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Gerunds and infinitives 2

Complete the sentences with the gerund (e.g. doing), full infinitive (e.g. to do) or bare
infinitive (e.g. do) forms of the verbs given.

1. Do you think it's worth _____ (invest) in paid antivirus software?

2. Do you think you will continue _____ (study) English until you become fluent?
3. Would you consider ______ (get) a job as an extra on a film set just to earn a bit of money?
4. What kind of posts do you most hate ____ (see) on social media?
5. Have you ever refused _____ (pay) for a service because it didn't meet your standards?
6. Are there any topics you avoid _____ (bring up) with your in-laws or with your colleagues?
7. Have you ever pretended _____ (like) a present you'd been given only to avoid upsetting
the other person? What present was it?
8. Do you mind ______ (do) housework?
9. Should people be forced or encouraged _____ (get) vaccinated?
10. Which professions in your country deserve _____ (earn) a higher salary?
11. Which subject did you most struggle _____ (grasp) at school?
12. How would you celebrate ______ (win) the lottery?
13. Which animal do you most dread _____ (meet) in real life?
14. What changes in your country’s demographics do you anticipate _____ (take) place in the
next few decades?
15. Can you picture yourself ______ (spend) your retirement in a small village somewhere
16. Are there any topics, stories or gossip you can't stand ______ (hear) in the office?
17. What do you hope ________ (achieve) by the time you turn 70?
18. If someone dared you _____ (try) the durian fruit, the smelliest fruit on the planet, would
you accept the challenge?
19. What kind of things do you usually put off _____ (do) until the very last minute?
20. Would you consent _____ (have) all your public services linked in one system e.g. your
tax office data, health record and social insurance payments?

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