The History and Life Cycle of Toxoplasma Gondii: J.P. Dubey

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The history and life cycle of
Toxoplasma gondii
J.P. Dubey
Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, United States

1.1 Introduction based on the morphology (mod. L. toxo 5 arc or

bow, plasma 5 life) and the host (Nicolle and
Infections by the protozoan parasite Manceaux, 1909). Thus its complete designation
Toxoplasma gondii are widely prevalent in is T. gondii (Nicolle and Manceaux, 1908, 1909).
humans and other animals on all continents. In retrospect the correct name for the parasite
There are many thousands of references to this should have been T. gundii, as Nicolle and
parasite in the literature, and it is not possible Manceaux (1908) had incorrectly identified the
to give equal treatment to all authors and dis- host as Ctenodactylus gondi. Splendore (1908, see
coveries (Dubey, 2008). The objective of this also English translation Splendore, 2009) discov-
chapter is, rather, to provide a history of the ered the same parasite in a rabbit in Brazil, also
milestones in our acquisition of knowledge of erroneously identifying it as Leishmania, but he
the biology of this parasite. did not name it. It is a remarkable coincidence
that this disease was first recognized in labora-
tory animals and was first thought to be
1.2 The etiological agent Leishmania by both groups of investigators.

Nicolle and Manceaux (1908) found a proto-

zoan in tissues of a hamster-like rodent, the
gundi, Ctenodactylus gundi, which was being
1.3 Parasite morphology and life cycle
used for leishmaniasis research in the laboratory
of Charles Nicolle at the Pasteur Institute in
1.3.1 Tachyzoites
Tunis. They initially believed the parasite to be The tachyzoite (Frenkel, 1973) is lunate
Leishmania but soon realized that they had dis- (Figs. 1.1 and 1.2A) and is the stage that
covered a new organism and named it T. gondii Nicolle and Manceaux (1909) found in the

Toxoplasma Gondii
DOI: 1 © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

FIGURE 1.1 Life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii.

gundi. This stage has also been called tropho- cysts (Figs. 1.1, 1.2B, and 1.2C) to avoid confu-
zoite, the proliferative form, the feeding form, sion with oocysts. It is difficult to determine
and endozoite. It can infect virtually any cell in from the early literature who first identified
the body. It divides by a specialized process the encysted stage of the parasite (Lainson,
called endodyogeny, first described by 1958). Levaditi et al. (1928) apparently were the
Goldman et al. (1958). Gustafson et al. (1954) first to report that T. gondii may persist in tis-
first studied the ultrastructure of the tachy- sues for many months as “cysts”; however,
zoite. Sheffield and Melton (1968) provided a considerable confusion between the term
complete description of endodyogeny when “pseudocysts” (group of tachyzoites) and tis-
they fully described its ultrastructure. sue cysts existed for many years. Frenkel and
Friedlander (1951) and Frenkel (1956) charac-
terized cysts cytologically as containing organ-
isms with a subterminal nucleus and periodic
1.3.2 Bradyzoite and tissue cysts acid Schiff-positive granules (Fig. 1.2C) sur-
The term “bradyzoite” (Gr. brady 5 slow) rounded by an argyrophilic cyst wall
was proposed by Frenkel (1973) to describe the (Fig. 1.2B). Wanko et al. (1962) first described
stage encysted in tissues. Bradyzoites are also the ultrastructure of the T. gondii cyst and its
called cystozoites. Dubey and Beattie (1988) contents. Jacobs et al. (1960a) first provided a
proposed that cysts should be called tissue biological characterization of cysts when they

Toxoplasma Gondii
1.3 Parasite morphology and life cycle 3

FIGURE 1.2 Life cycle stages of Toxoplasma gondii. (A) Tachyzoites (arrowhead) in smear. Giemsa stain. Note
nucleus dividing into two nuclei (arrow). (B) A small tissue cyst in smear stained with Giemsa and a silver stain. Note the
silver-positive tissue cyst wall (arrowhead) enclosing bradyzoites that have a terminal nucleus (arrow). (C) Tissue cyst in
section, PAS. Note PAS-positive bradyzoites (arrow) enclosed in a thin PAS-negative cyst wall. (D) Unsporulated oocysts in
cat feces. Unstained. PAS, Periodic acid Schiff.

found that the cyst wall was destroyed by pep- Cats excrete oocysts (Fig. 1.2D) with a short
sin or trypsin, but the cystic organisms were prepatent period (3 10 days) after ingesting
resistant to digestion by gastric juices (pepsin- tissue cysts or bradyzoites, whereas after they
HCl), whereas tachyzoites were destroyed ingested tachyzoites or oocysts, the prepatent
immediately. Thus tissue cysts were shown to period was longer ($18 days), irrespective of
be important in the life cycle of T. gondii the number of organisms in the inocula (Dubey
because carnivorous hosts can become infected and Frenkel, 1976; Dubey, 1996, 2001, 2006).
by ingesting infected meat. Jacobs et al. (1960b) Prepatent periods of 11 17 days are thought to
used the pepsin digestion procedure to isolate result from the ingestion of transitional stages
viable T. gondii from tissues of chronically between tachyzoite and bradyzoite (Dubey,
infected animals. When T. gondii oocysts were 2002, 2005).
discovered in cat feces in 1970, oocyst excretion Wanko et al. (1962) and Ferguson and
was added to the biological description of the Hutchison (1987) reported on the ultrastructural
cyst (Dubey and Frenkel, 1976). of the development of T. gondii tissue cysts. The
Dubey and Frenkel (1976) performed the biology of bradyzoites including morphology,
first in depth study of the development of development in cell culture in vivo, conversion
tissue cysts and bradyzoites and described of tachyzoites to bradyzoites, and vice versa, tis-
their ontogeny and morphology. They found sue cyst rupture, and distribution of tissue cysts
that tissue cysts formed in mice as early as 3 in various hosts and tissues was reviewed criti-
days after their inoculation with tachyzoites. cally by Dubey et al. (1998).

