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Hurst 1

Lyndon Hurst

Mr. Gardner

Clam Chowder
Clam Chowders

11 May 2022

Students Drive

Dear Brighton High Administration

Over the past two years, a lot has happened. The constant flipping of online learning and

in-person learning has taken a toll on the students. The pandemic has caused a lot of irreversible

damage to students lives whether it be losing a loved one or the isolation. The school relaxed its

attendance policy and has continued to do so. Students have taken advantage of that decision and

have exploited it with them facing no consequences. From the data in the interviews that I

conducted I have found that there has been an increase in laziness and a decrease in motivation

in the students lives. I have been a victim of this growing problem and I have gotten negative

effects because of it. I believe this problem of low student motivation may be able to be fixed if

we take action quick enough. Jacob Green said in my interview when I asked if he thinks that

teachers and counselors make your motivation worse he said “I think it depends on the teachers,

some teachers who are active and put effort in make learning more fun and make me want to

learn more. Some teachers are lame and make me not want to do any work.” I think he puts the

question perfectly into perspective and I can vouch for him that this is whole hardly true. I also

received data form the interviews that incentives can help motivate a student and data that says

that the communication between teachers to help their students is lacking.

The goal of my action plan is to reverse and stop the increase of students lack of

motivation to the best of our ability. The methods that I am using to help this problem are better
Hurst 2

communication between teachers to discuss methods to help better their students, increase the

number of incentives that are given to students who are caught up on their work, and improve the

amount of student-teacher interaction by having teachers make time or appointments to discuss

with the student how they can help them. For better teacher communication there will need to be

a group chat or a forum for teachers to discuss ideas and methods to better their students this can

be done by using services that are free and accessible such as Facebook and Google Workplace.

To implement better incentives for students who are caught up on their work the money that is

given to this project if it wins can be used to purchase a sufficient amount of incentives that’s

deemed by the administration. To increase the amount of student-teacher interaction teachers

will set aside available class time to talk to a student that is observantly struggling and if there

isn’t enough class time the teacher can schedule a meeting with the student during flex, lunch,

before school, and after school. These will all be prepared at the end of this school year so that

the next year it will be a seamless transition. There will also be the use of surveys every trimester

conducted by the counselors to monitor the improvement of the students motivation.

The action plan is dependent on whether the project wins the contest so that we can

afford better incentives. There is an underlining issue with this action plan though. A proverb

that I have been told time and time again is “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make

him drink.” I believe that the results of this change will either disprove the proverb or prove it

but there is only one way to find out. This problem of students motivation may just be a little

kink that a minute change can fix or it could be a generational problem. If it does work out and

there is evidence of improvement then I can confidently say that we fixed students drive.
Hurst 3

Works Cited:

Andrus, Melody. Interview. 28 April. 2022.

Green, Jacob. Interview. 9 May. 2022.

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