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Classroom/Lab Agreement Mr.

Physics & OnRamps Physics HS 2021-2022
Contact Information
Phone: (915) 236-4400

Supply list Grade Calculation

1) Pen/pencil • 20% Daily (C. Engagement)
2) Notebook • 40% Labs (C. Understanding)
(spiral/binder/composition) • 40% Tests (C. Mastery)
3) Laptop and charger

Daily Work
All assignments will be posted on You will have one week to submit
the assignment unless stated otherwise.

Labs will take place at least once a week. You have one week from the day assigned
to submit a lab.

You should keep and maintain a class notebook. Notebooks can be used on tests and
quizzes. I will give you notes on Nearpod. You can copy the pictures, text, and

We will have a daily journal entry. This will be a daily grade. Responses must be at
least 3 sentences in length.

Tests and Quizzes

You will have tests and quizzes throughout the 9 weeks. These are done individually.
You will be allowed to use YOUR notes.

Academic Dishonesty
Cheating, copying, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Incidents of academic
dishonesty will result in an automatic zero. Those grades cannot be redone.
Parents and administration will be notified as well.

Make-up work
Make-up work is YOUR responsibility when you are absent. Keep track on Schoology.
YOU must schedule to make up tests or quizzes within one week of your absence.

Any assignment, quiz, lab, or test can be retaken TWICE. All grades will be averaged.
No retakes for late work.

Late work
Ten (10) points will be deducted for each day work is late. After 5 days, the highest
grade you can earn is a 50. Please meet your deadlines!

Classroom/Lab Expectations
All rules are created to establish positive relationships with your peers, teachers, and
1. Follow all Chapin and science lab rules and regulations.
2. Be logged in and ready when class begins.
3. Camera must remain on during the entire class.
4. Be respectful to EVERYONE.
(no bullying, no harassment, no taunting, no demeaning of others)
5. Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate language.
(applies to chatroom and when using microphone)

1. First violation – warning
2. Second violation – parent phone call
3. Third violation – disciplinary referral

By signing below, I verify that I have read and understand the policies in this
You may use the DRAW menu to sign the names.

_____________________________ ____________________________
Student name (print) Student signature

_____________________________ ____________________________
Parent name (print) Parent signature

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