Toxoplasma Gondii
4 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

1.3.3 Enteroepithelial asexual and sexual stages in the cat intestine because there was
stages profuse multiplication of T. gondii 3 days post-
infection (Fig. 1.4A). The entire cycle was com-
Asexual and sexual stages (Figs. 1.3 and pleted in 66 hours after feeding tissue cysts to
1.4) were reported in the intestine of cats in cats (Dubey and Frenkel, 1972). There are
1970 (Frenkel, 1970). Dubey and Frenkel reports on the ultrastructure of schizonts
(1972) described the asexual and sexual devel- (Sheffield, 1970; Piekarski et al., 1971;
opment of T. gondii in enterocytes of the cat Ferguson et al., 1974), gamonts (Ferguson
and designated the asexual enteroepithelial et al., 1974, 1975; Speer and Dubey, 2005),
stages as Types A through E (Figs. 1.3 and 1.4) oocysts, and sporozoites (Christie et al., 1978;
rather than as generations conventionally Ferguson et al., 1979a,b; Speer et al., 1998;
known as schizonts in other coccidian para- Freppel et al., 2019). In 2005 Speer and Dubey
sites. These stages were distinguished mor- described the ultrastructure of asexual
phologically from tachyzoites (Fig. 1.3D) and enteroepithelial Types B through E and distin-
bradyzoites, which also occur in cat intestine. guished their merozoites.
The challenge was to distinguish different

FIGURE 1.3 Asexual and sexual stages of Toxoplasma gondii in sections of small intestine of cats fed tissue cysts.
H&E stain. (A) Type C (arrow) schizont with a residual body and a Type B schizont with a hypertrophied host cell nucleus
(arrowhead). 52 h p.i. (B) Heavily infected small intestine with schizonts in and gamonts in the epithelium. Five days p.i.
(C) Type D and E schizonts (a and d), a mature female gamont (e), young female gamont (b), and two male gamonts (c) in
the epithelium. (D) Tachyzoites in the lamina propria (arrows). Types B and D schizonts are below the enterocyte nucleus
and often cause hypertrophy of the parasitized cell whereas Types D and E schizonts are always above the enterocyte
nucleus and do not cause hypertrophy of the host cell even in hyperparastized cases. Tachyzoites are found in the lamina
propria of the cat intestine.

Toxoplasma Gondii
1.4 Transmission 5
animals, particularly sheep, goats, and rodents.
Congenital infections can be repeated in some
strains of mice (Beverley, 1959), with infected
mice producing congenitally infected offspring
for at least 10 generations. Beverley discontin-
ued his experiments because of high mortality
in some lines of congenitally infected mice and
because the progeny from the last generation
of infected mice was seronegative and pre-
sumed not to be infected with T. gondii. Jacobs
(1964) repeated these experiments and found
that congenitally infected mice may be infected
but not develop antibodies because of immune
tolerance. Dubey et al. (1995a) isolated viable
T. gondii from seronegative naturally infected
mice. These findings are of epidemiological

1.4.2 Carnivorism
Congenital transmission occurs too rarely to
FIGURE 1.4 Smears of intestinal epithelium of a cat 7 explain widespread infection in man and ani-
days after feeding tissue cysts (Giemsa stain). (A) Note mals worldwide. Weinman and Chandler
different sizes of merozoites (a c), schizont with three (1954) suggested that transmission might occur
nuclei (d), schizont with six or more nuclei and merozoites through the ingestion of undercooked meat.
are budding from the surface (e), and a multinucleated
Jacobs et al. (1960a) provided evidence to sup-
schizont (f). (B) Four biflagellated microgametes (arrows)
and merozoites (arrowhead) for size comparison. port this idea by demonstrating the resistance
to proteolytic enzymes of T. gondii derived
from cysts. They found that the cyst wall was
immediately dissolved by such enzymes but
1.4 Transmission
the released bradyzoites survived long enough
to infect the host. This hypothesis of transmis-
1.4.1 Congenital
sion through the ingestion of infected meat
The mechanism of transmission of T. gondii was experimentally tested by Desmonts et al.
remained a mystery until its life cycle was dis- (1965) in an experiment with children in a
covered in 1970. Soon after the initial discovery Paris sanitorium. They compared the acquisi-
of the organism, it was found that the C. gundi tion rates of T. gondii infection in children
were not infected in the wild and had acquired before and after admission to the sanitorium.
T. gondii infection in the laboratory. Initially, The 10% yearly acquisition rate of T. gondii
transmission by arthropods was suspected, but antibody rose to 50% after adding two portions
this was never proven (Frenkel, 1970, 1973). of barely cooked beef or horse meat to the daily
Congenital T. gondii infection in a human child diet and to a 100% yearly rate after the addi-
was initially described by Wolf et al. (1939a,b) tion of barely cooked lamb chops. Since the
and later found to occur in many species of prevalence of T. gondii is much higher in sheep

