Confusing Words 2

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Confusing English words

Much VS Many
much : ( uncountable nouns )
= large amount of something

Example: I don’t have much time

I don’t have much money!

How much sugar do you take in your coffee?

many : ( countable nouns )

= large number of something

Example: Jessica doesn’t have many friends

I don’t have many clothes

How many people work in your company?

We usually use “much” and “many” in

negative sentences or questions!

Example: She doesn’t have many books!

How many children do you have?

How much does it cost? $200

In positive sentences you can use :

a lot of / lots of / plenty of
Example: I have a lot of friends!

That is plenty of sugar in your coffee!

Confusing English words
Example: He has lots of cars and houses!

It is not wrong to use “much”

and “many” in positive sentences!

A few VS Few

A few : ( positive meaning )

It talks about a positive quantity

Example: A few people could speak English and they helped me a lot!

Jack has a few friends, they will support him!

Few :
It shows a shortage of something

Example: Few people could speak English, so it was really difficult for me!

Jack has few friends!

We usually use “ few “ and “ a few “ for countable nouns

For uncountable nouns, we should use “ little “ and “ a little “

A little VS Little

a little : ( positive meaning )

= not much but enough

Example: We still have a little time left. Do you wanna watch

some TV?
little : ( negative meaning )
= hardly any, not much
Example: He has little time to finish the project. I don’t think he can make it!
Confusing English words
Each VS Every
Each : ( referring to something singular )

It refers to individual items in one group

Example: Each artist sees things differently!

Every : ( referring to something singular )

It refers to a group of items as a whole

Example: Every artist is sensitive!

After “ every “, use a singular noun

When we are talking about a quantity of 2, we don’t

say “ every “. We say “ each “

Example: Jessica wore earings on each ear!

Jessica wore earings on every ear!

Confusing English words

each & every : To emphasize more!

Example: We went through each and every word in the text!

They collected each and every plastic bottle from the beach!

Farther VS Further

Farther : ( physical distance )

= more distant

Example: How much farther is it to the airport?

It is foggy, and I cannot see farther than 10 meters!

Further : ( figurative distance )

= more distant

Example: I have had this book for about a year now!

But I never got further than the first pages!

We discussed the problem, but we didn’t get

much further in solving it!

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