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The researchers employs new methodologies, new knowledge, and even develops

new tactics, processes, or procedures throughout exploration. This study focuses in

the elements that contribute to mental health problems as well as the causes of

financial instability. COVID-19 has produced a pandemic, which has resulted in

financial and mental health issues. Because of the high frequency of mental health

issues caused by a shortage of funds among Jeepney drivers, researchers decided to

perform a study on the psychological impact of financial instability on Jeepney

drivers. This chapter provides a brief overview of relevant literature and studies, both

domestic and international.


After being disrupted in their daily routine due to the pandemic, truckers appeal

to the government for assistance. (Caymaniantimes, 2020 ). Those who live in "Dutch

houses," as locals refer to them, are helpless drivers of public utility jeeps that used to

patrol the capital's roadways prior to the outbreak. (Lucenio, 2020). The Philippine

"jeepney" driver is now begging for money to feed his impoverished family on the

streets of Manila. ( Lopez, 2020 ). Other drivers wear plastic compartments and

cardboard placards around their necks to catch passers-attention by's and compassion.

As he sat inside his jeepney, (Flores, 2020) told AFP, "We have nothing left to

spend." To offer the family some solitude — and a sense of safety from the virus they

think is waiting outside — flattened cardboard boxes cover the side windows and

back entrance. Flores has no idea when he'll be able to get behind the wheel again. He
picks up odd jobs from time to time, such as selling scrap metal, painting, or welding.

However, it is insufficient to feed his family (Arab News, 2021). Sesinando Bondoc,

73, began driving a Jeepney at the age of 28 and believes it is hard for him to find

another employment at his age. Bondoc says his need to eat outweighs his fear of the

virus or fast cars as he stands on the side of a busy road in the scorching heat with

other drivers begging for money (Arab News, 2021).

The government has provided money and food to the taxi drivers. However, it is

insufficient to compensate for their lost earnings (Arab News, 2021). To comply with

social-distancing requirements, drivers had to make their vehicles virus-proof by

adding plastic seat dividers and lowering capacity. Some people are concerned that

they may never be able to drive again as the government phase out smoke-belching

Jeepneys 15 years and older (Arab News, 2021). Since the lockout, some Jeepney

drivers have devised new ways to meet their daily necessities and cover their

expenses. Some of them sell fruits and vegetables to supplement their diet.

Nobody relies on Jeepney drivers because they have nowhere to go. It's

uncomfortable to ask their relatives for aid every day, so the drivers summoned the

bravery to seek assistance from others who are willing to assist them so they may eat.

Other people would gladly offer a Jeepney driver any amount of money, and they

would gladly receive it in exchange for a meal. However, they may only take once a

day on occasion. This is how they feel during the lockdown. Some of them claim that

if their partner assists the Jeepney driver, they don't eat at all (Yahoo News, 2020).
Even if the drivers are injured, they have little choice except to risk their lives by

begging for money to buy food for their families and eat. The government attempted

to compensate them financially, but it was insufficient (Yahoo News, 2020).


When the COVID-19 Pandemic spreads, Americans become panicked and rush to

acquire supplies, causing drivers to take longer to transport their shipments to retailers

and put in more hours. According to (Joseph, 2020), a driver must go in and out and

has no control over the situation. The job of a driver, according to Joseph, is a lonely

one, especially because the new normal for COVID-19 issues is social isolation. Due

to the epidemic, many enterprises that trade between Canada and the United States

have closed their doors, despite the fact that drivers play an important role in

conveying the supplies that people require. ( Cable News Network [CNN] Business,

2020) spoke with a number of transporters about their ongoing conflicts. Many

claimed they operate under difficult conditions that include extended hours, crowded

stops, and difficulty finding food, as well as concerns about their safety and well-

being. We're not medical services laborers, and we're not anything special. Is it

necessary to maintain it, given what else we've said we'll do now? ( McFarland,

2020). The Corona Virus epidemic has impacted taxi, limousine, and other

transportation services. Fares plummeted by more than two-thirds in March 2020 as a