Toxoplasma Gondii
6 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

than in horses or cattle, this illustrated the Histomonas through Heterakis eggs. Hutchison
importance of carnivorism in transmission of initially wanted to test the nematode theory
T. gondii. Epidemiological evidence indicates it using Toxocara canis and T. gondii transmission
is common in humans in some localities where in the dog but decided on the cat and T. cati
raw meat is routinely eaten. In a survey in model because there was no place to house
Paris, Desmonts et al. (1965) found more than dogs (J.P. Dubey, 1965, personal communica-
80% of the adult population sampled had anti- tion). Transmission of T. gondii by T. canis eggs
bodies to T. gondii. Kean et al. (1969) described made more sense because of the known zoo-
toxoplasmosis in a group of medical students notic potential of T. canis; T. cati was not, at
who had eaten undercooked hamburgers. that time, known to infect humans, but T. canis
was. Discovery of the life cycle of T. gondii
would have been delayed if Hutchinson had
worked with dogs instead of cats.
1.4.3 Fecal oral Hutchison’s (1965) report stimulated other
While congenital transmission and carnivor- investigators to examine fecal transmission of
ism can explain some of the transmission of T. gondii through T. cati eggs (Dubey, 1966,
T. gondii, it does not explain the widespread 1968; Jacobs, 1967; Hutchison et al., 1968;
infection in vegetarians and herbivores. A Frenkel et al., 1969; Sheffield and Melton,
study in Bombay, India found the prevalence 1969). The nematode egg theory of transmis-
of T. gondii in strict vegetarians to be similar to sion was discarded after Toxoplasma infectivity
that in nonvegetarians (Rawal, 1959). was dissociated from T. cati eggs (Frenkel
Hutchison (1965), a biologist at Strathclyde et al., 1969), and Toxoplasma infectivity was
University in Glasgow, first discovered T. gon- found in feces of worm-free cats fed T. gondii
dii infectivity associated with cat feces. In a (Frenkel et al., 1969; Sheffield and Melton,
preliminary experiment, Hutchison (1965) fed 1969). Finally, in 1970, knowledge of the T. gon-
T. gondii cysts to a cat infected with the nema- dii life cycle was completed by discovery of the
tode Toxocara cati and collected feces contain- sexual phase of the parasite in the small intes-
ing nematode ova. Feces floated in 33% zinc tine of the cat (Frenkel et al., 1970). T. gondii
sulfate solution and stored in tap water for 12 oocysts, the product of schizogony and game-
months induced toxoplasmosis in mice. This togony, were found in cat feces and character-
discovery was a breakthrough because, until ized morphologically and biologically (Dubey
then, both known forms of T. gondii (i.e., tachy- et al., 1970a,b).
zoites and bradyzoites) were killed by water. Several group of workers independently
Microscopic examination of feces revealed only and about the same time found T. gondii
T. cati eggs and Isospora oocysts. In Hutchison’s oocysts in cat feces (Hutchison et al., 1969,
report, T. gondii infectivity was not attributed 1970, 1971; Frenkel et al., 1970; Dubey et al.,
to oocysts or T. cati eggs. He repeated the 1970a,b; Sheffield and Melton, 1970;
experiment with two T. cati infected and two Overdulve, 1970; Weiland and Kühn, 1970;
T. cati free cats. T. gondii was transmitted only Witte and Piekarski, 1970). The discovery of
in association with T. cati infection. On this T. gondii oocyst in cat feces and its implications
basis, Hutchison (1967) hypothesized that T. has been reviewed by Frenkel (1970, 1973) and
gondii was transmitted through nematode ova. Garnham (1971).
He suspected transmission of T. gondii through In retrospect the discovery and characteriza-
the eggs of the nematode Toxocara similar to tion of the T. gondii oocyst in cat feces was
the transmission of the fragile flagellate delayed because (1) T. gondii oocysts were

