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Year 2 Month 2 Assignment: Taking Initiative

Task 1: Research
Take time to research initiative. In 3-5 sentences, describe what initiative means to you and how you could show
initiative in your personal and professional life.

- Initiative to me is taking the next step to put yourself above the rest. By taking the initiative you are showing
leadership. Examples of this would be filling in for coworkers who are unavailable or absent, seeking new
things to learn and learning them quickly and correctly, and helping others find their strengths. To me taking
initiative shows leadership and the qualities of managing roles.

Instructions: Part of taking initiative and being productive is working towards specific goals. Setting goals and making
a plan to achieve those goals helps you become successful in life. Follow the instructions below to create your own
S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Task 2:

Directions: Fill out the chart below to create your very own S.M.A.R.T. goals for this semester in WBL using COMPLETE
Definition Your Goals
Specific What exactly do I want to do?
This year in Work-Based Learning I would like to
maintain my work ethic and build stronger or new

Measurable How will I track my progress? One way I can track my process is to watch if I get
assignments done on time, continue to be punctual,
and show professionalism throughout the semester.

Attainable Is this realistic for me? I do think that this is realistic for me. I believe that if
I continue to manage and plan I will be able to stay
on top of my work and my schedule.

Relevant Why am I doing this? Does it matter to me? I am doing this to lessen stress. This matters to me
because I am a Senior this year and I would like to
stay as stress-free as possible. I also think that if
stress can be avoided it should be.

Time-Oriented When will I have this completed? I am hoping this never be completed. I plan on this
being a healthy cycle and continuing to grow as a
person and employee to maintain a stress-free and
professional life.

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