result of increased demand, putting pressure on ride operators. The salary of taxi

drivers has been impacted as a result of the lockdown, which makes it difficult to

operate. With the government's permission, a restricted number of taxi firms are

permitted to provide emergency services. Both drivers and passengers are expected to

maintain the greatest level of hygiene. Companies require drivers to adhere to all
etiquette while maintaining social distance from passengers and fellow drivers. To

relieve the ambulance services' workload, the taxi driver's company provides

emergency transportation services. ( Technology Business Research [TBR] Company,


People should learn how to clean the fundamental items they used as a car to

avoid the infection from spreading. Sanitize any surfaces that people will come into

contact with (Wiltshire, 2020). Individuals should pack hand sanitizer when traveling

and utilizing public transportation, wear the mask, and don't take it off (Wiltshire,

2020). If you come across a transporter while out seeking for basic necessities, take

advantage of the opportunity to show them some appreciation by thanking them if you

can (Padfield, 2020). "Keep putting in the miles and staying safe, and we'll get

through this together" (Peterson, 2020)



The government imposes a strict curfew, culminating in the cancellation of the

iconic Philippine car "King of the Road." Many drivers are begging on the roads for a

modest amount of money from the government in the hopes of being able to drive

again. The government has plans and procedures in place to improve public

transportation in the event of a pandemic, including the phase-out of Jeepneys. This

effort sought to modernize and improve passenger safety and convenience. (Favila,

2020 ) The government should investigate the initiative, according to (Recio, 2020),

because low-income Jeepney drivers cannot afford the new vehicle. For the Jeepney

drivers, this will mean job loss and suffering. Life was difficult even prior to COVID-
19. It was bearable, however (Kalagayan, 2020) Jeepney drivers are now suffering not

just from their inability to drive, but also from the government's plan to evict all

antiquated vehicles such as Jeepneys. Drivers have no objections to modernizing the

Jeepney, but they do ask for some care during the pandemic.

The drivers and owners of the renowned Philippine Jeepneys are pleading to be

allowed to drive again in order to replace money lost due to the pandemic problem.

However, according to presidential spokesperson (Roque, 2020), due to high

coronavirus rates, Jeepney drivers will not be allowed to return to work. According to

Harry Roque, the Jeepney was the last on their list to return because of the heightened

risk commuters face due to the cramped seating and close proximity of passengers.As

the epidemic spread across the country, they were compelled to abandon their regular

routine in order to avoid seeing one another, resulting in a lack of funds to spend with

their families. Another source of concern for them is the government's plan to

modernize vehicles this year. They are concerned that they will no longer be able to

drive. The program was supposed to end this year, but the government has yet to say

whether or not the deadline will be extended (Calleja, 2020).


Obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are all problems that many

commercial drivers encounter. They are at a greater risk of getting COVID-19

because of these circumstances. This stress, combined with health issues, has placed

additional mental and physical demands on drivers, putting them at greater risk for

COVID-19. When drivers become ill, it affects everyone. At truck stops and delivery

stops, people will come into contact with these drivers. If they are severely sick, their
driving abilities may be hampered, and when they come home, they risk infecting

their family and friends (Emerly, 2020).

COVID-19 deaths have not been reported by drivers in the Washington region,

according to several local industry executives. However, according to reports from

transit, ridesharing, and taxi drivers across the country, the virus is killing people. To

provide some business to the drivers, local governments established giving programs

that provide transportation for low-income individuals, retirees, or people with special

needs (Lazo. 2020). Taxi drivers are considered one of Washington's frontline

workers. Coronavirus caused problems for drivers in Washington. The drivers are

frightened to risk their life, but the government of Washington has not desolate them

by offering temporary jobs.According to (Farrel, 2020), for clear communication

about all of the COVID-19 related changes, drivers are looking for assistance.