Toxoplasma Gondii
1.4 Transmission 7
morphologically identical to oocysts of the Dubey, 2016), Australia (Munday, 1972), and
previously described coccidian parasite of cats the United States (Dubey et al., 1997) have
and dogs (Dubey et al., 1970a) and (2) until shown an absence of Toxoplasma on islands
1970, coccidian oocysts were sporulated in without cats, confirming the important role of
2.5% potassium dichromate. Chromation of the the cat in the natural transmission of T. gondii.
oocysts wall interfered with excystation of the Vaccination of cats with a live mutant strain of
sporozoites when oocysts were fed to mice and T. gondii on eight pig farms in the United
thus the mouse infectivity titer of the oocysts States reduced the transmission of T. gondii
was lower than expected from number of infection in mice and pigs (Mateus-Pinilla
oocysts administered (Dubey et al., 1970a). et al., 1999), thus supporting the role of the cat
These findings led to the use of 2% sulfuric in natural transmission of T. gondii.
acid as the best medium for sporulation and Historically, before the discovery of the cocci-
storage of T. gondii oocysts. Unlike dichromate, dian cycle of T. gondii, coccidian parasites were
which was difficult to wash off the oocysts, sul- considered host and site specific and to be trans-
furic acid could be easily neutralized, and the mitted by the fecal oral route. After the discov-
oocysts could be injected without washing into ery of the sexual cycle of T. gondii, several other
mice (Dubey et al., 1972). Unlike other cocci- genera (e.g., Sarcocystis and Besnoitia) were
dians, T. gondii oocysts were found to excyst found to be coccidian. Although T. gondii has a
efficiently when inoculated parenterally into wide host range, it has retained the definitive-
mice and thus alleviated the need for oral inoc- host specificity restricted to felids. Dr. J.K.
ulation for bioassay of oocysts (Dubey and Frenkel deserves the credit for initiating testing
Frenkel, 1973). of many species of animals, including wild
Ben Rachid (1970) fed T. gondii oocysts to felids, for oocyst excretion under difficult (it was
gundis which died 6 7 days later from toxo- not easy handling bob cats and ocelots in cages)
plasmosis. This knowledge about the life cycle housing conditions (Dubey, 2009). Only the
of T. gondii probably explains how gundis felids were found to excrete T. gondii oocysts
became infected in the laboratory of Nicolle. At (Frenkel et al., 1970; Miller et al., 1972).
least one cat was present in the Pasteur Although T. gondii can be transmitted in several
Laboratory in Tunis (Dubey, 1977). ways, it has adapted to be transmitted most effi-
Of the many species of animals experimen- ciently by carnivorism in the cat and by the
tally infected with T. gondii, only felids excrete fecal oral (oocysts) route in other hosts. Pigs
T. gondii oocysts (Miller et al., 1972; Jewell and mice (and presumably humans) can be
et al., 1972; Janitschke and Werner, 1972; infected by ingesting even one oocyst (Dubey
Polomoshnov, 1979; Dubey, 2010). Oocysts et al., 1996), whereas 100 oocysts may not infect
excreted into the environment have caused cats (Dubey, 1996). Cats can excrete millions of
several outbreaks of disease in humans oocysts after ingesting only one bradyzoite,
(Teutsch et al., 1979; Benenson et al., 1982; while ingestion of 100 bradyzoites may not
Bowie et al., 1997; de Moura et al., 2006). T. infect mice orally (Dubey, 2001, 2006). This infor-
gondii oocysts found in the feces of naturally mation has proved very useful in conducting
infected cougars (Aramini et al., 1998) were epidemiological studies and for the detection by
epidemiologically linked to the largest feeding to cats of low numbers of T. gondii in
recorded waterborne outbreak of toxoplasmo- large samples of meat (Dubey et al., 2005).
sis in humans (Bowie et al., 1997). Understanding the biology of T. gondii
Seroepidemiological studies on isolated islands oocyst excretion by cats (both wild and domes-
in the Pacific (Wallace, 1969, for full story see tic is essential for reducing prevalence of

Toxoplasma Gondii
8 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

T. gondii in humans and animals. Although were homogenized in saline and inoculated
cats are thought to excrete oocysts only once in intracerebrally into rabbits and mice. These
their life after primary infection, there are no animals developed encephalitis, T. gondii was
guaranties that they will not do so the second demonstrated in their neural lesions, and
time. Immunity can wane with time (Dubey, T. gondii from these animals was successfully
1995); cats have excreted millions of oocysts passaged into other mice.
the second time after challenge with unrelated Wolf, Cowen, and Paige reviewed in detail
organisms (Dubey, 1976) or challenge with het- their own cases and those reported by others,
erologous T. gondii strains (Zulpo et al., 2018). particularly Janků (1923), and Torres (1927)
Therefore pregnant women should avoid con- of T. gondii like encephalomyelitis and chor-
tact with cat feces, irrespective of the serologi- ioretinitis in infants (Wolf and Cowen, 1937,
cal status of the cat. 1938; Wolf et al., 1939a,b, 1940; Cowen et al.,
After the discovery of the life cycle of 1942; Paige et al., 1942). Janků (1923), an oph-
T. gondii in the cat, it became clear why thalmologist from Czechoslovakia, was cred-
Australasian marsupials and New World mon- ited earlier with finding a T. gondii like
keys are highly susceptible to clinical toxoplas- parasite in a human eye. The following
mosis. The former evolved apparently in the description of the case of Janků is taken from
absence of the cat (there were few or no cats in the English translation published by Wolf
Australia and New Zealand before settlement and Cowen (1937): “The patient was born
by Europeans) and the latter lives on tree tops, with left microphthalus and became blind at
not exposed to cat feces. In contrast, marsu- the age of 3 months, and had hydrocephalus.
pials in America and Old World monkeys are The child died when 11 months old. The eyes
resistant to clinical toxoplasmosis (Dubey and and brain were removed at autopsy. Grossly,
Beattie, 1988). the child had internal hydrocephalus but the
brain was not available for histopathological
examination. Chorioretinitis was present in
both eyes and cysts-like structures (termed
1.5 Toxoplasmosis in humans sporocysts by Janků) were seen in the right
eye.” Janků (1923) thought that this parasite
1.5.1 Congenital toxoplasmosis was Encephalitozoon (a microsporidia). The
Three pathologists, Wolf, Cowen, and Paige material from this case is thought to be
from New York, United States, first conclu- destroyed in World War bombing, and so
sively identified T. gondii in an infant girl who confirmation of these findings is not possible.
was delivered full term by cesarean section on Torres (1927) found protozoa in lesions of
May 23, 1938, at Babies Hospital, New York encephalitis in a 2-day-old girl in Rio de
(Wolf et al., 1939a,b). The girl developed con- Janeiro, Brazil. Numerous organisms were
vulsive seizures at 3 days of age, and lesions seen, but these were thought to be a new
were noted in the maculae of both eyes species of Encephalitozoon. This patient
through an ophthalmoscope. She died when a also had myocarditis and myositis. In the
month old and an autopsy was performed. At Netherlands, de Lange (1929) found protozoa
postmortem, brain, spinal cord, and right eye in sections of the brain of a 4-month-old
were removed for examination. Free and intra- child that was born with hydrocephalus.
cellular T. gondii were found in lesions of These sections were reexamined by Wolf and
encephalomyelitis and retinitis of the girl. Cowen, and a full account was reviewed by
Portions of cerebral cortex and spinal cord Sabin (1942).

