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Informal English

VS Formal English
Which one is better?
Formal English or informal English?
There is no better one, both of them are good depending on

The story blow is semi-formal:

Technology can ease every person’s life. There are many

tech gadgets that we can use every day.

Now, almost every one has a smartphone to meet their

modern-life needs!

Alternatives to some words to make it more formal:

I can use a laptop

be able to ( formal )
I am able to use a laptop

to ease something = to make something easier

You can join an online course to ease
the learning process

to facilitate something ( formal )

You can join an online course to facilitate
the learning process
Every person has rights which should be respected
individual ( formal )
Every individual has rights which should be respected
Informal English
VS Formal English
There are many mistakes in your text

numerous ( formal )
There are numerous mistakes in your text

to use
We must use all the resources we have

to utilize ( formal )
We must utilize all the resources we have

every day
I read books every day

on a daily basis ( formal )

I read books on a daily basis

Now, I’m working on a project

currently ( formal )
Currently, I’m working on a project

You don’t meet the needs to apply for this job
requirement ( formal )
You don’t meet the requirements to apply
for this job
Informal English
VS Formal English
The story blow is semi-formal:

Surveys show that about 23% of adults don’t know how

to use any tech gadgets. These people are called digitally
- illiterate people. To make digital literacy better in society

governments have started public workshops. So, these

people should go to the workshops to gain enough
knowledge and skills.

Alternatives to some words to make it more formal:

The project will take approximately 3 weeks!
approximately ( formal ) = not exactly
The project will take approximately 3 weeks!

This city is called little Paris!

referred to as ( formal )
This city is referred to as little Paris!

to make better
The government wants to make digital literacy better in society

to promote ( formal )
The government wants to promote
digital literacy in society
Informal English
VS Formal English
to start
They have recently started a new campaign

to initiate ( formal )
They have recently initiated a new campaign

The company was going bankrupt. So, they changed the manager

therefore ( formal )
The company was going bankrupt. Therefore,
they changed the manager

to go to a workshop
I’m going to a workshop this evening

to attend a workshop ( formal )

to take part in a workshop
to participate in a workshop
I’m attending a workshop this evening
I’m participating in a workshop this evening
I’m taking part in a workshop this evening

The city doesn’t have enough funds to make more roads

sufficient, adequate ( formal )

The city doesn’t have sufficient / adequate
funds to make more roads

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