As the COVID-19 Pandemic spreads, drivers are searching for more than simply

money. They want assurance, help, and security for their own businesses. Companies

should not abandon them and should supply all of their needs (Lazo. 2020). No one

should be left behind in the event of a pandemic. Vehicles haven't benefited from the

COVID-19 pandemic. However, it's doing a lot worse now. They stated that the gross

appointment of their rides business fell by 75% in the three months to June compared

to the same period a year ago, from $12.2 billion to just $3 billion. In the three months

leading up to June, be presenting gross appointment numbers to its finance specialists

have announced a 60 percent decline in the number of dynamic riders on the stage,

from 21.8 million a year ago to 8.7 million this year (Farrel, 2020).

During pandemic, people across the country are concerned and agree to help one

another and do the right thing as much as possible (Preidt, 2020). Some people have

remained to work despite the risks, putting in longer hours, keeping things under

control for parts, and earning less money. The haulers continued their work after

everyone was frightened and sitting at home. What can people eat if the drivers stay at

home? So they need to keep their wheels turning to provide for our daily necessities,

since without them, we wouldn't have anything to buy, and if we didn't have anything

to buy, we wouldn't have anything to eat (Karim & Tkach, 2020).

They can contract several germs that cause COVID-19, and they can also infect

their relatives. So, despite the fact that it was difficult for each driver to quit working,

they did so for the sake of their families' safety (Conger & May, 2020). Transporters

have continued to travel to regions where the vast majority of us are not authorized,

and the shipping industry's importance has been on display for the past six months.

(Global News, 2020) "When everyone was nervous, sitting at home, and we were

similar to drivers," "How can people eat if drivers are sitting at home?" (Jhinger, 2020


Expanding sanitation and hygiene is essential, and it is part of the Pandemic's

messaging. According to (Muzik, 2020), drivers are permitted to do so if they are

provided with open parking and a clean and sanitary environment. They will permit

the drivers to park there (Kocher, 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic is more deadly

and poses a larger risk. Contacting and exposing a large number of people may not be
enough to stop the virus from spreading. They chose to drive rather than fly because

travelers are aware of who they will touch.


The Kappa Chi Omega Sorority, a medical student and physician sisterhood,

collaborated with Tulong Kabataan Network on the project "Walang Ayuda, Walang

Pasada: A Call for Donations for Our Jeepney Drivers" (Rappler, 2020).

The project aims to raise funds for Jeepney drivers in Barangay Central, Quezon

City, the University of the Philippines – Diliman, EBODA (Espanya Blumentritt

Operator and Drivers Association), and SANTABAK (Samahan ng Nagkakaisang

Tsuper ng Avenida at Baclaran), whose livelihoods have been severely harmed by the

lockdown. The money will go toward disaster relief and the establishment of

community kitchens in these communities (Rappler, 2020). The cash received will be

utilized to give relief packs for the drivers, which will include basic requirements. On

June 27, University of Rizal System DOST pupils planned a relief effort for 70

jeepney drivers from Luzon Eco Transport Services and Multi-Purpose Cooperative

(LETSMPC) who operate in Rizal province. Rice, canned items, coffee, noodles, and

biscuits were included in the relief packs distributed by the scholars. The DOST

scholars stated that this is not the last time their group will assist these drivers

(Rappler, 2020).


Mental well-being and financial security are inextricably intertwined. A mental

illness can exacerbate financial strains, and a mental illness can exacerbate financial
strains (Australian Government; Department of Health [DOH], 2019). Our mental

health is influenced by how we interpret our financial condition. Even someone who

pays off their debts on a regular basis may have ongoing mental and emotional

suffering as a result of their personal affairs (Australian Government DOH, 2019).

People who are having financial difficulties report that their mental health is

suffering as a result. According to Stats Canada, over 48% of Canadians have lost

sleep due to financial anxieties, and 40% of Canadians (Ipsos, 2018) agree that their

amount of debt is negatively affecting their mental health.

According to a 2020 KFF Health Tracking Poll, households experiencing income

or job loss had at least one negative effect on their mental health. This included

sleeping or eating difficulties, increased alcohol or substance usage, and deteriorating

chronic diseases (Fay, 2012). However, this only leads to greater debt, which in turn

leads to even more unhappiness and despair. People don't care if their anguish is

caused by debt or if debt is causing their pain at that point (Fay, 2012).