Toxoplasma Gondii
1.5 Toxoplasmosis in humans 9
Sabin (1942) summarized all that was the child and became the famous RH strain.
known of congenital toxoplasmosis in 1942 Only small lesions of nonsuppurative encepha-
and proposed typical clinical signs of litis were found microscopically in the brain of
congenital toxoplasmosis: hydrocephalus or this child. Neither gross lesions and nor any
microcephalus, intracerebral calcification, and viral or bacterial infections were found. This
chorioretinitis. These signs helped in the clini- child most likely had acquired T. gondii infec-
cal recognition of congenital toxoplasmosis. tion recently, and the blow to the head was
Frenkel and Friedlander (1951) published a coincidental and unrelated to the onset of
detailed account of five fatal cases of toxoplas- symptoms. It is noteworthy that some mice
mosis in infants that were born with hydro- infected with the original RH strain did not die
cephalus; T. gondii was isolated from two of until day 21 postinoculation. By the third-
these infants. They described the pathogenesis passage mice died in 3 5 days after inocula-
of internal hydrocephalus as a blockage of the tion. The RH strain of T. gondii has since 1938
aqueduct of Sylveus due to ventriculitis result- been passaged in mice in many laboratories.
ing from a T. gondii antigen antibody reaction. After this prolonged passage, its pathogenicity
This lesion is unique to human congenital toxo- for mice has been stabilized (Dubey, 1977), and
plasmosis and has never been verified in other it has lost the capacity to produce oocysts in
animals (J.P. Dubey, unpublished). This report cats (Frenkel et al., 1976). Additional details of
was the first in depth description of lesions of history of toxoplasmosis in humans were given
congenital toxoplasmosis not only in the by Dubey (2008) and Weiss and Dubey (2009).
central nervous system but also other organs.
Hogan (1951) also provided the first detailed Toxoplasmosis in adults
clinical description of ocular toxoplasmosis. Pinkerton and Weinman (1940) identified
T. gondii in the heart, spleen, and other tissues
of a 22-year-old patient who died in 1937 in
1.5.2 Acquired toxoplasmosis Lima, Peru. The patient exhibited fever and con-
comitant Bartonella sp. infection. Pinkerton and Children Henderson (1941) isolated T. gondii from blood
Sabin (1941) reported toxoplasmosis in a and tissues of two (50 and 43 years old) indivi-
6-year-old boy from Cincinnati, Ohio. An duals who died in St. Louis, Missouri. Recorded
asymptomatic child with initials of RH was hit symptoms included rash, fever, and malaise.
with a baseball bat on October 22, 1937. He These were the first reports of acute toxoplas-
developed a headache 2 days later and convul- mosis in adults without neurological signs.
sions the day after. He was admitted to the
hospital on the 7th day but without obvious Lymphadenopathy
clinical signs. Except for lymphadenopathy Siim (1956) drew attention to the fact that
and enlarged spleen, nothing abnormal was lymphadenopathy is a frequent sign of acquired
found. He then developed neurological signs toxoplasmosis in adults, and these findings
and died on the 30th day of illness. The brain were confirmed by Beverley and Beattie (1958)
and spinal cord were removed for histopatho- who reported on the cases of 30 patients. A full
logical examination and bioassay. Because of appreciation of the clinical symptoms of
the suspicion of polio virus infection a homog- acquired toxoplasmosis was achieved, when
enate of cerebral cortex was inoculated into outbreaks of acute toxoplasmosis were reported
mice. T. gondii was isolated from the inoculated in adults in the United States (Teutsch et al.,
mice, and this isolate was given the initials of 1979) and in Canada (Bowie et al., 1997).

Toxoplasma Gondii
10 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii Ocular disease 1980s, neurological toxoplasmosis in adults was

