualification Course for the A/OA-10C.

Your grading will be based in accordance with the A/OA-10 Aircrew Evaluation Criteria:
AFI11-2A-OA-10V2: Area 82--Weapons Employment:

Note 1: Scoreable Ranges. When weapons deliveries are performed on different ranges during the
same mission, all events will be evaluated and the area grade will be predicated upon the
criteria below.
Note 2: Unscoreable Ranges. Hit/miss will be determined by the FE based on impact of the
ordnance and desired weapons effects for the pass flown.
Note 3: Simulated releases and/or Maverick passes. Hit/ miss will be determined by the FE based
on aircraft parameters at release or VTR film.
Note 4: The FE will determine Hit/Miss by reference to VTR film in cases where unexplained
weapons delivery misses occur. Single Event: Qualified (Q): Demonstrated complete knowledge of weapons delivery procedures,
attack parameters, weapons computations and error analysis for the events performed. Qualified MInus (Q-): Minor errors in knowledge of weapons delivery procedures,
attack parameters, weapons computations, or error analysis for the events performed. Unqualified (U): Demonstrated inadequate knowledge of weapons delivery procedures,
attack parameters, weapons computations or error analysis for the events flown. Multiple Events: Qualified (Q): Qualified within the applicable criteria in all events attempted.
At least 50% of all bombs in each event were within hit criteria. Qualified Minus (Q-): Minor errors in knowledge of weapons delivery procedures,
attack parameters, weapons computations, or error analysis for the events performed. Unqualified (U): Demonstrated inadequate knowledge of weapons delivery procedures,
attack parameters, weapons computations, or error analysis for the events flown. Area 88 -- GPS Aided Systems Delivery Procedures (Unguided Weapons): Qualified (Q): Correctly released the weapon at the planned delivery parameters.
Airspeed, altitude and roll rate steady prior to release. Followed all current procedures
during the weapon delivery and recovery. Correct target coordinates entered. GPS FOM-1
verified. (less than 85 feet) and EVE less than 50 feet. CCRP pipper within solution cue at
pickle. Wind model set as required. Qualified Minus (Q-): Minor errors resulting in release outside the planned weapon
delivery parameters degraded weapons effectiveness. Errors in airspeed, altitude or roll
control degraded delivery accuracy. Minor errors in weapon delivery and recovery procedures
degraded weapons
effectiveness. Failed to account for wind effect. Unqualified (U): Improper release parameters resulted in the weapon being delivered
outside weapon limits. Wrong target coordinates entered. Used improper procedures which caused
the weapon to miss the target. Major errors in execution of weapon delivery and/or recovery

This PO will require you to drop unguided bombs on fixed and moving ground targets. You must
kill all of the identified targets to pass this PO.
The pattern altitude for landing is 2500'.

The Hard Deck Restriction is in effect at 5000'. Do not violate this restriction unless it is

I'll be your wingman on this flight so I can monitor your attack procedures.

Threat Level: LOW

Kobuleti Tower: 133.0Mhz AM
STUDENT: COLT 1-1: 251.0Mhz AM
FE: COLT 1-2: 251.0Mhz AM
Tanker: TEXACO 1-1: 251.0Mhz AM Tanker TACAN: 5X TKR

This is a ramp to ramp mission so configure your HOTAS accordingly.

You can use the F10 Radio Menu to communicate status and issue orders.



1. Complete Fence In and Fence Out Checks.

2. Engage ground targets as instructed.

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