Job stability was linked to financial stability as a stressor. Several parents stated

that they had lost income due to a job loss or a business shutdown. According to a

2010 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 69 percent of

parents believed that stress had little or no effect on their children, whereas 91 percent

of children noticed the impacts in their parents' behavior, which included yelling and

arguing. Young people who noticed their parents' tension expressed sadness, worry,

and frustration.
Unemployment, poverty, and family upheavals are all known to cause or

exacerbate a number of mental health issues, the most common of which are

depression, suicide, and alcoholism.

In Greece, as well as other nations adopting austerity measures, such as Ireland

and England, an upsurge in suicide attempts and - perhaps - real suicides has recently

been documented. This study backs up previous assertions that the financial crisis is

linked to an increase in suicide rates in European countries. Unemployment is

significantly linked to suicide; for every 1% increase in unemployment, there is a 0.79

percent increase in suicides among people under the age of 65 (Christodoulou, 2013)

If someone has a mental illness and does not receive proper treatment, they may

be forced to take time from work or have difficulty holding a job. As people strive to

pay debt payments on top of living expenses while on a fixed or limited salary, this

can have a significant impact on their income and financial security (Scott, 2021)

Some signs that financial stress is affecting your mental well being include:

arguing with the people closest to you about money, having trouble sleeping, feeling

angry or fearful, mood swings, tiredness, loss of appetite, and withdrawing from

others. Addressing financial problems early on can reduce their impact on mental

health (Australian Government DOH, 2019).

 Health care is delayed because people who are already in financial distress tend to

cut corners in areas where they shouldn't, such as health care. According to

Gallup's annual Health and Healthcare poll, 29 percent of American adults

postponed medical treatment in 2018 due to expense.

 Poor mental health: The link between mental and financial health is often

cyclical, with poor financial health leading to poor mental health, which leads to

even worse financial health, and so on. Studies have shown for years that those

who are in debt have greater rates of mental health concerns such as depression

and anxiety than those who are debt-free (Scott, 2021)

 Poor physical health: Chronic financial stress has been related to headaches,

stomachaches, migraines, heart disease, diabetes, sleep disorders, and other health

issues. Our bodies do not have time to recuperate when we are constantly

stressed. (Scott, 2021)

 Harmful coping practices: Financial stress can lead to a range of unhealthy

behaviors, including overeating, drinking, and using drugs. According to a 2014

APA survey, 33 percent of Americans said they ate unhealthy meals or ate too

much to cope with stress. (Scott, 2021)

Given the evidence on the influence of socio-ecological factors on psychological

distress, such as home safety, TPIs, and financial difficulties, as well as substantial

evidence on the link between psychological distress and quality of life (Aharon et

al., 2021; An et al., 2020; Ferreira et al., 2021; Ikeda et al., 2021; Ma et al., 2020;

Nguyen et al., 2020; Zhang & Ma, 2020), we the researcher hypothesize that

psychological distress may serve as an underlying mechanism that mediates the

influence of socio-ecological factors on people's quality of life.

Filipinos, like people in many other nations, are still dealing with the COVID-19

outbreak. One of the main traits of Filipino resiliency, according to (Dela Cruz, 2020),

is hope. Hope is the element that provides men in difficult situations their strength.
These men's commitment to rise above their experience and strive their hardest to

become helpful again is strengthened by their faith in God and love for their families.

In other words, hope is what motivates Filipinos to stay resilient throughout this

pandemic, despite the dreadful situation we are in. Family, faith, and fun are also

important aspects in Filipino resiliency. Perhaps this is why the Filipinos are so

resilient and are able to see things in a positive light despite the many tragedies that

befall their land (Manuncia, 2019).

Hence, the optimal psychological response to the pandemic would be to

strengthen one's psychological resiliency, which is described as the ability to maintain

or recover psychological well-being while facing or following stressful situations.