Before 1950 virtually all cases of ocular toxo- rarely reported and essentially limited to
plasmosis were considered to result from con- patients treated for tumors or those given trans-
genital transmission (Perkins, 1961). Wilder plants. Luft et al. (1983) reported acute
(1952) identified T. gondii in eyes that had been toxoplasmosis-induced encephalitis that was
enucleated. The significance of this finding lies fatal if not treated. In almost all cases, clinical
in the way this discovery was made. These eyes disease occurred as result of reactivation of
were suspected of being syphilitic, tuberculous, chronic infection initiated by the depression of
or of having tumors. Wilder was a technician in intracellular immunity due to HIV infection.
the registry of Ophthalmic Pathology at Armed Initially, many of these cases of toxoplasmosis
Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, in AIDS patients were thought to be lymphoma.
and she routinely microscopically examined the
sections that she prepared. She put enormous
effort into identify microbes in these “tubercu- 1.6 Toxoplasmosis in other animals
lous” eyes but never identified bacteria or spiro-
chetes by special staining. Then she found T. Mello (1910) in Turin, Italy, first reported
gondii in the retinas of these eyes. She subse- fatal toxoplasmosis in a domestic animal (a
quently collaborated with Jacobs and Cook and 4-month-old dog) that died of acute visceral
found most of these patients with histologically toxoplasmosis. Over the next 30 years canine
confirmed T. gondii infection had low levels of toxoplasmosis was reported in Cuba, France,
dye test antibodies (a titer of 1:16), and in one Germany, India, Iraq, Tunisia, USSR, and the
patient antibodies were demonstrable only in United States (Dubey and Beattie, 1988).
undiluted serum (Jacobs et al., 1954a). Jacobs Campbell et al. (1955) found that most cases of
et al. (1954b) made the first isolation of T. gondii clinical toxoplasmosis were in dogs infected
from an eye of a 30-year-old male hospitalized with the canine distemper virus (CDV) infec-
at the Walter Reed Army Hospital, Washington, tion. Even vaccination with live-attenuated
DC. The eye had been enucleated because of CDV, vaccine can trigger clinical toxoplasmosis
pain associated with elevated intraocular in dogs (Dubey et al., 2003a,b). The incidence
pressure. A group of ophthalmologists from of clinical toxoplasmosis in dogs has decreased
southern Brazil initially discovered ocular toxo- dramatically after vaccination with CDV vac-
plasmosis in siblings. Among patients with cine became a routine practice.
postnatally acquired toxoplamosis who did not Strangely enough the first case of toxoplas-
have retinochoidal scars before, 8.3% developed mosis was not reported in a cat until 1942
retinal lesions during a 7-year follow-up when Olafson and Monlux found it in a cat
(Silveira et al., 1988, 2001). Ocular toxoplasmosis from Middletown, New York, United States. In
was diagnosed in 20 of 95 patients with acute the 1950s and 1960s Galuzo and Zasukhin pub-
toxoplasmosis associated with the Canadian lished in Russian their own studies and those
waterborne outbreak of toxoplasmosis in 1995 of other researchers on many species of ani-
(Burnett et al., 1998; also see Holland, 2003). mals from the former USSR. This information
was made available to scientists in other coun-
tries, when their book was translated into Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome English by Plous Jr. and edited by Fitzgerald
epidemic (1970). Jı́ra and Kozojed (1970, 1983) published
Before the epidemic of the acquired immuno- the most comprehensive bibliography of toxo-
deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in adults in the plasmosis, listing more than 12,000 references

Toxoplasma Gondii
1.7 Diagnosis 11
and categorizing them by hosts and topics. common cause of fatal encephalomyelitis in
This work proved useful for literature searches horses in the Americas (Dubey et al., 2001).
before electronic databases. S. neurona was also found to cause systemic
Toxoplasmosis in sheep deserves special disease entities involving eyes, lungs, muscles,
attention because of its economic impact. and neural tissues in pets and wildlife (Dubey
William Hartley, a well-known veterinary et al., 2015).
pathologist from New Zealand, and his associ- The finding of T. gondii in marine mammals
ates J.L. Jebson and D. McFarlane, discovered deserves special mention. Before the discovery
T. gondii like organisms in the placentas and of T. gondii oocyst, no one would have sus-
fetuses of several unexplained abortions in pected that the marine environment would be
ewes in New Zealand. They called it New contaminated with T. gondii and that fish-
Zealand Type II abortion. Hartley and eating marine mammals would be found
Marshall (1957) finally isolated T. gondii from infected with T. gondii (Dubey et al., 2003a,b;
aborted fetuses. Hartley (1961) and Jacobs and Conrad et al., 2005; Thomas et al., 2007; Miller
Hartley (1964) experimentally induced toxo- et al., 2008; Dubey, 2010). Thomas and Cole
plasmic abortion in ewes. The identification of (1996) and Cole et al. (2000) isolated viable
T. gondii abortion in ewes was a landmark dis- T. gondii from sea otters in the United States.
covery in veterinary medicine. Prior to that Several reports have now appeared that con-
protozoa were not recognized as cause of epi- firm that T. gondii can occur in many species of
demic abortion in livestock. Subsequently, marine mammals (Dubey, 2010).
Beverley and Watson (1961) recognized epi-
demics of ovine abortion in the United
Kingdom. Dubey and Towle (1986) and Dubey
1.7 Diagnosis
and Beattie (1988) summarized all that was
known about toxoplasmosis in sheep and its
The current management, diagnosis, and
impact on agriculture. Millions of lambs are
clinical manifestations of T. gondii infection in
still lost throughout the worldwide due to this
humans are discussed in Chapter 4, Human
infectious disease.
Toxoplasma infection.
Sanger and Cole (1955) were first to isolate
T. gondii from a food animal. Dubey and
Beattie (1988) and Dubey (2010) reviewed the
worldwide literature on toxoplasmosis in
1.7.1 Sabin Feldman dye test
humans and other animals. The discovery and Development of a novel serologic test, the
naming of two new organisms, Neospora cani- dye test, by Sabin and Feldman (1948), was
num (Dubey et al., 1988) and Sarcocystis neurona perhaps the greatest advancement in the field
(Dubey et al., 1991), that were previously of toxoplasmosis. The dye test is highly sensi-
thought to be T. gondii, resulted in new infor- tive and specific with no evidence for false
mation on the host distribution of T. gondii. We results in humans. Even titers as low as 1:2 are
now know that cattle and horses are resistant meaningful for the diagnosis of ocular disease.
to clinical T. gondii; there have been no con- The ability to identify T. gondii infections based
firmed cases of clinical toxoplasmosis in either on a simple serological test opened the door
cattle or horses (Dubey, 2010). N. caninum was for extensive epidemiological studies on the
found to be a common cause of abortion in incidence of infection. It became clear that
cattle worldwide (Dubey, 2003; Dubey et al., T. gondii infections are widely prevalent
2017), and S. neurona was found to be a in humans in many countries. It also

