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transcript level 1

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Richard: It’s now the middle of July, so for this week’s
we’re going to be talking about the summer. So, Jackie, what does
the summer mean for you?

Jackie: Mmm, the summer. Er… for me, both as a child and as a teacher, it
means no school. [both laugh]

Richard: The summer holidays.

Jackie: Yes, summer holidays, family holidays and um… usually family
holidays by the seaside.

Richard: Definitely, on the beach.

Jackie: On the beach, er… swimming in the sea…

Richard: Making sandcastles

Jackie: …and eating ice-cream. [both laugh]

Richard: Lovely, ice-cream. Yes, away from the sea, erm… also picnics…

Jackie: Mmm

Richard: …and on the beach, picnics on the beach, but picnics in the

Jackie: Yes, very nice. Sandwiches [laughs], warm beer.

Richard: Yes, those long summer days.

Jackie: Yes, yes of course, that’s what makes the er… summer so special
um… long days, warm weather, usually warm weather.

Richard: Yes, and actually swimming in the sea but also, lately, swimming in
the rivers as well.

Jackie: Mmm. Yeah, you do different things, don’t you, in the summer? More
swimming and also for us er… English people we play er… and watch
more cricket.

Richard: Yes, love playing cricket um… and, of course, tennis.


Jackie: Mmm

Richard: We play a lot of tennis in the… in the er… in the summer and also go

Jackie: Mmm, yes that’s always exciting, isn’t it?

Richard: So put the tent in the back of the car and then find a good spot to go
camping for the weekend.

Jackie: Mmm and summer also means to me er… walking around in flip-flops.

Richard: [laughs] Yes, flip-flops.

Jackie: Mmm. Not always positive things though, the summer. I mean there
are some negative things as well, aren’t there Richard?

Richard: Yes, the insects. So especially um… the mosquitoes…

Jackie: Mmm

Richard: …and flies.

Jackie: And then when we talked about having a picnic sometimes the idea
of a picnic is actually nicer than the picnic itself because you’re
eating your er… sandwiches and er… drinking and then the wasps

Richard: Yes, usually after the strawberry jam. [laughs]

Jackie: Yeah, the wasps and the flies. Mmm, but in general we like summer,
don’t we?

Richard: Love it. So what are we doing inside? Let’s go out and enjoy the


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