This can be accomplished by reducing the risk of psychopathology and mental

dysfunction in those who have been exposed to the virus or who live in the affected

areas. The health-care regulatory agencies should inform the public that the risk of

infection may persist for a long period, but that the government will protect the

country ( J Biol &Med Res, 2020 ). In addition, it should further be communicated

that serious measurements will be implemented at hospitals and communities.

Moreover, people should be given a hope that everything will become normal and

controlled with the passage of time (Khan et al, 2020).



The impact of financial conditions on mental health, such as safety,

capability, and distress, can be reduced by ensuring greater economic security and

better protection against income shocks. More equitable access to health insurance, as
indicated by (Liu, 2016), may also be a solution because these advantages manifest in

a reduction in the requirement for costly income smoothing techniques. The issue of

improving financial situations may be scrutinized more closely in the United States,

where the health repercussions of a negative income shock are substantially more

severe than in other industrialized countries due to the country's poorer welfare state

(Burgard et al., 2013). Because of the limited effectiveness of such savings in shaping

positive health behaviors (Betz-Hamilton et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2003; Quigley,

2013; Bialowolski et al., 2021), positive benefits can be achieved by promoting

financial literacy (e.g., including in the school curriculum, providing credit

counseling). Financial literacy improves financial behaviors and reduces financial

distress (Biaowolski et al., 2020; Klapper et al., 2013), which can affect mental and

physical health. This contribution could be direct, as evidenced by studies from our

and other researchers demonstrating a temporal link between financial difficulty and

clinical depression. It could also be indirect, because stress in general, and financial

stress in particular, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including

cardiovascular disease ( Cohen et al., 2015; Hare et al., 2013; Musselman et al., 1998;

Tully et al., 2016).

The researchers looked at the potential links between personal health and

financial circumstances, including the three components of financial security –

financial safety, financial capability, and financial distress – as well as a summary

measure of financial security. The researchers employed both self-reported health

measures and objectively evaluated health outcomes derived from insurance claims

diagnostic information (Elsevier B.V., 2021). The researchers controlled for

individual earnings (using information on wage bands provided by the employer) as

well as a self-reported measure of wealth because our analyses focused on perceived

financial situations and we wanted to present results that were independent of the

objective financial status (i.e., possession of a house). The findings reveal that all

dimensions of financial security were prospectively linked to the probability of

clinical depression as well as self-reported mental and physical wellbeing (Elsevier

B.V., 2021).

Through its function as the link between medicine and society, psychiatry can

actively foster resilience and support positive mental health. It can enable people to be

active participants in their own healthcare and the health service as a whole by

boosting patient advocacy (Christodoulou, 2013). Through the promotion of social

networks, psychiatry can promote solidarity, altruism, and social inclusion, as well as

increase social capital. Psychotherapy can also help with resilience and happiness

(Christodoulou, 2013).

Through its holistic, biopsychosocial, and person-centered ethos, psychiatry can

react to the challenges provided by economic crises. (Christodoulou, 2013).

Promoting advocacy and empowerment on a personal level, as well as solidarity and

social cohesion on a societal level, are important steps (Christodoulou, 2013).

Furthermore, mental health specialists can assist persons who are experiencing

economic hardships in building resilience and mental capital. In times of financial

crisis, mental illness prevention and promotion should be fundamental aspects of

clinical management and service planning. (Christodoulou, 2013).

Researchers findings add to the growing body of evidence that subjective

financial circumstances can both nurture and safeguard mental health. Researchers

findings specifically show that financial safety and security, as well as financial

capacity (i.e., the ability to make wise financial decisions), have protective roles

against depression diagnosis (Elsevier B.V., 2021). This study discovered temporal

impacts for both mental and physical health self-reports, with a clear evidence of a

larger link with the mental health outcome (Elsevier B.V., 2021). These effects were

observed for both good and unfavorable financial conditions, with the protective

impacts of favorable financial conditions being larger than the detrimental

repercussions of financial distress (Elsevier B.V., 2021). This finding on the

asymmetry between the effect sizes of positive and negative financial stimuli was

consistent( Bialowolski et al., 2021).

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