Toxoplasma Gondii
12 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

demonstrated that the so-called tetrad of chickens (Dubey et al., 2016). Even low MAT
clinical signs considered indicative of clinical titers (,1:10) were found specific.
congenital toxoplasmosis occurred in other
diseases and assisted in the differential diagno-
sis (Sabin and Feldman, 1949; Feldman and 1.7.4 Detection of Toxoplasma gondii
Miller, 1956). DNA
Burg et al. (1989) first reported detection of
T. gondii DNA from a single tachyzoite using
1.7.2 Detection of IgM antibodies the B1 gene in a polymerase chain reaction
(PCR). Several subsequent PCR tests have been
Remington et al. (1968) first proposed the
developed using different gene targets.
usefulness of the detection of IgM antibodies in Overall, this technique has proven very useful
cord blood or infant serum for the diagnosis of in the diagnosis of clinical toxoplasmosis
congenital toxoplasmosis since IgM antibodies (Remington et al., 2011).
do not cross the placenta, whereas IgG antibo-
dies do cross the placenta. Remington (1969)
modified the indirect fluorescent antibody test
and the ELISA (Naot and Remington, 1980) to 1.8 Treatment
detect IgM in cord blood. Desmonts et al.
(1981) developed a modification of IgM-ELISA, Sabin and Warren (1942) reported the effec-
combining it with the agglutination test (IgM- tiveness of sulfonamides against murine toxo-
ISAGA) to eliminate the necessity for an plasmosis, and Eyles and Coleman (1953)
enzyme conjugate. Although IgM tests are not discovered the synergistic effect of combined
perfect, they have proved useful for screening therapy with sulfonamides and pyrimeth-
programs (Remington et al., 2001). amine; the latter is the standard therapy for
toxoplasmosis in humans (Remington et al.,
2001). Garin and Eyles (1958) found spiramycin
1.7.3 Direct agglutination test to have antitoxoplasmic activity of in mice.
Since spiramycin is nontoxic and does not
The development of a simple direct aggluti- cross placenta, it has been used prophylacti-
nation test has aided tremendously in the sero- cally in women during pregnancy to reduce
logical diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in humans transmission of the parasite from mother to
and other animals. In this test, no special fetus (Desmonts and Couvreur, 1974b).
equipment or conjugates are needed. This test
was initially developed by Fulton (1965) and
improved by Desmonts and Remington (1980)
1.9 Prevention and control
and Dubey and Desmonts (1987) who called it
the modified agglutination test (MAT). The 1.9.1 Serologic screening during
MAT has been used extensively for the diagno-
sis of toxoplasmosis in animals (Dubey, 2010).
The sensitivity and specificity of MAT has Georges Desmonts initiated studies in
been validated by comparing serologic data Paris, France in the 1960s looking at serocon-
and isolation of the parasite from naturally and version in women during pregnancy and the
experimentally infected pigs (Dubey, 1997; transmission of T. gondii to the fetus. Blood
Dubey et al., 1995a,b) and naturally infected was obtained at the first visit, at 7 months,

Toxoplasma Gondii
References 13
and at the time of parturition. Desmonts initi- consumption remains the easiest and most eco-
ated prophylactic treatment of women who nomical method of reducing transmission of
seroconverted during pregnancy. Results of T. gondii through meat.
the 15-year study demonstrated that (1) infec-
tion acquired during the first two trimesters
was most damaging to the fetus, (2) not all 1.9.3 Animal production practices
women that acquired infection transmitted it Extensive epidemiological studies on pig
to the fetus, (3) women seropositive prior to farms in the United States in 1990s concluded
pregnancy did not transmit infection to the that keeping cats out of the pig barns and rais-
fetus, and (4) treatment with spiramycin ing pigs indoors can reduce T. gondii infection
reduced congenital transmission, but not clini- in pigs (Dubey et al., 1995a,b; Weigel et al.,
cal disease in infants (Desmonts and 1995). Because of changes in pig, husbandry
Couvreur, 1974a,b). At about the same time, prevalence of viable T. gondii in pigs is reduced
Thalhammer (1973, 1978) initiated a similar to ,1% (Dubey et al., 2005). Because ingestion
screening program for pregnant women in of infected pork is considered the main meat
Austria. In addition to scientific knowledge, source of T. gondii for humans (at least in the
these screening programs have helped to dis- United States), the prevalence of T. gondii in
seminate information for the prevention of humans in the United States has decreased in
toxoplasmosis. the past decade (Jones et al., 2007).
A neonatal serological screening and early
treatment for congenital T. gondii infection was
initiated in Massachusetts, United States in 1.9.4 Vaccination
1980s (Guerina et al., 1994). The efficacy of
Vaccination of sheep with a live cyst-less
treatment of T. gondii infection in the fetus and
strain of T. gondii reduces neonatal mortality in
newborn is not fully delineated, and many
lambs, and this vaccine is available commer-
issues related to the cost and benefit of screen-
cially (Wilkins and O’Connell, 1983; Buxton
ing and treatment in pregnancy and in new-
and Innes, 1995). To date, there is no vaccine
borns remain to be examined.
suitable for human use.

