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Elexis Gahn

Mrs. Cramer

2 Period

13 May, 2022


I learned in writing that you need to have imagination and creativity to be able to write

continually. However, about myself I learned that I need to really focus on time management and

prioritize it throughout my life. The route I am going down now will not help me in the future.

By improving my time management, it will help me in future career settings and also in college

with my assignments that have a set deaadline.

I need to work on learning grammar as I struggle where to put commas sometimes and

other word choices. I find myself struggling with getting blocked in thought and then lost in what

I am writing and lose my train of thought throughout the whole writing process. In order to

improve on this, I need to focus on my grammar and relearning common grammatical errors

throughout the following year.

My favorite essay this year was the synthesis essay. I was very passionate about my

topic and therefore the writing. I loved researching the topic and finding out the different costs

and advantages of each college in the area and other statistics. I found myself barely blocked and

was able to keep writing throughout the whole time with ease.

In the future I will stick with my normal way of writing an essay as it makes the most

sense to me, but I need to change the timing I do it at. When I do start writing I begin with the
research. I organize my thoughts usually into short little paragraphs on a separate paper. I then

begin my introduction paragraph and start adding some little facts and interesting topics

regarding what I am writing about. I add my thesis in and start my body paragraphs following

what I mentioned in my thesis. I will add an introduction sentence to the paragraph to introduce

the facts I am about to present. After that I add in my quote from a source and follow it up with

an explanation and more facts like it. I repeat this throughout the rest of my body paragraphs up

until my conclusion. In my conclusion I restate what the introduction was stating but I also

include some more explanation as to how these facts support my thesis. I also add my thesis into

the conclusion, but I usually reword it a tiny bit so as not to sound repetitive. After I wrote the

basis of my essay I go back through and I add filler sentences and words, such as more in-depth

explanations and other wording I can possibly work into the paragraphs and the topic.

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