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Roll Number : NUML-S22-66562


Semester: 1ST

Campus : LAHORE



Submitted On: 4TH MARCH, 2022

Shukr is an Arabic term denoting
thankfulness, gratitude, or acknowledgment by
humans, being a highly esteemed virtue in Islam.
Shukr means the feeling that you
want to thank and praise someone because of the
favour and kindness he has done to you. It is Allah
who most of all deserves acknowledgment and
thankfulness for the countless favours and
unlimited kindness on mankind.
Shukr is a way of remembering Allah. Shukr is
a sign of accepting Allah as the provider of favour.
Shakir gains the pleasure of Allah.
Types of shukr:
There are three types of shukr:
It means Thankfulness spent
in the heart. This is actually the most important
type of Shukr a Muslim should experience. These
are much appreciated by Allah.
Thankfulness expressed by
the tongue. You express your gratefulness to Allah
in prayers, dua, and verbal communication with
Thankfulness expressed
by the body and limbs. You are always worshiping,
being loyal, and ready to serve Allah and his faith
which could also be through charity.
Condition for proper shukr:
There are three conditions to a proper and
complete praise of God;
1. To know God as the Giver of bounties.
2. To be satisfied with what He has given you.
3. Not to use His bounty in the way of His
Shukr is expressed by prostration
(sujud). Although most notable for being a
fundamental part of the Islamic prayer, Islamic
traditions also mentions the sujud al-shukr, literally
meaning "the thanksgiving prostration."
Significance of Shukr according to
➢ Shukr leads to the enhancement of blessings.
➢ Shukr benefits, he who perform it.
➢ Shukr is a sign of Worshipping Allah.
➢ Shukr gives us rest of mind.
Shukr in Sunnah:
The hadith collections include various reports of
Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) expressing gratitude
to God. He fell down prostrate to God three times
during the Hijra from Mecca to Medina. He is also
reported to have done this after Gabriel informed
him a favor God had bestowed upon him. Hazrat
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) also used to do this to
thank God for his good health, especially when he
met those afflicted with illness.
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said,
“Whoever is not grateful
to the people, he is not grateful to Allah.”
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) said,
“A grateful eater will have
a reward like that of a patient fasting person.”
Examples of practical shukr
according to Islam:
➢ Prayer is the best form of gratitude to Allah.
➢ Taking Fasting.
➢ Serving People.
➢ Taking care of Orphans.
➢ Assisting the deprived and the Needy.
How to achieve Shukr:
➢ We must first identify and know the bounties
and blessings bestowed upon us (both
physical and spiritual).
➢ We must realise the fact that the blessings of
Allah upon us are countless thus, we cannot
thank Him as He deserved.
Benefits of Shukr:
Gratitude (Shukr) is the path to loving Allah. Shukr
is the only argument one needs against disbelief. It
is the cure for sadness and materialism as well
and is the motivation to do better tomorrow.
Thanks and gratitude to someone are basically
repay the kindness and giving praise to the one
who has done good and kind things to us. The
kindest One is the Almighty Allah so we should
always be thankful to Him for everything.
➢Better Relationship with Allah:
is one of the most beloved characteristics of Allah
Almighty. Being thankful is the best way to get
closer to Allah (SWT). By Shukr we invoke His
mercy and love upon us.
➢Seeking Pleasure of Allah:
We (Muslims) spend
all our lives to get the pleasure of Allah and
gratitude is one way to do so not only in this life
but also in the hereafter when we will express it to
Him for His blessings. Shukr is the best mean to
attain the pleasure of Allah.
➢Prosperity in Life:
Gratitude (Shukr), or
thankfulness, is a quality that will lead to success
both in this life and in the next that will never be
going to an end.
Impact of shukr in our life:
➢ Shukr leads to the enhancement of blessings
➢ Shukr benefits, he who perform it.
➢ Shukr is a sign of Worshipping Allah.
➢ Shukr gives us rest of mind.
➢ Shukr is a way of remembering Allah.
➢ Shukr is a way of disobedience to the
commandment of Shaitan (devil) and
obedience to Allah.
➢ Shukr is a sign of accepting Allah as the
provider of favor.
➢ Shakir gains the pleasure of Allah.

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