1.9.2 Hygiene measures Acknowledgments

I would like to dedicate this paper to the late Profs. J.K.A.
After the discovery of the life cycle of T. gon-
Beverley and C.P. Beattie who were my PhD advisors
dii in 1970, it became possible to advise preg- (1964 67) and to the late Prof. J.K. Frenkel who was my
nant women and other susceptible populations postdoctoral studies supervisor (1973 78).
on avoiding contact with oocysts (Frenkel and
Dubey, 1972). Studies were conducted to con-
struct thermal curves showing temperatures References
required to kill T. gondii in infected meat by Aramini, J.J., Stephen, C., Dubey, J.P., 1998. Toxoplasma
freezing (Kotula et al., 1991), cooking (Dubey gondii in Vancouver Island cougars (Felis concolor van-
et al., 1990), and by gamma irradiation (Dubey couverensis): serology and oocyst shedding. J. Parasitol.
et al., 1986). These data are now used by regu- 84, 438 440.
Benenson, M.W., Takafuji, E.T., Lemon, S.M., Greenup,
latory agencies to advise consumers about the R.L., Sulzer, A.J., 1982. Oocyst-transmitted toxoplasmo-
safety of meat. Freezing of meat overnight in a sis associated with ingestion of contaminated water.
household freezer before human or animal N. Engl. J. Med. 307, 666 669.

Toxoplasma Gondii
14 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

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gundi vis-à-vis de Isospora bigemina. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Med. 290, 1110 1116.
Tunis 47, 33 35. Desmonts, G., Couvreur, J., 1974b. Toxoplasmosis in preg-
Beverley, J.K.A., 1959. Congenital transmission of toxoplas- nancy and its transmission to the fetus. Bull. N. Y.
mosis through successive generations of mice. Nature Acad. Med. 50, 146 159.
183, 1348 1349. Desmonts, G., Remington, J.S., 1980. Direct agglutination
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sis. A survey of 30 cases. Lancet 23, 379 384. increasing sensitivity and specificity. J. Clin. Microbiol.
Beverley, J.K.A., Watson, W.A., 1961. Ovine abortion and 11, 562 568.
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350, 173 177. humaine. Rev. Fr. Études Clin. Biol. 10, 952 958.
Burg, J.L., Grover, C.M., Pouletty, P., Boothroyd, J.C., 1989. Desmonts, G., Naot, Y., Remington, J.S., 1981.
Direct and sensitive detection of a pathogenic proto- Immunoglobulin M immunosorbent agglutination assay
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break. Ophthalmology 105, 1032 1037. Infestations (Ph.D. thesis). University of Sheffield,
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ovine toxoplasmosis. Parasitology 110, S11 S16. Dubey, J.P., 1968. Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from the
Campbell, R.S.F., Martin, W.B., Gordon, E.D., 1955. feces of a helminth free cat. J. Protozool. 15, 773 775.
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Vet. Rec. 67, 708 716. chronically infected cats. Nature 262, 213 214.
Christie, E., Pappas, P.W., Dubey, J.P., 1978. Ultrastructure Dubey, J.P., 1977. Toxoplasma, Hammondia, Besnoitia,
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Cole, R.A., Lindsay, D.S., Howe, D.K., Roderick, C.L., Protozoa, vol. 3. Academic Press, New York,
Dubey, J.P., Thomas, N.J., et al., 2000. Biological and pp. 101 237.
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Conrad, P.A., Miller, M.A., Kreuder, C., James, E.R., Mazet, Dubey, J.P., 1996. Infectivity and pathogenicity of
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Cowen, D., Wolf, A., Paige, B.H., 1942. Toxoplasmic Parasitol. 71, 307 310.
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congenital toxoplasmosis; survival beyond infancy. dyzoites and comparison of infectivity of bradyzoites of
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Toxoplasma Gondii
16 1. The history and life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii

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Further reading 19
Parasiten im Darm. Berl. Münch. Tierärztl. Wochenschr. Wolf, A., Cowen, D., Paige, B., 1939a. Human toxoplasmo-
83, 128 132. sis: occurrence in infants as an encephalomyelitis verifi-
Weinman, D., Chandler, A.H., 1954. Toxoplasmosis in cation by transmission to animals. Science 89, 226 227.
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tial human hazard. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 87, encephalomyelitis. III. A new case of granulomatous
211 216. encephalomyelitis due to a protozoon. Am. J. Pathol. 15,
Weiss, L.M., Dubey, J.P., 2009. Toxoplasmosis: a history of 657 694.
clinical observations. Int. J. Parasitol. 39, 895 901. Wolf, A., Cowen, D., Paige, B.H., 1940. Toxoplasmic
Wilder, H.C., 1952. Toxoplasma chorioretinitis in adults. encephalomyelitis. IV. Experimental transmission of the
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Wilkins, M.F., O’Connell, E., 1983. Effect on lambing per- 71, 187 214.
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pathologic anatomy of coloboma of the macula lutea in T.A., Minutti, A.F., et al., 2018. Toxoplasma gondii: a
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Witte, H.M., Piekarski, G., 1970. Die Oocysten-
Ausscheidung bei experimentell infizierten Katzen in
Abhängigkeit vom Toxoplasma-Stamm. Z. Parasitenk. Further reading
33, 358 360.
Wolf, A., Cowen, D., 1937. Granulomatous encephalomyeli- Dubey, J.P., 1998. Refinement of pepsin digestion method
tis due to an encephalitozoon (encephalitozoic encepha- for isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from infected tissues.
lomyelitis). A new protozoan disease of man. Bull. Vet. Parasitol. 74, 75 77.
Neur. Inst. N.Y. 6, 306 371. Olafson, P., Monux, W.S., 1942. Toxoplasma infection in
Wolf, A., Cowen, D., 1938. Granulomatous encephalomyeli- animals. Cornell Vet. 32, 176 190.
tis due to a protozoan (Toxoplasma or Encephalitozoon).
II. Identification of a case from the literature. Bull.
Neur. Inst. N.Y. 7, 266 290.

Toxoplasma Gondii

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